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Special Report Clean Fuels


Grace Catalysts Technologies, Columbia, Maryland

FCC 101: How to estimate product yields

cost-effectively and improve operations
The feed to fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) is the most mentioned earlier. The study evaluated heavy to light oils—11
important process variable. FCCU feed has the greatest impact °API and 32 °API. The feeds were fully characterized by phys-
on operating conditions, yield and product quality. A typical ical-chemical analyses. The HCs were characterized by SARA
FCCU feed consists of hydrocarbon (HC) families, includ- analysis, mass spectrometry (MS), ultraviolet-visible spec-
ing paraffins and cycloparaffins, which are saturates (aromatic troscopy (UV-Vis) and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance
HCs with a different number of aromatic rings), resins and (1H-NMR) to quantify hydrogen (H2 ) content, which is an
asphaltenes. In some cases, residue is processed in the FCCU. important property of FCC feeds.
Feed behavior in the riser also depends on the mechanical and Potential feed yields were analyzed in an ACE unit under
operational conditions of the unit, and the concentration and these operating conditions: Reaction temperature 527°C
distribution of these HC families. (980°F), reaction time of 30 sec, feed flow of 3 g/min, catalyst/
oil (C/O) ratio of 4, 6 and 8, adjusted by varying the amount
Feed quality. Thus, feed quality depends on several factors: of catalyst in the reactor.1 Two commercial catalysts were used,
quality and type of crude processed by the crude distillation deactivated by the CPS unit at 793°C (1,460°F).2 The proper-
units, other processing units, and the complexity of the refin- ties of the deactivated catalysts are reported.3, 4 The catalysts
ery. Products from other processes, such as thermal conversion were deactivated in the absence of metals, since the purpose of
units like delayed coking, coking and visbreaking, and hydrogen the study was to evaluate the interaction of the active sites of
addition units like gasoil (GO) and residue hydrotreaters, hy- the catalyst (matrix and zeolite) with the different HC types in
drocracking of GO and liquid-liquid deasphalting units. Product the selected feeds, and metal contaminants [nickel (Ni) and va-
streams from lubricant production are also sent to the FCCU. nadium (V)] interfering with the reactions of hydrogen trans-
fer, dehydrogenation and catalytic activity, which was not the
Benefits. One of the biggest advantages of the FCCUs is the focus of this research.
flexibility to process all types of HC streams that are complex
mixtures in which the mixing processes are not always efficient Feed classification. To understand FCC feed composition,
to ensure completely homogeneous blends. FCCU feeds are the HC type must be identified. Many methods are available
blends of atmospheric and vacuum GOs, atmospheric resi- in literature.5–7 The correlation index (CI) and H2 content are
dues, coker and visbreaking GOs, hydrocracking residues, hy- used in this article. The CI is a property developed to classify
drotreated GOs and residues, furfural extracts, demetalized oil crudes and petroleum fractions by the US Bureau of Mines:6
(DMO) and others. However, one of the greatest weaknesses
CI = 473.7 × d + 48,640/(K + 273) – 456.8 (1)
and problems in refineries is the lack of physical-chemical anal-
yses for proper feed characterization. What is more important Where K is the mid-boiling point in °C and d is SG. The
for engineers, supervisors and operators is the ability to predict meaning of this property is very similar to the K characteriza-
the impact of changing feedstock quality on product yield, op- tion factor. However, unlike the K factor that ranges between
erating conditions (heat balance) and product quality. 11 and 13, the CI ranges from 0 to 100. In this wide range, n-
There are valuable tools that FCC staff can use to quantify heptane = 0 and cyclohexane = 50, while benzene = 100; thus,
the potential yields of the feed determined by chemical compo- low CI values for HCs correspond to paraffinic feeds; values
sition, i.e., by the different HC families. However, the most im- close to 50 are typical of naphthenic feeds, and higher values
portant thing is that these potential yields are calculated using are of feeds that have a larger proportion of aromatic HCs.
properties typically analyzed in any refinery laboratories, such Studies conducted with GOs from different crudes estab-
as specific gravity (SG), distillation, sulfur (S) content, refrac- lished that paraffinic feeds have a CI of less than 42.8 CI value
tive index and more. between 42 and 55 are cycloparaffinic HCs; so, as CI reach-
es about 50, the proportion of paraffinic HCs decreases and
Background. To conduct this study, more than 100 types of naphthenic HCs increase. In values between 50 and 55, the
FCC feeds from all over the world with different composi- proportion of aromatic HCs begins to increase. Feeds with CI
tions were selected.a These feeds contain all of the HC families values over 55 can be classified as aromatic, as shown in FIG. 1.
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The H2 content of all the feeds was measured using 1H- density and distillation, which are two properties that are typi-
NMR.3, 4 In accordance with this property, the H2 content in cally measured in all refinery laboratories. From FIG. 1, there is
paraffinic feeds (K factor > 12) is greater than 12.8%, while a strong correlation between these two properties, and it is rep-
naphthenic feeds (K factor between 11.5 and 11.8) have an H2 resented by Eq. 2, with a correlation coefficient of 0.966 and a
concentration ranging from 12% to 12.8%. Finally, the H2 con- standard error of 0.204:
tent of aromatic feeds is less than 12%. Hydrogen content is an
H2 , % = 15.72432 – 0.06798 × CI (2)
important property of FCC feeds, because it defines the yield
distribution of valuable products. The higher the H2 content Another important property that defines feed quality is
in the feed, the more H2 that will be distributed in the valuable saturate content. It is defined by the sum of paraffinic and
FCC products.7 cycloparaffinic (naphthenic) HCs. Due to the chemistry of
The feeds studied in this project were selected with a wide cracking reactions, the interactions with the active sites of the
°API range: between 11.4 °API and 32.4 °API, which is equiva- catalyst, catalyst morphology to allow diffusion through the
lent to H2 content between 9.5% and 14.25% and a CI ranging pore system, and the mechanical and operating conditions of
from 24 to 88. This wide range comprises virtually all of the the FCCU, these HCs must be converted into valuable prod-
combined feeds and the different components used in the dif- ucts, mainly gasoline and LPG, at an efficiency of at least 90%.
ferent FCCUs in the world. It is vital to determine and quantify the saturated HC content
in FCC feeds (FIG. 2).
Chemical composition of FCC feeds. Since one of the Also, FIG. 2 is used to calculate saturate content based on H2
purposes of this study was to demonstrate that the behavior content and is represented by Eq. 3, with a correlation coef-
of FCC feeds due to the HC types present, HC distribution ficient of 0.952 and standard error of 2.97:
was analyzed using different methods: SARA analysis, MS and
Saturate content, % = 1/[0.15498 – 0.05378 (3)
UV-Vis. This information was used to develop correlations for
× Ln(%H2 )]
refinery staff to calculate important properties of the feed and
to provide a better understanding of FCC feed quality and in- In FIG. 2, the lowest H2 and saturate value belongs to heavy
fluence on unit operation. cycle oil (HCO), which, in some FCCUs, is sent to the riser
The first property calculated is feed H2 content. In this case, as recycled. In addition, the highest values belong to combined
the H2 content was measured by 1H-NMR, and CI was used. feeds of excellent quality and hydrocracking (HCK) residues.
As mentioned earlier, CI is a property calculated based on feed Other important HC families in FCC feeds are aromatics,
which cannot be cracked due to the difficulty in accessing the
14.5 active sites of the catalyst. These HCs are normally dealkyl-
14.0 ated, i.e., the lateral paraffinic chains are broken, along with
13.5 the cycloparaffinic rings attached to the aromatic ring. In these
13.0 HCs, monoaromatics are dealkylated, and the monoaromatic
12.5 ring with minor lateral groups is sent to the naphtha fraction,
H2 content, %

12.0 providing a good octane rating. FIG. 3 shows the correlation be-
11.5 tween the H2 content and aromatic concentration of the FCC
11.0 feeds, represented by Eq. 4, with a correlation coefficient of
10.5 0.950 and standard error of 2.88:
9.5 Aromatic content, % = –95.1947 + 33.86928 ×
9.0 (H2 ) – 1.82886 × (H2 )2 (4)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
To validate the calculations of saturate and aromatic con-
FIG. 1. Feed classification. tent, several feeds were analyzed by MS. This analytical tech-
nique shows the full distribution of the HCs in the crude oil
90 65
75 55
70 50
65 45
Saturates, %

Aromatics, %

60 40
55 35
50 30
35 20
30 15
25 10
9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5
H2 content, % H2 content, %

FIG. 2. Saturate content. FIG. 3. Aromatic content.

42 FEBRUARY 2015 |
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fractions. TABLE 1 summarizes the comparative distribution of rate concentration decreases. This HC distribution explains the
the HCs in HCK residue and vacuum coker GO. In addition, it behavior of the two feeds when sent to the FCC riser. The HCK
lists certain properties, such as H2 content, °API and S content. residue increases gasoline and LPG yield, and it cools the regen-
When H2 is added, the saturate content of the HCK residue erator, as Δ coke make is low. Conversely, due to its high diaro-
is quite high, while the aromatic content is low. The coker GO matic content, the coker GOs increase light cycle oil (LCO)
is quite the contrary; the aromatic content increases, and satu- yield, while triaromatics and tetraaromatics are bottom (slurry)
and coke precursors. In addition, the high level of S-containing
compounds in coker GO explains its high S content.
TABLE 1. HC distribution by MS
Analysis by MS was used to corroborate and validate the
HCK residue CC-VGO equations developed to calculate the saturate and aromatic
Hydrogen content, % 14.04 11.66 content of the feeds. TABLE 2 compares the total aromatic and
API gravity, °API 32.67 15.51
saturate contents reported by MS and those calculated using
the correlations presented (Eqs. 3 and 4). These results sup-
S content, % 0.02 3.55
ported the correlations developed and are chemically valid.
Paraffins (CnH2n+2) 30.63 2.03 Although the techniques used are completely different, the val-
Monocycloparaffins (CnH2n) 32.57 12.00 ues obtained were very similar to those reported by MS.
Dicycloparaffins (CnH2n–2) 14.53 10.83
Estimating potential yields of FCC feeds. The main pur-
Tricycloparaffins (CnH2n–4) 6.43 7.47
pose of this article is to predict the potential yields of FCC
Tetracycloparaffins (CnH2n–6) 0.33 3.70 feeds and to identify the determinant variables for this behav-
Total saturates, % 84.50 36.03 ior. To do so, all feeds were processed through the ACE unit
under standard conditions.
Gasoline yields and the conversion obtained for each feed at
Alkylbenzenes (CnH2n–6) 4.53 5.73
the three severities, i.e., the three C/O ratios, were linearized and
Benzocycloparaffins (CnH2n–8) 2.70 5.17 used to graph gasoline selectivity (gasoline yield/conversion) as
Benzodicycloparaffins (CnH2n–10) 0.60 4.97 a function of kinetic conversion (C/100-C), where C is the con-
Total monoaromatics 7.83 15.87
version obtained in the ACE unit (FIG. 4). Once the equation,
intercept and slope were obtained, the maximum conversion was
Naphthalenes (CnH2n–12) 0.47 3.33
calculated, where the maximum gasoline yield is obtained. FIG. 5
Other diaromatics CnH2n–14 1.80 15.33 illustrates these calculations, which show the experimental val-
Total diaromatics 2.27 18.67 ues obtained in the ACE unit with two catalysts and the theoretic
Total triaromatics 4.77 17.83
values calculated based on the straight-line equation (FIG. 4).
In addition, it shows the maximum gasoline yield and con-
Total tetraaromatics 0.20 2.60 version value at that point. This value is known as the feed
Total aromatics, % 15.07 54.97 crackability factor (CF). Once the maximum conversion CF
Thiophenes (CnH2n–4 )S, benzothiophenes 0.00 0.53 is obtained for each feed, this value can be used to calculate
(CnH2n–8)S, dibenzothiophenes (CnH2n–16)S
0.47 5.43
other yields of FCC products at that point of maximum gaso-
Total sulfured aromatics, % line yield, i.e., to calculate the yields for dry gas, C3, C3=, C4 ,
0.00 3.10 C4=, total LPG, gasoline, LCO, slurry and coke. Gasoline is de-
0.47 9.07 fined by the cut C5–221°C (430°F), LCO was defined by the
cut 221°C–371°C (430°F–700°F), and slurry or bottoms were
TABLE 2. HC distribution by MS and calculated
defined by the cut 371°C+ (700°F+). In addition, other prop-

MS Calculated correlation 0.78

Feed Saturates Aromatics Saturates Aromatics 0.77

1 46.00 49.83 46.86 47.88
2 53.47 43.10 57.30 37.38
Gasoline selectivity

3 47.90 42.83 47.50 47.22 0.75

4 54.73 41.90 57.11 37.56
5 66.17 32.73 66.63 28.73
GS = -0.0414Xc + 0.8408
6 53.00 39.93 52.44 42.20 R2 = 0.9979
7 58.80 40.33 62.66 32.31
8 84.50 15.07 77.55 19.81
9 41.17 50.97 45.01 49.76 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25
Kinetic conversion
10 64.47 28.27 64.90 30.26
11 50.97 43.60 52.73 41.91 FIG. 4. Gasoline selectivity vs. kinetic conversion.

44 FEBRUARY 2015 |

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Clean Fuels

erties such as FCC naphtha octane (RON and MON) were FIG. 7 shows that the CF can also be calculated directly based
calculated at that point and the Δ coke. In the latter cases, the on the H2 content of the feed using Eq. 6. FIGS. 6 and 7 lead to
equation for linearization is based on kinetic conversion. the conclusion that the vast majority of the feeds used in the FC-
To calculate these yields, each of the FCC products has to CUs have a maximum conversion exceeding 70%, where lower
be linearized, for which the ratios listed in TABLE 3 were used. In values are related to coker GOs and heavy cycle oils (HCOs).
this table, the value of C is the conversion at maximum gasoline 2
CF = 85.87257/(1 + 399.7161x e–0.6393 × H ) (6)
yield. Only the results obtained from the product yields of each
of the feeds with Catalyst 2 are listed here. The product yields
of Catalyst 1 has higher zeolite content, i.e., greater activity, and Calculating maximum gasoline yield. The potential maxi-
the selectivity are different. mum yield of gasoline is defined as the yield at the maximum
conversion point, which is guided by the chemical composi-
Calculating the maximum conversion–CF. To predict the tion of the feed and the distribution of the HC families present.
CF of the feed, all the physical and chemical properties of the It is important for the refiner to know this value when optimiz-
feeds were used. The maximum conversion was defined by the ing the unit to obtain this potential yield. The mechanical and
multivariable model of Eq. 5 and FIG. 6: operating conditions, as well as the catalyst type, are important
variables. To predict the maximum potential gasoline yield, the
CF = 450.7 – 1.296 × API + 1.53901 × H2 – 0.562 × (5) main physical and chemical properties of the feeds were used.
CI – 224.28 × Ref. Ind. + 10.51 × N
FIG. 8 shows a very good correlation, based on Eq. 7:
where Ref. Ind. is the refractive index and N is the feed’s total
Maximum gasoline = 89.6285 + 0.3403 × Aromatics + (7)
nitrogen. The correlation coefficient is 0.938 with a standard
0.7511 × CF – 0.3476 × CI-61.2848 × Ref. Ind.
deviation of 1.55.
It is interesting to see how the refractive index, which is a As illustrated by Eq. 7 and in addition to the properties ex-
simple property that is easy to measure in refinery laborato- plained in Eq. 5, the multivariable model included aromatic
ries, becomes an important property in predicting the CF of content and CF. The model shows a correlation coefficient of
FCC feeds. The refractive index is a property that responds to 0.962 and a standard deviation of 1.3. Similar to the maximum
the type of HCs in the feeds. If this property is increased, satu- conversion case, the maximum gasoline yield can be predicted
rate content decreases and aromatics begin to increase, so the directly based on H2, saturate content and CI. Since it is con-
crackability of the feed decreases. sidered to be applied the most in refineries and to simplify the
calculation, the equation is included to calculate maximum
TABLE 3. Ratios to linearize yields gasoline yield based on the CI (FIG. 9 and Eq. 8):
Ratios X Y 90
Dry gas (DG) C/(100-C) DG yield 85
Observed maximum conversion, wt%

C3 C/(100-C) Yield C3 80
C3= C/(100-C) Yield C3= 75
C4= C/(100-C) Yield C4= 70

LPG C/(100-C) LPG yield 65

Gasoline C/(100-C) % Gasoline/C 60

Coke C/(100-C) Coke yield
LCO C % ALC/(100-C) 50 55 60 6.5 70 7.5 80 85 90
Predicted maximum conversion, wt%
Slurry 1-C/100 Slurry yield
FIG. 6. Maximum conversion.
54 Maximum gasoline yield
52 85
Catalyst 1
50 Catalyst 2 80
48 75
Maximum conversion, wt%
Gasoline yield, %

46 70
44 Experimental values
40 Maximum conversion
“Concept of crackability” 55
36 Curve calculated 50
34 45
40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5
Conversion, wt% H2 content, %

FIG. 5. Gasoline yield. FIG. 7. Calculation of maximum conversion.

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Maximum gasoline, % = 46.457 + 0.6382 × CI-0.011 × CI 2 (8) The correlation coefficient for C4 olefin yield was 0.925
with a standard deviation of 0.26, while, for iC4 (isobutane),
In this case, the correlation coefficient is 0.959 and standard the coefficient was 0.934 with a standard deviation of 0.20.
deviation is 1.88. According to these results, most FCC feeds Calculation of LCO yield. LCO is another important FCC
have a CI between 35 and 60 for a maximum gasoline yield that product, as diesel consumption is increasing globally. In some
can range from 45% to 56%, where the higher values are for FCC units, LCO is one of the main products because it allows
highly paraffinic, hydrotreated GOs and HCK residues. the adding of this stream to hydrotreated diesel streams, thus
increasing volume for the refinery. Eq. 12 and FIG. 10 show the
Calculating yields of other products. Several equations results when calculating LCO yield:
were developed by the multivariable model for the different LCO yield, % = 114.604 + 0.314 × API-0.618 × CF + (12)
FCC products based on the main feed properties: 0.182 × CI-42.695 × Ref. Ind. + 6.023 × N
Calculation of LPG yield. In many countries, LPG (C3 ,
C3=, total C4 and C4=) is a very important product, particularly The correlation coefficient obtained was 0.962, with a stan-
in refineries where there are alkylation and polymerization dard deviation of 0.88. The data in FIG. 10 led to the conclusion
units for high-octane gasoline production. Knowing the im- that, for most FCC feeds, LCO yield ranges from 15% to 27%.
pact of the feed on the yield of this product is important when The highest values in FIG. 10 belong to HCO and heavy coker
adjusting operating conditions for the best economic value and GOs. These results confirm the advantage of recycling HCO to
where using ZSM-5-based olefin additives is a variable to in- the riser when optimizing LCO production.
crease production. Eq. 9 defines the calculation of LPG yield The lowest values are from HCK residues, where, despite
at the maximum gasoline conversion point. Beyond this point the low LCO precursor content, identified as all diaromatic
(overcracking), LPG yield is increased by second-order reac- HCs and sulfured aromatics (< 3%, see TABLE 1), LCO yield
tions, and gasoline is reduced. The correlation coefficient was is relatively high. This suggests that LCO in the hydrotreated
0.91 and standard deviation was 0.64. feeds is produced by dehydrogenation of cycloparaffinic rings
and structures as a result of hydrotreating, which had already
LPG yield, % = –54.456 + 0.838 × API + 0.099 × been found in previous studies.9, 10
Aromatics + 0.311 × CF + 0.317 × CI + 7.190 × (9) Calculating bottoms yield. As mentioned earlier, for the
N + 0.455 × S + 0.1765 × Saturates purposes of this study, bottoms are the HC fractions with boil-
ing points above 371°C (700°F). This fraction includes HCO
Where S is the sulfur content of the feed. According to the and slurry. The results presented in this article are those ob-
results obtained with the ACE unit and the evaluation con-
ditions of the different feeds, LPG yield ranged from 11% to 60
23%, where the highest values belonged to more paraffinic 55
GOs, hydrotreated feeds and HCK residues. In Eqs. 10 and 11, 50
Maximum gasoline, wt%

correlations were developed for each of the products that make

up the LPG and include C4 olefins and iC4 only, because they 45
are important for alkylation units: 40
C4= yield = –26.778 + 0.175 × API + 0.0401 × 30
Aromatics + 0.073 × CR + 12.255 × Ref. Ind + (10)
6.770 × N Basic + 0.343 × S + 0.0591 × Saturates
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
iC4 yield = 14.044 + 0.317 × API + 0.095 × CF + (11) Correlation index
0.453 × H2 + 0.170 × CI – 24.943 × Ref. Ind
FIG. 9. Calculating maximum gasoline yield.

Observed maximum conversion, wt%

51 36
Observed LCO yield, wt%

41 27
21 12
21 31 41 51 61 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42
Predicted maximum conversion, wt% Predicted LCO yield, wt%

FIG. 8. Maximum gasoline. FIG. 10. LCO yield calculation.

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tained with Catalyst 2, as shown in FIG. 5; the technology in- • Contaminant coke is produced by metals (Ni and V)
creases bottoms conversion, mainly focused on the LCO. • Circulation coke is the coke absorbed by the catalyst
pores and is not stripped
Bottoms yield, %: = 44.647 – 0.662 × API-0.20 ×
(13) • Coke additive of the feed is the heavy fraction of the
Aromatics – 0.466 × CF + 1.541 × H2 – 9.162 ×
feed that is not vaporized on contact with the hot
N Basic – 0.405 × S
catalyst from the regenerator.
Eq. 13 had a correlation coefficient of 0.924 and a standard As mentioned earlier, two metal-free catalysts that were de-
deviation of 0.72. From the results, the bottoms yield in the activated in the CPS unit were used, so contaminant coke has
ACE unit for the vast majority of the feeds and a catalyst with not been taken into consideration. Furthermore, the desorption
an active and selective matrix technology ranging from 3% process in the ACE unit is very efficient, as it is carried out for
to 8%, where the lowest values belong to paraffinic feeds and at least 7 minutes. With these two explanations, it can be con-
HCK residues: cluded that the Δ coke under evaluation is the catalytic coke.
The coke additive of the feed, which is directly related to the
Dry gas yield, % = –1.445 + 0.044 × CI + 2.716 × CC content, as demonstrated in Eq. 16, which resulted in a cor-
N Basic + 0.038 × CRR + 0.062 × S + 0.020 (14) relation coefficient of 0.956 and a standard deviation of 0.04.
× Saturates FIG. 11 shows that the coke (catalytic and feed) transported by
Coke yield, % = –181.786 + 0.384 × API + 0.106 × the catalyst to the regenerator at the operating conditions of this
(15) study range for most feeds between 0.2% and 0.7%. Values above
CI + 113.35 × Ref. Ind. + 0.518 × CRR
0.8 are blends of feeds with residual components that have high
In Eqs. 14 and 15, CRR is the Conradson carbon residue, %. CC contents and feeds such as HCO and coker GOs with high
The correlation coefficient to calculate dry gas was 0.914 with coke precursor aromatic contents (triaromatics and heavier).
a standard deviation of 0.13, while, for coke, the correlation co-
Δ coke, % = –26.77 + 0.0294 × CRR + 0.037 × API + (16)
efficient was 0.939 with a standard deviation of 0.48.
0.0664 × H2 + 16.821 × Ref. Ind. + 0.446 × N
Calculating Δ coke. Delta coke is perhaps one of the most im- According to the equations to calculate the heat balance in
portant variables in the FCC process, because it governs the heat the reactor and regenerator, neither the catalyst nor the feed
balance. Δ coke is defined as the quantity of carbon that is burned have an impact on coke yield, expressed as %FF at constant
in the regenerator. This value includes several coke types: operating conditions. Both catalyst and feed have an impact
• Catalytic coke is produced in the active sites of the on Δ coke, because the difference between regenerator and
matrix and the zeolite reactor temperature is governed by Δ coke.11
For a given reaction temperature, higher Δ coke corre-
sponds to higher regenerator temperature. Therefore, the
1.0 catalyst circulation will be reduced, and the conversion will
0.9 decrease. This is why Δ coke is so important in characterizing
Observed ∆ coke, wt%

0.8 coke selectivity of the catalyst.

0.7 FIG. 12 illustrates the concept of coke selectivity between
0.6 the two catalysts used, expressed by the calculation of Δ coke.
As mentioned earlier, all feeds were evaluated in the ACE unit
0.3 with two different metal-free catalysts. Catalyst 1, following
0.2 deactivation, has a zeolite/matrix ratio of 3.9, while, in Cata-
0.1 lyst 2, it is 1.1. These differences are due to the fact that the
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Predicted ∆ coke, wt% two catalysts were designed for different purposes. Catalyst 2
is for high conversion of bottoms to LCO with good coke and
FIG. 11. Δ coke calculation. gas selectivity.
Although the matrix content between the two catalysts is
1.20 very different, the Δ coke difference is small. However, it is
clear that Catalyst 1 has a better coke selectivity factor that can
1.00 range between 5% and 10% less. This difference will translate
y = 0.9793x – 0.0649 into a better heat balance in the unit, i.e., lower reaction tem-
R2 = 0.9419
∆ Coke catalyst 1

perature and higher circulation. Therefore, Catalyst 1 is better

0.60 for operations that require improved flexibility in regenerator
temperatures, to process large volumes of heavy feed. This
0.40 shows that the evaluation and selection of the catalyst for an
0.20 FCCU is a very important process because it can lead to major
economic benefits.
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20
∆ Coke catalyst 2 Calculation of octane RON in naphtha. Octane RON is
perhaps the main property to identify FCC naphtha quality.
FIG. 12. Coke selectivity between catalysts.
Naphtha RON depends on catalyst properties (zeolite type),
48 FEBRUARY 2015 |
Clean Fuels

the presence of additives (ZSM-5), operating conditions (re- larly when there are not enough domestic FCC feed compo-
action temperature) and feed type. nents available.
TABLE 4 provides an exercise carried out for an FCCU. All the
Octane RON = 177.864 – 0.192 × CRR – 0.234 × properties reported in the table are calculated using the basic
API + 0.0328 × Aromatics – 54.942 × Ref. Ind. + (17) properties measured in the laboratory. It also provides a compar-
7.90 × N Basic + 0.229 × S ison of the properties calculated for the VGO-Ref. and the three
Eq. 17 shows that naphtha RON is directly related to aromat- bids submitted by the vendors of these products. The VGO-Ref.
ic content. If the aromatic content of the feed is increased, then represent typical properties calculated for the feed that is nor-
gasoline yield decreases. However, the octane RON increases mally processed in the unit. This is very useful additional infor-
due to the presence of monoaromatic HCs that, upon breaking mation for refinery management to make better decisions.
the lateral chains caused by cracking reactions, become part of According to this information, the best bid that will provide
the FCC naphtha range. The correlation coefficient of Eq. 17 the best economic value (more LPG + gasoline) for the unit is
was 0.904 with a standard deviation of 0.30. The method for Bid 2. Bid 2 is very similar to the unit’s typical feed, while Bid
the octane RON (machine) has 0.2-octane repeatability. For 1 is a more aromatic feed with a significant decline in valuable
the purpose of this study, the octane RON of the gasoline frac- products. In addition, since Bid 1 is more aromatic, the metal
tion of syncrude from the ACE unit reactor was measured by and S content are higher than the reference—for instance, the
gas chromatography and calculated using proprietary software.b VGO-Ref. has 0.8 ppm of Ni + V, while Bid 1 has 2.1 ppm of Ni
According to the results, the octane RON of most of the feeds + V. The S of the unit’s typical feed is 1.2% and that of Bid 2 is
studied ranged from 89 to 93.5 octane numbers. 2.3%, which means the S content of the FCC naphtha would be
higher, as well as the addition of fresh catalyst.
Commercial plant application. Some presented examples Bid 1 is probably less expensive than feeds 2 and 3. How-
illustrate the applications to the real world and how this knowl- ever, calculating the loss in valuable products and the increase
edge can benefit the FCCU operator. in naphtha S and fresh catalyst additions will negatively impact
Procurement of GO. One of the applications of calculat- the profitability of the FCCU. Remember: This is the theoretic
ing the chemical properties of the feed and knowing potential yield potential of the feeds, where the deltas presented among
yield is in the procurement of GOs or combined feeds for FC- the different products may be higher in the commercial units
CUs. It is a very common practice in many countries, particu- due to the operating conditions and mechanical limitations.

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TABLE 4. Properties calculated for GO bids

new feed components, such as coker GOs, atmospheric resi-
due, HCK residue, hydrotreated feeds, and more—or changes
Calculated properties VGO-Ref. Bid 1 Bid 2 Bid 3 in component ratios of different streams, such as an increase in
Specific gravity 0.9125 0.9279 0.9042 0.9176 the residue or heavy fraction stream in the combined feed, on
MeABP, °F 776 831 752.2 834 FCCU operations. The information provided is useful for the
FCCU engineers to make their calculations and predictions
MeABP, °C 413 444 400 446
and to review the operating conditions to get the most from
Correlation index 46.3 50.6 43.8 45.6 the potential volume in the FCC feeds.
H2 content, mole% 12.8 12.5 12.9 12.8
Saturate content, mole% 52.8 49 55.3 53.5 Conclusions. The behavior of feeds and the components
thereof in FCCUs is governed by chemical composition, type
Aromatic content, mole% 41.8 45.4 39.4 41.1
and distribution of HC families. The H2 content of FCC feeds
Diaromatic content, mole% 13 15.6 11.6 12.6 is an important property to define and study. The most im-
Refractive index 1.5086 1.5153 1.5082 1.5101 portant properties to characterize an FCC feed are: density at
Maximum conversion, mole% 75.8 74 76.4 76 15°C, distillation (D-1160, SimDis), refractive index, N and S
content and CRR.
Gasoline yield (max. conv.), mole% 51.9 50.5 52.3 52
The CF factor (conversion at the maximum gasoline con-
LPG yield (max. conv.), mole% 18.7 17.7 18.9 18.8 version point) is an important property in defining FCC feed
Gasoline + LPG, mole% 70.6 68.2 71.3 70.8 quality. Δ coke is an important property to define feed impact
LCO yield (max. conv.), mole% 19.6 20.5 19.1 19.5
on heat balance and catalyst coke selectivity. The knowledge
developed in this study can be used and applied to make better
CF 73.5 69.5 75.5 74.1
decisions and optimize the FCCU.
76.0 NOTES
52.5 a
GRACE selected more than 100 types of FCC feeds from all over the world with
76.0 Maximum gasoline yields different compositions.
Objective 51.5
Maximum conversion, wt%

76.0 Grace software.
Gasoline, wt%


Gasoline unit yields 49.5 1
Kayser, J. C., US Patent 6 069 012, Versatile fluidized bed reactor, assigned to
76.0 48.5 Kayser Technology, 2000.
Maximum calculated 2
76.0 conversion Wallenstein, D., R. H. Harding, J. R. D. Nee and L. T. Boock, “Recent advances
Max. conversion 47.5 in the deactivation of FCC catalysts by cyclic propylene steaming (CPS) in the
76.0 Gasoline converson max. presence and absence of contaminant metals,” Applied Catalysis, Vol. 204, 2000,
Naphtha 46.5
76.0 45.5 pp. 89–106.
Orlicki, D. S., U. Navarro, M. Ni and L. Langan, “Application of H-NMR for FCC
FIG. 13. Theoretic yields vs. actual yields for commercial unit. Feed Characterization,” IAPG Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, 2009.
Orlicki, D. S., U. Navarro, M. Ni and L. Langan, “Application of H-NMR for Fluid
Catalytic Cracking Feed Characterization,” Chap. 12, Advances in Fluid Catalytic
Cracking, Testing, Characterization and Environmental Regulations, M. L. Occelli,
Theoretic potential yield and yield obtained. FIG. 13 Ed., CRC Press, 2010.
provides an example where the unit’s gasoline yields are com- Petroleum Refining, Institute Français du Pétrole, Tome 1, Crude Oil, Petroleum
Products and Process Flowsheets, J.-P. Wauquier, ed., Editions Technip 1995.
pared with the theoretic yields calculated at the maximum 6
Speight, J. G., “The chemistry and technology of petroleum,” Chemical Industries,
conversion point. Vol. 3, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1980.
Data in FIG. 13 show that the plant’s gasoline yield decreases 7
Magee, J. S., and M. M. Mitchell, “Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Science and
from an average value of 50% to 47.5% at the end of the period. Technology,” Studies in surface science and catalysis, Vol. 76, Chapter 12, 1993.
Navarro, U., documento crudos, “Química del Petróleo y de los procesos de
There are many factors that can have an impact here, such as Refinación,” Ecopetrol-Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, 2005.
feed quality, operating conditions (reaction temperature, cata- 9
Fischer, I. P., and U. Navarro, “FCC Feed Characterization for two FCC´s units
lyst circulation, C/O ratio, atomization of the feed, addition of of the Barrancabermeja refinery (Colombia), Petro Canada project April 1989,”
fresh catalyst, and ECAT activity and mechanical issues. The 10
Navarro, U. and C. Vargas, “Impacto del hidrotratamiento de cargas a FCC:
maximum conversion calculated from the feed properties also Evaluación en la unidad MAT y por espectrometría de masas,” Actas del IV sim-
decreases, which explains the decline in the unit’s gasoline yield. posio Colombiano de Catálisis, Bucaramanga, 1996.
Although the calculated maximum gasoline yield potential and Petroleum Refining, Institute Français du Pétrole, Tome 3, Conversion Processes,
P. Leprince Ed., Editions Technip 2001.
unit gasoline yield both decrease, there is a delta of around 2%
between calculated and achieved yields that could be poten- URIEL NAVARRO, PhD chemist, is a technical manager at Grace in Latin
tially exploited by adjusting operating conditions. Using this ex- America. He has more than 30 years of experience in the petroleum industry in
ample for an FCCU of 50 Mbpd, recovering 1% based on feed research and refinery technical service.
quality means an increase in gasoline production by 500 bpd, MICHELLE NI, PhD, is a Sr. R&D chemist at Grace in Columbia, Maryland. She
i.e., 15 Mbbl/month, which is a significant economic benefit for has more than 10 years of experience in chemical characterizations focused on
the refinery and an improvement in its refining margin. spectroscopy and chromatography in specialty chemicals and material sciences.
There are many other cases where the knowledge provided
DARIUSZ ORLICKI, PhD, is a principal engineer at Grace in Columbia,
in this article can be applied to commercial units. For instance, Maryland. He has expertise in FCC catalyst evaluation and catalyst feed
this methodology could help in understanding the effects of interactions. Dr. Orlicki has authored over 40 scientific papers and presentations.

52 FEBRUARY 2015 |

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