Chapter 4 - Instructional Designs

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MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2


At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

a.) Gain clear understanding Instructional Design and its assumptions.

b.) Know different type instructional design.
c.) Practice the Training Psychology Design and Cybernetics Design.
d.) Understand cybernetics design.

Instructional Design has important role in Educational process. The fourth part of
Educational technology is called as Instructional Design.
Instruction Design is composed of two words— (1) Instruction and (2) Design.
Instruction means to give information and Design refers to the principles of
scientific investigation methods. The entire world research based on certain
assumptions and evaluate functions that help to reach certain conclusions. The
fourth part of Educational technology is called as Instructional Design. Instructional
Design has important role in Educational process. Similarly, the work done on
designs in fi eld of education is called instructional design.

“Instructional design is the process of specifying and producing particular

environmental situations which cause the learner to interact in such a way that a specified
change occurs in his behaviour.”

According to Derick Unnwin— “Instructional design is concerned application of

modern skills and techniques of requirement of education and training. This includes the

MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

facilitation of learning by manipulation of media and methods and the control of

environment is so far as this reflects on learning.”

Assumptions of Instructional Designs

• Instructional Design is based on teaching principles.

• It easily accepts the conceptual facts for testing.
• Physical, computerized and mathematical designs support
instructional designs.
• Patterns are necessary for the measurement of Instructional
designs. Behaviour is controlled in terms of its consequences.
• Regulations, principles and structure, all are important to
Instructional design.
• Teaching is both the art and science.
• Teacher is developed through effective training.
• All the phases–learning strategies, teaching principles and
organization of course, are important in instructional design.

MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

Comparative Teaching Technology Instructional Technology Behavioural Technology


1. Exponent Morrison, Herbart, Davis, Hunt etc. Bruner, Glazer, Iasubel etc. Skinner, Amiden, fl ender, Over

2. Objectives Development of cognitive, Only cognitive objectives Development of cognitive,

abstractive and functional abstractive and functional
objectives objectives

3. Approach Content and communication Physical Behaviour

4. Components All major basic Structuring, organization and Interaction between

components– contents and presentation of contents. Students communication, students and
communication, teacher and are more active components teacher, analysis

5. Foundation psychology, sociology and Psychological and scientifi c Principles of psychology and
scientifi c foundation foundation cybernetics

6. Organization Between the teacher and students By audio-visual, other methods By teachers
and person
7. Aim Effective teaching To share information Desired behavioural changes

8. Content Educational models and principles Work-analysis, objectives, Principles of teacher behaviour,
of educational methods and testing and motivating investigating method of
techniques methods behaviour, analysis and
improvement in teacher’s

9. Levels of Memory, sense and thinking Memory Memory and sense

10. Place of Teacher Manager Helpful Subsidiary
11. Principle Educational art and learning Production principles of charge Learning principles– operant,
principles process conditioning, motivation and
feedback etc.

12. Examples Education at Memory, sense and Self-study, linear and Micro-teaching and
thinking level, branching programmed miniteaching, stimulation- social
teachingmanagement instruction, mathetics, skills teaching, interaction
correspondence courses and analysis, team teaching etc.
open university system

MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

13. Signifi cance (1) Makes learning more effective (1) Instructional develops (1) Develops principles of
and purposeful. principles teaching-behaviour,
improves behaviour
(2) Develops educational (2) Relates instructions process to
principles its objectives

14. Education Makes class-teaching more Helpful in self-study, It is very useful in making
Implication effective and purposeful correspondence and open effective teacher.
learning and remedial teaching

Types of Instructional Designs

Many approaches were introduced in the fi eld of education to solve its problems.
Following three approaches of instructional design are most popular in the fi eld of new
approaches. These are presented by charts—

Types of instructional designs

Training psychology design Cybernetics design System approach

Training Psychology Design

Training psychology design mainly concentrates on task analysis and
related elements of teaching. It is related to input phase of educational technology. Its
genesis was the result of response to military requirements. This method was fi rst used
for the training of military bombers. In this design, a direct analysis method is used in
which trained organs are developed. Robert Gagne and Glazer have specially
enlightened this design. Training Psychology Design emphasized on goals and tasks
and divides them into different elements. This design has the following points—

MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

1. To recognize component tasks.

2. To consider in relation to their attainment.
3. Providing a systematic order to learn the full circumstances.
Therefore it can be said that this design has three major parts—
1. Task analysis

2. Intra-task-transfer
3. Proper sequencing
This design has a vast area in the fi eld of education and there are many dimensions and
problems for research. In the fi eld of teaching-training, it is a viable design for the
determination of goals, for writing goals in terms of behaviour and to develop skills in
teacher. Educational process and teaching skills can be examined by this design and it
provides a legal basis for lesson planning and course preparation.
In 1960s, following are the major models from this design and various teaching models—
1. Georgian Educational Model
2. Wisconsin University Model
3. Education Model Instruction
4. Florida Model
5. Michigan State Model
6. Syracuse Model
7. Teacher college Model
8. Regional Laboratory Model
9. Teachers for the Real World Model

Utility of Training Psychology Design

• It is very useful for developing teacher training

• It supports development of Instruction.
• It provides an appropriate sequence for dividing the work analysis of teacher into
• Branching Programmed learning is a result of it.
• Solves the experimental problem of teacher training.
• Endeavour to improve existing training programs.
• Helps in deciding the training goals and plans to organize real educational training

MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

• While respecting the individual diversity of students, assists them.

• This design has an important role in preparing remedial instructions, development
of curriculum and instructional material.
• Makes teaching and training more effective.

Cybernetics Design

Cybernetics has been evolved from a

Greek word “Kybernets” which means
Pilot or Governer. The word “Kybornets”
means “to govern”. Therefore it can be
said that cybernetics refers to a system
or design to govern. It is a Science of
communication and control. Control is
the basic element of this design. Here
control refers to mutual relation. [In the
agreement of self-regulation and
continuity, this design emphasize on the
desired changes in the student’s
behaviour by controlling them.]

Basic Elements
There are three basic elements of cybernetics Design—
1. Input—It is first necessary input to the entire process, or is the presentation of teaching
material. For example–charts, diagrams, audio-visual material, written-symbolic
material in the library. So it is a unit that makes us aware of the process and we receive
learning material and information.
Another interesting input is to be an objective instruction system, which is confi rmed by
this design. The third input gives place to student’s personal characteristics in the
instructional system and the last input pursue students in the form of response.
2. Output—In instructional system, to perform in front of students is called output. This
unit is the result of sequence process which can be written and non-writing. Its goals
is to produce some responses.
3. Processor—Through this, information or materials are used in the revision and refi
nement. Processor also refers to that tool which demonstrates facts with a linear
method, respectively.

MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

In cybernetics system, communication process is of two types—

1. Open Loop system—Achievements obtained in open loop system doesn’t affect any
future work. It is neither affected by input nor by output.
2. Closed Loop system—In this, input and output becomes the parts of the system and
affects experiments, results and achievements of future. This type is process is called
as cybernetics system.

According to this design, teacher and student work as a machine and communication
and control process keep running in educational process. Teacher teaches students
with different methods – make them able to learn and provide innovative knowledge.

Utility of Cybernetics

• This design makes educational process more organized and

• Specifies the principles of linear programmed learning.
• It displays universal form of teaching.
• After scientific analysis of learning process, this design makes it
• Helps teacher to understand the teaching system.
• It leads to required learning behaviour using control.
• Student’s learning behaviour can be organized and controlled by
practices and feedback.
• Helpful in creating new teaching models.

MODULE Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

• Helpful in class instruction.

• It emphasizes on social as well individual instruction.
• Innovative philosophies have come in the fi eld of teacher training
as a result of its feedback. For example – microteaching, mini-
teaching, programmed instruction, interaction analysis etc. All
these are based on the feedback of cybernetics system.

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