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Hail The Peanut!

An Idiot’s Guide to Earth2

I shall grant yé sacred Wisdom.

Wisdom 1: Just because it has a referral Code doesn’t mean it’s a SCAM!
Wisdom 2: ID2SLPR83R is my referral Code.
Are You Ready Kids?

Bleep Bop:
You hate this earth, don’t you? 👀 You probably don’t. Nonetheless, Earth2 has excited you, it’s a magical concept isn’t
it, well, great, what is it then? I quote, “Earth 2 is the beginning of our world's future virtual existence and today you
have a chance to own part of this incredible future”. And what does that mean, it’s too fictional for your liking. Well, it
means YOU’RE TOO MUCH OF A BOOMER TO UNDERSTAND. Haha just messing with ya, earth2 is a virtual reality
world in creation where people from various countries can get involved, engage, game, invest, build, create, maybe
more like Minecraft but in VR and with better graphics and probably one giant earthly server where everyone can be
everyone probably without NPC spamming us with coded consciousness Ha!

On Your Marx!
You’ve probably watched Ready Player One, The Matrix, Sword Art Online, and other shows about the exaggerated
failed market of Virtual Reality Ha! Well, they all show that whole paradigm of community in a virtual world, are you
interested in that, what’s driving you to feel excited about this? For me, it’s Starting ANEW, within a diverse contextual
orb of creativity and fun. Imagine, you’ll be able to build any structure, you’ll be able to live within that world, do what
you are meaning to do, chase goals, blah blah blah, but the fact of the matter is that you’re there, you’re in a different
new world defined by nothing but you and those who share the given interest.
Enough With Logistics and Stuff, Marvel at the MEME! 👼🙌


Back To School:
You’ve been seeing a lot of terrain, maps and the other confusing terminology about whatever is going on, on that
Earth2 platform. Well, I shall quote; Phase 1 “involves the ability to claim, buy, trade, bid, analyze and trade prices and
more”. Basically this is the Cities Skylines stage of the phases, you need land to build and you need finances to purchase
that land. But this time no fake monopoly money or some coins on an app… Isn’t this the risk you need to boost your
heart rate 👀👀. Haha just Bustin yo chops mate. Well, just treat this first stage like you’re accumulating a
playground or battleground for your future endeavors. What do those who didn’t purchase do? Well, they will rent or
purchase from other players, probably paying some insane over-exaggerated price, Capitalism right Ha!

Issa Scam! 😏ReadBait

Hooman You’s A Scam!

What is a Scam? What is Love? What is Life? What is what? Well first thing first Rest in Peace uncle Phil😂. Couldn’t
resist, is this a scam though, to answer that we go down the rabbit hole.

Mr. Wobot Activate!

Stalking Time!

So, who’s this? Does he exist or he’s some

computer-generated face? Before I dive
into the manure of things. The fact that
they use a PayPal payment system shows
enough proof of their legitimacy. But let’s
pretend you took the other pill and chose
to ignore.

Firstly, Shane is not that active on LinkedIn,

ouuuuh spooky, pssh none of you usually
are. Secondly LinkedIn shows that he’s a
Chief Executive Officer of Earth2 since
November 2020, meaning Earth2 was
unearthed this year ha-ha, see what I did
there… Nonetheless Shane is very private,
most Silicon Valley tech heads aren’t really
into using Social media, he has an
Instagram account I think 📸.

Now let us focus on the main man himself, Mr. Dillon SEO, the
co-founder of Oculus VR which was then purchased by
Facebook, what other form of proof do you need from that.
His LinkedIn account clearly shows that he’s an advisor for the
Earth2 company, and yup, anything else needed for this
section to be more obvious than it is?

Another thing, check his LinkedIn, most of the connections on

his LinkedIn are from Earth2, as in like staff members.

👇Find Attached More unnecessary proof for your insecure


It is clearly to see that Dillon Seo has Earth2 showing that he is a Business Advisor… So yep, pray
maybe you’ll get more clarity.

You need a ventilator… Breathe!

Space to Breathe! 😤

Last but Not List.

Lands to Purchase…

Now USE MY Referral Code: ID2SLPR83R
Code: ID2SLPR83R

I’m not going to beg you as if I’m asking you to

subscribe… pssh

“I have realized that the past and future are real

illusions, that they exist in the present, which is
what there is and all there is.”

~Alan Watts~


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