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(Arial, 14, Bold, ALL-CAPS, Center. Title should be in inverted triangle format.)
<One single space>

Name of 1st Author

(Arial, 11, Bold, Center. No titles i.e. Dr, Prof, Engr, Atty, etc.)
(Arial, 11, Italics-regular, Center, No e-mail, address, etc.)
<One single space>
2nd Author (if applicable)
<One double space>

(Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Left, UPPERCASE)
<One single space>
The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman-Regular, font size 12, with ½ inch
left indention and left-justified in one paragraph only. The abstract shall be limited from 250
to 300 words only. It should contain the objectives, methodology, and the salient findings
<One single space>
Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4, keyword5
(Keywords may include 4-5 words separated by commas, font size 12, Times New Roman, italics, and left-
aligned with no indention.)

 The Abstract must be a maximum of 2 pages only.
 The document must be in A4 size with normal margin of 1” on all sides.
 The paper must be submitted in soft copy (PDF file) to be emailed at
with subject: [TRICE 2021 Abstract] on 12 April until 06 June 2021.

International WebCon on Technology Research, Innovation, and Commercialization in Entrepreneurship 2021

“Breaking Limits, Becoming Seamless in Catalyzing Research Commercialization”
TRICE 2021 Briefer

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