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A, a Hindu man, died intestate, leaving behind his widow W, three daughters D1, D2 and D3, and two

sons S1 and S2. S1 married W1 and had two sons S3 and S4, and a daughter D4. S2 became an
atheist in 2002; S3 converted to Christianity in 2003 and married a Christian woman under the
Special Marriage Act, 1954 and had a son S5 and daughter D5. D1 died intestate in 2004, leaving
behind her husband H, daughter D6 and son S6. D2 divorced her husband H2 and returned to her
natal home and lived with her parents. D3 remained unmarried. The family of A is governed by
Mitakshara coparcenary as applicable in the state of Haryana. A died an undivided member of the
coparcenary whose property was worth Rs. 150 crores. In addition, he also owned separate
property, the value of which was estimated to be around Rs. 50 crores. S1 filed a partition suit in a
court of law in Haryana. Determine the shares of each heir of the family:

a) If the partition suit was filed 2000 and final decree was issued by the court in 2004; (5 marks)

b) If the partition suit was filed in 2000, and the suit remained pending for final decree in 2019.
(5 marks)

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