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Q. No. 1: What is the Law of Non-Contradiction, and what role does it play in......................................1
Q. No. 2: Describe "Coherentism." Be sure to include its relation to systems such as geometry............1
Q. No. 3: Explain how Gensler's approach to ethics relates to axiomatic systems.................................2
Q. No. 4: Describe the Golden Rule as Gensler approaches it, and distinguish it from the other
approach to the Golden Rule that he rejects. Be sure to explain why he rejects the other form of the
Golden Rule..........................................................................................................................................2
Q. No. 5: Lay out and explain the main points presented by Kreeft and Boonin in their debate on
abortion. Be sure to include the points they raised in their opening statements as well as the
responses in their rebuttals....................................................................................................................3
Q. No. 6: What is consequentialism? Be sure to include its relation to utilitarianism.............................4
Q. No. 7: Explain how pragmatism is associated with consequentialism...............................................5
Q. No. 8: What is the difference between consequentialism and non-consequentialism?......................5

Q. No. 1: What is the Law of Non-Contradiction, and what role does it play
Gensler's approach to ethics?

Law of Non-Contradiction:
Formally Law of Non-Contradiction states that A cannot be A and not A at the same time
and in the same sense:
Roe in Gensler’s Approach:
Gensler’s approach in entirely based upon “consistency” that completely opposite of that
Law of Non-Contradiction. So, if we want to be consistent, we must avoid any kind of
contradictions. Consistency is a Logical symbol.
With the presence of that law, Gensler was able to in co-operate many advanced formal logics
and ethics, which are known as Formal Ethics.
As this entire approach is based upon consistency so, Law of Non-contradiction must not be
disobeyed to have this approach valid.

Q. No. 2: Describe "Coherentism." Be sure to include its relation to

such as geometry.

Answer: Coherentism:
Formal ethics approach is associated with what is known as “Coherentism”.
It is the theory of truth stating tuth B defined as a set of claims or belief all of them are consistent
internally or hanging together.
This theory can be well described by some axiomatic system Like geometry. Coherentism have
some sets of claims and beliefs and in geometry we have different types of sets to describe

Q. No. 3: Explain how Gensler's approach to ethics relates to axiomatic


Answer: Gensler’s approach to ethics can be related to axiomatic systems such that axiomatic
systems can give us logical things. Gensler’s approach has deep roots with logic
From axioms, we can derive various theorems. These theorems are derived by some logical rules
of the system. This kind of methodology has very interesting prospects. It one understands this
methodology then it will really help him to understand Gensler’s approach to others.

Q. No. 4: Describe the Golden Rule as Gensler approaches it, and distinguish
it from the other approach to the Golden Rule that he rejects. Be sure to
explain why he rejects the other form of the Golden Rule.

Answer: From where Gensler started it known as "The Golden Rule." This
is fundamental for understanding Gensler's approach.
Golden Rule:
Treat other people like you want that other people should treat you. Hereafter, we will classify
this as the GR
GR forbids a combinations such as the following:
a. I do something to another.
b. I'm unwilling that this be done to me in the same situation.
To apply the golden rule, we should know what effect our actions will
have on the lives of other people. Also, we need to imagine ourselves in the
other person's place on the receiving end of the action.
GR is a consistency principle. We should not have our actions toward
others being out of harmony with our own desires (about a reversed
state of affairs).
Gensler rejects what is known as the "Literal Golden Rule." This is
stated as follows: If you want X to do something to you, then do this
same thing to X. Gensler claims that this leads to absurdities.

Q. No. 5: Lay out and explain the main points presented by Kreeft and
Boonin in their debate on abortion. Be sure to include the points they
raised in their opening statements as well as the responses in their

Ans: This debate was about the abortion and right of a person who is still in mother’s belly.
Two special persons to do the debate, were invited there:
 Peter kreeft Ph.D. professor of philosophy from Boston College
 David Boonin Ph.D. professor or philosophy in University of Colarado.
A third guest was also in this debate. Professor Talliafero Ph.D. professor of philosophy St. Olaf
Kreeft starts telling his arguments from here:
 I hope everybody is here for the same purpose. I hope nobody is here to see who
 You are all here to open you minds. Truth can be found.
 Specticism about normal and ethical matters are impossible if we are gonna
 If Abortion is wrong then it is used to said to be wrong.
There are two premises of values and scientifil premises about the fax. It will be proved that it is
You don’t want to the see the person who wants to kill you.
The one from whom you don’t want to be killed. Don’t kill them.
Third premises is fundamental human rights
Murder is wrong, so abortion is wrong but it legally wrong.
I f you don’t know for God’s sake, Don’t kill, Don’t kill
Boonin started telling his arguments from here:
I am gonna make a statement. I will persuade to make you agree for this
A typical human Aborted child has the same right to like adult human beings. Two things will
clear if you will see the public debate. Question is, if the aborted child has the same right to life
as you have what if everthingfollows about it~!!
What is right of life?

The right of life is not the same thing as right to be kept to life. Right of life does not
Hospital story:
If you experience a horrible accident and you admitted into a hospital and your friends
are informed that you experienced a dangerous accident then they will come to you and if the
doctor will tell you that you will die if you will move from your ventilator. You moved and died
then who will experience real damage??
Question from Boonin:
One of my children is around 2 years old.
Other two are of 13 and 25 years old.
I have total 3 children what if children will know that I am aborted a child after them I
think it does not sound good…
Another question to Boonin:
At what point do we say that obligation kicks in??
My point of View:
According to my point of view Abortion is not a good thing as explained by Dr. Kreeft.
Hence we should keep ourselves from this less profitable thing. My be we will be at right track!!!

Q. No. 6: What is consequentialism? Be sure to include its relation to

Consequentialism is an approach of morality in which nature of an action is determined
by its consequences. If an action leads to bad results it will be categorized as immoral action and
vice versa. Action cannot be good or bad on its own, it is its effect on anything or someone who
determines whether it is good or bad.
 “Utilitarianism is one of the most popular forms of consequentialism in accordance to
this “Action” is considered to be moral if it brings greatest happiness for the greatest
number of people”.
In all above debate, it is concluded that consequentialism is one big class and Utilitarianism is
one type of this big class.

Q. No. 7: Explain how pragmatism is associated with consequentialism.

Ans: In paragmtistic school of thought, people(pragmatists) consider though as a tool or an

equipment for future prediction, solving problem and actions.
Pragmtists thought that most of the philosophical topics(i-e: nature of knowledge, language,
concepts, meaning etc) are best viewed in terms of their practical uses and success in daily life.
In above discussion it can clear that paramatism is closely related to consequentialism.
Consequentialism is based upon consequences of action and pragmatism also take results of
action into account. Consequentialism has great emphasize on pragmatism in U.S.A. Pragmatism
has great influence on culture of U.S.A. What should I do to earn money? When should I get
married etc. These are all the question that are answered on the basis of consequences and
results. This is due to pragmatism

Q. No. 8: What is the difference between consequentialism and non-


Ans: Consequentialism:
 One of many approaches to morality is “consequentialism”. Consequentialism is based
upon the nature of result of an act that how good or bad it is.
 An act is considered moral if consequence that follows it is good and vice versa. Here, we
can say that, Consequestionlism states that any action is not good or bad by itself, it is its
consequence that determines whether it is good or bad.
 Utlitarianism is tha most popular form of consequentialism. According to this nature of
action is determined by the number of people to whom it brings happiness or sadness.
Greater the amount of happiness to greater number of people, more moral will be the
action. Hedonism is an important feature of Utilitarianism.
 Consequence are not sufficient for determining that whether something is good or bad.

 According to this there are some actions that are wrong all the time. So, it is our duty to
avoid those wrong actions and do engage with actions that are good.
 And also according to Non-Consequentialism action should not be judged just because of
consequences. Some actions are just right and some are just wrong.
 Thus according to this, whether if an action lead to the most optimal result, it can still be
immoral and vice versa.

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