Technology Based (Written) - Lamboloto

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Lamboloto Janjee Yeddah C.

SED 301

1. What makes machine translation different from human translation? (5 points)

As we keep on learning different language or developing the language that we already
know. We know that there are many words that has multiple meanings depending on
how we use them. As Human it will be very easy for us to know which meaning of a
word is being used but the machine translation will have a lot of struggles on this part.
For example, if as humans heard or read the word pool we can identify it by a small
body of water but if the machine translation get it there can be an error because it
might identify as Pull which is to exert force onto something.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using machine translation in terms of
context and language? (10 points)
The advantages of the Machine translation:
It can save you a lot of time looking into the dictionary to know what is the
translated or meaning of this specific words. Instead, you can use the machine
translation to translate it and in just a few seconds you already have the translated
The machine translation is not pricey but can be very useful.
In terms of confidentiality machine translator can help us a lot. If you give a
sensitive data to a translator there a chance that It can leak and its very risky while in
machine translator the information is protected.
Machine translator can translates text to any language that we need while the
translator is specialized only to one particular field.

The disadvantages of Machine Translation:

The machine translation is does not guarantee a 100% accuracy to any words,
sentences or paragraph you want it to translate. It can only do a word for word
without understanding the information. That is why you still need to correct it
3. What strategy do you think is machine translation similar to the ones discussed in the
previous lessons? Explain. (5 points)
I think the translation strategy that is similar to machine translation under the direct
translation which is word for word. After using the Google translator app, I notice that the
words have been translated directly word for word. When it has to translate a bit tricky
sentence which is we need to use indirect it doesn’t go well, and it still translated as it is
so the translated text gets a bit weird because of it.

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