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4IEN2 Long Term Causes of World War One

Worksheet 10

The Schlieffen Plan

Watch the following videos behind the square codes and answer the questions.

The Great War - The Failure of the

The Great War - The Schlieffen Plan Schlieffen Plan

1) What were the Russian Fears at the beginning of the war? How did Russia prepare for war?
2) Why was Belgium important? What is the role of Great Britain?
3) Where exactly did the war start? Why?
4) Why did the French want to go to war?
5) Why were people in Europe generally optimistic despite the outbreak of the war?
6) In what ways was the American Civil War (1861-1865) a precursor of the twentieth century wars?
(you might want to research General William T. Sherman and his war tactics during the Civil War.)
7) What was the Schlieffen Plan and what were its aims? What were its weaknesses?
8) For what reasons was the plan designed?
9) Why did the plan fail?
10) In what ways did the military plans contribute to the outbreak of the war.

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