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2.SPEAKING Checking information

A. Match the questions with the responses.Listen and check.Then practice with a partner.Give your
own information.

1. I’m sorry.What’s your name again? b. It’s Elizabeth Silva.

2. What do people call you? c.Everyone calls me Beth

3. How do you spell your last name? a. S-I-L-V-A.

B GROUP WORK Introduce yourself with your full name.Use the expressions in part A. Make a list of
names for your group.

A:Hi I’m Yusuf Azhar.

B: I’m sorry.What’s your name again?

A: It’s Yusuf Azhar.

B: What do you people call you?

A: Everyone calls me Yusuf.

B: How do you spell your last name?

A: A-Z-H-A-R.

3 CONVERSATION What’s seoul like?

- LISTEN and practice

Beth: Sun-hee, this is David Garza. He’s a new club member from Mexico.

Sun-hee: Nice to meet you,David. I’m Sun-hee Park.

David: Hi. So,you’re from South Korea?

Sun-hee: That’s right. I’m from seoul.

David: That’s cool. What’s Seoul like?

Sun-hee: It’s really nice. It’s a verry exciting city.

- LISTEN to the rest of the conversation.What city is David from?What’s it like?

- Mexico
- it,s really nice and it’s a verry exciting city

5. Grammar focus

A Complete these Sentences. Then tell a partner about your self.

1.My name is mariko kimura. I’m from japan. My family is in Osaka.

My brother is a university student his name is kenji

2. My name is Antonio. I’m from Buenos Aires. It’s a really nice city.

My sister is a student here, too. Our Parents are in argentina right now.

3.I’m Katherine,but everyone calls me Katie. My last name is Martin. I’m a

Student at city college. My parents are on vacation this week They’re in Los Angeles.

B Compelete these questions. Then practice with a partner.

1.A: Who’s that?

B: Oh, that’s Miss west.

2. A: Where’s she from?

B: She’s from Miami

3. A: What’s her first name?

B: It’s Celia.

4. A: Who are the two students over there?

B: Their names are Jeremy and Karen.

5. A: Where are they from?

B: They’re from Vancouver, Canada.

6. A: How do they behave?

B: They’re shy, but very friendly.

C.GROUP WORK Write five questions about your classmates.

Then ask and answer the questions

Septian : Hello, I’m Septian. I’m a new student

Yusuf : Hi, I’m a new student too

Septian : Wow, what a coincidence, what class are you from?

Yusuf : I’m from sociology class

Septian : Hey that’s my class too,Haha this isn’t just a coincidence

Yusuf : I thought so too, nice to meet you

6. Snapshot


Image 1: The United States.

Image 2: Italy.

Image 3: Japan.

Image 4:Indonesia.

Image 5: Hungaria.

Image 6: New Zealand.

8. Grammar Focus

A. Complete these conversation. Then practice with a partner.

1. A:Is Mrs. Gray from the united states?

B: Yes,she is,precisely from Chicago.

2. A:Is English class at 10.00?

B: No,it isn’t,but at 11.00.

3. A: Are you and Monique from France?

B: Yes,we are,pricesly from Paris.

4. A: Are Mr. and Mrs. Tavares American?

B: No, they aren’t, they’re Brazilian.

B. Answer the questions. If you answer “No”, give the correct information. Then ask
Your partner the questions.
1. Are you from The United States?
- No, I’m from Indonesia.

2. Is your teacher from Canada?

- No, my teacher From kendari

3. Is your English class in the morning?

- Yes, it is.

4. Are you and your best friend the same age?

- Yes, we are

C. GROUP WORK Write five questions about your classmates, then ask and answer the questions.
1. Are Sahrul and Robin from Jakarta?
- Yes, they are.

2. How many people in your class?

- Approximately 69 people including my self.

3. Mention the names of your classmates, who you already know?

- They are Septian,Waode nasya,Kevin aldian,Muhammad alfian,and others.

4. When are the due dates for your English assignments?

- Collected Until Wednesday.

5. How many courses did you take in sociology?

- My courses number seven

9. WORD POWER Hello and Good-bye

A. Do you know these expressions? Which ones are “Hellos” and which ones are

“Good-Bye”? Complete the chart. And expressions of your own.

Hello Good-Bye
Good Morning Bye
Good Night Have a good day
Hey See you later
Hi See you tomorrow
How are you? Talk to you later
What’s Up? How’s it going
B. Match each expression with the best response

1. Have a good day B. Thank you. you too.

2. Hi, how are you? D. Pretty good, thanks.

3. What’s up? A. Oh, not much.

4. Good morning C. Good morning.

10. LISTENING What’s yout last name again?

First name Last name Where from

Chris Olsen Los Angeles
Alexances Sanchez Mexico
Sun jinhwoo Kim South Korea


A. Read the article. Then check (√ ) the statements that are true.

1. Your name is part of your identity. ( √ )

2. People often feel the same why about a particular name.

3. Boy’s name are more popular than Girl’s name.

4. People are often named after family members. (√ )

5. Opinions about names can change. (√ )

B. According to the text article, which name suggest positive things? Complete the chart.

Positive name Negative name

Enma George

Jacob Betty

C . Pairk work What names are popular in your country? Why are the popular?
Answer : Muhammad, because is a role model for muslims, a prophet, who set, an
For human.

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