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- Camping
Prashant Bhattarai PUR074BCE054

Roshan Dahal PUR074BCE062

Sanjog Nepal PUR074BCE070
Shreeya Shrestha PUR074BCE078
Sundar Poudel PUR074BCE086
Umang Ayer PUR074BCE094

SUBMITTED TO:Department of Civil Engineering

Date of submission: 2076/10/29

This survey report “A Report on Survey Camp 2076” is based on our knowledge
and experience gained from the ten days field work conducted by the Survey
Instruction Committee, Purwanchal Campus, Dharan from 16th to 25thMangsir
2076 for the partial fulfillment of requirement for the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil
Engineering as per the syllabus of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University
in third year first part and includes all the work done during that period.
This surveying camp has made us able to have great opportunity to consolidate
and review the practical and theoretical knowledge on surveying which we gained
in second year. This survey camp has helped us to be in team co-ordination in
working field.
We have been able to achieve the true objectives of survey and upgrade the
knowledge as handling of the instrument, working procedure, problem solving and
field booking precisely. This survey camp gave us the practical knowledge of
overcoming the technical difficulties and developing a skill in tackling it. It
encouraged us to cope with the team members, as the surveying involved all the
members equally during the field procedures, calculations and plotting and report
In conclusion, those 10 days were very much fruitful days and we are sure that
these learning and experiences gained during the camp period as a real field
engineer will helps us for shaping our future career as Civil Engineer.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards the Department of Civil
Engineering, Purwanchal Campus, T.U., for initiating and facilitating the survey
camp under Survey Instruction Committee, to enhance our knowledge of
surveying and its application.
We would like to express our heartily thanks to our campus chief Er. Om Prakash
Dhakal and Head of Civil Engineering Er. Yuman Shakya, for their valuable
suggestion and managing Survey Camp and allowing us to involve in the Camp.
We would like to express our heartily thanks to our lecturer and co-ordinator of
Survey Instruction Committee Er. Raju Ghimire, for taking us to the camp,
assisting, suggesting, motivating and supervising.
We would also like to thanks all member of Survey Instruction Committee, Er.
Tula Ram Bhandari, Er. Tarakant Chaudhary, Er. Raju Ghimire, Er. Hari Kumar
Dev, and lab asst. Mohan & Prakash sir, for their instruction, suggestion and
support during the camp.
We are grateful to Dharan Sub-metro municipality for arranging and maintaining
comfortable environment for Survey Camp.
We are also grateful to all our classmate for their supports, help, suggestions and
critics. We are thankful to all those who are directly or indirectly involved in
helping us.
We do realize that this work can have some weakness and limitation. We would
be heartily and immensely grateful if the individual concerned would provide any
warm and constructive suggestions for the further improvement of our work.

Survey Camp 2076, Group F


Objectives of Survey Camp………………...................................................................................................

Project Area………………………………....................................................................................................

Location and accessibility…………………..................................................................................................

Topography and Geology…………………...................................................................................................

1. Topographic al Survey……………………................................................................................................

1.1 Objectives……………………………................................................................................................. ….

1.2 Brief Description of the area…………............................................................................................... ….

1.3 Norms(Technical specifications)…….......................................................................................................

1.4 Equipments…………………………….............................................................................................. …..

1.5 Methodology........................................................................................................................................ ……

2. Bridge Site Survey...................................................................................................................................... …

2.1 Objectives.....................................................................................................................................................

2.2 Brief description of the area.............................................................................................................. ……

2.3 Hydrology,geology of the soil............................................................................................................ …….

2.4 Norms(Technical specifications)....................................................................................................... …….

2.5 Equipments ........................................................................................................................................ …….

2.6 Methodology....................................................................................................................................... …….

3. Road Alignment.......................................................................................................................................... …..

3.1 Brief description of the project area .................................................................................................

3.2 Hydrology and Geology.....................................................................................................................

3.3 Soil........................................................................................................................................................

3.4 Norms(Technical specifications)........................................................................................................

3.5 Equipments..........................................................................................................................................

3.6 Methodology.................................................................................................................................

4.Concluding Remarks...............................................................................................................


Surveying is an art and science of determining the relative position of point on above or beneath the surface of the earth
by means of angular and linear measurements. It is the most important subject matter before and during all engineering works
like civil engineering works such as designing and construction of highways, water supply systems, irrigation projects,
buildings etc.
The main objectives of surveying courses allocated for civil engineering students is to promote them the basic
knowledge of different surveying techniques relevant to civil engineering works in their professional practice. The completion
of all surveying courses including 10 days survey camp work organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, “Survey
InstructionCommittee” of IOE, Eastern Region Campus will give better enhancement to students to use all surveying
technique covered in lecture classes.
The B.E. third year students of 2076 batch of 48 students were on involved in 10 days survey camp during 16 rdMangsir
to 25thMangsir, 2076 at Saptarangi Park, Dharan and Sardu
Khola and it’s nearby. The survey camp is the part of course of third-year civil engineering study.
This is a detail report of the works, which were performed by Group F , having six members, during the camp period. It
briefly explains the working procedures and technique used by this group during that camp period. In addition, it also contain
observations, calculations, methods of adjustment of error, main problem faced during work and their solution, results of all
calculations and their assessments with some comments is presented in a concise form.


The main objectives of the survey camp are as follows:
• To familiar with the surveying problems that are arise during the field works.
• To familiar with the parts of the instruments, their functions and handling the surveying instruments for its use in
• To familiar with the spirit and importance of teamwork, as surveying is not a single person work.
• To complete the given project in scheduled time and thus knows the value of time.
• To collect required data in the field in systematic ways.
• To compute and manipulate the observed data in the required accuracy and present it in diagrammatic and tabular form
in order to understand by other engineers and related personnel easily.
• To tackle the mistake and incomplete data from the field while in office work.
• To know the complete method of report preparation.
Project Area:
Saptarangi Park and ANFA Ground,Dharan

Location and accessibility:

Saptarangi Park and ANFA ground is due west of Dharan city toward the way to
Chatara about 4.9 km far away from Dharan Main Bazar.Generally, it takes about 14-18 minutes to reach
Municipality:Dharan Sub-Municipality

Topography and Geology:

Nepal lies in between India (east, west, south) and China (north). Its total area is 147,181 sq. km Average Length is 885 km
(East to West) and Width is Non-uniform but the mean width of 193 km (North to South). Its population is 2,64,94,504.Dharan
is a sub-metropolitian city lies in Sunsari district of Nepal. It is situated on the foothills of the Mahabharat Range in the north
with its southern tip touching the edge of the Terai region at an altitude of 1148 ft(349m).
The scope of the camp worksmay be briefly outlined as follows:
This survey camp would have great scope in Irrigation and Highway Engineering Project. It will be useful for understanding
the land nature by observing the topographical map.

1. Topographical Survey: 6 Days
2. Bridge Survey: 2 Days
3. Roadway Alignment: 2 Days

Topographical surveying is the process of determining the positions of natural and artificial features of the locality by
means of conventional signs up on a topographical map. Topographic surveys are three-dimensional; they provide the
techniques of plane surveying and other special techniques to establish both horizontal and vertical control.
Hence, the fieldwork in a topographical surveying consists of three parts.
• To establish both horizontal and vertical control.
• To locate the contours.
• To locate the details such as rivers, streams, lakes, roads, houses, and trees etc.

1.1 Objectives:
The main Objective is to prepare the topographic map of the given area with horizontal control and vertical control
with required accuracy.

1.2 Brief description of the area:

Saptarangi Park is located due west of Dharan Bazar with longitude 26.8140 degree and latitude 87.2472 degree.

1.3 Norms (Technical specifications):

• Conduct reconnaissance survey of the given area. Form a close traverse (major and minor) around the perimeter of the
area by making traverse station. In the selection of the traverse station maintain the ratio of maximum traverse leg to
minimum traverse leg less than 2:1 for major and less than 3:1 for minor.
• Measure the traverse legs in the forward and reverse directions by means of a tape calibrated against the standard
length provided in the field, note that discrepancy between forward and backward measurements should be better than
• Measure traverse angle on two sets of reading by total station. Note that difference bet
the mean angles of two sets reading should be within the square root of no of station times least count of the
• Determine the R.L. of traverse stations by fly leveling from the given B.M. Perform twopeg test before the start of fly
leveling. Note that collimation error should be less than 1:10000. Maintain equal foresight and back sight distances to
eliminate collimation error. Take R.L. of CP is 500m. The Permissible error for fly leveling is (±25√k) mm.
• Balance the traverse. The permissible angular error for the sum of interior angles of the traverse should be less than
±√n x 20 seconds for Major Traverse and ±√n x 40 seconds for Minor Traverse (n = no of traverse station). For major
and minor traverse the relative closing error should be less than 1: 2000 and 1: 1000 respectively.
• Plot the traverse stations by coordinate method in appropriate scale, i.e.1:500 for major and minor traverses.
• Carry out the detail survey of the given area by tachometric method with reference to the major and minor traverse
stations, which have been already plotted. Use conventional symbols for plotting.

1.4 Equipments:
The equipments used in the survey during the preparation of topographic map are as follows:
1. Total Station 10. Prism Poles
2. Staffs 11. Tripod Stand
3. Ranging rods
4. Tapes
5. Leveling instruments
6. Plumb bob
7. Nails, Pegs
8. Compass
9. Marker pen

1.5 Methodology:
The methodology of surveying is based on the principle of surveying. They are as follows:
Working from whole to a part
Independent check
Consistency of work

The different methodologies were used in surveying to solve the problems arise in the field. These methodologies are as

1.5.1 Reconnaissance [Recci]

Recci means the exploration or scouting of an area. In survey, it involves walking around the survey area and roughly
planning the number of stations and the position of the traverse stations. Recce is primarily done to get an overall idea of the
site. This helps to make the necessary observations regarding the total area, type of land, topography, vegetation, climate,
geology and intervisibility conditions that help in detailed planning. The following points have to be taken into consideration
for fixing traverse stations:
• The adjacent stations should be clearly intervisible
• The whole area should include the least number of stations possible.
• The traverse station should maintain the ratio of maximum traverse leg to minimum traverse leg less than 1:2 for Major
Traverse and 1:3 for Minor Traverse.
• The steep slopes and badly broken ground should be avoided as far as possible, which may cause inaccuracy in tapping.
• The stations should provide minimum level surface required for setting up the instrument.
• The traverse line of sight should not be near the ground level to avoid the refraction.

Taking the above given points into consideration, the traverse stations were fixed. Then two way taping was done for each
traverse leg. Thus, permanent fixing of the control points completes recci.
Traversing is a type of surveying in which a number of connected survey lines form the framework. It is also a method of control
surveying. The survey consists of the measurement of
• Angles between successive lines or bearings of each line
• The length of each line
The directions and the lengths of the survey lines are measured with the help of an anglemeasuring instrument such as
theodolite and a tape. If the co-ordinates of the first station and the bearing of the first line are known, the co-ordinates of all
successive points can be computed as follows:
XB = XA + LcosӨ
YB = YA + LsinӨ
Where, L=Length of traverse leg

There are two types of traverse. They are as follows:

• Closed traverse:
If the figure formed by the lines closes at a station i.e. if they form a polygon or it starts and finishes at the points of
known co-ordinates then the traverse is called closed traverse.
• Open traverse:
If a traverse starts and finishes at points other than the starting point or point of known co-ordinates, then the traverse is
called open traverse.

(a) Closed Loop Traverse (b) Closed Traverse (c) Open Traverse
Fig: Types of Traverses
Balancing the traverse:
There are different methods of adjusting a traverse such as Bowditch’s method, Transit method, Graphical method, and Axis method.
Among them during the survey camp Bowditch’s method was used to adjust the traverse.
The basis of this method is on the assumptions that the errors in linear measurements are proportional to L and that the
errors in angular measurements are inversely proportional to L where L is the length of a line. The Bowditch’s rule is mostly
used to balance a traverse where linear and angular measurements are of equal precision. The total error in latitude and in the
departure is distributed in proportion to the lengths of the sides.

1.5.2 Major Traverse

The skeleton of lines joining those control points, which covers the whole entire area, is called Major Traverse. Work on
Major traverse must be precise. So two-set of reading should be taken for Major Traverse. For convenience, the readings are
taken by setting the total station at

000’0” for one set and 9000’00” for the second.

In WRC Survey Camp, two traverses - major and minor had to be established. The major traverse had 12 excluding
control point. The control stations were named as E1, E2 andso on along with CP( given control point) .The leg ratio of
maximum traverse leg to minimum traverse leg was maintained within 1:2. The discrepancy in length between the forward
measurements and the backward measurements of all the traverse legs was within 1:5000. Two sets of total station readings
were taken for measuring the horizontal traverse angles. The difference between the mean angles of two sets of readings was
within a minute for all the angles.

1.5.3 Minor Traverse

It is not sufficient to detail the area by enclosing with the help of major traverse. Minor traverse is that one which runs
through the area to make detailing easy. Minor Traverse covers only small area. Less precise work than that of major traverse
is acceptable so that single set reading is sufficient minor traverse. The control stations were named as e1, e2.. The leg ratio of
maximum traverse leg to minimum traverse leg was maintained within 1:3. The discrepancy in length between the forward
measurements and the backward measurements of all the traverse legs was within 1:2000.

1.5.4 Leveling:
Leveling is a branch of surveying the object of which is:
i. To find the elevation of given points with respect to given or assumed datum.
ii. To establish points at a given elevation or at different elevations with respect to a given or assumed datum.
The first operation is required to enable the works to be designed while the second operation is required in the setting
out of all kinds of engineering works. Leveling deals with measurements in a vertical plane.
To provide vertical controls in topographic map, the elevations of the relevant points must be known so that complete
topography of the area can be explored.

Temporary adjustments of Level:

The temporary adjustment for a level consists of the following:
1. Setting up the level: The operation of setting up includes fixing the instrument on the stand and leveling the
instrument approximately.
2. Leveling up: Accurate leveling is done with the help of foot screws and with reference to the plate levels. The purpose
of leveling is to make the vertical axis truly vertical and horizontal line of sight truly horizontal.
3. Removal of parallax: Parallax is a condition when the image formed by the objective is not in the plane of the cross
hairs. Parallax is eliminated by focusing the eyepiece for distinct vision of the cross hairs and by focusing the objective
to bring the image of the object in the plane of cross
Permanent adjustments of Level:

To check for the permanent adjustments of level two-peg test method should be performed.

Two staffs were placed at A and B of known length (about 60 m). First the instrument was setup on the line near B and
both staff readings (Top, Middle, and Bottom) were taken. Then, the instrument was setup at the middle C on the line and
again both staff readings on A and B was taken. Then computation was done in order to check whether the adjustment was
within the required accuracy or not.
The error obtained was within the given permissible error. So, the permanent adjustment was not required.

Booking and reducing levels:

There are two methods of booking and reducing the elevation of points from the observed staff reading:
➢ Height of the Instrument method

• Arithmetic Check: ∑BS – ∑F.S. = Last R.L. – First R.L.

➢ Rise and Fall method
• Arithmetic Check: ∑ BS – ∑ F.S. = ∑ Rise – ∑fall = Last R.L. – First R.L.

Fly Levelling:
The RL of Given TBM1 point was found by transferring the level from Known BM located near the bridge by the process of
fly leveling. In this method auto level was used and the level was transferred directly by taking BS and FS at every Turning
Level transfer to the major and minor traverse stations:
The R.L. of the temporary benchmark was then transferred to the control stations of the major and minor traverse. The
closing error was found to be within the permissible limits. The misclosure was adjusted in each leg of the leveling path by
using the following formula:

Permissible error = ±25k mm.

Where k is perimeter in Km
Actual Error (e) = ∑BS – ∑F.S. = Last R.L. – First R.L.
Correction ith leg=-(e x (L1 + L2 +…. + Li)/P
Where L1, L2,……… LiLength of 1st, 2nd, Ith leg.
P is perimeter
Relative Precision= 1/ (P/e)

1.5.5 Detailing:
Tachometry is a branch of angular surveying in which the horizontal and vertical distances of points are obtained by
optical means. Though it has less accuracy, about 1/300 to 1/500, it is faster and convenient than the measurements by tape or
chain. It is very suitable for steep or broken ground, deep ravines, and stretches of water or swamp where taping is impossible.
The objective of the tachometric survey is the preparation of the topographic map or plan with both horizontal and
vertical controls. For the survey of high accuracy, it provides a check on the distances measured by tape.

The formula for the horizontal distance, for the tachometer with the additive constant
0.00 and multiplying constant 100.00 is,
H= k * S * Cos2Ө
The formula for the vertical distance is,
V = (k * S * Sin2Ө)/2
Where, S = staff intercept =Top reading – Bottom reading k = Multiplying Constant
(Generally = 100)
Ө = Vertical angle on Theodolite.

A contour is an imaginary line, which passes through the points of equal elevation. It is a line in which the surface of
ground is intersected by a level surface. Every fifth contour lines must be made darken. While drawing the contour lines, the
characteristics of the contours should be approached.

The characteristics are as follows:

• Two contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in the case of an overhanging cliff.
• Contours of different elevations do not unite to form one contour except in the case of a vertical cliff.
• Contours drawn closer depict a steep slope and if drawn apart, represent a gentle slope.
• Contours equally spaced depict a uniform slope. When contours are parallel, equidistant and straight, these represent an
inclined plane surface.
• Contour at any point is perpendicular to the line of the steepest slope at the point.
• A contour line must close itself but need not be necessarily within the limits of the map itself.
• A set ring contours with higher values inside depict a hill whereas a set of ring contours with lower values inside depict
a pond or a depression without an outlet.
• When contours cross a ridge or V-shaped valley, they form sharp V-shapes across them. Contours represent a ridge
line, if the concavity of higher value contour lies towards the next lower value contour and on the other hand these
represent a valley if the concavity of the lower value contour, lies toward the higher value contours.
• The same contour must appear on both the sides of a ridge or a valley.
• Contours do not have sharp turnings.

Taking the reading at the change point on the ground does the indirect method of locating contours. The interpolation
method is used to draw the contour lines. Interpolation of contours is done by estimation, by arithmetic calculations or by
graphical method. The eye estimation method is extremely rough and is used for small-scale work only. Generally, arithmetic
calculation method of interpolation is used to draw the contour lines and is performed as follows:

X= (H/V) * Y
X= Horizontal distance of the point to be located.
H = Horizontal distance between two guide points
V = Vertical distance between the two guide points
Y = Vertical distance between lower elevation point and the point to be located.

1.5.6 Computation and plotting:

For the calculations as well as plotting, we applied the coordinate method (latitude and departure method). In this
method, two terms latitude and departure are used for calculation. Latitude of a survey line may be defined as its coordinate
lengths measured parallel to an assumed meridian direction. The latitude (L) of a line is positive when measured towards north,
and termed Northing and it is negative when measured towards south, and termed Southing. The departure (D) of a line is
positive when measured towards east, and termed Easting and it is negative when measured towards south, and termed
Westing. The latitude and departures of each control station can be calculated using the relation:

Latitude = L Cos
Departure = L Sin
Where, L=distance of the traverse legs
=Reduced bearing

If a closed traverse is plotted according to the field measurements, the end of the traverse will not coincide exactly with
the starting point. Such and error is known as closing error.

Closing error (e) = √ {(L)2 + (D)2}

Direction, tan θ =  D/L
The sign of L and D will thus define the quadrant in which the closing error lies. The relative error of closure =
Error of Closure / Perimeter of the traverse
= 1 / (p / e)
The error (e) in a closed traverse due to bearing may be determined by comparing the two bearings of the last line as
observed at the first and last stations of traverse. If the closed traverse, has N number of sides then,
Correction for the first line = e/N
Correction for the second line = 2e/N
And similarly, correction for the last line = Ne/N = e

In a closed traverse, by geometry, the sum of the interior angles should be equal to (2n-4) x 90˚ where n is the number
of traverse sides. If the angles are measured with the same degree of precision, the error in the sum of the angles may be
distributed equally among each angle of the traverse.
The Bowditch’s method or the compass rule is mostly used to balance a traverse where linear and angular
measurements are of equal precision. The total error in latitude and in the departure is distributed in proportion to the lengths
of the sides.

a) Correction in departure of a side of traverse
= - (Total departure misclosure / traverse perimeter) x length of that side
b) Correction in latitude of a side of traverse
= - (Total latitude misclosure / traverse perimeter) x length of that side

In order to measure the lengths of the sides of the traverse, two way taping (forward and backward) is done. In difficult
areas where taping is not possible, other methods like the subtense bar is used. The difference in values obtained by forward
and backward taping is called discrepancy. In addition, the reciprocal of the discrepancy divided by the mean of the two
measurements is called precision. Both the discrepancy and the precision for each traverse leg should be within the given


Discrepancy = | Forward length - Backward length |

And Linear precision = 1 / (Mean length / Discrepancy)

The coordinates of traverse station were found out by resection. The resection point was selected at the top of hostel
building from where all the known points can be sighted. The coordinates of known points are given below.

Resection is the determination of the observer’s position by means of observations taken to previously fixed points.
There are several methods of resection and they include:
1. Observing horizontal angles from the unknown point to three known points.
2. Observing horizontal angles from two unknown points to two known points.
3. Observing horizontal angles from one unknown point to two known points when the Azimuth of one of them is known.

In the camp we had adopt first method i.e. resection by observing horizontal angles from the unknown point to three
known points.

Plotting of Major and Minor traverse:

The traverse was made closed in order to check the sum of interior angles, which should be equal to (2n-4) *90
degrees, where n= number of control points. (Traverse stations or legs)
The given bearing of the common control point (CP) with another adjacent station was found by resection method. The
bearing of other traverse legs were obtained from the help of bearing of preceding line and the included angle at the particular
station. All the bearings were entered in whole circle bearing.
After computing the co-ordinate of each of the control points, they were made ready to plot. Full size drawing sheets
i.e. A1 sizes were divided into gridlines of 5cm Square. The gridlines were made with the help of a beam compass. Both major
and minor traverses were plotted to 1:500 scales. The plotted traverse was made at the center of the sheet with the help of least
co-ordinates and highest co-ordinates.
Minor Traverse was plotted in similar way to scale 1:500 over which later detailing by tachometry was done.

1.5.7 Comments and conclusions:

The site for survey camping was the area of SaptarangiPark . The pattern was very suitable because all the facilities for
engineering work were available with the good environment of doing work.
The arrangements of the survey instruments were appreciable although there were some faulty instruments that made
the fieldwork time consuming. Some instruments like levels etc. do not given the accurate reading. We hope that there will be
sufficient number of instrument for next survey camp..

The given Topography survey camp work was finished satisfactorily within the given span of time. The subject survey
needs practice as much as possible. For surveying, theory can only taken as the introduction but if there is practice, there will
be much gain of knowledge about the techniques of surveying. Thus, this camp helps us by practicing the survey work to gain
the much essential knowledge as far as possible. It is better to say that it provides us a confidence to perform survey and apply
the techniques at any type of problem facing during the actual work in the future career.
All the groups prepared their topographic map of the given area of the Campus areas in the same scale. The whole area
was divided in such a way that area allocated for one group contains some part of the area allocated for another group. One
station is also common to all groups and hence the combination of all groups' effort will provide a perfect and complete
topographic map of Saptarangi park and ANFA ground after combining it.


2.1 Objectives:
The main objective of the bridge site survey is to give the students the preliminary knowledge on selection and
planning of possible bridge site and axis for the future construction of the bridge. The purpose of the bridge site survey was not
only to prepare plan and layout of the bridge site but also from the engineering point of view, the purpose is to collect the
preliminary data about the site such as normal water flow level, high flood level, geological features of the ground for planning
and designing of the bridge from the details taken during the surveying. Moreover bridge construction is an important aspect in
the development of transportation network. Surveying is required for topographical mapping, knowledge of longitudinal
sections of the river and cross sections at both the upstream and in downstream side of the river for the construction of a

2.2 Brief description of the area:

Bridge site survey was done over the Sardu River on the way to Chindey Dada, Dharan.

2.3 Hydrology, geology and soil:

The up stream side of site is surrounded with steep hill, which is covered with densely planted shrubs. The width of
stream is not so big but high flood level covers large area. Water scoured marks on the side show that the highest flood level.

2.4 Norms (Technical specification):

A bridge site topographical survey was carried out and the alignment of the bridge axis was fixed by triangulation.
Along with these we were also supposed to read profile and X-section of the river downstream and upstream. A topographic
map was prepared by tachometric surveying and longitudinal and cross-sectional profile of the area was drawn. The scales for
plotting are as follows:
Scale of topographic map =1:500 Scale of L-Section:

Horizontal scale =1:500

Vertical scale = 1:50
Scale of Cross-section
Horizontal scale = 1:500
Vertical scale =1:50

2.5 Equipments:
The equipments used in the survey during the preparation of topographic map are as follows:
1. Total Station 2. Staffs
3. Ranging rods 4. Tapes
5. Leveling instruments 6. Compass
7. Abney level 8. Pegs
9. Marker 10. Tripod stand
11. Arrow

2.6 Methodology:
The various methods performed during the bridge site survey were triangulation, leveling, tacheometry, cross section,
L-section etc. The brief descriptions of these methodologies were given below:

2.6.1 Site Selection:

There are various factors for the selection of bridge site such as geological condition,
socio-economical and ecological aspect etc. Therefore, the sites was chosen such that it should be laid on the very stable rocks
at the bed of river as far as possible and not affect the ecological balance of the flora and fauna of the site area. The bridge axis
should be so located that it should be fairly perpendicular to the flow direction and at the same time, the river width should be
narrow from the economical point of view and the free board should be at least 5m. The starting point of bridge axis should not
in any way lie or touch the curve of the road.
The site selected for the bridge axis was near the curve of the river with no community but with the temples and the
shed house near by. For the purpose of the shortest span, the stations were set perpendicular to the river flow direction. The
riverbanks were not eroded and were suitable for bridge construction. The chance of change of direction of river on the
selected axis line was nominal.

2.6.2 Topographic Survey:

For the topographic survey of the bridge site triangulation was done. First the bridge axis was set and horizontal control
stations were fixed on either side for detailing. Distances between stations on the same sides of river i.e. base line were
measured with tape precisely. Then the interconnecting triangles were formed and angles were measured with theodolite. The
bridge axis length or span was calculated by solving the triangles using the sine rule. Thus the horizontal control was set out.
For vertical control, the level was transferred from the BM to preceding IP A of the road and was transferred to the
stations on the next bank by reciprocal leveling. For the same bank direct level transfer method was used.

2.6.3 Longitudinal Section

The L-Section of the river is required to give an idea about the bed slope, nature of the riverbed, and the variation in the
elevations of the different points along the length of the river. Keeping the instrument at the control (traverse) stations on the
river banks, the staff readings were taken at different points along the center line of the river up to a 200 meters upstream and
100 m downstream. The R.Ls of the traverse stations being known previously; the levels of the different points on the river
were calculated. Then the L-Section of the riverbed was plotted on a graph paper on scale for vertical and horizontal.
2.6.4 Cross-Section:
For the longitudinal section of the river, the staff readings were taken at an interval of 10m. This was done up to 100m
downstream and 200m upstream. While taking the reading the staff was erected on the bed of river and not over the stones.
The chainage was measured along the river flow direction by spreading the tape over water.
At every 20m chainage the readings were taken for cross sectioning. The spot heights were taken where the change in
slope was noticed or remarkable points were noticed such as normal depth level, flood depth level, riverbank, etc. Total station
was used for this purpose.

2.6.5 Leveling:
Transferring R.L. from B.M. to control points:
The R.L of benchmark BM = 500.00 m was given and was transferred to the triangular stations from the B.M. by fly
leveling along the road turning points by taking the back sight reading to the bench mark which should be within the given
accuracy. Reciprocal leveling transferred the R.L. to the opposite bank of the river.

Reciprocal Leveling:
For transferring the RL across the bridge reciprocal leveling was performed. This method eliminates the error due to
focusing, collimation, earth’s curvature and refraction of atmosphere etc.

First set

True difference in elevation between A and B = H = ha- (hb-e)

Also the true difference in elevation = H = (ha '- e)-hb'
Taking the average of the two differences we get the difference in elevation between A and B

2.6.6 Detailing:
The detailing was done with the help of total station. The important details, which were not included in the cross-
section data, were taken. Trigonometric leveling was also done to find out the RL of the inaccessible points. All the detailing
points were noted for the topographic view of the bridge site.
Triangulation was performed for the determination of the approximate span of the bridge axis. The triangulation
stations can be taken as the control points for detailing. Two points on either bank of the river were fixed as control points and
one of the sides of the triangle was taken as the bridge axis. Then two triangles from each bank were fixed.
The base line was measured accurately by two ways tapping as well as tacheometry and interior angles were measured
by taking two sets of reading by theodolite. The accurate span of bridge was computed by applying sine rule. To minimize the
plotting error well-conditioned triangles were constructed i.e. the angles greater than 30 degree, less then 120 degree and
nearer to 60 degree. The best triangle is equilateral triangle.

2.6.7 Computation and Plotting:

The following tacheometric formulas were used for the calculation of the horizontal distance and R.L. of different

Horizontal distance of any point from the traverse station,

H = 100 x S x Cos2θ
Where, S = Staff intercept = Top - Bottom stadia reading θ = Vertical Angle
And R.L. of a point = R.L. of station + H.I + H x Tan θ - Mid wire reading

The topographic map, the longitudinal section and the cross section were plotted on the respective scales after the
completion of calculations. By forming the grid lines of 5cm x 5m, control stations were plotted accurately. Then all hard
details as well as contours were plotted with reference to the control stations by the method of angle and distances.
2.6.8 Comments and Conclusion
The bridge axis was set keeping in mind all the requisites that the proper site for the bridge has to be. The result of the
computations of the triangulation gave the axis span of
During the selection of the site all the considerations like geological, socio-economical and topographical
considerations were made and the best site was selected. The inspection of the area showed that no springs, streams and sewer
were discharged into the river up to the 150-m upstream and 100m downstream of the axis site. The flow in river was normal
and showed no danger orchanging its direction of flow for the design period of the bridge.

3.0 Road Alignment

3.1 Brief description of the project area:

Road alignment and bridge site survey includes both the works - to run a road between two far distance points and to
carry a survey for the bridge construction along the route. This specific job is essential for an engineer combating with the
mountainous topography of Nepal. Road alignment and bridge site survey includes both the works to run a road
between two terminals and to carry a survey for the bridge construction along the route. This specific job is essential for an
engineer combating with the mountainous topography of Nepal. The starting point of the route was at the point near the Sardu
River. The site is surrounded with steep hill, which is covered with densely planted shrubs. The route selected by our group
contained 6 I.P. .
There are several rise and fall along the route needing lots of cutting, and filling.

3.2 Hydrology and Geology:

The road had to go along a route leads toward the hill with different types of rocks on the way .The proposed route has to
follow very steep hill.

3.3 Soil:
When the soil surface is inclined, there is a component of gravity that tends to move the soil downward. If along the potential
slip surface in the soil the stress produced by gravity exceeds the shear strength of the soil along the potential failure surface,
the slope will become unstable. Obviously, the shear strength of soil is largely depends upon the type of soil. Cohesive soil has
more shear strength than others do. The hard and dense soil is best for slopes.
We found very coarse soil on our proposed route . Other kinds of soils were not found along our proposed route.

3.4 Norms (Technical specifications)

Recce alignment selection was carried out of the road corridor considering permissible gradient, obligatory points, bridge site
and geometry of tentative horizontal and vertical curves. The road setting horizontal curve, cross sectional detail in 20m
interval and longitudinal profile were prepared.
The topographic map (scale 1:500) of road corridor was prepared. Geometric curves, road formation width, right of
way, crossings and other details were shown in the map.

While performing the road alignment survey, the following norms were strictly followed:
• The road had to be designed starting from any one control point of bridge site survey .
• If the external deflection angle at the I.P. of the road is less than5 degree curves need not be fitted.
• Simple horizontal curves had to be laid out where the road changed its direction, determining and pegging three points
on the curve - the beginning of the curve, the middle point of the curve and the end of the curve along the centerline of
the road.
• The radius of the curve had to be chosen such that it was convenient and safe.
• The gradient of the road had to be maintained below 8%.
• Cross sections had to be taken at 5 m intervals .
• Plan of the road had to be prepared on a scale of 1:500
• L-Section of the road had to be plotted on a scale of 1:500 horizontally and 1:50 vertically.
• The cross section of the road had to be plotted on a scale of same as that of L-section.
• The amount of cutting and filling required for the road construction had to be determined from the L-Section and the
cross sections. However, the volume of cutting had to be roughly equal to the volume of filling.

3.5 Equipments:
The equipments used in the survey during the preparation of topographic map are as follows:
1. Total Station
2. Tripod stand
3. Staffs
4. Ranging rods
5. Tapes
6. Leveling instruments
7. Compass
8. Abney level
9. Pegs
10. Marker
3.6 Methodology

3.6.1 Horizontal alignment:

Horizontal alignment is done for fixing the road direction in horizontal plane. For this, the bearing of initial line
connecting two initial stations was measured using compass. The interior angles were observed using Total station at each IP
and then deflection angles were calculated.
Deflection angle = (360 or 180) - observed angle
If +ve, the survey line deflects right (clockwise) with the prolongation of preceding line and deflects left if –ve (anti-
clockwise). The radius was assumed according to the deflection angle. Then the tangent length, EC, BC, apex distance along
with their chainage were found by using following formulae,

Tangent length (T L) = R x tan (/2)

Length of curve (L.C) = 3.142 x R x /180
Apex distance = R x 1/ (Cos (/2)-1)
Chainage of BC = Chainage of IP – TL
Chainage of MC = Chainage of BC +LC/2
Chainage of EC = Chainage of MC + LC/2

The BC and EC points were located along the line by measuring the tangent length from the apex and the points were
marked distinctly. The radius was chosen such that the tangent does not overlap. The apex was fixed at the length of apex
distance from IP along the line bisecting the interior angle.
3.6.2 Vertical Alignment
Vertical profile of the Road alignment is known by the vertical alignment. In the Lsection of the Road alignment, vertical
alignment was plotted with maximum gradient of 12 %.
According to Nepal Road Standard, Gradient of the Road cannot be taken more than 12 %. In the vertical alignment, we set the
vertical curve with proper design. Vertical curve may be either summit curve or valley curve. While setting the vertical
alignment, it should keep in mind whether cutting and filling were balanced or not.

3.6.3 Leveling:
The method of fly leveling was applied in transferring the level from the given B.M. to all the I.Ps, beginnings, mid points and
ends of the curves as well as to the points along the center line of the road where the cross sections were taken. After
completing the work of one way leveling on the entire length of the road, fly leveling is continued to the initial point for
making a closed link for check and adjustment. The difference in the R.L. of the IP 0 before and after forming the loops should
be less than 25√ k mm, where k is the total distance in km.

3.6.4 Longitudinal section:

For the longitudinal section of the road the staff reading was taken at the interval of every 20m along the centerline of
the road. Besides, these staff readings at beginning of the curve, of the curve and apex were also taken. The RL of each point
were calculated.
The profile was plotted on the graph at the horizontal scale of 1:500 and vertical scale of 1:50; chainage of each point
along the horizontal direction and RL in the vertical direction.
3.6.5 Cross – section:
Cross section was run at right angles to the longitudinal profile on either side up to 15m distances wherever possible
and the change in the slope was directly measured using the staff intercept made by the horizontal tape i.e. the stepping
Horizontal scale =1:200
Vertical scale =1:200

3.6.6 Topographic survey of Road Corridor:

Topographic survey of road corridor was done by taking the deflection angle at each point where two straight roads
meet. The chainage of intersection point, tangent point and middle points were also taken by taping and applying formula. The
staff readings of each of these points were also taken. The R.L was also transferred to find out the elevation and plot it in a

3.6.7 Structures:
The main structures provided for road constructions are retaining structures, cross drain, side-drain, bio-engineering
structures etc. retaining structures are provided where the slope is critical. Gabion structure, dry masonry structures are the
The camber of the road is made perfectly by putting 3% of stage for gravel road so as to avoid any collection of water
on it.
The maximum gradient of the road is about 11.36% and the minimum gradient of road is about 0.22% so as to facilitate
the flow of drainage to specified direction. However the maximum of 12% was taken wherever not possible. Longitudinal
drain is provided on the sides of the road. Retaining walls are provided on required places.
Construction of hill roads involves many special structures. These may include wide range of structures which are used
to retain soil mass, to increase stability of road embankment slopes as well as natural hill slopes, to accommodate road bed in
steep slope, to penetrate deep through mountain pass and so on. Integration of bioengineering measures with engineering
structures is yet another sector requiring special attention. The following types of structures are used normally on the hill road:

• Retaining structures
• Drainage structures
• Slope protection structures

Retaining structures:
A retaining structure is usually a wall constructed for the purpose of supporting or retaining a vertical or nearly vertical
earth bank, which in turn may support vertical loads along with the self-weight of it. It provides adequate stability to the road
way and to the slope. Retaining walls are constructed on the valley side on the roadway and also on the cut hillside to prevent
slide towards the roadway. Types of retaining wall are:
1. Gravity walls
2. Semi gravity walls
3. Cantilever walls
4. Counter fort walls
5. Buttressed walls
6. Crib walls
7. Reinforced soil walls

3.6.8 Comments and Conclusions:

Survey of the road alignment is done to make most economical, comfortable, and durable. Extra care is taken to avoid
any soil erosion and any other ecological damage. Vertical and horizontal curves are set according to Road Design Standards
for comfort and other factors.
While setting the road alignment, it should be kept in mind that the minimum IP points should be taken as far as
possible and deflection angles should be minimum as far as possible.
The task was challengeable and tough due to the route high altitude.
4.0 Concluding Remarks

Hence, we completed the three projects assigned to us in time although we faced minor difficulties due to rain especially
during our road alignment and bridge site survey. All results we obtained were within the limits given to us. This camp really
helped us with the practical parts of survey fieldwork as we were working in conditions we will surely have to face in the
future. It increased our confidence in handling instruments as well as completing projects within given
deadlines. This trip also offered us relief from the monotony of performing all survey practical within dharan area. It was also a
chance to get to know our friends from other sections, work
closely, and interact with them. This trip is a good experience in dealing with locals and other people who were interested in our
work. We also learned to explain what we were doing to
laymen in simple terms. We think I.O.E should organize such trips frequently and for all possible subjects, as practical
knowledge is better. In these trips, we gain first hand concept of the subject matter that makes it easier for us to grasp the
concept. All in this entire trip was very informative, effective and enjoyable.
List of tables:

Tachometry Survey
• Two peg test
• Fly Leveling from BM to CP
• Major Traverse Two way distance measurement
• Horizontal angles observation sheet of major traverse
• Major traverse Co-ordinates computation
• RL transfer of Major and Minor Traverse and their adjustment
• Horizontal angles observation sheet of minor traverse
• Minor traverse Co-ordinate computation
• Tachometric Sheet (Detailing Computation)

Road Alignment and Bridge Site

• Road Level Transfer Sheet
• Road Alignment – Horizontal curve book
• Triangulation – Horizontal angle observation sheet
• Computation of Triangulation
• L-section ,X-section and Detailing of the river
• Reciprocal leveling

List of Plotting:

• Topographic map of Saptarangi Park and ANFA ground at scale1:500

• Topographic survey of the bridge site at scale 1:500
• X-section of river at every 10m interval(if possible)
• L-section of river at the interval of 20m
• L-section and X-section along with the necessary features of road at the interval of
15m for L-section and 5m for X-section
• Plan of Road

Accessories to be carried in the Survey Camp:

• Set square with French curve

• Pencil with different intensities and weights of writing
• Geometry Box Set
• ‘T’ scale
• Reference books
• A-4 size papers
• Field books, cap, water bottle, umbrella
• Graph sheets or tracing graph
• Programmable/scientific calculator
• Medicines


✓ “SURVEYING” – A. Banister and S. Raymond, English Language Book Society (ELBS), Latest Edition
✓ “SURVEYING” (Vol. I, II & III) – Dr. B.C. Punmia, Khanna Publishers, Latest Editions

✓ “A TEXT BOOK OF SURVEYING” (Vol. I & II) – David Clark




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