College of Health Sciences: Urdaneta City University

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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan 2428


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Name of Student: ____Alipio, Rosemarie T.___ Year Level and Group: BSN III-BLK5

Affiliating Agency/Area: ___________________________________________ Month/Year of Exposure:


Teaching points

Generic Name: Used to treat a variety  Anaerobic  Dizziness  GI disturbances  Take full course of drug therapy; take the
drug with food if GI upset occurs.
of infections. It e.g. nausea,
Metronidazole Bacterial  headache  Do not drink alcohol (beverages or
belongs to a class of Infections. unpleasant preparations containing alcohol, cough
antibiotics known as  stomach upset metallic taste, syrups); severe reactions may occur.
Loading dose: 15  Your urine may be a darker color than usual;
Brand Name:
nitroimidazoles. It mg/kg IV; not to  nausea this is expected.
works by stopping the diarrhoea or  Refrain from sexual intercourse during
exceed 4 g/day.  Vomiting constipation. treatment for trichomoniasis, unless partner
Flagyl growth of bacteria wears a condom.
 Sexually Furred tongue, Apply the topical preparation by cleansing
and protozoa. This  loss of appetite glossitis, and

Dosage: Transmitted the area and then rubbing a thin film into
antibiotic only treats the affected area. Avoid contact with the
Disease.  diarrhea stomatitis due
 Capsule- bacterial and to overgrowth eyes. Cosmetics may be applied to the area
Prevention after application.
375mg protozoal infections.  constipation, or of Candida.  You may experience these side effects: Dry
 Tablet- following sexual mouth with strange metallic taste (frequent
metallic taste in Rarely,
assault mouth care, sucking sugarless candies may
250mg or antibiotic- help); nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (eat
 Bacterial your mouth associated
500mg frequent small meals).
Vaginosis. colitis.  Report severe GI upset, dizziness, unusual
may occur
Route: fatigue or weakness, fever, chills.
Nonpregnant Weakness,
PO, IV, TOPICAL women.  fevers dizziness,
 Colorectal  pain with
Frequency: headache,
Surgical urination drowsiness,
The capsule dose is Infection. insomnia,
375 mg 2 times a  Trichomoniasis.  mouth sores, changes in
day for 7 days.  Amebiasis.  tingling or mood or mental
 Giardiasis (Off- pricking state.
label) sensations that Numbness or
may become tingling in the
 Gardnerella
permanent, extremities,
Infection. epileptiform
MECHANISM OF CONTRAINDICATIONS  brain disease, seizures (high
ACTION and doses or
Known prolonged
Metronidazole diffuses
into the organism, hypersensitivity to  seizures. treatment).
inhibits protein
synthesis by interacting
acetylcysteine or to Serious but unlikely Transient
leucopenia and
with DNA and causing a any of the excipients. side effects of Flagyl
loss of helical DNA thrombocytope
Acetylcysteine include:
structure and strand nia.
breakage. Therefore, it (Fluimucil) granules  unsteadiness, Hypersensitivity
causes cell death in
and tablets are reactions.
susceptible organisms.
 seizures, Urethral
contraindicated in discomfort and
 mood changes,
patients suffering darkening of
from  numbness or urine. Raised
tingling of the liver enzyme
phenylketonuria due
hands or feet, values,
to the aspartame cholestatic
content. hepatitis,
 Painful jaundice.
urination. Thrombophlebi
tis (IV).
  Potentially
Checked by: _________________________________ Date: ____________________
Clinical Instructor’s Name and Signature

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