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Protein synthesis ¢ Total = Discovered — 60 tRNA eh Most important group of protein ie. biologically active They only work in medium provided — aqueous > Very specific __- + Work intracellularly or extra ce 1. Allenzymes Jobular proteins (except ribozyme) 2. Biocatalysts = increase recc‘fon rate without being used up 3. Efficient = don’t affect nature or properties of products 4. Accelerate reactions being used in smaller amounts 5. Very specific in action 6. Sensitive to: _1)pH 2) Temperature 3) substrate concent Concentration “7. Lower activation energy of reacti Do you know? Extremophiles . Assistance = Co-factor for proper functioning Pepsin > Powerful protein digesting enzyme - — Extracied from bacterium <> Capable of destroying cells intemal structure ae Ze — Thermus aguaticus Released in inactive form pepsinogen Used in PCR (Biotechs = Tag polymerase enzyme onmer, or , Subsialeenting — Exgmsiaare ; whee Enyreocs edits i —_—- ete olan "ag amma 2. —__- Enzymes are specific in their actions. Therefore, any enzyme reacts with its specific chemical substance called substrate and transforms it into products (s) without it being used utilized. SN en ee substrate enzyme-substrate complex ‘enzymeproduct eat "1959 - Koshland Can be m ° Rigid ‘structure just as Lock and key «No modification during rafter enzyme action All other enz ‘Regulatory enzymes Tress effectively Rate of reaction a temperature (up to certain limit) — All enzymes can work maximum rate at specific temperature called ptm temperature e.g. Human body = 37C rerusng any oo aw ag waptae Cy Geaphobecayme wir tte wept i pH Ee or creer reais: Hoe {fiate-ot feaction.)~rapjd-movernent E eS hraweteg aac weir erteues lenstnre a 1, 0 49 40 9°00 % temperature (2) rept df enayme actly apains teipéreture zyme denature Digestion of _ Carbohydrates ‘Chymotrypsin 7.00-8.00 ncreatic lipase 9.00 PSU rate concent ation Tf enzyme concentration is constant then: Rate does not increase at high substrate concentration. “& Chemical substance > Reacts in place of substrate with enzyme “% Do not form products Block active site permanently or temporarily _ & E.G. poisons, cyanide, antibiotics, antimetabolites and some drugs. FAAST (Entry Test Preparation) Fumarate + Enzyme | Bernt Sctintanapma compa —

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