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Kiểm tra Học kỳ II – NH: 2019 – 2020 Ngày 20 / 03 / 2020 Giám thị 1: Giám thị 2:

Môn: TIẾNG ANH – Lớp 9 - Thời gian: 60 phút

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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Đề gồm 03 trang - Học sinh làm bài ngay trên đề kiểm tra.

(1 – 10) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. (2.5 pts.)
1. A funnel- shaped storms passing overland below a thunderstorm is called a _____________.
A. typhoons B.tsunami C. tornado D. hurrican
2. The hurrican took serveral days to blow itselft __________. B. out C. down D. off
3. The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
A. fell in B. broke off C. pulled down D. put away
4. How many dead are there in Iran?
A. 80 B. 100 C. 60 D. 54
5. Passover is a festival _________ is celebrated by all Jewish people.
A. where B. which C. who D. whom
6. It was raining ________ I couldn’t go outside.
A. as hard as B. so hard as C. too hard that D. so hard that
7. If you’re not satisfied ________ your essay, I suggest that you rewrite it.
A. off B. to C. with D. at
8. ‘ __________________? ‘ ‘ Not a bad idea.’
A. Do you mind going by bus
B. Won’t you go by bus
C. Would you like to go by bus
D. What about going by bus
9. This picture says: _______________.

A. Don’t use by hand

B. Don’t touch it
C. Stay away from this
D. Don’t hold it hand

10. This picture means: __________________.

A. Don’t shout
B. Don’t use motorbike
C. Say no to plastic bags
D. Don’t muster

Answers: 1.___________2. ___________3.__________4.__________

6.___________7.___________ 8.__________ 9. __________10. __________

(11 - 16) Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 11 to 14 are True or False and choose
the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to the questions 15 and 16. (1.5 pts.)
Lots of work has to be done before the filming begins. The producer and director plan how and when they will
film each scene.
A movie is filmed scene by scene , and a scene is filmed shot by shot. The scenes are not usually filmed in the
order that you see them in the movie. Sometimes the weather is bad and an outdoor scene cannot be filmed. Big,
fancy sets take a long time to build. Scenes using these sets are often shot later even though you may see them
at the beginning of the film.
When it is time to film a scene, the designers get the set ready. The actors run through their line and
movements. The director of photography arranges the lights. The camera operator checks camera angles for the
shot. The sound crew sets up microphones.
11. Few work has to be done they begin filming.
12. Lots of scenes are filmed in a movie.
13. We can’t always film scenes outside.
14. It takes a short time to build big, fancy sets.
15. Who plan how and when they will scene each scene.
A. director B. designer C. producer D. A &C
16. What is the best title for the paragraph? - ________________.
A. Movie B. Making a film C. How do
they shoot a movie? D. Shoot
Answers: 11._________. 12. _________ 13. __________ 14. __________15.__________ 16._________
(17- 22) Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts.)
``Early formal adult education activities focused (17)________ single needs such as reading and writing. Many
early programs were started by churches to teach people to read the bible. When the original purpose was
(18)___________, programs were often adjusted to meet more general educational needs of the (19)__________ .
Liberary, lectire series, and discussion societies began in various countries during the (20)___________. As more
people experienced the benifits of education, they began to participate increasingly in social, political, and
occupational (21)___________. By the 19th century , adult educatin was developing as a formal , organized
movement in the (22)__________ word.
17. A. in B. on C. by D. for
18. A. interested B. fascinated C. satisfied D. amused
19. A. people B. country C. community D. population
20. A. 18th century B. 19th century C. 20th century D. 21th century
21. A. deeds B. things C. activities D. societies
22. A. Eastern B. Western C. Southern D. Northern
Answers: 17. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. ________21. __________ 22.__________

(23-28) Give the correct form of the word in bracket. (1.5 pts.)
23.  Our ___________ turns out to be correct.    (predict)
24. _______, the typhoon didn’t cause any damage on the village. (luck)
25. It was the biggest _________ of Vesuvius for some years. (erupt)
26. They have a strong sense of _________ in their work. (proud)
27. More people are dumping waste _______ . (legal)
28. All this proves that the system works _______ (effect)
Answers: 23.______________24.____________25.____________26.____________27._____________28.____________


(29 - 32) Put the following the words and phrases in the correct order to make complete sentences. (1.0 pt.)
29. pilot/ and/ a/ young/ plane/ 1954/ believed/ children/ saw/ they/ house/ above/ a/ UFO/ woman//
30. have/ Ha Noi// between/ will/27oC / and/ temperatures/ 23oC//
31. We/ going/ a/ to/ are/ on/ park/ other/ side/ river/ the/ of/ the//
32. Who/ family/ live/ members/ apart/ be/ at/ together/ Tet/ try/ to//

29. Many people ___________________________________________________________________________ .

30. There are ______________________________________________________________________________ .
31. You _______________________________________________________________________________________ .
32. The internet ________________________________________________________________________________ .
(33-36) Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it (2.0
33. Tokyo and Yokohama were struck by a disastrous earthquake in 1923.

The cities
_____________________________________________________________ .
34. My sister offered me a lift so it wasn’t necessary for me to call a taxi.

I didn’t need _______________________________________________________________________.
35. Although she was successful, she felt dissatisfied.

In spite of --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36. She is very pleased to going away on holiday soon.

__She’s looking
________________________________________ .
33. The cities _________________________________________________________________________________ .
34. I didn’t need____________________________________________________________________________ .
35. In spite of __________________________________________________________________________ ?
36. She’s looking______________________________________________________________ .

----The end of test---

MÔN TIẾNG ANH 9 - Năm học: 2019-2020

Từ câu 1 – 32: mỗi câu đúng 0.25 điểm

Từ câu 33 – 36: mỗi câu đúng 0.5 điểm


1 C 19 D
2 B 20 A
3 A 21 C
4 D 22 B
5 B 23 prediction
6 D 24 luckily
7 C 25 eruption
8 D 26 pride
9 A 27 illegally
10 D 28 effectively
In 1954, a woman and her children believed they saw a UFO above their
11 F 29 house.
12 T 30 Ha Noi will have temperatures between 23oC and 27oC.
13 T 31 We are going to a park on the other side of the river.
14 F 32 Family members who live apart try to be together at Tet.
The cities that/ which were struck by a disastrous earthquake in 1923 were
15 D 33 Tokyo and Yokohama.
16 C 34 I didn’t need to call a taxi because/ since/ as my sister offered me a lift.
17 B 35 In spite of her success, she felt dissatisfied
18 C 36 She’s looking forward to going away on holiday soon.

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