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PHARMACOLOGY B | Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris 2020
 In most cases, formation of labile partially occlusive COLLEGE
the site of a fissured or ulcerated plaque is the mechanism for
Ischemic heart disease reduction in flow.
 one of the most common cardiovascular diseases in developed  Inflammation may be a risk factor, because patients taking
countries tumor necrosis factor inhibitors appear to have a lower risk of
myocardial infarction.
Angina pectoris
 The course and the prognosis of unstable angina are variable,
 most common condition involving tissue ischemia in which but this subset of acute coronary syndrome is associated with a
vasodilator drugs are used high risk of myocardial infarction and death and is considered
 denotes chest pain caused by accumulation of metabolites a medical emergency.
resulting from myocardial ischemia.  vigorous measures are taken to achieve both— increase oxygen
 Organic nitrates - Nitroglycerin - mainstay of therapy for the delivery (by medical or physical interventions), and decrease
immediate relief of angina oxygen demand.
Calcium channel blockers (vasodilator) - for prophylaxis
a blockers (not vasodilators) - also useful in prophylaxis PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ANGINA
 Most common cause of angina: Atheromatous obstruction of
the large coronary vessels (coronary artery disease, CAD) Determinants of Myocardial Oxygen Demand
 Primary cause of angina pectoris: imbalance between the
oxygen requirement of the heart and the oxygen supplied to it The major determinants of myocardial oxygen requirement are:
via the coronary vessels. 1. Wall stress
 In theory, the imbalance between oxygen delivery and a. Intraventricular pressure
myocardial oxygen demand can be corrected by decreasing b. Ventricular radius (volume)
oxygen demand or by increasing delivery (by increasing c. Wall thickness
coronary flow). 2. Heart rate
3. Contractility
1. Classic angina or effort angina  The effects of arterial blood pressure and venous pressure are
 results from inadequate blood flow in the presence of CAD mediated through their effects on myocardial wall stress.
 Imbalance occurs when the myocardial oxygen requirement  As a consequence of its continuous activity, the heart’s oxygen
increases, especially during exercise, and coronary blood flow needs are relatively high, and it extracts approximately 75% of
does not increase proportionately. the available oxygen even in the absence of stress.
 The resulting ischemia usually leads to pain.  The myocardial oxygen requirement increases when there is an
 In fact, coronary flow reserve is frequently impaired in such increase in heart rate, contractility, arterial pressure, or
patients because of endothelial dysfunction, which is associated ventricular volume. These hemodynamic alterations frequently
with impaired vasodilation. As a result, ischemia may occur at a occur during physical exercise and sympathetic discharge,
lower level of myocardial oxygen demand. which often precipitate angina in patients with obstructive
 In some individuals, the ischemia is not always accompanied by coronary artery disease.
pain, resulting in “silent” or “ambulatory” ischemia.  Drugs that reduce cardiac size, rate, or force reduce cardiac
 oxygen demand can be reduced by: oxygen demand. Thus, vasodilators, β blockers, and calcium
 decreasing cardiac work blockers have predictable benefits in angina.
 shifting myocardial metabolism to substrates that require  A small, late component of sodium current helps to maintain
less oxygen per unit of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) the long plateau and prolong the calcium current of myocardial
produced. action potentials. Drugs that block this late sodium current can
indirectly reduce calcium influx and consequently reduce
2. Vasospastic, Variant angina or Prinzmetal angina cardiac contractile force.
 significant myocardial ischemia and pain  The heart favors fatty acids as a substrate for energy
 transient spasm of localized portions of these vessels, which is production. However, oxidation of fatty acids requires more
usually associated with underlying atheromas oxygen per unit of ATP generated than oxidation of
 In variant angina, oxygen delivery decreases as a result of carbohydrates. Therefore, drugs that shift myocardial
reversible coronary vasospasm. metabolism toward greater use of glucose (fatty acid
 spasm of coronary vessels can be reversed by: nitrate or oxidation inhibitors) have the potential, at least in theory, to
calcium channel-blocking vasodilators. reduce the oxygen demand without altering hemodynamics.
 Lipid-lowering drugs, especially the “statins,” have become
extremely important in the long-term treatment of Determinants of Coronary Blood Flow & Myocardial Oxygen Supply
atherosclerotic disease.
 In the normal heart, increased demand for oxygen is met by
3. Unstable angina augmenting coronary blood flow. Because coronary flow drops
 an acute coronary syndrome to negligible values during systole, coronary blood flow is
directly related to the aortic diastolic pressure and the
 present when episodes of angina occur at rest and when there
duration of diastole. Therefore, the duration of diastole
is an increase in the severity, frequency, and duration of chest
becomes a limiting factor for myocardial perfusion during
pain in patients with previously stable angina.
 caused by episodes of increased epicardial coronary artery
 Coronary blood flow is inversely proportional to coronary
resistance or small platelet clots occurring in the vicinity of an
vascular resistance.
atherosclerotic plaque.
 Resistance is determined mainly by:

PHARMACOLOGY B | Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

 intrinsic factors, including metabolic products and autonomic
activity, and can be modified—in normal and acts mainly through this mechanism.
 Nitric oxide is an effective activator of soluble guanylyl cyclase

 coronary vessels—by various pharmacologic agents. Important molecular donors of nitric oxide include nitroprusside
 Damage to the endothelium of coronary vessels has been and the organic nitrates used in angina.
shown to alter their ability to dilate and to increase coronary Atherosclerotic disease may diminish endogenous endothelial NO
vascular resistance. synthesis, thus making the vascular smooth muscle more dependent
upon exogenous sources of NO.
Determinants of Vascular Tone
 Peripheral arteriolar and venous tone (smooth muscle tension) 2. Decreasing intracellular Ca2+:
both play a role in determining myocardial wall stress.  Calcium channel blockers predictably cause vasodilation
because they reduce intracellular Ca2+, a major modulator of the
Arteriolar tone activation of myosin light chain kinase in smooth muscle.
 directly controls peripheral vascular resistance and thus  Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers also reduce Ca2+
arterial blood pressure. influx in cardiac muscle fibers, thereby reducing rate,
 In systole, intraventricular pressure must exceed aortic contractility, and oxygen requirement under most
pressure to eject blood; arterial blood pressure thus circumstances.
determines the systolic wall stress in an important way.
Venous tone 3. Stabilizing or preventing depolarization of the vascular smooth
 determines the capacity of the venous circulation muscle cell membrane:
 controls the amount of blood sequestered in the venous  The membrane potential of excitable cells is stabilized near the
system versus the amount returned to the heart resting potential by increasing potassium permeability.
 Venous tone thereby determines the diastolic wall stress.  cGMP may increase permeability of Ca2+-activated K+ channels.
 Potassium channel openers increase the permeability of K+
Regulation of smooth muscle contraction and relaxation channels by ATP-dependent K+ channels.
 Minoxidil sulfate
 Nicorandil

4. Increasing cAMP in vascular smooth muscle cells:

 an increase in cAMP increases the rate of inactivation of myosin
light chain kinase
 β2 agonists - drugs that are not used in angina bec they
cause too much cardiac stimulation
 Fenoldopam - a D1 agonist used in hypertensive


Drug Action in Angina

 decrease myocardial oxygen requirement by decreasing
the determinants of oxygen demand (heart rate, blood pressure,
and contractility).
A simplified diagram of smooth muscle contraction and the site
of action of calcium channel-blocking drugs. 1. organic nitrates
Contraction is triggered (red arrows) by influx of calcium 2. calcium channel blockers
(which can be blocked by calcium channel blockers) through 3. β blockers
transmembrane calcium channels. The calcium combines with Nitrates usually also cause a beneficial decrease in ventricular
calmodulin to form a complex that converts the enzyme myosin volume.
light-chain kinase to its active form (MLCK*). The latter In some patients, the nitrates and the calcium channel blockers may
phosphorylates the myosin light chains, thereby initiating the cause a redistribution of coronary flow and increase oxygen delivery
interaction of myosin with actin. Other proteins, including calponin to ischemic tissue.
and caldesmon (not shown), inhibit the ATPase activity of myosin In variant angina, these two drug groups also increase myocardial
during the relaxation of smooth muscle. Interaction with the Ca2+- oxygen delivery by reversing coronary artery spasm.
calmodulin complex reduces their interaction with myosin during Two newer drugs, ranolazine and ivabradine, are discussed later.
the contraction cycle.
Beta2 agonists (and other substances that increase cAMP) may NITRATES & NITRITES
cause relaxation in smooth muscle (blue arrows) by accelerating the  simple nitric and nitrous acid esters of polyalcohols
inactivation of MLCK and by facilitating the expulsion of calcium Nitroglycerin
from the cell (not shown). cGMP facilitates relaxation. ROCK, Rho
 prototype
kinase inhibits relaxation.
 used in the manufacture of dynamite, the systemic
formulations used in medicine are not explosive.
Ways by which drugs may relax vascular smooth muscle:
 The conventional sublingual tablet form of nitroglycerin may
1. Increasing cGMP:
lose potency when stored as a result of volatilization and
 cGMP facilitates the dephosphorylation of myosin light chains,
adsorption to plastic surfaces. Therefore, it should be kept in
preventing the interaction of myosin with actin.
tightly closed glass containers.
 Nitroglycerin is not sensitive to light.

PHARMACOLOGY B | Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

 All therapeutically active agents in the nitrate group appear to
have identical mechanisms of action and similar toxicities, although Mechanism of Action in Smooth Muscle:

susceptibility to tolerance may vary. Therefore, pharmacokinetic  must be bioactivated with the release of nitric oxide
factors govern the choice of agent and mode of therapy when  Unlike nitroprusside and some other direct nitric oxide donors,
using the nitrates. nitroglycerin activation requires enzymatic action.
 Nitroglycerin can be denitrated by glutathione S-
transferase in smooth muscle and other cells.
 Sublingual route  aldehyde dehydrogenase isoform 2 (ALDH2) and isoform 3
– preferred for achieving a therapeutic blood level rapidly. (ALDH3), a mitochondrial enzyme - activates and release
(avoids the first-pass effect) nitric oxide from nitroglycerin and pentaerythritol
 Reason: The liver contains a high-capacity organic nitrate tetranitrate.
reductase that removes nitrate groups in a stepwise fashion  Different enzymes may be involved in the denitration of
from the parent molecule and ultimately inactivates the isosorbide dinitrate and mononitrate.
drug. Therefore, oral bioavailability of the traditional  Free nitrite ion is released, which is then converted to nitric
organic nitrates (eg, nitroglycerin and isosorbide dinitrate) oxide
is low (typically <10–20%).  Nitric oxide (probably complexed with cysteine) combines with
– However, the total dose administered by this route must be the heme group of soluble guanylyl cyclase, activating that
limited to avoid excessive effect enzyme and causing an increase in cGMP. formation of cGMP
– total duration of effect is brief (15–30 minutes) represents a first step toward smooth muscle relaxation.
– When much longer duration of action is needed, oral  production of prostaglandin E or prostacyclin (PGI2)
preparations can be given that contain an amount of drug  membrane hyperpolarization may also be involved
sufficient to result in sustained systemic blood levels of the  no evidence that autonomic receptors are involved in the
parent drug plus active metabolites. primary nitrate response
 Nitroglycerin and isosorbide dinitrate  autonomic reflex responses, evoked when hypotensive doses
 Pentaerythritol (PETN) - organic nitrate that is promoted for are given, are common.
oral use as a “long-acting” nitrate (>6 hours)  Nicorandil and several other antianginal agents not available in
 Other routes: transdermal and buccal absorption from slow- the United States appear to combine the activity of nitric oxide
release preparations release with a direct potassium channel-opening action, thus
 Inhalation route providing an additional mechanism for causing vasodilation.
 provides very rapid absorption and, like the sublingual
route, avoids the hepatic first-pass effect.  Tolerance
 Because of its unpleasant odor and short duration of  caused in part by a decrease in tissue sulfhydryl groups, eg,
action, amyl nitrite is now obsolete for angina. on cysteine
 Amyl nitrite  can be only partially prevented or reversed with a
 Amyl nitrite and related nitrites are highly volatile sulfhydryl-regenerating agent
liquids.  Increased generation of oxygen free radicals during nitrate
 available in fragile glass ampules packaged in a therapy may be another important mechanism of
protective cloth covering. tolerance.
 The ampule can be crushed with the fingers, resulting in  Recent evidence suggests that diminished availability of
rapid release of vapors inhalable through the cloth calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP, a potent
covering. vasodilator) is also associated with nitrate tolerance.
 Unchanged nitrate compounds: Half-life: 2–8 min
 Partially denitrated: Half-lfe:- up to 3 hours) B. Organ System Effects
 Nitroglycerin relaxes all types of smooth muscle regardless of
Peak concentrations/ Duration: the cause of the preexisting muscle tone
 Sublingual : 2- 4 min -> 15 – 30 min  no direct effect on cardiac or skeletal muscle
 Oral route: 15 – 30 min -> 4 – 6 hours
 Transdermal: 1- 2 hours -> 8 – 10 hours 1. Vascular smooth muscle
 All segments of the vascular system from large arteries through
 Nitroglycerin metabolites large veins relax in response to nitroglycerin.
1. two dinitroglycerins
 1,2-dinitro derivative has significant vasodilator Gradient of response:
efficacy and probably provides most of the therapeutic  veins responds at the lowest concentrations
effect of orally administered nitroglycerin. arteries at slightly higher concentrations
2. two mononitro  epicardial coronary arteries are sensitive
 5-mononitrate metabolite of isosorbide  concentric atheromas can prevent significant dilation
dinitrate - active metabolite; available for oral use as eccentric lesions permit an increase in flow when nitrates
isosorbide mononitrate; 100% bioavailability relax the smooth muscle on the side away from the lesion.
 Arterioles and precapillary sphincters are dilated least,
 Excretion: Kidney, primarily in the form of glucuronide partly because of reflex responses and partly because
derivatives of the denitrated metabolites: different vessels vary in their ability to release nitric oxide
from the drug.
 Primary direct result: marked relaxation of veins with
increased venous capacitance and decreased ventricular
Pharmacodynamics preload.


PHARMACOLOGY B | Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

 Pulmonary vascular pressures and heart size are significantly
from well water, to nitrite ion.
 As curing agent for meats

 In the absence of heart failure, cardiac output is reduced.  Sodium nitrite is used as a curing agent for meats, eg,
Because venous capacitance is increased, orthostatic corned beef. Thus, inadvertent exposure to large
hypotension may be marked and syncope can result. amounts of nitrite ion can occur and may produce serious
 Dilation of large epicardial coronary arteries may improve toxicity.
oxygen delivery in the presence of eccentric atheromas or  Cyanide poisoning
collateral vessels.  Cyanide poisoning results from complexing of
 Common effects of nitroglycerin and amyl nitrite: Temporal cytochrome iron by the CN- ion. Methemoglobin iron has
artery pulsations and a throbbing headache associated with a very high affinity for CN-; thus, administration of sodium
meningeal artery pulsations nitrite (NaNO2) soon after cyanide exposure regenerates
 In heart failure, preload is often abnormally high; the nitrates active cytochrome.
and other vasodilators, by reducing preload, may have a  The cyanmethemoglobin produced can be further
beneficial effect on cardiac output in this condition detoxified by the intravenous administration of sodium
 Indirect effects of nitroglycerin: thiosulfate (Na2S2O3); this results in formation of
 Compensatory responses evoked by baroreceptors thiocyanate ion (SCN-), a less toxic ion that is readily
 Hormonal mechanisms responding to decreased arterial excreted.
pressure which often results in tachycardia and increased  Methemoglobinemia, if excessive, can be treated by
cardiac contractility. giving methylene blue intravenously.
 Retention of salt and water especially with intermediate-  This antidotal procedure is now being replaced by
and long-acting nitrates. These compensatory responses hydroxocobalamin, a form of vitamin B12, which also has
contribute to the development of tolerance. a very high affinity for cyanide and combines with it to
 In normal subjects without coronary disease generate another form of vitamin B12
 can induce a significant, if transient, increase in total
coronary blood flow. Acute Adverse Effects:
 no evidence that total coronary flow is increased in  orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, and throbbing headache
patients with angina due to atherosclerotic obstructive  Glaucoma not contraindicated; can be used safely in the
coronary artery disease. However, some studies suggest presence of increased intraocular pressure.
that redistribution of coronary flow from normal to  CI: if intracranial pressure is elevated.
ischemic regions may play a role in nitroglycerin’s  Rarely, transdermal nitroglycerin patches have ignited when
therapeutic effect. external defibrillator electroshock was applied to the chest of
 Nitroglycerin also exerts a weak negative inotropic effect on the patients in ventricular fibrillation. Such patches should be
heart via nitric oxide. removed before use of external defibrillators to prevent
superficial burns.
Others effects:
 Relaxation of smooth muscle of the bronchi, GIT (including Tolerance
biliary system), and GUT  Develop with continuous exposure to nitrates
 As recreational (sex-enhancing) drugs  isolated smooth muscle may develop complete tolerance
 use of amyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrite (not nitrates) by (tachyphylaxis), and the intact human becomes progressively
inhalation as recreational (sex-enhancing) drugs has more tolerant when long-acting preparations (oral,
become popular with some segments of the population. transdermal) or continuous intravenous infusions are used for
Nitrites readily release nitric oxide in erectile tissue as well more than a few hours without interruption.
as vascular smooth muscle and activate guanylyl cyclase.  mechanisms not completely understood
The resulting increase in cGMP causes dephosphorylation of  diminished release of nitric oxide resulting from reduced
myosin light chains and relaxation , which enhances bioactivation may be partly responsible for tolerance to
erection. nitroglycerin
 Action on platelets  Supplementation of cysteine may partially reverse tolerance,
 Nitric oxide released from nitroglycerin stimulates guanylyl suggesting that reduced availability of sulfhydryl donors may
cyclase in platelets as in smooth muscle  increase in play a role.
cGMP  decrease in platelet aggregation.  Systemic compensation also plays a role in tolerance in the
 no survival benefit when nitroglycerin is used in acute intact human.
myocardial infarction.  Initially, significant sympathetic discharge occurs, and after
 intravenous nitroglycerin may be of value in unstable one or more days of therapy with long-acting nitrates,
angina, in part through its action on platelets. retention of salt and water may partially reverse the
 Pseudocyanosis, tissue hypoxia at large doses favorable hemodynamic changes normally caused by
 Nitrite ion (not nitrate) reacts with hemoglobin (which nitroglycerin.
contains ferrous iron) to produce methemoglobin (which  Tolerance does not occur equally with all nitric oxide donors.
contains ferric iron). Because methemoglobin has a very  Nitroprusside retains activity over long periods.
low affinity for oxygen, large doses of nitrites can result in  Other organic nitrates appear to be less susceptible than
pseudocyanosis, tissue hypoxia, and death. nitroglycerin to the development of tolerance.
 In adults, plasma level of nitrite resulting from even large  In cell-free systems, soluble guanylate cyclase is inhibited,
doses of organic and inorganic nitrates is too low to cause possibly by nitrosylation of the enzyme, only after prolonged
significant methemoglobinemia. exposure to exceedingly high nitroglycerin concentrations.
 In nursing infants, the intestinal flora is capable of  Treatment with antioxidants that protect ALDH2 and similar
converting significant amounts of inorganic nitrate, eg, enzymes prevent or reduce tolerance. This suggests that


PHARMACOLOGY B | Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

tolerance is a function of a loss of soluble guanylate cyclase
responsiveness to nitric oxide.
relation) and decreased myocardial oxygen requirement.
 In rare instances, a paradoxical increase in myocardial
 Continuous exposure to high levels of nitrates can occur in the oxygen demand may occur as a result of excessive reflex
chemical industry, especially where explosives are tachycardia and increased contractility.
manufactured.  Intracoronary, intravenous, or sublingual nitrate
 Monday Disease administration consistently increases the caliber of the large
- When contamination of the workplace with volatile epicardial coronary arteries except where BATCH blocked by
organic nitrate compounds is severe, workers find concentric atheromas.
that upon starting their work week (Monday), they  Coronary arteriolar resistance tends to decrease, though to a
suffer headache and transient dizziness lesser extent.
- After a day or so, these symptoms disappear owing to  However, nitrates administered by the usual systemic routes
the development of tolerance. Over the weekend, may decrease overall coronary blood flow (and myocardial
when exposure to the chemicals is reduced, tolerance oxygen consumption) if cardiac output is reduced due to
disappears, so symptoms recur each Monday. decreased venous return.
 Dependence  Reduction in oxygen demand is the major mechanism for
 no evidence that physical dependence develops as a result the relief of effort angina
of the therapeutic use of short-acting nitrates for angina, In Variant Angina
even in large doses.  Mechanism: by relaxing the smooth muscle of the epicardial
coronary arteries and relieving coronary artery spasm.
Carcinogenicity of Nitrate and Nitrite Derivatives In Unstable Angina
 Nitrosamines  precise mechanism for their beneficial effects is not clear.
 small molecules with the structure R2–N–NO formed from  Both increased coronary vascular tone and increased
the combination of nitrates and nitrites with amines myocardial oxygen demand can precipitate rest angina in
 some are powerful carcinogens in animals, through these patients
conversion to reactive derivatives.  Mechanism: by dilating the epicardial coronary arteries and by
 no direct proof that these agents cause cancer in humans, simultaneously reducing myocardial oxygen demand.
though there is a strong epidemiologic correlation  decreases platelet aggregation, and this effect may be of
between the incidence of esophageal and gastric importance in unstable angina.
carcinoma and the nitrate content of food in certain
cultures. Clinical Use of Nitrates
 found in tobacco and in cigarette smoke
 no evidence that the small doses of nitrates used in the Drug Duradtion
treatment of angina result in significant body levels of Short -acting
nitrosamines Nitroglycerin, sublingual 10–30 minutes
Isosorbide dinitrate, sublingual 10–60 minutes
Beneficial and deleterious effects of nitrate-induced vasodilation Amyl nitrite, inhalant 3–5 minutes
Effect Mechanism and Result Nitroglycerin, oral sustained-action 6–8 hours
Potential beneficial effects Nitroglycerin, 2% ointment, transdermal 3–6 hours
Decreased ventricular volume Decreased work and Nitroglycerin, slow-release, buccal 3–6 hours
Decreased arterial pressure myocardial oxygen Nitroglycerin, slow-release patch, transdermal 8–10 hours
Decreased ejection time requirement Isosorbide dinitrate, sublingual 1.5–2 hours
Vasodilation of epicardial Relief of coronary artery spasm Isosorbide dinitrate, oral 4–6 hours
coronary arteries Isosorbide dinitrate, chewable oral 2–3 hours
Increased collateral flow Improved perfusion of Isosorbide mononitrate, oral 6–10 hours
ischemic Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) 10–12 hours
Decreased left ventricular Improved subendocardial Sublingual nitroglycerin
diastolic pressure perfusion  most frequently used agent for the immediate treatment of
Potential deleterious effects angina.
Reflex tachycardia Increased myocardial oxygen  rapid onset of action (1–3 minutes)
requirement;  duration of action is short (not exceeding 20–30 minutes)
decreased diastolic perfusion  not suitable for maintenance therapy
time and coronary perfusion
Reflex increase in contractility Increased myocardial oxygen intravenous nitroglycerin
requirement  onset of action is rapid (minutes), but its hemodynamic effects
are quickly reversed when the infusion is stopped.
Nitrate Effects  restricted to the treatment of severe, recurrent rest angina.
In Effort Angina
 Decreased venous return to the heart and the resulting Slowly absorbed preparations of nitroglycerin include:
reduction of intracardiac volume are important beneficial 1. buccal form
hemodynamic effects of nitrates. 2. oral preparations
 Arterial pressure also decreases. 3. several transdermal forms
 Decreased intraventricular pressure and left ventricular  provide blood concentrations for long periods
volume are associated with decreased wall tension (Laplace  leads to the development of tolerance

PHARMACOLOGY B | Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

 The hemodynamic effects of sublingual or chewable isosorbide
L-type calcium channel blockers - cardiovascular conditions
dinitrate and the oral organic nitrates are similar to those of T-type CCB– antiseizure drugs
nitroglycerin given by the same routes.
 Although transdermal administration may provide blood levels of
nitroglycerin for 24 hours or more, the full hemodynamic effects
usually do not persist for more than 8–10 hours. BATCH
 The clinical efficacy of slow-release forms of nitroglycerin in
maintenance therapy of angina is thus limited by the Calcium channel blockers - orally active agents characterized by high
development of tolerance. first-pass effect, high plasma protein binding, and extensive
 Therefore, a nitrate-free period of at least 8 hours between metabolism.
doses should be observed to reduce or prevent tolerance. Verapamil - synthetic analogs of papaverine, a vasodilator alkaloid
found in the opium poppy.
OTHER NITRO-VASODILATORS Nifedipine - prototype of the dihydropyridine family of calcium
Nicorandil channel blockers
 a nicotinamide nitrate ester that has vasodilating properties in Verapamil and diltiazem – also used by the intravenous route
normal coronary arteries but more complex effects in patients
with angina. MOA:
 reduces both preload and afterload  voltage-gated L-type calcium channel
 provides some myocardial protection via preconditioning by  dominant type in cardiac and smooth muscle
activation of cardiac KATP channels.  contain several drug receptors: consists of α1 (the larger,
 A significant reduction in relative risk of fatal and nonfatal pore-forming subunit), α2, β, γ, and δ subunits.
coronary events in patients receiving the drug.  Four variant α1 subunits have been recognized.
 currently approved for use in the treatment of angina in Europe  Nifedipine and other dihydropyridines bind to one site on the
and Japan but has not been approved in the USA. α1 subunit
 Binding of a drug to the verapamil or diltiazem receptors
Molsidomine allosterically affects dihydropyridine binding.
 a prodrug that is converted to a nitric oxide-releasing  Blockade of calcium channels by these drugs resembles sodium
metabolite channel blockade by local anesthetics
 have efficacy comparable to that of the organic nitrates  drugs act from the inner side of the membrane and bind more
 not subject to tolerance effectively to open channels and inactivated channels 
reduces the frequency of opening in response to depolarization
CALCIUM CHANNEL-BLOCKING DRUGS  marked decrease in transmembrane calcium current 
transmembrane calcium influx is necessary for the contraction of in smooth muscle  longlasting relaxation
smooth and cardiac muscle. in cardiac muscle  reduction in contractility throughout the
Typ Channel Where Properties Blocked By heart and decreases in sinus node pacemaker rate and
e Name Found of the atrioventricular node conduction velocity.
Calcium  Although some neuronal cells harbor L-type calcium channels,
Current their sensitivity to these drugs is lower because the channels in
L CaV1.1– Cardiac, Long, large, Verapamil, DHPs, these cells spend less time in the open and inactivated states.
CaV1.4 skeletal, high Cd2+, ω-aga-IIIA
Smooth muscle responses to calcium influx through ligandgated
smooth threshold
muscle, calcium channels are also reduced by these drugs but not as
neurons markedly. The block can be partially reversed by elevating the
(CaV1.4 is concentration of calcium, although the levels of calcium required
found in are not easily attainable in patients. Block can also be partially
retina), reversed by the use of drugs that increase the transmembrane flux
endocrine of calcium, such as sympathomimetics.
cells, bone
Other types of calcium channels are less sensitive to blockade
T CaV3.1– Heart, Short, small, sFTX, flunarizine, Ni2+
by these calcium channel blockers (Table 12–4). Therefore, tissues
CaV3.3 neurons low (CaV3.2 only),
Drug Half-life Indication in which these other channel types play a major role—neurons
threshold mibefradil
(hours) and most secretory glands—are much less affected by these drugs
N CaV2.2 Neurons, Short, high Ziconotide,gabapentin,
Dihydropyridines sperm threshold ω-CTXGVIA, ω-aga-IIIA, than are cardiac and smooth muscle. Mibefradil is a selective
Amlodipine 30–50 Angina,Cd2+
hypertension T-type calcium channel blocker that was introduced for
P/Q CaV2.1 Neurons Long, high ω-CTX-MVIIC, ω-aga- antiarrhythmic
Felodipine 11–16thresholdHypertension,
IVA Raynaud’s use but has been withdrawn. Ion channels other than
R CaV2.3 Neurons, phenomenon
Pacemaking SNX-482, ω-aga-IIIA calcium channels are much less sensitive to these drugs. Potassium
Isradipine sperm 8 Hypertension channels in vascular smooth muscle are inhibited by verapamil,
Nicardipine 2–4 Angina, hypertension thus limiting the vasodilation produced by this drug. Sodium
Nifedipine 4 Angina, hypertension, channels as well as calcium channels are blocked by bepridil, an
Raynaud’s phenomenon obsolete antiarrhythmic drug.
Nisoldipine 6–12 Hypertension B. Organ System Effects
Nitrendipine 5–12 Investigational 1. Smooth muscle—Most types of smooth muscle are dependent
Miscellaneous on transmembrane calcium influx for normal resting tone and
Diltiazem 3–4 Angina, hypertension, contractile responses. These cells are relaxed by the calcium
Raynaud’sphenomenon channel blockers (Figure 12–3). Vascular smooth muscle
Verapamil 6 Angina, hypertension,

PHARMACOLOGY B | Vasodilators & the Treatment of Angina Pectoris

appears to be the most sensitive, but similar relaxation can be
shown for bronchiolar, gastrointestinal, and uterine smooth

muscle. In the vascular system, arterioles appear to be more

sensitive than veins; orthostatic hypotension is not a common
adverse effect. Blood pressure is reduced with all calcium channel
blockers (see Chapter 11). Women may be more sensitive
than men to the hypotensive action of diltiazem. The reduction BATCH
in peripheral vascular resistance is one mechanism by which
these agents may benefit the patient with angina of effort.
Reduction of coronary artery spasm has been demonstrated in
patients with variant angina.
Important differences in vascular selectivity exist among the
calcium channel blockers. In general, the dihydropyridines
have a greater ratio of vascular smooth muscle effects relative to
cardiac effects than do diltiazem and verapamil. The relatively
smaller effect of verapamil on vasodilation may be the result of
simultaneous blockade of vascular smooth muscle potassium
channels described earlier. Furthermore, the dihydropyridines
may differ in their potency in different vascular beds. For
example, nimodipine is claimed to be particularly selective for
cerebral blood vessels. Splice variants in the structure of the a1
channel subunit appear to account for these differences.
2. Cardiac muscle—Cardiac muscle is highly dependent on calcium
influx during each action potential for normal function.
Impulse generation in the sinoatrial node and conduction in
the atrioventricular node—so-called slow-response, or
action potentials—may be reduced or blocked by
all of the calcium channel blockers. Excitation-contraction
coupling in all cardiac cells requires calcium influx, so these
drugs reduce cardiac contractility in a dose-dependent fashion.
In some cases, cardiac output may also decrease. This reduction
in cardiac mechanical function is another mechanism by which
the calcium channel blockers can reduce the oxygen requirement
in patients with angina.
Important differences between the available calcium channel
blockers arise from the details of their interactions with cardiac
ion channels and, as noted above, differences in their relative
smooth muscle versus cardiac effects. Sodium channel block is
modest with verapamil, and still less marked with diltiazem. It
is negligible with nifedipine and other dihydropyridines.
Verapamil and diltiazem interact kinetically with the calcium
channel receptor in a different manner than the dihydropyridines;
they block tachycardias in calcium-dependent cells, eg,
the atrioventricular node, more selectively than do the
(See Chapter 14 for additional details.) On the other
hand, the dihydropyridines appear to block smooth muscle
calcium channels at concentrations below those required for
significant cardiac effects; they are therefore less depressant on
the heart than verapamil or diltiazem.
3. Skeletal muscle—Skeletal muscle is not depressed by the calcium
channel blockers because it uses intracellular pools of
calcium to support excitation-contraction coupling and does
not require as much transmembrane calcium influx.

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