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Experimental Report


1. UNIT 3 SAC 2 consists of a practical activity to investigate chemical equilibrium. The

assessment consists of a brief introductory paragraph which includes the relevant chemistry
of equilibrium, a practical report and related questions on equilibrium under closed book test

2. The experiment, report and the questions are completed in two one hour lessons, with the test
component scheduled for the 4th May, 2021.

3. The experiment is performed in pairs.

4. The questions are completed under closed book test conditions in the second lesson. Data
booklet supplied. Questions will be a mix of practical related questions and general theory
questions relating to rate of reactions, equilibrium and the factors which affect equilibrium.

5. The relevant theory is found in Edrolo Chapter 5, Heinemann Chemistry 2, Chapter 15 - 16

and your class notes. The SAC requires knowledge of collision theory, factors which affect
rates of reaction, equilibrium and the equilibrium law, factors which affect equilibrium and
La Chatelier’s Principle.

6. The marks for this assessment will be scaled back to a mark out of 50.

Your SAC consists of three parts. Parts 1 and 2 are completed in class. Part 3 is done during
class time under test conditions with access to your own experiment data and a data booklet.

Part 1: Introduction /4 marks

Part 2: Experiments and Log Book /6 marks
Part 3: Test component /56 marks
Total /66 marks (scaled back to 50)

Part 1:
Introduction: Prepare a 200-250 word introduction to the task, which includes relevant brief
information regarding the occurrence of equilibrium, LeChatelier’s Principle and the significance
and importance of equilibrium considerations for Industrial Chemistry. Reference should also be
made to the equilibrium constant as a measure of the position and extent of a chemical reaction and
factors which affect equilibrium position.
/4 marks

Part 2:
Experiments - Chemical equilibrium
Title, date and partner - (-1 if not included)
Aim, Materials, Method: stuck into Logbook and adjusted where necessary
Results: record observations and data in a suitably designed table/s (3)
Safety: provided tables completed appropriately (3)
/6 marks

Part 3:
Test Questions
Some questions related to the practical just completed and some general questions. To be completed
under closed-book test conditions with access to experimental data and a data booklet.
/56 marks


In this experiment, you will study three reactions:

1. Aqueous cobalt chloride:

[Co(H2O)6]2+(aq) + 4Cl- (aq) ⇌ [CoCl4]2- (aq) + 6H2O (l)

Pink                  Blue 

2. Aqueous solutions of bromothymol blue indicator.

HBB (aq) ↔ BB- (aq) + H+ (aq)

Yellow/Green Blue

3. Aqueous phosphoric acid:

H3PO4 (aq) ↔ H2PO4– (aq) + H+ (aq)

Blue Green

In this experiment, you will perform the following:

 Determine the effect of varying reactant or product concentrations
 Determine the effect of temperature
 Determine the molar concentrations of the ions present in an equilibrium system.
 Determine the value of the equilibrium constant, K, for the reaction.

Bromothymol Blue solid
1 M Phosphoric acid
Methyl Violet indicator solution
1 M Na2CO3
2 M HCl
Conc. HCl
2 M NaOH
Distilled water
pH probe
10 mL measuring cylinder
0.4 M Cobalt II chloride equilibrium solution
Micro test tubes in a test tube rack
Plastic dropper
1M AgNO3 solution
Hot water bath
Cold water bath


1. Observe the colour of the equilibrium mixture and record in the data table.
2. Obtain 6 clean test tubes in a test tube rack and place about 2 cm of the equilibrium mixture
in each.
3. Perform each of the following actions on the various test tubes and record the appropriate
TEST TUBE 1: Warm the mixture in a hot water bath. Check on the test tube after about 10-15
TEST TUBE 2: Place the test tube in a beaker of ice water and leave it for about 10 minutes.
TEST TUBE 3: Add some silver nitrate solution and shake the mixture gently to mix.
TEST TUBE 4: Tilt the tube and gently pour 1-2 droppers full of acetone down the side of the test
tube to avoid mixing the acetone and the cobalt solution. (Note: Acetone removes water)
TEST TUBE 5: Add an equal volume of distilled water.
TEST TUBE 6: Control test tube. No action required. Use this test tube for colour comparisons. 

1. Weigh out approximately 4 mg of bromothymol blue and dissolve in 2 mL of ethanol and
then add 8mL of distilled water. Record the colour of the solution.
2. Accurately measure the pH of the solution using a pH probe.
3. Using a measuring cylinder add 5 mL of distilled water to a clean test tube. Add 2 to 3 drops
of the bromothymol blue indicator solution. Stir the solution using a glass stir rod.
4. Add a few drops of 2 M hydrochloric acid solution to the test tube and stir the solution.
Record the colour change.
5. Add a few drops of 2 M sodium hydroxide solution to the test tube and stir the solution.
Record the colour change.
6. Using a measuring cylinder add 5 mL of distilled water to two other clean test tubes. Add 2
to 3 drops of the bromothymol blue indicator solution to each tube. Stir the solution using a
glass stir rod.
7. Place one of the tubes in a hot water bath and the other in the cold water bath provided.
Describe what has happened to the colours of the solutions after the 1 minute.

1. Pour 1 M phosphoric acid into each of four test tubes to a depth of about 2 cm. Add two
drops of methyl violet indicator to each test-tube. Observe the colour produced.
2. Add a few drops of sodium carbonate solution to one of the tubes and record your
3. Add another 2 cm of distilled water to another one of the prepared tubes and record your
4. Place one test-tube in ice-water and the other in a hot water bath provided. Record the
colour of the indicator in the heated and cooled test-tubes.

Material Hazard Management

Cobalt (II) Chloride

Bromothymol Blue

Phosphoric acid

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