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BBA LLB (Hons.)- Semester – III (Supplementary) Examination MAY 2021

Question Paper
Subject Name: Constitutional Law II

Date: 21/05/2021 Time: 12:00 pm to 02:30pm Max Marks: 70

Instructions: (1) Figures to the right indicates marks.

(2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
(3) Write legibly.

Q.1. Explain the Doctrine of Pith and Substance with the help of suitable examples.
Q.1. What do you understand by the Doctrine of Incidental and Ancillary Powers.

Q.2. Do you think that the Governor is merely a puppet of the center? Answer with the help
of cases relating to imposition of emergency under Article 356 of the Constitution.
Q.2. Discuss the Freedom of “Trade, Commerce and Intercourse” under Article 301 read with
Article 304 of the Constitution. (14)

Q.3. Discuss the formation and functioning of the Union Executive with reference to Article
73, 74 and 75 of the Constitution. Cite relevant case law to support your arguments.
Q.3. Do you think federalism is the best mechanism of governance for larger territories with
diverse population? How does Indian constitution determine legislative relations between
Center & States? (14)

Q.4. Explain the original and appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in the light of
Constitutional provisions and decided cases. (14)

Q.4. What important questions having strong bearing on the independence of judiciary get
suppressed by the controversy surrounding Collegium versus Judicial Commission?
Elaborate your answer with reference to the judgments delivered by the Supreme Court in
First, Second, Third and Fourth Judges cases. Also cite articles of the constitution wherever
necessary. (14)

Q.5. Elaborate the legislative and executive relationship between the Union and the
States with reference to relevant provisions of the Constitution including the Seventh
Schedule. (14)
Q.5.Discuss the formal and real position of the President under the Constitution with
the help of relevant provisions and case law. (14)

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