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What is object orientation

This is a technique in which we visualize our programming

problem in the form of objects and their interaction as
happens in our real life.

OOAD by Suneel Kumar 1

Object example: School System

OOAD by Suneel Kumar 2

• SO What does that mean?
In our daily life everything can be taken as an object that behaves in a certain
way and has certain attributes.
• OOP Model?
Abstraction of something real or conceptual. These are needed to understand
the aspect of reality.
Examples: Highway maps, Architectural models and Mechanical Models

OOAD by Suneel Kumar 3

OOP Models

OOAD by Suneel Kumar 4

OOP Models

OOAD by Suneel Kumar 5

What is Object

• Something tangible (Ali School, House, Car) or Intangible/Conceptual

(Time, date etc.).
• Object have some state (attributes), well defined behaviors
(operations) and unique identity.

OOAD by Suneel Kumar 6

• Object are implemented through class

OOAD by Suneel Kumar 7

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