FCCU Optimization - A Minimum Capital Approach

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FCCU Optimization:
A Minimum Capital Approach
An account of a crude vacuum unit revamp in which detailed calculation of
the true performance of existing equipment, plus a realistic calculation of the
benefits a revamp would bring, raised diesel production by 14.5 vol% on crude

Scott W. Golden Process Consulting Services Inc.

Dennis Kowalczyk Refining Process Services, Inc.

ptimizing the current performance Effectively prioritizing potential unit oper- necks that can be circumvented by a
of an FCCU or identifying poten- ating changes and technology modifica- global optimization (Photo 1). The major
tial revamp programs requires that tions based on a return-on-investment equipment system optimization issues are
existing unit catalyst system and equip- requires baseline testing. While appropri- shown below:
ment constraints be accurately estab- ate computer models are important to pre- • Reactor-regenerator performance.
lished. Understanding the real equipment dict future performance, there is no substi- • Pressure balance: air blower to wet
limitations, whether catalyst fluidization, tute for accurate plant data. gas compressor.
main fractionator pumparound exchanger
• Main fraction/gas plant heat
surface area, wet gas compressor, or Baseline Testing - Why Is It Important? integration.
recovery section column hydraulic bottle- Plant testing and data gathering are • Gas plant product recovery and
necks requires good plant data. While required to establish the baseline opera- fractionation.
sophisticated computer programs can gen- tional performance of the FCCU. If feed-
erate theoretical performance numbers, While the reactor-regenerator pressure
stock changes occur frequently, then balance is a major operating issue, the
the current plant operation can yield hard representative light, average, and heavy
performance data from a complex reaction relationship between the four areas above
feedstock baselines should be estab- will be qualitatively established. For
system. Many times, real unit bottlenecks, lished. Some of the testing requires instance, better estimates of the air blow-
differ from calculational-based perform- specialized equipment and procedures, er surge line allow closer operation to
ance. Comprehensive baseline testing will while the majority is basic field data surge and higher main fractionator over-
establish the unit bottlenecks. collection using pressure gauges and head receiver pressure. This reduces wet
Baseline plant testing and optimization portable thermocouples. gas production. Alternately, adjusting the
can be used for the following: The FCCU reactor-regenerator and pro- main fractionator heat balance can
• Operations optimization. duct recovery sections may have bottle- decrease wet gas production by lowering
• Minor capital improvements.
• Major technology modifications.
Optimizing the existing catalyst system
and product recovery system equipment
can yield immediate revenue increases.
For instance, lowering or eliminating
sponge oil will reduce wet gas production
and possibly increase FCCU charge rate.
Minor capital modifications such as
improved feed mixing can have a large
return on investment. Major capital
improvements using modern FCC tech-
nology, such as feed injection, riser termi-
nation devices, catalyst strippers, catalyst
lift gas, and air grid technology can
improve unit performance. Baseline test-
ing can be used to establish priorities for
short, medium, and long term FCCU opti-
Minimizing capital investment and
maximizing revenue from the FCCU
requires an accurate assessment of the
unit’s baseline performance. Proper testing
can determine the efficacy of various short
or long-term technology improvements. Photo 1 FCC Optimization : Minimize Capital

Reprinted from FUEL TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT® March/April 1996 issue, pgs. 37-45.

characterize FCC reactor performance

over a series of process variable changes.
RMS During optimization studies, it is critical
to know the sensitivity of the unit to vari-
Riser ous potential changes in operation or
termination equipment that are being considered. The
RMS technique has been adapted to eval-
PC uate various system components of the
reaction system. Simultaneous testing of
the riser outlet relative to the reactor out-
let has been done to study potential riser
RMS termination revamps. Results of the RMS
testing have shown that significant incre-
Stripper mental conversion can be achieved across
RMS an open reactor vessel. Therefore, careful
RMS consideration must be given regarding
impact on unit conversion when consider-
RMS ing the use of direct-connected riser termi-
nation devices.
RMS testing techniques have also been
used to perform riser sampling to measure
the impact of catalyst/oil mixing above the
Feed injection zone. The degree of conversion,
Injector RMS REACTOR MIX SAMPLING as the catalyst/oil mixture progresses up
Oil Feed
the riser, is directly measured so the rela-
tionship between time and conversion (or
Figure 1 Reactor mix sampling (RMS) selectivity) can be quantified. This tech-
nique can also be used to study the effec-
the overhead receiver temperature. additions can also reduce system pressure tiveness of the stripper design or impact of
Another example could be increasing the drop and wet gas production, thereby steam rate on the stripper performance.
primary absorber C3= recovery to de- removing a bottleneck in the unit. Additional catalyst system flow evalua-
crease wet gas production by reducing the Plant testing requires that all heat and tion studies involving tracer testing can
recycled gas in the rich sponge oil. The material balance flow meters be zeroed help develop a “snapshot” of FCCU base-
sum of several small changes can result in and calibrated. While overall unit mass line performance. This type of evaluation
immediate unit revenue. balances are routine, a baseline test procedure involves introducing a suitable
Complete FCC plant testing requires requires accurate assessment of intermedi- gas and particulate solid tracer material
the following data be collected during sta- ate flows and heat inputs. The de-ethaniz- into the reactor-generator loop. A series of
ble operation: er (or stripper) system is a common recov- detectors monitor the relative position
• Reactor mix sampling (RMS). ery section limit in many units. The strip- and/or velocity of these tracer compo-
- Reactor effluent line sampling. per reboiler(s) heat input measurements nents to determine the characteristic of
- Riser termination device from the main fractionator pumparound catalyst flow, mixing, and unit retention.
evaluation. and gas plant product streams are very Tracer studies can provide insight into
- Riser reaction progress. important to establish column efficiency gas/solid flow in standpipes, catalyst/feed
- Catalyst stripping efficiency. and loadings. Even though the stripper is mixing conditions, catalyst/vapor relative
• Reactor/regenerator/main column an intermediate tower in the recovery sec- velocities, catalyst/air distribution in
pressure survey. tion (no end products), it is necessary to regenerators, stripper performance, and
• Reactor/regenerator heat balance. collect this data. The C2 content in the cyclone operation.
• Recovery section heat and mass debutanizer overhead impacts the debu- While sophisticated tools are impor-
balance. tanizer operating pressure, downstream tant, an accurate catalyst system pressure
• Recovery section pressure survey. processing, or saleable product specifica- profile should be included in the baseline
The RMS testing, data collection, and tions like mixed C3. Plant baseline testing performance testing. The information col-
various analyses establishes the FCCU is more comprehensive than an overall lected can be used to determine the sys-
baseline performance. Testing may re- unit mass balance. tem’s ultimate catalyst circulation poten-
quire meter calibration and additional If the refiner is interested in debottle- tial. It will also help pinpoint potential
stream sampling and analysis. necking by optimizing the performance of problem areas. Regenerated catalyst
A considerable amount of field pressure each piece of equipment in the entire standpipe hoper design or aeration modi-
profile data must be gathered. For exam- FCCU complex, it is necessary to decou- fications can also be determined using
ple, fluidization problems at the regenera- ple the FCCU reactor systems from the results from the pressure survey.
tor catalyst standpipe may be limiting recovery section. RMS testing can isolate During the reactor system baseline test-
catalyst circulation. Minor hopper me- FCCU yield profiles across the various ing, the recovery section heat and mass
chanical changes may allow higher cata- sections of the reactor (Figure 1). The total balance and complete unit pressure sur-
lyst circulation. Pressure profiles on the reaction mixture is sampled from the sys- vey should be conducted. Stream flow
regenerated catalyst standpipe or main tem at the appropriate location. This mix- rates, stream properties, process tempera-
fractionator overhead system may identify ture is then analyzed off-line and reactor tures, utility system conditions, intermedi-
low-cost revamp options. Minimal yields are calculated. ate stream analysis, pump motor amps,
pumparound heat exchanger surface area Reactor effluent testing is often used to pumping system pressure drops, and

Reprinted from FUEL TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT® March/April 1996 issue, pgs. 37-45.

device PC



Oil feed

Air blower

Figure 2 FCCU reactor-regenerator pressure profile

basic equipment data such as control what causes the process and equipment incremental propylene. These outside
valve positions should be gathered. Field limitations. A constrained piece of equip- gases may actually strip propane/propy-
observations are critical; for instance, is ment should be carefully evaluated to lene in the absorber. Overall FCCU opti-
water being drawn from the absorber- determine the exact nature of the limita- mization requires evaluating the impact of
stripper system and at what locations? tion. As an example, it is important to external feedstocks on the unit perform-
Water removal from the absorber system know that the wet gas compressor capac- ance.
can impact stripper capacity and corro- ity is a limitation. The reactor/regenerator/main column
sion. Understanding what causes the wet gas pressure profile (Figure 2) is one of the
Feedstock variability is important when compressor limitation such as high dry- most critical aspects of the system and
establishing the unit testing program. gas production, fouled fin-fans, low cool- requires accurate operating data for the
Some units operate with basically the ing water flow rate, or low compressor purpose of system evaluation. Small sys-
same gas oil or resid feedstocks, Others suction pressure is even more important tem pressure drops can be extremely
change feedstocks every 36 hours. In the and requires a complete picture of the important. Accurate pressure profiles,
current refinery environment, variability operating data. Often it is possible to appropriate utility data (fan motor amps
is an increasingly important issue as refin- make minor modifications (or operating and cooling water return temperatures),
ers try to take advantage of opportunity changes) in a constraining piece of equip- and equipment knowledge can be used
feedstocks. It is critical during baseline ment to gain a 5% incremental feed rate. for future system modifications to
testing to evaluate a range of feedstocks. While performing the baseline testing, debottleneck major pieces of equipment.
If possible, it is beneficial to perform unit all feed and product streams from the unit For example, the wet gas compressor
surveys using several feedstocks of vary- are sampled as part of the unit heat and might be debottlenecked by eliminating
ing quality ranging from poor to best that material balance. Many refiners feed excessive pressure drop in the air blower
are anticipated for future operation. external streams to the FCC gas plant. line (flapper check valve pressure drop),
Determining the impact of feedstock Evaluating the impact of external feed- adjusting the main fractionator heat
differences on the unit operation, equip- stocks on gas plant performance is impor- balance, tightening loose fin-fan motor
ment performance, product yields, and tant. Many times refiners process coker fan-belts, or increasing the cooling water
product quality is time consuming but and hydrotreater gas and liquids through supply to the overhead trim coolers.
identifies real system limitations that may the FCCU absorber system. These gases A listing of key FCCU limiting con-
be critical. have low molecular weight (20 or less) straints are outlined below for the
with high hydrogen and methane content reactor-regenerator and product recovery
Evaluating Baseline Data- and their impact on C3/C4 recovery can systems:
Where And Why Are There Bottlenecks? be significant. For instance, when evalu- Reactor-Regenerator
Once the unit baseline performance is ating increased propylene production • Air blower flow rate.
established, the next step in the optimiza- from the FCC reactor, it is important that • Air blower discharge pressure.
tion process involves identifying exactly the absorber system be able to recover the • Maximum reactor temperature.

Reprinted from FUEL TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT® March/April 1996 issue, pgs. 37-45.

• Minimum/maximum feed existing equipment designs. Some of the • Maximum coker gas oil in feed blend.
temperature. ways to debottleneck the stripper are list- • Segregated injection of feed
• Maximum catalyst circulation rate. ed below: components.
• Maximum feed charge pump capacity. • Add a second reboiler - additional In order to achieve optimization on a
• Maximum reactor/regenerator column efficiency. plant-wide basis, it is necessary to com-
superficial velocity. • Add a feed preheater. plete LP model studies. Using these indi-
• Maximum stripping/dispersion steam. • Eliminate stripper overhead vapor vidual process models in the areas of
• Minimum/maximum operating pressure. recycle to the compressor’s high stage alkylation, coking and hydrotreating can
• Maximum flue gas CO, NOX, and SOX. drum. determine the impacts on these units. The
Product Recovery • Produce a heavy naphtha side draw FCCU serves as a feedstock producer for
• Maximum wet gas volume. from the main fractionator. the alkylation unit and often receives feed
• Maximum wet gas compressor While the benefits of these options are from the coker. Understanding gas plant
driver-motor or turbine. process and unit dependent, they may debutanizer limitations when evaluating
• Main fractionator pumparound/con- present tradeoffs in absolute optimum the potential for C5 olefin processing in
densing heat removal. unit performance, and can lower capital the alky is important. High boiling C5
• Absorber-stripper C3 /C4 recovery. investment, increase feed rate, conver- dienes and cyclopentene cause ASO pro-
• Debutanizer capacity. sion, or product selectivity. It is relatively duction in a HF alkylation unit. Having a
• Main fractionator/gas plant heat simple to replace major pieces of equip- clear picture of the existing debutanizer
integration. ment that are undersized. However, this is constraints or process design problems
an expensive approach. Modifying the helps identify the optimization options.
The FCCU pressure balance is a key process flow scheme and/or operating The quantity and quality of product
operating parameter. The most obvious conditions to debottleneck major equip- streams plays a significant role in the opti-
considerations are slide valve minimum ment is more involved but considerably mization study. A number of product
pressure drop, catalyst circulation limita- more cost effective. related issues include:
tions, and safe operating margins. • Gasoline quality and impact on
However, there are several potential bot- Optimization Goals - blending pool.
tlenecks that can be easily circumvented. Capital Investment Tradeoffs • Light cycle oil (LCO) quality and
In one unit, a single pumparound section Optimization of the FCCU operation is impact on diesel fuel quality.
in the main fractionator would flood, critically linked to both the quantity and • Reformulated Fuels issues (sulfur,
thereby increasing the column pressure quality of the various feedstock compo- olefins, and aromatics content, and
drop by about 1.5 psi. While the unit was nents available. This issue is further com- TBP 90% point).
still operable, the added pressure drop plicated by variations within the feedstock • Maximum charge rate for the
reduced the wet gas compressor suction components which are available to the alkylation unit.
pressure by 1.5 psi. When the wet gas refiner. In order to optimize the FCCU to • Maximum propylene production for
compressor suction pressure normally achieve maximum profitability, it is neces- recovery or sales.
operates at 5 psig, the compressor capac- sary to study the impact of the FCCU on • Shifting gasoline to alkylation feed.
ity is reduced by about 10%. Also, high other refinery operating units. A listing of • Maximum conversion to light
column reflux can increase the overhead possible FCC feed-related objectives products.
pressure drop in some systems by 1.0 psi. include: When setting the optimization objec-
Pressure profile optimization can be used • Maximum gas oil feed rate. tives, the reactor-regenerator and product
at either the air blower or wet gas com- • Maximum residual (1000+) material recovery section limitations must be clear-
pressor to increase unit capacity. in feed blend. ly established. Some objectives may be
Main fractionator and gas plant heat
balance adjustments can be used to lower
existing overhead condenser system pres-
sure drop. A heavily loaded main frac-
tionator overhead condensing system AIR

pressure drop can be 8-10 psi. Reducing

or eliminating wet reflux and yielding MINIMIZE
heavy naphtha sidecut can reduce the WET
overhead system pressure drop by 2-4 psi GAS

(Figure 3). Yielding a main fractionator OVERHEAD

heavy naphtha product sidecut will mar- RECEIVER

ginally reduce propylene recovery in the ADDED

absorber. However, the propylene loss AREA
can be offset by higher debutanizer bot-
tom lean oil rates. In any revamp there PRIMARY
are tradeoffs. Minimizing capital invest- HEAVY

ment requires a clear understanding of

these tradeoffs.
As noted earlier, the gas plant stripper is
a bottleneck on many units. Many older
units only have 10-15 trays and one
reboiler. Debottlenecking the stripper col-
umn can be done in several ways depend-
ing on the specific unit flow scheme and Figure 3 Reducing condenser system pressure drop

Reprinted from FUEL TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT® March/April 1996 issue, pgs. 37-45.

extremely costly due to existing limita- may preclude pressure increases. In this parameters (aeration) to maximize catalyst
tions; therefore, prioritization of objec- case, decreasing main fractionator pres- flow. Adjustments of the reactor-regenera-
tives should not be made solely on prod- sure drop may be warranted. A third pos- tor pressure balance may also be possible.
uct revenue enhancements alone. sibility is that the main fractionator over- Additionally, accurately being able to pre-
Optimizing the catalyst system separate head condenser pressure drop is high and dict the axial blower surge line can allow
from the recovery system leads to false the main fractionator heat balance can be the regenerator operating pressure to be
economies. Once the baseline FCCU adjusted by the addition of a increased. With most refiners using some
operation is defined and the operating pumparound. All of these options are kind of DCS control, curve fitting a surge
constraints are established, it is time to viable means of debottlenecking a wet gas line is relatively simple. Understanding
establish a set of realistic goals to pursue compressor. Baseline testing and analysis equipment performance details is critical
in the optimization. For instance, one goal makes the cost/benefit analysis of various to remove unit bottlenecks.
may be increasing the production of optimization goals easier to ascertain. The reactor-regenerator optimization
propylene for outside sales. Establishing requires a reliable heat balanced model to
reactor system yield shifts may include FCCU Optimization predict reactor side performance. The
ZSM-5 addition to the catalyst system. Once the refiner establishes parameters reactor yield shifts can then be used in a
As reactor yields are shifted, it is impor- and constraints for the FCCU baseline rigorous recovery section model to predict
tant to consider that significant decreases operation (both reactor and recovery sec- the impact on various systems. An opti-
in reactor effluent molecular weight have tions), begin identifying what needs to be mization may show that higher olefins
the following impacts: done to improve the operation. There are production is economic but the existing
• Higher reactor superficial velocity. three distinct levels to an optimization: plant has limitations preventing such a
• Increased wet gas production. • Current plant performance - change. Depending on the existing flow
• Lower C3= recovery (percent basis) immediate. scheme and unit constraints, recovery
in the absorber. • Minor plant equipment modifications - section operating changes can be consid-
• Higher compressor inter-condenser short to medium term. ered. Some examples targeted at improv-
loading. • Major technology changes - ing propylene recovery include:
• Higher debutanizer and C3 /C4 splitter medium to long term. • Increase gas plant system pressure to
heat inputs. Baseline testing establishes whether compressor surge.
Producing higher olefins impacts the there are immediate process variable • Minimize high pressure receiver
reactor-to-wet gas compressor system sig- changes that can improve current opera- temperature.
nificantly. The first major system evalua- tional performance. Over a longer term, • Maximize intercooler duty.
tion is the unit pressure balance. Baseline the baseline can be used to establish a • Increase lean oil rate.
testing and analysis helps determine program of minor or major equipment • Decrease lean oil temperature.
adjustment benefits and costs. Knowing modifications. • Decrease stripper heat input to
the the air blower is limiting and needs to minimum acceptable.
be replaced or a supplemental air blower Current Operation Catalyst system selection is one of the
is required may suggest a shift to higher The first step in the optimization is to most important FCCU performance opti-
regenerator pressure operation. If reactor examine the potential for adjusting unit mization variables. FCC catalyst proper-
superficial velocity is marginal, raising operating variables in both the reactor and ties and addition rate can be modified to
system pressure becomes a good option. recovery sections to shift the relative move the unit conversion and product
Alternately, the reactor superficial velocity impact of (or eliminate) various equipment selectivity to alleviate a unit bottleneck.
may be low but the reactor-regenerator limitations. Examples of changes on the In studying the existing and future con-
maximum allowable working pressures reactor side could include fluidization straints of the FCCU, adjustments in the
catalyst formulation or use of a complete-
ly different catalyst can be used to shift
the relative amounts of a given compo-
nent in the product slate.

Minor Equipment Modifications

A second step in the optimization
involves evaluating minor equipment
modifications that can increase incremen-
tal revenue. An example of such a revamp
could be the modification of an existing
air blower. Fixed stator blade modifica-
HEAT HEAT tions on many blowers can be used to add
incremental blower discharge pressure
and flow rate. Figure 5 shows an axial
blower curve with the blower perform-
ance. During scheduled turnaround the
air blower casing is normally open for rou-
tine maintenance. Replacing the fixed sta-
tors is a low cost option.
PRODUCT There are numerous potential revamps
that can be implemented to debottleneck
recovery section equipment. The specific
Figure 4 FCCU stripper reboiler recovery section process flow scheme and

Reprinted from FUEL TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT® March/April 1996 issue, pgs. 37-45.

unit limitations will dictate the appropri-

ate system modifications. A few recovery
section minor equipment modifications
that can add incremental revenue by
increasing unit capacity or product recov-

ery include: GEL
• Adding surface area to existing main SUR
fractionator pumparound to reduce
wet gas load.
• Converting sponge oil from LCO to
heavy naphtha to add incremental
heat removal in top of column and
debottleneck sponge oil system.
• Adding series reboiler to stripper to
increase C3= recovery in the gas
plant having a stripper with a low
number of trays (Figure 4).
• Adding absorber intercooler surface ICFM X 10

area to increase C3 recovery.

• Moving pumparound series heat Figure 5 Axial blower fixed stator blade modifications
exchanger to parallel to improve
gasoline recovery from LCO. technology has increased risks. Structured propylene production or more gasoline
packing has been used with good results production the target? Minimum capital
Major Technology Modifications in the recovery section main fractionator. profit improvement revamps require a
If optimization of the operating variables It also has caused many serious problems clear understanding of a unit’s baseline
and/or implementation of minor equip- because it was either applied incorrectly performance, capabilities, and limita-
ment modifications are not sufficient to or designed wrong. High capacity trays tions. While it is important to perform
reach the refiner’s goals, then it is appro- and high efficiency random packing have equipment calculations to determine unit
priate to consider new process and hard- been used successfully in many FCCU gas bottlenecks, understanding global opti-
ware technologies. Recent advancement plant columns. In contrast, structured mization issues is essential to minimize
in the areas of feed injection, riser termi- packing use in gas plant columns has capital investment.
nation, catalyst/oil disengagement, reactor resulted in a very high incidence of failure.
quench, regenerator catalyst/air distribu-
tion, catalyst cooling, and stripper design Conclusion Scott W. Golden is a chemical engineer with
offer improvements in unit performance to Catalyst system and hardware technology Process Consulting Services, Inc., Houston,
the refiner compared to older less efficient has changed significantly in the last ten Texas. The company provides revamp and
technologies. years. These reactor technologies produce field troubleshooting for the refinery industry
Baseline testing establishes existing a varying product slate that must be ade- worldwide.
equipment limitations such as fractionator quately fractionated and efficiently recov-
Dennis Kowalczyk is a consultant with
flooding, heat exchanger surface limita- ered by the downstream equipment.
Refining Process Services, specializing in FCC
tions, pumping systems limits, and com- There are many different recovery system
process optimization and performance
pression system performance. Knowing designs, each having differing types of
improvement. Dennis has been involved in
the wet gas compressor is limited to equipment limitations. Having a good
the development of several new technologies
18,860 acfm, a main fractionator with a baseline test which includes a complete
for enhancing the performance of resid
maximum operating flood of 70%, and a unit heat and material balance, compre-
cracking units. He is currently serving as
stripper column at maximum flood, estab- hensive unit pressure profile, and detailed
chief consultant for TheFCCNetwork.com,
lishes the unit constraints during baseline understanding of existing equipment limi-
an internet site providing FCC news and
testing. Some of these limitations can be tations allows potential charge rate and
circumvented by various changes to the yield shift improvements to be reliably
process system. Knowing what the major assessed.
equipment (defined as expensive to Analyzing reactor-regenerator limita-
replace) limitations are establishes where tions without regard to the FCCU recovery
the redesign effort should be focused. section performance gives an incomplete
Optimizing existing column capacity picture of the unit optimization.
with fundamental system changes and Understanding how each individual piece
advances in separation technology allows of equipment performs and how the inte-
more flow through a given column. Many grated system responds to various Process Consulting Services, Inc.
times the column can be revamped. changes is important. Simple changes to 3400 Bissonnet, Suite 130
Changing feed tray location, feed preheat an FCCU like adding a main fractionator
Houston, Texas 77005
increases, feed preheat reduction, tray condenser cooling water booster pump
spacing changes, and lower feed tempera- can drop the overhead receiver tempera- ☎ [1]-(713)-665-7046
ture can be used to increase column
capacity. While there are improvements in
ture by 10°F, thereby reducing wet gas
production by 8%-10%. How this lower ✉ [1]-(713)-665-7246
mass transfer devices that allow higher wet gas production is used is a function of ✉ info@revamps.com
capacity and lower pressure drop, the new the optimization objective. Is increased ✉ www.revamps.com
Reprinted from FUEL TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT® March/April 1996 issue, pgs. 37-45.

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