Inquiry-Based Learning: A New Approach To Classroom Learning

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Inquiry-Based Learning: A New Approach to Classroom Learning

Article · January 2006

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3 authors, including:

Noriah Ismail Intan mohd ariff albakri

Universiti Teknologi MARA Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)


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English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia




This paper discusses the fundamental elements of inquiry-based

learning. Inquiry is a multifaceted activity that guides learners to
inquire or generate meaningful questions that lead to the relevant
answers. In inquiry learning learners are shown how knowledge is
generated and transmitted and how they can acquire the knowledge
and skills necessary to become life-long learners. This paper
highlights the fundamental concepts of inquiry-based learning. The
inquiry model discussed in the paper gives a clear picture of the roles
of both the educator as well as the learners in the context of inquiry-
based learning classrooms. The paper also discusses on the inquiry-
based classroom activities that emphasize on the application of the
latest educational technology such as the Internet.


In this new millennium many educators are overwhelmed by the repertoire of classroom
methodologies and techniques available. In the search of the best method they need to carefully
examine the need of the students to truly grasp the necessary skills to acquire knowledge. In order
to achieve this, the roles of educators must constantly evolve to meet the needs of learners today.

From the traditional role of teacher as director, other more effective roles such as the
collaborator or facilitator are sought after which are more relevant to this new millennium era that
strives for better curriculum reform. Thus, educators have begun to look at goals, characteristics
and outcomes of the inquiry-based learning method that is able to provide the possible better

Although inquiry-based learning method has only been introduced recently, it has
become one of the most popular learning methods in the developed countries such as USA and
Canada. In Malaysia, it is yet to be introduced. However, some related classroom methodologies,
such as problem–based learning method, has been practiced.

“Inquiry” is defined as a quest “for truth, information, or knowledge…seeking

information by questioning” (Exline,2004: 31 ). Individuals go through a process of inquiry from
birth until they die. Babies begin to make sense of their surrounding through their curious

Pensyarah Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Teknologi Mara Johor
Pensyarah Fakulti Pengurusan, Universiti Teknologi Mara Johor

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

observations. The process of inquiry begins with “…constructing and gathering information and
data through applying the human senses”(Exline, 2004: 31).

The fundamental concept in inquiry - based learning regards to a process of personal

discovery by the learners. The learners or the student inquirers are guided to inquire or generate
relevant questions and to come up with the appropriate answers through critical thinking. In
inquiry learning learners are also shown how knowledge is generated, how it is transmitted, and
how all parties including experts, teachers, parents and society contribute to a learners‟
knowledge. Inquiry learning teaches the learners to respect one‟s own interest and the interest of
others ( Donham , 2001).

Foundations of Inquiry-Based Learning

In order to provide a sound and meaningful learning experience in an inquiry-based classroom

teachers must first equip themselves with a sound knowledge of the method. Therefore, the
teachers need to grasp the roots and the essence of the methodology such as from the respective
disciplines and learning theories it has sprouted.

The Disciplines

The inquiry model to be highlighted in this paper is the one presented in the Alberta Learning
Guide (Alberta learning,2004).It forms its basis from several disciplines particularly education,
library research and information studies.

For instance, from education background comes the knowledge that:

 Learners‟ cognitive development varies depending on their previous experience.

Therefore, they differ in the level of knowledge complexities that they can handle.
Learners are actively constructing their knowledge from their experiences and
through social interactions.

From library and information studies come the knowledge that :

 Learners‟ will be able to obtain knowledge more successfully if they have a better
understanding of the information system and how to go about seeking the related

Learners‟ understanding will progress from the general to a more specific and
defined needs of a question.

Constructivist Learning Theory

The fundamental approach to inquiry learning is based on constructivist learning theory.

Constructivist learning strategies capitalize on learning through inquiry and problem solving via
critical and creative thinking. According to Asselin et al (2003) student inquirers are encouraged
to explore new ideas and understandings through personal discoveries and explorations as well as
interactions with objects and with other people. Learning is enhanced through the inquirers‟
opportunity to engage in real life activities, situations and with real audience.

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

From the theory teachers generate the facts that students:

 can actively build their knowledge and understanding through their inquiries and

information - seeking nature.

develop their cognition as well as meta cognition as they absorb the information.

experience changes in their affective and cognitive domains as they progress.
need time to reflect on their new - found knowledge and process the information.

A Context for Inquiry

It is unfortunate that the traditional education system has reversed and inhibits the natural process
of inquiry. In traditional schools students are not encouraged to ask too many questions. Instead,
they are expected to listen and memorized the drilled contents. This has resulted to the inability of
the students to develop their thinking ability (Koechlin and Zwaan , 2001).

In today‟s world, it is not enough for one to acquire facts and information memorizing
skills as facts change. Also, there is a vast of information to be handled. What is important is an
understanding of how to obtain and make sense of the surplus of data.

The essential elements of effective inquiry will enable skilled learners to:

see patterns and meanings not apparent to unskilled ones.

have in - depth knowledge of their subject matter.
have their knowledge structured in order to be readily accessible, transferable and

acquire new information related to their content area with little effort.

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

These essential elements therefore, will enable inquirers to expand his knowledge from the
unknown to the known thus, producing cumulative human knowledge as illustrated in figure

Figure 1: The Evolution of Individual and Cumulative Human Knowledge

Source: on line /concept2class/inquiry/credit.html

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

An effective and meaningful education enables learners to grasp the interrelated disciplines
that provide an effective framework for the organization of the curriculum as illustrated in
figure 2.

Figure 2: Education Provides Interrelated World Views.

Source: edonline/concept2class/inquiry/credit.html.

From the chart it is illustrated that inquiry - based learning is applicable to all disciplines
including scientific, historic, economic, artistic as well as other perspectives.

A Model

An inquiry model provides a clear picture to the roles of the educators and learners pertaining
to the concept. In this model 7 phases are involved: reflecting, planning, retrieving,
processing, creating, sharing and evaluating (Alberta Learning, 2004). This is shown in

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia




On the

Sharing Processing


Figure 3: Reflecting on the Process of Inquiry-Based Learning.

Source: adapted from

Reflecting on the Process

Reflecting phase involves the steps on planning, retrieving, processing, creating, sharing
and evaluating which relate to affective and cognitive domains of meta cognition (Alberta
Learning, 2004).

Planning Phase

At this initial phase students will experience a sense of interest in or curiosity about the topic.
Students or the inquirers see the whole project as a puzzle that needs to be solved. Students will
start by:

Figuring out the general questions that need to be investigated.

Finding the information and materials regarding the particular topic.

Determining the way to present the information to the target audience.
Suggesting the criteria pertinent to their research product and process evaluation.
(Jonassen , 2000)

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

Retrieving Phase

With the wealth of the information inquirers now have, they then need to come to a focus for their

At the pre-focus phase, learners may be unsure of the amount of resources they need to
have. They may not know how to determine which info is irrelevant or which is related to their
inquiry and may get frustrated. Here is where the role of teacher-facilitator comes in. The
facilitator must guide them and provide them the correct skills and strategies to determine
relevant information.

Processing Phase

Now that the inquirers have decided on their „focus‟ they will be able to decide on their specific
objective and is able to come up with their thesis statement. However, at this stage the
information may be too „superficial‟ or too „in-depth‟ and may also be confusing and
contradictory. Therefore, facilitators must guide learners how to compare, contrast and synthesize
data in order to obtain the right resources (Asselin, et al, 2003).

Creating Phase

At this phase the inquirers have a certain amount of readiness and are able to organize the
information as well as create a presentation format. Nevertheless, they are quite uncertain of their
product and need instructors‟ guidelines in producing the acceptable one.

Instructors may also encourage cooperative and collaborative activities among the
learners whereby they can be teamed up in their creative efforts and come up with the relevant
resources, discussions and on-line projects (Mc Gregor , 2003).

Sharing Phase

This is the stage where inquirers will learn to communicate and share their new understanding in
a variety of ways with their target audience such as through project presentations. Student
inquirers will also learn to develop positive feedback and questioning techniques.

At this instant, collaborative effort will be demonstrated at the time where the inquirers
support the other members in their sharing by participating as audience members. It is better to
have inexperienced or novice researchers to be involved in small group sharing rather than having
each individual student share their work with the whole class as it is often more successful and
time –efficient (Asselin, et al , 2003).

Evaluating Phase

In order to reach successful outcomes in inquiry, the instructor must provide the inquirers with
opportunities to reflect on the original brainstorming session and examine the development of
their focus.

It is essential that the inquirers make use of learning tools such as rubrics and checklists
to evaluate their products and processes. Inquirers are also encouraged to work collaboratively at
this stage to edit each other‟s product. It is important to note that evaluation must not only

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

emphasize on the final product or be too summative as this may result to inquirers become more
skillful in plagiarism (Mc Gregor, 2003).

Inquiry – Based Learning Classrooms

In order to have a productive inquiry – based classroom the learning environment in the class
should be enriched with learning materials that will enhance and stimulate. It should also provide
answers to the learners‟ inquiries. Therefore, it is best to equip the class with a lot of reading
materials such as books, magazines, brochures, pamphlets, newspapers related to the topic under
study. It is also beneficial for the students to have access to CD – ROMs as they can be very
informative as well as interesting as they are interactive and include simulations. The use of the
Internet should also be encouraged as it links to a wealth of information. Virtual online learning
such as through web-based activities that focus on inquiry method should be encouraged.

The Internet Innovation, inc at Biopoint. com‟s online gallery for instance have many
teacher-created WebQuests, MiniQuests and Project Pages. Classroom teachers have the
opportunity to access over 250 different activities within a gallery of instructional activities which
are organized by grade level, subject and activity type.


A good webQuests provides the learners the opportunity to engage in an effective inquiry-
oriented activity. A WebQuest derives most of its resources from the Internet. The learners often
work cooperatively whereby they will take on different roles related to an authentic problem. The
students would develop a product which enables them to present the potential solutions or
answers to the assigned problem.

According to Clarke (1990) a good WebQuests should include:

1) Activities that can encourage collaboration such as pair or group work.

2) Motivational elements such as by giving the students a role to play (e.g a writer, a
reporter, etc), and a scenario to work within (e.g: as a reporter you‟ve been asked to cover
a deadline regarding tsunami) etc.

An example of a WebQuest website is


MiniQuests are online instructional modules that promote critical thinking and knowledge
construction designed by the teachers for the student inquirers. MiniQuests are generally
developed by web-savvy educators in about 3 to 4 hours and designed to be completed in one or
two-hour class periods. It is convenient and can fit easily within a curriculum

The activity usually involves authentic role scenario. For example students are asked to
be to be a journalist and to create newspaper columns for the school and have to come up with
authentic article reports following the inquiry-based learning guidelines.

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

Project Pages

A project page often contains a scenario task, resources, product and assessment (rubric) section
as well as large inquiry activities (Clarke, 1990). A project page is usually used to teach longer or
more difficult curricular sequences. Authors of good project pages would include and incorporate
as many unique web resources (simulations, animations, primary source information, collections,
graphics, etc) to provide contents that can stimulate interesting virtual learning.


The inquiry method of learning is a valid and compelling alternative to the more traditional
classroom methodology utilized in the past. In order to fully grasp the concept, learners must
experience inquiry directly to gain a deep understanding of its characteristics. Successful students
inquirers can therefore be productive lifelong mind seekers.


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Needham Heights MA : Allyn and Bacon.

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Koechlin, C. & Zwaan, S. (2001). Info tasks for successful learning : Building skills in reading ,
writing and research. USA : Pembroke Inc.

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Norwood, NJ : Ablex.

Loertcher, D. & Wools, B. 1999. Information literacy : A review of the research. A guide for
practitioners and researchers. San Jose, CA : Hi Willow.

English Language Journal (2006)
Vol.2(1): 13-24. UPSI Malaysia

Mc Gregor, J. 2003. Collaboration and leadership. Dlm Stripling, B. & Hughes, S. (Eds).
Curriculum connections through library. Westport CT : Libraries Unlimited.

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through real problems. Knowledge Quest. 30(1), 34-35.

Wiggins, G. & Mc Tighe, J. 1998. Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA : ASCD Press.


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