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P.C.B, 892 PARISH CHOIR BOOK Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (No. 5) SET TO GREGORIAN TONES WITH VERSES IN FAUX-BOURDON BY WILLIAM BYRD (¢. 1548—1623) EDITED BY FRANCIS BURGESS ann ROYLE SHORE. LLonon: NOVELLO AND COMPANY. Linarsn Magnificat, fq’ Prucenron, Cor ann Proriz. ‘Tonus Peregrinus. ———— a — + —# io * — % 1. My soul doth még-ni-fy the Lérd: and my spf - rit hath re-jofel@d) in Géd my S4- viour. he hath re- gird + ed:/ the low - li- ness of his hand-mafd- en. Sa a ‘The Plainchant verses should bo sung lightly and rhythmically, with due regard to the aecentuation of the words, ‘When two notes occur on a single syllable the second must be sung quite lightly. Copyright, 1918, by Novello and Company, Limited. Coppright renewed 1941 a) MADE IN ENGLAND MAGNIFICAT. BoPRANO. — Frammona. =— —== 2 = = ie = = 3. For be-hdéld, from hénce - forth : ll gen-er-& - tions shall edll me bléss ed. —== =n oe = 7 ll gen-er-& - tions shall cAll me bléss ed. —= = —_— oe x a @s ee 3. For be-héld, from hénce- forth all gen-er-4 - tions shall céll me . . bléss-ed, Ast Bas —= aaa oe. : — : == ie — 3. For be - héld,.. from hénce - forth: ll gen-er - & tions Shall cll me bléss ed. ma Basa. == = - = ft i a = 3. For be-héld, from hénee- forth ; all gen-er - 4 ‘tions shall cdll me bléss - ed. Org. ad lib. oo Sr Pees posioeleeet a nf'—= — tidi2 tdrs | [Sae=ao= a T = ; gz ee) hé that is might-y hath mig-ni - fi-ed mé: and hé - ly is his Name, Ct MAGNIFIOAT. « 5 — \ a= SS = thém = a= z on thém ta 3. And his omér - cy ison thém through + dit all eo Ge ions. a—a 83 = aa _ he hath scdt - ter- ed the proud in the im-4g- in - 4- tion of their hearts. oS ——— = tT tor Pere 3 bd ! bd = ———— : 2: S. ro = a =i 72 ot 7. He hath put déwn the might - y frém séat: Se — a= eo — ee Se — aE ar es oe ‘night = ez f fe SS i n . = — 8. He hath ffll-ed the han-gry with géodthings:and the rich he hhath sant émp-ey a why. st a tpg £. 2 mf tet nf 9. He remémbering his mércy MAGNINICAT. —— —— a hath hdl - pen his =z! 9. He remémbering his mézoy mf —s hath hél - pen 9. He remémbering his mérey me 9. He remémbering His nf —— mérey fs sm - a: a + vant as he prémised to ur forefathers* A - bra-ham and his séed, for év — ———————— ==: eae as he promised to Gur foreféthers,* = bra-ham and his séed, for 5 —= a eee as he prémised to Sur foreféthers,* £ bra - ham séed, for éy —== is t : == == 3s = ashe prémised to dur forefathers* - bra- ham and séel, for éy ' SS : ———— Glo - ry be to the Fa- (ther, yand 16 the Son ; and t6 the Ho - ly Ghost 5 — S— = a $ oi t tT t is I bd J ged =F = Fees (5) MAGNIFICAT. mf = - = — et ido 63 a As it was in the be-gin wérld with - éut =f —— = SS 5 a As it wés in the beginning, is néw, and éy - er shall be: _—_wérld with-ut mf. ie oe wérld with - ut As it was in the be-gin-ning, is néw, and év wérld with - dut. epee send. A - ——— co ‘ith - dub end, unc dimittis, 7_Prroevror, Com axp Prorre, Tone 1, Ending 8. Sa ee 1, Lérd, now lst test théu thy sér-vant de-pirt in péace: ac-c6rd-ing to thy word. <-—— $= roe (e= =a 2, For mine éyes have (= a z. — — thy 2... sale ao — 7 eS SSS 2 For mine éyes have séen: thy . . sal - va - tion, oo = Ss ase = = va - tion, : = = = SSS SS SS . ‘Which thou hast pre - pér - ed: be - f6re the faco of all poo + oles le == Z = - o tC _— rr, h 1 1 gs z +—? ' # Slightly modified by the Rev, John Jebb and the Editors, (7) MITTIS. NUNC DIMITTIS, A & 7A = SS Ss 4. To bea light to Hght-en_ the @én - tiles: and to be the gl-ry of thy péo-ple fs -ra- eb ———— = = ——— = “fe = = ———— = SI jet - = Tear 2S = 4.Tobea lightto Ught-en_the Gén and tobe the gié-ry__ of a —s eS ete =: —— = gl = = tiles : 5 - 160 = 4 Toboa light to lght-en_the Gn files: and tobe the gl6—1y__of thy péo s. = 3 = a) =2—8-#5 S =: = ne E- i & To pe alightto Ught- en. tobethe glé- ry of thy péo - ple fs - ra- el. eg ——— : i = ag a 4.Toboalightto ight-en the Gén - til (Se gig. and to be the gl - ry of thy péo - ple [s-ra- el. _ SS =] As it w4s in the beginning, is néw,and éy- er shéll be: — é te =a Ait, tris in the beginning, is néw, and év-er shall © é s "As it ws in the beginning, is néw, and év- er shall _be: ; ee ee he —— = As it was in the beginning, is néw, and _6v = — =a 2B As it ws in the beginning, is néw, and év - er shéll be: = SSS = aS { re = - = les 2 2. ae a= a oa f S (8?

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