Applications of Differential Equations

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Applications of Differential Equations


Assistant Professor
Vellore Institute of Technology - Chennai Campus
Chennai - 600 127

Guest Lecture

Stella Maris College

Chennai - 600 086

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What I am going to talk

The aim of todays talk is

Brief General Introduction to Differential Equations

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What I am going to talk

The aim of todays talk is

Brief General Introduction to Differential Equations
Few Applications

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What I am going to talk

The aim of todays talk is

Brief General Introduction to Differential Equations
Few Applications
How to Understand Differential Equations

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Introduction to Differential Equations

Let us go back to 17th century

The Principia has been called “a book dense with the theory and
application of the infinitesimal calculus” in modern times. The Principia
is not written in the language of calculus either as we know it or as
Newton’s (later) ’dot’ notation would write it.
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Introduction to Differential Equations

Let us go back to 17th century

Mathematical works have always favored Leibniz’s notation as the

conventional expression of calculus, while Newton’s notation became
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Introduction to Differential Equations

Contribution during 19th century

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Introduction to Differential Equations

What is Differential Equation

An Ordinary Differential Equation consisting of an independent
variable t, an unknown function (dependent variable) y = y (t) and its
derivatives up to a certain order. Such a relation can be written as

d ny
f t, y , ,··· , n = 0
dt dt

Here n is a positive integer, known as the order of the differential


1 More than one dependent variable - Higher order equation

2 More than one independent variable - Partial Differential Equation

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Few applications

Exponential Model for Population Growth

First Order Linear Differential Equation

= rP
P(t) = P0 ert

where r is the growth rate and P(t) is the population at time t.

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Few applications

Logistic Model for Population Growth

First Order Non - Linear Differential Equation

dP P
= rP(1 − )
dt k
k k − P0
P(t) = ,A =
Ae−rt + 1 P0

where r is the growth rate, k is environmental restraints (or) carrying


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Few applications

Predator - Prey Problem

System of First order Equation

= ax − αxy
= γxy − cy
x - Number of prey (rabbits)
y - Number of Predator (fox)
a, α, γ, c - Parameters independent of t

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Few applications

Free Vibrations of a Spring - Mass - Damper System

Second Order Linear Differential Equation

d 2x dx
+ 2n + p2 x = 0
dt dt
p2 = k /m, 2n = c/2

x(t) - Displacement of Spring at time t
m - Mass of Spring
c - Damping Coefficient
k - Spring Stiffness

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Few applications

Dynamics of a Double Spring Mass

System of Second Order Equation

d 2X
= kX
dt 2
where !
− k1m+k k2
x1 m1
X = ,K = 1
x2 k2
m2 − k2m+k

x1 , x2 - Displacement of First and Second block at time t
k1 , k2 - Spring Stiffness of First and Second Spring
m1 , m2 - Mass of First and Second block

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Few applications

Motion of a Simple Pendulum with Damping

Second Order Non - Linear Differential Equation

d 2θ dθ
+α + k sin(θ) = 0
dt 2 dt
θ(t) - Pendulum Angle at time t
k - Length of the Pendulum
α - Damping Parameter

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Few applications

Displacement of String

Partial Differential Equation

∂2u ∂2u
= c
∂t 2 ∂x 2

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ODE - References

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ODE - References

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PDE - References

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Thank You

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