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Yaws School Survey Activities

Prepared by: Belen L Dofitas, MD (Principal Investigator)

Deliverable: All school surveys should be completed within February 2017.

Main activities of the school surveys:


1 2 3 4
1. Training of field research staff by the study investigators on the /
methods of the survey
2. Scheduling of activities with each school /
3. Preparation of survey forms and materials: master list of all /
students; informed consent/assent forms
4. Orientation of school principal and teachers; orientation of /
students, parents/guardians , securing informed consent & assent
5. Preparation of survey forms: Pre-screening forms for students /
& consolidation form, homework flyers for students
6. Pre-screening of children and households /
7. Preparation of Master list of students and household members /
for skin check-up; inviting students and household members with
skin diseases to the free skin clinic/s
8. Free skin check up for the pre-screened students and / /
household members
9. Checking of forms, inventory of forms and supplies, / /
submission of forms to Dr. Kalim
10. In-depth interviews of selected yaws patients, household /
contacts and key informant interviews of health workers;
Submission of transcription to Dr. Dofitas

Yaws Study Activities, Roles of Research Field Staff 1

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