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Track 15

Unit four exercise one conversation one.

A: And then this is the cathedral here. This kind of architecture is typical of our region.
B: Wow, it's really impressive. How old is it?
A: Oh, I should know that. I think it's from the 15th century, but I'm not totally sure. We can go inside
and check if you like.
B: oh, it's not so important. I mean, it might be nice to know.

(Schwarzburg Cathedral. Built between 1510 and 1543. Service on Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.)

Track 16
Conversation Two

A: That’s the castle I was telling you about earlier. It was built by King Heinrich the second in
German, it's called a Schloss.
B: Ahhhh… That's what Schloss means; I saw it on a sign back there. It really is beautiful.
A: Well actually it was almost completely destroyed by bombing and the war, and then rebuild in the
1960s, so it's not all as old as it looks.
A: It's terrible. How many historic buildings were damaged in the war?
B: Ohh…That was all a long time ago.

(Schloss Schwarzburg/Schwarzburg Castle. Built by King Heinrich the First in 1743. Partially
destroyed during World War Two. Rebuilt in the 1960s)

Track 17
Conversation Three.

A: Now this is something we're really proud of. It's our town's new art gallery.
B: My goodness, I've never seen a building like that before.
A: It was designed by the American architect Renzo Kindeslieb part of the building used to be a
brewery, brewing used to be a big industry and spots book.
B: Really. Do they still make beer here?
A: Not anymore. The brewery shut in 1992 (nineteen ninety-two) after reunification. Anyway, the
building is supposed to look like a beer bottle.
B: Oh yes, I see that now.
A: It's good, isn't it? He actually won a prize for it.
B: I don't understand why it doesn't fall over.
B: Neither do I. It's amazing, isn't it?

(Schwarzburg Art Gallery. Designed by the American architect Renzo Kindeslied. Building wa a
brewery (closed in 1994) )

Track 18
Unit Four exercise six.
A : Sharon
B : Kristina
C : Mauro
A: So, are you both from Modena originally?
B: I am. But Christina is from Milano.
C: Well, a little village about 60 kilometres from Milano, actually, but I normally say I'm from
Milano, because it's easier.
A: Okay, so how long have you lived here?
C: Ahh.. seven years. I went to university in Torino. And then, when I graduated, I moved to more
than, because of my boyfriend. He's from here.
A: And do you like living here?
C: I mean it's maybe a bit on the small side, and there's not much nightlife, but the quality of life is
really good here. And it's really nice that you can be out in the countryside in just 30 minutes.
A: Yeah, that's something I miss walking in a city I grew up on a farm so I miss the countryside
C: Interesting. Well, if we have time, perhaps we can drive out into the country. It's really beautiful.
A: That would be nice. I've actually got the afternoon free tomorrow and I was wondering if you had
any recommendations for things to do.
B: There’s a fantastic car Museum at Panzano, which is not far from here. It's in a beautiful castle. I
can take you if you like.
A: That's very kind of you. But my flights at 6pm So, I should probably stay in town just to make sure
I get to the airport in time.
B: I know if you can do the antique fair is on tomorrow, then at about 200 spends. It's really good.
A: That sounds great. I love antiques. Where is it exactly?
B: It Banco Navisod I'll take you if you want.
A: Well, if it's no trouble.
B: No its okay. I'll pick you up at the hotel, say 10.

Track 19
Unit Four exercise 11 conversation one.

A: I was wondering if you would like to join us for dinner tonight.

B: Fossa is really nice. Thanks very much.

Track 20
Conversation Two.
A: How about meeting for coffee next week?
B: I'd love to, but I'm actually away at a trade fair all next week. How about the week after that?

Track 21
Conversation Three.

A: I have an extra ticket for the opera tonight. Would you like to come?
B: On that's very kind of you, but I'm meeting a friend for dinner this evening. Maybe you can let me
know next time you're going?

Track 22
Conversation four

A: My partner and I are having a party next Saturday. We were hoping you could come.
B: Thanks, I'd like that very much.

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