Deed of Purchase and Sale of Real Estate

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On ___________________ ( ) of ________________ in ________________ came

forward _______________ and ______________, both adults and residents of this city, of
married civil status, with current marital partnership, identified as appearing under their
respective signatures as seller and buyer respectively by those who stated that they had
entered into a sales contract under the following clauses.
FIRST: _____________________________________, transfers in title of real and
effective sale in favour of _____________________________________, the right of
ownership and possession which it has and exercises over the following real estate
______________________, with an approximate surface area of__________ (______)
square meters. Cadastral Registry Number _______________ located in the Urban
Perimeter of the city of _________, marked with the number __________, from the
____________, current nomenclature, which boundaries and specifications are cited in
public deed No. _______ dated _____( ) on _____ of _______ granted by the Notary
Public _______ ( ) from ___________.
SECOND: The price of the property covered by this contract is the sum of ___________
PESOS COP. ($_________________________), sum that the seller declares to have
received from the buyer, in its entirety and to its entire satisfaction.
THIRD: The seller declares that the property he/she disposes of by means of this
instrument was acquired in his/her current civil status by purchase from
Mr./Mrs._________________________, as stated in public deed number ____________
date ______, granted by the Notary Public _________ ( ) from ___________, and
registered in the Office of Registry of Public Instruments of this city to the folio of Real
Estate Registration number _______________.
FOURTH: It guarantees the seller that the property by this alienated deed is free of
census, mortgage, lien, pending litigation, civil action registered, lease, anthicresis,
heritage of family attachment which is established by public deed, settlement of domain
conditions, limitations of it, and in general, free and clear of all liens, but in any case, it
agrees to exit the sanitation of what was sold, in the cases provided for by law.
FIFTH: That from this date the seller makes real and material delivery of the property to
the buyer. Together with all its uses, customs and easements that legally correspond,
without reservation or limitation and in the state in which it currently is. Being understood
that in this sale is included the right to the telephone line number ____________________
along with their respective device.
ACCEPTANCE: In this state the purchaser, Mr./Miss __________________________, of
civil conditions already noted, manifests:
a) That accepts this deed and consequently the sale in it contained in their favour by
finding it to their satisfaction.
b) They are already in quiet and peaceful possession of the property acquired.
c) By means of this public deed is in debt to the
Mr./Miss__________________________________________, by the sum of
___________________________________, PESOS (COP) ($_______________),
which agrees to cancel within the essential term of _______________ (___) (days /
months), counted from this date.
d) That in order to guarantee the payment of the lent sum, as well as the interests
referred to in the following paragraph, in addition to compromising their personal
responsibility, constitutes Special First Degree Mortgage on the property you
acquire by means of this same instrument, for which you acknowledge and pay to
your creditor a monthly interest of _____ percent (____) in advance, within the first
five days of each month.
e) If for any circumstance the debtor incurs a delay of two months in the payment of
the interests here agreed upon, the creditor may demand the immediate payment
of the mutual debt and is expressly empowered for the pertinent legal actions
before the competent authority, without there being any place to request or to
constitute it in default. If there is any place to initiate an execution process for the
payment of the mutual sum and its interests, the procedural costs and the fees of
the lawyer to whom the collection is entrusted, shall be charged to the debtor.
f) The cancellation costs of this mortgage will be on behalf of the exponent debtor.

Present Mr./Miss _____________________________________, ____________, of

marital status ______________________, of legal age and neighbour of this city, bearer of
citizenship card number _________________ issued in __________________ and
military passbook number __________________________________ of Military District
number __________________, said:

a) That accepts the mortgage that is constituted in his favour by means of this deed
because he finds it to be in conformity.
b) That reserves the right to assign this title to the person who has the property, without
the need for any notification.


C.C. _____________________ de __________________

C.C. _____________________ de __________________
Rasgos definitorios de la Traducción: Principios básicos (Hurtado, 2017)
El uso y aplicación de la semántica, sintáctica y pragmática permitieron realizar una
traducción adecuada debido a que se tuvo en cuenta las características textuales,
lexicales, situacionales, de sentido y su objetivo. El efecto que el texto debía tener en el
lector era particular pues se trataba de una traducción de ámbito legal; y debido a esa
razón, el efecto nombrado anteriormente debía ser el mismo en el texto origen al igual que
en el texto meta.

El tipo de traducción fue Escrita Jurídica, pues su canal original fue escrito, su modo
traductor simple y su condicionamiento fue de texto escrito a texto escrito. Hurtado Albir,
Amparo. (2017)

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