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The secrets of learning a new language | Lýdia Machová (TEDtalk)

BEFORE WATCHING: read and answer these questions. Discuss orally.

 How long have you been learning English for?
 Why did you start doing it at first?
 Can you speak any other languages?
 What are your methods for learning a new language?

1. Are these sentences true or false? (00:00 – 1:20)

1. She’s already learnt eight languages

2. It takes her a lot more than three years to achieve fluency in a language
3. Polyglots are people who know multiple languages
4. It is easier for polyglots to learn a new language
5. She’s met several polyglots and asked them about their methods

2. Focus on the methods she mentions. Complete these sentences. (1:20 – 3:00)

1. Start speaking from ________ _______. When you travel, take a mini _________ with you. If you can’t or
don’t want to travel, have conversations using _________
2. Add people on Skype as friends. ________ text and put it into another conversation.
3. Imitate ________ of the language
4. Learn the language’s ____ most frequent words.
5. Start by reading about the ___________

3. Circle the correct option: (3:00 – 5:58)

1. What all polyglots have in common is that they work hard in/enjoy the language-learning process
2. They are reluctant to/enthusiastic about making their own grammar charts and flashcards
3. She thinks that it’s very boring/exciting to read texts in the textbook. It’s better/useless to watch TV
series or read books in the target language.
4. You should/shouldn’t try to make learning a new language a pleasant activity.
5. There are three/four principles to learning a language

5. Match the principles with their description. There is an extra option: (6:00 – 10:45)

Enjoyment plan your day create time for learning activities

Method wait for until two months to see improvements
System have fun learning a new language
Patience revise new words every day
learn a new language every two years


 Polyglots don’t have special skills; you just need to apply the principles above. Do you agree?
 What tips did you find most interesting/useful?
 How can you apply her ideas to your own learning?

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