Oral Communication in Context Group Leadeup Members

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Oral Communication in Context

Group Leadeup Members:


2. John lenon S. grabador

3. Carl edriane branzuela

4. Bato, mohammad jhamjamal

5. Banez leonilla ricamal (LEADER)

Group Activity. In this activity, you have the discretion to choose your groupmates. Each group should
have five(5) members. You will look for one example of an informative article and one example of a
persuasive article. Please make sure not to have the same articles as the other groups. Based on the
sample articles that you have, create a sentence outline. Identify the topic, the main ideas, and the
supporting details following the format below.

A. Informative Article

_________________ Child Hearing Aids _____________________


I. Main Idea 1
a. Supporting Detail Establish a routine time for putting the hearing aids on each day. It is helpful to spend
some time holding, cuddling, smiling and talking with your child the first time you put their hearing aids on to develop a
positive association with the hearing aids.
b. Supoorting Detail Most babies and young children are curious about their hearing aids and will try to pull
them off of their ears. When you notice the hearing aid has been removed, immediately place it back in your child’s ears and
be consistent in letting them know it needs to stay in their ear. The goal is consistent daily use for all of your child’s waking

II. Main Idea 2

a. Supporting Detail Some parents use a snug soft cap or bonnet to keep the child from pulling the hearing aids
off. Soft cotton pilot caps to hold child hearing aids in place can be obtained from: http://www.hannaandersson.
b. Supoorting Detail
Child hearing aids can be stabilized on the ears with Huggie Aids A soft rubber ring circles around the child’s ear and is
attached to the hearing aids to secure them in place. Many parents have found Huggie Aids to be an ideal solution for
hearing aid retention. Huggie Aids vary in size and will need to be changed as your child’s ear grows. III.Main Idea 3
a. Supporting Detail Toupee or wig tape can be attached to the hearing aids and used to keep the hearing aid
stable and secure behind the child’s ear. The tape should be changed often and the child’s skin should be checked regularly
for signs of redness or irritation.
b. Supoorting Detail Your child’s audiologist can experiment with using a smaller tone hook size to assure the fit
is comfortable and stable. Also, the tubing and earmolds should be regularly checked to assure they are the proper size and
length for rapidly growing ears. If the earmolds appear to be loose or are whistling, it is probably time for replacement. Young
children may need new earmolds every three months.

B. Persuasive Article
 __________ Should soda be offered in school cafeterias?

Oral Communication in Context

B. Persuasive Article
 __________ Should soda be offered in school cafeterias?


I. Main Idea 1
a. Supporting Detail They should have it at schools.

The teachers don't want us to have soda because it has a lot of sugar but chocolate milk has twenty percent more
sugar than sodas so why don't they serve it in schools ? If C.M is served then soda should be served as well. So yeah
we should serve soda at schools.

b. Supoorting Detail Yes because i tooted

Soda is YUMMY IN MY TUMMY it is so yummy so I said yes. Just kiddin its good to have soda at school because kids
would be limited to only water or milk so please make it so the kids have more options at school and kids would be
really happy if we made that decision

II. Main Idea 2

a. Supporting Detail It should be allowed

Because if kids had sodas in school it would keep them awake but they might be hyper because of the caffeine but it
would be good because kids would rather drink soda then chocolate milk and more students would buy soda so the
money that students buy soda with could go to the school so they can better books and other stuff.

b. Supoorting Detail We should because we need something very taste and it could be a aword

Teachers drink soda in front of us and we just in are minds like oh I want soda and it would be good because we
would be at least be wide awake and listen. Soda is not bad for us and when we drink milk and water the hole year
its descusting and just I think it would be fair

III. Main Idea 3

a. Supporting Detail Pop should be in school cause it gives you energy for the school day.

The pop can help you in school to keep you awake and focus much better in class and you will be able to learn much
easier and get all of your homework done so then you don't have to do it at home then you have time to play video

b. supporting detail Schools should allow soda.

Oral Communication in Context
That's because soda keeps people awake in school and that means they won't get yelled at for sleeping in class. Also
it can bring up sugar levels for people 2ho have low sugar levels. But it also makes kids want to come to school more
because not all schools have the privilage to have soda in school.

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