Modals Must, Should and Don't or No

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You MUST You You You MUST You MUST

go straight MUSTN’T MUSTN’T turn left or be careful.
ahead. You turn right make a u- right. You There is a
MUSTN’T when you see turn when MUSTN’T bridge that
turn left or this traffic you see this go might be
right. sign. traffic sign. straight. open ahead.

If you want to be safe on traffic, you Mustobey all the traffic rules.
You mustbe very careful when you are on roads.You
Mustn’tdrive fast or carelessly!

You must be When you

careful because
see this
there is a railway
ahead. traffic sign
you must

You Mustn’s You must When you This sign When you
turn left drive 50 km see this sign says that see this
when you see per hour at you must you Mustn’t traffic sign
this traffic most when watch for park your you must
sign. you see this the traffic car here. be
sign. lights. attentive.

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See this video:

Work team of four apprentices.

Write five rules.
Use the modal verb.
Include picture or signals.
Explain why you need each rule.
Read out your sentences to the classmates today .

2. In the workshop , using the modal of

obligation and prohibition “must” or mustn’t”

Example: You must make the suitable use of the tools for a longer useful life.

A. You should clean your tools

B. You shouldn't lose your tools at work

C. You should put your tools away after using


D. You shouldn't keep your tools dirty

E. You should always carry your tools

3. In English sessions, using the modal of

recommendation or suggestion “should or shouldn’t”

Example: You should arrive to online session on time. So, you do not disturb it.
You should turn in assignments on time

A. You shouldn't be late to class

B. You should pay attention in class

C. You shouldn't copy your partner's homework.

D. You should pay attention

Don’t VERB that or “NO + noun”

In the cinema On the bus

In a restaurant

In a public bathroom At a swimming pool

In a museum The door of a room you

shouldn’t enter

Match the signs with the places you think you are likely to see them. (Some places could
have more than one sign) and write them of the two forms.

DON’T (Verb) NO (Noun)

Do not smoke in the cinema. No smoking in the cinema.
Don’t use cellphone. No cellphones.

Now, write three new prohibitions sign and paste the relevant picture in relation to the workshop.

Sign Don’t No
Don’t play on this site No jewelry
Don’t wear glasses or hats no headphones
Don’t touch the object no laser

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Thanks so much for making your best effort!!!

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