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Stacey Middle School Building tomorrow’s leaders today

Cyndi Paik, Ed.D., Superintendent

Heidi DeBritton, Principal
Wendy Baird, Asst. Principal Jeremy Khalaf
Frances Nguyen
Khanh Nguyen
Jamison Power

September 15, 2020

Dear WSD Families,

We hope this email finds you well as we enter our third week of virtual learning. We are so
proud of our students, families and staff for showing such strength and resilience as we continue
to navigate these unusual circumstances. On Tuesday, September 8, Orange County was moved
into Tier 2 of the new State of California revised criteria for reopening businesses and schools
through the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, which categorizes all counties into tiers based on
current health metrics. Orange County is well positioned to reopen for in-person in the near
future as long as health metrics do not change.

WSD is committed to transitioning to an in-person instructional model when it is safe to do so.

District leadership continues to monitor data from OC Health Care Agency and will establish a
target return date to begin in-person learning. WSD will follow strict adherence to health and
safety protocols including:

● Mask requirements for all students and staff

● Daily temperature screenings
● Social distancing at all times
● Staggered drop off & pick up
● Staggered recess and lunch times
● Limited opportunities for student gatherings
● Limited visitors on campus

In July, your family received a Selection Form, indicating your preferred instructional model for
your child. To confirm your choice, and to assist school leadership with planning for our
students’ safe return to campus, we are asking Stacey families to commit to either continuing in
100% virtual learning or hybrid learning (2 days in-person instruction at school, 3 days virtual
learning at home) by Monday, September 21. After that date, families may change their child’s
instructional model at the end of each trimester by speaking to me. At this time, the 5-day in-
person instructional model is not available due to the safety mandate of 6 feet of physical/social
distancing between individuals and space capacity limitations. However, we are making plans to
offer this option in the near future.

To indicate your commitment to an instructional model once Orange County can safely reopen

6311 Larchwood Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92647 ● Tel: (714) 894.7212 ● Fax: (714) 372.8810 ● Website:
for in-person instruction, please complete the following form by Monday, September 21 using
the link below:

Student Instructional Model Commitment Form

Please complete one form for each child in your family.

We thank you for your attention and patience. As soon as additional information is available and
an in-person start date is established, we will send an email update to all WSD families. In a
couple of weeks, an informational meeting will be held for parents/guardians to review a new
parent handbook detailing the new health and safety protocols you can expect when your child
returns to in-person learning at school. In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy. Please
feel free to contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Heidi DeBritton

6311 Larchwood Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92647 ● Tel: (714) 894.7212 ● Fax: (714) 372.8810 ● Website:

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