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Farewell Speech for College Students

To all the students of this institute – who are going to depart us and entering a new
phase of life – we bid farewell to them. We are saddened at saying farewell to you
– for you spend some remarkable years of your life here – got adopted to this
environment – made new friends – met new teachers – collected several memories
– experienced different happenings.

At the same time, we are happy at saying you farewell because it is marking a new
beginning in your life – a step into your career – a phase of life which would polish
your skills – take you to higher destinations – bring stability to your life. Every
college farewell is – therefore – a happy and sad occasion.

We – your juniors – these teachers – your instructors – this institute – your cradle
of learning – will always remember you in good words. Let us confer recognition
and appreciation upon you all. We would be more pleased if you keep on
struggling for your dreams.

Surely success comes to those who struggles for it. We are sure that someday you
will come back to this institute and proudly tell it about the hardships of your
struggle and the joy of your success. Our teachers have invested high hopes in you
for your career development. We expect you to never forget them – for they made
you what you are. You are the products of their teaching career – of their efforts –
their dedication – their passion – and their sincerity to the spirit of their profession.

Dear fellow students, who are still in their college life, the life of these departing
fellows is a lamp of guidance for you. They have spent time here and used their
potential in studies. It is for this reason that today we are grieved and joyous for
them at the same time.

We have a lot of good things to say to them. Our teachers are fluttering with proud
on seeing them completing a phase of their educational life. Their names and
achievements are parallel to our institute. This is all because they have greatly
contributed to the place where they came just like you to learn.
Let me conclude this with a message of hope, consistency and success. I – on the
behalf of this institute and its faculty members – ask God to be with you in your
struggle and bring you closer to your goals. May your thirst for learning never be

We wish you all the best!

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