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The Non alcoholic soft drinks beverages are mainly classified in to Fruit and
Soft drinks.Soft drinks are further categorized in to two components such as
Carbonated and Non carbonated drinks.Carbonated drinks are Coca cola and
Pepsi.Fruit drinks are drinks purely made by fruits such as Frooty and Appy.etc.
The soft drinks markets will early 1990 was in India in hands of drastic players such as
MNC such as Coca cola and Pepsi .The products of Coca cola like Thumps
Up,Sprite ,Fanta,Maaza,Limca and Pepsi Products such as the Mountain
dew,Mirinda,,Dukes etc.
Soft drinks are available in glass bottles, aluminum cans and PET bottles for
home consumption. Fountains also dispense them in disposable containers Non-
alcoholic soft drink beverage market can be divided into fruit drinks and soft drinks.
Soft drinks can be further divided into carbonated and non-carbonated drinks. Cola,
lemon and oranges are carbonated drinks while mango drinks come under non
carbonated category.

The market can also be segmented on the basis of types of products into cola
products and non-cola products. Cola products account for nearly 61-62% of the total
soft drinks market. The brands that fall in this category are Pepsi, Coca- Cola, Thumps
Up, diet coke, Diet Pepsi etc. Non-cola segment which constitutes 36% can be divided
into 4 categories based on the types of flavors available, namely: Orange, Cloudy Lime,
Clear lime and Mango.

The government has adopted liberalized policies for the soft drink trade to give
the industry a boast and promote the Indian brands internationally. Although the import
and manufacture of international brands like Pepsi and Coke is enhanced in India the
local brands are being stabilized by advertisements, good quality and low cost.


The market preference is highly regional based. While cola drinks have main markets
in metro cities and northern states of UP, Punjab, Haryana etc. Orange flavored drinks
are popular in southern states. Sodas too are sold largely in southern states besides sale
through bars. Western markets have preference towards mango flavored drinks. Diet
coke presently constitutes just 0.7% of the total carbonated beverage market.

Title of the project

Effectiveness of advertisement and oserve effect of sales after the activation of
the particular clusters.

Objective of study:
Design a template for Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Ltd. For Cluster
activation to leverage the merchandising options available at the identified category of

Outlets survey methods used in the study purposes. This is nothing but the
visiting the retail outlet and interviewing the retail outlet customers.Asking the market
problems of retail outlet customers and collecting present marketing datas such as how
many activation elements are present in the particular outlet.etc if no activation
elements in particular outlet providing the activation elements such as the advertising
banners,signage boards,counter top,to them.after the activation of the particular outlet
check the sales of the outlets.these methods used in the study.

Location : Sant tukaram nagar and Hinjawadi area.

Sample size : morethan 50 regular coca cola outlets sampled.
Some other pepsi monopoly outlets also visited.

Sample techniques :Convenient sample.

Statistical tools used :Tables, Pie diagram, Bar diagram
Instruments used :Self administrated Questionnaire.


Indian History

India is home to one of the most ancient cultures in the world dating back over
5000 years .At the beginning of the twenty-first century, twenty-six different languages
were spoken across India, 30% of the population knew English, and greater than 40%
were illiterate. At this time, the nation was in the midst of great transition and the
dichotomy between the old India and the new was stark. Remnants of the caste system
existed alongside the world’s top engineering schools and growing metropolises as the
historically agricultural economy shifted into the services sector. In the process, India
had created the world’s largest middleclass, second only to China.
A British colony since 1769 when the East India Company gained control of all
European trade in the nation, India gained its independence in 1947 under Mahatma
Gandhi and his principles of non-violence and self-reliance. In the decades that
followed, self-reliance was taken to the extreme as many Indians believed that
economic independence was necessary to be truly independent. As a result, the
economy was increasingly regulated and many sectors were restricted to the public
sector. This movement reached its peak in 1977 when the Janta party government came
to power and Coca-Cola was thrown out of the country. In 1991, the first generation of
economic reforms was introduced and liberalization began.

Coke in India
Coca-Cola was the leading soft drink brand in India until 1977 when it left
rather than reveals its formula to the government and reduce its equity stake as required
under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) which governed the operations of
foreign companies.

In India. After a 16-year absence, Coca-Cola returned to India in 1993,

cementing its presence with a deal that gave Coca-Cola ownership of the nation's top
soft-drink brands and bottling network. Coke’s acquisition of local popular Indian
brands including Thums Up the most trusted brand in India, Limca, Maaza, Citra and
Gold Spot provided not only physical manufacturing, bottling, and distribution assets


but also strong consumer preference. This combination of local and global brands
enabled Coca-Cola to exploit the benefits of global branding and global trends in tastes
while also tapping into traditional domestic markets .Leading Indian brands joined the
Company's international family of brands, including Coca-Cola, diet Coke, Sprite and
Fanta, plus the Schweppes product range. In 2000, the company launched the Kinley
water brand and in 2001, Shock energy drink and the powdered concentrate Sunfill hit
the market.
From 1993 to 2003, Coca-Cola invested more than US$1 billion in India,
making it one ofthe country’s top international investors.22 by 2003, Coca-Cola India
had won the prestigious Woodruff Cup from among 22 divisions of the Company based
on three broad parameters of volume, profitability, and quality. Coca-Cola India
achieved 39% volume growth in 2002 while the industry grew 23% nationally and the
Company reached breakeven profitability in the region for the first time.23 Encouraged
by its 2002 performance, Coca-Cola India announced plans to double its capacity at an
investment of $125 million (Rs. 750 crore) between September 2002 and March
2003.24 Coca-Cola India produced its beverages with 7,000 local employees at its
twenty-seven wholly-owned bottling operations supplemented by seventeen franchisee-
owned bottling operations and a network of twenty-nine contract-packers to
manufacture a range of products for the company. The complete manufacturing process
had a documented quality control and assurance program including over 400 tests
performed throughout the process.

The complexity of the consumer soft drink market demanded a distribution

process to support 700,000 retail outlets serviced by a fleet that includes 10-ton trucks,
open-bay three wheelers, and trademarked tricycles and pushcarts that were used to
navigate the narrow alley ways of the cities.25 In addition to its own employees, Coke
indirectly created employment for another 125,000 Indians through its procurement,
supply, and distribution networks. Sanjiv Gupta, President and CEO of Coca-Cola
India, joined Coke in 1997 as Vice President, Marketing and was instrumental to the
company’s success in developing a brand relevant to the Indian consumer and in
tapping India’s vast rural market potential. Following his marketing responsibilities,
Gupta served as Head of Operations for Company-owned bottling operations and then
as Deputy President. Seen as the driving force behind recent successful forays into
packaged drinking water, powdered drinks, and ready-to-serve tea and coffe ,Gupta and


his marketing prowess were critical to the continued growth of the considered products
only for the affluent, by 2003 91% of sales weremade to the lower, middle and upper

The Indian Beverage Market

India’s one billion people, growing middle class, and low per capita
consumption of soft drinks made it a highly contested prize in the global CSD market
in the early twenty-first century. Ten percent of the country’s population lived in urban
areas or large cities and drank ten bottles of soda per year while the vast remainder
lived in rural areas, villages, and small towns where annual per capita consumption was
less than four bottles. Coke and Pepsi dominated the market and together had a
consolidated market share above 95%. While soft drinks were once middle classes. Soft
drink sales in India grew 76% between 1998 and 2002, from 5,670 million bottles to
over 10,000 million and were expected to grow at least 10% per year through 2012. In
spite of this growth, annual per capita consumption was only 6 bottles versus 17 in
Pakistan, 73 in Thailand, in the Philippines and 800 in the United States29.With its
large population and low consumption; the rural market represented a significant
opportunity for penetration and a critical battleground for market dominance. In 2001,
Coca-Cola recognized that to compete with traditional refreshments including lemon
water, green coconut water, fruit juices, tea, and lassi, competitive pricing was
essential. In response, Coke launched a smaller bottle priced at almost 50% of the
traditional package.

Marketing Cola in India

The post-liberalization period in India saw the comeback of cola but Pepsi had
already beaten Coca-Cola to the punch, creatively entering the market in the 1980’s in
advance of liberalization by way of a joint venture. As early as 1985, Pepsi tried to gain
entry into India and finally succeeded with the Pepsi Foods Limited Project in 1988, as
a JV of PepsiCo, Punjab government-owned Punjab Agro Industrial Corporation
(PAIC), and Voltas India Limited. Pepsi was marketed and sold as Lehar Pepsi until
1991 when the use of foreign brands was allowed under the new economic policy and
Pepsi ultimately bought out its partners,becoming a fully-owned subsidiary and ending
the JV relationship in 1994.While the joint venture was only marginally successful in


its own right, it allowed Pepsi to gain precious early experience with the Indian market
and also served as an introduction of the Pepsi brand to the Indian consumer such that it
was well-poised to reap the benefits when liberalization came. Though Coke benefited
from Pepsi creating demand and developing the market, Pepsi’s head-start gave Coke a
disadvantage in the mind of the consumer. Pepsi’s appeal focused on youth and when
Coke entered India in 1993 and approached the market selling an American way of life,
it failed to resonate as expected.

2001 Marketing Strategy

Coca-Cola CEO Douglas Daft set the direction for the next generation of
success for his global brand with a “Think local, act local” mantra. Recognizing that a
single global strategy or single global campaign wouldn’t work, locally relevant
executions became an increasingly important element of supporting Coke’s global
brand strategy. In 2001, after almost a decade of lagging rival Pepsi in the region, Coke
India re-examined its approach in an attempt to gain leadership in the Indian market
and capitalize on significant growth potential, particularly in rural markets. The
foundation of the new strategy grounded brand positioning and marketing
communications in consumer insights, acknowledging that urban versus rural India
were two distinct markets on a variety of important dimensions. The soft drink
category’s role in people’s lives, the degree of differentiation between consumer
segments and their reasons for entering the category, and the degree to which brands in
the category projected different perceptions to consumers were among the many
important differences between how urban and rural consumers approached the market
for refreshment. In rural markets, where both the soft drink category and individual
brands were undeveloped, the task was to broaden the brand positioning while in urban
markets, with higher category and brand development, the task was to narrow the brand
positioning focusing on differentiation through offering unique and compelling value.
This lens, informed by consumer insights, gave Coke direction on the tradeoff between
focus and breadth a brand needed in a given market and made clear that to succeed in
either segment, unique marketing strategies were required in urban versus rural India.


Brand Localization Strategy: The Two Indias
India A: “Life ho to aisi”
“India A,” the designation Coca-Cola gave to the market segment including
metropolitan areas and large towns, represented 4% of the country’s population. This
segment sought social bonding as a need and responded to aspirational messages,
celebrating the benefits of their increasing social and economic freedoms. “Life ho to
aisi,” (life as it should be) was the successful and relevant tagline found in Coca-Cola’s
advertising to this audience.

India B: “Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola”

Coca-Cola India believed that the first brand to offer communication targeted to
the smaller towns would own the rural market and went after that objective with a
comprehensive strategy. “India B” included small towns and rural areas, comprising the
other 96% of the nation’s population. This segment’s primary need was out-of-home
thirst-quenching and the soft drink category was undifferentiated in the minds of rural
consumers. Additionally, with an average Coke costing Rs. 10 and an average day’s
wages around Rs. 100, Coke was perceived as a luxury that few could afford. In an
effort to make the price point of Coke within reach of this high-potential market, Coca-
Cola launched the Accessibility Campaign, introducing a new 200ml bottle, smaller
than the traditional 300ml bottle found in urban markets, and concurrently cutting the
price in half,to Rs. 5. This pricing strategy closed the gap between Coke and basic
refreshments like lemonade and tea, making soft drinks truly accessible for the first
time. At the same time,

Coke invested in distribution infrastructure to effectively serve a disbursed

population and doubled the number of retail outlets in rural areas from 80,000 in 2001
to 160,000 in 2003, increasing market penetration from 13 to 25%.Coke’s advertising
and promotion strategy pulled the marketing plan together using local language and
idiomatic expressions. “Thanda,” meaning cool/cold is also generic for cold beverages
and gave “Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola” delicious multiple meanings. Literally translated


to “Coke means refreshment,” the phrase directly addressed both the primary need of
this segment for cold refreshment while at the same time positioning Coke as a
“Thanda” or generic cold beverage just like tea, lassi, or lemonade. As a result of the
Thanda campaign, Coca-Cola won Advertiser of the Year and Campaign of the Year in

Rural Success
Comprising 74% of the country's population, 41% of its middle class, and 58%
of its disposable income, the rural market was an attractive target and it delivered
results. Coke experienced 37% growth in 2003 in this segment versus the 24% growth
seen in urban areas.
Driven by the launch of the new Rs. 5 product, per capita consumption doubled
between 2001-2003. This market accounted for 80% of India’s new Coke drinkers,
30% of 2002 volume, and was expected to account for 50% of the company’s sales in

Corporate Social Responsibility

As one of the largest and most global companies in the world, Coca-Cola took
seriously its ability and responsibility to positively affect the communities in which it
operated. The company’s mission statement, called the Coca-Cola Promise, stated:
“The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our
business.” The Company has made efforts towards good citizenship in the areas of
community, by improving the quality of life in the communities in which they operate,
and the environment, by addressing water, climate change and waste management
initiatives. Their activities also included The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation created to
combat the spread of HIV/AIDS through partnership with governments, UNAIDS, and
other NGOs, The Coca-Cola Foundation, focused on higher education as a vehicle to
build strong communities and enhance individual opportunity. Coca-Cola’s footprint in
India was significant as well. The Company employed 7000 citizens and believed that
for every direct job, 30-40 more were created in the supply chain. Like its parent, Coke
India’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives were both community and
environment-focused. Priorities included education, where primary education projects
had been set up to benefit children in slums and villages, water conservation, where the


Company supported community-based rainwater harvesting projects to restore water
levels and promote conservation education, and health, where Coke India partnered
with NGOs and governments to provide medical access to poor people through regular
health camps. In addition to outreach efforts, the company committed itself to
environmental responsibility through its own business operations in India including

• Environmental due diligence before acquiring land or starting projects

• Environmental impact assessment before commencing operations
• Ground water and environmental surveys before selecting sites
• Compliance with all regulatory environmental requirements
• Ban on purchasing CFC-containing refrigeration equipment
• Waste water treatment facilities with trained personnel at all company-owned
bottling operations
• Energy conservation programs
• 50% water savings in last seven years of operations

Coca-Cola Principles of Corporate Citizenship

Our reputation is built on trust. Through good citizenship we will nurture our
relationships and continue to build that trust. That is the essence of our promise - The
Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches.
Wherever Coca-Cola does business, we strive to be trusted partners and good
citizens. We are committed to managing our business around the world with a
consistent set of values that represent the highest standards of integrity and excellence.
We share these values with our bottlers, making our system stronger. These core values
are essential to our long-term business success and will be reflected in all of our
relationships and actions - in the marketplace, the workplace, the environment and the
We will adhere to the highest ethical standards, knowing that the quality of our
products, the integrity of our brands and the dedication of our people build trust and
strengthen relationships. We will serve the people who enjoy our brands through


innovation, superb customer service, and respect for the unique customs and cultures in
the communities where we do business.
We will treat each other with dignity, fairness and respect. We will foster an
inclusive environment that encourages all employees to develop and perform to their
fullest potential, consistent with a commitment to human rights in our workplace. The
Coca-Cola workplace will be a place where everyone's ideas and contributions are
valued, and where responsibility and accountability are encouraged and rewarded.

We will conduct our business in ways that protect and preserve the environment. We
will integrate principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable development
into our business decisions and processes.

We will contribute our time, expertise and resources to help develop sustainable
communities in partnership with local leaders. We will seek to improve the quality of
life through locally-relevant initiatives wherever we do business. Responsible corporate
citizenship is at the heart of The Coca-Cola Promise. We believe that what is best for
our employees, for the community and for the environment is also best for our

Mission, Vision & Values

Everything we do is inspired by our enduring mission:

• To Refresh the World... in body, mind, and spirit.

• To Inspire Moments of Optimism... through our brands and our actions.
• To Create Value and Make a Difference... everywhere we engage.


To achieve sustainable growth, we have established a vision with clear goals.

• Profit: Maximizing return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall


• People: Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best
they can be.
• Portfolio: Bringing to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that anticipate
and satisfy peoples’ desires and needs.
• Partners: Nurturing a winning network of partners and building mutual loyalty.
• Planet: Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference.

we are guided by shared values that we will live by as a company and as individuals.

• Leadership: "The courage to shape a better future"

• Passion: "Committed in heart and mind"
• Integrity: "Be real"
• Accountability: "If it is to be, it’s up to me"
• Collaboration: "Leverage collective genius"
• Innovation: "Seek, imagine, create, delight"

Quality: "What we do, we do well"

About Bottling, at the heart of this approach is our bottling system. Before any
of our 2,400 beverage products is consumed by anybody around the world, it has to be
produced, packaged and distributed. Since we reach 6 billion consumers in over 200
countries, our bottling system has to be the best. Our business opportunities are
enormous and our commitment to our consumers and communities is great.

Our bottling partners are local companies so they are rooted in their
communities, thinking and acting locally. They are employers, purchasers of local
goods and services, good neighbors, and, of course, producers of the world's most
popular beverages.


It's a big job, and sometimes it's done quite creatively. In Indonesia, for
instance, boats transport Coca-Cola® and our other brands between the many hundreds
of islands that make up that nation. In the Amazon, where the main road is often the
river itself, water-borne distribution is also common. In some of the higher elevations
of the Andes, Coca-Cola is sometimes transported by four-legged power. Across much
of Africa, bottlers deliver to thousands of family-run kiosks and home-based stores on
which local economies depend.

At Work

The Coca-Cola Company is built around two core assets, its brand and its
people. These two assets give us the opportunity to keep our central promise: to refresh
the world in mind, body, and spirit, and inspire moments of optimism; as well as
creating value and making a difference. By building an inclusive workplace
environment, The Coca-Cola Company seeks to leverage its worldwide team which is
rich in diverse people, talent and ideas. At The Coca-Cola Company, we strive for an
inclusive culture that is defined by our seven core values: leadership, passion, integrity,
collaboration, innovation, quality, and accountability. Each day we work to bring these
values to life through our diversity workplace strategy. This strategy includes programs
to attract, retain, and develop diverse talent; provide support systems for groups of
diverse background; and educate at all levels so that we master the skills to achieve
sustainable growth. Through this strategy we can achieve our goal of being the
destination of great global talent, a culture committed to recruiting and retaining
employees of diverse backgrounds .

There is much in our world to celebrate, refresh, strengthen and protect. The
Coca-Cola Company is a vibrant network of people, in over 200 countries, putting
citizenship into action. Through our actions as local citizens, we strive every day to
refresh the marketplace, enrich the workplace, protect the environment and
strengthen our communities.We are a local employer, with responsibility to enable
our people to tap into their full potential; working at their innovative best and
representing the diversity of the world we serve.


. Our Strategic Framework - The Four Cs

To advance our vision to be the most respected company in the world, we have
established a strategic framework with four powerful drivers:

Commitment - Demonstrate the importance of diversity as a marketplace and

workplace imperative, and engage and inspire our workforce around diversity

Communication - Build employee awareness, understanding and support for the
business case for diversity.

Culture - Drive a diverse, inclusive and fair workplace, and establish TCCC as a
destination for great global talent.

Consumption - Drive diverse consumers to higher consumption rates against our

core brands.

We invite you to review the diversity workplace section of our website to learn
more about our workplace programs and practices.



Coca-Cola - The History

The soft drink idea started in Atlanta in 1886, when Dr John Stith Pemberton was
forced, due to a new prohibition law, to find a new product to replace his nerve tonic,
stimulant and headache remedy, Pemberton's French Wine Coca. He had to remove the
wine from the formula, and he replaced it with sugar. The new formula still contained
cocaine derived from Erythroxylon coca, and kola (Cola acuminata) nut extract. Both
these substances are stimulants and have definite actions on the central nervous system.
Basically, in combination they would induce a feeling of well-being, reduce tiredness
and depression, and increase the capacity to work. The new name 'Coca-Cola' was
suggested by Pemberton's bookkeeper Frank Robinson.

The local pharmacy, Jacob's Pharmacy, started to supply the new recipe in their soda
fountain on 8 May, 1886. That particular pharmacist realised that there were a lot of
very thirsty miners nearby who could not pop into town every time they wanted to
quench their thirsts. By bottling the drink, and hauling it to the customers, he
simultaneously created a new bottling industry and advanced the concept of user-based
placement for products. If not for him, it would not have come close to hitting the same
early level of popularity, as the range of sales would have been limited.

Just prior to his death in 1888, Pemberton sold the rights to Coca-Cola to Asa Candler.
It cost Candler $2300 and took him three years to gain sole ownership of Coca-Cola, by
buying out the minor shareholders. At the turn of the 20th Century, Coca-Cola was
marketed as a beverage to aid digestion.

The use of drugs such as cocaine and heroin for both medical, commercial and
recreational use was much more prevalent in the 19th Century than might be expected.
They only became illegal drugs in fairly recent times, due to political and economic
pressure, largely from the US. As more was learned about cocaine, the Coca-Cola


Company gradually reduced the amount of it in their product. For a while, the company
were afraid that if they dropped the cocaine entirely, it would affect their trademark -
and so for the bulk of the time that Coca-Cola had any cocaine in it, it was only trace
amounts, not enough to have any active effect. By 1902 the cocaine content was as
little as 1/400 of a grain of cocaine per ounce of syrup (Coca-Cola became completely
cocaine-free in 1929).

In 1916 the famous curvy bottle was introduced, and the shape of it is patented. In 1919
the Coca-Cola Company was sold to an Atlantan banker named Ernest Woodruff for
$25m. The company then pioneered the six-bottle carton. In 1955, Coca-Cola was
canned and shipped to Japan and other Pacific regions for consumption by the US

Nowadays Coca-Cola is sold worldwide, and more than 70% of the company's income
comes from outside the US. The regular version outsells the 'diet' varieties by two-to-
one. The original bottles are much in demand as collector's items, and there is a homage
to all things coke-related at the Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta, GA.

The Coca-Cola Corporation

The Coca-Cola Corporation is perhaps the biggest soft drink company in the world.
Cocacolonisation has become a byword to describe its spread into third world
countries. It has a factory and a bottling plant in Plachimada, Kerala, South West India,
which is under investigation. This is due to the soil, water and air of the entire area
around the factory becoming contaminated since the corporate arrival in 1998. The
company promoted a waste product locally as a fertiliser, but dangerous levels of toxic
metals such as lead and cadmium, have been found in it. Presenter John Waite of the
BBC Radio 4 programme Face The Facts investigated complaints from local
inhabitants that their village water supply was running dry due to the chronic overuse
(up to one million gallons of water a day) by the Coca-Cola Corporation. What water
remains has been contaminated:

What is particularly disturbing is that the contamination has spread to the water
supply - with levels of lead in a nearby well at levels well above those set by the World


Health Organisation.
- David Santillo, University of Exeter senior scientist.

Local farmers and villagers have been arrested for protesting at the Coca-Cola factory
gates. On their website, Coca-Cola show how seriously they take water management in
India. In November 2003 a local Judge threatened to completely shut down the factory
pending further enquiries. Coca-Cola now sends water trucks to supply the basic water
needs in the villages which contain an estimated 2,000 families. The case is still

The results of the analysis of the 'fertiliser' product were given to Britain's leading
poisons expert, Professor John Henry:

The levels of toxins found in the samples of waste taken by the BBC would cause
serious problems - polluting the land, local water supplies and the food chain.
Cadmium is a carcinogen and it accumulates in the kidneys. Repeated exposure can
lead to kidney failure. Lead is particularly dangerous to children and the results of
exposure can be fatal. Even at low levels it can cause mental retardation and severe
anaemia. What most worries me about the levels found is how this might be affecting
pregnant women in the area. You would expect to see an increase in miscarriages,
stillbirths and premature deliveries. There is a need to review medical data for that
entire area in light of what has happened.
- Professor John Henry, consultant at St Mary's Hospital, London.

In response to the claims, the Vice President of Coca-Cola in India, Mr Sunil Gupta,
was interviewed for the programme and he stated:

It's good for crops, it's good for the farmers because most of them are poor and they
have been using this for the past three years. We have scientific evidence to prove it is
absolutely safe and we have never had any complaints.

Coca-Cola - What It Contains

Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid which can react with calcium in teeth. Then there's
a surprising amount of sugar - micro-organisms in the mouth use sugar as a food
(energy) source, producing acids which can also attack your teeth. Other ingredients


include caffeine (34.5mg per 330ml/11.5 fl oz (UK) can - a 225ml/8 fl oz cup of coffee
contains approximately 135mg of caffeine), caramel colour and carbonated water,
preservatives and certain E-number additives.

In Los Angeles, USA, you can get classic Coke in 8 oz (240ml), 12 oz (360ml), 20 oz
(600ml), one litre and two litre bottles.

Alternate Varieties

There are several variations of the Coca-Cola drink, such as Diet Cola, Coca-Cola with
Lemon, Coca-Cola with Lime, Vanilla Cola, Cherry Cola, as well as all of their 'diet'
alternatives; and Sprite, Appletiser, Lilt, Dr Pepper, 7-Up1 and the several Fanta
flavours, and all of their 'diet' counterparts. Nowadays there is also a caffeine-free
version of coke. The latest version is 'Coca-Cola Blak' which is coffee-flavoured.

'Lola' by The Kinks is said to have originally mentioned Coca-Cola, but after protests
(or possibly legal advice) they changed the reference to cherry-cola. It is somewhat
ironic that Coca-Cola eventually made a product named Cherry-Cola.

Cola Drinks in School

There is controversy over a $1 million (over £½million) grant that the corporation gave
to the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (the AAPD), America's leading
paediatric dental association. Some dentists believe there has been a rise in juvenile
intake of soft drinks and that this is contributing to the rapid increase in obesity and
type 2 diabetes, and in the case of adolescents, rises in cases of Hypertension2 (high
blood pressure), as well as cavities, caries and the total loss of teeth generally. The
American Academy of Paediatrics recommends that 'Paediatricians work to eliminate
sweetened drinks available in school'. The Coca-Cola Corporation suggests that its logo
belongs on materials given to schoolchildren.

Health Warning

The general opinion of health officials and dentists is that you should not drink Coca-
Cola on a regular basis, as it has a detrimental effect on teeth, and can be unhealthy
because of sheer sugar content. It can also, if consumed in a large quantity on a single


occasion, cause temporary hyperactivity, because the caffeine in the Coca-Cola acts as
a stimulant. People suffering from type 2 diabetes should cut down their caffeine intake
in order not to exacerbate their symptoms. People with stomach ulcers (which are
caused by excess stomach acid) shouldn't partake of drinks like Coca-Cola as it
contains phosphoric acid.

As with all caffeine drinks, there is a risk of addiction. Christina Onassis reportedly
lived on an unhealthy diet of fast food and cola, and she died of heart failure at the age
of 37 years.

Whole groups of people can be affected too – as with the people of San Juan Chamula
in Chiapas, Mexico. Here the 'agua negra' as Coca-Cola is called has become the coin
of the realm and is used for everything from a gift with which to ply town elders for
favours to a preferred formula with which to nurse babies3.

There is some disagreement among nutritionists as to whether caffeinated drinks like

cola should count toward your goal of drinking eight (six for children) glasses of water
per day. Caffeine is a diuretic, which actually increases your need for liquid, therefore
you need to drink more water. Also, care should be taken when giving sugary drinks to
babies, toddlers and small children. Drinks such as Coca-Cola can rot delicate milk
teeth and are unhealthy due to the additives.

Water helps to regulate body temperature. It washes away any unused and therefore
dangerous minerals and vitamins, increases the body's metabolism rate, and it lubricates
the muscles and organs in the body, so you would be doing your children a favour by
offering them water to drink instead of cola.


The 'diet' alternatives don't contain sugar: instead to maintain the sweet taste an
artificial sweetener called aspartame is substituted. This is a dipeptide
(aspartylphenylalanine methyl ester) which is one hundred to two hundred times
sweeter than sucrose. The problem with aspartame is that it contains the amino acid,
phenylalanine. Approximately one in ten thousand Northern Europeans are genetically
unable to metabolise phenylalanine, which therefore accumulates in the blood. This


condition is called phenylketonuria. Affected children become severely mentally
defective, unless the diagnosis is made very early in life, and they receive a diet which
is low in proteins containing phenylalanine. This means that people suffering from
phenylketonuria need to avoid food and drinks that contain aspartame.

Elton John

In 1993 Elton John was presented with the Georgia Community Award, which was
sponsored by Coca-Cola, for his work in the fight against AIDS. Elton's 1996 double
CD 'Coca-Cola Planet Live' is extremely rare and valuable.

Urban Myths and Folklore

The Coca-Cola Company didn't invent Father Christmas; they won't send you a crate of
coke for forwarding an email4; neither is Coca-Cola a contraceptive; nor will a tooth
dissolve if left in a glass of Coca-Cola overnight (instead it will turn black). Flat cola
poured down the toilet will not remove limescale, but it does polish up copper coins a

Stain Remover and Hair Colour Restorer

Coca-Cola has achieved almost-legend status as a stain remover. The Mythbusters TV

programme heard a report that American highway clean-up crews carry bottles of
Coca-Cola to wash away blood from the road, and proved it worked. Cola also removes
oil stains from concrete drives and garage bases. Apparently diet coke helps fade hair
dye, but you have to use flat regular coke to separate curls. Hopefully no more bad hair
days then.

Medical Uses and Extermination

Cola attracts wasps so take care if drinking out of cans while picnicking. Coca-Cola can
be used on a wasp-sting in an emergency, but not on a bee sting. This is because Coca-
Cola, containing phosphoric acid, is acidic, while wasp stings are alkaline. Bee stings
on the other hand are acidic and Coca-Cola would have no effect. How do you


remember how to treat your sting? Use the mnemonic, 'Use Vinegar5 for Wasps'
(U,V,W - three letters in alphabetical order). This also works for jellyfish stings
although immediate medical attention should be sought in case of poisoning. Under
appropriate supervision, an empty cola can can be turned into a wasp-trap.

Coca-Cola is a fantastic medical 'tool' for flushing feed lines (such as nasogastric, PEG
or PEJ) as the fizzyness helps to unclog them. Flat cola has been known to relieve
children's upset tummies (dyspepsia) and aid re-hydration for diarrhoea sufferers.

Some people use regular cola (apparently it must be fresh with bubbles, not flat) to save
extermination bills, when they are troubled with rats. Rats can't belch, and they are
attracted to the sweet smell and taste. Because they can't expel the gas from their
digestive systems, they explode. Messy, but effective.

Cola Wars in Space Not quite the real thing. In the interests of balance, here's another
astronaut sampling Pepsi during the same Challenger space shuttle mission in 1985.

Coca-Cola Trivia

• Nowadays most colas consist of artificial flavourings, colourings, sugar,

caffeine and H20 - hence the joke that caffeine-free sugar-free cola really is just
brown water, although in reality it's brown water with flavourings.
• Coca-Cola is one of the most popular mixers for spirits. It tastes particularly
nice in rum; vodka; and some whiskies.
• Eyeglasses with very thick lenses in the frame are called 'coke bottle glasses' or
'jam jar bottoms' depending on where in the world you are.
• Peter Sellers persuades Keenan Wynn to shoot open a Coca-Cola dispenser in a
scene from the Stanley Kubrick film Dr Strangelove.
• Blues players have been known to use necks from coke bottles to play slide
guitar - called the 'bottleneck slide'. Necks from beer or wine bottles are more
commonly utilised today.
• In Japan there is a market for cola-flavoured chocolate cigarettes called 'Little
Bobdog Coca-Cola Cigarettes' complete with Disney-style characters on the


• There are connections between Coca-Cola and Father Christmas thanks to
clever marketing campaigns.
• Coca-Cola with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream makes a nice ice cream float.
• There is a recipe for Chocolate Cola Cake at BBC Food.


There are rival cola firms, in particular Pepsi, and the trend since the 1980s has been to
use celebrities like Michael Jackson, BBC Music: Whitney Houston, Madonna and
Mariah Carey to promote the drinks. Coca-Cola lost the marketing war due to the 'Pepsi
Challenge', when adverts showing blindfolded tasters chose Pepsi because it was
sweeter. Coca-Cola responded by changing the formula of the drink, and came up with
'New Coke' which caused to public outcry when 'old coke' was removed from the
shelves, so they were forced to change it back. The rivalry was referenced in Billy
Joel's 'We Didn't Start The Fire', with the lines Rock and roll cola wars/I can't take it

Collectible Cans

The Disney Corporation commemorated their 65th anniversary by advertising with

Coca-Cola. The characters the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, Tweedle-Dee and
Tweedle-Dum and the March Hare appeared on regular coke cans; and Tinkerbell6,
Dumbo and characters from Pinocchio on diet coke. Cans such as these are highly
collectible and their current value is $4 per can.

The current promotion in Germany is for the big-sized (taller than usual) cans with a
member of the German football team on them, which might become collectible -
especially if Germany win the 2006 World Cup7, which Coca-Cola are sponsoring.

Celebrity Endorsement

When a celebrity is paid to allow his or her name to advertise a product, fans of that
celebrity display a heightened level of interest in the product being offered. Some of the
image of the celebrity is 'transferred' to the product, offering a connection to the


celebrity's fans. Coca-Cola's current celebrity endorser is former England football
captain David Beckham. 'Brand' Beckham and Beckham the man are two different
entities – the former exists in our heads, and the latter in real life. The image plus the
product creates a powerful selling machine. Sad but true, Beckham doesn't drink Coca-

Company background

The manufacturing unit of Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages (P)Ltd.Pune is

located at scenic and peaceful environs of village Pirangut,Taluka Mulshi and
Dist,Pune,just 18-20 Km from pune city.The plant commenced operation in January
1996.Spread over 25 acres,the pirangut plant is the only plant with canning facility for
Coca-cola and production of Diet coke in India.The main business of the company is to
produce and distribute the products of the Coca-cola Company.The brands being
currently produced are Coca-Cola,Thums Up,Limca,fanta,Sprite,Diet Coke and Kinley

The main manufacturing unit has 208 permanent employees and there are 54
number employed in sales and there 54 number employed in sales and marketing.The
production facility of pune plant is capable of producing
RGB:-36000 cases/day,
PET:-12000 cases/day,
CAN:-66000 cases/day.

The sales territory of HCCBPL, location is at south Maharashtra state extending

from Riagrah to Nanded and Pune to Sindadurg.The manufacturing site is located on
area of around 115342 m2, and has two number of filling lines for manufacture of
RGB,PET,and CAN.This Quality System relates to the full range company activities as
determined by the standards described in TCCQS.

Plant Area
Total area :23.55 acres
Built-up area :9.275 acres


Green belt :10.54 acres
Undeveloped :3.9 acres

Production Line
Line I-KRONES-Germany-commissioned on March 97
Line II-SIG SIMONAZZI-Italy- commissioned on April 03
Line III-SASIB-Italy-commissioned on April 98
Before taking up the study of the various plant operations in detail we
identify the operations required in a bottling plant and devise a flowchart. the flow
chart gives an overview of the beverages manufacturing process.
All the plant operations can be broadly classified in to four main areas namely
(i) Warehouse
(ii) Production
(iii) Process
(iv) Utilities
Apart from these,the general functions such as HR,Finance,Sales,Etc.exist in
coordination with them.We begin examining the plnt layout at the storage area.

In a bottling plant a warehouse is used to store both empty and bottles.the
warehouse to store both empty and filled bottles.The warehouse is generally located
adjacent to the production line to minimize materials handling. The demand
analysis carried out by the sales department acts as an input to the shipping
department. They in turn estimate the volume of production based on the number of
empty and filled bottles.The empty bottles in the warehouse are sorted according to
pack and flavor and sent for filling.
After sorting the cases of empties are placed on a conveyor.Placing case on the
conveyor may be done manually or with the aid of depalletizer(here done


The bottles are then for inspection.This also can be done manually but here an
uncaser is incorporated.
Emty returns are inspected for broken and chipped areas and for excessively
dirty are washed.

Bottle Washer
The washer is the largest single piece of equipment on the bottling line.In most
plants,washer is located spaciously to ensure easy acess to all sides of the
washer.Here bottles are washed,rinsed and drained .
Empty Bottle Inspetion
The bottles are once again inspected after they are washed and before they
are sent for filling
This is the heart of the production line and here the beverage is filled at rate of 600
BPM(bottle per minute).
Beverage is the final product made from the rw materials through a series of
processes.The general procedure is
Raw syrupàReady syrupàBeverage
Raw syrup
Raw syrup is prepared by adding raw materials such as sugar,treated water and
activated carbon.In this process the mixture is heated to about 85*C
Ready syrup
Raw syrup is pumped to the tanks in the ready syrup room after the syrup is cooled
to about 20*-25*C.Here the concentrated or the beverage base is added to it.A
small amount of Co2 is also added to avoid stagnation of the ready syrup in the
supply lines.
The concentrate and beverage bases mentioned here are manufactured by
the Coca-Cola company.Concentrate imparts the distinctive taste and colour to the
Coca-cola and beverages bases provide the same to the other soft drink products of
the Coca-cola Company.


The ready syrup from the ready syrup room is pumped to the mixer where it is
mixed with Co2 and water according to the prefixed requirements.These values
remain university constant.The mixture now is known as the beverage.
Carbonation tank
The finl beverage is then chilled or cooled as it is observed that the solubility of
Co2 is higher at lower temperatures. This mixture is sent to the carbonation tank.
The bottles that are filled with the beverage in the filler are crowned in this process.
Date coding
The date of manufacture, time and MRP are printed on the bottle by using the coding

CIP (Cleaning In Place)

A Clean In Place (CIP) system is most common way to clean closed systems of
pipe line as well as pieces of equipment.This is mainly needed at the sypur rooms and
filling equipment such as filter, fillling equipment such as filler, cooling equipment,
carbonation equipment, lines, etc.
In addition to above some other utilities also contribute to the beverage
manufacturing process.Some of them are forklifts, transformer etc. Filled Bottle
Inspection The filled bottles are once again inspected finally for the the level of fill and
Cases which are obtained by the empty bottles are sent to the cleaner where they are
cleaned .The caser now packs the filledbottles into the cases.
The cases are now placed on a conveyor by either using a palletiser or manually.
(here done manually)and sent to the ware house .
The filled bottle cases are stored in the ware house and are further sent for
Quality Lab.


The beverage so produced should match some prefixed standards.In order to test the
quality of the beverage manufactured,regular sampling and testing is done.The quality
lab is placed near the production line to make sampling convenient.
It is a part of the plant utilities which supplies steam to various part of the pkant
such as raw syrup room,bottle washer ,CIP,etc.

Chilling Plant
This provides all the refrigeration required in the plant mainly for cooling the
beverage,raw syrup etc.
Air Compressor
This system provides compressed air for all the pneumatic needs of the plant and it
is piped to the bottling room.

WTP(Water Treatment Plant)

Water is required at many stages in the plant operations.In the beverage
manufacturing process we make use of treated water.This is manufactured by
systemized water treatment thechniques.In addition to this soft water is supplied for the
sanitation,biler etc.

Golden Peacock Environment Management Award 2005 (GPEMA) to the

Coca-Cola bottling plant at Kaladera, near Jaipur, in recognition of its world-class
environment practices. Coca-Cola Indias ultra-modern ISO 14001 certified bottling
plant in the State won this top award in the medium scale Food & Beverage category
from amongst more than 17 entries. The Kaladera unit is the fourth plant to get this
distinction in the Coca-Cola India

ETP(Effluent Treatment Plant)

An effluent treatment plant in the plant premises treats the waste water coming
from various parts of the plant such as bottle washer,Syrup room,WTP etc before it is
released in to environment.


At The Coca-Cola Company, we aspire to environmental excellence every day
through each business decision and process everywhere we operate around the

Our commitment is not just good citizenship; it’s good business. The bottom
line is that our business depends on the health and sustainability of our planet and
the natural resources. .

As a beverage company, we focus our environmental efforts on the three areas

where we have the greatest impact, and therefore can do the most good: water use;
packaging; and energy use & climate protection.

To help align our actions with our aspirations, we have developed a number of specific
initiatives and programs to address these core issues in sustainable, measurable

The Golden peacock environment management award

The GPEMA is designed to encourage and recognize effective implementation of

environmental management system and this achievement has been made possible by
the plants adherence to Coca-Colas total quality program called The Coca-Cola Quality
system (TCCQS). TCCQS is all encompassing management system (Total Quality)
covering environment management and other business aspects such as safety and loss
Prevention (SLP), product quality, packaging quality, process capability improvement.
GPEMA has been instituted by the Institute of Directors in association with World
Environment Foundation (WEF) and is designed to encourage and recognize effective
implementation of environment management system. The awards are given separately
for manufacturing and service organizations, and are assessed under the following
categories, All 25 of the India Division’s Company-owned bottling plants have gained
the international standard ISO 14001 Environment Management System certificate.


The ISO 14001 certificate is the internationally recognized standard of
Environmental Management.A company must demonstrate management commitment,
the total involvement of all employees and a compliance with applicable regulatory and
internal company standards.The Company started its compliance effort in February,
2002 and the Bidadi plant near Bangalore in the southern State of Karnataka was the
first plant to receive this prestigious accreditation in january2003. Strict division
compliance with the EKO system ensured that the bottling plants were ready to meet
the tough evaluation criteria and standards.After only 15 months, when certifying
agency Det Norske Veritas completed its audit and granted the ISO certification to the
Patna plant in eastern State of Bihar,.
The India Division Environment Resource Management team guided the plant teams in
implementing systems that helped fulfill the requirements of the ISO Certifying system.
Strict division compliance with the eKO system ensured that the bottling plants were
ready to meet the tough evaluation criteria and standards of the ISO auditors. The
environment management system has resulted in other significant business benefits,
including conservation of resources, increased productivity and reduction of overall

The Division is now working hard to extend the ISO footprint across the entire
franchisee owned bottling system as well.

Coca-Cola, the corporate nourishing the global community with the worlds
largest selling soft drink concentrates since 1886, returned to India in 1993 after a gap
of 16 years giving a new thumbs up to the Indian Soft Drink Market. In the same year,
the Company took over ownership of the nation's top soft-drink brands and bottling
network. No wonder, our brands have assumed an iconic status in the minds of the

A Healty Growth To The Indian Economy

Ever Since, Coca-Cola India has made significant investments to build and continually
consolidate its


business in the country, including new production facilities, waste water treatment
plants, distribution systems and marketing channels.

Coca-Cola India is among the countrys top international investors, having invested
more than US$ 1 billion in India within a decade of its presence and further pledged
another US$ 100 million in 2003 for its operations.

A Pure Commitment to The Indian Economy

The Company has not only shaked up the Indian carbonated drinks market, and given
consumers the pleasure of world-class drinks to fill up their hydration, refreshment &
nutrition needs but has also been instrumental in giving an exponential growth to job

Creating Enormous Job Opportunities

With virtually all the goods and services required to produce and market Coca-Cola
being made in India, the business system of the Company directly employs
approximately 6,000 people, and indirectly creates employment for more than 125,000
people in related industries through our vast procurement, supply and distribution

The vast Indian operations comprises 25 wholly-owned- company-owned bottling

operations and another 24 franchisee-owned bottling operations. That apart, a network
of 21 contract-packers also manufactures a range of products for the Company.

On the distribution front, 10-tonne trucks, open-bay three-wheelers that can navigate


the narrow alleyways of Indian cities constantly keep our brands available in every
nook and corner of even the countrys remotest areas.

These are only some of the facts that speak about our commitment to the growth of the
Indian Economy

The Worlds Largest Beverage Company

While much of the world has changed since 1886, with the old giving way to the new at
almost daily strokes, what has withstood the test and taste of time, binding the young
and old to enjoy their moments of simple pleasure and eternal joy is the magic of Coca-
Cola. And this year, consumers the world over will reach for products of The Coca-
Cola Company more than a billion times every single day. The world s largest beverage
company has come a long way since its modest beginnings more than a century ago...

Coca-Cola Advertisements Its The Real Thing

Advertising has played an important role in the success of our products since our first
newspaper ad in 1886, which read, "Coca-Cola. Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating!
Invigourating!" The Company uses advertising to trigger desire as often and in as many
ways as possible. Throughout the years, slogans for Coca-Cola have always been
memorable. Here are some highlights:

2000 - Coca-Cola Enjoy

1993 - Always Coca-Cola
1990 - Can t Beat the Real Thing
1989 - Can t Beat the Feeling
1986 - Red, White and You
1982 - Coke Is It
1976 - Coke Adds Life
1971 - I d Like to Buy the World a Coke


1969 - It s the Real Thing
1963 - Things Go Better with Coke
1959- Be Really Refreshed
1944- Global High Sign
1942- It s the Real Thing
1936- It s the Refreshing Thing To Do
1929 - The Pause That Refreshes

Fine illustrations by noted artists, including Norman Rockwell and N. C. Wyeth, were
the hallmark of early campaigns in premier magazines. Artist Haddon Sundblom s
portraits for holiday ads, which began in the 1930s, helped mould the national image
of a red-suited Santa Claus. Fresh, creative and tasteful, advertising images for Coca-
Cola have always set a high standard of quality for other products around the world.
The Company recognizes that Coca-Cola belongs to the billions of consumers in every
corner of the globe who have chosen it as their favorite soft drink. Our advertising
reflects that special relationship between consumers and the simple moments of
pleasure they have come to associate with Coca-Cola.

Indian Advertising Award

In India too, the Companys thrust has always been on reaching the core of the
consumers heart through advertising excellence. In fact, we have produced some of the
most memorable campaigns of the times. Consequently, in early 2003, Coca-Cola India
collected Advertiser of the Year and Campaign of the Year awards for the Thanda
Matlab Coca-Cola all-media campaign.

Born In A Kettle Charming The World Forever

John Stith Pemberton first introduced the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola in Atlanta,
Georgia. It was May of 1886 when the pharmacist concocted a caramel-coloured syrup
in a three-legged brass kettle in his backyard. He first "distributed" the new product by
carrying Coca-Cola in a jug down the street to Jacobs Pharmacy. For five cents,


consumers could enjoy a glass of Coca-Cola at the soda fountain. Whether by design or
accident, carbonated water was teamed with the new syrup, producing a drink that was
proclaimed "Delicious and Refreshing." John Pemberton s partner and bookkeeper,
Frank M. Robinson, suggested the name and penned "Coca-Cola" in the unique flowing
script that is famous worldwide today. Mr. Robinson thought "the two Cs would look
well in advertising." In 1886, sales of Coca-Cola averaged nine drinks per day.

The Growing Corporate With An Ever-Refreshing Drink

That first year, Pemberton sold 25 gallons of syrup, shipped in bright red wooden kegs.
Red has been a distinctive color associated with the number one soft drink brand ever
since. For his efforts, Pemberton grossed ------ $50 and spent----- $73.96 on
advertising. By 1891, Atlanta entrepreneur Asa G. Candler had acquired complete
ownership of the Coca-Cola business. Within four years, his merchandising flair helped
expand consumption of Coca-Cola to every state and territory. In 1919, The Coca-Cola
Company was sold to a group of investors for---- $25 million. Robert W. Woodruff
became president of The Coca-Cola Company in 1923, and his more than six decades
of leadership took the business to unrivaled heights of commercial success, making
Coca-Cola an institution the world over.

Know About Our Global Bottling System

Today, our products reach consumers and customers around the world through a vast
distribution network made up of local bottling companies. These bottlers are located
around the world, and most are independent businesses. Using syrups, concentrates and
beverage bases produced by The Coca-Cola Company, our global bottling system
packages and markets products, then distributes them to more than 14 million retail
outlets worldwide.

The Coca-Cola Company is committed to assisting its bottlers with the functions of an
efficient bottling operation and initiating quality systems to ensure the highest quality
products for our consumers.


The Bottling History Of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola began as a fountain product, but candy merchant Joseph A. Biedenharn of

Mississippi was looking for a way to serve this refreshing beverage at picnics. He
began offering bottled Coca-Cola, using syrup shipped from Atlanta, during an
especially busy summer in 1894.In 1899, large-scale bottling became possible when
Asa Candler granted exclusive bottling rights to Joseph B. Whitehead and Benjamin F.
Thomas of Chattanooga, Tennessee. The contract marked the beginning of The Coca-
Cola Company s unique independent bottling system that remains the foundation of
Company soft drink operations.

Coca-Cola Bottles As Memorable As The Design

Back then, soda bottles were all very similar. And Coca-Cola had many imitators,
which consumers would be unable to identify until they took a sip. The answer was to
create a distinct bottle for Coca-Cola. As a result, the contour bottle for Coca-Cola with
the shape now known around the world was developed in 1915 by the Root Glass
Company.Coca-Cola Gets The First Change of Taste in 1886.

In 1985, a new cola emerged from laboratory research. Through internal evaluations
and thousands of blind taste tests, consumers said they preferred it over both Coca-Cola
and its primary competition. As a result, in April 1985, the Company proudly
introduced the new taste of Coke - the first change in the secret formula since the
product was created in 1886

Trademark Registration Of Coca-Cola

The trademark "Coca-Cola" was registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
in 1893, followed by "Coke" in 1945. The unique contour bottle, familiar to consumers
everywhere, was granted registration as a trademark by the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office in 1977, an honor awarded very few packages


Extension Of The Most Cherished Trademark

In 1982, The Coca-Cola Company introduced diet Coke to U.S. consumers, marking
the first extension of the Company s most precious trademark to another product. Later
years saw the introduction of additional products bearing the Coca-Cola name, which
now encompasses a powerful line of cola products.

Trademarks The Worlds Most Valuable Assets

Their most valuable assets happen to be the trademarks we possess. For Coca-Cola, the
most drunk soft drink on earth is one of the world s best-known and most admired
trademarks, recognized by more than 90 percent of the world s population.

Interestingly, the world that is touched by our cherished drinks for every moment, the
Coca-Cola trademarks happen not only to be our most valuable assets but of the entire



Brands of coca cola company

There are nine brands in the coca cola company these are as follows

1)Coca cola

8)Minute maid


10)Diet coke



The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and

refresh everyone it touches. For us, Quality is
more than just something we taste or see or
measure. It shows in our every action. We relentlessly strive to exceed the world's ever-
changing expectations because keeping our Quality promise in the marketplace is our
highest business objective and our enduring obligation.

Consumers across the globe choose our brand of refreshment more than a billion times
every day because Coca-Cola is...


Thumps up is a leading carbonated soft drink and most trusted brand in India.
Originally introduced in 1977, Thums Up was acquired by The Coca-Cola Company in



Thums Up is known for its strong, fizzy taste and its confident, mature and uniquely
masculine attitude. This brand clearly seeks to separate the men from the boys


The 'orange' drink of The Coca-Cola Company, is seen as one of the favorite drinks
since 1940's. Fanta entered the Indian market in the year 1993.

It is another brand from The Coca-Cola Company for a carbonated soft drink with bold
fruit taste. Distributed in 188 countries around the world with teenagers aged 12-19
being the largest number of its consumers. There are more than 70 kinds of Fanta fruit
taste in the world woday with Orange being the largest volume contributor.

Over the years Fanta has occupied a strong market place and is identified as "The Fun
Perceived as a fun youth brand, Fanta stands for its vibrant color. Tempting
taste and tingling bubbles that not just uplifts feelings


The drink that can cast a tangy refreshing spell on anyone anywhere.Born in
1971,Limca has been the original thirst choice ,of millions of consumers for over 3
decades.The brand has been displaying volume growths years on year and Limca
continues to be the flavour soft drink in the country.Limca is a drink which mostly
preffered by the female customers


Introduced in 1960, Sprite is the world's leading lemos-lime flavored soft drink. Sprite
is sold in more than 190 countries and ranks as the No. 4 soft drink worldwide, with a
strong appeal to young people.

Millions of people enjoy Sprite because of its crisp, clean taste that really quenches
your thirst. But Sprite also has an honest, straightforward attitude about things that sets
it apart from other soft drinks.Sprite encourages u to be true who u are and to obey your

Worldwide Sprite is ranked as the No. 4 soft drink &. is sold in more than 190
In India, Sprite was launched in year 1999 & today it has grown to be one of the fastest
growing. Soft drinks, leading the Clear lime category. Today Sprite is perceived as a
youth icon. Why? With a strong appeal to the youth, Sprite hasstood for a straight
forward and honest attitude.Its clear crisp refres hingtaste encourages the today's youth
to trust their instin cts,influence them to be true to who they are and to obey their thirst.



It was launched in 1976. Here was a drink that offered the same real taste of fruit juice
sand was available throughout the year. In 1993,Maaza was acquired by Coca-Cola

.Over the years, brand Maaza has become synonymous with Mango. This has been the
result of such successful campaigns like "Taaza Mango,Maaza Mango" and "Botal
mein Aam, Maaza hain Naam". Consumers regard Maaza as wholesome, natural, fun
drink which delivers the real experience of fruit.

The current advertising of Maaza positions it as an enabler of fun friendship moments

between moms and kids as moms trust the brand and the kids love its taste. The
campaign builds on the existing equity of the brand and delivers a relevant emotional
benefit to the moms rightly captured in the tagline "Yaari Dosti Taaza Maaza.




In the company's journey towards the vision 'leading the beverage revolution in India',
now even Garam matlab Coca-Cola…. A hot new launch from Coca-Cola India.

Georgia, quality tea and coffee served from state of the art vending machines is

Georgia, which promises a great tasting, consistent, hygienic and affordable cuppa is
available in a range of sizzling flavours, adrak, elaichi, masala and plain tea
cappuccino, mochaccino and regular coffee


The history of the Minute Maid brand goes as far back as 1945 when the Florida Foods
Corporation developed orange juice powder. The company developed a process that
eliminated 80 percent of the water in orange juice, forming a frozen concentrate that
when reconstituted created orange juice. They branded it Minute Maid, a name
connoting the convenience and the ease of preparation (In a minute). Minute Maid thus
moved from a powdered concentrate to the first ever orange juice from concentrate.

Over the years, through innovations and unmatched consumer experience provided in
over 60 countries, Minute Maid brand has clearly become one of the world's largest
juice and juice drink brands. The launch of Minute Maid Pulpy Orange in India
(starting with the south of the country) is aimed to further extend the leadership of
Coca-Cola in India in the juice drink category.




Water, a thirst quencher that refreshes, a life giving force that washes all the toxins
away. A ritual purifier that cleanses, purifies, transforms. Water, the most basic need of
life, the very sustenance of life, a celebration of life itself.

The importance of water can never be understated. Particularly in a nation such as India
where water governs the lives of the millions, be it as part of everyday rituals or as the
monsoon which gives the life to the sub-continent
.Kinley water understands the importance and value of this life giving force.Kinley
water thus promises water that is as pure as it is meant to be.Water you can trust to be
safe and pure. Kinley water comes with the assurance of safety from the Coca-Cola
Company. That is why we introduced Kinley with reverse-osmosis along with the latest
technology to ensure the purity of our product. That's why we go through rigorous
testing procedures at each and every location where Kinley is produced.
Because we believe that right to pure, safe drinking water is fundamental.


Diet coke was born in July 1982 and quickly became the No. 1 sugar-free drink in diet-
conscious America. It's the drink for people who want no calories, but plenty of taste.
Known as Diet Coke in the Indonesia, U.S, Canada, Australia and Great Britain, and as
Coca-Cola light in other countries, it's now the No. 3 soft drink in the world.



Built On The Compliance Of Perfection

The reputation of The Coca-Cola Company is built on trust. Those who do business
with us around the world know we are committed to managing our business with a
consistent set of values that represent the highest standards of quality, integrity,
excellence, compliance with the law and respect for the unique customs and cultures in
communities where we operate. We seek to develop relationships with suppliers that
share similar values and conduct business in an ethical manner.

Relationships Built On Good Corporate Citizenship

As part of our ongoing effort to develop and strengthen our relationships with
suppliers, we are introducing the Supplier Guiding Principles Program for direct
suppliers to The Coca-Cola Company. The Supplier Guiding Principles Program is
based on the belief that good corporate citizenship is essential to our long-term business
success and must be reflected in our relationships and actions in the marketplace, the
workplace, the environment and the community.

Recognizing there are differences in laws, customs and economic conditions that affect
business practices in various parts of the world, we believe that shared values must
serve as the foundation for relationships between The Coca-Cola Company and our
suppliers. The Supplier Guiding Principles restate our requirements and emphasize
good workplace policies that comply with applicable environmental laws and with local
labour laws and regulations.

We look forward to working with Suppliers to ensure understanding of and compliance

with the requirements set forth in the program for Suppliers and all direct suppliers to
The Coca-Cola Company.

When marketer or firm has developed a product to satisfy a market demand after
thoroughly analyzing the market is a need for establishing contact with the target
market to eventually sell the product .Moerever this has to be a mass contact which
means that the marketer is interested in reaching a large number of people so that his
product may receive optimum exposure.Naturally,the best way to reach this mass


communication and advertising is one of the means of such mass communication along
with such other means as publicity,sales promotion and public relations.
Advertising as a means of mass communication has,therefore,made mass selling
Advertisement is that it is a “public” announcement .In earlier times to
“advertise”meant merely to annocunce or to inform.
Modern marketing communication :
It is the management of the four p’s-product,price,promotion and place or distribution
In the sense the entire marketing process has a large content of communication for
instance the product communicates a distinctive image such as youthfulness,glamour or
The brand name communicates physichological attributes of the product e.g
dreamflower talc .
Marketing mix consists of four major tools these are;


Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas,products,and services by an

identified sponser.
Sales Promotion;
Short –term direct inducements to encourage sales of products are services
Publicity: Non-personal stimulation of demand for a product/service or business
organization as a whole by putting commercially significant news in media to create a
favourable image.It is not paid for by the sponsor.
Personal selling: for making sales,a salesman interacts orally with the buyer or buyers
in the form of a sales presentation.
Public Relations:Marketers engage in public relations to develop a image of their
organization in the eyes of public large,customers,suppliers,government,media,
Competitors,shareholder,employees and the society.



The title of the study is “Effect of advertisement and activation of cluster outlet”


This is the first step in the research methodology. It is very important to define
the statement of problem because of the saying that “A problem well defined is half
solved”. In this study is mainly focused on the effect of advertisement and activation of
cluster outlets in coca cola company .
In this context, it is need to evaluate the effect before and after
actvation(advertisement) of cluster outlets and observe the sales after activation of
outlets.this project is meant for activate the unactivated outlets.



To sustain competitive and dynamic market conditions the observation of
market or study of market is necessary.

Main need of the study is for activate the activeless outlets and after advertising
what are the changes came in to existence .why this changes are happened.this is the
main need of the project

• To know the market condition of soft drinks likeThumps up

,maaza,Limca,Sprite and other Coca cola products

• To know market demand as well as the needs and wants of the customers of
coca cola.

• To know what consumers feel about coca cola product as well as their
opinion about present existing product
• To know the effectiveness of advertisements
• To know what retail customer wants.and study their needs.

• To know how to improve the sale of the company.

• To know the strategy of competitors such as the Pepsi


• To Design a template for cocacola for cluster activation to leverage the
merchandising options available at the identified category of outlet.
• To know the job of market developers.and understand market business.

Sub objectives:
• To know what all facilities are provided by company to retail outlets.
• Comparative study of stock in retail outlets present in Sant tukaram
nagar and Hinjawadi clusters.
• To identify options available at the retail outlets for activating the


• To study the consumer behavior of coca cola.
• To know what makes consumers to go for soft drinks
• To know consumers behaviors towards the soft drinks of coca cola.


This project helps me to get practical exposure, that how organization works,
how the finished product reach the consumer form plant to the retail outlets. What is
the effect of advertisement in marketing.what makes the consumers to go for soft
drinks, How to handle retail outlet customer.
Implementation of theoretical aspects in to practical, marketing is the main
components of Hindustan Coca cola beverages Ltd. Pune .

The method used in this research study to obtain the data needed for the
analysis is questionnaire and observation method from a sample base of retail outlets of
about 140 outlets and morethan 15000 consumers in the Pune city.
The data collected is organized systematically in the form of tables and charts
to get the clear view of the picture.


Design: following steps are suggested to be taken to make the project.

1. Visit the clusters clusters along with the Distributors salesman and
understand the business.

2. Work along withj the Market Developers and understand the concept of
RED and activations in RED(Right Execution Daily)and activations in

3. List downthe differences among the identified 3 category of the outlets is

1)E &D,2)Grocery,3)Convenience.


4. Identify options available at the retail outlets for activating the outlets.

5. After the understand the business and the concept of RED activation make
a comprehensive list of elements that be made and utilized at the retail
out;lets of the selected cluster.

6. Select 2 Clustersand make a list of entire outlets available in each cluster

(selling CSD)and collect data of these outlets.

The outlets datamust contain the following information

1)Name of the outlet.

2)Address of the outlet.

3)Contact person with Phone no.

4)Category of outlet(E&d,Grocery or Concenience)

5)Sales Volume of outlet/Top 2 Brands

6)options available for Elements to be put in the outlet.

7. Identify the Elements that can be put up in the outlets keeping the RED

Activation guidelines in perspective.Each element of activation must equa

Ted with the cost of the elemented.

8. Once the basic data is collected from the outlet,organize the data.Make a


Plan for putting activation elements at the outlet based on the volume class
of the outlet.

9. The cost of activation of an outlet must justify the business generated

From the outlet.

10.Activate the selected 2 clusters as per the points mentioned above

The research design constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and
analysis of data. It helps the researchers by posing crucial choices: is the blue print to
include experiments, interviews, observations, the analysis of records, or combination
of these? Are the methods of data collection and the research to be highly structured?
Should the analysis be primarily quantitative or qualitative?

There are morethan15000 retail outlets in the Pune city who also deal in soft
drinks in their shops. These shops are scattered in different locations of the city.
As it was very difficult to study all the retail outlets, I have taken a sample of 50
outlets across the city who deals with soft drinks in their shop and a sample base of 100
consumers of different ages.
The outlets are bifurcated in different categories so as to segment the likely
group and differentiate it from others Convenience, Grocery, Restaurants / bar and
restaurants, and liqueur shops.
Convenience includes all the outlets like Pan shops,Dairy, Bakeries, Juice
centers, Ice cream parlors, STD shops, Snacks centers.
Grocery Shops includes all Kirana stores, general stores super stores etc.
Hotel/Restaurants / Bar and restaurants includes all Restaurants, Refreshments and
Bar cum restaurants.They also known as eating and drinking types.
The are the shops which sell only alcoholic drinks such as Wines etc.
The segmentation of the consumers is done on the basis of age as below
15, 16 to 25, and 30 and some old aged customers . It is done so assuming that the same
age group people behave similarly.
The research study is done with the help of a questionnaire and observation


Two different questionnaires have been formulated to gather the information
from retail outlets and consumers, needed for the study of existing problem.
The data collected is organized in the form of tables and charts.
Then the situation is analyzed with the help of the charts and tables and suggestions are
made with reference to the results obtained there from.


Data collection methods

From the given two clusters Sant tukaram nagar Pune, and Hinjawadi the two clusters
data are to be taken Sant tukaram nagar Pune;

Mainly the outlets are to be categoterised in to three categories.

1)Eating and Drinking



1.Eating and drinking :

Hotels, Bar and restaurant ,Dhabas, are comes under the Eating and Drinking type of


Kirana stores ,Sweetmarts,General stores ,Stationary stores these are comes under the
Grocery type of outlets.
Dairy, Panshops,Cakes and bakery, these are comes under the Convenience types of

Next to that the outlets are classified in to Three categories based on the annual sales
volume per year.
These are as follows

1.Diamond Outlets;
Diamond outlets are those outlets which are having annual sales of 800 or morethan
800 cases per year.These outlets are one of the good selling outlets with compared to
gold and silver outlets.

2.Gold Outlets ;
Gold outlets are those outlets which are having annual sales of 500-800 cases per year.

3.Silver outlets ;
These outlets are having annual sales of 250-500 cases per year.

Some of the advertising or activation elements are as follows;

Which is used for keeping plastic Coca-cola bottles.This is mainly present in grocery
type of outlet.


Which is used for the for generally all types of outlets.It is a board that contains coca-
cola and cocacola products pictures along with the name of outlet.This is mainly used
for the advertising purposes.
3)Highway signage.
This is mainly present on the high way sides.its is advertising for the people who are
passing through highways.this is also a long board which contains.
4)Road standing
Which is kept infront the shop side of the road.which is containes picture of coca cola
products which is for advertising purposes.
5)Combo standee or Combo boards.
This is the board which is designed by the various food item pictures along with the
coca-cola pictures.mostly used in the eating and drinking outlets.

6)Menu boards
Which contains list of various food item present in hotel and coca cola products
7)Menu cards.
Menu cards are which containes the list of food item present in the hotels and they also
contains the list of coca cola beverages present in the particular outlet this is for to draw
attention of customer.

8)Conter top/Table top

This is present on the counter of the convenience type of outlet.this is also designed for
the advertising purposes.
Diamond,Gold,Silver these types of outlets collectively called as RED (Regular
Execution Daily)outlets.
There are three types of parameters to check Regular Execution
Daily(RED)outlets.these are as follows.
Market developer checks these three parameters in every RED outlets.these are as
In Visicooler he checks following things.


(1)Is a coca cola cooler present?
(2)Is the cooler as per standards?
(3)Is visicooler is in the prime position?
(4)Is the visicooler is in a working condition?
(5)Is the light is working?
(6)Is the visicooler 100% pure?
(7)Is the cooler brand-order complaint?
In Availability he checks the
(1)weather 300 ml(cola,3)
(2)mobile PET 500/600ML(cola,3)
(3)Maaza RGB(2000/250ML)(4)Can(Diet coke,1(5)Large PET 1.2 Ltr

NAME OF CLUSTER : Sant tukaram nagar(before Activation)

Laxmi sweets Sant tukaram nagar Gold Grocery 600 cases/yr
Shanikrupa sweets Sant tukaram nagar Gold Grocery 550 cases/yr
Prem sagar Landewadi Diamond Grocery 800 cases/yr
Sant sawta mali Landewadi Diamond E&D 850 cases/yr
Madhur sweets Landewadi Gold Grocery 600 cases/yr
Sant sawta mali 2 Landewadi Diamond E&D 800 cases/yr
Santosh general stores Landewadi Silver Grocery 400 cases/yr
Chamunda sweets Bhosari chowk Diamond Grocery 800 cases/yr
Sonali permit room Pune-nasik road Diamond E&D 800 cases/yr
Pratik permit room Pune-nasik road Diamond E&D 800 cases/yr
Deepak sweets Pune-nasik road Gold Grocery 550 cases/yr
Laxmi sweets Pune-nasik road Diamond Grocery 800 cases/yr
Swarna permit room Pune-nasik road Gold E&D 550 cases/yr
Chetana sweets Pune-nasik road Gold Grocery 560 cases/yr
Narmada permit room Pune-nasik road Diamond E&D 800 cases/yr
Archana permit room Pune-nasik road Gold E&D 600 cases/yr
Jiwala hotel Dighi gaon Gold E&D 560 cases/yr
Bandhu prem milk dairy Dighi gaon Gold Convinience 550 cases/yr
Alite juice centre Pune-nasik road Gold Convinience 560 cases/yr
Vaisahali sweets Sant tukaram nagar Diamond Grocery 800 cases/yr
Suraj sweets Sant tukaram nagar Gold Grocery 560 cases/yr
Ganesh sweets Pune-nasik road Gold Grocery 550 cases/yr
Deepak sweets 2 Nehru nagar Gold Grocery 510 cases/yr
Neelkamal sweets Pune-nasik road Silver Grocery 300 cases/yr


Table no. 1.The Table no. 1. shows the data collected from the Sant tukaram nagar

Table no .2

Comparison between before and after activation of cluster outlet sant
tukaram nagar
Before activation 5
Numbers of
Numbers of outletsDiamon

of outlets outlets

Diamond 9 14
Gold 13
Silver 2
Table no.3

Category of
Numbers of
After activation
Diamond 9 16 4
Gold 13 14
Silver 2 12
Number of outlets

Category of Numbers of
out lets outlets 6

Diamond 9

Gold 14 0

Category of Diamond Gold Silver
out lets
of outlets
Table no .4

There is a difference between before activation of cluster and after activation of cluster
as shown in the Table no.3. and Table no 4.respectvely.The difference is one silver
outlet comes under the gold outlet. This is the effect of activation (advertising).due to
this figure how advertising helps to improve the sales.

According to the Annual sales the cluster Sant tukaram nagar cluster is categorized in
to as follows:

Numbers of outlets


16 8


12 4

Category Diamond Gold Silver
6 of outlets
Grocery 14 2
Outlet type Grocery E&D Convenience
Eating & 8

Conveni 2
Outlet type


Table no 5









ti n


CLUSTER NAME: Hinjawadi (before activation)


Jai santoshi maa market Hinjwadi chowk Gold 650 cases/year
Cakes &Bakers Hinjwadi chowk Gold 670 cases/year
Radhika super market Hinjwadi chowk Gold 650 cases/year
Sakare dairy Hinjwadi chowk Gold 650 cases/year
Poornima sweets Hinjwadi chowk Silver 450 cases/year
Hanuman enterprises Hinjwadi chowk Silver 280 cases/year
Abhishek sweets Bhomkar chowk Silver 300 cases/year
Athavan hotel Bhomkar chowk Silver 450 cases/year
Dhanashree hotel Bhomkar chowk Gold 280 cases/year
New Poona Bakery bhomkar wasti wakad Gold 300 cases/year
Joshi wadawale wakad Diamond 800 cases/year
Kailsh hotel Tatwade Silver 450 cases/year
Sagar cafee Tatwade Silver 450 cases/year
Silver palm Rawet gaon Gold 550 cases/year
Delhi darbar Rawet gaon Silver 450 cases/year
Kohinoor hotel Rawet gaon Silver 450 cases/year
Rajmudra hotel poonawala highway Gold 450 cases/year
Rajyog hotel Hinjwadi chowk Diamond 800 cases/year
Ranjayi hotel Hinjwadi chowk Gold 650 cases/year
Sonam hotel Wakad naka Gold 650 cases/year
Shree mahalaxmi hotel Wakad gaon Silver 300 cases/year
Sagar sweets Hinjwadi chowk Gold 650 cases/year
Shreenath hotel Hinjwadi chowk Silver 800 cases/year
Vishal hotel Hinjwadi chowk Silver 280 cases/year
Table no. 6
The table no.shows the data collected from Hinjawadi cluster outlets

Category of Number of
outlets outlets
Dia 2
Category of outlets
mond Diamond
Gol 11 Gold
Silver 11
Comparison between Hinjewadi cluster outlet before activation and
after activation

Before activation

Num bers 6
Category of Number of
outlets outlets 2

Dia 2 0
OUTLET Diamond Silver
Gol 11
Silv 11

Table no.8

After activation

Category of Number of 14

outlets outlets 12

Dia 2 10
Num bers of 8
mond outlets 6

Gol 14 4
d 0
Silv 8 of outlets Diamond Gold Silver



Table no. 9

There is a difference between Hinjewadi cluster before activation and after activation.
From Table no 8 and Table no.9 we may come to conclusion that the Three silver
outlets come in to gold Category.This is due to activation(advertising).
According to the Annual sales the cluster Hinjewadi cluster is categorized in to as

Outlet type Numbers

Grocery 5

E&D 16

Convenience 3

Number of outlets

Table no.10. 8
Outlet E&D
type Grocery Convenience



From the outlet survey i came to know how much activation elements are required and
which activation elements are to be required for the cluster Sant tukaram nagar,and
Hinjawadi cluster.
The activation elements required for the Sant tukaram nagar is as follows:
1)Highway signage required are --------------à 4 in numbers.
2)10x4 size signage required are --------------à 4 in numbers.
3)15x4 size signage required is --------------à1 in number.
4)Menu cards required are---------------------à7 in numbers.
5)Rack required are------------------------------à2 in numbers.
6)Combo stands required are------------------à2 in numbers.
7)Signage required------------------------------à8 in numbers.
8)Countertop required--------------------------à2 in numbers. The activation elements

The activation elements required for the Hinjawadi is as follows;

1)Signage is required are ---------------------à13 in numbers.
2)Table mats required are---------------------à 7 in numbers.
3)Coca cola Umbrella required are-----------à 7 in numbers.
4)Menu cards required are---------------------à15 in numbers.
5)Menu boards required are---------------------à3 in numbers.
6)Counter top required are---------------------à3 in numbers.
7)Combo standee required are---------------à10 in numbers.
8)Rack required are ---------------------------à3 in numbers.



These are some of the few suggestions made by observing findings of the coca cola
market analysis obtained from the retailers and consumers in the Pune city. These are
made under the stated limitations of the research study.
• The company should provide all activation elements such as the rack, combo
standee, highway signage,signage ,menu boards,umbrella,menu cards,counter
top,according to need of the retail out lets.
• To delivery products in time, supply chain should satisfy the retailers
• Dealers must provide discount and schemes to regular customers.

• Company should come up with new offer attractive schemes to the


• The company should sponsor some sports so that advertisements will be more


• Market developer should visit the outlets and check the availabilityof product


• Provide refrigerator to outlets so that the sales of company will increase


• The company should give more discounts to the outlets so that they can buy

more number of coca cola products and sales of coca cola will increase.



The data analysis shows how activation(Advertising) is important for the increase of
sales . From the data collected from the cluster outlets such as the Sant tukaram nagar
and Hinjawadi cluster I came to conclusion that the advertisement plays a key role in
increasing the sales and profit to coca cola company.
The data taken from the Sant tuklaram nagar is shows the increase of gold outlet by
activation cluster outlets.
And the data taken from the Hinjawadi cluster also shows the increase of gold outlets in
more in number that compared to Sant tukaram nagar. This is shown by activation of
the cluster outlet number of sales is increased.
Silver out lets are those outlets having sales 250-500 cases/year and gold outlets are
those outlets having sales morethan 500 cases/year.
The data in the Sant tukaram nagar shows the there is increase of gold outlets by single
in number this shows the slightly increase in number sales .
The data taken from the Hinjawadi cluster shows the increase of gold outlets from the
three in number.Means the three silver outlets come in to the gold category.
This data is very very important to know the increase of the sales due to advertising the
given outlets.



1)Foundations of advertising theory and practice by S.A .Chunawalla and K.C.Sethia

2)Company brouchure.
4)Company brouchure.



1)Name of the cluster……………………………
2)Name of the outlet……………………………..
3)Owner name……………………………………
4)Contact no………………………………………
5)Locality of the outlet……………………………
6)Annual volume…………………………………….
7)Outlet type.
(i)If outlet is grocery………………………………………...Yes/Not.
(ii)If outlet is eating and drinking type………………………Yes/Not.
(iii)If outlet is convenience type……………………………..Yes/Not.
8)Outlet category.
(i)If outlet is Diamond……………………………………..Yes/Not.
(ii)If outlet is Gold…………………………………………Yes/Not.
(iii)If out is Silver …………………………………………..Yes/Not.
9)Existing elements.
(i)Rack is present or not……………….
(ii)Combo standee present or not……………….
(iii)Menu cards present or not………………………
(iv)Menu boards present or not……………………..
(v)Signage present or not……………………………..
(vi)Table top/Counter top present or not……………….



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