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Defects Found with Ammonia PlantStacks

During Plant Overhaul Examination

During an ammonia plant shutdown, defects and deformations, as well as severe corrosion, were
discovered with several plant stacks. The causes of and solutions to these problems are discussed, as
well as efforts to prevent recurrence.

Duncan E. Anderson
ICI C&P Ltd., Billingham, England

Introduction with a 24-in. (610-mm) tip (Figure 1). The flare stack
and header system were lagged for acoustic reasons.
The stack was scheduled to be examined during the

he Ammonia 4 1,450-te/d ammonia plant oper-
ated by ICI C&P Ltd. at Billingham, England overhaul, and the acoustic lagging was removed in
was commissioned in 1977. In January 1997 several places for inspections. On removing the lag-
the plant was shut down for its major quarterly over- ging from the bend at the base of the stack, it was dis-
haul, and in the course of this defects were found with covered that the bend was deformed and flattened at
several of the plant stacks. On removal of the lagging the point of contact with the "duck foot" support
at the base of one stack, it was. found that the 90° bend which had pushed up into the bend (Photos 1 and 2).
was deformed and flattened at the point of contact
with the "duck foot" support. Severe corrosion was Investigation
also found to have taken place under the acoustic lag-
ging of three stacks. An investigation was immediately instigated to deter-
mine the cause of the deformed bend with two theories
Collapse of Bend of Stack considered possible:
(1) Thinning of the pipe due to corrosion or
Background (2) Overheating of the pipe at the bend.
Both lead to loss of strength in the bend metal allow-
The E stack is the main plant front-end blowoff flare ing it to be deformed by the weight of the stack.
stack- It is fed from a header system which can receive Initial indications suggested the latter theory to be
make gas from five locations. It is 47 m (154 ft) tall the most likely:
(1) There wasn't any excessive external corrosion


Photo 1. Deformed bend at base of E flare stack. Photo 2. Deformed bend at base of E flare stack.

Stock Hetgtt 47m (154 ft)

From PC 212 From From

BxMotfieflator PRCSJT PRC20 exUShB WCVM5

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Figure 1. E flare stack vent header system. Figure 2. E flare stack drainage lute.


and the bend metal appeared sound; so no air can be drawn hi nor diffuse down the stack.
(2) The bend had deformed uniformly. If corrosion However, it was known that on several occasions
had been the cause, it was expected that parts of the front-end blowoff valves had been leaking and thus
bend would have thinned more than others due to pit- allowing make gas to leak into the vent header system
ting and so on causing the bend to buckle unevenly; giving conditions under which a flammable atmos-
(3) The bend metal was discolored, and examination phere could be created.
by materials experts indicated that this was consistent
with the bend having seen a temperature in the order Oxygen diffusion down the stack
of 500-600°C (930-1,110°F).
The E stack is purged with steam from the plant 20
Thinning due To corrosion bar (290 psi) steam system to prevent diffusion of
oxygen down the stack. Originally, the steam flow rate
The bend was cut out from the bottom of the flare was set by a rotameter, but this had been modified hi
stack, and on removal it was found the metal was in the past and the steam purge to the stack is now set by
good condition and had not suffered from any internal letdown through an orifice plate. Calculations show
corrosion. This confirmed that loss of strength from that the flow rate of steam into the header was 60 kg/h
excessive corrosion had not been the cause of the (132 Ib/h) with a volumetric flow rate immediately
problem. downstream of the restriction orifice of 147 m3/h
(5,190 ftVh). This agrees closely with the recommend-
Overheating of the bend ed purge rate for a 24 in. (610 mm) stack in an internal
ICI design specification. However, the steam purge is
The stack has a design temperature of 123°C (253°F) introduced at the start of the vent header system 170 m
and a review of the operation of the plant was under- (558 ft) upstream of the stack tip, and it is estimated
taken to determine if the stack could have seen the that on a cold day (0°C, 32°F) approximately 2/3 of
higher temperatures indicated due to the discoloration the steam will condense in the vent header. This would
from any process conditions. The review determined give a drastically reduced steam purge rate of around
that the highest temperature the stack could see from 20 kg/h (44 Ib/h) or 33 rtf/h (1,165 ft3/h) at the stack
process gases is around 220°C (428°F) when venting tip.
from downstream of the LT shift inlet boiler. This case Discussion with authorities in stack design, both
does not appear to have been considered in the design within ICI and externally, indicated that steam is no
temperature of the flare stack, but doesn't account for longer a preferred purging medium, partly due to the
the high temperature (500-600°C; 930-1,110°F) seen, problems of it condensing, and that current recommen-
and would have been insufficient to soften the metal dation is for a far larger purge rate of around 500 kg/h
enough to cause it to deform. Therefore, this was dis- (1,100 Ib/h) of steam for a stack of this size. This
counted as the root cause of the problem. therefore revealed that insufficient purging was taking
The other cause of high temperatures occurring with- place to prevent oxygen diffusion down the stack.
in the stack is combustion. For this to occur, oxygen However, it was considered unlikely that this was the cause of
must enter the stack to cause a flammable mixture and any internal combustion in the vent header causing overheat-
this can be either by diffusion of oxygen down the ing at the bend because this is not characteristic of the prob-
flare stack or by a hole or opening in the vent header lems encountered with oxygen diffusion down a stack.
system allowing air to be drawn in due to the chimney
effect of the stack. Hole or opening in vent header allowing air to be
During normal plant operation, no combustible gases drawn in
enter the stack so a flammable atmosphere could not
be created, and during venting there will be sufficient When venting gases lighter than air (such as steam
flow through the header to ensure a positive pressure and hydrogen rich gas), a chimney effect is created in


Photo 3. Corrosion under lagging of F stack. Photo 4. Cut out sections of stacks showing

the stack. With a low flow rate and hence small pres- Analysis
sure drop down the stack this can give rise to a nega-
tive pressure of typically around -20 m barg It is most likely that air has been drawn into the vent
(-8 in w.g.) at the stack base. This will suck air in from header via the drainage lute adjacent to the base of the
any holes in the vent header allowing a flammable stack. This is supported by the absence of heat damage
atmosphere to be created. or marking to other sections of the header upstream of
The E stack is fitted with a drainage lute at its base, the lute. Ennis (1997) states that if the mixture in the
approximately l m (3 ft) upstream of the deformed stack becomes flammable then the flame from the
bend. During the investigation into the cause of the pilot at the top of the stack may propagate back down
deformation, it was discovered that the lute had been the stack. It is possible for the mixture to run up to
incorrectly installed and did not provided a water seal detonation under these conditions; however, this is
to the drain point. This effectively gave a hole in the unlikely in a vented straight stack. The maximum
vent header at the base of the stack (Figure 2). With pressure experienced in the stack would be in the
the low steam purge rate and a small quantity of make order of 2.5 barg (36 psig). If the air ingress point had
gas entering the vent header from a passing blowoff been more than a few meters into the header system,
valve, conditions which were known to have occurred then it is likely that the deflagration would have run up
in the past, ideal conditions would be created for air to to a detonation which may have caused damage to
be sucked into the header via the drainage lute. Due to both the vent header and process equipment.
the large flammability range of the hydrogen rich In this case a stable flame appears to have been
make gas, this would easily give rise to a flammable formed immediately downstream of the air ingress
atmosphere. point causing localized heating of the pipework. The


effects of this were worsened by the presence of were removed from the two vent stacks D and F (both
acoustic lagging, which increased the local tempera- front-end relief valve vent stacks), severe localized
ture above that for an unlagged pipe and prevented the external corrosion was found to have occurred just
detection of the problem. above lagging support rings. This had progressed to
the extent on the F stack that when the rust was
Conclusion knocked off several holes were created in the stack
(Photos 3 and 4). Subsequent investigation found that
The bend at the base of the stack was overheated due a third stack, the E flare stack, had also suffered from
to localized internal combustion. Ah- was sucked into severe localized corrosion under its lagging which had
the vent header via the incorrectly installed drainage been missed on an initial inspection.
lute while make gas was also entering the system from
a passing valve. Insufficient purging of the vent header Investigation
allowed a flammable atmosphere to be created within
the stack. The flammable gas was ignited by the pilots After the discovery of excessive localized corrosion
at the flare tip and propagated back down the stack on the D and F stacks, it was decided to remove
creating a stable, self-sustaining internal flame at the acoustic lagging from more places on the stacks and
base of the stack. This heated the bend, which was their header systems to determine the extent of the
insulated, sufficiently to soften the metal such that the problem. This revealed that pipework had only suf-
weight of the stack caused the bend to deform. fered from excessive corrosion on the vertical sections
There is evidence to suggest that the bend had been examined and that all horizontal sections of the
in the deformed state for approximately two years, as pipework were sound. The worst corrosion was found
during this time process operators had started to com- just above lagging support rings. From these findings,
plain of drainage lutes at the upstream end of the vent it was decided to remove the lagging from all vertical
header system blowing during venting operations. sections of the plant stacks and their headers to carry
out further inspections and thickness checks. As a
Prevention result of this, one other stack, the E flare stack, was
found to have suffered from localized corrosion under
During the overhaul, the deformed bend was cut out its acoustic lagging which had not been discovered on
and replaced. To prevent a recurrence of the incident, its initial inspection. No problems were found with an
the drainage lute at the base of the stack has been any of the other plant stacks.
modified so that it is now installed correctly and the
steam purge rate to the stack has been increased to 500 Analysis
kg/h as per current recommendations. Provision has
also been made so that an oxygen analyzer can be The three affected stacks (D, E and F) are common hi
installed on the stack in the near future to continually that they are all purged with steam as opposed to the
monitor for any air ingress into the vent header sys- other plant stacks which are either purged with nitro-
tem. gen or have no purging. This means that they will
always be kept warm with their acoustic lagging
Corrosion Found Under Stack Lagging reducing heat loss, providing ideal conditions for cor-
rosion to take place if the lagging gets wet.
Background It is most likely that rainwater has entered the lag-
ging on vertical sections of the stacks due to ineffec-
During the overhaul, several of the plant stacks were tive sealing of the lagging at the top of these sections.
scheduled for inspection and to facilitate this their The water has then soaked into the lagging and
acoustic lagging was removed in a number of places to drained down through it to collect on the top of the
allow thickness checks to take place. When the lags lagging support rings where it is retained. This has


lead to severe localized corrosion taking place just support rings. This has provided ideal conditions for
above them. severe localized corrosion to take place on the warm
The lagging on the stacks is provided for acoustic pipework of steam purged vent stacks just above lag-
insulation purposes and it was questioned whether it ging support rings. Due to the localized nature of this
was actually required. The original design philosophy corrosion, it can easily be missed if only small sec-
of the plant had sought to reduce operating noise as tions of the stacks are examined as part of then" inspec-
much as possible, and this was why insulation had tion.
been fitted. The ICI Engineering Technology Noise
and Vibration Section were commissioned to carry out Prevention
some modeling work to estimate the noise level pro-
duced from the stacks during venting to determine if The excessively corroded sections of the F stack
there was a requirement to refit the acoustic lagging. were cut out and replaced, thinned sections of the D
This work concluded that there was no requirement to stack were overplated, and the E flare stack was com-
refit acoustic lagging to the stacks for either employee pletely renewed. The vertical sections of stack
protection (the plant is an ear protection area) or for pipework was repainted but not relagged, however, the
environmental considerations (atmospheric attenuation lagging on horizontal sections has been left and
will be high) (Taylor, 1997). resealed.

To Sum Up Literature Cited

Ineffective sealing of acoustic lagging at the top of Ennis, A., "Ammonia 4 Flare Stack Purging," ICI
vertical sections of stacks has allowed water ingress Internal Report (February 2,1997).
which has drained down and collected above lagging Taylor, G., ICI Internal Memo (February 14,1997).

A. J. Gupta, TATA Chemicals: Why are you not Anderson: It was a weakness. Our inspection philoso-
changing over to nitrogen purge for the stacks? phy and regime didn't focus heavily enough on
Anderson: At the moment we don't have enough inspection of stacks and inspection of the headers that
nitrogen on the site to supply all the stacks. entered those stacks.
Gupta: The nitrogen requirement for 24-in. size H. van Praag, Terra Nitrogen: Do your stacks have
stacks, I would guess, would be on the order of 15 to molecular sieves at the top?
20 normal m3/h. I think that's quite a small quantity. Anderson: No. Our stacks are straight through, steam
Then you could also get rid of the insulation as well. purged. They have no molecular sieves.
Anderson: The long-term plan is to move to nitrogen B. Geimard, Grande Paroisse: Does the pilot flame
purging with an oxygen analyzer on the stack to check burn continuously at the top of the flare?
for any ingress of oxygen. Anderson: Yes. Our pilots, which are John Zink SDF
L. Zafar, Fauji Fertilizer Companies, Pakistan: In the pilots, are pretty reliable. They don't have thermocou-
photographs that you have shown it seems that the ple monitoring but we have a visual check every shift
vessel and the stack were severely corroded. The prob- on the stacks.
lem could have been avoided by effective monitoring Guimard: Have you experienced explosive ignition in
and combating of the corrosion in the first place. the past when you flared gases?
Perhaps the vessel and the stack were the problem Anderson: We've never had any explosions at the top
area. Could you comment on that? of the stack.


T. L. Huurdeman, DSM Fertilizers: When you inves- ally, you always have some hydrogen available in the
tigated the cause of this problem, did you consider system we had explosions at the top of the stack where
putting pressure monitoring on the flare system on the the pilots were located. These big bangs made us
stacks to monitor for any obstructions, because this is aware that the nitrogen flow was insufficient.
your last line of defense when the relief valve blows? Anderson: There's no doubt that having explosions
You need to know that your stack is wide open. anywhere near the top of a stack is a dangerous busi-
Anderson: There is no pressure monitoring on the ness to be in. We don't have any flow monitoring at
stack at the moment that would indicate any obstruc- this time for it.
tion in the stack. The trouble with putting a pressure V. Pattabathula, Incitée, Brisbane, Australia: Is the
monitor on is that you've introduced another way for stack you talked about different from the primary
the system to fail, another defect if the pressure moni- reformer stack?
toring fails. We went down the road of visual inspec- Anderson: No, it's the same type of stack. There are
tion and we still feel that visual inspection by stripping three stacks that are steam purged, and they are all
the lagging off and checking the integrity of the exteri- pretty much the same.
or of the stack, rather than relying on another instru- Pattabathula: Do you normally have oxygen in the
ment, is by far the best method. And, as we all know, gas coming to that stack?
instrumentation does fail. Anderson: No. Normally there would be no oxygen in
Huurdeman: We put nitrogen on these stacks to give the stack, header, or riser. The stack would be steam
an inert atmosphere and yet, a couple of times, we purged to keep the velocity up. The oxygen was intro-
have experienced low nitrogen flow and since, eventu- duced through the defect.


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