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Unit 6 Homework: Industrial Revolution

Use your textbook to thoroughly and clearly answer each of the following questions. Answers
must be handwritten directly on this worksheet. Please be neat.

Pages 182 - 205: Industrial Revolution

1. Use the chart below to bullet point an outline for the reasons the Industrial Revolution started in
Natural Resources/Geography Labor and Capital Entrepreneurs and Inventors A Favorable Climate for Business

2. Briefly explain the importance of the following for Transportation in Revolution:

🚂 Canals:

🚂 Steam Locomotive:

3. Read the Rise of the New Social Classes and use the chart on pages 191 to complete the diagram

Identify this class:

Identify this class:

Identify this class:

-circle the class that benefited the most from the Industrial Revolution
-star the class that often rose “from rags to riches”
-underline the class that consisted in part of factory workers
Unit 6 Homework: Industrial Revolution
4. In a detailed paragraph (at least 4-5 sentences), describe the harsh working condition in factories
and mines:

5. Bullet point 5 detailed and specific benefits of the Industrial Revolution:

6. Define each of the following terms about Socialism and Communism:


means of production:



7. In detail, outline the accomplishments of the scientists below in improving medicine and healthcare
during the Industrial Revolution:

Louis Pasteur Robert Koch Joseph Lister

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Unit 6 Homework: Industrial Revolution
8. City Life Changes: draw and diagram a new Industrial Revolution city in Britain. You must include
the following in your city. Be sure to label them in your drawing -

factories street lights (gas lamps) sewer system skyscrapers

tenements music hall/theater museum or library parks

9. In a brief paragraph, evaluate the pros and cons of new city life during the Industrial Revolution (at
least 3-5 sentences):

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