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FCC equilibrium catalyst analysis

Analysis of equilibrium catalyst provides important indications of FCC catalyst

performance, cyclone mechanical integrity, and attrition

The FCC Analyst, LLC

he fluidised catalytic crack-
ing unit is a highly complex 29500
multivariable operation. The 27500
conversion of feed to petrochemi- 25500
cal feedstocks and/or motor fuels is
Total metals, ppm

primarily a function of feed quality, 21500
independent operating parameters, 19500
and catalyst composition. Perhaps 17500

the single most powerful tool for 15500

understanding unit performance
is the equilibrium catalyst analysis
provided by catalyst vendors. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
The intent of this article is to Days
provide the process engineer with
advanced Ecat analysis techniques Figure 1 Refinery #1 total metals
to assist in understanding unit per-
formance. These techniques span
the range from measuring the resist-
ance to mass transfer in the catalyst y = 0.0019x - 20.704
circulating inventory to analysing 12
the subtle shifts in catalyst composi- 10
Slurry yield, wt%

tion imparting measurable impacts

on yield selectivities.
Catalyst diffusion 4
The ability of FCC catalyst to dif-
fuse high molecular weight, steri-
cally hindered molecules into the 0
12500 13500 14500 15500 16500
catalyst particle has been debated Total equilibrium metals (Ni, V, Na, Fe, Ca, Cu)
and marketed by catalyst suppliers
for decades. This article offers no
claim that one catalyst technology Figure 2 Refinery #1 slurry yield vs total metals (feed #1)
is superior to other technologies.
It is expected that each refiner has ‘add-on’ sodium and iron as both ness of this crust increases, result-
selected the best available catalyst sodium and iron are present in the ing in an increase in slurry yield.
for their feed slate, providing the fresh catalyst. However, since the Cross plotting slurry yield vs total
desired product slate. The focus is concentration of these elements in metals provides a simple indica-
to assist the FCC operator to under- fresh catalyst is consistent between tion of where this barrier begins for
stand where an inflection point may batches, the error incorporated by your feedstock and catalyst tech-
exist in their operation at which using total sodium and iron is sys- nology. In general, the author has
point a barrier to mass transfer into tematic and may be ignored. observed that the inflection point
the catalyst is measurable. As the amount of contaminant is frequently observed at approxi-
The simplest technique is to plot metals increases on the Ecat par- mately 10 000-12 000 ppm for most
the slurry yield vs total equilib- ticles, a barrier to mass transfer units.
rium metals. Total metals include builds in the form of a crust. The Refiner #1 has a typical metal
nickel, vanadium, sodium, iron, more sterically hindered feed mole- loading of 13 000-15000 ppm total
and calcium. The highest accuracy cules will not be able to access the metals. The data demonstrate a
will be achieved by calculating the particle pore structure as the thick- significant step change increase to

56 Catalysis 2020

28 000 ppm metals beginning at day
600 (see Figure 1). Figure 2 presents 16
the response of slurry yield to the
typical metals level observed in the

Slurry yield, wt%

first portion of the curve from day 12
0 to about day 600. The slurry yield
increases by approximately 2.0 wt%
for every 1000 ppm increase in con- 8
taminant metals. An inflection point
appears at approximately 15 000
ppm. Figure 3 presents the slurry 4
response for the peak observed 14000 17000 20000 23000 26000 29000
Total equilibrium metals (Ni, V, Na, Fe, Ca, Cu)
beginning at day 600. It is interest-
ing to note that a clear inflection
point occurs with this feedstock at Figure 3 Refinery #1 slurry yield vs total metals (feed #2)
approximately 21 000 ppm.

Feed quality shifts 1.80

Approximately 75% of all yield 1.70 Base
selectivity shifts are the result of 1.60 High Ni-to-V
Ecat Ni-to-V ratio

feed quality variation for most units 1.50

not involved in a catalyst change- 1.40
out. The two simplest methods to 1.30
determine the root cause of the 1.20
yield selectivity shift resulting from 1.10
feed quality variation is the direct 1.00
measurement of feed quality and 0.90
monitoring the Ecat nickel-to-vana- 0 90 180 270 360 450
dium (Ni-to-V) ratio. Feed quality Days
parameters include density, nitro-
gen, CCR, UOP K, and so on. Figure 4 Refinery #2 Ecat Ni-to-V ratio

being deposited on the surface of the cessed in the unit (dark red data
Approximately 75% catalyst. points). Figure 5 indicates the nor-
of all yield selectivity The Ecat Ni-to-V ratio is a sim- mal response of conversion to the
ple  method to monitor subtle Ni-to-V ratio. The lighter feedstock
shifts are the result changes in feed quality and corre- clearly does not follow the same
lates well with many yield selectiv- response curve as observed with the
of feed quality ities such as conversion, gasoline, refiner’s more typical feeds.
and slurry. Please note that each unit
variation for most Figure 4 demonstrates that the responds differently to changes in
typical Ni-to-V ratio for Refiner #2 the Ni-to-V ratio. It is essential that
units not involved in is from 1.0-1.4. However, begin- the process engineer determines the
ning at approximately day 95, a response, if any, to the typical varia-
a catalyst change-out lower density feed slate was pro- tion in their unit.

The catalyst circulating inventory

is very sensitive to feed quality shifts. 80
The simplest measurement available y = -23.038x + 96.056
to the process engineer to monitor 75
Conversion, wt%

feed quality shifts requiring no labo-

ratory testing is the equilibrium cat- 70
alyst Ni-to-V ratio. A feedstock that
becomes more paraffinic will observe 65

an increase in the Ni-to-V ratio while Base

a feedstock becoming more refrac- High Ni-to-V

tive will observe a decrease in the 55

Ni-to-V ratio. This is the result of the 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
catalyst converting the heavier metal Equilibrium catalyst Ni-to-V ratio
bearing components of the feed into
lighter molecules, with the metals Figure 5 Refinery #2 conversion vs Ni-to-V ratio Catalysis 2020 57

limits for those units whose yield
2.20 selectivities are sensitive to catalyst
Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate the
2.00 gasoline yield response of Refiner
Z-to-M ratio

#3 to normal variations in the equi-
librium catalyst Z-to-M ratio. It is
1.80 important to note the degree of gas-
oline yield variation in this period
of normal operations. Analyses such
1.60 as these enable the FCC operator to
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
understand the root cause in ‘typi-
cal’ yield variation or scatter.

Figure 6 Refinery #3 Ecat Z-to-M ratio Catalyst stability

The engineer is encouraged to mon-
itor the Z-to-M ratio as an indicator
68 of catalyst stability. A decreasing
y = 28.15x + 6.2911 trend in the Z-to-M ratio that is
not correlated to decreased cata-
Gasoline yield, wt%

lyst additions but is correlated to
an anticipated long-term increase
in regenerator temperature or equi-
58 librium catalyst metals is encour-
56 aged to discuss potential catalyst
54 reformulation with their catalyst
53 supplier.
1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 As the regenerator increases
Equilibrium catalyst Z-to-M
in temperature, the hydrother-
mal deactivation of the catalyst
Figure 7 Refinery #3 gasoline yield vs Z-to-M increases. The zeolite portion of the
catalyst is much more sensitive to
Fresh catalyst composition light olefin yield, it is recommended regenerator temperature than the
Fresh catalyst composition is critical to plot propylene yield or propyl- active alumina, resulting in dealu-
to optimal conversion with desired ene olefinicity vs Ecat sodium. For mination of the zeolite crystal struc-
yield selectivities. However, the additional yields, the engineer is ture. This loss in activity leads to
fresh catalyst certificate of analysis recommended to plot the desired increased slurry yield. The process
(COA) often contains limited data, yield vs the Ecat zeolite-to-matrix engineer is encouraged to evaluate
making detailed catalyst quality (Z-to-M) ratio. As with all analy- the effect of regenerator temper-
analysis difficult. It is recommended ses, it is important to verify each ature effects on Z-to-M and yield
that the process engineer correlates unit’s response to these variable selectivity on their unit.
key Ecat properties and ratios vs shifts. Not all units respond alike.
important yield selectivities. It is also suggested that the refiner Catalyst attrition resistance
For refiners targeting maximum negotiate tighter upper and lower The refiner is recommended to
regularly monitor and record cat-
alyst fines for surface area and
metals content. An increase in Ecat
fines surface area combined with a
decrease in total metals is an indi-
cation of softer catalyst. An increase
in catalyst fines production not
Capture, wt%

5.0 demonstrating increased surface
4.0 area or decreased metals is an indi-
3.0 cator of a new attrition source in the
2.0 unit. Please note that reports of soft
1.0 catalyst by any catalyst manufac-
turer is very rare.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Particle size, µ Cyclone mechanical integrity
It is strongly recommended that
Figure 8 Normal catalyst fines particle size distribution regular catalyst fines samples be

58 Catalysis 2020

acquired and measured for parti-
cle size distribution (PSD) on a fre-
quency of at least once monthly.
The refiner is advised to request 10.0
a more detailed PSD for the fines
than for the circulating inventory. 8.0

Capture, wt%
The suggested PSD is a one-micron
scale for 0-10 µ particles (1, 2, 3 … 6.0
10), every two microns for 12-40 µ
and every five microns for particles 4.0

greater than 40 µ. Plot wt% capture

vs PSD using a semi-log plot for
each sample taken. Keep a monthly 0.0
record of these plots through each 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
operating cycle and for the life of Particle size, µ
the cyclones.
A well-designed, mechanically Figure 9 Hole in single-stage cyclone
sound unit will present a peak at
approximately 35-40 µ with a small
peak between 0-3 µ (see Figure 8)1. 16.0
The peak observed between 0-3
µ represents attrition in the unit.
A bimodal distribution with an 12.0

abnormal secondary peak appear-

Capture, wt%

ing between approximately 10-25
µ is an indication of a crack or hole
in a primary cyclone or plenum. A 6.0
bimodal distribution with an abnor- 4.0
mal secondary peak appearing at a
PSD greater than the ‘normal’ peak 2.0

is an indication of a hole or crack 0.0

0 10 20 30 40 50
in a secondary cyclone (see Figure
Particle size, µ
9). Monitor these abnormal peaks
closely as they will not disappear
after time. Cyclone weld cracks or Figure 10 Attrition source present
holes will get progressively worse,
eventually requiring a shutdown to • Ni-to-V ratio as an indication of an indication of cyclone integrity
control catalyst losses. shifts in feed quality and attrition
A large increase in the 0-3 µ peak • Z-to-M ratio as an indication of These analyses lend themselves
is an indication of a new attri- fresh catalyst stability well to automatic calculation in
tion source in the unit or soft cat- • Ecat sodium for maximum pro- Excel and will provide the engineer
alyst (see Figure 10). Please note pylene production with important indications of cata-
that soft catalyst will result in lyst performance, cyclone mechani-
increased losses on both the reac- cal integrity, and attrition.
tor and regenerator sides of the
A well-designed,
unit while an attrition source will mechanically Reference
present higher losses primarily on 1 Fletcher R, Stepwise method determines
the side of the unit where the attri- sound unit will source of FCC catalyst losses, Oil & Gas Journal,
tion source exists. Reference 1 pro- Vol 93, Issue 35, 28 Aug 1995.
vides a detailed description of this present a peak at
approximately Ray Fletcher is a co-founder of Inovacat,
Summary deploying a new fixed bed naphtha-to-
In is recommended that the process
35-40 µ with a small olefins process for maximum propylene. He
also conducts FCC training for engineers
engineer monitors specific values
and ratios in the FCC ecat data sheet
peak between 0-3 µ and operators. With over 32 years of refining
experience, he has worked nearly every process
in addition to standard time plots in a typical fuels based refinery, and spent 19
of the data. Several recommended • Ecat fines Ni + V and surface years with Albemarle and Johnson Matthey
plots include: area  for an indication of soft focusing on FCC troubleshooting, optimisation,
• Total contaminant metals as an catalyst and catalysis. He holds a bachelor’s degree
indication of mass transfer • Ecat fines wt% capture vs PSD as from the University of Washington. Catalysis 2020 59

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