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Influences of Foreign Culture on Student


 The knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes,

meanings, hierarchy, religions, perceptions of time roles,
spatial relationships, concepts of the universe, and
material objects and cumulative acquired by a group of
people in the course of property acquired by a group of
people is called Culture.
 Pakistan's culture is completely different from the leading
culture. Basically the culture of Pakistan is based on Islam
and every aspect of our culture is completely according to
Islamic rules and regulation if it is studying lifestyle or
any other aspect.

 You can travel to a new country and marvel at the way in

which the people of that country talk, think or act. The
beliefs of a country, both religious and historical, are often
at the root of a country's culture is called foreign culture.

 The culture of Pakistan is rich in traditions and represents

the history of the region. Pakistani people and society are
unique in terms of their life, thoughts and morals. The
inhabitants of each province have diverse cultural values
that make them different from other groups in society.
 Pakistan came into existence to provide its people a
system of life based on Islam. Generally people, customs
and traditions follow the same religion. Islam is practiced
by almost all Pakistanis.

 The world we live in can be viewed as a complex system of

values and traditions of customs and national identities.
There are differences based on all the civilizations and
cultures in the world, our society not only gives you a
sense of individuality, but it makes mistakes that hinder
the national spirit and traditional values.
 From this perspective, it is important to be aware of
cultural differences and, at the same time, the
commonality that holds us together. We have a different
understanding of the thoughts, colors, and customs of
ideas and beliefs.

 In which foreign culture can positively or negatively affect

student youth in both the words as well as positive aspect
is more superior and effective in the youngest youth in our
culture. But foreign culture also negative according to our
culture or Islam Can affect form. Create a distance
between our youth and Islam.
 As Pakistan is a developing country and does not have
much oppression of studies and research as most students
and universities can also follow the leading learning
system of studies.

 The positive side is that globalization is helping Pakistan's

intervention with the countries of Pakistan and helping to
establish a relationship that will be helpful for Pakistan's
 Today student youth is increasingly influenced through
foreign culture in positive ways. According to that now
every institute can follow foreign culture rules and
regulation it can also affect the youth of Pakistani
 There are following positive impact of foreign culture.

 Our national language is Urdu. Language is the primary

source of communication or contact with other cultures,
and we can communicate and understand all aspects of
any culture.
 This obscene language mainly influenced our youth or
people. Our youth learn the language of pioneering
culture for higher educational purposes.

 The delivery of all the facility of life is very high in the

living standards of many countries, which is essential for
any person to live.
 Because of this, the culture is more attracted to our youth
and they can try and achieve the living standards of the
guiding culture and strive for those facilities.

 Research is the important factor of success. Foreign

countries are great stress in research process. Unable to
do anything without the research process, Pakistani
universities have also tried to adopt a foreign research
approach, because before doing anything, even Pakistani
youths can be considered to be successful in research

 Justice system is very important for every country. Justice

is the foundation of any country, and no country in the
world can survive without justice. In pre-cultural culture,
justice is a central theme of his life. Trying to enforce
Islamic law in Pakistan also affects our young student

 Human rights are great important factor for modern

youth. Foreign culture has human rights first because it
can show humanity and many countries can launch human
rights campaigns and this is a positive role for the world
and the media.
 Because these cultural campaigns affect our youth and
they can work on human rights and many campaigns in
Pakistan Launched and young students are exposed to
those campaigns for young human rights.

 Due to the influence of young foreign culture, more

students can go abroad for higher education. It affects
learning style, standard of living and American culture
German and Korean language affects most of our youth,
which are all cultures, which is most positively influenced
by the context of studies.

 The downside is that globalization is taking up cultural

hatreds that were in the culture of Pakistan and later
people moved away from the teachings of Islam.
 Foreign culture has spread through the media in our
country. Television stations wear western costumes worn
on screen in the roles of the show and news stars and
others. The media is exploiting a new era. It reflects
Western culture in impressive manners. It is possible to
turn it into a victim.

 Ethical value refers to a set of principles that guide a

person to evaluate right or wrong. We are losing our moral
values; the new generation has abandoned the teaching of
our religion as well as moral morality.
 The new generation does not have the basic to respect their
elders, who have some decency in every aspect. And the
blame goes to the parents, because they forgot to forcefully
teach them about basic morality and the rest goes to the

 Whatever fashion becomes popular abroad, our youth

here adopt it. Youth are so inspired by foreign style that
they do not hesitate even before revealing clothes in their
collection. This is against our moral value as well as our

 The most important impact on the foreign culture has had

on our culture is on the language. Our national language is
Urdu but is replaced by English because English is the
international language. Most of our school, colleges and
universities are still used English languages is compulsory.
Our youth are highly inspired.

 Food is a major influence of foreign culture on young

people. Our culture has shifted from fast food and other
fast food inspired restaurants such as KFC Pizza Hut and
MC Donald’s. Popular Pakistani cuisine is not acceptable
to today's youth. Our youth is heavily inspired by foreign

 The extended or joint family system is a trademark of

Pakistan's social culture, which is losing its value and has
completely disappeared and has been replaced by a
personality culture.
 Today's youth believe in freedom and individualism. As a
result, our youth seen a rise in the psychological
disorders, divorces, suicides and crime have increased.

Young students wearing shalwar kames are so sick that it

is not acceptable to speak in Urdu, even though it is cheap
to listen to Urdu and ignore Hindi songs. We must respect
and follow our culture without following Western culture.

 This article describes the process of cultural production known as

religious production, which has religious affiliation Compared to race
or ethnicity, work has become a major category of identity for
Pakistani-American youth. United States.
 In this dialectical process, political changes began after September 11
Terrorist attacks emphasize Pakistani-American youth who question
both Muslim identities embraced his citizenship and youth.
 In particular, the article examines the ways Schools are citizen-built
and competing sites and peers, schools are roles Staff, families and
youth are playing for themselves in this creation / contest of


 The westernization has influenced every aspect of

everyday life, from food to basic human rights.
Westernization is not a product of the masses but a step
towards modernization.
 Modernization is not harmful in any sense. On the other
hand, the youth's great interest in Western influence can
be considered a negative influence on society. Excessive
exposure to Internet television movies and video games
has led to drug abuse and related voices.

 Most of the Pakistani youth, who constitute a large

percentage of the population, will be affected earlier
because they are very vulnerable. Terms, beliefs, values,
language, and living standards can be influenced by
foreign culture in a positive or negative way because those
cultural elements and those values can be avoided in
fundamental ways that are out of the way of Islam.
 Because the values and norms of Islamic beliefs are our
cultural elements, we must adopt them and follow the
rules of Islamic law according to the Sunah or the Quran.

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