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Unit 10
A force is a push, pull, or a twist, and it affects objects by pushing them up, pulling them
down, pushing them to a side, or by changing their motion or shape in some other way.
Force arrows
Force arrows are used to represent both the magnitude [power] and direction of forces. The
length of the arrow represents the magnitude [power] of the force, with longer arrows
indicating forces with larger magnitudes. The direction of the arrow represents the actual
direction that the force is being exerted.
Different types of forces
1. Attracting and repelling
2. Forces on moving objects
3. Upthrust and tension
Measuring forces
 We measure forces by using a forcemeter, newtonmeter or a spring balance.
 Forces are measured in newtons [N].
Balanced forces
If the forces of on an object are the same size but in opposite directions, then they will
cancel out. These are balanced forces.
1. If it is not moving it will stay still.
2. If it is moving it will keep moving at a steady speed.
Unbalanced forces
If the forces on an object are not equal and opposite they are known as unbalanced forces.
1. If it is not moving it will start moving.
2. If it is moving it will speed up [accelerate] or slow down [decelerate]

Resultant forces
 Resultant force is the amount of force acting on an object.
 This is also known as net force.
Friction is a force that slows down moving objects.
 Reducing friction
1. Lubrications
2. Wheels
Gravity is a force that pulls you to the ground.
 The size of gravity depends on two points:
1. The mass of an object
2. How far it is from the ground
The force of earth’s gravity on an object is called its weight.
Measured in newtons [N]
Your weight can change.
Amount of matter in an object is its mass.
Measured in kilograms [kg]
Your mass can’t change
Gravitational field
An area in which a mass experiences gravity.
Air resistance
When an object is moving through the air it experiences air resistance.
It slows down objects.

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