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chattel nt MUL C-L) G. Gerngross C. Holzmann P. Lewis Jones CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS iH! HELBLING language Focus Vocabulary ' sports clothes Sounds right Is) vs fz! ‘© present simple, present continuous and present perfoct ‘© past continuous vs past simple «© past perfect ‘© narrative tenses (Revision) travel Soon ‘© chat on the phone «buy things in a sports shop ‘* read about unusual British sports ‘ listen to an American’s trip to 2 UK football match ‘talk and write about @ memorable sporting occasion Check your progress Units 1 and 2 Sa Tee ‘Trains planes and automobiles! Read MORE for pleasure _ Mien worlds «give reasons «talk about your journey to school «listen and find out about Arace to space « listen to a poem «© talk about and write @ short scifi story shouldtn't) / ought a © gerunds ‘* money and shopping Sounds right Spelling ¢ be going to» present continuous (Revision) ‘future time clauses a © personality adjectives edt © 50/ such ‘© phrasal verbs '* types of books Sounds right Stress in compound ‘nouns, ‘¢ the passive ‘© make | let | be allowed to « special events BU MAP OF THE BOOK ‘say what people ought to do « talk about shopping ‘¢ read a quiz and talk about your shopping habits ead and listen to find out bout Buy Nothing Day write @ letter to help someane with a money problem Peo Tee od ‘Space travel Check your progress Units 3 and 4 Learn MORE sbout culture featers! ieee) Se ‘© say what you want to do « talk about jobs and personality read about a foreign gin living ‘and working in the UK listen to two people talking ‘about their job interviews, write @ description of someone's job © give reasons ‘talk about books ‘¢ road about the Alex Rider books listen to teens talking about reading ‘© talk and write about a book ‘you enjoyed ere Migration yy «talking about events, ‘talking about permission ‘¢ read about events in Rio de daneiro ‘ listen to some facts about Wimbledon «talk about organising a charity event and design @ poster for it Units 5 and 6 Learn MORE sbout culture en TSE Focus Grammar —_and Vocabulary © will/ wont food « talk about ood Pe ee predictions « mmake offers question tags SUMS TH ion © Fead about a cemaaign for pe umesieel pec) tense fatter ed bachschls «talk about what food you tke * listen to a ratio report on Britain's last Realy ies # write about your eating habits aie erent a © could, might, ‘© body movements © talk about emotions: Check your progress rayon * talk abou body movements Units 7 ana 8 a speculation '* read about the history of bod J Learn MORE about culture 3 of body “ r Me eines ae eer adjectives « listen to a gynopsis of the flm Fantastic Voyage © write a film review © used t0 ‘© award shows « talk about past and present ree paper (Revision) favourites Cer o enmas ater Sunt «tk abot awards __Thocty of vancouver preosions Stead abot fane end hecsiness EE $ isin te someon a sou tar facts sor «lar wn abo comeone au some stn teh son Fame present perfect «hobbies and pastimes» talk about hobbies tontinuous * tlk about colecting something Units 9 and 10 + embeded ¢ listen to someone talking about auestions thoi calection Leam MORE sbout culture «read about people with unusual ‘Unusual collections caletions — talk and write about collecting Ge eee things reported speech « personality adjectives © check what people do /explain ISSN") Te aNRRNSSRE reported Sounds right ‘what you do questions h _* describe people Reporting direct speech oem called Me « listen to teens talking about young people «talk about young people and their problems, ‘© read and write a letter to a problem page eats « if-clauses ‘© work places talk about what you would have done «heck your progress, (Revision) « talk about places Units 11 and 12 * listen to stories about people who juTRNWTTT-- naan got into trouble © read a diary entry about an unfair Ethical buying! situation and then write your own ‘© discuss unfair situations and how Read MORE for pleasure you would react Fair? Well... Word list MAP OF THE BOOK You learn present simple present continuous % present perfect (Revision) x words for sports clothes 4 . and then you can chat on the phone 4 buy thi ts sh : ly things in a sports shop atl &} @ Usten and read. = * Emily Asher! Hi, What are you doing Asher These are batting gloves. You here? wear them when you play cricket. 7 Asher Hi Emily. 'm waiting for Pete. Have you heard of cricket? We're going to the match Greg | think so. I's a sport that you together. guys play in the summer. Emily Oh, right. By the way, this is my Asher That's right. I love it. 'm not very friend Greg 800d, though. Asher Hi Greg. How are you? Emily t's a bit like baseball Greg Hey Asher. Fine thanks, and Asher Well, no, not really — but never you? mind! But, listen, Greg - do you Asher Yeah, fine. So, you're not from play football? England, are you? Greg Absolutely. ve played football Greg No, I'm from the States. We since | was six years old. 'm a live in Boston, but my dad's quarterback working in the UK fora year, Asher Awhat? Ah ~ | get it. Sorry, I'm 80 — here we are not talking about American Emily Greg's living in the house next football — I'm talking about our door to us. He's only heen in football England for two weeks. Greg Right ~ soccer. No, I've never Greg That's right. There's a lot to played it - but Id love to try. Are learn — some things are really you in a team? different here! | mean—what’s Emily OK you two. That's enough in your bag? And what are about sport. Can we talk about those things? something else, please? © Correct the wrong information in each sentence. Asher is waiting for Emily Ne. for Pete. Greg's dad is working in Boston for a year. Greg has been in England for a month. Greg has seen cricket gloves before Asher is very good at cricket. Asher thinks cricket is a bit like baseball. Greg has never played American football Emily wants to talk more about sport Gettalking Chatting on the phone & © Listen to the dialogues. Then read the texts and match them with the pictures. 1 Girl Hello Steve. What are you doing? Boy Hi Sally. !'m doing my homework. And you? Girl I'm not doing anything. 2 Boy What are you doing, Monica? Girl {'m writing an email to my friend in America, 3 Girl Hello Andy. What are you doing? Boy Hey Joanna. I'm waiting for the bus. And you? Girl I'm buying new clothes for the party on Saturday. © Work with a partner. Make conversations like the ones in Exercise 3. Use the pictures. UNIT 1 guag Vocabulary Sports clothes & @ Maton the words and pictures. Then listen and check. © Answer the questions about the sports clothes in Exercise 1. 1. For which things do we say ‘a pair of ....”? 2 Which of the things do people wear when they: a) go skateboarding? —_—_) go cycling? e) play tennis? b) play football? 4) go running? ‘When people play ......., they wear boots / a shirt / knee pads / a helmet (etc) Get talking Buying things in a sports shop & © Number the dialogue in the correct order. Listen and check. 6, I think. 1. Gan help you? Oh, they look fine. Gan Itry them on, please? OK. What size do you take? Sure — go ahead. Well, we've got these. Yes. | need a pair of rugby boots. © Work with partner. Make similar conversations about: + afootball shirt =. © arunning vest * a pair of trainers * apair of cycling shorts 6 UNIT1 Present simple / Present continuous / Present perfect (Revision) @ Look at the sentences and write the name of the correct tense PS (Present simpl PC (Present continuous) and PP (Present perfect). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Do you play football? Have you heard of cricket? He's been in England for two weeks He’s living in the house next door. | don’t play very well (’m not talking about American football (ve never played it. We live in Boston What are yau doing here? © Match the questions and answers. Do you like tennis? a) At eight o'clock. What are you doing? b) Yes, but | don't play it very well Have you finished your homework? —_¢) Yes, I'm opening it now. What time do you go to school? 4d) No, but | want to go one day. Do you like banana ice cream? €) I'm writing an email to Johnny. Has Sandra sent you an email? ) Abook about Boston. Have you ever been to the USA? 8) No. I'm still doing it. What are you reading? h) | don't know. I've never eaten it. © Circte the correct form of the verb. 1 > Where's Pauline? She's in her room. She's talking / She talks to her friend on the phone. Are you a good skater? Yes, | am. / go /1'm going skating every weekend, Can I talk to you, please? Not now — I'm watching / I've watched a TV programme. Let's talk later. What's the matter? | can't find my pen. Have you seen / Are you seeing it? She likes magazines. Yes. She reads / She's reading every day. Is that a good book? I don’t know —/ don't read / | haven't read it. BP or oh or oes UNIT 1 8 © Match the sentences and the pictures. 1 2 3 4 Paula plays the guitar. Paula's playing the guitar. Alan's talking on the phone. Alan talks a lot on the phone. Our cat chases birds. Our cat is chasing birds. She sings really well. She's singing really well tonight. © Complete the sentences with the Present simple or the Present continuous form of the verbs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sorry, | can't talk to you now ~I‘ea.having... dinner. (have) In my house, we dinner at half past eight. (have) My father home for work at 7.30 every day. (leave) Shhh! | television. (watch) Do you know where Graham is? | for him. (look) Al play tennis with Sally every Saturday. B Really? Who ? (win) AThe football match started twenty minutes ago. B Oh? Who 2 (win) © Circle the correct verb. @ Complete the sentences with the Present perfect sim 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Here's the money! I find / ‘ve found it! We live / have lived in this house for ten years. Jane's ill — she doesn't go / hasn't bento school for three days. My parents are never here on Sunday afternoon — they visit / have visited my grandparents. | don't know what happens in the film —| don’t see / haven't seen it. of the verbs. Sorry, he isn’t here — he’s...gane.. out. (go) I never to go to America. (want) I @ new pair of trainers ~ do you like them? (buy) you their new CD? (hear) Our teacher .»- us lots of homework for tonight. (give) There are no apples left — you them all! (eat) We're still waiting for the bus ~ it yet. (not come) He's nervous because he for the exam. (not study) _Skils Reatling and speaking @© Read the texts. Match each text to a photo. 1 Bog snorkelling If you have a snorkel and a pair of flippers you ould take part in a very unusual sport - bog snorkeling. The first world championships took place in 1985 and ever since that year competitors have come to Llanwrtyd Wells in Wales to take part in this strange event. So what do you have to do? Well, a bog is like a very narrow river filed with muddy water. To win the bog snorkeling tile you have to swim about 60m up and 60m back down a very cold and dirty bog faster than anyone else. 2 Conkers The game of conkers has been popular with British school children for more than 150 years. Conkers are the hard seeds from the horse chestnut tree. In a game of conkers both players tie their conkers to the end of a piece of string. Players then take turns to hit their opponent's conker. If your conker breaks, you lose. In 1965, the first world championship was held in Ashton, England. These days competitors come from all over the world to take part. 3 Cheese rolling Every year in May in the Cotswold region of England, hundreds of people turn up to take part in the Cooper hill cheese rolling competition. The rules are simple. A large round Double Gloucester cheese is rolled down the steep hill and all the competitors then chase after it. The first person to cross the finish line wins the cheese. However, this is not a sport for the weak and most years at least one person ends up in hospital with a broken leg. © Read these sentences. Which sport is each sentence about? | It's quite a dangerous sport 2 It's popular with children. 3. You need to be a good swimm 4 It's popular in other countries 5. The winner gets food. Discuss in small groups. 1 er. Do you consider these to be sports? Why/why not? 2) Which one would you like to take part in most? Why? 3. What strange sports do you know of in your country? UNIT 1 Listening & © Usten to an American boy talking about his trip to an English football game. Answer these questions. 1. Which city was Sam in? 2 Which two teams were playing? 3 Which team won? isten again. Decide if the sentences below are T (True) or F (False). Manchester United play at Old Trafford. T/ F 1 2 The weather was quite warm. TIF 5 The game started at 6 pm. T/F 4 Sam thought the stadium was small TIF 5 Sam tried to sing along with the fans. T/F 6 Sam thought the hotdogs were ok THF 7 Manchester United won the game 3 - 2. THF 8 Sam really enjoyed the evening. THE Speaking © Choose a sentence for each photo. Compare your answers with a partner and explain your reasons. 1 Everyone had a great time. 5 It was just for fun. 2 We won! 6 There were so many people there! 5 It was really exciting 7 [twas a really important match. 4 The noise was incredible. 8 We lost but it didn't matter. o | @ Tel your partner about a memorable sporting occasion. 10 UNIT1 Three years ago it was the World Cup. I'm not really very ! "football but the other people in my family really love it. So we had a good time ~ when we sat down * and watched the games on TV ~ especially played! e were very excited when our country got to the semi-final. And people in our “city went crazy too! They put flags in the... of their houses, and ‘people wore shirts with the team colours — and on the day of the match, lots Of --» thet aoe, to. ft was brillant! ~it started at 8 h was quite exciting, but ®. we lost 2-1! butt eid't mater very much because we © Rear the text again and answer the questions. 1 Which sport is the story about? 4 Where did Roberto watch the 2. What did people put in the windows semi-final? of their houses? 5 Who won the match? 3 What did people do to their faces? 6 What is Roberto looking forward to? © Write a text entitied A sports event I remember. 1 Was it a sporting event that you took. 5 What were your expectations? part in or watched? 8 What happened? 2 Where was the event? Or where did 7 How did you feel about it? you watch it? 8 Why do you still remember this 3. Who else was there? occasion? 4 What was the atmosphere like? Sounds right /s/ vs /z/ <> @ Listen to some of the words from Exercise 1, page 6. Decide which end with an /s! sound and which with a /z/ sound. dst fal UNIT 1 Early US history Key words belief harvest successful native fight corn @ Read the article about the a) What happened when they got to America? b) How do Americans remember them? ©) Who were they? d) Why did they go to America? THE PILGRIMS — | io The Pilgrims wete Puritans. The Puritans were people who lived in England in the 16th and 17th centuries, Many people didn't like them because their beliefs were very different. A lot of Puritans ‘went to live in Holland, but they weren't very happy there, either. ce —— People thought that America (the’New World’) was a place where they could be rich and happy =a place where they could live as they wanted. So some Puritans decided to go to America. 3 : On the Sth of August, 1620,101 Pilgrims went to ‘America in a ship called The Mayflower. They left Southampton and began a six-week journey to ‘the New World, Many people died on the journey. ilgrims. Match the questions and the paragraphs. e) How and when did they go to America? turkey tax colony merchants independent. harbour eer The Pilgrims did not have enough food. But they were lucky because friendly native Americans showed them how to hunt animals, how to make sugar, and how to grow corn. The Pilgrims also found a strange bird that they could eat ~ the turkey. Bee a In the autumn of 1621, the Pilgrims had their first successful harvest. To say’Thank You: they gave themselves a holiday and had a special meal with turkey. This was the first Thanksgiving. In 1863, Thanksgiving became a national holiday in the USA. Itis celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November every year. Thanksgiving dinner usually has roast turkey. © What do you know about the Boston Tea Party? Decide whether the statements below are T (True) or F (False). The Boston Tea Party 1 In the 1700s, Boston was a small port. T/ F 2 In 170 America was still a colony of Britain. T/ F 3. Americans had to pay taxes to Britain. T/ F 4. Americans went on to a ship in Boston harbour and threw boxes of tea into the sea. T / F 5 The tea on the ships belonged to the British government. T/ F 6 After the “Tea Party’, the British government closed Boston harbour. T/ F © Helen, a student, is giving a presentation to her class about ‘The Boston Tea Party’. Listen and check your answers. Mini-project 4 moment in time Write a project about an important event in your country’s history. Look for information on the internet or in a library, Write a text to include: + A description of what happened. ‘+ Why it is considered so important now, Use pictures to illustrate the text and present the information as a poster to your class. UNIT 1

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