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Monthly Newsletter


Quantifying Psychiatry through Informatics

By Tolhas and Gardahadi

Lulu is one of the 2017 batch awardees from the University

of Indonesia. She contributes to many activities in her
university for creating impacts. She has interests in
implementing recent technology for psychiatry and
psychology to help solve mental health problems in
society. In her implementation, machine learning has
become the most favorite tool for Lulu. Being a final year
student is the ideal moment for her to implement and
develop her knowledge through the thesis.

She is currently working on the implementation of Natural Language Processing to detect

mental health conditions for her thesis. Through the thesis, she hopes to bring the
abstraction of psychiatry to be quantified by informatics. She hopes this technology can be
used to help people who suffer from mental health issues. The purpose of her thesis can
become impactful especially during the pandemic era, where the condition is not as it's
used to be and people are reaching out for help, mentally.
While working on her thesis, Lulu finds some challenges which even motivate her further
to quantify psychiatry. The biggest challenge that she encounters is creating a problem-
fit solution because it is not easy to quantify something that is considered to be abstract
and complex. Fortunately, she finds the opportunity to be guided by a psychiatrist from
RSCM. From this experience, she learns that when developing something, having a
mentor is truly important to guide, support, and motivate us.
Reviewed by Lulu

Joining Competition to Hone Problem Solving Skill

There are some reasons when joining competitions. One

can join because of love for competing, seeking or
accruing relations, earning experience, or solving
problems. For Junho, our CSL awardee batch 2018, the
reasons are to earning experience and solving problems.
He has interests to learn to solve problems using
algorithms, and competition is a good way to learn the

Junho is our awardee from Bandung

Institute of Technology. He has great
experiences in competitive programming
competitions. In ITB he joins the
community that learns together and
exercises competitive programming.
Image source:

While he is joining the community, he joins IEEE extreme programming competition

that is held in 24 hours and joined by around 4000 teams. He solved a lot of problems
with his team and they got the top 100 positions. When joined the competition Junho
faces a challenge which is communication that cannot be done physically (according to
the pandemic situation). He could not communicate the ideas directly, then online call
platform such as Google Meet or Discord comes as the solution.

Still about pandemic situation challenges, contrast with communication, the impact in
online programming training is positive because of online training more accessible and
more online contest held by the training website. Talking about lessons learned from
Junho's experiences, in programming competition to get the achievement, we need to
strive to understand the algorithms and its implementation. Knowledge from this
competition later will be useful to solve real-life problems, like in the software engineer
Reviewed by Junho
Blockchain Technology
Potential yet Challenging

This month our scholars are granted a mentoring session about emerging technology
especially in fintech, named blockchain. Blockchain is a distributed, decentralized, digital
ledger, used to record data among the computer. With the powerful security that it
contains, the scholars are excited knowing blockchain and its application in the industry.
We got a chance to hear the topic from Pandu Wisaksono Sastrowardoyo, VP of Consulting
at Blocksphere, Co-Founder of Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia & Blockchain Zoo, who shared
comprehensive knowledge about blockchain.

Pandu Wisaksono Sastrowardoyo

VP of Consulting at Blocksphere, Co-Founder of Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia & Blockchain Zoo

"...The distributed system here used to prevent someone who is not authorized to do
things that are prohibited. If this distributed system applied to social media, it will
become a platform that is free from political interests because of users will form social
media without interference from the social media owner."
- Dipta Laksmana (CSL Associate Batch 2018)

"...Related to the leadership key, I learned that blockchain technology has to be

managed properly and meet the problem which fits to it, to retrieve the very advantage
of Blockchain."
- Tolhas (CSL Awardee Batch 2018)
Mental Health Recharge Day with Miss Tara

In our busy fast-paced society, mental health is becoming a growing concern. Especially for
our scholars who have more than the average college student's share of responsibilities.
Some are juggling academics with part-time, leading organizations, and some even have
their own business. All this pressure really takes its toll mentally. That’s why CSL with the
help of miss Tara Hill, a professional mental health specialist in the U.S.

In the 2 and half hour session, everyone got the chance to share each of their stories and
struggles, kind of like a support group setting. Afterward, we were given a short
presentation on how to deal with pressure and recharge mentally. At the end of the day,
everyone got out feeling a bit more relieved having opened up to the group. We definitely
became a much stronger group after hearing about each other's unique struggles.

Tara Hill
Regional Operations & Partnerships at Glints

CSL Secret Santa

On Christmas day our awardees

were given presents from CSL secret
Santa after our monthly meetings.
Everyone got exactly what they
wished for and had a blast spending
Christmas with each other.

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