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Republic othe Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. DILG-NAPOLCOM Center. EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, West Triangle. Quezon City hatpe sww.dils. gov ph COMPREMENSIVE GUIDELINES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, STRENGTHENING, AND MONITORING OF THE LOCAL COUNCIL FOR TilE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (LCPC) AT ALL LEVELS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Reference Number Date: Rev. No. I. PREFATORY STATEMENT. Article 359 and 360 of the Civil Code of the Philippines provides that the government shall establish Councils for the Protection of Children, Likewise, Article 87 of Presidential Decree (PD) 603 (Children and Yous Welfare Code) states that “every barangay council shall encourage the organization of a Loca! Couneil for the Protection of Children (LCPC) and shall coordinate with the Council for the Welfare of Children in drawing and implementing plans for the promotion of child and youth welfare.” Further. Republic Act 4881 enacted in 1967 mandated the ereation of a Council for the Protection of Children in cities and municipalities so that the sacred duty of the state “to assure that every family is helped into bringing up their children to make them useful men and women (and) 10 see that the proper clirection, supervision and guardianship in the training, ediication, and other interests of its minar citizens be undertaken by it” Republic Act 9544 or the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act in turn reiterates the mandate of local government units (1,GUs) 10 establish their respective LCPC, and to allocate at least 1% of their internal revenue allotment (IRA) for its strengthening. Furthermore, the law mandates that the LCPCs" participation in the formulation ofa local comprehensive =fan on delinquency prevention and to oversee its proper implementation Clearly, the LCPCs - as a local and community-based institution - can be valuable and strategic mechanisms for the efficient and effective implementation of policies. programs and projects on all the major areas of concern for children. Thus, guidance and suppor must be provided to all stakeholders so that L.CPCs can be organized and strengthened and their full potential can be hamessed. Recognizing this, the DILG has issued several memorandum circulars to guide LGUs ‘nn the establishment 0: LCPCs through the years. However, there is now a need to consolidate and update these issuances so that the LGUs can be given clear guidance that will be more helpful in ensuring the LCPCs* functionality, relevance, and effectivity. This is in conformity with MC 2006- 15 issued in September 2016 where the role of Barangay Officials as custodian of children’s rights and the importance of the LCPC were reiterated, In view thereof, all Local Government Chief Executives and Sang2unians at the provincial, cit ‘municipal and barangay levels shall organize/reorganize provincial, city. municipality and barangay Councils for the Protection of Children that shall assist the LGU in the identification, implementation, and monitoring of programs, projects and activities for the protection of children in their respective localities 2. PURPOSE This Policy is intended to provide LGUs, and other concerned agencies, consolidated guidelines for the establishment and operation af Local Councils for the Protection of Children. as well as for their monitoring and eval:ntion, with the objective of ensuring that they are functional, relevant and effective, 3. SCOPEICOVERAGE, This Policy covers all Provincial, C concerned, Municipal, and Barangay LGUs (P/C/M/BLGUs) and others 4. POLICY CONTENT AND GUIDELIN Inaccordance with law and national policies, the LCPC isthe primary unit that shall assist the LGU in the promotion of the rights of children and the protection of their welfare. It shall be the main conduit through which local stakeholders - including child-focused institutions and nongovernment 1s (NGOs), and people's and youth organizations - are consulted and their meaningful participation ensured inthe planning and implementation of interventions and programs for children at every level of government, both local and national. so that children’s rights and welfare may be mainstreamed in action and development plans of LGUs in all levels . t shall likewise assist the government in the monitoring of the implementation of laws and national policies on children at the local levels. In this regard, Local Chief Executives (LCEs) shall ensure the organization and functionality of the LCPCs in their jurisdiction according to the guidelines, parameters and standards set herein, within ‘one year From the effectivity of this circular. 4.1, ORGANIZATION The LCPC shall be organized in all local government units through an Ordinance by the local Sanggunian or by an Executive Onder (EO) of the Local Chief Executive. Thus, in every province, city, monicipality, and barangay there shall be, as appropriate’ +The Provincial Couneit for the Protection of Children (PCPC) + The City/Municipality Council for the Protection of Children (C/MCPC) ©The Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) Following the principle of devolution, the Ordinance or EO shall also prescribe other euidelines oF rules for the establishment and operation of the LCPC. These shall include the relationship to other local hodlies such as the Local Development Council (LDC), the Local School Board (LSB), Local Health Board (LHB), Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (I.DRRMC), and the like - provided that these are not inconsistent with prevailing laws and regulations — also in keeping with the objective of rationalizing the planning systems by LGUs. The LCPC’s organizational chart shall be posted prominently in the provincial/city/ municipal/barangay hall. 4.2. COMPOSITION All members of the LCPC shall be chosen from among the responsible members of the ‘community, including a representative from the children sector as well as representatives from ‘government and private agencies concerned with the welfare of children. Conflicts of interest shall be avoided at all cost in the selection and designation of its members, including those in any sub-committee that may be organized and its Secretariat 4.2.1, BARANGAY COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (BCPC) The BCPC shall he composed of: Chairperson ‘Vice-Chairperson Members: i. k Punong Barangay Barangay Kagawad sitting as Chair of the Committee ‘on Women and Family Barangay Violence Against Women Desk Officer Barangay Day Care/Child Development Worker Barangay Midwife Barangay Health Worker Barangay Nutrition Scholar Chief Tanod SK Chairperson Child representative Deptd_PrincipalTeacher-in-Charge or the Child Protection Committee (CPC) Coordinator Parent Representative Others! Note 1: The parent representative may come from an LGU-recognized parents” ‘organization or organized 4Ps commumnity/barangay-level parent leaders. He/She should be the head, or holds a position of influence, within the organization, 4.2.2, CITY AND MUNICIPAL COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (CIMCPC) The City and Municipal CPC shall be composed of Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Members: City/Municipal Mayor ‘Sangguniang Panlungsod/Bayan Member (Chairperson of the Committee on Women and Family or Committee on Children) City’Municipal Administrator City’Municipal Planning and Development Officer City’Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer City/Municipal Health Officer City’Municipal Nutition Officer City’Municipal Budget Officer City/Municipal Public Employment Service Officer City/Municipal Disaster Risk Reduetion and Management Officer City/Municipal Agriculture Officer City/Municipal LIGA ng mga Barangay President City’Municipal SK Federation President Child representative DILG City’Municipal Field Oficer/Local Government Operations Officer "May include representative fram local cul society organization (€SO} partners, or Council of Elders for BLGUS “with indigenous peoples (IPs) 1. Depkd Division Superintendent/Distriet Supervisor or CPC Coordinator 0. PNP Director® or City/Municipal Chief of Police P. Atleast one (1) CSO representative 4. Parent Representative F Others" Note 2; The CSO must be (i) a child and/or youth serving organization recognized bby the LGUs (ii) implementing children's program/project in the locality at Teast a year: and (iii) promotes community empowerment. The CSO representative should have the following qualifications: (i) head of the organization or holding a position of influence for at least a year within the organization; (ii) has professional/core competence/expertise ‘on children and youth concerns; and (ii) has experience working with local goverment’ donor agencies working on child rights and protection. 4.2.3. PROVINCIAL COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (PCPC) ‘The Provincial CPC shall be composed of Chairperson Governor Vice-Chairperson Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member (Chairperson ‘of the Committee on Women and Family or ‘Committee on Children) Members Provincial Administrator Provincial Planning and Development Officer Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer Provincial Health Officer Provincial Nutrition Officer Provincial Budget Officer Provincial Labor and Employment Officer Provincial DRRM Officer Provincial Agriculture Officer Provincial LIGA ng mea Barangay President Provincial SK Federation President Child representative m. DILG Provincial Field Officer/L.ocal Government Operations Officer 1. DepEd Division Superintendent/District Supervisor or CPC Coordinator Provincial PNP Director Atleast three (3) CSO representatives Parent representative Others! > For highly urbanized cities (HUCS) » May include representative from the People with Disabilities fairs Office (PDAO}, Local Youth Development Office (LYDO), PTA, Couneil of Elders for C/MLGUs with IP groups, oF others * May include representative from PDAO, LYDO, PTA, Council of Elders for PLGUs with IP groups, or others 4.3. FUNCTION 4.3.1], BARANGAY COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN The BCPCs shall be the operational LLCPC units at the community-level, They shall be the functional units to assist local and national authorities. in the identification implementation and monitoring af programs, projects and activities (PPAs) for the promotion of child welfare and the protection of their rights especially those Focused on the survival, development, protection and participation of children, They shall assist and support barangay officials in the latter's work as custodians of children’s rights as emphasized in DILG MC 2016-115 In this regard, the BCPC shall perform the following functions: Establish and maintain an updated and disaggregated database on children; Prepare an Annual Work and Financial Plan (AWFP) consistent with its functions as provided herein and in the Barangay EO creating it Make recommendations to the barangay on policies and PPAs relative to the promotion of the rights and welfare of children for inclusion in the comprehensive and annual development plan of the Barangay; 43.1.4, Perform functions related to its mandate as provided by national laws and policies such as, but not limited t0, children-in-conflict with the law, children-aterisk, and children in need of special protection: Document the barangay's PPAs and accomplishments on children Coordinate its efforts with the concerned barangay officials as well as the higher level LGU exercising jurisdiction over it: and Conduct of advocaey activities on the promotion and protection of the rights and welfare of children including the development of information, education and advocacy materials, 43.13. Note 3: The BCPC’s AWFP shall be submitted to the Barangay before the scheditle of budget preparations to ensure incorporation and funding in the Barangay Annual Investment Program (AIP). The AWFP shall he accompanied by a budget proposal or draft Barangay Council Ordinance providing funds for the BCPC 4.3.2, CITY AND MUNICIPAL COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (cIMCPC) ‘The Provincial, City, and Municipal CPCs are the main sources of support — financial, ‘material, human, and technical ~ of the BCPC. They will spearhead advocacy and social mobilization, situation analysis, program development, modeling of innovative approaches. partnership and alliance building. monitoring and impact assessment of interventions, and annual reporting on the situation and progress of children at the city, ‘municipal and provincial levels, Under the leadership of the LCE, the P/C/MCPC will push for a faster process of organizing, strengthening, activating and sustaining BCPCs in all barangays under their jurisdiction In this regard, the C/MCPCs shall have the following functions 1. Formulate, develop, coordinate, monitor and review all local policies, ordinances, plans. programs, and activities which shall promote the best interest and rights of children and ensure mainstecaming in the local development agenda:, Establish, maintain and update a disaggregated database or local information system on children and their situation: 4.5.5, PROVINCIAL COUNCIL FOR T |. Conduct capabil - Conduct advocacy activities on the promotion and protection of the rights and welfare of children including the development of information, education and advocacy materials: building activities forall stakeholders on children including in the barangay level; Provide assistance to children in need of special protection; Document good practice’s on children: Coordinate and consult with other LCPCs, LGUs and other regional and national authorities with respect to policies and PPAs on children; and Conduet the Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit (CFLGA), through the LCPC Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (IMTF), annually |E PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (PCPC) All the functions of the City/Municipal LCPC, and in addition thereto, the following: 433.1 433.2 433, 4.3.4, LCPC SUB-COMMITTEE! Assist and support the lower level LCPCs on their PPAS for children’s Develop # Technical Assistance and Resource Augmentation (TARA) Plan based onthe results ofthe annual LCPC Functionality Assessment and the CFLGA; and Other functions related to its mandate as provided by national laws and policies. Note 4: The P/C/MCPCs AWFP or Local Action Plan for Children shall be submitted to the local Sanggunian before the schedule of budget preparations to ensure incorporation and funding in the Local Development! Annual investment Program. |n order to perform its mandate efficiently and ensure inclusivity and participation of all stakeholders, the LCPC may organize sub-committees based on the four core rights of children (survival, development protection, and participation) as it deems necessary This may be included in the ordinance/resolution oF executive/administrative order ng it, ar by resolution of the LCPC. 4.3.5, LOPC SECRETARIAT. The LCPC shall be supported by a Secretariat, 1o he designated or appointed by the Chairperson, n cans tation with its members, from any of the LGU"s operating units, community volunteers, including the Head of the Secretariat, The Secretariat shall be composed of representatives from three different offices and provided office space or a desk in the LGU. It shall provide administrative and technical support to the LCPC to censure the efficient performance of its functions and conduct of activities, including the proper safekeeping of its records and documents. Specifically, 5. 5 3.4, 55, 3.5.6. 357. Coordination with LCPC members; Preparation of agenda for the LCPC; Preparation of minutes of the LCPC meeting: Follow-through of action points and agreements from the LCPC meetings; Consolidation of AWFPs of various departments related to LCPC plans: Preparation of accomplishment report of the LCPC: and Monitoring of services and programs related to LCPC, 4a, 48, MEETINGS AND ACTIONS BY THE LOPC The LCPC shall have regular quarterly meet two special meetings for the CFLGA, and/or athe need arises. Mcetings shall be presided by the Chair or the Vice-Chair, in the absence of both, the members present constituting a quorum shall elect amongst themselves the presiding officer with a majority vote, However, when budgetary proposals are being considered. the Chair oF Vice-Chair must be present. The meetings conducted shall be evidenced by Minutes of Mectings, duly signed by the Secretariat Head and the attendees, including the attendance sheet. All resolutions for endorsement by the LCPCs to the local Sanggunian and other authorities including the A WFP and its accompanying documents - shall be approved by a majority of its members constituting a quorum, excluding the Chair. In case ofa tie the Chair shall make the deciding vote. BUDGET AND FUNDING SOURCES {As required under Section 15 of Republic Act 9544, all LCEs and concerned local officials shall appropriate in the LGUs Annual Budget at least, but not limited to, one percent (1%) of its internal revenue allotment (IRA) for the strengthening and implementation of programs, projects and activities of their respective LCPCs, provided, that such allocation shall be disbursed in accordance with the AWFP endorsed hy the LCPC to the local Sanggunian, The LGUs may inerease allocation for L.CPC from the 1% requirement of RA 9344 to ensure that all plans for children are provided with funds and implemented, LGUs are likewise encouraged to outsource funds or to engage in partnership with private organizations, establishments and entities that provide financial assistance for the implementation of LCPC programs, projects and activities, The abovementioned undertakings may likewise be charged against the 20% Development Fund of the LGUs as mandated by Section 287 of the Local Government Code, particularly in the realization of the goals for social development of the community: and/or the budget for Gender and Development; and/or the funds of the Sangguniang Kabataan The PPAs that can be funded by the allocation for the LCPC includes those identified under their Functions in itern 4.3.1 for the BCPCs and item 4.3.2 10 4.3.3 for the P/CIMCPCs. MONITORING AND EVALUATION ‘An IMTF shall be created in the levels of the municipality/city, provinee/HUC, and region, to ‘monitor and evaluate the functionality of the LCPC. 4 1.1, COMPOSITION AND FUNCTION OF THE CITY/MUNICIPAL-AMTF The City/Municipal IMTF shall be composed of: Chairperson ©/MLGOO. Co-Chairperson cM SWDO Members a. C/MPDC b. C/M Health and Nutrition Officer cc. DepEd/Academe Representative 6. NGO/ Interfaith Rep The C/M-IMTF shall Retrieve required documents from BCPC not later than February 15 of the assessment year; Review the documents and evaiuate the BCPC using LCPC Form I-A: Mest with concerned barangay officials for feedback giving on the strengths/weaknesses of the BCPC: and, Using LCPC Form 2-A, submit report in soft and hard copies to the Provincial IMTF no later than March 15, copy furnished the DILG City/Municipal Office 4.6.2, COMPOSITION AND FUNCTION OF THE PROVINCIAL-IMTF, The Provincial/HHUC IMTF shall be composed of: Chairperson DILG Provincial/HUC Field Officer Co-Chairperson : PSWDOMHUC SWDO Members a. PPDC/HUC-PDC b. Provincial/HUC Health and Nutrition Officer ©. DepEd/Academe Rep dd. NGO/Interfaith Representative, The Provincial-IMTF shall Retrieve required documents from C/MCPC not later than February 28 of the essessment year: Review and validate the consolidated reports of the C/MIMTF on the functionality of BCPC: Evaluate the C/MCPC based on submitted documents us B:, Confer with concerned City or Municipal Mayors on the outcome of the evaluation and come up with recommended action points: and Using LCPC Form 2-A and 2-B, submit report in soft and hard copies to the DILG Regional Office no tater than March 30, copy furnished the DILG Provincial Office. 46.2. 1g LCPC Form 1- ‘The heads of the agencies at the Provincial/HUC level shall form an advisory {Eroup to oversee the activities af the Provincial/HUC IMTF. The advisory group shall be chaired by the DILG PDICD and Co-Chaired by the P/CSWDO. 4.6.3.COMPOSITION AND FUNCTION OF THE REGIONAL-IMTF The Provincial/HUC IMTF shall be composed of: Chairperson DILG Regional Focal Person Co-Chairperson DSWD Regional Focat Person Members a. NEDA Regional Focal Person b. DOH Regional Focal Person NC Regianal Focal Person 4d. DepEd Regional Focal Person c. PIA Regional Focal Person £ Academe Representative 8. NGO/Interfaith Representative The Regional-IMTF shall: 4,6,3.2.1. Retrieve required documents from P/HUCCPC not later than April 15: 4.6,3.2.2, Review ancl validate the consolidated reports on the (i) functionality of C/MCPC by the PIMTF, and (ii) BCPC functionality by the HUCMITF: Evaluate the P/HUCCPC based submitted documents using LCPC Form 1- Band Form I-C, respectively: Confer with concemed Governors, HUC Mayors and member agencies in the findings and come up with recommended action points; and Using LPC Form 2-C, submit report in soft and hard copies to the DILG. Regional Office no later than April 30, copy furnished the RSCWC. The RSCWC shall oversee the activities of the Regional IMTF. 4.6.4,Documentary Requirements 464.1. BCPC The BCPC shall prepare/submit the following documents to the City/Municipal IMTF Executive Order or Sangguniang Barangay Ordinance organizing! reconstituting the BCPC:, Minutes of meetings duly signed by the secretariat head, notices of meetings with agenda and attendance sheets attached:, Resolutions recommending proposed policies, plans and programs for 4.64.14. Approved Annual Work and Fina adoption by the Sangguniang Baranga: ial Plan, and Barangay Council Ordinance or Barangay Budget providing or appropriating funds for the BPC: Copies of the (i) Barangay Annual Report, (ii) State of Barangay Address (SOBA) reflecting accompli of Children Report sments on children, and (iii) Barangay State 4.6.42. CIMCPC ‘The C/MCPC shall prepare’suibmit the following documents to the Provincial IMTF Executive Order or Sanggunian Ordinance organizing/reconstituting the c/mcre: Minutes of meetings duly signed by the secretariat inead, notices of meetings Resolutions recommending ‘with agenda and attendance sheets attached; oposed policies, plans and programs for adoption by the C/M Sangguni, Approved Annual Work and Financial Plan, and Local Council Ordinance 4, Copies ofthe (3), 4.6.43. fF LGU Budget providing or appropriating funds for the C/MCPC, /Municipal Annual Report, (ji) State of C/M Address. (SOC/MA) reflecting accomplishments on children, and (ii) State of Children Report PePc/Uuc CPC The P/HLICCPC shall preparc/sulbmit the following documents to the Regional IMTF Executive Order or Sanggunian Ordinance organizing/reconstituting the PaHUCCPC; 4, Minutes of meetings duly signed by the secretariat head, notices of meetings ‘with agenda and attendance sheets attached: P/HUCCPC Resolutions recommending proposed policies, plans and programs for adoption by the P/HUC Sanggunian; 4,6.4,3.4. Approved Annual Work and Financial Plan, and P/HUCCP Council 1 funds for the P/HUCCPC; Ordinance or Budget providing or appropriat 4,6.4,3.5. Copies of the (i) Provincial Annual Report: (ii) State of P/HUC Address (SOP/HUCA) reflecting accomplishments on children, and (iii) State of Children Report 4.6.5.LCOPC FUNCTIONALITY 4 Rating System, ‘The BCPC shall be rated based on the following: Area of Concern Rating Organizational Sustainability 15%] Policies and Plans for Children — Budget for the BCPC _ _ 25% Service Delivery Monlforing and Management Tor Charen | 30% — - Total [100%, ‘The PICIMCPC shall he rated based on the following { ‘Area of Concern] Rating] | Organizational Sustainability ee | Policies and Plans for Children 50% [Bodget for the dt 20% | | Service Delivery Monitoring and Management for Children | 30% | t oval | 100% Note 5: Refer to Annex | for detailed list of functionality indicators and Annex 2 for the Assessment Rating. . Level of Funetionality The level of LCPC functionality shall be defined as fotlovws, Basic ‘The LCPC attained a rating of 20% below, Progressive The LCPC attained a rating of 21-50% 46.523, Mature The LCPC attained a rating of 51-79% 465.24. Ideal The LCPC attained a rating of 80-100% 4.6.6, Frequency of Assessm \d Submission of Report Monitoring of the LCPC functionality shall he conducted annually Ist quarter of every year. The period to be assessed shall be the preceding year The DILG Regional Office shall consolidate accomplished LCPC Forms 2-A, 2-B and 2.€ using LCPC Form 3 and shall accomplish LCPC Form 4 to be noted by the DILG Regional Director. Accomplished LCPC Forms 3 and 4 shall be submitted to the Office of the Secretary, through NBOO using email address not later than May 15 of every year, copy furnished the RSC WC, NBOO shall maintain and update the list and the National Summary of the level of funetionality of LCPCs and furnish a copy to the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC), The IMTF in all levels shall meet regularly t0 discuss issues and resolve problems concerning children. 10 REFERENCES |. 1987 Philippine Constitution . Republic Act No. 7160. Local Government Code of 1991 . DILG Memorandum Circulars on the LOPC All other related laws, executive orders, circulars, and other issuances, 6. ANNEXES Annex | Assessment Forms Annex 2. Technical Notes 7. EFFECTIVITY This Policy shall take effeet by 2021 and shall remain in force unless otherwise superseded or modified by subsequent policies and other issuances. All other issuances inconsistent with the provisions ofthis Policy is hereby repealed or modified accordingly. 8. MONITORING AND SUBMISSION OF REPORTS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS The Community Capacity Development Division of the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO-CCDD) shall he responsible for monitoring LGU eamplianee to this policy, which shall be condutec on an annual basis, Parties involved shall submit the documentary requirements to the NBOO-CCDD. Electronic copies will he sent via email through nhooce«kl20 (a), while printed copies should he sent to the Department of the Interior and Local Government, NBOO- CCID, 24" Floor. DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. The monitoring, unit specified herein shall he in-charge of reviewing the requisites complied with prior to submission to the Office of the Undersecretary for Local Government (OUSLG). 9. APPROVING AUTHORITY EDUARDO M. ANO Secretary Department of the Interior and Local Government 10, FEEDBACK Inquiries concerning this document should he direeted/addressed to NBOO-CCDD through email address nhnocese2Mi94, mailing address NBOO-CCDD, Department of the Interior ‘and Leal Government, NBOO-CCDD, 24" Floor, DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corer ‘Quezon Avenue, Quezon City a DILG-NBOO LEPC Form 1-A, Barangay: a City/Municipality: Indicator BCPC Organization v [BCPC is not organized Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) Functionality Assessment Tool Province and Region: Assessment Year: v 3.00 [Organized BCPC in accordance with DILG MC through an £0 or Local JOrdinance [Child Representation in the BCPC Ivo Child Representative in the BCPC [child Representative is appointed/ [designated [child Representative is selected through Children’s congress [Child Representative from different sectors finclusivity) Meetings | INo quarterly meeting conducted Less than four quarterly meetings conducted with the ff agenda: planning implementation review ‘monitoring and status of action points from previous meetings Four quarterly meetings conducted with aforementioned agenos [Conducted four quarterly meetings Jand special meeting/s lLess than 50% of the issues identified in the profiling /SitAn discussed and resulted inte a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action [50-70% of the issues identified in the profiling /SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action 71-90% of the issues identified in the profiling/ SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ IRecommendation for Action [91-100% of the issues identified in the profiling/ SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action Less than 50% member attendance all meetings [50-70% member attendance in all meetings [73-90% member attendance in all mectings J9t-100% member attendance in all _| meetings [Capacity building for BCPC members No capacity building [olan] 50-70% of BCPC members trained or received at least 1 capacity development training 73-90% of BCPC members trained or received at least 1 capacity Jdevelopment training [91-10% of BCPC members trained or received at least 1 capacity Jdevelopment training Page 1 of 3 DILG-NBOO LCPC Form 1-8 indicator Database on children INo data on children Saw eee EOD. Teen ¥ 3.00 Presence of updated data on children, Le. sex, age, nutritional status, deworming, vitamin |supplementation, immunization, children enrolled in CDC/schools, etc. [Consolidated data on children lUpdated barangay profile and situational analysis on children |Children (LDPC) [or midterm plan for 3 years] sectoral plans and approved by the JPunong Barangay [Local State of Children Report INo LSCR JLSCR prepared in accordance with the| |LSCR delivered in the State of |LSCR included in the Barangay Annual (scr) DILG template (MC 2009-106) Barangay Address (SOBA)/ National lAccomplishment Report and [Children's Month (NCM) |submitted to the M/CCPC Local Development Plan for ino L0PC ILOPC prepared considering other LDPC presented to the Barangay [OPC integrated/ mainstreamed in Development Council Ithe Barangay Development Plan (60?) [LOPC % accomplishment [Below 50% accomplishment [51-70% accomplishment 71-90% accomplishment [91-10% accomplishment JAnnual Work and Financial Plan for Children (AWFPC) No AWFPC Prepared AWFPC /AWFPC prepared and approved by the Punong Barangay [AWFPC integrated in the Local Annual investment Program (AIP) [budgeted] JAWEPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment 53-70% accomplishment 17-90% accomplishment [e1-100% accomplishment |Formulation of Policy? Resolution/ Recommendation INo policy/resoulution issuance Prepared at least two P/R/R based on identified need of children Presented P/R/R to the Local ISanggunian for approval [At least two P/R/R enacted within the| lterm of the BCPC Advocacy Actvities INo advocacy activity undertaken Jat least 1 advocacy or dissemination activitiy related to increasing awareness on protection and promotion of children's rights lconducted [at least 2 advocacy or dissemination lactivities related to increasing awareness on protection and promotion of children’s rights lconducted [Atleast 1 advocay activity based on the issues identified in the available Jdata on children to detail, issue being addressed, harget beneficiary, chosen platform Page 2 of 3 DILG-NBOO LCPC Form 1-A = Indicator. [BCPC Budget Allocation below 1% 1% for BCPC strengthening [additional budget for the BCPC Individualized folder of childten’s cases [Below 50% accomplishment 73-80% accomplishment Ty Reese fo1-100% accomplishment Zero percentage of violation of confidentiality Referral System in place Functional referral system for CNSP Less than 50% of CNSP cases, provided with services/ referred to appropriate office [51-70% of CNSP cases provided with lservices/referred to appropriate office 71-90% of CNSP cases provided with lservices/referred to appropriate ottice [91-1008 of CNSP cases provided with lservices/ referred to appropriate loffice [Activated CICL and CAR Registry Less than 50% of CICL cases Jdocumented in CICL Registry [51-70% of CICL cases documented in ICICL Registry [71-90% of CIC cases documented in ICICL Registry [91-10% of CICL cases documented in| ICICL Registry Diversion Program No diversion program in-place [Percentage of diversion proceedings Jconducted to all diversional cases by Jecec Percentage of successful diversion Zero percentage of reoffending of all successful diversion programs Assessed by: Name and Position/Designation Chairperson, C/MIMTF Date Name and Position/Designation Vice-Chairperson, C/MIMTE Name and Position/Designation ‘Member, C/MINTF Page 3 of 3 Name and Position/Designation Member, C/MIMTF Name and Position/Designation Member, C/MIMTF DILG-NBOO. LCPC Form 1-8 City/Municipal Council for the Protection of Children (C/MCPC) City/Municipality Province: ndieator IC/MCPC Organization v JC/MCPC is not organized Functionality Assessment Tool Region: Assessment Year v 3.00 lorganized C/MCPC in accordance lwith DILG MC through an EO or Local Jordinance [Child Representation in the Icymicec No Child Representative in the Icymicrc [Child Representative is appointed/ designated [Child Representative is selected through Children’s congress [child Representative from different |sectors [inclusivity] Meetings INo quarterly meeting conducted [Less than four quarterly meetings Jconducted with the ff agenda: |. planning |. implementation review |. monitoring and status of action points from previous meetings Four quarterly meetings conducted with aforementioned agenda [Conducted four quarterly meetings lwith aforementioned agenda plus two CFLGA meetings. Less than 50% of the issues identified in the profiling /SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action [50-70% of the issues identified in the profiling /SitAn discussed and resulted into @ Resolution/ Recommendation for Action 73-90% of the issues identified in the profiling/ SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action [91-100% of the issues identified in the profiling/ SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action [Less than 50% member attendance in all meetings [51-70% member attendance in all Imeetings [74-90% member attendance in all meetings Jo1-100% member attendance in all meetings (Capacity Building No capacity building [plan] for IC/MCPC members [50-70% of C/MCPC members trained lor received at least 1 capacity Jdevelopment training 73-90% of C/MCPC members trained lor received at least 1 capacity |development training [91-10% of C/MCPC members Itrained or received at least 1 capacity |development training No capacity building [plan] for lower level LCPC [BCPCS) [50-70% of BCPC: trained or received at least 1 capacity development jtraining 71-90% of BCPCs trained or received at least 1 capacity development training Jo1-100% of BCPCs trained or received at least 1 capacity development training Page 1 of 3 DILG-NBOO “Indicator [Database on children No database on children 1.00 3.00 meunaneee [Established consolidated database on children, [Established consolidated and disaggregated database on children [Established disaggregated database with situational analysis of children Local State of Children Report (uscr) No tscR LSCR prepared in accordance with the] DILG template (MC 2009-105) SCR delivered in the State of |city/Municipal Address (SOCA/ ISOMA)/ National Children’s Month (nc) SCR included in the C/MLGU Annual [Accomplishment Report and submitted to higher LCPC [PCPC] local Development Plan for Children (LDPC) [or midterm plan for 3 years} No LOPC ILOPC prepared considering (a) other sectoral plans, (b} consultation with children, and (¢) a monitoring and levaluation (M&eE) plan LDPC presented and approved by the Local Sanggunian LOPC integrated/ mainstreamed in the Comprehensive Development Pian (COP) LDPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment [51-70% accomplishment 73-90% accomplishment [91-1008 accomplishment, [Annual Work and Financial Plan for Children (AWFPC) No AWFPC Prepared AWFPC and approved by Ithe LCE [AWFPC presented/recommended to the Local Finance Committee [AWPC integrated in the Local Annual Investment Program (AIP) [budgeted] JAWFPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment 51-70% accomplishment 73-90% accomplishment Jo1-100% accomplishment [ICC implementation is monitored the LGU [Local Code for Children (LCC) Nowce |With exisiting and approved LCC Existing UCC updated in the last five lyears [Child Protection Policy (CPP) No CPP Drafted and approved CPP [CPP utilized and monitored within issuance of Ordinance directing Iconcerned private sector/org to have its own CPP Formulation of Policy/ Resolution/ Recommendation INo policy/resoulution issuance Prepared at least two P/R/R based on identified need of children Presented P/R/R to the Local |Sanggunian for approval [At least two P/R/R enacted within the| term of the C/MCPC Page 2 of 3 DILG-NBOO 7 indicator v aa v =.) Aa 3.00 [Advocacy Actvities Ic/MCPC Budget Allocation No advocacy activity undertaken below 1% JAt least 1 advocacy or dissemination activity related to increasing Jawareness on protection and lpromotion of children’s rights Iconducted fat least 2 advocacy or dissemination activities related to increasing Jawareness on protection and promotion of children’s rights conducted Jat least 1 advocay activity based on the issues identified in the available Jdata on children |- to detall, issue being addressed, target beneficiary, chosen platform 196 for C/MCPC strengthening [Additional budget for the C/MCPC Iudget Utilization idualized folder of [children’s cases [Below 50% accomplishment 71-90% accomplishment [90-100% accomplishment Zero percentage of violation of confidentiality [Referral System in place Functional referral system for CNSP | Less than 50% of CNSP cases provided with services/ referred to appropriate office 51-70% of CNSP cases provided with lservices/referred to appropriate office 71-90% of CNSP cases provided with services/referred to appropriate office [91-100% of CNSP cases provided with Iservices/ referred to appropriate office Jactivated CICL and CAR Registry Less than 50% of CICL cases ldocumented in CICL Registry 1S1-70% of CICL cases documented in cic Registry 71-90% of CICL cases documented in IcICL Registry 191-100% of CICL cases documented in IcICL Registry Diversion Program INo diversion program in-place Percentage of diversion proceedings Jconducted to all diversional cases by BCPC Percentage of successful diversion IZero percentage of reoffending of all |success{ul diversion programs Assesse¢ by: Name and Position/Designation. Chairperson, R/PIMTF Date: Name and Position/Designation Vice-Chairperson, R/PIMTF Name and Position/Designation ‘Member, R/PIMTF Page 3 of 3 Name and Position/Designation Member, R/PIMTE Name and Position/Designation ‘Member, R/PIMTF DILG-NBOO UCPC Form 1-¢ IPCPC Organization Province: Region: [PCPC is not organized Functionality Assessment Tool 1 Council for the Protection of Children (PCPC) Assessment Year: lOrganized PCPC in accordance with DILG MC through an EO or Local lordinance [Child Representation in the lpcec No Child Representative in the PCPC [Child Representative is appointed/ ldesignated [Child Representative is selected [through Children's congress [child Representative from different sectors {inclusivity} Meetings No quarterly meeting conducted Less than four quarterly meetings Jconducted with the ff agenda planning implementation review monitoring and status of action points from previous meetings Four quarterly meetings conducted lwith aforementioned agenda [Conducted four quarterly meetings lwith aforementioned agenda plus hwo CFLGA meetings Less than 50% of the issues identified in the profiling /SitAn discussed and resulted into 2 Resolution/ Recommendation for Action 50-70% of the issues identified in the profiling /SitAn discussed and resulted into @ Resolution/ Recommendation for Action [71-90% of the issues identified in the profiling/ SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action 191-100% of the issues identified in the profiling/ SitAn discussed and resulted into a Resolution/ Recommendation for Action Less than 50% member attendance in all meetings 51-70% member attendance in all meetings [74-90% member attendance in all meetings jo1-100% member attendance in all meetings [Capacity Building No capacity building [plan] for PCPC members [50-70% of PCPC members trained or received at least 1 capacity |development training [74-90% of PCPC members trained or received at least 1 capacity Jdevelopment training [91 100% of PCPC members trained or received at least 1 capacity ldevelopment training INo capacity building [plan] for lower level LCPC [C/M/BCPC} 50-70% of C/M/BCPCs trained or received at least 3 capacity |development training 17-90% of C/M/BCPCs trained or received at least 1 capacity |development training [o1-100% of C/M/BCPCs trained or received at least 1 capacity development training Page 1 of 3 DILG-NBOO Indicator [Database on children No database on children Established consolidated database on children [Established consolidated and disaggregated database on children [Established disaggregated database |with situational analysis of children (SCR included in the PLGU Annual [children (LOPC} [or midterm plan for 3 years) sectoral plans, (b) consultation with children, and (c) a monitoring and levaluation (M&€E) plan focal State of Children Report | |NoSCR [SCR prepared n accordance with the] |ISCR delivered inthe State of usc) DILG template (MC 2009-106) Province Address (SOPA)/ National Accomplishment Report and Children's Month (NCM)_ submitted to higher LCPC Tocal Bevelopment Plan for No t0PC TPC prepared considering (@yother | [LDPC presented and approved by the | [LDPC integrated/ mainstreamed in Local Sanggunian ithe Comprehensive Development Plan (COP) LOPC % accomplishment [Below 50% accomplishment 53-70% accomplishment [71-90% accomplishment [oi 100% accomplishment lAnnual Work and Financial Plan for Children (AWFPC) No AWFPC, Prepared AWFPC and approved by the ce AWFPC presented/recommended to Ithe Local Finance Committee JAWFPC integrated in the Local Annual Investment Program (AIP) [budgeted] [AWFPC % accomplishment [Below 50% accomplishment 51-70% accomplishment [73-90% accomplishment J91-100% accomplishment [ECC implementatian is monitored [Local Code for Children jcc) No tcc With exisiting and approved LCC Existing UCC updated in the last five lyears [Child Protection Policy (CPP) No CPP Drafted and approved CPP [CPP utilized and monitored within Issuance af Ordinance directing the LGU lconcerne¢ private sector/org to have its own CPP [Formulation of Policy/ [Resolution/ Recommendation INo policy/resoulution issuance Prepared at least two P/R/R based on identified need of children Presented P/R/R to the Local Isangeunian for approval [at least two P/R/R enacted within the erm of the PCPC Page 2 of 3 DILG-NBOO z Indicator [Advocacy Actvities INo advocacy activity undertaken PCPC Budget Allocation below 1% Vv 100 3.00 [At least 1 advocacy or dissemination activity related to increasing ‘awareness on protection and promotion of children’s rights lconducted Jat least 2 advocacy or dissemination activities related to increasing Jawareness on protection and promotion of children’s rights conducted 1% for PCPC strengthening. [At least 1 advocay activity based on the issues identified in the available |data on children to detail, issue being addressed, target beneficiary, chosen platform [additional budget for the PCPC Budget Utilization Individualized folder of children’ Below 50% accomplishment 72-90% accomplishment [80-1008 accomplishment [Zero percentage of violation of Jconfidentiality [Referral System in place Functional referral system for CNSP Less than 50% of CNSP cases lprovided with services/ referred to laopropriate office [51.70% of CNSP cases provided with lservices/referred to appropriate ottice [71-90% of CNSP cases provided with services/referred to appropriate office 191-100% of CNSP cases provided with services/ referred to appropriate office Diversion Program INo diversion program in-place Percentage of diversion proceedings lconductes to all diversional cases by lecec Percentage of successtul diversion [Zero percentage of reoffending of all successful diversion programs Assessed by: Name and Position/Designation Chairperson, RIMTF Date: Name and Position/Designation Vice-Chairperson, RIMTF Name and Position/Designation Member, RIMTF Page 3 of 3 Name and Position/Designation Member, RIMTF Name and Position/Designation Member, RIMTF DILG-NBOO LCPC Form 2-A Region Province City/Municipality Functionality of Barangay Couneil for the Protection of Children (BCPC) Consolidated Assessment Form As of: BARANGAY INDICATORS: Organizational Sustainability (15%) Pol ‘es and Plans for Children (30%) Budget for the BCPC (25%) Service Delivery Monitoring and Management for Children (30%) Total LEVEL OF FUNCTIONALITY ‘Submitted by ‘Name and Position/ Designation Chairperson, City/Municipal IMTF Date: DILG-NBOO LCPC Form 2-8 Region Province Functionality of City/Municipal Council for the Protection of Children (C/MCPC) Consolidated Assessment Form As of: CITY/MUNICIPALITY INDICATORS Organizational Sustainability (20%) Policies and Plans for Children (30%) Budget for the LCPC (20%) Service Delivery Monitoring and Management for Children (30%) Total LEVEL OF FUNCTIONALITY Submitted by Name and Position/ Designation Chairperson, Provincial IMTF Date DILG-NBOO LCPC Form 2-¢ Functionality of Provincial/Highly Urbanized City Council for the Protection of Children (P/HUCCPC) Consolidated Assessment Form Region As of INDICATORS. PROVINCE/HUC Organizational Sustainability (20%) Policies and Plans for Children (30%) Budget for the LCPC 20%) Service Delivery M ‘and Management for Children 0%) Total LEVEL OF FUNCTIONALITY Submitted by ‘Name and Position’ Designat Chairperson, Regional IMTF ion Date DILG-NBOO. LCPC Form 3 LOCAL COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (LCPC) Consolidated Assessment Form Aso LEVEL OF LEVEL OF LEVEL OF PROVINCE/H' NG ne uC SCORE | puxctionatity| CITY/MUNICIPALITY | SCORE | puxcroNALity BARANGAY SCORE | puNcTIONALITY Submitted by Noted by Name and Position Designation Regional Focal Person on Children DILG Regional Director DILG-NBOO LCPC Form 4 LOCAL COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN (LCPC) Statistical Regional Summary As of LGU ‘Total No. LEVEL OF FUNCTIONALITY, Basic Progressive Mature Ideal Total No. of Submission Remarks [Province UC. [City Municipality [Barangay Submitted by: Regional Focal Person on Children Noted by DILG Regional Director Annex 2 Monitoring of the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LEPC) ‘Technical Note for Computation 1. Objective ‘This Technical Note is intended to provide the Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (IMTF) at different levels guidelines for the monitoring and evaluation of the Local Councils for the Protection of Children with the objective of ensuring that they are functional, relevant and effective, M1. Rating System ‘The BCPC shall be rated based on the following: | Area of Concern Ma | Rating | _ Indicators Raw Score e | Organizational Sustainability 30 — [Policies and Plans for Children 40 [BudgetfortheBcecSSSC*SS Service Delivery Monitoring and 25 |_ Management for Children | ~ aa 05 The C/MCPC shall he rated based on the following: Area of Concern | Nov of, Indicators “Maximum Raw Score Organizational Sustainability 38 Policies and Plans for Children 30 Budget for the CMCPC 10 Service Delivery Monitoring and 3 [Management for Children | Taal ‘The PCPC shall be rated based on the following Area of Concern | cigenioating No. of _Indicators Raw Score Maximu 5 30% Policies and Plans fc 30 30% Budget for the CMCPC — 10 20% ry Monitoring and 20 30% for Children __ { Toral 1is___| 100%} MW. Functionality Levet The level of LCPC funetionality shall be as follows Progressive Mature deal LCPC Unified Policy Annex 2. Technical Note IV, Sample Computation The following section describes the procedure for computing the score for the Province! City/ Municipal! Barangay Council for the Protection of Children. Data to be audited is from the previous year's performance, meaning, ifthe audit is being dane in 2020, report should cover actual data from 2019 Formula Re RS Gr) where: oo [k 5) RS "= raw score [os 7 Maximum Seore x) Weighted score Sample computation for Barangay Council for the protection of Children (BCPC) 1. Under Organizational Sustainabifity, the BCPC was able to get a raw score of 20, 2st 2) - Ga) = 10,00 Upon computation, its weighted score is 10 for Organizational Sustainability Under Policies and Plans for Children, the BCPC was able to get a raw score of 25, a) = Ca) = 1875 Upon computation its weighted score is 18.75 for Policies and Plans for Children, 3. Under Budget, the BCPC was able to get a raw score of 6, 25% = 6) (a) 150 - Go) = 15.00 Upon computation, its weighted seore is 15.00 for Budget for BCPC. get a raw score of 17, 7 -@) = 20.40 LCPC Unified Policy ‘Annex 2. Technical Note Under Service Delivery Monitoring and Management for Children, the BCPC was able to ex) Upon computation, its weighted score for this category is 20.40, In total, Area of Concern Organizational SistahabiTiy Policies and Plans for Children [Budget for the BCPC J Service Delivery Monitoring and | Management for Children I ial - Weighted Rating | RawSeore | Weight im 0 10,00 30% 18.75, 25% 15500 30% | 20.40 _ 100% 68 4s With the weighted score of 64.15, the BCPC functionality is assessed as Mature. ‘The same procedure shall apply for the Pro 1ce, City and Municipal assessment using the Maximum Raw Score (MS) and Rating (R) indicated in Section II, Rating System.

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