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Author: DAVID BILLA Date: 10 FEBRUARY 2011

Title: Baby Dumping

Recently we always see that baby dumping cases come out on the front page of the newspaper.
Everyday there are several numbers of infants being found in rivers, dustbins, and even sometimes
somewhere that we cannot imagine such as travelling bags.These babies are died in the situation
that cannot be accepted by most of the people as the ways of killing these babies are too cruel and
cold-blooded. As the number of baby dumping cases has been increasing days by days and it has
reached an alarming state, researches are carried out to determine which group of people is the
biggest contributor to these serious cases. The outcomes of the researches are pointing towards
teenagers, who are under age.

The author purposes of writing such article are the number of baby dumping cases often
increasing. Cases of baby dumping increasing since 2005 of total up to 517. Of these 287 babies
were found dead. There are some babies were the gender remain unknown as their bodies were
found in advance stage of decomposition. When the question pointed to police officer, they reply
that it is difficult to track down those responsible due to a lack of information. It is a very serious
situation, and though there have been efforts by various quarters to address the issue, sadly we
have all failed.

I think that the author miss out some point. I feel that the author should mention more on factor or
triggers that motivate baby dumping. One of the main reason baby dumping cases rises are the
economic state of teenagers. Teenagers are not able to raise a baby on their own. They are under
age and what they supposed to doing is enjoying their school or college lives. They do not have to
work to support a family because they are not able to carry such a huge responsibility. They also
have to rely on their parents at this stage of early ages and how could they raise small families on
their own. They will never ever get into the matter. In order to solve their problems, most of them
would choose baby dumping as the best way in spite of other methods. Only through baby
dumping, they will forever say goodbye to their burden of raising a baby. Most of them consider
baby dumping as the best way because it will not leave over effects on them in the future. But,
their thoughts are definitely wrong because they have killed innocent babies and they will suffer
from that bad and memorable nightmare throughout their whole lives.

For example “ Youth today can easily have access to such material online, even through their
mobile phones.” Federal CID director Comm Datuk Seri Bakri Zinin, on the link between
pornography and baby dumping. He said widespread access to porn and weakened family ties
have caused an increase in cases since 2005, which numbered 472 as of August 2010. He said
more than half the babies in these cases were found dead. Women’s Aid Organisation executive
director Ivy Josiah disagreed with Bakri, saying there was no proven correlation. Rather, the
problem was more that women were unable to get their male partners to use contraceptives.
(Source: Porn a major reason behind baby dumping, say cops, The Star, 17 Aug 2010).

In addition “The Cabinet has decided that the Home Ministry through the police, investigate these
cases as murder when a baby dies.” Women, Family and Community Development Minister
Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, on her ministry’s proposal to the cabinet. She said the cabinet
agreed that drastic steps had to be taken to stop baby dumping. Police will be asked to investigate,
under Section 302 of the Penal Code, abandoned babies which have died. Under Section 302, the
punishment for murder is death. Currently, baby dumping is investigated under other sections or
under the Child Act for abandonment, concealment of birth by secret disposal of body, and
infanticide, which stipulate jail terms and fines upon conviction. Reactions to the cabinet decision
have been negative, with some saying that capital punishment would not be a deterrent, and that
sex education, counselling and support would be more effective. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib
Razak said not all cases would be classified as murder, depending on police investigations.
(Source: Murder charge for baby dumpers, The Star, 13 Aug 2010)

Moreover, baby dumping brings a lot of negative effects to the society. As we know, teenagers are
our hopes by which they will be the leaders of tomorrow and they are the one who will lead the
world. They will do all the good deeds in order to protect our country and create a tranquil and
order environment for the future generation. But, sadly things go negative sides. Teenagers are not
naive as they should be anymore. They show a bad and cruel attitude towards problem solving.
They kill babies and their hands are full of reddish bloods. They are demon. Once a teenager starts
practising ban dumping, surely more and more teenagers will follow after him. What is going to
happen next? We cannot imagine how these teenagers are going to destroy the world, themselves
and future generation. Teenagers create a harmful environment and break the order of peaceful

Finally, other reason that also contributes is teenagers are lacking of sex education. Parents and
schools do not inject sex education onto teenagers' mind since they were small. Parents always
think that their children will understand everything about sex when they grow up. This is the
natural ability that everybody has and they no need to talk to their children about sex. Most of the
parents feel ashamed and uncomfortable every time their children ask them questions about sex.
They refuse to give a positive explanation and a clear view to their children and always claim that
they are too small to know about sex. The same thing also happens in schools at where schools do
not have sex education as one of their compulsory courses. Most of the schools also never hold
any activity about sex education such as talks.They remain quiet and proclaim that these small
children will get to know what is sex when they grow up.But, children still gain nothing when
they grow up. They do not understand their bodies and some of them may not know what are the
differences between boys and girls. Due to the lack of this basic knowledge, surely they do not
know how and where a baby comes. When these teenagers reach puberty, they will curious about
themselves and also other people. At the level of puberty too, teenagers are full of cuuriosity and
they want to try everything that they have not tried before.They will feel curious about their
boyfriends and girl friends. Urged by their strong curiosity, they have a special relationship with
their partners. After the process, they might have a baby. When they face problems such as
pregnancy, they will try to solve the problems illegally and the best solution to them is baby

In conclusion,baby dumping is morally and physically wrong.Teenagers should keep a distance

from the crimes.They have to learn to be responsible on what they have done and think maturely
on the pros and cons of things. They should be able to differentiate good things and bad things.All
in all,starting from today, parents and schools must play their roles in fighting baby dumping
cases by imposing enough sex education in their children and always beware on their children'
action. Baby dumping should be eliminated from now on and leave a peaceful and caring society
for us.


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