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Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts III
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. know that art is everywhere;
b. identify the different kinds of art around; and
c. differentiate God-made art and Man-made art.
I. TOPIC: Let’s find Arts
II. REFERENCES: Keeping in touch MAPEH Book
III. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: White board, pen, visual aids
IV. VALUES INFUSION: Appreciate God’s Art and Man’s Art
A. Preparatory Activities

Okay class, before we will start our lesson for
today, who among you can still remember our
lesson last meeting?
Yes, Joyce Ann? It is all about creating and discovering,
Nice! What is it all about?
Yes, Mae?
It deals with creating designs through paper
tearing, paper weaving and collage ma’am.
Excellent class! You are all racing your hands to
recite. It seems that you all listened last meeting
and you understood the topic.

Class, I will be grouping you into five (5)
groups since you are all 35 so each of the group
will have a seven (7) members.
I want you to write down all the arts that you
can see here inside the class.
Am I making myself clear?

Yes, ma’am
B. Developmental Activities (the students will do the activity)

1. Presentation of the Lesson

Your activity has something to do with our
lesson for today.
As I checked your papers by group I noticed
that you write down everything that inside our
class and by doing that, you all deserve again a
Today we are going to study arts. Finding arts (students will clap)
to specific.

2. Discussion ART. Art is everywhere! It makes the

Our lesson for today is all about finding arts. world beautiful, colorful and exciting.
Let’s find Arts.
Please read the first part, Novellia.

Thank you!
Everything we see around us has something to
do with art. Nature itself is art.
We have two types of arts. These are:
1. God-made Arts
2. Man-made Arts

Look outside the window or go outside the

house and watch a bird or a butterfly flying.
Look at the plants and trees around you with
different shapes and leaves. Look at the rainbow
and the different clouds in the sky above you.
These are the natural arts that God has given us.

How about the different automobiles you see

on the streets? The tall buildings and beautiful
houses? The ferris wheel and the caterpillar in
the carnival? These are all Man’s Creation.

Do you there’s art in the foods we buy and eat

every day? Look at the biscuits, chocolate and
candy wrappers we bring to schools for snacks
at recess time. Aren’t they attractive? There are
colors and designs in foods.

We also have an art in clothes. People change

clothes every day. There are clothes for different
occasions and celebrations. Different styles,
colors, sizes are found in clothes.
There is also an art in School Materials. The
books, notebooks, school bags, colored pencils
and etcetera are arts.

Yes, ma’am

Art is everywhere, ma’am

One more thing is the art at home. What is the

shape of your table? Your bed? Your wall The God-made arts and the Man-made arts,
clock? That’s ART. What is the color of your ma’am
glass? Your curtain? Your room? That’s art too.

Arts in foods, Arts in Clothes, Arts in

School Materials and Arts at Home.
Do you understand class?

Very good!

Okay class, where do we can find arts?

Very good! And what are the two kinds of arts?

Very good!
Now, give me the 4 thing where in we can find
arts too

Very good class!

Now class, I want you to answer the following
in a one whole sheet of paper.

Direction: Write AF for Arts in Food

AC for Arts in Clothes
AS for Arts in School
AH for Arts at Home

___1. Curtains
___2. Barong Tagalog
___3. Pencil Case
___4. Sofa Bed
___5. Birthday Cake
___6. Hanging Shirt
___7. Wedding Gown
___8. Fried Chicken
___9. Notebook
___10. Mango Shake

Direction: Write God-Made if it is an art made by God and Write Man-made if it is an art made
by human.
__________1. SUNFLOWER
__________2. RAINDROPS
__________3. REFRIGERATOR
__________4. CLOUDS
__________5. SCOOTERS
__________6. CHOCOLATE HILLS
__________7. LUNETA PARK
__________8. RAINBOW
__________9. COMPUTERS
__________10. WATER LILIES

Direction: Give five (5) ways to make your home beautiful. Write your answer in a one whole
sheet of paper and submit if on next meeting.


At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. identify each art element;
b. use different media for doing arts activities; and
c. differentiate the texture of an art.

I. Topic: Knowing Arts and its Elements
II. Reference: Lou B. Arnan's Book
III. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids
IV: Values Infusion

Teacher's Activity Learner's Activity

Okay Class, before we'll start our lesson for
today, who among you can still remember our
last lesson?
Yes, Ed? It's all about Home and Arts, Ma'am.

What is it all about?

Yes, Cams? It's all about the beauty of nature, Ma'am.

Very Good Class! It seems that you really

understood our lesson last time.

Okay class, in a one half sheet of paper, write Yes, Ma'am.
your own definition of Arts.
am I making myself clear, class?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the lesson

Your activity has something to do with our lesson

for today.

I checked already your paper and all of you has a

different meaning of arts. Good job, class.

2. Discussion

Our lesson for today is all about knowing Arts and

its element.

We have Line, Texture, Value, Shape, Space, Size,

Color, and Form as the elements of Arts.

- Line - a long, narrow mark or band.

- Shape - the external form, contours, or
outline of someone or something.
- Space - a continuous area or expanse
which is free, available, or unoccupied.
- Size - the relative extent of something; a
thing's overall dimensions or magnitude;
how big something is.

- Color - the property possessed by an

object of producing different sensations
on the eye as a result of the way it
reflects or emits light.
- Form - is an artist's way of using elements
of art, principles of design, and media.
Form as an element of art is three-
dimensional and encloses space. Like a
shape, a form has length and width, but it
also has depth.
- Texture - refers to the surface quality in a
work of art. We associate textures with
the way that things look or feel.
Everything has some type of texture. We
describe things as being rough, smooth,
silky, shiny, fuzzy and so on.

3. Generalization

Okay class, what are the elements of Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Value, Space, Size,
Arts. and Form Ma’am.

Very good class.

4. Application
Direction: Draw the following examples of Lines,
Shape and Forms.

1. Concave
2. Convex
3. Wavy Lines
4. Diamond
5. Cube
6. Zigzag
7. Pyramid
8. Oblong
9. Hexagon
10. Spiral


Direction: Enumerate the following:

Kinds of Lines
Kinds of Texture
Elements of Arts

1. Concave
V. Assignment
Direction: Feel the Texture of the following objects. Write SMOOTH or ROUGH on the blank.

_______ 1. Marble

_______ 2. Eyeglasses

_______ 3. Grapes

_______ 4. Durian

_______ 5. Book

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