Management Information System For The College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation

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Adan, Czandrie Abraham P.

Vislenio, Ron Jomer P.

An undergraduate thesis outline submitted to the faculty of the Department of

Information Technology, College of Engineering and Information Technology, Cavite State
University, Indang, Cavite in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Undergraduate Thesis II.
Contribution No. _________________ Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Shanet A. Estrada.


Management Information System is a system or process that provides information needed

to manage organizations effectively. Management Information System are distinct from other

information systems in a way that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in

operational activities in the organization. It is commonly used to refer to the group of

information management methods tied to the automation or support of decision making. It

provides a valuable function to transform vast amount of data that would otherwise be used into

relevant information needed by decision makers. Not only does it allow for the collection of vast

amount of business data, but it also provides a time saving benefit because it enables automatic

data processing (Cummings, 2007).

The College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation aims to provide leadership,

formulate policies and set priorities and direction in the promotion and development of all

amateur sports in Southern Tagalog Region. Its task is to provide undergraduate and advanced

instruction in physical education and recreation sciences. It also aims to promote physical

education, sports and recreation among the studentry and other constituents of the university.

The College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation can use Management Information

System as a tool in enhancing their management level activities. It can assist management in

understanding the effects of their strategies, and help enable effective decision making. As such,

it can provide statistical and performance based reports to assist in planning, monitoring and

implementation of strategy. Reports help decision makers identify patterns and trends which are

difficult to discover and may have remained unseen if the raw data will be consulted manually.

The College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation recognizes Management

Information System for being a useful tool for effective decision making. The college is

currently facing up problems such as inefficient processing of information, improper

management of inventory of materials and equipments, and difficulty in making analyses and

decisions. Thus, the proponents thought of developing Management Information System for the

College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation which can help solve these problems.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of College of Sports Physical Education and Recreation is to provide

undergraduate and advanced instruction in physical education and recreation sciences through

leadership, formulating policies and setting priorities and direction in the promotion and

development of all amateur sports in Southern Tagalog Region. However, these are some

obstacle that hamper is achievement.

The operational activities of College of Sports Physical Education and Recreation are

processed manually. Tabulation of data is gradual and they are unable to make instant retrieval of

particular information. There is also a lack of unified database for these management level

activities. This lead to the question of how can the proposed systems helps in efficient processing

of information? (See Appendix Figure 3)

The inventory of instructional and sporting tools and equipment is improperly

handled. There is no standard operating procedure for the inventory and no existing inventory

database system. Therefore, they are unable to determine vital information regarding these tools

and equipment. This leads to the question of how can the proposed system provide proper

management of inventory of instructional and sporting tools and equipment? (See Appendix

Figure 4)

Making fast and efficient decision is difficult to do. It is hard to analyze

information based on many different files. Consulting the information manually is prone to

deficiency and inaccuracy of information, and there is no workforce database system that will

create reports instantly. This lead to the question of how will the proposed systems assists the

management in making analysis and decisions? (See Appendix Figure 5)


Theoretical Framework

Property Custodian

Administrator (Dean)
Inventory Module

Gym Reservation
Event Coordinator
Athlete Record

Report Module


Figure 1 Theoretical Framework


The proponents shall develop a Management Information System that will support

management of operational activities of the college of Sports, Physical Education and


The system shall have two levels of access, the administrator and the end user.

Administrators are required to login in order to gain access to the administrative part of the

system. This will serve as security measure to protect the integrity of information of the system.

The system shall include modules that will aid the problems currently encountered by

College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation.

Inventory Module will aid the improper management of sporting and instructional tools

and equipment by providing an inventory system that shall determine the status of materials

owned by College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation.

Gym Reservation module will also be a good tool for efficient processing of information

because it enables organized event handling which allows recording of event reservations in an

electronic calendar and providing notification of upcoming events.

Athlete Record module will be used by the administrator. This will handle

athlete details such as physical features and personal profiles and psychological assessments.

Reports module will help in making fast and effective decisions by creating instant

analysis reports and summaries which provides statistical information vital for planning,

monitoring and implementation of operational activities.


Significance of the Study

With computer being part of globalization and technical advancement nowadays, most

up-growing and large organizations rely extensively on their IT systems to assist the

management of their operational activities.

The College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation can use Management

Information System to assist in planning, monitoring and implementation of strategies to help

attain their goals. It can assist the college in analyzing the result of different circumstances,

processing underlying information and understanding the effects of their strategies for faster and

effective decision making.

In the course of developing the system, the proponents will be able to improve their skills

and potential in programming, creating and maintaining database. It shall allow them to further

understand and enhance their knowledge in the field of Management Information System.

Other proponents may use this study as a reference on creating their own Management

Information System, or other application systems that are related with this area of study.

Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to create a Management Information System for the

College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation.

Specifically, the study aims to:

a. identify the problems of the organization using fishbone diagram;

b. analyze the existing system using dataflow diagram;

c. determine the functional requirements and procedures;

d. develop a web-based Management Information System through PHP; and

e. evaluate the system using system perfomance, unit and acceptance testing.

Time and Place of the Study

The study for the development of a Management Information System for the College of

Sports, Physical Education and Recreation will be conducted from June 2010 up to April 2011.

The needed data and information will be gathered from reference books, internet and functional

requirements and procedures of the College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation. This

will be done at Cavite State University, Indang Cavite.


Scope and Delimitation

The study will focus on the development of a Management Information System for the

College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation that will enable automation or support to

decision making. It will include modules that correspond to the operational activities of the


The athelete record module will serve as a repository of data regarding the atheletes. The

administrator can input new data into the system. This will record the physical appearance,

athletic competence, personal importance, and encouragement of athletes which will be used as

references for their future coaches.

The equipment inventory module will keep track of all instructional and sporting tools,

materials and equipments. The administrator can add, view, edit and delete records of materials

in the inventory. It enables checking of the current status of every material by searching for a

particular entry or by looking at the entire inventory. It can also show other previous inventory

records that can be used for comparison, evaluation or analysis purposes.

The gym reservation module serves as an event organizer. It shall contain all reservations

for the university gymnasium. The administrator can add, view, edit and delete event

reservations. The events are shown in an electronic calendar It also allows other users to view

these events.

The reports module will be able to instantly generate reports. The administrator can make

different queries about each module and provide them information which are necessary for

decision makers to formulate faster and effective decisions.


The study shall not include any operation from other organizations. Nor shall it include

any operation from the centralized information system or of any other existing information

system that poses a standard for the university.


Definition of Terms

AJAX- Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a method of building interactive

applications for the Web that process user requests immediately. Ajax combines several

programming tools including JavaScript, dynamic HTML (DHTML), Extensible Markup

Language (XML), cascading style sheets (CSS), the Document Object Model (DOM), and

the Microsoft object, XMLHttpRequest. Ajax allows content on Web pages to update

immediately when a user performs an action, unlike an HTTP request, during which users must

wait for a whole new page to load.

Database- A collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can

quickly select desired pieces of data. You can think of a database as an electronic filing system.

JavaScript- JavaScript is an interpreted programming or script language from Netscape. It is

somewhat similar in capability to Microsoft'sVisual Basic, Sun's Tcl, the UNIX-derived Perl, and

IBM's Rexx. In general, script languages are easier and faster to code in than the more structured

and compiled languages such as C and C++. Script languages generally take longer to process

than compiled languages, but are very useful for shorter programs.

JQuery- jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document

traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.

MySQL- is a relational database management system (RDBMS) based on SQL (Structured

Query Language). It is fully multi-threaded using kernel threads, and provides application

program interfaces (APIs) for many programming languages, including C, C++,

Eiffel,Java, Perl, PHP, Python, and Tcl.

PHP- Hypertext Preprocessor allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts

with databases. PHP applications are normally found on Linux servers and in conjunction with

MySQL databases. It provides those servers with functionality similar to that provided to the

Windows platform by Active Server Pages technology.

Prototype- In software development, a prototype is a rudimentary working model of a product

or information system, usually built for demonstration purposes or as part of the development

process. In the systems development life cycle (SDLC) Prototyping Model, a basic version of the

system is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is finally

achieved from which the complete system or product can now be developed.



PHP is one of the most popular server side scripting languages running today. It is used

for creating dynamic webpages that interact with the user offering customized information. PHP

offers many advantages; it is fast, stable, secure, easy to use and open source (free).

The beauty of PHP lies in its simplicity. It is easy to understand and learn, especially for

those with backgrounds in programming such as C, JavaScript and HTML. The language is

similar to C and Perl so that anyone with a background in either C or Perl programming will feel

comfortable using and understanding PHP. PHP also runs on just about every platform including

most UNIX, Macs and Windows versions.

PHP doesn’t use a lot of the system’s resources so it runs fast and doesn’t tend to slow

other processes down. It is typically used as an Apache module, written in C, so it loads and

executes quickly. It works well with other software and can be quite fast. PHP is also fairly

stable and since it is open source, the PHP community works together to fix any bugs. The

community offers technical support and continuously updates the code further expanding PHP’s


If you’re ready to add dynamic content to your webpages, consider the use of PHP. It’s

free, easy to learn (especially if you have some programming background) and integrates well

across many platforms and with various software programs. (Stewart, 2006)

This led the proponents to use PHP as programming language because it offers fast,

stable and flexible processing and interaction with databases.



JavaScript is a popular coding language that is often used alongside the HTML language

in website development. These scripts help to make a website more interactive for the users and

offer more flexibility for the Web designers. It is also an inexpensive language to program and

implement into Web design projects. Because of the many advantages in using JavaScript, a

number of popular websites and online games employ these scripts to enhance their visitors'

online experience.

The biggest advantage of JavaScript is the interactivity it can provide to your website.

JavaScript is a flexible language that can be used in coding small interactions, such as drop-

down menus and webpage text effects, as well as large interactions, such as full JavaScript chat

rooms or interactive games.

JavaScript is quick to load and execute from webpages because the Internet browser is

the client that does all of the processing work. Rather than having to wait for a Web server to

reply to each JavaScript demand, the Internet browser downloads and launches the JavaScript on

its own. This also allows some JavaScripts to launch in saved webpages, even if the computer is

not connected to the Internet. (McManaway, 2010)

This led the proponents to use JavaScript as scripting language alongside with PHP to

enable real time validation and immediate processing of information. This can also help the

proponents in designing an interactive graphical user interface.



MySQL offers high performance, reliability and ease-of-use. It is extremely flexible and

can handle huge amounts of data. Its open source nature allows for customization. MySQL runs

on over twenty platforms including Windows, Linux and OS/X, It has become the database of

choice for LAMP applications, a set of programs, Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python

often used to run dynamic websites or servers. The popularity of MySQL piggybacks on the

growing popularity of the PHP programming language and the two programs are often bundled

together and referred to as the Dynamic Duo. 

The program has one of the most powerful transactional database engines featuring

complete ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, durable, transaction support), unlimited row level

locking, and multi-version transaction support. It’s high performance query engine, fast data

insert capability and support for specialized web functions has made MySQL the standard for

high traffic websites.

Data protection and security features ensure only authorized users can access the database

server and limits users to viewing only what they are allowed to view. Encryption and decryption

functions protect sensitive data from unauthorized viewers. (Stewart, 2006)

This led the proponents to use MySQL as the database for the system because it is highly

compatible with PHP. It has the ability to handle vast amount of data and support specialized

web functions.


Management Information System for San Technology Incorporated

San Technology Incorporated Management Information System is a system designed to

augment the efficiency of the present workload of handling the personnel database in SanTech

Inc. The system lets the user enter the data associated with the employee and store it to the

database for easy retrieval in case there is a need to produce a report requiring the information

about the personnel.

The system also produces an output, which summarizes all the salary information

gathered from the existing payroll system, and attaches it to the current information of the

employee in the database.

The system can also let the user search a particular entry using SQL query. In this mode

the user can select a certain entry without looking at the entire database.

Using Visual Basic 6, the programmers conceived the structure of the system and

proceeded in creating a Management Information System, which address the need of the

company for a more efficient system. (Lopez et al., 2002)

This study helps the proponents by giving the idea of efficient processing of information

and easy retrieval of information.


Management Information System for ELTZEN Industrial Automation Corporation

ELTZEN Management Information System is an ideal computerized information system.

The proponents determined problems, conducted in the first phase of the SDLC methodology, in

certain aspects pertaining to payroll of work order; a Management Information System

comprising payroll transaction in collaboration with monitoring of materials motivates both

company and the proponents in pursuing this research study.

The aim of the proponents is to lessen the work and time consumption in manual

transaction done by ELTZEN Industrial Automation Corporation for the past four years by

implementing all essential innovations stated in the proposed system. In addition, it will reduce

the necessary paper work and computations that are prone to errors by converting to an

automatic computation of data which will result in easy storage, less expenses, space saving and

high data integrity. Information will be just in seconds for viewing and printing processes and


Management Information System will feature generation of periodic or special reports

from payroll, monitoring of materials, and other reports that will show the company’s projected

progress depending on all expenses drawn from payroll, material used, and other expenses. With

this view, Management Information System will support business processes and operations,

performance monitoring and support decision making. The proponents of the study see the

system as a tool which will be a vital for the company’s growth into a large scale company.

This study help the proponents by giving the idea of material monitoring that leads them

to include an inventory for instructional tools and equipments.


Manufacturing Training Center Management Information System of Goodyear Philippines


The Manufacturing Training Center of Goodyear Philippines, Inc. uses the manual

system as a way of transacting business and other important matters. The proponents decided to

develop the Management Information System entitled Manufacturing Training Center

Management Information System. The software was designed to provide user information about

different training records and associates. The software was designed to help the training

coordinator in deciding the appropriate training program once the request from the other

departments is accepted.

The system covers the training procedures based on the request received from department

heads. The software will allow the user to input relevant data, which will be the basis of the

system in selecting training, fitted for the user. Then after awhile, it will display the training

when associates are qualified to take. In addition, it is also an efficient storage of training

information and therefore retrieval can be made. In the same time, editing all the information

stored can be made because the software is updatable too. The important feature of the system is

the ability to produce different reports as well as individual employee report for easier


The Manufacturing Training Center department is not the only beneficiaries of this

system but it is a great help for other departments and functional heads. This system utilizes the

benefits that the computer technology can offer. (Celestial et al., 2002)

This study helps the proponents by giving the idea of creating a unified database system

and generating different reports instantly.




In the development of the proposed system, various application software technologies

will be used.

The graphical user interface will be designed with the help of Web Builder 7.0,

Dreamweaver CS3 and Notepad++.

Various coding and development tools will be used in constructing the modules such as:

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and JavaScript as the

scripting language. jQuery will also be used as a library of functions intended for Asynchronous

JavaScript and XML (AJAX). Apache will be used as the testing server and MySQL as the

database technology for storage and retrieval of information.


Following an Iterative/Incremental Process Development Methodology, the researchers

will be undergoing phases to perform different activities that are reliable to the system

development. These will include planning, analyzing the system requirements, designing the

system, implementation phase and preparing the implementation plan.


Figure 2. Iterative Development Process (Pressman, 2005)

Requirements Phase

This phase means that the requirements for the software are gathered and analyzed.

Iteration should eventually result in a requirements phase that produces a complete and final

specification of requirements. The most important task in creating a software product is

extracting the requirements.

The proponents will identify the problems of the organization and gather all necessary

functional requirements.

Analysis Phase

This phase pertains to analyzing and designing in which a software solution to meet the

requirements is designed. This may be a new design, or an extension of an earlier design. System

design: Partition the requirements to hardware or software systems. Software design: Represent

the software system functions in a form that can be transformed into one or more executable


Design Phase

This phase is the creative process to transform the problem into a solution. This were the

text can be edited, and check for the possible error such as typographical and grammatical. The

proponents will design the look and feel of the graphical user interface.

Implementation and Test Phase

The task of this phase is to document the internal design of software for the purpose of

future maintenance and enhancement. Documentation is most important for external

interfaces when the software is coded, integrated and tested.

     This phase will include the coding of the program.

After finishing the system, the system functionality will be test by the proponents and then by the

client. The system will have some validation and verification if necessary until the requirements

are being met by the system. The system will assess by the following testing processes:

Testing. It is necessary to conduct through testing on implement product before delivering it to

customer. Below are the Testing phases:

Unit testing. Testing of individual software components or modules. Typically done by the

programmer as it requires detailed knowledge of the internal program design and code.

Integration testing. Testing of integrated modules to verify combined functionality after

integration. This type of testing is especially relevant to client/server and distributed systems.

Functional testing. This type of testing ignores the internal parts and focus on the output is as per

requirement or not. Black-box type testing geared to functional requirements of an application.

System testing. Entire system is tested as per the requirements. Black-box type testing that is

based on overall requirements specifications covers all combined parts of a system.

Acceptance testing. Normally this type of testing is done to verify if system meets the customer

specified requirements. Users do this testing to determine whether to accept application.

Usability testing. User-friendliness check. Application flow is tested, Can new user understand

the application easily. Proper help documented whenever user stuck at any point. Basically

system navigation is checked in this testing.

Evaluation phase

In this phase the system will be evaluated. The requirements will be reviewed if it has

been achieved. People that are not that exposed to this new technology are anxious in using

those. Therefore training and teaching the users on how to use the system must be imposed, in

order to incorporate the rest of the organization into adopting the new software. In the long way

the users may have questions and software problems which lead to the next phase of maintaining

the software. Maintaining and enhancing software to cope with newly discovered problems or

new requirements can take far more time than the initial development of the software. This is the

way to determine if the system successfully functions, this is done if the objective of the system

meets the need of the users, to ensure that the system is free from errors.



Pressman, R. (2005). Software Engineering Practitioner’s Approach. Auerbach Publications.


Cummings, M. (2010). Management Information Systems for the Information Age.

Springer Publishing Company


Lopez, L.E (2002) Management Information System for San Technology Incorporated.

Undergraduate Thesis. De La Salle University-Dasmariñas.

Celestial, D.A. (2002) Manufacturing Training Center of Goodyear Philippines Incorporated..

Undergraduate Thesis. De La Salle University-Dasmariñas.

Dabac, W.J.C. (2006) Management Information System for ELTZEN Industrial Automation

Corporation. Undergraduate Thesis. De La Salle University-Dasmariñas.


McManaway, E (2010). Advantages of Javascript. Retrieved August 14, 2010,


Stewart, C (2006). The Advantages of PHP. Designer’s Playground. Retrieved August 14, 2010,



Stewart, C (2006). MySQL: The Database of Choice for the Masses. Designer’s Playground.

Retrieved August 14, 2010, from:



Performance Procedure
Unable to retrieve
Data are
information tabulated
instantly manually
No existing database


Figure 3. Fishbone Diagram for Inefficient Processing of


Manpower Procedure

No clear records No standard

of the inventory operating
procedure Improper
management of
materials and
No existing
database for


Figure 4. Fishbone Diagram for Improper Management of

Materials and Equipment Inventory

Performance Procedure
Hard to analyze Prone to
information deficiency and
based on many inaccuracy of
different files information

Difficulty in
making analysis
and decision
No work force
database system
that will create
reports instantly


Figure 5. Fishbone Diagram for Difficulty in Making

Analysis and Decision

Lending request ID
Borrow item Return borrowed item
Confirmed request item

item ID

Lend item

item ID item
Lending request

Request confirmation

Property custodian

Available item

Requested item Lending information

Check item availability Record lending transaction
Item availability Filing Cabinet Lending information

Figure 6. Data Flow Diagram of Lending of tools and equipment of the

College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation

Reservation request Reservation request

faculty Request for client
Confirmed reservatoin
Confirmed reservation

Reservation Reservation
request confirmation

Available date
Event Reservation request
Requested date Coordinator

Check availability of Availability of date New reservation Record reservation

Event calendar

Figure 7. Data Flow Diagram of Event Reservation for the University Gymnatium

Table 1. Comparison of Related Studies

FEATURES/MODULES Development of Management Manufacturing Management

MIS for College Information Training Center Information
of Sports, System for San Management System for
Physical Technology Information ELTZEN
Education and Incorporated System of Industrial
Recreation Goodyear Automation
Philippines Corporation

Inventory System √ x √ √
Gym Reservation System √ x x x
Athlete Assessment System √ x √ x
Report Module √ √ √ √
METHOD Iterative Prototyping SDLC Prototyping

Interview Report

Location: College of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation Faculty Room

Interviewer: CA Adan

RJ Vislenio

Interviewee: JP Piores JL Lestelo

ML Pangilinan R Barrot

JP Hernandez

Objective: Develop of Management Information System for College of Sports, Physical Education and

Start of Interview: 2:30 PM

The interviewers first established the rapport with the interviewees. The interviewers asked a
couple of questions regarding what are the system and procedures regarding the management is using.
The interviewee answered that they are not using any system and has no clear procedure regarding their
transactions. The interviewee stated example such as with their inventory system. The slow retrieval of
data and the problem of lack of access with the logbook especially when the custodian is aren’t around.
They have stated that with this, the logging of data is sometimes inaccurate. The interviewer mentioned a
question of whether how is their process regarding the gym reservation. They have said that the operation
is done manually and the data is recorded into an event calendar which is taken care of the event
coordinator. They have said that with the limited access with the calendar, the dean couldn’t approve or
disapprove a reservation in the absence of the event coordinator. The interviewee said that a unified
database would be a great helping hand to their college. The interviewer proposed a system that will be
able to aid and to give attention to the mentioned problem. The interviewee accepted the offer.

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