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VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine

Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex

902733 Pt started to have a metallic taste in her mouth immediately after 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 55 F
administration of the Covid-19 vaccine. She started to feel nauseous and
myalgias. The patient was seated, given Zofran 4mg once and Benadryl
25 mg once. After 10 min patient was eating juice + crackers. Reports she
feels better. A co-worker verbalized he would drive her home, patient
903030 ~30 minutes after vaccination, patient reported lightheadedness, 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 54 F
difficulty swallowing, SOB, feeling flushed, pallor, bilateral arm tingling,
brief chest pain and tremors. Symptoms lasted approximately 30 minutes
and then resolved. Benadryl given after resolution of acute symptoms.
Reported a metallic taste in her mouth immediately after receiving the
COVID vaccine (dose #1). Had uneventful 15 minute recovery period
immediately after vaccination.
903263 5 minutes after I received the injection, I experienced a mild headache 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 39 F
and metallic taste in my mouth, with very slight dizziness for a couple
seconds. I reported the mild headache and taste disturbance to the RN in
the Covid vaccine room before I left for her information. I stayed 15
minutes , then walked to my car. I sat in my car, then began to feel cold,
dizzy, and my heart began to race. I walked back to the Neurology clinic
where I work as an NP, and sat in the Neurologist's office, who observed
me to be pale and sweating. I continued to feel dizzy with tachycardia for
about 7 minutes until this resolved. The only symptom remaining after
this was a headache and metallic taste.
903289 Warm flushing feeling within about 10-15 seconds of injection, as well as 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 33 F
metallic taste in mouth. Repeated on an off for the next hour. Taken to ED
of hospital. Noted right arm mild rash distal to injection site and on chest,
mild to moderate nausea.. IV Bendadryl 50mg given, IV Solumedrol
125mg, IV Pepcid, IV Zofran. Discharged home with PO prednisone x 4
days. PO Pepcid and Benadryl PRN
903356 Metallic Taste in the mouth; lasted for a few hours. 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 58 M
903377 Metallic Taste in the mouth lasting for several hours post vaccination 12/17/2020 12/18/2020 42 M
903405 After I received the vaccine about 1 1/2 hours later I started experiencing 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 F
a metallic taste in my mouth. I am also experiencing no appetite.
Throughout the night I had to force myself to eat. I'm still experiencing no
appetite and this is very unusual. The metallic taste is still present, but it
is getting better
903438 Within minutes of receiving the vaccine I experienced a metallic taste in 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 49 F
the back of my throat (while I had mint gum in my mouth), dizziness,
increased heart rate, labored breathing, and a floating feeling. These
symptoms lasted no more than 10 minutes except the floating feeling
lasted about an hour.
903537 Metallic taste, chest pain, coughing or throat clearing, bilateral arm 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 41 F
903538 Metallic smell. Started about 10 minutes after vaccine administration and 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 30 F
occurred intermittently for about 30 seconds at a time every 10 minutes
for almost an hour. Adverse effect subsided after about an hour.
903593 metallic taste 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 62 F
903642 metallic taste in mouth, stomach cramps resolved after approx. 30 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 51 F
minutes, and chills
903645 metallic taste, fever 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 53 F
903649 metallic taste, tingling of tip of tongue 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 45 M
903671 metallic taste 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 36 F
903684 metallic taste 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 35 F
903701 Right ear felt hot and had metallic taste. Felt shaky 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 54 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
903708 metallic taste 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 42 F
903722 Hot, flushing, tingling, metallic taste, pounding heart rate. 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 32 F
903728 metallic taste - like pennies 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 25 M
903748 5 Minutes after vaccine, patient said she started feeling really hot and 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 34 F
nauseous. All vitals stable. No other symptoms at that time. 15 minutes
later, she said she was feeling "out of it" and it was hard to re-call names,
she had a metallic taste in her mouth. Attending doctor on duty came to
assess patient, emergent care was not deemed necessary. Vitals
remained stable. 30 minutes after vaccine, she said her joints were
starting to get achy. Since we are a pediatric hospital, I told her she
should be seen at a higher level of care facility, she refused. She was
monitored for 2 hours, after that she was better. At 12:30, 2 hours after
vaccine, she said she was felt much better and her mind was much
clearer and her other symptoms were much better. At 3, she said all her
symptoms were gone, she was just tired. She got into contact with her
Lyme Disease Specialist and they said it sounded like an autoimmune
reaction, but they would still like her to get the second dose in 21 days. I
will remain in contact with patient to ensure she does not have other
adverse effects.
903759 Metallic taste in mouth 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 42 F
903772 Metallic taste, headache 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 51 F
903822 metallic taste, sob, joint pain, cephalea tx: solumedrol 125mg Benadryl 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 50 F
903850 metallic taste, could not swallow 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 45 M
904034 pain at site, metallic taste 1 hour after , headache, fever 100.5, body ache 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 42 F
904056 metallic taste 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 46 F
904058 metallic taste 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 42 F
904061 metallic taste 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 64 F
904080 Faint metallic taste with injection 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 49 F
904229 Approximately 30 seconds after the injection (which was painless), I 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 36 F
suddenly developed tachycardia and felt like my heart was pounding out
of my chest. My entire body was extreme tingling and I could not feel my
hands or feet. I also got a sudden strong metallic taste in my mouth. I
thought I was about to fall down, but right before I was going to ask for
help, the symptoms stopped as suddenly as they came on. I probably
should have said something then, but I felt fine so I walked back to my
unit. About 20 minutes after my injection, I then developed an intense hot
flash and soaked my clothes with sweat. I sat down with cool rags on my
head and this subsided after about 10 minutes. I have felt fine ever since,
other than a little bit of a sore arm and mild headache (expected). I?m
not sure if my tingling, heart palpitations, and hot flashes with sweating
are expected, but I thought I should report it just in case it would be
helpful for the manufacturer to know.
904392 Metallic Taste 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 58 F
904501 Patient reported metallic taste in mouth, slight tightness in upper chest. 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 46 F
Observed chest tightness deceased over 20 min. Metallic taste almost
gone. 30 min. almost all gone. Benadryl 50 mg. given at 25 min.
condition improved. Instructions given to patient re-symptoms worsen,
S.O.B, etc, husband driving patient home.
904518 Metallic taste in mouth 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 62 F
904523 Metallic taste in mouth 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 34 F
904585 About 3-5 min after injection I felt tingling and warmth/flushing in my 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 39 F
entire left arm and anterior chest, upper back and achy pain in my left
upper trap- felt like a warm IV running through my arm. Associated with
tongue tingling. Symptoms lasted about 10 minutes with the exception of
the achy upper trap pain which lasted a couple hours - being a health care
provider I associated these symptoms with anxiety/excitement about
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
receiving the vaccine but subsequently developed other unexpected
symptoms. Over the course of the next several hours noted metallic taste
and transient extremity tingling (all extremities) also with some extremity
and facial itching - no rash. Now >24 hours after still have the intermittent
and transient extremity tingling (most notable in LE's and feet, but also in
arms) and skin itchiness/prickly sensation though improved. Had one
episode this afternoon (~28 hours after vaccine) of lightheaded, nausea,
chills and profound sensation of extremities being "heavy" - felt like pre-
syncope - which resolved in about 30 min with rest, hydration .
904601 Metallic taste 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 34 F
904974 12/15/2020 30 minutes after vaccination, started to taste a metallic 12/15/2020 12/15/2020 41 F
taste; lasted 24 hours ;'like chewing on tin foil'. Pain at injection site 48
hours. 12 hours after vaccination, joints hurt, left hip is 'excruciating' . 72
hours later, joint paint dissolved. But the left hip, the pain is awful. Taking
motrin, muscle relaxers, physically walking with a limp, cannot bend over,
have assistance with sit or stand. Had COVID19 in 05/2020. Same hip
pain when had COVID. Went away after 3 months. 'Hip pain now is 5x's
worse than when had COVID'; debilitating; constant pain. appt with PCP
12/30/202; xrays, mri, etc. May go to the ER if worsens but Chief Officer
Urgent care for COVID19 and cannot take the time away.
905139 metallic taste in mouth, nausea 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 55 F
905307 Approximately 12 hours after receiving my Covid vaccination, I 12/18/2020 12/19/2020 50 F
experienced onset of severe pharyngitis and BL earache along with
severe swelling of the glands in my neck and jaw. I developed a severe
headache, photophobia and BL eye pain. I developed lesions and
ulcerations on the skin surrounding my mouth. My lips cracked and
developed blisters and ulcerations. I developed intra-oral and buccal
lesions and ulcerations. I developed nausea and severe diarrhea. Severe
myalgia, skin sensitivity and fatigue. Later in the day on 12/19/2020, I
developed changes in my sense of taste and smell. Everything had a
metallic or "coppery" taste, and my sense of smell was diminished. The
next day, 12/20/2020, the disturbances in taste and smell worsened.
The symptoms were severe on Saturday 12/19/2020 and Sunday
12/20/2020, and have begun to improve today--Monday 12/21/2020. No
further skin or oral lesions, blisters or ulcerations, and the existing lesions
are now healing. Continued diarrhea and GI upset. Other symptoms are
905315 Patient reported metallic taste in the mouth immediately following 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 32 F
vaccine, dissipated after five mins.
905778 random metallic smell; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 F
physician (patient herself). A female patient of an unspecified age
received bnt162b2 (lot number: EK5730; Expiration date: 31Mar2021), via
an unspecified route of administration on 17Dec2020 at single dose for
immunisation. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. About a half hour later, the patient
experienced random metallic smell on 17Dec2020. The outcome of event
was unknown.
905785 Nausea, headache, epigastric pain, feeling flushed, metallic taste 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 38 F
905871 Metallic taste in her mouth Itchiness to site, then progressed to whole 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 62 F
body and back pain Arm pain
905891 Employee complained of metallic taste in mouth. Then complained of 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 43 F
scratchy throat and a feeling of "throat swollen on the inside"
906257 Initially she felt flushed and "foggy-headed". Then developed a metallic 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 63 F
taste in mouth and elevated blood pressure, required extended
monitoring period with continued elevation in blood pressure. Heart rate
and respiratory rate stable, no respiratory distress noted. Highest BP
195/93 ranging 180s/90s, however denied need to be seen in emergency
department. Final BP 155/93, less foggy, no dizziness or lightheadedness;
feeling flushed remains however, declines emergency treatment. Total
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
monitoring time: 83 minutes, without significant distress.
906588 12/18, 0905: metallic taste in mouth lasting all day 12/19: fatigue all day, 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 45 F
2200-nausea and low grade fever 12/20: fatigue lasting all day 12/21:
woke up at 0400 with congestion and sore throat. Swollen lymph nodes
and swollen glands over right clavicle. 12/22: congestion, drainage, sore
throat, swollen glands/lymph nodes as described yesterday and fatigue
906724 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA metallic taste immediately 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 27 F
following 1st IM dose
906766 Scratchy, irritated throat with metallic taste in mouth. 12/20/2020 12/21/2020 32 F
906791 Metallic taste in mouth. Progressed to numbness of throat and tongue. 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 32 F
No swelling. No rash. No shortness of breath. Remained alert and
oriented and speaking full sentences throughout. Benadryl 25mg PO.
EMS in to assess. 186/98, HR 94, SpO2 100% Remained onsite for extra
30 minutes. Patient refused transport to BMC for monitoring. Patient
refused to be driven home. Throat/tongue numbness improved. BP
before leaving 156/90, HR 82, SpO2 99%. Patient stated when she
received Flu shot in early October this year, 2020, she had scratchy throat
which resolved independently.
906806 Patient was done receiving vaccine at 0921, approximately 5-10 minutes 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 49 F
later reported feeling flush, metallic taste in mouth (first symptom), heart
racing. VS taken: 152/93, HR 120. Pt seated, calm, given water to drink,
speaking full sentences, NAD and no difficulty breathing or swallowing. At
0948 VS: 132/91, HR 96, SpO2 98% room air. At 0955, patient continued
to feel waves of heart racing, HR on monitor 90-108, SpO2 98%. At 1002,
notified ED charge nurse that patient will be escorted for further
monitoring, work up if necessary. Still no respiratory or swallowing
symptoms. At 1002, patient escorted to ED by RN, ambulated without
difficulty. Upon ED arrival, patient reported feeling "fine" without
906830 Dry mouth, lightheaded, dizziness, increased Hear Rate (89), normally in 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 39 F
the 50s. Initial symptoms resolved within 90 minutes. Increased heart
rate lasted longer than other symptoms. Reports additional metallic taste
in mouth the following day.
906831 Dry mouth, lightheaded, dizziness, increased Hear Rate (89), normally in 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 39 F
the 50s. Initial symptoms resolved within 90 minutes. Increased heart
rate lasted longer than other symptoms. Reports additional metallic taste
in mouth the following day.
906884 Metallic taste started several hours after injection and lasted several 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 41 M
906973 Metallic taste onset within 10 minutes of injection 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 39 F
907115 patient had immediate onset of metallic taste in her mouth and felt a 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 37 F
slight tingling in mouth and slight need to focus on swallowing without
any difficulty with breathing; no sense of doom, no lightheadedness, no
palpitations, no problems breathing. blood pressure was 196/112 with
HR of 110 at 4:20 pm, then was 204/112 at 4:28 with pulse of 90; her
heart and lung exams were normal without any wheezing; speaking in full
sentences; she sat and rested for the 30 minutes and her blood pressure
returned to 142/97 with pulse of 68. injection site looked fine and patient
was comfortable to go home.
907132 The patient experienced a headache, nausea, metallic taste and BP was 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 44 F
140 and it is usaully 120. Pulse and O2 was within normal limits. Patient
received water and cold compress and she felt safe to drive home.
907309 Patient descrived a metallic taste in her mouth 10 minutes after getting 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 59 F
the COVID19 Vaccine. Soon after, she described the posterior left side of
her tongue was feeling numb. No itching of throat, no swelling of lip or
tongue. No respiratory or GI symtpoms. No urticaria or pruritis. She was
treated with loratadine 10 mg and famotidine 20 mg orally. She was
observed for 2 hours with no progression or additional symptoms. She
was discharged to home.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
907531 vasovagal syncopal reaction. I experienced sudden onset of feeling 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 34 F
flushed and warmth body wide, sudden metallic taste in mouth, muffled
hearing, dizziness, lightheaded, began to lose vision and consciousness,
pallor noted by nurse caring for me, blood pressure recorded was 90/60. I
have never experienced this type of reaction before to any vaccine or
blood donation but know it can occur occasionally.
907584 Patient reported a metallic taste on vaccine administration, after ~ 10 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 31 F
mins reported a tongue tingling. The patient was escorted to the
emergency department for observation. Patient was slightly hypertensive
140's/90's which is not normal for her. Some of this could be attributed
from the "white coat effect". The patient had no visible angioedema, just
a mild rash on her trunk/upper torso/chest. The patient was treated with
50mg PO diphenhydramine and 40mg of Famotidine. The patient's
symptoms resolved within 30 minutes of medications administered.
Patient was discharged after ~ 2 hours in the ED.
907621 After patient received the vaccine at 3:20pm, he was cleared to return 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 37 M
home at 3:48pm. At approx. 8:20pm, patient became faint while laying
down, experineced hot and cold flashes and observed darkness closing in
on his vision. He then expereinced auditory disrutpitions and became
highly disoriented. He was ice cold to the touch on his forehead,
expericning cramping and sweating profusely on his back. Thereafter, he
had diarrhea and continues to be symptomatic. He currently has no fever,
but continues to remain confused and feels like he needs to lay down
from this experience. He also has a metallic taste that has developed.
907656 anxiety was kicking in really bad/anxiety episode/triggered her anxiety; 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 34 F
metallic taste; arm pain at the injection site; This is a spontaneous report
from a contactable consumer (patient). A 34-year-old female patient
received the first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer product, lot EK5730, expiry
date Mar2021) via an unspecified route of administration on 18Dec2020
(reported as today at 11:45, unknown if AM or PM) at a single dose on the
arm as Covid 19 Vaccine. Medical history included cervical cancer since
2010, both mother and father have had cancer; post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD); anxiety; had been on therapy counselling. Concomitant
medications included hydroxyzine, sometimes uses medical marijuana,
sometimes taking prenatal vitamins just because of the whole virus and
stuff thing going around; the patient might not be pregnant but become
pregnant (consumer was unsure- PENDING CLARIFICATION). She's in the
middle of a divorce but she just takes the prenatal vitamins because of
the higher doses to help run her immune system because of the virus.
The patient received the vaccine today (18Dec2020) and she was not
sure what these ingredients were. She's a single mother and an EKG and
EEG tech working around Covid positive patients. She inquired if any of
the ingredients or the vaccine itself do cause cancer. She really had a bad
anxiety and PTSD and she didn't know but her anxiety was kicking in really
bad right now. She's currently having anxiety episode now. The more she
got home, the more she's thinking and that's kind of triggered her anxiety.
She already has anxiety taking the vaccine/have anxiety about this
Covid19 vaccine. She inquired if the lady knew like what triggered the
anxiety if there's like any ingredient that could potentially cause cancer,
do they spike protein, do those cause cells to mutate which causes
cancer, so many answers and questions the patient had and there were
no answers to her questions, nobody knew because it's still being studied
and that's also where her anxiety was getting triggered and all about this
was just unknown. She was just trying to figure out if there's a chemical
ingredient made to be administered in the vaccine because being a
mother she was trying to find answers and nobody seemed to have any
answers and all she heard was she did not have. It was also stated that
after she got the vaccine, she had really metallic taste for about an hour
and a half and it finally went away. She also had a regular arm pain at the
injection site, it's normal like how one get flu shot and stuff. The patient
had no investigation assessment. Treatment for the events was reported
as no. The outcome of the event metallic taste was recovered on
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
18Dec2020 while the rest of the event was unknown.
907662 Headache; Metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 25 F
contactable nurse (patient). A 25-year-old female patient received
bnt162b2 (BNT162B2; reported as Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine; lot
number: EL0140; expiration date: unknown), intramuscular left arm on
19Dec2020 06:45 AM at single dose for immunization. The patient's
medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was
reported that the patient received the COVID vaccine in a hospital. The
patient did not have other vaccine in the last four weeks. The patient
reported that she had headache and metallic taste on 19Dec2020. The
events were non-serious and did not result in hospitalization or prolonged
hospitalization. The patient received naproxen (ALEVE) as treatment. The
patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior vaccination and the
patient has not been tested for COVID-19 since the vaccination. The
outcome of the events was recovered on Dec2020. The following
information on the batch/lot number has been requested
907679 have had a metallic taste since then, it has dissipated slightly; This is a 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 37 F
spontaneous report from a contactable health care professional (patient).
A 37-year-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (also
reported as Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, lot no: EK5730,
expiry date: 01Mar2021), intramuscular on the on the left deltoid on
17Dec2020 (reported as 'at about 12:40 PM') at 0.3 mL at a single dose
for COVID-19 immunization and ipratropium bromide (manufacturer
unknown, specified as non-Pfizer, lot no: 348501, expiry date: May2022),
nasal from an unspecified date to an unspecified date, 2 sprays, in each
nostril as needed for rhinitis. Medical history included seasonal allergy
for which the patient receives allergy injections regularly but have not
received one recently or within the last 14 days and ongoing rhinitis.
Concomitant medication included fexofenadine hydrochloride (ALLEGRA)
and fluticasone propionate (FLONASE [FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE]).
The patient stated that she was a healthcare worker and received the
vaccine at her workplace. She called as she had a question about a very
benign symptom that she was wondering if it's related to the vaccine or if
it's something separate. She developed a metallic taste in her mouth
about 2 hours after getting the vaccine, it's slowly dissipating but it's still
there. She said no one else said that they did have it and actually one
other person who she works with said that they also had a slight thing
(upon further clarification it was unspecified) but it's not in the list of
expected symptoms so she just wanted to call and check. The patient did
not receive any treatment for the event. She stated that she also used a
nasal spray, Ipratropium Bromide Nasal Solution because she has rhinitis
and she did use that and she never had a symptom or side effect with
that because she uses it chronically but she did use that right before and
noticed the taste develop so she doesn't know if there is a possible
interaction between that and the vaccine. That morning she did 2 sprays
in each nostril about 6 o'clock in the morning and then she did 2 sprays in
each nostril about 2:15 PM and got her vaccine at about 12:40 PM that
day. The patient got blood test for serology antibodies on 04Dec2020
with unknown results. The outcome of the event was recovering.
907699 heart began to pound; a warm tingling through my abdomen and chest 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 32 F
with flushing to my face; a warm tingling through my abdomen and chest
with flushing to my face; a warm tingling through my abdomen and chest
with flushing to my face; a metallic sort of taste in my mouth; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 32-year-old
female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EJ1685), via an unspecified route of
administration on left arm on 18Dec2020 at 10:00 AM at single dose for
COVID-19 immunisation at hospital. Medical history included history of
svt (supraventricular tachycardia), patient had no allergies to
medications, food, or any other products. Concomitant medication
included escitalopram oxalate (LEXAPRO), colecalciferol (VITAMIN D)
and levocetirizine dihydrochloride (XYZAL). About five minutes after
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
vaccination on 18Dec2020, the patient experienced a warm tingling
through her abdomen and chest with flushing to her face, a metallic sort
of taste in her mouth and her heart began to pound. The tingling subsided
after a couple minutes and heart rate returned to normal over the next 10
minutes. The patient was monitored by the clinic nurses for another 30
minutes before released. The patient felt warm for the rest of the day but
no further effects. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed
with COVID-19; Since the vaccination, the patient hadn't been tested for
COVID-19. The patient did not receive any treatment for events. The
outcome of events was recovered on 18Dec2020.
907700 I got a strong metallic taste; About 30 seconds later my entire body 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 36 F
started to tingle and I couldn't feel my hands or feet; My heart started to
pound out of my chest; headache; I got an extreme hot flash and all my
coworkers said I looked bright red and glassy eyed; became drenched in
sweat and had to sit down for about 15 minutes with cold packs; she
looked bright red and glassy eyed; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable consumer (patient). A 36-year-old female patient received her
first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER COVID-19 VACCINE, Lot Number:
EK5730), via an unspecified route of administration on 18Dec2020 at
14:15 on her left arm at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical
history included hypothyroid- well controlled with levothyroxine and
known allergies: Penicillin, sulfa, cephalosporin. Concomitant
medications in two weeks included levothyroxine, multivitamin, ascorbic
acid (VIT C), colecalciferol (VIT D3). It was reported that on 18Dec2020 at
14:15, the injection was painless and she felt great. About 30 seconds
later she entire body started to tingle and she couldn't feel her hands or
feet. Her heart started to pound out of her chest. She got a strong
metallic taste. This subsided after 1-2 minutes. She went back to feeling
good. Then about 15 minutes later, on 18Dec2020, the patient got an
extreme hot flash and all her coworkers said she looked bright red and
glassy eyed. She became drenched in sweat and had to sit down for
about 15 minutes with cold packs. Then it subsided again. She had a few
more hot flashes and headache the remainder of the evening, but felt
generally pretty good ever since. No treatment was received for the
adverse event, prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with
COVID-19 and since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for
COVID-19. The outcome of the events was recovered in Dec2020.
907719 Immediate bitter/metallic taste. Lasted 1 hour post vaccination.; This is a 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 42 F
spontaneous report from a non-contactable consumer (patient). A 42-
year-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of
administration at left arm on 20Dec2020 09:15 at single dose for
COVID-19 immunization at a hospital. The patient's medical history was
not reported. Concomitant medication included sertraline hydrochloride
(ZOLOFT), ergocalciferol (VIT D). The patient previously took butorphanol
tartrate (STADOL) and experienced drug allergy (known allergies). No
other vaccine in four weeks. No COVID prior vaccination and no COVID
tested post vaccination. The patient was not pregnant at the time of
vaccination. It was reported that the patient experienced immediate
bitter/metallic taste, which lasted 1 hour post vaccination. No treatment
was received for the event. The outcome of the event was recovered on
recovered on 20Dec2020 10:15. No follow-up attempts are possible;
information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained.
907754 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA metallic taste in mouth, tingling 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 37 F
in hand
907757 Metallic taste in mouth, started shortly after vaccine administration 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 42 F
(during 15 min waiting time after administration). Persisted for approx 24
907759 metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. 12/01/2020 12/01/2020 U
This nurse reported similar events for two patients. This is the first of
two reports. A patient of unspecified age and gender received the first
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
an unspecified route of administration, in Dec2020 at a single dose for
COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient experienced metallic taste in
Dec2020. The clinical outcome of metallic taste was unknown. The
batch/lot number for the vaccine, BNT162B2, was not provided and will
be requested during follow-up.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) :
US-PFIZER INC-2020504716 same reporter/drug/event, different patient
907762 metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. 12/01/2020 12/01/2020 U
This nurse reported similar events for two patients. This is the second of
two reports. A patient of unspecified age and gender received the first
an unspecified route of administration, in Dec2020 at a single dose for
COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient experienced metallic taste in
Dec2020. The clinical outcome of metallic taste was unknown. The
batch/lot number for the vaccine, BNT162B2, was not provided and will
be requested during follow-up.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) :
US-PFIZER INC-2020504715 same reporter/drug/event, different patient
907895 Metallic taste in mouth immediately Headache that lasted days 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 29 F
908332 Metallic taste 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 30 F
908455 Metallic taste 12/24/2020 12/24/2020 49 F
908487 Within about 20 minutes of receiving the vaccine my lips began to tingle, 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 32 M
throat became scratchy, and began to feel light headed. At that time, I
returned the the vaccination room and took two - 25mg Benadryl
capsules and just asked to have an eye kept on me incase it continued to
progress. Denied epipen at that time because did not have shortness of
breath and throat did not seem to be closing. Symptoms were mostly
relieved within 30 minutes. Continued to have a metallic taste and itchy
tongue throughout the day. Following day, no symptoms. Given underlying
anxiety disorder, panic attack is not out of the realm of possibility though
those have been well controlled for years.
908538 Sensation of lump in the throat and metallic taste in mouth approx. 10 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 33 F
minutes post vaccination while still in Vaccine Observation area. VS
normal and stable. O2Sat 100%. Evaluated by on site physician.
Received diphenhydramine 25mg PO at clinic. Remained stable and D/
C'd home. F/U telephone call 12/24/2020. States additional 25mg
diphenhydramine at home in "evening" for "Scratchy" throat. No problems
overnight and all sxs resolved in AM of 12/24 2020.
908754 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA metallic taste 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 50 F
908760 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 EUA metallic taste in back of mouth 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 45 M
908784 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA metallic taste, relieved after 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 47 F
drinking water
908945 Metallic taste 12/24/2020 12/24/2020 38 F
909129 Lightheaded, Metallic taste in mouth, and tingling in my throat for the 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 40 F
first 15 min after vaccine given. Then after that just localized injection
pain to site
909345 Light headed and dizzy, funny taste(metallic taste),pins/needles in tonsil 12/26/2020 12/26/2020 52 F
area, nausea/vomiting
909371 metallic taste headache 12/26/2020 12/26/2020 36 F
909397 Metallic taste after around 20 mins after the shot Muscle pain around the 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 58 F
injection site - 20 mins after Mild headache after around 4 hours after the
shot Mild headache on and of until two days after the shot Mild sore
throat until two days after No treatment done
909452 Dysgeusia: a sweet, metallic taste in the mouth that started about 2 hours 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 47 F
after the vaccine was administered. This effect lasted for about 3 hours
and resolved on its own without intervention.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
909500 Employee states had vaccine on 12/20 and was monitored in Emergency 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 44 F
Department for approx. 4.5 hrs r/t which started with metallic taste, then
within 10 minutes lips/throat/tongue tingles, full feeling in throat followed
by heaviness in chest with self-resolving (only IV fluids administered in
the ER). Employee states took 50 mg of Benadryl when she went home
after the ER. Employee endorse body/headache post vaccine on 12/21.
Patient is unsure to take second dose and seeking advice, has already
contacted her PCP.
909697 "Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine" Developed rapid pulse and flat red rash 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 31 F
across chest immediately after vaccination. Within 8 minutes developed
metallic taste in mouth. Reported tongue swelling and throat tightness.
Taken to Emergency Department after onset of symptoms. Symptoms
resolved within 1 hours of vaccine and patient was at baseline with in 2
hours. Patient was discharged home from Emergency Department.
909726 Lightheaded, metallic taste in mouth, and tingling in my throat at time of 12/22/2020 12/27/2020 40 F
vaccine. Localized injection pain to site the next day, now joint and
muscle pain the following day and to this day along with fatigue
909731 Dizziness, dim vision, sweating, flushing, metallic taste in mouth, chest 12/27/2020 12/27/2020 43 F
910143 metallic taste in mouth starting 2 minutes after receiving. No shortness 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 64 F
or breath or respiratory/cardiovascular symptoms
910151 Within minutes of the injection I felt very dizzy with associated 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 46 F
palpitations. The triage RN took my BP 160/80 HR 110. The sensation
quickly subsided and i left the triage area within 10 minutes. Over the
course of the next 3 hours that same sensation would come and go every
10-15 mins, again lasting a short time with return to normal, I would feel
very dizzy with palpitations lasting about 30secs-1min and then it would
subside. At one point I had a metallic taste in my mouth, another time i
felt nauseous. My coworker stated I was pale. By 12:30pm that day the
sensations stopped and I just felt very tired the rest of the day. By the
following day I felt completely back to normal.
910632 elevated blood pressure/ elevation in blood pressure/ Highest BP 195/93 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 63 F
ranging 180s/90s/ Final BP 155/93; foggy headed/ less foggy; felt
flushed/ feeling flushed; metallic taste in mouth; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable pharmacist. A 63-year-old female patient (not
pregnant at the time of vaccination) received the first dose of BNT162B2
intramuscularly on 21Dec2020 15:30 at single dose on right arm for
COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included Allergies to
medications, food, or other products: IVP Dye, red ants. Concomitant
medications received within 2 weeks of vaccination included celecoxib
(CELEXA [CELECOXIB]) and atorvastatin calcium (STATIN
[ATORVASTATIN CALCIUM]). The most recent COVID-19 vaccine was
administered in Workplace clinic. The patient did not receive any other
vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. On 21Dec2020 15:45,
Initially patient felt flushed and foggy headed then developed metallic
taste in mouth and elevated blood pressure, required extended
monitoring period with continued elevation in blood pressure. Heart rate
and respiratory rate stable, no respiratory distress noted. Highest BP
195/93 ranging 180s/90s, however denied need to be seen in ED. Final BP
155/93, less foggy, no dizziness or lightheadedness; feeling flushed
remained. Total monitoring time: 83 mins, without significant distress. No
treatment was received for the adverse events. The reporter reported the
seriousness was no. It was unknown prior to vaccination, if the patient
was diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient had not
been tested for COVID-19. The outcome of the events was recovered
(pending clarification) in Dec2020.; Sender's Comments: A causal
association between BNT162B2 and the event blood pressure increased
and foggy feeling in head cannot be excluded based on a compatible
temporal relation. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of
the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for
adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as
well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to
RAs, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.
910690 Reported "funny taste in throat." Stated it was "metallic" and occurred five 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 58 M
minutes after injection. No unusual foods in the morning prior to
vaccination. No food allergies. Upon assessment by onsite MD, patient
had mild heaviness in eye and frontal head area that began 15 minutes
post-administration of vaccine. Had "wooziness/lightheadedness" 15 min
after injection as well that resolved. Chest heaviness in left area that
lasted 2 minutes, resolved. Reported some anxiety/nervousness. No
history of cardiopulmonary disease. Negative EKG and stress test in 2006
that was conducted due to chest pain after walking. No history of GERD.
Denied other signs and symptoms.
910826 Metallic taste and dryness in mouth and burning in tongue 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 59 F
910876 Moderna COVID19 Vaccine EUA Metallic taste appeared within 5 minutes 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 70 F
of dose. Smell and other taste not affected. Very subtle metallic taste
right after injection
910914 Metallic taste was reported ten minutes after vaccination. Staff reported 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 42 F
the reaction was fleeting (seconds long). Patient reported eating
dehydrated strawberries just prior to vaccination but not sure if reaction
was food related or vaccine related. Onsite MD assessed patient. No
angioedema, respiratory distress, or any other complaints. Staff reported
being back to baseline quickly after fleeting metallic taste.
910921 Reported metallic taste in mouth 5 minutes after vaccination (vaccine 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 62 F
received at 11:07 AM). By 11:37 AM, the metallic taste was still present
but improving. Staff denied unusual foods prior to vaccination. No other
signs/symptoms reported or found when assessed by onsite MD.
911067 10 minutes post-inoculation, I developed an ice cold sensation in my 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 47 F
chest that spread throughout body and extremities. I developed a metallic
taste in my mouth, nausea, tingling in my hands and feet and
lightheadedness. This lasted 15 minutes, then repeated approximately 20
minutes later reccured as I was set to leave vaccinations site.
911294 a funny metallic taste in her mouth; she felt like she had cotton mouth; 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 62 F
This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A
62-year-old female patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (COVID 19
vaccine) lot no: EH9899, via an unspecified route of administration in left
arm on 21Dec2020 08:00 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization.
Medical history included diabetic type 2 and allergic to metal, both from
an unknown date and unknown if ongoing. Concomitant medication
included ongoing metformin hydrochloride (METFORMIN ER) for
diabetes, taking for a couple of years. The patient received the vaccine on
21Dec2020 8am at her hospital, and by 10:30AM or 11:00AM she noticed
"a funny metallic taste in her mouth." She stated it was like a metal cup a
tin taste like that and she wanted ice water. The patient is a phlebotomist,
she continued with her patients and asked a co-worker did you taste/
experience that, coworker stated "I've had covid"; she didn't get the
vaccine taste metal in your mouth. The reported wanted to know if that is
an expected side effect of the vaccine. She can smell everything. She still
has taste buds. It was still there but not as strong. She stated that she felt
fine, and doesn't feel anything. She doesn't feel bad. She was just
wondering about the side effects. She drank a lot of water. The patient
added that all of the sudden her mouth was tasting funny like nickel. She
added that she is allergic to metal; stated she can taste the tin in a tin
can. She was working in the ER after having received the first dose
injection at 8:00AM on 21Dec2020. She started to taste the funny taste
about two hours later, 10:30AM or 11:00AM. She drank some ice water
and it kind of rinsed her mouth out then she only tasted it a tiny bit. Then
she felt like she had cotton mouth. It has improved but not gone away.
She received the injection in her left arm. She is scheduled 11Jan2021 for
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
the next dose. The patient was recovering from the events. The sample of
the product is not available to be returned.
911380 Cold sensation down her right arm; Began "seeing stars"; Metallic taste in 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 40 F
her mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable pharmacist.
A 40-year-old female patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer
Biontech COVID 19 vaccine), Lot number: EJ1685, intramuscular at the
right arm on 21Dec2020 09:00 at a single dose for COVID-19
immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient was not pregnant at the time
of vaccination. On 21Dec2020 09:00, the patient experienced cold
sensation down her right arm, began "seeing stars", followed by a metallic
taste in her mouth. The patient was not hospitalized for the events but
required emergency room/department or urgent care visit. The patient did
not receive any treatment for the events. The events were reported as
non-serious. The vaccine was administered in a workplace clinic. It was
unknown if the patient has received any other vaccines within 4 weeks
prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to the vaccination the patient was not
diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient has not been
tested for COVID-19. The outcome of the events was unknown.
911492 metallic taste in mouth; general malaise; This is a spontaneous report 12/21/2020 12/22/2020 42 M
from a contactable other HCP (Nurse anesthetist) reporting for himself.
A 42-year-old male patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2, Batch/lot #
EL0140) at single dose at left deltoid on 21Dec2020 08:30 for
immunisation. Medical history and concomitant medications were none.
On 22Dec2020 he was feeling just some general malaise that has since
improved. On 23Dec2020, he woke up with a metallic taste in his mouth
around 6:30 am and it is persisting. The patient stated he felt fine, he was
afebrile, could still smell, went for a 7 mile run, but still had this metallic
taste in his mouth. The outcome of malaise was recovering, of metallic
taste in mouth was not recovered.
911504 metallic taste in my mouth; tongue feels like it's being coated with 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 52 M
something; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer
reported for himself. This 52-year-old male patient received BNT162B2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) (Lot number: EL0140), via an
unspecified route of administration at single dose on 22Dec2020 for
Covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included cholesterol.
Concomitant medication included colecalciferol (VITAMIN D
[COLECALCIFEROL]). The patient stated, "I get the vaccine about an hour
ago and I didn't see anything stating with the side effects but I have got
the metallic taste in my mouth and now my tongue feels like it's being
coated with something" on 22Dec2020 with outcome of unknown. No
treatment was performed.
911566 Within minutes of receiving my first vaccination, I developed a metallic 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 39 F
type taste in my mouth. Currently experiencing altered smell and greatly
reduced or altered taste.
911576 Within a couple minutes I had a metallic taste. Within about 15 minutes of 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 38 F
vaccine my lips started feeling tingly and numb, after 20 minutes it spread
to my mouth, nose area and eventually my whole face. My face felt numb.
My eyelids felt like they were turning in. I was advised to take a Benadryl. I
took one and within 20mins symptoms improved. After about 40mins the
numbess started to come back. I then realized my Benadryl had expired
in July 2020. I went back to vaccine site and they gave me pepcid &
advised to take more Benadryl. I took pepicid & went to pharmacy & got
new Benadryl. Within about 20 mins my symptoms improved. I was
advised to take another pecid and did so that evening. I stayed with the
metallic taste for another day. Symptoms have not returned.
912122 metallic taste in mouth 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 63 M
912228 I feel weird, kind of spacey; metallic taste; Blood pressure 133/90.; This is 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 53 F
a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 53-year-old female
patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
COVID-19 VACCINE lot/batch number: EJ1685), intramuscular on the left
arm on 22Dec2020 14:15 at SINGLE DOSE as COVID-19 vaccination at the
hospital. Medical history included reactive airway disease, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD) and asthma. The patient also had
allergies to sulfa. Concomitant medications included losartan potassium
(LOSARTA), methylphenidate hydrochloride (CONCERTA) and unspecified
inhaler for asthma. On 22Dec2020 14:25 (10 minutes after injection), the
patient felt weird, kind of spacey and had metallic taste. The patient also
had blood pressure of 133/90 (unit of measure not reported) on
22Dec2020 but denies urticaria, itching, pain, shortness of breath, and
chest pain. The patient was brought to the emergency room/department
or urgent care further evaluation due to the events. It was unknown if
treatments were received for the events. Outcome of the events were
unknown. No follow-up attempts are possible. No further information is
912279 Metallic taste in mouth. 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 47 F
912322 Initial flushing in face and slight metallic taste in mouth lasting less than 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 39 F
5 min; Initial flushing in face and slight metallic taste in mouth lasting
912616 Directly after receiving the vaccine I tasted a metallic taste and my 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 36 F
tongue started to tingling. My face flushed. Last about ten minutes.
912762 Extreme pain at injection site, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, metallic 12/23/2020 12/24/2020 27 F
taste in mouth, muscle aches
912763 Extreme pain at injection site, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, metallic 12/23/2020 12/24/2020 27 F
taste in mouth, muscle aches
912860 Metallic taste in the mouth for 10-15 minutes post vaccination; started 10 12/24/2020 12/24/2020 32 F
minutes after vaccination. About 5.5-6 hours after vaccination,
experienced rhinorrhea and epiphora for about 1-2 hours, which then
progressed to mild nasal congestion and mild chest congestion. Also
experienced mild headache and mild fatigue around the time of the
congestion. Notable puffiness/swelling of the hands and face set in
about 10 hours post vaccination; resolved by the next morning upon
912888 Throat numb and swollen metallic taste back of tongue numb chest 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 54 F
912895 metallic taste, tongue tingling and numbness began within minutes and 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 38 M
numbness took the longest to resolve--hours
913030 Metallic taste in mouth, dizziness, weakness, altered mental status, 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 58 F
difficulty raising arms, "heavy like a slug", HR 81, BP 112/78. reaction
immediately after vaccination. Symptoms did not resolve after an hour.
Patient taken to ER for evaluation.
913131 Developed metallic taste 4 days after injection. 6 days some sweeping of 12/20/2020 12/24/2020 51 F
lower lip and tip of tongue with tingling. Swelling lasted about 6 hours ,
loss of taste. Day 7 tested negative for COVID (because of loss of taste).
Day 8 still metallic taste, lips and tip of tongue numb. Loss of taste.
Continuing to monitor.
913224 Developed metallic taste in mouth within 5 minutes of vaccine 12/26/2020 12/26/2020 42 F
administration that persisted for 1 to 2 hours. Developed palpitations and
flushing within 10 minutes of vaccine administration that resolved after 1
minute. Palpitations and flushing recurred along with development of
burning sensation in distal extremities within 15 to 20 minutes of vaccine
administration. Palpitations were forceful and pronounced enough to
cause chest tightness, lightheadedness, and weakness. These
symptoms resolved without intervention after less than 5 minutes.
913442 Vaccine recipient received Moderna vaccine on 12/29/2020 and 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 47 F
experienced a metallic taste in throat and tongue. Vaccine recipient was
observed for a total of 40 minutes for any other signs/symptoms. Then
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
recipient was then cleared from the clinic to leave. During a follow-up
phone call 12/29/2020, vaccine recipient reported that metallic taste
went away on its own. She reported to have developed a headache
around 2:30 pm that went away after taking two Excedrin tablets.
Moderna COVID- 19 Vaccine
913779 Immediately after administration patient became faint, flushed, 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 41 F
tachycardiac (rate in the 100s), short of breath and developed a metallic/
plastic taste in her mouth. She did not complain of swelling of the mouth
or throat. Within 3 minutes her heart rate decreased into the 80s. We
monitored her for 45 minutes, her symptoms were resolved after this
913981 Malaise; body aches; headaches; stuffy nose; pain in neck; Felling ill; pain 12/18/2020 12/19/2020 49 F
in neck, joints; fever; chills; sore throat; stuffy head; Metallic taste in
mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). A
49-year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EK5730) on the 18Dec2020 14:00
intramuscularly right arm at single dose for Care for COVID patients.
Patient medical history included Recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia
and is taking medication. Family medical history was unknown; Both of
her parents are deceased. Mother died from heart disease and father died
from alcoholism. Concomitant medications included medication for
fibromyalgia. Patient previously had flu shot probably in Sep2020. After
she got the Covid vaccine she started to feel ill with fever, chills, sore
throat and stuffy head. Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine on Friday
(18Dec2020) from hospital. Began feeling ill last night (23Dec2020) with
fever, chills, sore throat, and stuffy head. Wants to know if she needs to
go get tested. Received COVID-19 Vaccine on 18Dec2020 at 14:00. Began
to fill ill last night 23Dec2020. Had a metallic taste starting 19Dec2020
around 18:00 for a couple of hours. On 23Dec2020 around 18:00 started
to feel malaise, body aches, and headache. Got home from work, went to
bed, and had a full blown pounding headache with pain in the neck, her
joints, and malaise. Had a stuffy nose and sore throat yesterday,
23Dec2020 around the time she went to bed. Prior vaccinations within 4
weeks was No. Vaccination facility type was hospital. vaccine
administered at military site was no. The outcome of events was
914047 metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 41 M
(patient). A 41-years-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of
administration on 19Dec2020 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization.
The patient medical history was not reported. The patient's concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient experienced metallic taste on
19Dec2020. It was reported as "He got the Covid-19 vaccine 10 days ago
(19Dec2020) and now he's experiencing altered taste specifically, metallic
taste for 10 days now". Outcome of event was not recovered.
Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
914127 complained of metallic taste in mouth 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 45 F
914135 Metallic taste, rash and itching on forearms. Gave 25mg Benadryl. 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 52 F
Observed for 30 minutes. Pt feeling better, returned to work.
914141 About 15 min after the vax, I felt metallic taste and about an hour later 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 61 F
uncontrolled dry heaving, nothing came up but it kept going.
914155 Metallic taste, face flush, redness on cheeks, above eyes/forehead. 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 51 F
Dizziness and stomach upset. Gave 25 mg Benadryl and observed for 45
minutes. Pt felt better, clearing of symptoms, returned to work.
914286 Immediate metallic taste in mouth. Gave diphenhydramine 50mg po. 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 51 F
She returned to employee clinic 12/30/2020 complaining of generalized
body fatigue, pain at injection site, persistence of metallic taste.
914463 immediate metallic taste in mouth, followed by dizziness, dry mouth. 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 47 F
Twenty minutes later fatigue and headache.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
914967 Metallic taste upon injection Headache Muscle ache Fatigue Dizziness 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 35 F
915029 15 minutes of vacc nauseous, lightheaded sick to stomach, difficulty 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 65 U
walking. 30 minutes throat got tight and a metallic taste in mouth. Face
and hands got flush. after an hour and a half felt better. Now achy.
915111 Around 10 minutes after the injection patient began having chest 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 40 F
pressure, metallic taste in her mouth, and flushed feeling all over her
chest. Symptoms did not resolve. RTT called to further evaluate. Patient
was sent to ED.
915131 Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA given at 10:10 on 12/30/2020. At 10:20 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 31 F
began to experience weird metallic taste in mouth near base of tongue.
At 11:05 began feeling pins and needles sensation on left cheek of face.
Then radiated to left forehead and chin at 11:15. Then felt pins and
needles sensation I. Left arm at 11:30. Went to the ER at that point.
915283 I minute after receiving shot employee c/o slight metallic taste in back of 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 40 F
throat. This lasted approximately 5 minutes. 12 minute after, had slight
tingling on sides of tongue that lasted approximately 30 minutes. No
effects after one hour from administration.
915766 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA. Received vaccine at 6:00 p.m. on 12/28/2020 12/29/2020 47 F
12/28/20. States initially had a metallic taste in mouth after receiving
vaccine, however felt fine until she woke up the next morning at 08:00 on
12/29/20 with headache, body aches and dizziness. Describes the
dizziness as "lightheaded, in a fog, vision seemed a little blurry like a fog
around everything". States began experiencing diarrhea at noon, then at
2:00 p.m. she began to experience chills and "racing heart". States she
thought the racing heart was due to anxiety. States she rested, took
Immodium & drank fluids. Did not require medical care. States when she
woke up on 12/30/20 her heart was no longer racing, and headache &
dizziness were improved. States today 12/31/20 she feels completely
915902 Min 15; Rubbery/slimy feeling tongue. Metallic taste. No swelling. Minor 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 55 M
dizziness, passed within 30 minutes. Hour 3; 6/10 head ache at the
temples, chills, beginning of flu like symptoms. Hour 6; Joint stiffness.
Tylenol/ibuprofen had no effect. Hour 9; Very minor trouble breathing, in
bed. Ignored. High fatigue. Hour 20; noticeable dry cough and chest
wheezing. Watery eyes, continuation of flu like symptoms. No fever noted.
Hour 24; Symptoms moderating well. Some stiffness. Head ache
decreasing. Injection site typically sore. Little appetite and very thirsty.
Have consumed more than 7 liters of fluids in the last 24hrs, little output.
915960 Patient complained of itchy patches / rashes on L anterior thigh, R lower 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 55 F
forearm, w / a growing metallic taste. Patient brought to isolation,
observation area where US were obtained; 98% on RA, HR of 75, 117/75
at rest. 25 mg of Benadryl given, IM in (R) deltoid. Patient observed for 30
minutes, patients reports relief post Benadryl administration .
915971 12/29 approximately 5 hours post injection severe pain down entire left 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 42 F
arm where vaccine was given. trouble lifting small object such as gallon
of milk. Also developed Metallic taste in mouth approximately 2 hours
post injection. Both have improved some over the last 2 days. 12/31
Today developed right jaw pain and numbness in right lower lip.
916058 Reports feeling dizziness, flushed, feet tightness, headache, chills, and 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 48 F
metallic taste in mouth. Symptoms lasted 30 minutes. She was provided
water, and had lunch, and she stated she felt better afterwards.
916141 12/29/20 New throat tightness & nasal congestion that worsened over 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 49 F
the first 15-40 minutes post-vaccination. Patient alerted observation
staff & requested a drink of water to see if that would help or perhaps
resolve throat soreness. While drinking, the congestion was confirmed
since mask was off. Symptoms did not worsen, but EMS team was
called in per protocol for further review. Blood pressure was WNL for this
patient (~ 100/60); SpO2 98%, CO2 monitoring WNL. Patient reported
*possible* similar reaction to Flu vaccines in past years that were
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
deemed "within expected reactions to flu vaccination" that resolved within
24hr. Patient was given Diphenhydramine 50 mg PO & released to home.
Follow-up phone call later confirmed that the symptoms had improved.
12/30/20 - Upper respiratory symptoms resolved. Patient reports
unusual taste in mouth with blunted flavor from food, also described as
faintly metallic. Had used new mouth rinse for last several days, so she
will stop using that product to confirm if this new symptom is from the
vaccine or the mouth rinse. 12/31/20 - continued odd taste sensation.
(Not using Crest mouth rinse.). Will continue to monitor & any future
symptoms will be reported via the v-safe application. **This report is
being filed via VAERS only because the initial V-safe check in for
12/29/20 timed out & would not allow the patient to report the URI
symptoms that happened immediately post-vaccination.
916403 Couple of mins after vaccine got metallic taste in mouth and heart rate 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 42 F
increased chest became red, mouth and tongue felt funny/ thick.
Paramedics on site checked heart rate 115 and BP 160/80 oxygen was
normal, swallowing felt funny but I was able to swallow, monitored for
about 30 mins on site coworker drove me to get Benadryl, but did not
take right away- around 4:45 symptoms persisted and face started
feeling numb especially my upper lip on right side , skin became pale and
around lips tightness in chest and very shaky, took 25 mg Benadryl then
called paramedics heart rate was still 115 BP was 130/80 I believe and
was still very shaky paramedics said oxygen levels OK and advised to
take another Benadryl. So took 25 mg more, after 30 mins mouth/ tongue
and chest started feeling better and shakiness went away metallic taste
went away after couple hours. Day 2 feel much better injection site sore
only symptom
916807 metallic taste 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 24 F
916825 metallic funny taste and heart palpitations 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 45 F
916979 Exactly one week post vaccination, woke up to peri injection site 12/22/2020 12/30/2020 37 F
erythema, slightly raised with irregular border. Site measured 4cm x 12
cm x 2mm. This was accompanied by a strong metallic taste in mouth
that was similar to experience at time of original injection.
917069 Metallic taste in mouth, right side of tongue tingling/slightly numb 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 41 F
917563 Metallic taste in mouth as it was being administered. I told them I could 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 69 F
taste it. Eyes started hurting with burning sensation, pressure in both
ears and slight numbness across face from ear to ear and under nose.
Uncomfortable tightness in chest and a lot of pressure on face feeling
like it was hot. I felt a little better after 15 minutes while waiting but never
told anyone about symptoms. I walked out and drove home but monitored
my symptoms. The symptoms gradually became less and were gone
after 1 hour and 45 minutes. I took a dose of benadryl at that time. I slept
well that night and woke up with no symptoms and none since.
917745 S: Patient, RN from TCC/CCU came to Covid vaccine clinic on 1/3/2020 01/03/2021 01/03/2021 50 F
for Covid vaccine. She received vaccine at 7:23 am. Received injection on
left arm. At 8:12am, she reported heaviness on left arm, tingling
sensation on left 3rd and 4th fingers, and metallic taste. She denies
motor weakness, sob, n/v, chest discomfort, palpitation, difficulty
breathing, dizziness, headaches, blurry vision. Hx of HTN, mitral valve
prolapse, asthma, migraine. Currently taking labetalol 400 mg bid, hctz/
losartan 100/50 mg bid. Have not taken her BP medications this morning.
She took benadryl 25 mg and tylenol 1000 mg at 6:35 am prior to coming
to clinic. She is allergic to multiple medications. O: At 8:12, VS: 177/104,
97%, HR 66. Reports paresthesia to L arm, metallic taste At 8:25, VS:
157/102, 98%, HR 62. Continues to experience paresthesia and
heaviness, but it has gradually improved, metallic taste resolved At 8:37,
VS: 149/92, 98%, HR 64. Paresthesia and heaviness improved. AAOx 4,
follows command, speech clear, lung sounds clear, heart sounds normal,
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
normal rate and rhythm. Motor strength +5/5 bilaterally. No facial
weakness/facial drooping. Subjective paresthesia on left 3rd and 4th
fingers that gradually resolved. Subjective heaviness on left upper arm.
No angioedema. No respiratory distress. A: Reaction to Covid-19 vaccine.
P: Employee was closely observed in clinic. Provided fluids. VSS.
Symptoms gradually improved. Employee was advised to closely monitor
her symptoms, if she experience any worsening symptoms, she need to
call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. She states that she has epi
pen and benadryl in her purse, and understand signs and symptoms to
monitor for and when to use it if needed. Employee left to return home at
8:45 am in stable condition.
917826 Patient was monitored 15 minutes after giving 1st COVID vaccine. Once 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 22 F
she returned to the worksite approximately 30 minutes after her vaccine
was given, she experienced some flushing and severe sweating. Patient
was taken to the nearest ED on 12-31-20 @ 5:00pm and per patient stated
that ED doctor said it could be a reaction to the COVID vaccine. On 1-1-21,
patient started experiencing low grade fever, body aches and a major
headache. Patient was told she can take Tylenol OTC to help with this.
Patient stated on 1-2-21, she started experiencing sore throat and a
metallic taste in her mouth. Patient was told she needed to go see her
doctor as soon as she could to follow up with this. On 1-3-21, patient still
complained of sore throat and lower back pain. Patient was advised to go
to nearest Urgent care if possible. Patient stated that she was going to go
to a local urgent care today and she was told to follow up with Public
Health after she was seen at the urgent care.
917846 Fatigue, metallic taste in mouth, increased thirst and urination, tinnitus, 12/29/2020 12/30/2020 33 F
chills, achy, headache
917907 Metallic taste a couple of minutes after vaccination, it disappeared after 01/02/2021 01/02/2021 65 F
30 minutes or so Swallowing lips 4 hours after injection. Numbing
sensation on lower lip. This effect lasted 3 to 4 hours Headache, and
backache and increase in temperature the next morning 01-03-21
Symptoms improving during the afternoon
918058 "... I felt a prickle across both arms. It was scattered like having metal 12/31/2020 01/01/2021 56 M
shavings in the sleeves, and almost instant and want away. Shortly
thereafter, i tased metallic on the left side of my tongue, followed by a
tingle, as I was coming out a novocaine shot." Which all resolved. The
next day he has some lightheadedness and reports forgetting things.
918059 Racing heart, pain in arm, and dizziness 10 minutes after shot that lasted 01/03/2021 01/03/2021 37 F
only a few minutes. Nausea, dry mouth with metallic taste, chills, head
pressure and a rush sensation through the body for 2 hours after
injection. Nausea comes in waves still 3 1/2 hours after injection.
918492 Caregiver developed a metallic taste in her mouth and nausea twelve 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 47 F
minutes after the vaccine injection (1404). Sixteen minutes after the
start of the symptoms (14:20), the symptoms lessened. She was given
soda crackers and water. At 14:54, she denied any nausea nor metallic
taste in her mouth. She was allowed to leave observation area. Caregiver
was called the next morning (01/01/21 @ 9:00 am) for a follow-up
conversation. She stated that at 2am on 1/1/21, she developed a fever
(101) and chills. She went to the Emergency room who performed a CXR,
lab work, IV fluids and IV medication (Toradol) to help fever. She states a
COVID test was completed and the result was negative per caregiver. She
was discharged to home with an antibiotic and told her diagnosis was
"possible reaction to the COVID vaccine and Flash pneumonia."
Caregiver spoke to over the phone on 1/4/21 at 10 am. She states she is
starting feeling better yesterday and has no complaints today. She is still
on antibiotics by mouth and is scheduled to work tonight.
918524 ?Moderna COVID- 19 Vaccine EUA? After 15 minute monitoring time, 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 40 F
patient complained of metallic taste in mouth. She described it as similar
to "the taste you get after a saline flush".
918604 I experienced a strong metallic taste approximately 2-5 minutes after 01/03/2021 01/03/2021 31 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
receiving the vaccine that lasted about an hour.
919067 Approximately 10 minutes after injection patient started to complain of 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 33 F
an itchy throat and a metallic taste in her mouth. No acute distress noted.
No oral, facial or throat swelling noted. Lungs clear bilaterally and patient
moving air without difficulty. Skin warm and dry. Patient speaking clearly
and in full sentences. Patient continued to be monitored.   Patient
complained of slight chest "tightness" and increased mucus production
approximately 20 minutes after initial vaccination. Upon exam no acute
distress noted. Lungs clear bilaterally. Skin warm and dry. Patient
speaking clearly and in full sentences. Patient able to manage oral
secretions, no drooling noted. No oral, facial or throat swelling noted. No
notable redness or rash observed. EMS called and arrived without
incident.   Patient discharged by EMS and was advised by them to go
home and take a Benadryl. Discussed EMS recommendation with patient
and she verbalized understanding and stated that she would call 911 or
go to ER if symptoms change or worsen.
919086 Approximately 10 minutes after injection patient started to complain of 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 33 F
an itchy throat and a metallic taste in her mouth. No acute distress noted.
No oral, facial or throat swelling noted. Lungs clear bilaterally and patient
moving air without difficulty. Skin warm and dry. Patient speaking clearly
and in full sentences. Patient continued to be monitored.   Patient
complained of slight chest "tightness" and increased mucus production
approximately 20 minutes after initial vaccination. Upon exam no acute
distress noted. Lungs clear bilaterally. Skin warm and dry. Patient
speaking clearly and in full sentences. Patient able to manage oral
secretions, no drooling noted. No oral, facial or throat swelling noted. No
notable redness or rash observed. EMS called and arrived without
incident.   Patient discharged by EMS and was advised by them to go
home and take a benadryl. Discussed EMS recommendation with patient
and she verbalized understanding and stated that she would call 911 or
go to ER if symptoms change or worsen.
919088 patient (staff member) received their vaccine at approximately 0817, they 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 46 F
returned to the clinic at 1000 stating they were starting to feel tingling in
their fingertips, metallic taste in the mouth, and trouble breathing. Vitals
were taken and found to be within normal limits as described by patient.
At 1002, 50mg PO Diphenhydramine was given orange juice. Patient
asked if they could lay down to see if that would help her to catch her
breath. She went to the bed and practiced her breathing exercises while
waiting for the ambulance to come and take her to the emergency room.
Ambulance arrived and care was transferred.
919287 Taste buds went numb, metallic taste, slight swelling of throat, itchiness 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 41 F
all to upper body, joint pain, and pain at injection site. Lasting about 12 to
24hours. Antihistamines treated at home.
919658 First sharp headache after an hour, then metallic taste. 36 hours after 12/31/2020 01/01/2021 49 F
muscle aches, chills, flu like symptoms.
919686 My tongue felt swelled and I had a metallic Taste in my moth 12/01/2020 12/30/2020 56 F
919994 metallic taste; developed mild headache; about 30 minutes developed 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 57 F
itching and redness of both legs; about 30 minutes developed itching and
redness of both legs; Started immediately having dizziness; Right upper
facial muscles started twitching around eye area; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable physician (patient). A 57-year-old female
patient the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, Batch/lot number: EH9899), intramuscularly on 16Dec2020
14:00 at left arm, at single dose for covid-19 immunization. Medical
history was none. The patient's concomitant medications were not
reported. The patient was not pregnant at the time of vaccination. After
vaccination injection, the patient started immediately having dizziness
from 16Dec2020 14:00 and then about 30 minutes developed itching and
redness of both legs on 16Dec2020 14:30. About 2 hours after vaccine on
16Dec2020 16:00 went home still itching with redness, dizziness,
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
developed mild headache and metallic taste. Right upper facial muscles
started twitching around eye area. Took Benadryl and Tylenol went to
sleep. Woke up 5 hours later, all symptoms gone accept still a little dizzy.
By the next morning felt weird then by 24 hours everything resolved. The
outcome of the events was recovered in Dec2020. Prior to vaccination,
the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the
patient had not been tested for COVID-19. The patient did not receive any
other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. No seriousness
criteria: no Results in death, no Life threatening, no Caused/prolonged
hospitalization, no Disabling/Incapacitating, no Congenital anomaly/birth
920117 body aches; decreased appetite; cotton mouth; everything tastes metallic 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 50 F
and it's kind of hard to explain it very well; change of sense of taste; loss
of taste; body rash on upper torso only described as "not bad" and "not
itchy" or bothersome; low grade fever 100.3; This is a spontaneous report
from a contactable nurse (patient). A 50-year-old female patient received
the first dose of BNT162B2 (lot number: EH9899), via an unspecified
route of administration in left upper arm, on 21Dec2020 06:30 AM at
single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Facility where the most recent
COVID-19 vaccine was administered was hospital.The patient's weight
was 67.13 kg and height was 173 cm. The patient's medical history
included nausea and flu like symptoms. Concomitant medications
included omeprazole(PROTONIX) from Dec2020 at 40mg once a day for
nausea. The patient stated that a week before she received the vaccine
she had flu like symptoms and she was tested for COVID-19 and the test
result was negative in Dec2020. The patient experienced low grade fever
100.3 which started in the evening of the vaccine(21Dec2020) and she
took Tylenol and went to sleep and the next day felt better, which resolved
by the next day(22Dec2020). The patient experienced body aches on an
unknown date, body rash on upper torso only described as "not bad" and
"not itchy" or bothersome which started on 21Dec2020(a few hours after
receiving vaccine) and resolved on 23Dec2020. The patient experienced
change of sense of taste, "everything tastes metallic and it's kind of hard
to explain it very well" on 24Dec2020. The patient experienced loss of
tastewhich started on either 23Dec2020 or 24Dec2020. She was starting
to be able to taste. She has anything it is bland. She can taste some
saltiness. That started coming back on approximately Saturday,
26Dec2020. The patient experienced decreased appetite, "cotton mouth"
on an unknown date. The outcome of the events "low grade fever 100.3",
"body rash on upper torso only described as "not bad" and "not itchy" or
bothersome", "loss of taste" was recovered and of other events was
920128 tachycardia; dizziness; throat swelling; blotches on chest; palpitations; 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 33 F
chest tightness/had residual mild chest discomfort and noticed 2
blotches on chest in car; metallic taste in mouth; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable physician (patient). A 33-year-old female
patient received the 1st dose BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, lot number EH9899) via Intramuscular on 28Dec2020 12:30 PM
at single dose in the arm left for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history
included Bee venom (anaphylaxis), hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI,
HFI as above but no previous issues with sucrose containing vaccines)
and Known allergies: Bee venom (anaphylaxis). Concomitant medications
included Linaclotide, Adderall, polyethylene glycol 3350. Roughly 5-7
minutes after injection, the patient experienced palpitations, chest
tightness, and metallic taste in mouth - sensations mostly subsided after
another 5 minutes so did not report. Left center after 30 mins, the patient
had residual mild chest discomfort and noticed 2 blotches on chest in
car. Drove home - on the way at 13: 15 (45 mins post vaccine), developed
throat swelling, severe chest tightness, tachycardia (HR 130s), and
dizziness. Severe symptoms (throat swelling particularly) subsided after
5 minutes but other symptoms persisted for another hour. Used albuterol,
had epi pen ready but didn't use. Now 3 hours out, feeling close to
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
baseline. The patient underwent lab tests, which included Covid test post
vaccination with Negative result in Dec2020. The patient received
treatment for events, which included Albuterol. Outcome of events was
920328 Patient complained of metallic taste in mouth and tingling in top lip 01/02/2021 01/02/2021 56 F
immediately after the vaccine. Resolved after 5 minutes.
920543 Immediately after shot for 20 minutes was tasting metallic taste and 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 45 F
tingling in right pinky and ring finger. Around 11 pm started having
metallic taste and cannot get rid of it. Woke up in middle of the night
having diarrhea which still having symptoms this morning.
920564 Immediately upon receiving vaccination had metallic taste and tingling in 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 45 F
right hand pinky and ring finger. It went away in 20 plus minutes. Around
11 pm started having metallic taste again and woke up with diarrhea in
the middle of the night. Symptoms have not subsided.
920707 I took the Moderna Covid vaccine on 12-28-2020 at 1420. After getting 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 40 F
the shot, I had a metallic taste in my mouth and drank some water then
waited 20 mins. When I left to go back to my department, I started getting
dizzy and coughing. I sat down in my department and could not stop
coughing so I went to the ER department. My eyes were swollen, I had a
rash from my arms and legs all the way down my body. I had hives on my
face and my eyes were swollen. I was coughing and wheezing. the ER RN
started an IV and I was given steroids, diphenhydramine, ondansetron and
IV fluids. I was also given some cough medicine. I was monitored for a
few hours and before I left - they gave me hydroxyzine for the hives and
itching. The PA also ordered meds for me to take at home. - per patient
920849 Chest and arms red and warm; metallic taste in mouth; no signs of 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 48 F
distress when monitoring discontinued. Proceeded to PCP office the
following day due to face, neck and arm stiffness, edema in hands, legs,
and face, continued metallic taste, and elevated BP (160/100). PCP
prescribed oral steroids, antihistamine, and Epi-Pen.
921131 Metallic taste 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 42 F
921173 1/1 I started having metallic taste in my mouth. 1/2 I noticed the left side 12/31/2020 01/01/2021 M
of my face was drooping. 1/3 It was worse so I spoke with a a co worker
who is a paramedic who told me to go to the ER. I went to ER and they
diagnosed me with Bells Palsy.
921348 Dizziness; Metallic taste upon injection; Sore arm; Headache; Muscle 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 35 F
aches; Fatigue; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
healthcare professional. A 35-year-old female patient received bnt162b2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number and expiry date not
reported), via an unspecified route of administration on the left arm on
30Dec2020 14:00 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical
history included hypertension (List of any other medications the patient
received within 2 weeks of vaccination: Hypertension medication). On
30Dec2020 14:00, the patient experienced dizziness, metallic taste upon
injection, sore arm, headache, muscle aches and fatigue. No therapeutic
measure was taken as a result of the events. Clinical outcome of the
events was not recovered. Information on the lot/batch number has been
921505 Patient experienced headache, dizziness, light headedness and metallic 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 36 F
taste in the mouth a few minutes after receiving the vaccine. Vitals were
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
taken and patient observed for 30 minutes following vaccination.
922174 About 5-10 minutes later patient began to have metallic taste in her 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 32 F
mouth. She began to feel warm. Also began to feel some burning in her
upper chest. Patient denies any swelling in her throat. She denied any
difficulty swallowing or breathing. Patient does have history of a mini
stroke in the past. Patient states since then she is become hypersensitive
to phalanx. She denies any known allergies. She denies any allergies to
any injectables or any vaccines. No known food allergies. No medication
allergies. Patient denies any known history of panic attacks. Patient was
questioning if this may be a panic attack.
922266 At about 1330 on 30DEC, the patient received the 1st dose of the 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 40 M
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Less than five minutes after the vaccine was
administered, the patient noticed a metallic taste. About two to three
minutes afterwards, the patient noticed a ?tingling? sensation mostly on
the left side of the face and minimally on the right side. Almost
immediately after the ?tingling? sensation, the patient felt the sensation
of an increased heart rate and checked his pulse with his watch that had
a pulse sensor. The watch indicated that he had a heart rate of 115 bpm.
This sensation of an increased heart rate subsided after for one or two
minutes and repeat pulse measurement was in the low 90s. Towards the
end of the 15 minute post-vaccination observation period, the medical
technician did the final check on the patient. The patient admitted to
experiencing a metallic taste and a mild tingling sensation on the neck
and face area. The service member was immediately brought back to the
treatment room were a faint red rash and was noticed on the left side of
the neck by the medical providers present. Two doses of Benadryl 25mg
were given and the patient was told to continue to be observed in the
observation area. After about 20 minutes, the tingling sensation resolved.
The patient checked his pulse again and it was in the low 70s. The
metallic taste resolved after about one and a half hours after the start of
the symptom.
922490 Patient stated she had a metallic taste in her mouth post injection. She 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 56 F
drank gingerale and the taste subsided
922688 Metallic taste in mouth, causing nausea. Symptoms subsided after 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 64 F
approximately 15 mins.
922898 Patient reported "tingling" in both arms and "metallic taste" in the mouth. 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 47 F
923092 Developed strong metallic taste in mouth lasted over 24 hours. 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 39 M
923310 Feeling of exhaustion (progressive during the day; diminished the next 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 57 F
morning, but lingering at lesser effect); Intermittent dizziness after an
hour; H/A after an hour; that diminished over the next 12 hours but
slightly lingered; Metallic taste in the mouth after an hour; Nausea after 8
hours (diminished by the next morning); This is a spontaneous report
from a contactable nurse (patient). A 57-year-old female patient received
intramuscular on the left arm on 29Dec2020 09:45 at a single dose for
COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included Hashimoto.
Concomitant medication included omeprazole, rosuvastatin calcium
(CRESTOR), levothyroxine, magnesium and ascorbic acid, retinol,
tocopherol (OCUVITE). The patient previously took zinc and experienced
allergies. On 29Dec2020, the patient experienced intermittent dizziness
after an hour, metallic taste in the mouth after an hour, H/A (headache)
after an hour (that diminished over the next 12 hours but slightly lingered)
and feeling of exhaustion (progressive during the day; diminished the next
morning, but lingering at lesser effect), and nausea after 8 hours
(diminished by the next morning). No treatment was given for the events.
Patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination and had
not been tested since the vaccination. Outcome of the events was
recovered with sequel.
923378 now 2 hours later I have a rash on my belly; Metallic taste almost 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 46 F
immediately; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable other
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
healthcare professional (hcp). A 46-years-old female patient received
first dose BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for
injection, lot number EK9231, expiry date not reported), via an unspecified
route of administration on 30Dec020 16:45 at a single dose in the left arm
as Covid vaccine. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient was not pregnant at the time
of the vaccination. The patient previously took iodine and experienced
allergies. The patient was not in other vaccine in four weeks. The patient
had no prior COVID vaccination and was not tested for COVID post
vaccination. The patient experienced metallic taste almost immediately
(30Dec2020 16:45) and now 2 hours (18:45) later patient have a rash on
the belly. No treatments received in response to the events reported. The
events reported as not serious (did not result in death, not life-
threatening, did not cause/prolonged hospitalization, not disabling/
incapacitating and not a congenital anomaly/birth defect. The events
metallic taste and rash on the belly was not recovered.
923594 Extreme nausea; Dizziness; Extreme fatigue; Different waves of chills to 12/30/2020 12/01/2020 46 F
the point of she could not even move; Different waves of chills to the
point of she could not even move; sweating; severe headache; just crap
now; Now she smells metal; she has no sense of smell other than stinky
metallic smell; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
consumer (patient). A 46-year-old female patient received bnt162b2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number
and expiration date were not reported), via an unspecified route of
administration in the right deltoid on 30Dec2020 08:15 at a single dose
for vaccination. The patient's medical history included tested positive for
COVID-19 from Jul2020. There were no concomitant medications. Around
30Dec2020 9:00 AM, she began experiencing extreme nausea and
dizziness, extreme fatigue, different waves of chills to the point of she
could not even move, sweating, severe headache, and just crap now. The
patient's physician told that this is something she should report. It could
possibly have been an immune response because she had possibly been
exposed to COVID-19 that she probably had some sort of antibodies from
then until now on Dec2020, even though she tested negative for COVID-19
and continued to test negative for COVID-19 on 2020. She smells metal
on Dec2020. She has no sense of smell other than stinky metallic smell.
Her taste is fine. Outcome of the headache was not recovered, of the
metallic smell was unknown, of the remaining events was recovered on
30Dec2020 13:00.
923629 got a very metallic taste in my mouth; sleep a lot; tired; This is a 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 41 F
spontaneous report from a contactable healthcare professional. A 41-
year-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL0140/ELO140), via an
unspecified route of administration, at the left arm on 30Dec2020 06:30
at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization at a hospital. Medical history
included seasonal allergies and doesn't take medications. On the same
day of 30Dec2020, about an hour after vaccination, patient got a very
metallic taste in mouth, which lasted for about 12-18 hours and did sleep
a lot, which she expected, but woke up about 11 at night and still had it
and it was gone. Patient knew she slept longer than she normally does,
went to bed at 1PM and slept until 11PM, which is not usually normal.
Was up for about an hour or two and then went back to bed until 8AM of
31Dec2020. Patient was concern was if it was some type of reaction that
it would mean she was going to have a stronger reaction to the second
one and stated it was irritating but not a huge deal. Patient also felt tired
and expected it as she worked five 12-hour shifts in a row. Patient was
not sure if the metallic taste was connected to the COVID-19 vaccine. No
prior vaccinations within 4 weeks. Outcome of the events was unknown.
923857 At approximately 1630, patient was getting ready to leave the vaccine 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 30 F
clinic. She advised writer that she had a strong metallic taste in her
mouth. It started 10-15 minutes after the injection. Denied all other
symptoms that could be considered a side effect or allergic reaction to
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
the vaccination. Advised patient she could stay later for further
observation. Patient declined to stay. She felt fine otherwise. Patient was
further advised if develops shortness of breath, or throat tightening to call
911 immediatley. Patient verbalized understanding. She indicated that
she does have an epi pen due to allergies and will use it if necessary.
Called patient at approximately 1830. She informed writer that she did
have the strong Metallic taste in her mouth that started 15 minutes after
the immunization and it lasted for about 1 hour. She reports that she was
slightly light headed once she got home. Patient is not sure if it is due to
starting night shift last night or if it was from the vaccine. Patient
encouraged to increase her water intake. She was also encouraged to call
PCP's office if light headedness does not completely resolved. If develops
life threatening symptoms, to call 911. She was in agreement with plan.
Writer will completed VAERS report tomorrow.
923890 Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine EUA I had an immediate headache and 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 49 F
metallic taste in my mouth within 1 hour of the vaccine. Those symptoms
went away within 1-1/2 hours of the vaccine. Then on Saturday morning
at 2am I developed chills, body and joint ache diffusely. I took 600 mg of
ibuprofen at that time and they symptoms were gone by Saturday
morning at 9:30am.
923934 I experienced a metallic taste in my mouth about a minute after receiving 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 61 F
the vaccine. It lingered for approximately six hours.
924517 Lip and nose tingling, lip swelling, metallic test in mouth Sent to the ED 12/26/2020 12/26/2020 43 F
for 2 hours given Dexamethasone and Benadryl . Symptoms resolved
924554 Numbness and tingling on the injection site and the left side of your face. 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 38 F
Also reports a metallic taste in her mouth
924958 Patient developed metallic taste in mouth post vaccination, gingerale 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 35 M
helped to alleviate it.
925009 Low grade temp 100.2 Body aches Chills Headache Metallic taste in 01/06/2021 01/07/2021 37 F
mouth Pain and bruising in Right arm
925042 Tachycardia-heart rate 148 for 45 minutes Metallic taste in mouth Lower 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 26 F
abdominal pain (cramp like)
925226 35 y.o female present to the ER after receiving the first dose to her COVID 12/31/2020 35 F
19 vaccine. Initially experiencing a metallic taste in her mouth,
palpitations, and nausea. She felt lightheaded but did not lose
consciousness. Her symptoms rapidly improved. Her vital signs remained
925364 Metallic taste in mouth beginning about 10 minutes after injection. 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 49 F
Lasted for 1 hour. No treatment. No other associated symtpoms.
925412 After 5 minutes of having the vaccine I experienced right sided tongue 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 49 F
tingling followed by a funny taste. 5 minutes after that my arm started
itching from the injection site. I took ibuprofen pm that had Benadryl in it
to help. I was fine all night after taking the ibuprofen with Benadryl. This
morning 1/7/21, I have a sour metallic taste which has not resolved.
925529 After receiving the vaccine within 15 mins I had a metallic taste in my 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 57 M
mouth. I exp fatigue and couldn't sleep I went to ER HR 180/10, elevated
HR/BP, muscle joint pain and tremendous back pain. After I followed up
with my PCP still elevated BP 140/70 as a result I'm on blood pressure
medication. I was advised to stay on this new medicine until I receive the
second dose of the vaccine. Also was told to take Benadryl and Tylenol
before taking 2nd Covid vaccine.
925970 within 20 minutes: metallic taste in mouth, tingling and numb lips/tongue 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 62 F
- resolved with OTC antihistamine use
926072 Metallic taste in mouth, tingling in tongue 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 38 F
926202 metallic taste, numbess tonque and left arm, no treatemnt at present 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 43 F
926245 01/06/2021 2nd dose: Sore arm, metallic taste in mouth mild nausea 01/06/2021 01/07/2021 58 M
tired feeling 12/17/2020 1st dose Pfizer vaccine :Sore arm, metallic taste
in mouth mild nausea tired feeling and headache .
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
926338 ?Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA? The day I got the vaccine all that 12/30/2020 01/06/2021 25 F
happened was a dead arm and then when I was driving home after the 15
minutes of waiting in the parking lot, I got a metallic taste in my mouth,
but it didn't last very long. The next day my arm was sore to move, but not
at the injection spot, if looking at my arm (someone else) it was down 3
inches and to the left about 1 inch. The next day that same spot was still
sore but to the touch, then it went away. What is more interesting and
concerning is that on 1/6/2021 (a week after I got the shot), I noticed 3
little bumps on my arm (9:45pm), in that same location that was sore to
move and touch on day 2 and 3 but they also were itchy. When I woke up
the next morning (6:15 am) the area had spread to the size of my palm (3
inch by 3 inch roughly) it was all red, hard to the touch, stilly itchy and I
had the feeling of a dead arm again. One of the nurses at my work drew a
circle around the red spot so we could watch to see if it was still growing ,
by roughly 11:45 am it had grown an additional 2 inches.
926472 After 10 minutes of vaccine administration patient report metallic taste, 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 48 F
she was oriented to stay in the observation area of the vaccine
administration site for 10 additional minutes. At 12:00pm patient report
throat itching "like chocking". Shock anaphylactic code (RR) was
activated. At 12:03pm Epinephrine 0.3mg/1ml was administrated to the
left thigh. Venous access was obtained and Solu-Cortef 200mg, Benadryl
50mg and O2 were administrated. Patient vital signs were blood glucose
121mg/dl, Oxygen Saturation 100%, BP 150/90 mmHg. Patient was
transfer with the RR code team to the ER for observation.
926652 One hour after administration adverse events noticed: major headache 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 30 F
that continued on and off for 7+ days, metallic taste with fullness of
throat on and off for a few days, following day neck and upper shoulder
soreness on and off for 7 + days, general fatigue on and off for 7+ days
926679 Fever, diaphoretic, full body muscle aches, swollen and painful lymph 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 26 F
nodes in the right side of the neck, muscle pain at the injections site in
right arm, metallic taste in mouth, fatigue, headache.
926790 Following administration of the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer), pt 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 44 F
reported feeling tired and having a "metallic taste" in her mouth. Pt
reported very little fluid or food intake prior to the vaccine. Given Gatorade
and crackers; monitored for 30 min. Symptoms resolved. Patient
received 2nd dose of vaccine on 1/6/2021 and no adverse reactions
were reported during the 30 minute monitoring period.
926870 Metallic taste in mouth Body aches fatigue arm and fingers burned like it 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 44 F
was nerve pain armpits hurt swollen lymph nodes tingling on the left side
of her face
927151 Metallic taste in mouth started about 5 minutes after injection. lasted 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 49 F
approximately for 1 hour
927540 Sore throat; cough; difficulty in breathing; tiredness; sleepiness; myalgia; 12/24/2020 12/25/2020 44 F
arthralgia; headache; metallic taste in the mouth; burning in the eyes;
chills; shaking; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
physician, the patient. A 44-year-old female patient received BNT162B2
injection on 24Dec2020 at 09:30 (at the age of 44-years-old) as a single
dose for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient was not pregnant at the time
of vaccination. There was no relevant medical history. There were no
concomitant medications. The patient had no known allergies to
medications, food, or other products. The patient did not receive any
other vaccine within 4 weeks prior to the vaccine. Prior to the vaccination,
the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. On 25Dec2020 at 07:00,
the patient experienced sore throat, cough, difficulty in breathing,
tiredness, sleepiness, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, metallic taste in the
mouth, burning in the eyes, chills, and shaking which lead to doctor or
other healthcare professional office/clinic visit. Treatment was provided
for the events sore throat, cough, difficulty in breathing, tiredness,
sleepiness, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, metallic taste in the mouth,
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
burning in the eyes, chills, and shaking with NSAIDs. The outcome of the
events sore throat, cough, difficulty in breathing, tiredness, sleepiness,
myalgia, arthralgia, headache, metallic taste in the mouth, burning in the
eyes, chills, and shaking was not recovered. Since the vaccination, the
patient has been tested for COVID-19 on 30Dec2020 via Nasal Swab and
Antigen test and both were negative.
927553 approximately 15 minutes after the vaccine was administered I developed 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 45 F
numbness in my tongue, metallic taste in mouth, and headache and a
fullness feeling in ears. 1 and 1/2 hours later I developed neck pain and
numbness in the left side of my face that lasted for 48 hours. Benadryl
was taking for 2 days to help with the reaction. Day 3 after the vaccine
symptoms seemed to resolve except for a slight feeling of numbness in
left cheek but much better than first 2 days and almost gone completely.
927791 Taste metallic; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable health 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 38 F
care professional (patient, a Psychologist). This 38-year-old female
patient received her 1st dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, Batch/lot number: EK5730) at single dose via an unknown
route at left arm on 04Jan2021 15:45 for Covid-19 immunization. Medical
history included sinus infection before getting the covid vaccine and this
has never happened; the sinus infection was still ongoing at the moment,
it started in Dec2020, she was prescribed amoxicillin for it and she was
still completing it. Additional medical history included pernicious anemia,
Celiac disease, Hashimoto's disease, Sulfa allergy, and Stevens Johnson
syndrome. Patient also reported "she hasn't had symptoms at all". She
further reported that in the past she has had a reaction to Sulfa, it was
about 3 years, due to this she got Steven Johnsons' Syndrome , she was
hospitalized because of this, it was not fun 0 out of 0 she would not
recommend. She has had no positive test for Covid Prior to the vaccine.
She has had 1 negative test, it was May2020. She had no issues with
vaccines in the past. She did have an issue with the TB Test, explaining
that about 6 years ago, the issue was that she got a reaction from getting
the TB Test, she got dermatographic urticaria, she was instructed to never
get the test again and to get X rays instead. Patient confirms allergy was
to Sulfa like the antibiotic. She had no Lot or Exp it has been discarded.
Concomitant drugs included ongoing amoxicillin 500mg 1 capsule by
mouth twice a day from 28Dec2020 for sinus infection. Patient began to
notice the metallic taste within 15 minutes of receiving the vaccine (onset
date on 04Jan2021). She didn't think anything of it till she noticed it stuck
around. She just had a bad taste in the mouth. It tastes weirdly metallic.
Outcome of the event was not resolved.
928032 12 minutes after receiving vaccine. Metallic taste in mouth, tingling in 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 29 F
back of throat, numbness in mouth and hands. Zyrtec given. Symptoms
cleared within 45 minutes of receiving Zyrtec. 4 hours post vaccine arm
pain at injection site, muscle aches in other arm and joint pain in hips.
Fatigue and neck rigidity. All symptoms resolved after 48 hours post
928268 Metallic taste; injection site pain Narrative: 12/24/2020 12/24/2020 58 F
928957 Patient stated that she had a metallic taste and headache after receiving 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 58 F
the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
929085 Tip of tongue was burning, weird metallic taste in mouth, entire tongue 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 27 F
numb and tingly , throat closing, hard to swallow. received 50 mg
Benadryl po
929312 After receiving the vaccine, pt noted a sensation of pressure on the roof 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 45 F
of her mouth, followed by a metallic taste. Elevated BP noted. Pt denies
SOB and is without rash or angioedema. Pt brough to emergency dept
where she reported feeling flushed, nausea, and headache. Given Zofran
4mg ODT and Tylenol 650 mg po. Pt d/c after 2 hours and advised to f/u
w/ PCP as needed.
929338 Anaphylaxis - started with metallic taste in mouth followed by tongue 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 33 F
swelling and chest heaviness
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
929435 metallic taste in the mouth; tingling sensation; This is a spontaneous 12/22/2020 12/26/2020 F
report from a contactable nurse. A female patient of an unspecified age
received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), lot number
and expiry date unknown, via an unspecified route of administration on
22Dec2020 at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history
included covid-19 from Jun2020 to an unknown date. The patient's
concomitant medications were not reported. The patient received covid
vaccine on 22Dec2020 and noticed around 4 days after (26Dec2020) had
a metallic taste in the mouth and tingling sensation (persists until now),
which according to her were similar to her symptoms when she had covid
back in June. She was wondering if she can get the second dose of the
vaccine which would probably be stronger. The outcome of the event was
not recovered. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
929916 Within a few minutes of the vaccine, patient felt face flushing, metallic 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 38 F
taste in mouth. Benadryl 25 mg po given without improvement in
symptoms. Benadryl 25 mg po repeated and patient taken to ED. Was
discharged home. Returned to ED about an hour later for chest pressure
which resolved prior to arrival. Given Prednisone 40 mg po in ED and
discharged home. Recommended no second dose of covid vaccine.
930036 After the vaccine, my arm went numb. I ended up having fatigue, fever, 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 52 F
and metallic taste in my mouth. My bones hurt, and my neck hurt really
bad. that lasted for three days. I developed chills and a fever, I felt really
sick. I had a COVID test and was positive.
930344 10:51 metallic taste in mouth 10:58 tongue numbness, not able to feel 01/08/2020 01/08/2020 27 F
tongue and on roof of mouth 11:08 hr 100-113 resp 20 bp 124/72 11:10
progressibly more difficulty when swallowing, lungs cta, individual was
anxious 11:12 transferred to ED via wheelchair
930374 Metallic taste in mouth after injection. Then 45 minutes later, had rapid 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 49 F
heart rate and itching over the injection side. Later that night had itching
throughout body. She has since had a HA.
930545 Arm and facial swelling, metallic taste in mouth, dizzy and lightheaded 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 42 F
within a few minutes after vaccine. Benadryl 50mg IM given then taken to
the ED for further evaluation and treatment
930591 Metallic taste in mouth and dry mouth that has persisted 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 34 F
930708 Numbness and paresthesia around the lips and chin area. Metallic taste 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 55 F
in mouth. Tip of Tongue feels as though I had something that was
scolding hot, a mild sensation. It First happened a half hour after having
the Moderna Vaccine Starting at 12:00 pm today 1/8/2021. Subsided
approximately about a hour or so lat. Returning back around 6:30 pm this
evening with mild numbness to my lips only and the same sensation to
the tip of my tongue. No swelling and still have taste.
931074 Tongue and lips have mild burning and metallic taste. Symptoms seemed 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 39 F
to increase from Wed- Friday. Benadryl taken Friday Feb 7 at 9pm.
Symptoms are slightly better but tongue continues to have metallic taste
and mild burning sensation. Face also has mild itching
931160 Within 5 min of injection: front 3rd top of tongue started getting numb 12/18/2020 12/24/2020 66 F
and I got a metallic taste in mouth. That dissipated fairly quickly. Mostly
gone within 30 min. Went home. Left side of Parotid started swelling - at
12/24/2020 in the morning. I didn't notice anything wrong until I tried to
eat breakfast. Very painful. Swelled up very large. Couldnt' eat much for
four days when I finally saw my dr (28th). and he gave a prescription: an
antibiotic and that started helping. When I salivated it would start to
swell. Pain was worse the first day and I massaged it alot to force saliva
out of the grand. Tried to eat for very bland and very little on one side of
mouth. Augmentin Amox-Clad 875 mg. was the antibiotic I was given and
that took about 24 hours to help.
931309 employee received the vaccine at 3:45 PM, and at 4:00 PM began feeling 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 41 F
a sensation in her mouth of having lots of saliva. Did not get nauseated.
Also experienced metallic taste in mouth. 5 minutes later felt dizzy, then 5
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
minutes later felt shaky BP was 159/93, HR 107 felt well enough to finish
out shift, and went home. Following day felt lethargic, but recovered from
that at home.
931408 started with metallic taste in mouth, progressed rapidly to clammy, light 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 61 F
headed, elevated BP and HR. All of these progressed within minutes
starting at 8:20 AM. Treated by drinking water, relaxation breathing, sitting
for a half hour. Left the facility at approx 9:15 AM, but stayed close as
requested and was told not to drive as still not feeling right, but better. As
the day progressed, developed chills, fatigue, nausea, some shortness of
breath, mild exacerbation of asthma- cough, then mild fever, runny nose,
severe pain left arm. Symptoms finally moderated to just fatigue and
body aches by the evening. Took 2 puff sof albuterol inhaler and 2 advil
in the afternoon. Woke the next day with left arm pain, fatigue and
continued to treat with advil through the day. Woke today, Jan 9 feeling
normal. I did decline suggestion of going to the ER or my PCP when BP
remained elevated at 11:30 AM on date of vaccination, chose to go home
to self monitor.
931473 1st event: Metallic taste in mouth; then felt like I had a 'fat lip' on left lower 01/02/2021 01/02/2021 41 F
lip; and left half of tongue- tip only- went numb Injected with 50mg of
Benadryl in my left upper thigh 2nd event: 4.5 to 5 hours later- Metallic
taste returned {Liken to cold house key metallic taste} in center of tongue-
width of 1-2 mm, taste lasted 30-45 seconds. Left side of lips went numb
(upper and lower) with lower again feeling swollen. Left upper part of
tongue again went numb. Took 25 mg tablet of Benadryl. Odd feeling in
tongue lasted for a few days after vaccine.
931585 Moderate metallic taste in the back of mouth No treatment needed. 01/02/2021 01/02/2021 75 F
Disappeared after about an hour.
931884 Metallic taste, palpitations, nausea, dizziness, flush Subsided after 30 min 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 56 F
headache 4 hours later Tylenol taken Next day painful injection site,
body aches chills fatigue Tylenol Advil taken with some relief
931917 Immediate metallic taste in my mouth, followed by itching of arms neck 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 64 F
and throat. About 10 minutes post shot, my tongue felt like it was
swelling, that swelling only lasted about 20 seconds. Shortly after that I
had an overall feeling of tiredness,lethargic and foggy brain. All of these
symptoms lasted about three and a half hours. At about four hours after
the shot, I began to have diarrhea.
932941 Day 1- Almost immediate response ( 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 53 F
933001 Arm Pain, Metallic taste, overnight chills 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 58 F
933057 Severe Headache, body aches, chills, fatigue, and metallic taste in mouth 01/09/2021 01/10/2021 39 F
933178 Immediately after injection, had headache, nausea, vomiting and metallic 01/08/2021 01/10/2021 43 F
taste in mouth. Given 50mg Benadryl with improvement. Nausea/
vomiting, metallic taste resolved after 24 hours. Headache and muscle
aches lasted 48 hours and improving.
933220 Flushing, lump in throat, body aches , fatigue, sore arm, increase BP , 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 44 F
increase heart rate after 10-20 mins post vaccine, then mild headache ,
nausea, metallic taste, dizziness for 3 days , then developed swollen
lymph nodes on left supra clavicular area , fever, chills , extreme fatigue
on day 4. Increase BP for a week, my BP runs low -my baseline.
933266 Anaphylactic reaction; Chest pressure; Rash (on neck,belly and arm); 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 F
Metallic taste in mouth; Hot flashes; Headaches; A spontaneous report
was received from a 49-year-old female nurse, who was also a patient,
who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine and experienced anaphylactic
reaction, chest pressure, rash (on neck, belly and arm), metallic taste in
mouth, hot flashes and headaches. The patient's medical history was not
provided. No relevant concomitant medications were reported. On 22
Dec 2020, at 7:00 pm, approximately 15 minutes prior to the onset of the
events, the patient received her first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273
intramuscularly, for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 22 Dec 2020,
approximately 15 minutes after the mRNA-1273 vaccination, the patient
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
experienced anaphylactic reaction, chest pressure, rash (on neck, belly
and arm), metallic taste in mouth, hot flashes and headaches. She was
taken immediately to the emergency room. Laboratory values included a
negative troponin level and low potassium at 3.3. All other laboratory
results were normal. Treatment included prednisone for five days,
diphenhydramine hydrochloride, famotidine and paracetamol. Action
taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not reported. The
outcome for the events, anaphylactic reaction, chest pressure, rash (on
neck, belly and arm), metallic taste in mouth, hot flashes and headaches
was not reported The causality assessment for the events, anaphylactic
reaction, chest pressure, rash (on neck, belly and arm), metallic taste in
mouth, hot flashes and headache was not reported.; Reporter's
Comments: This case concerns a 49-year-old, female patient who
received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Lot-# and
expiration date -unknown), reporting an unexpected event of anaphylactic
reaction, chest pressure, rash, metallic taste in mouth, hot flush and an
expected event of headache. The events occurred the same day, 15
minutes after vaccine administration. The reporter did not provide the
causality assessment for the events. Due to the temporal association
between the events and administration of the vaccine, a causal
relationship cannot be excluded, and the events are assessed as possibly
related to vaccine.
933558 Metallic Taste 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 29 F
933640 Metallic taste in mouth for 5 to six minutes after injection. Body aches 4 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 47 F
hours later, able to sleep after 2 Aleve.
933800 metallic taste in mouth for a few hours 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 53 F
934320 All symptoms occurred at the 12-24hr mark: metallic taste, chest 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 45 M
tightness, limb (needle like) itching, cold sweats, body ache/pain, chills,
nausea. All symptoms resided except for malaise after the 24hr mark.
Malaise current through today(11JAN21)
934360 Metallic taste to left side of mouth started at 4 pm on 1/8/2021 and 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 46 F
continued until 1/9/2021@ 3am after Loratadine 10 mg po at 4pm and
Allegra 180 mg at 9 pm. Left tongue numbness and tingling started at 4
pm on 1/8/2021 and continued until 1/9/2021 @ 3pm after Loratadine 10
mg po at 4 pm, Allegra 180 mg po @ 9 pm, and Benadryl 50 mg IM at 12
934372 At exact moment of injection, I had a metallic taste in my mouth. 12/28/2020 12/28/2020 40 F
Immediately following injection, I felt lip tingling and numbness. I visited
the ambulance on site, no treatment necessary per EMTs because I was
without rash or lip/tongue swelling.
934433 Metallic taste in mouth, tingly behind eyes, lightheaded, warm sensation 01/09/2021 01/09/2021 38 F
throughout chest for several hours, racing heart rate, sudden hot feeling,
extreme headache, extreme fatigue, brain fog, irritability, pain at injection
935084 Approximately 5 minutes after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 30 F
in my left deltoid, my mouth felt prickly and tasted metallic, my lips and
tongue turned red and slightly swollen, along with swelling in my throat.
After about 30 minutes the oral sensations improved, but my throat
tightness increased. With some difficulty I swallowed a 25 mg capsule of
diphenhydramine. Fifteen minutes after ingesting the capsule, the
esophageal swelling improved slightly. Over the next 18 hours I continued
taking 50 mg diphenhydramine every 4-6 hours. On 12/31/20 I no longer
experienced any oral/esophageal swelling or abnormal sensations.
However on 12/31/20 I developed severe pain and swelling at the
injection site, extending to the left shoulder, head and neck, along with
profound fatigue and full body myalgias and arthralgias, lasting through
1/3/21. I felt well January 4-6. However, on the evening of 1/6/21 I again
developed severe pain and swelling at the injection site, extending to the
left shoulder, head and neck, along with profound fatigue and full body
myalgias and arthralgias, persisting until 1/9/21. On 1/8/21 I additionally
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
experienced pruritis and erythema on my left deltoid, this resolved
spontaneously on 1/10/21.
935287 8JAN21- 1630 - 1730 - light headed, sporadically saw stars every 2 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 45 M
seconds, in wave pattern. 2000-2400- Did not sleep well. Felt dizzy, light
headed. Loud ringing in ears. Buzzing of head. 9JAN2021 -Cold sweat,
nauseous, prickly pin and needles come and go in hands, arms, legs, and
feet. Sharp 2 second knife pains in chest and sides come and go. Strong
metallic taste in mouth, even water taste metallic. slight numbness
feeling in arms and legs. Very fast heart beat when standing up (120).
Immediately drops (to 80) when I lay down. Very loud ringing in ears and
buzzing in head. Extreme weakness in muscles. Very fatigued.
10JAN2021 Feeling a little better. Still light headed and slight ringing in
ears and buzzing in head. 11JAN2021 Even better but still slight buzzing
in head. Very tired and fatigued. Injection site on arm was normally sore
(like flu shots). NO headache. NO fever.
935303 Since Wednesday 01/06/21, have had on and off unusual taste, almost 12/29/2020 01/06/2021 44 M
metallic taste in the mouth intermittently. Today, 01/22/21, lost my sense
of taste. Went to take the Rapid Covid test and was negative,
935351 Itchy/burning sensation on tongue, associated with an altered taste with 01/06/2021 01/11/2021 32 M
food and metallic taste in mouth. Symptoms began 12:00 pm 01/11, with
metallic taste onset at 15:15 01/11.
935665 01/11/21 12:00 pm sides of tongue begun to itch and feel numb. An 01/06/2021 01/11/2021 32 M
altered taste of lunch was noted (could still taste it but it was less
intense). Reminded me of an allergy symptom, took a Zyrtec to alleviate
symptoms (no change). Around 01/11/21 15:15 a metallic taste
developed, associated with a burning taste as well. No other symptoms.
Called Occupational Health Services, recommended to continue
monitoring for symptoms and fill out this form.
935889 recipient had a metallic taste in her mouth after vaccine administration, 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 42 F
states this had happen before with other vaccines.
935929 Within 20 min of administration my face began to become Hot. Shortly 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 49 F
after It felt as if I had gotten a CT contrast, where my whole body began to
feel warm, also a metallic taste in my throat. A few hours later I had a
horrible headache, with tightness in my chest and palpitations. My
muscles and joints ached, my hands became swollen and I was unable to
remove my ring. These symptoms continued for 24 hours. I also
experienced shortness of breath.I almost took myself to ER. They
eventually went away and I feel fine now
935939 Metallic taste in the back of throat between 15-20 minutes post 01/09/2021 01/09/2021 38 F
vaccination, noticeable swallowing and throat irritation at 20-25 minutes
post vaccination, tongue and lip numbness and throat tightness at 25-30
minutes, dry hacking cough at 30 minutes. Treated in the ED
approximately 1 hour post vaccination, at time of arrival in respiratory
distress with subcostal retractions, coughing, speaking 1-2 word
sentences, with tachycardia and tachypnea. Treated with IM epinephrine,
IV solumedrol and IV Benadryl and IV Benadryl with marked improvement
in symptoms.
936310 both ears felt hot; both ears felt hot, mildly itchy, slightly puffy, and bright 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 50 F
red in color; both ears felt hot, mildly itchy, slightly puffy, and bright red in
color; both ears felt hot, mildly itchy, slightly puffy, and bright red in color;
tongue & mouth felt slightly tingly with a metallic taste; tongue & mouth
felt slightly tingly with a metallic taste; tongue & mouth felt slightly tingly
with a metallic taste; felt tired most of the day; felt soreness at injection
site; joint pain; This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable nurse
(patient). A 50-year-old female patient received her first dose of
via an unspecified route of administration on left arm at 13:45 on
21Dec2020 at single dose for Covid-19 immunization. Medical history
included hypertension, central serous retinopathy, known allergies to
penicillin and Nickel. Concomitant medication included losartan,
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
hydrochlorothiazide, cetirizine hydrochloride (ZIRTEC) and multivitamin.
The patient previously took clindamycin, Septra and Keflex and
experienced drug allergy. Within 30 min on 21Dec2020 started at 02:30
PM, both ears felt hot, mildly itchy, slightly puffy, and bright red in color.
The patient's tongue and mouth felt slightly tingly with a metallic taste.
She felt tired most of the day. Next day felt soreness at injection site and
joint pain. Soreness at injection site lasted several more days. Events
resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit,
events were reported as non-serious. The patient received Benadryl 50
mg & additional dose of Zyrtec as treatment. Prior to vaccination, the
patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19; Since the vaccination, the
patient had not been tested for COVID-19. The outcome of events was
recovered on unknown date. No follow up attempts are possible. No
further information is expected.
937091 Patient reported she experienced a metallic taste, a tingling and slight 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 63 F
swelling sensation in tongue.
937114 Within approximately 20 minutes of receiving the vaccine, numbness and 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 42 F
tingling was felt in the face, burning of the eyes, and a metallic taste was
noticed in the mouth. However, all of these sensations went away on
their own within five minutes of onset, without any intervention.
937201 patient complained of metallic taste, body felt heavy, eventually subsided 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 48 F
937209 Around 2:30 PM on 1/10 I could not stay awake and slept for three hours. 01/10/2021 01/10/2021 53 F
The following day, 1/11 I had the following symptoms: swollen glands,
headache, nausea, fatigue, joint pain, a metallic taste in my mouth.
Symptoms are the same 1/12
937465 Patient got the Moderna vaccine on 12/26 have had a metallic taste in 12/26/2020 12/26/2020 50 F
her mouth since especially when drinking water. Initially had what felt like
dry mouth along with the metallic taste but that was resolved by the
evening on the 26th. Metallic taste has not resolved.
937466 Patient noticed immediate warmth traveling through arm and radiating up 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 40 F
neck and face. She also tasted a metallic sensation. After 15 minutes she
developed itching on her face and neck with hives developing. She felt a
sensation of a "band around her neck" and described a sensation of
something "sitting on the band". At 10:15 we called EMS, administered an
Epi Pen. EMS service administered Zofran for nausea that occurred when
she tried to sit up after lying flat. They also gave Benadryl. She was
transported the ER.
937537 Had metallic taste in throat, felt disoriented, pins and needles in feet, and 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 49 F
itching on arms
937611 Metallic taste within 5 min of injection Narrative: 01/02/2021 01/02/2021 51 M
937791 Metallic taste in mouth; cotton/dry mouth while trying to swallow; flush/ 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 53 F
tingling sensation throughout body but especially extremities. Occurred
within the 5-15 min observation period. I did not speak up about it as I
was trying to analyze it myself and rationalize the symptoms. It did not
cause tachycardia or SOB or intervention but it makes me a little hesitant
for the 2nd dose due to my shellfish allergy/sensitivity. The sensation
reminded me of the systemic response when receiving a contrast IV dye.
I did leave a message at the VAERS 800# to ask if I should submit this
form but did not want to delay any longer in case this information is
helpful with the feedback/data for others. I understand it is not a true
"adverse or sentinel" event but I wanted to report my reaction especially
with the shellfish allergy (which I wasn't aware of to be a risk factor until I
read more articles about it).
937815 The patient informed me right after she got the vaccine that she felt cold 01/09/2021 01/09/2021 37 F
and tingly like after anesthesia. She also reported a metallic taste in her
mouth. She was given water and observed for 30 minutes. I called and
left a message for her on 1-12 to see how she was doing.
938168 metallic taste in mouth and tingling in back of throat and tongue 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 34 M
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
938304 After 30 minute wait, c/o metallic taste in mouth, chest tightness, 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 31 F
dizziness, tingling lips and tongue feels "swollen / hairy". Benadryl 50mg
IM given and person taken to the Emergency Department for further
evaluation and treatment.
938416 1)strong metallic taste/taste disturbance 3-4 days 2)moderate frontal 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 61 F
headache 3 days 3)moderate fatigue 3 days 4)deltoid, triceps and biceps
myalgia left arm --2 days
938783 I had a metallic taste in my mouth and slight tingling of the tongue blade 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 31 F
with onset 10 mins following vaccination. This lasted about 3 hours.
939061 Metallic taste 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 39 M
939417 metallic taste in my mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 61 F
contactable nurse (patient). A 61-year-old female patient received first
injection; lot number: EL1284; expiration date: not known), via an
unspecified route of administration on right arm on 06Jan2021 07:15 at
single dose for covid-19 immunization, administered at hospital. Medical
history included pacemaker for bradycardia w/syncopal episodes; and
allergy to poppy seeds and pineapple. The patient is not pregnant at the
time of vaccination. Concomitant medications included rosuvastatin
calcium (CRESTOR), colecalciferol (VIT D3), and an unspecified
multivitamin (other medications received within two weeks of
vaccination). No other vaccines received within four weeks prior to covid
vaccine. The patient previously took morphine and experienced drug
allergy. The patient was not diagnosed with covid-19 prior to vaccination
and had not been tested with covid-19 since the vaccination. The patient
experienced metallic taste in her mouth approximately one minute after
receiving the vaccine on 06Jan2021 07:15; it lingered for about six hours
(13:15). The event was reported non-serious. The patient did not receive
treatment for this event. The outcome of the event was recovered on
06Jan2021 13:15.
939476 arm is sore; Fatigue; eyes are still heavy; a metallic taste in her mouth; 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 67 F
sleepy/eyes are still heavy/she is yawning a lot more; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 67-year-old
female patient received her first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL1284), via an unspecified route of
administration on 06Jan2021 at single dose in her left arm for covid-19
immunization. The patient had no medical history. There were no
concomitant medications. The patient had no investigation assessment.
It was reported that it had been 24 hours, she received her first bnt162b2
(reported as Pfizer COVID vaccine), yesterday (on 06Jan2021), and she
was wondering, her arm was sore on 07Jan2021, which she thought was
normal and fatigue on 06Jan2021, she got right away, she didn't know if
that was normal, but she got a metallic taste in her mouth on 06Jan2021.
It felt like a metallic taste when she swallows, a little metallic taste,
yesterday (on 06Jan2021) was more than today, it was after the vaccine,
about 7 hours after. She thought in her head, like the aluminum chewing
gum, when kids chew it, it had a metallic taste, like the (company name
withheld) wrapper she used to chew on it. Provides she was shrinking.
Provide she was wearing stretch pants when providing weight. She
Googled and didn't see the metallic taste, the only thing she saw with
metallic taste is if you have the actual virus, she didn't have it, she was
fine. Maybe it was all in her head. Arm was sore not right away, it built up,
like when you stretch like with the flu shot, she lifted and it's sore, and she
felt sleepy. It was like with the flu shot, it took a few days to go away. Last
night on 06Jan2021, she was very sleepy, she was kind of sleepy, but it
could be watching the Capitol and insanity, but she was yawning a lot
more, her eyes felt heavy, she was ok, she had an appetite and is fine, she
would drink (company name withheld) now. Thought she was peaking
with it, she would go to sleep early today (07Jan2021), her eyes were still
heavy, she wanted to close them and took a nap, but couldn't. It was like
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
her saliva has a metallic taste in her mouth, it may be in her head, she
googled to see side effects and when they start, it may be going soon,
who knows, she was just wondering. The taste was worse yesterday
(06Jan2021), and it wasn't IV or anything like that, the patient wanted to
know how can that be. She had to go back on the 27th for her second
dose. She had been tested and retested on an unspecified date, and it
was offered for those 65 and over, and she was lucky to get an
appointment. The outcome of the event metallic taste was recovering; the
events fatigue and eyes heavy was not recovered; the outcome of the rest
events was unknown.
940213 Patient reported arms tingling, itchiness, and started to experience rash 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 39 F
on bilateral arm. Patient reported tongue feeling like it has" metallic
taste". Patient denies SOB, dizziness, chest pain. Vital sign 142/92, HR 84
O2 98. Temp 37.8. Patient given Benadryl. Patient called provider office.
Providers office, PA recommended going to the hospital for evaluation.
Patient reported more tongues issues, and generalized feeling of tingling.
Called 911 for transport to hospital. EMS arrived and transported.
940679 Metallic taste in mouth for over 24 hours from time of injection. unable to 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 38 M
focus eyes for about an hour after injection
940881 Headache, Myalgia, UrticariaPruritus, NauseaVomiting, metallic taste, LN 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 34 M
941100 Notes Emergency Medicine Expand All Collapse All 1/13/2021 Date: 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 29 F
Subjective 29 y.o. female who was seen at COVID Vaccine Clinic today for
her first dose of the COVID 19 vaccination. She denied any history of
previous adverse reactions to vaccines. She was given the Moderna
vaccination in the left deltoid muscle. During her 15 minute waiting
period after the injection, the patient began to experience metallic taste
and then felt lightheadedness. She denied rash, hives, difficulty breathing,
difficulty swallowing, wheezing, throat tightness, itching, facial swelling
and lip swelling. This provider was notified of patient reaction and she
was then assessed in the emergency bay area. Monitored patient for
severe reaction symptoms and worsening of symptoms. 9:53 AM On
arrival to treatment room, patient is pale and diaphoretic. She states she
feels very lightheaded. She is able to answer questions, but is easily
wanting to fall asleep. She awakes easily to verbal stimuli, states she
feels very tired. Denies shortness of breath, throat swelling, difficulty
breathing, rash. Reports she ate cereal for breakfast. 10:05 AM Patient is
more alert and no longer diaphoretic. She is alert and states she is feeling
better. Will continue to monitor. 10:12 AM Patient is alert and texting on
her phone. Vital signs have improved. 10:19 AM Patient is alert and
oriented and continues to do well. She states she is feeling much better.
No diaphoresis noted. States she still has a little bit of a metallic taste in
her mouth, but otherwise denies any other symptoms. Vital signs
continue to improve. 10:36 AM Patient continues to do well. Is drinking
water and ate granola bar. Continues to feel well and reports metallic
taste in improving and denies any other symptoms. 10:58 AM Patient
continues to be alert and oriented. No longer pale and diaphoretic. States
she is feeling well and back to baseline. Denies any complaints. Vital
signs remain stable. She is able to ambulate with steady gait and denies
dizziness/lightheaded with ambulation. Denies chest pain, shortness of
breath, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing. 11:06 AM Patient's friend
here to drive her home. She is ambulatory to the car and continues to feel
well and denies symptoms. Discussed return precautions. Patient voiced
understanding and denies any questions. ALLERGY REVIEW OF
SYSTEMS: Patient denies facial swelling, puffy eyes, chest tightness,
shortness of breath, rash, hives, itching of skin and vomiting Metallic
taste in mouth: Diaphoresis : lightheaded: Previous Reactions: None
Objective Vitals Vitals: 01/13/21 1033 01/13/21 1042 01/13/21 1057
01/13/21 1104 BP: 129/87 128/77 122/78 132/72 Pulse: 63 66 58 58
SpO2: 100% 100% 100% 100% Blood Sugar 98 collected at 10:00 AM
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Physical Exam Vitals signs and nursing note reviewed. Constitutional:
Appearance: She is diaphoretic. HENT: Mouth/Throat: Pharynx:
Oropharynx is clear. Uvula midline. No pharyngeal swelling, oropharyngeal
exudate, posterior oropharyngeal erythema or uvula swelling.
Cardiovascular: Rate and Rhythm: Regular rhythm. Bradycardia present.
Heart sounds: Normal heart sounds. Pulmonary: Effort: Pulmonary
effort is normal. No tachypnea, bradypnea, accessory muscle usage or
respiratory distress. Breath sounds: Normal breath sounds. Skin:
Coloration: Skin is pale. Comments: Diaphoretic and pale Neurological:
Comments: Alert and able to answer questions, but wanting to fall asleep.
Easily awakes to verbal stimuli. Moving all extremities and following
commands. Assessment/Plan Treatment included: Given water to
drink and monitored. Follow up response to treatment: excellent. Patient
discharge: Stable to go home and follow up with PCP. Friend is going to
drive her home. Electronically Signed 1/13/2021 11:07 AM
941167 About 12 hours after vaccine, had swelling of lymph nodes in the neck, 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 43 U
groin, and underam, sore throat, cough and "subjective" fever (no
thermometer available with chills); 1/6- reported metallic taste in mouth,
then losing the sense of taste.
941687 Developed a metallic taste in mouth four days after injection. Symptom 01/04/2021 01/08/2021 29 F
was present for 48 hours before resolving for 24 hours, but then returned
again for at least 48 hours (symptom currently present). 50% improved
from yesterday.
941922 Headache ongoing Chills with no fever ongoing Pain at injection site 01/12/2021 01/13/2021 55 F
ongoing Metallic taste in mouth right after injection lasted 1 hour or so
941982 After 10 minutes after I received the vaccine a sharp pain shot up the left 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 59 F
side of my neck. Then it felt like bees stinging my left shoulder, upper
arm and upper back and a rash developed. Then I experienced my tongue
and throat get very dry with a metallic taste in my mouth. They brought
me to urgent care and gave me a couple of Benadryl and watched me for
any other reactions
942016 Extreme pain above and below injection site, sore to even have a tshirt on, 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 30 F
extreme headache for hours (ibuprofen did help take it away) and metallic
taste for hours ? I woke up and everything but the sore arm was gone
942083 Patient reports to clinic after receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine at today. 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 34 F
Patient states that she was given the vaccine at 0915 today and about 5
mins after started to have symptoms of a hot sensation from head to toe,
heart racing, ears burning, and chest tightness, no breathing difficulty.
Patient notified staff and was given O2 and allowed to drink her water.
Her symptoms did improve and she was sent to the waiting area again.
After about 10 mins her chest tightness came back. Patient states she
can feel her blood flowing, "kinda like when your limb is numb". Patient
also had symptoms of chills, body shakes, loss of smell, and a metallic
taste in mouth. Patient states that she was seen again by staff and laid
on a cot for 20 mins, and was then cleared to head back to work around
1000. Patient was seen in the clinic at 1157, and her symptoms since it
started have improved. Currently she has the following symptoms: can't
taste/smell, (L) arm is sore, H/A, with constant ache, localized to back of
neck up to behind the both eyes. Body feels worn out, everything feels
heavy, takes a few second to focus when she looks around "like there is a
delay". Patient was sent home to recover and to let medical staff know if
her symptoms return.
942095 10 minutes after 1st dose of moderna vaccine, employee began 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 31 F
experiencing palpitations. Examined by on-site physician. Denied chest
pain, dyspnea, throat tigetening, angioedema, dizziness, nausea/vomiting,
rash/hives. Employee did report warmth on roof of mouth without
metallic taste. No acute distress or angioedema noted as time passed.
Blood pressure (BP) 150s/100s, heart rate (HR) 120s, which dropped
down to 100, then 96 during examination. By 12:31 PM palpitations and
mouth warmth resolved. BP 125/86, HR 93. 12:45: BP 130/89, HR 80.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Hypertension, tachycardia, mouth warmth resolved. Employee was
observed for a full hour and was directed to continue to self-monitor.
Employee was directed to see PCP for worsening or recurrence of
942307 11 minutes after vaccine this employee developed a metallic taste in her 01/09/2021 01/09/2021 30 F
mouth, tachycardia and hives on her chest and neck. She reports her
heart rate normalized quickly. Before she went to bed, she felt her tongue
slightly swell and developed a scratchy throat. She reports the top portion
of her throat feeling swollen as well. Benadryl resolved the symptoms.
942407 Scratchy throat and metallic taste in mouth 10 min following injection 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 51 F
942491 On or about 09:40-09:45 I felt a heaviness on the left side of my tongue 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 59 F
and a general unwellness feeling, the heaviness persisted and then as
then somewhat of a continued presence that did not go away, later
followed by a metallic taste in my mouth. As I previously had a reaction
to the first H1N1 vaccine years ago, I notified the person administering
the vaccine before hand and also the nurse after the vaccine who was
making her rounds. I called her over to left her know I felt a little off/
different, and described what I was feeling. She escorted me to a private
area where I was further assessed and given Benadryl 25mg po x 2. The
feeling never left my tongue and reportedly there was notation of
questionable welts on the left side of my tongue. .I was able to speak
clearly and swallow. I was monitored and then discharged in the
company of two of my colleagues (one an ICU nurse who works with me,
and the other an ICU MD/anesthesiologist) who happened to be getting
their vaccinations at the same time. The tongue feeling did not leave me
until late the next day and my lips felt a little off that night of the vaccine
and the next day. I continued to take the Tylenol and allegra as well as
Benadryl. By Friday night(1/8) I was feeling better, enough to work the
weekend. Tylenol helped greatly for pain at injection site. Today (1/12)
I'm feeling not my best and tired like yesterday but I had a busy weekend
at work (RN in the COVID ICU), some malaise and achy (maybe my
fibromyalgia or the weather), minor headache and fatigued, had a minor
sore throat this am that has resolved, and Tylenol has resolved the
headache. Not sure if this needed to be included but I thought I'd mention
942642 throat tightening/Throat tightened up; metallic taste in her mouth; Turned 12/17/2020 12/17/2020 57 F
red; Nausea; Diarrhea; Was pretty weak; This is a spontaneous report
from a contactable nurse(patient). A 57-year-old female patient received
first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution
for injection, Batch/lot number: EH9899), via an unspecified route of
administration in the right arm on 17Dec2020 at single dose for covid-19
immunization; diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL) and
paracetamol (TYLENOL), both via an unspecified route of administration
from an unspecified date at unknown dose for an unspecified indication.
Medical history included high blood pressure from 2008 and ongoing.
Concomitant medication included amlodipine from 2017 and ongoing at
5 mg at night for high blood pressure, losartan from 2017 and ongoing at
12mg once in the morning for high blood pressure. Following her 1st
dose of the COVID vaccine on 17Dec2020, the patient had throat
tightening, metallic taste in her mouth. She was scheduled to have her
2nd dose today (07Jan2021) and would like to know what to do and if she
was still covered 80% from the 1st dose of her COVID vaccine shot. When
she got her first COVID shot 3 weeks ago she got a metallic taste in her
mouth and her throat tightened up a little. Throat tightening happened
right after she got the shot and lasted about less than 2 minutes. She
also turned red when she got it. Then about 14 hours later, on the same
day she got nausea, diarrhea, and was pretty weak. This lasted until about
20Dec2020 as well. She was supposed to get 2nd dose today
(07Jan2021). Before her first shot she had taken paracetamol and
hydrochloride prior. She also took both of those today (07Jan2021). But
then she was reading through the paperwork and it says that a severe
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
reaction includes tightening of the throat. She was not sure if what she
had was truly a reaction or not. She did not have other allergies. She had
many flu shots and never had any difficulty with those. She was a nurse,
she wanted the second dose, but she was concerned about the throat
tightening, and it getting worse with the second dose. She was unsure of
seriousness. She figured that she would get aches and pains. Everyone
else who got it said their arm hurt, but nothing else. She thought it was
weird. She was just wired differently she guesses. The action taken in
response to the events for paracetamol and hydrochloride was unknown.
The outcome of events throat tightening, turned red was recovered on
17Dec2020. The outcome of event metallic taste in her mouth, nausea,
diarrhea, and was pretty weak was recovered on 20Dec2020.
942757 sensed/tasted metallic; sensed/tasted metallic; This is a spontaneous 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 46 F
report from a contactable consumer, the patient. A 46-year-old female
patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA
VACCINE Lot EK9231) solution for injection in the left arm on 05Jan2021
at 16:15 (at the age of 46-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19
vaccination. The patient was not pregnant at the time of vaccination.
Medical history included hypertensive. Concomitant medications
included metoprolol; ascorbic acid/herbal nos/levoglutamide/lysine/
(AIRBORNE); and an unspecified diuretic. The patient had no known
allergies to medications, food, or other products. The patient did not
receive any other vaccine within 4 weeks prior to the vaccine. Prior to the
vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. On 05Jan2021
at 16:30, the patient experienced sensed/tasted metallic. The patient
stated, "Immediately after the vaccine was injected, I sensed/tasted
metallic. It has been four days since the injection and I still have the
metallic taste." No treatment was provided for the event sensed/tasted
metallic. The outcome of the event sensed/tasted metallic was not
recovered. Since the vaccination, the patient has not been tested for
942878 Metallic taste in mouth all times and tongue tingles all the time 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 47 F
943244 Patient/Employee stated about 15-20 minutes after vaccination, he got a 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 37 M
metallic taste in his mouth and his legs started having numbness with
tingling and this lasted until 8:00 pm that night.
943315 SM presents today for second dose of Pfizer vaccine at 0724 13 mins 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 49 F
post injection SM states she began feeling her throat was scratchy,
mouth tasted metallic and a flushed felling over her entire body. SM
attached to VS machine. Initial set of vitals were HR 77 bpm, spo2 100%
on RA, and left arm blood pressure 158/84.
943394 Body aches Headache Tired Metallic taste in mouth 01/13/2021 01/14/2021 29 F
943799 Headache upset stomach, metallic taste, loose stool Narrative: 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 39 F
944458 Metallic taste in mouth x 5-10 minutes after receiving vaccine, treated 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 39 F
with oral benadryl, tingling in lips and tongue, Solumedrol IM given and
transported via ambulance to ED. Lung sounds and vital signs within
normal throughout, no rashes.
944498 Patient reports generalized warmth throughout her body, w/a metallic 01/11/2021 01/12/2021 64 F
taste and a fever of 102, 24 hours post vaccination. She also reports
extreme fatigue. With the administration of (2) doses of Tylenol 500mg
the symptoms were relieved. Patient sought no medical treatment.
Patient advised to take Tylenol prior to second series of Moderna vaccine
944531 Metallic taste for about 1 1/2 hrs immediately following the injection. It 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 54 F
did go away.; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable other
healthcare professional. A 54-year-old female patient received first dose
EL1284), via an unspecified route of administration on her left arm on
31Dec2020 at 10:45 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The
patient's medical history was not reported. The patient was not pregnant
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
at the time of vaccination. The patient had allergies to medications, food
and other products; all unspecified. Prior to vaccination, the patient was
not diagnosed with COVID-19. No vaccines received within 4 weeks prior
to COVID vaccine. Concomitant medication included levothyroxine
sodium (SYNTHROID) which was received within 2 weeks of vaccination.
The patient experienced metallic taste for about 1 1/2 hrs (hours)
immediately following the injection on 31Dec2020 at 10:45. It did go
away. The patient did not receive treatment for the adverse event.
Outcome of the event was recovered on unspecified date.
944922 Started 5 minutes after injection with a bad salty metallic taste in mouth, 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 39 F
then wave of heat and lightheadedness. Sweaty and flushed, nauseated,
felt like I was going to faint, then tachycardia and shortness of breath.
Nurses told me this was a normal reaction, took my vital signs, and
watched for everything to return back to normal, and told me I could
report experience to VAERS. Most of it went away within 10 minutes of
onset. I still felt a little dizzy and lightheaded and weak for a couple of
hours, and had short spurts of tachycardia the rest of the evening.
944999 Patient received covid-19 vaccine @ 1217 per site. Came to EH approx. at 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 53 F
1230pm. States she was lightheaded 1st, then headache, feels like
someone is pressing down on head and neck- temples and note- feels like
a band around head. Pain is 2/10, progessed to 6/10. States muscles are
starting to get sore around trapezius region. Stated she had feeling of
euphoria initially, BP 128/76, HR 66, 98% RA. Nausea, but no emesis.
Metallic taste to mouth- pins and needles when drinking water.
945015 Pt voiced metallic taste in mouth and lips tingling. Voiced initial 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 58 F
compliant @ 1350. Left observation @ 1415, denies any s/s of distress
not trouble w/ SOB or breathing.
945121 Voiced metallic taste/nausea. Inintal compliant began @ 1340. Left 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 44 F
observation @ 1400. Denies any other s/s of distress. No SOB/Trouble
breathing as well.
945227 Almost immediately after the injection, I noticed a metallic taste. It was 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 62 F
mild enough that it did not interfere with the taste of foods or drinks. It
was noticeable whenever I had not had anything by mouth for a while.
This lasted for 2 to 3, maybe 4, days. Soreness at the injection site, and
stiffness of the arm, began the evening after the injection. Warming
applications and moving the arm relieved these symptoms. They were
gone the next day.
945251 Tenderness and burning sensation on tongue. Metallic taste 12/26/2020 12/27/2020 52 F
945372 Tongue started tingling at 9 minutes, then sensation moved to throat, 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 47 F
wheezing and tongue swelling Benadryl, inhaler, epi pen, steroids
Approximately at 12 hours later developed painful blisters with black
dots, tongue white, and painful. Food tastes differently metallically
945450 Ten minutes after the vaccine was administered, I began to taste it in the 01/01/2021 01/13/2021 68 F
back of my mouth, a metallic-type taste and felt tingling around my
mouth. I had been sitting in the post-vaccine observation area during this
time looking at my telephone. I approached the nurse's desk and reported
what I was experiencing and was taken to another room where I was put
in a wheelchair and vital signs were taken. By now I think I became very
anxious and fearful and my heart felt like it was pounding at 104. My BP
went to 188/79 which is high for me and I felt SOB. I truly think the VS
symptoms were related to anxiety, but I continued to have the taste in my
mouth and my tongue felt like sandpaper. I was given 50 mg BENADRYL
and observed for 30 minutes. After that amount of time, I felt better and
safe to leave the hospital. Today, 1/14/2021, I have felt excessive
tiredness and mentally dazed with diarrhea. No temperature, slight
nausea this morning, and no vomiting. My left arm is only moderately
sore. Now, at 7:30 pm I am feeling better and feel that I can work
tomorrow. Honestly do not know if it was an adverse reaction or
excessive anxiety. I do not have anxiety disorder.
946633 62 y.o. female who was seen at COVID Vaccine Clinic today for her first 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 62 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
dose of the COVID 19 vaccination. She denied any history of previous
adverse reactions to vaccines. She was given the Pfizer vaccination in
the left deltoid muscle. During her 15 minute waiting period after the
injection, the patient began to experience funny taste in her mouth
(somewhat metallic like). She denied rash, hives, welts, difficulty
breathing, difficulty swallowing, wheezing, throat tightness, hoarseness,
stridor, itching, lightheadedness, dizziness, facial swelling, lip swelling
and tongue swelling. This provider was notified of patient reaction and
she was then assessed in the emergency bay area. Monitored patient for
severe reaction symptoms, including but not limited to abdominal pain,
blood pressure abnormality , chest pain, collapse, drooling, hypotension,
increased swelling, rapid progression of symptoms, respiratory distress,
skin changes, tongue swelling and vomiting. ALLERGY REVIEW OF
SYSTEMS Previous Reactions: This is patient's first vaccine (Pfizer).
Does report previous reaction to influenza vaccine many years ago, states
it caused her to get really sick. Objective Vitals Vitals: 01/15/21
0932 BP: (!) 145/83 Pulse: 76 SpO2: 98% Physical Exam Constitutional:
General: She is not in acute distress. Appearance: Normal appearance.
She is not ill-appearing or diaphoretic. Cardiovascular: Rate and
Rhythm: Normal rate. Pulmonary: Effort: Pulmonary effort is normal.
No respiratory distress. Neurological: Mental Status: She is alert.
Assessment/Plan Treatment included: antihistamines. Follow up
response to treatment: good. Patient discharge: Stable to go home and
follow up with PCP. Patient doing well upon discharge. Reports some
improvement in change in taste prior to discharge/leaving. She was
escorted out via wheelchair only due to reports of difficulty ambulating
long distances due to being disabled but is otherwise at baseline.
946923 Neck ache fatigue metallic taste in mouth 01/14/2021 01/15/2021 58 F
946945 I developed injection site pain and a metallic taste in my mouth after 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 47 F
receiving my first dose of Moderna vaccine.
947559 had a metallic taste; turned to swollen tongue; hives around chest and 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 33 F
neck; difficult to breathe; tachycardia; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable other HCP (Patient). A 33-year-old non-pregnant female
received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE,
lot number=EL 3248), via an unspecified route of administration at right
arm on 07Jan2021 16:15 at single dose for covid-19 immunization.
Vaccine was administered at hospital. Known allergies included
cyclobenzaprine and dairy latex. Concomitant medication included
amfetamine aspartate, amfetamine sulfate, dexamfetamine saccharate,
dexamfetamine sulfate (ADDERALL) 10 mg, gabapentin 300 mg,
venlafaxine 150 mg. No other vaccine in four weeks. Three minutes after
vaccination the patient had a metallic taste, turned to swollen tongue,
hives around chest and neck, difficult to breathe, and tachycardia on
07Jan2021 16:18. The events resulted in Emergency room/department or
urgent care. Treatment received included Epinephrine,
methylprednisolone sodium succinate (SOLU-ME dork) and famotidine
(PEPCID) also diphenhydramine HCl (BENADRYL). The outcome of the
events was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal
association, a possible contributory role of suspect BNT162B2 cannot be
excluded for events metallic taste, swollen tongue, hives, difficulty
breathing and tachycardia. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk
profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for
safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for
adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as
well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to
Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as
947665 metal taste in mouth 30 min after injection received, itching sensation on 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 45 F
left arm 1 hour after injection received. Pt. evaluated by their in house
medical team who administered a Benadryl injection to the right arm,
unknown dosage. The pt. told me the nurse on staff measured her SPO2
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
at 86% and wanted to call 911 for transport to the ER. Pt. reports she
refused and left work to come to the urgent care clinic where I evaluated
her. She is concerned that she could be having a panic attack vs. allergic
reaction. Her itching arm and metallic taste has resolved but she feels
chest pains on the left side of her chest and her left arm feels heavy.
947934 fever; chills; malaise; body aches; Metallic taste in mouth; cotton mouth; 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 53 F
flush/tingly sensation in extremities (like when receiving IV contrast dye)
after receiving vaccine for about an hour after; flush/tingly sensation in
extremities (like when receiving IV contrast dye) after receiving vaccine
for about an hour after; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
Nurse, the patient. This 53-year-old female patient received BNT162B2
(Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine) (dose #1), via an unspecified
route of administration in the right arm on 07Jan2021 at 14:30 (at the age
of 53-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 vaccination. Medical
history included food allergy (shellfish) from an unknown date and
unknown if ongoing, drug hypersensitivity (sulfa) from an unknown date
and unknown if ongoing, migraine headaches from an unknown date and
unknown if ongoing and contrast media allergy (lodine dye) from an
unknown date and unknown if ongoing. Concomitant medication included
propranolol (PROPRANOLOL), vitamin d3 (VITAMIN D3) and ascorbic
acid, zinc (VITAMIN C + ZINC). The patient previously took avelox and
experienced drug hypersensitivity. Prior to the vaccination, the patient
was not diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient did not receive any other
vaccines within four weeks prior to the vaccination. The patient was not
pregnant at the time of vaccination. On 07Jan2021 at 14:30, the patient
experienced metallic taste in mouth, cotton mouth and flush/tingly
sensation in extremities (like when receiving IV contrast dye) after
receiving vaccine for about an hour after. She did not tell anyone, just
tried to work through it. The patient thought it was strange. She has a
shellfish allergy/sensitivity, not sure if it was related. On 08Jan2021
(reported as the following day after vaccination), the patient experienced
low grade fever, chills, malaise and body aches. Therapeutic measures
taken included Advil and Tylenol. The clinical outcome of metallic taste in
mouth, cotton mouth, flush/tingly sensation in extremities, low grade
fever, chills, malaise and body aches was resolved on an unspecified date
in Jan2021. It was also reported that since the vaccination, the patient
had not been tested for COVID-19. The lot number for the vaccine,
BNT162B2, was not provided and will be requested during follow up.
948117 Tingling in the back of the throat, dry feeling, metallic taste in mouth. No 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 47 M
lightheadedness, pain in chest or difficulty breathing.
948160 Patient received the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, lot # 041L20A, exp 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 39 F
07/03.2021, then proceeded to the observation area. According to the
observers, after roughly eight minutes in the observation area, the
caregiver started reporting "throat tightness, chest heaviness and a
metallic taste in her mouth." Rapid response was called to the scene.
Patient's BP was 110/70. No tachycardia with palpation or tachypnea
with observation. Patient was not diaphoretic. Patient then reported a
dull HA. Patient declined transfer to the ED, stating that she felt much
better. Patient remained in the observation area for a full hour, then
walked herself out to meet her husband at the car.
948187 Right after vaccination, patient reported having a metallic taste in her 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 58 F
mouth, tingling of her tongue and tingling in her hands. Spoke to patient
the following day on 1-15-21. She reported having a rough night sleep
with joint pain, headache, nausea and a sore arm. Patient reports that the
metallic taste throughout her mouth is dissipating now. The tingling of
both tongue and hands started to go away after 24 hours.
948277 Left arm sore, instantly nauseous for 2 hours, metallic taste in mouth for 01/04/2021 01/06/2021 54 F
2 hours. Fasting glucose was 89 in the morning. by 1400 hours my
glucose was 250. By bed time it was 300. I did not eat dinner and
adjusted my insulin and took an extra 500mg metformin. I had chills
and fever through the night and all the next day. Fever 99 to 101. Tylenol
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
and showers used to control fever. I was very sleepy all that day. I was
sleepy with the first shot also. I woke up on Jan. 6, 2021 with a
hemorrhage in my right eye. I called the retinol specialist and was given a
shot of Eylea in my right eye Jan. 7, 2021., He asked that I report this
advers reaction.
948324 LR stayed for 30 minutes for observation post vaccination and reported 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 56 F
no adverse side effects. Today, 1-15-21, LR called to report that once she
got to her car, she began to have a metallic taste in her mouth that was
localized in the back only. She also had some minor tingling of the left
side of her face. She sat in her car for an additional 10 minutes. The
metallic taste only lasted about 15 minutes and the tingling sensation
only lasted a minute or two.
948336 Pain in left arm. Joint pain, I immediately had nausea and a metallic 01/04/2021 01/06/2021 54 F
taste in my mouth for 2 hours. Mysugar climbed to 250 by dinner time.
By bed tme my sugar was 300. I did not eat dinner. I had no appectite. I
increased my insulin and metformin dose. I had chills and fevery thru the
night and the next day. High fever 101. I treated this with tylenol and
showers. I was really sleepy all day. I had little to eat and still my sugar
was 300 most of the day. on Jan 6. I woke up and had a hemmorrhage in
my right eye. I called my retinol specialist and and received an injection
of Eylea on Jan 7, 2021
948345 20 minutes after injection and after leaving the clinic, she developed a 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 57 F
metallic taste in her mouth, feeling of thick tongue, tingling from the neck
to the top of her head. Took 25 mg Benadryl while in her car. No swelling
and no respiratory distress. After 30 minutes, she didn't feel worse so
she drove home (50 minute drive). Her symptoms resolved around 9pm
(about 1 hour, 20 minutes after taking Benadryl).
949538 Stumbled, had a controlled fall to the ground, NO LOC, no change in LOC 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 51 F
had metallic taste in mouth and pain in abdomen vitals were stable,
improved on O2. transported to local er via EMS
949871 Severe chills Fever 102.8 Body aches Fatigue Headache Metallic taste 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 36 F
for days
949993 immediate metallic taste in mouth accompanied by tachycardia to 120 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 61 F
(usu pulse is 65) followed by unusual feeling in mouth, not itchy, but
tingly-type sensation. lasted about 1 1/2 hours, same reaction
happened with both first and second doses, the second time was a little
more intense and longer lasting.
950215 1. Metallic taste immediately after receiving shot. 2. Large red welt 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 54 F
about 1/2 inch beneath injection site noticed it within an hour; itchy and
grew to about the 1 1/2" in diameter. By day three post injection, it has
diminished by 90%. 3. Approximately 20 minutes after injection, face and
lips became numb predominantly on the right side. Similar feeling to
when one receives novocaine. Could not see any visible swelling. This
peaked about 1 hour after shot and was gone about 4-5 hours after shot.
950252 Received the COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination at 8:40pm at a 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 40 F
stadium location. Around 8:57, I had a metallic taste in my mouth and the
left side of my tongue went numb. A little later the left side of my face
felt weird and the inside of my ear felt numb. It wasn't tingling, but it felt
like I had a Novacaine shot (like when you get a filling at the dentist). My
neck got stiff and I was really tired. The symptoms lasted about 4 hours.
When I woke up this morning the left side of my face and jaw still do not
feel 100%. My left eye is watery. I'm very tired.
950267 Metallic taste in her mouth, swollen lips and cheeks, slight difficulty 12/23/2020 45 F
breathing, thought to be d/t anxiety Narrative: Employee reported
anaphylactic reaction to previous vaccination but apparently denied this
in ED. Has allergy to penicillin, receives weekly iron infusions. Given
Benadryl and sent home in stable condition.
950281 Patient complained a "metallic" taste soon after receiving he vaccine. 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 54 M
Symptoms resolved within 30 minutes. No other symptoms or side
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
effects reported. Patient complained a "metallic" taste soon after
receiving he vaccine. Symptoms resolved within 30 minutes. No other
symptoms or side effects reported.
950393 Swelling of the tongue, Tingling sensation in roof of mouth, Unusual 01/16/2021 01/16/2021 70 F
metallic taste in mouth
950587 Metallic taste in mouth 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 41 F
950611 After vaccination on 1.8.21 felt fatigue, metallic taste, and intermittent 01/08/2021 01/15/2021 47 F
tingling. on 1.15.21 at approximately 8 am developed occipital headache
(4/10 pain) inability to move right upper or lower extremities and slurred
speech. No evidence of intracranial hemorrhage on CT. Patient
administered Alteplase and transferred to higher level of care
950957 Shortly after receiving the vaccine my tongue started to swell and almost 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 31 F
felt hairy. My chest became tight, I had a metallic taste in my mouth, I was
light headed and dizzy. The next two days after I was extremely lethargic.
I could bravely stay awake for more that 20 minutes at a time for the first
two days. I was also extremely hungry but still had the metallic taste in
my mouth. Until day 3 I would still feel like my tongue felt hairy when the
benedryl would wear off.On day 3 I became nauseous and broke out in
hives on my hands and neck. I did not fully feel like I had my energy back
and was like ?myself? until 4 days after receiving the vaccine
951201 Dull Headache lasting 1 hour 30 minutes Strange taste in mouth - not 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 79 M
metallic - lasting 2-3 hours
951369 A metallic taste when through my mouth & got my mouth dry as soon as 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 48 F
they where putting the vaccination. Then I got a really bad headache &
very nauseas within 5 min of getting the vaccine. I had pain on the
vaccine area. I also felt very tired very exhausted about 4 or 5hrs later. I
started getting chills & achiness started the next day on 12/24/2020. On
12/25/2020 I felt nauseas, still had the chills, headaches, still felt fatigue,
achiness, sore throat & also had diarrhea. I had all this symptoms all the
way till 12/29/2020. Seen doctor on 12/28/2020 and they decided I
should get tested for Covid.
951432 Metallic taste in mouth that started about five minutes post vaccination; 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 32 F
persisted for about two hours post vaccination. Facial and hand swelling
started two hours post vaccination, persisted for 24 hours after; itchy
throat started at two hours after, persisted for about eight hours after
vaccination. 18 hours post vaccination, severe headache and moderate
nausea set in, both lasted for another 18 hours (36 hours post
vaccination). Mild myalgias and nausea at 48 hours pat vaccination.
951689 29yo female patient reports feeling her throat tingling and closing 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 29 F
sensation in her throat with a metallic taste and diaphoretic
approximately 3 minutes after receiving vaccine. She did not report these
sensations until about 15min after injection. EMS assist was
immediately called and pt was brought into one of the patient rooms.
She was given Epipen injection approx. 20min after injection and EMS
arrived to transport patient down to ER within 1-2 minutes after Epipen
administered. Patient was monitored in ER and recovered well
952089 Patient reports scratchy throat, metallic taste in mouth, "weird" feeling on 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 50 F
tongue, "rash" on tongue, denies tongue swelling, denies throat swelling.
Benadryl 50mg PO given. Patient states symptoms did not worsen after
Benadryl given. Patient reports scratchy throat, metallic taste in mouth,
"weird" feeling on tongue, "rash" on tongue, denies tongue swelling, denies
throat swelling. O2 saturation 99%. Benadryl 50mg PO given. Patient
states "feeling better" and symptoms did not worsen after Benadryl given.
952366 About 25 minutes after my vaccine was administered, the left side of my 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 40 F
face went numb. My left fingers were tingling and I had a hive-like rash on
my neck and left side of my face. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth.
This occurred in my drive home. Upon returning home around 20 minutes
post reaction, I took 1 Benadryl and started feeling improvement about 30
minutes after I took the Benadryl. I didn?t feel 100% normal until the next
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
952538 Within minutes of receiving the injection, I developed a metallic taste in 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 37 F
my mouth. I also felt a bit light-headed and woozy. I informed the staff at
the site that I felt this way and they asked me to remain for additional
monitoring. Over the next 15 minutes, my tongue began to swell. 15
minutes later my jaw began to stiffen and I had difficulty swallowing.
After another 15 minutes the staff asked the EMS personnel to screen me
and check my vitals. All were normal. After another 30 minutes of
monitoring by EMS the symptoms began to subside and I went home. At
home, I began to feel weak and went to bed. My body began to ache and I
took ibuprofen to ease the pain. Within 15 hours of receiving the dose, I
had a 100.9-degree fever and chills. The fever lasted the next day. I could
not get out of bed for the next day. When I tried to sit up and watch TV I
had back pain so severe it left me in tears. I went back to bed and stayed
there until the following morning. All told, I could not get out of bed for 36
952673 After the vaccination I left after my 15 minute observation and noticed 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 49 F
that my lips and the tip of my tongue was numb. As the day progressed
the numbness spread out to my cheeks and to the tip of my nose. The
next day the numbness was still there, but was going away except for the
tip of my tongue. As of today I still have the feeling (as if I burned my
tongue and a metallic taste). Food does not taste as good as before.
952824 On Saturday 1/16/21 at approximately 4:15 pm my husband and I 01/16/2021 01/16/2021 64 F
received the Moderna vaccine, lot number 041L20A . We waited the
required 15 minutes to see if we had any reaction, we did not. After
checking out we drove directly home. At approximately 5:10 pm, while
driving to our home, about 45 minutes after receiving the injection, we
both noticed that we were having difficulty swallowing and felt a swelling
in the back of our throats. My husband experienced a metallic taste. The
feeling of the swelling in our throats was similar to when a dentist uses a
topical numbing gel prior to a dental procedure. The difficulty swallowing
and the thickness in our throats lasted about 30 - 45 minutes. We
monitored ourselves at home and did not feel that we needed medical
attention. Because of my angioedema I had 2 Epipens at the ready. We
both experienced soreness at the injection site (left arm), my husband's
sorer than mine. The swollen throat and difficulty swallowing is the only
reaction I had. My husband woke on Sunday morning and his arm was
very sore, more so than what he has experienced with a flu shot. At
approximately 12:15 pm on Sunday, 1/17/21, and about 21 hours after
the vaccine was administered, my husband began to feel achy, like he
was getting a cold. He took a nap and upon waking did not feel any better.
His temperature was 97.6. He felt lethargic the rest of the day and went to
bed early and sleep ok but woke up not feeling any better. I used a finger
pulse oximeter and it registered 94/94. His temperature remains normal. I
am registering these reactions after reading about the adverse and severe
reactions of persons at who received the same Moderna lot 041L201 as
we did.
953889 Between 30-45 minutes after receiving the vaccine I noticed jaw muscle 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 27 F
tension, and then for about 10 minutes numbness in the left side of my
face, making it hard to form words and having an uneven smile. At about
the same time I noticed a strong metallic taste in my mouth that lasted
for the rest of the day, and a subtle metallic taste in my mouth has been
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
953964 About 10 minutes after the shot, my chest felt very hot and spread to both 01/18/2021 01/18/2021 41 F
my left and right arm down to my elbows. Simultaneously, I experienced a
weird taste in my mouth that was not metallic. My heart rate increased. I
sought help immediately. My chest was a bit painful. That subsided a bit
and then both arms felt tingly from my elbows to my wrists. That
subsided and came back, milder each time. This lasted for about 50
minutes before I was allowed to leave and go home. I am typing this 7
hours later and my tongue feels a bit swollen (not unusual based on my
food allergies and am not concerned to go to the hospital), and my chest
still hurts a bit. I am wondering if it's anxiety at this point. My breathing
and speaking have been totally fine. I got home with no trouble. I rested
for several hours just to make sure I did not overexert myself.
954090 Within 1 minute I started feeling a rush in my throat and a metallic taste, 01/02/2021 01/02/2021 75 F
then a tingling in both arms. That subsided for a minute or two, then
started again with a flush feeling down my body. Nurse took blood
pressure 140/80. Breathing fine. Heart rate fine. Flush feeling started
again, and blood pressure dropped to100/70. I was then given 50 mg of
Benadryl and an ambulance was called. My blood pressure stabilized but
I was very shaky. It was recommended that I go to the hospital for
observation for a couple of hours, which I did. I only had the flush feeling
once at the hospital. I was released after two hours.
954094 instant metallic taste in mouth, heaviness in chest, and fast HR. Taken to 01/18/2021 01/18/2021 49 M
ED for further evaluation.
954115 Vaccination was on Wednesday: about a half hour after vaccine, I 01/13/2021 01/15/2021 27 F
experiences increased heart rate, vision going black like I was going to
pass out, it passed in about 5-10minutes of laying down; also had
metallic taste in mouth the rest of that day. Thursday I just felt red, itchy,
swollen L arm due to vaccination site. Friday morning my bottom lip was
severely swollen with numbness and tingling. It went down by the next
day and after taking Benadryl. I have not had an allergic reaction to
anything in my life before. Was instructed to not get second vaccine as I
may have a more increased reaction to it.
954138 Dizziness, Headache, SkinRash, NauseaVomiting, palpitations, metallic 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 32 F
taste instantly after injection Narrative: When injection, the patient
immediately tasted a metallic taste, tingling down left arm, headache,
flushing, nauseated, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, chest pain-
described as palpitations.
954220 -On 1/11/21 at 930AM los angeles time, I received the COVID19 Moderna 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 33 M
vaccine. At about 1030AM I had a very bad headache and was extremely
nauseous for about 3 hours and felt like vomiting but did not vomit. This
went away at about 1230pm and I felt my tongue get cold and a metallic
taste which went away within the hour of onset. The nausea, headache,
and metallic taste was gone at about 1-2pm on 1/11/21. I had a sore left
arm on the injection site, which is to be expected and went away within 3
days. On 1/18/21 around 1pm, my arm started to feel itchy at the exact
site of the injection from 1/11/21, and there is now (1/18/21) a red rash
like appearance on that left arm where the Moderna covid vaccine was
injected. Possible delayed local allergic reaction.
954318 she had a metallic taste in her mouth; she couldn't taste anything half an 12/22/2020 01/15/2021 F
hour after receiving the first dose; fatigue that made her fall asleep for 4-5
hours; tingling sensation in the top of her head/ tingling sensation on her
right arm right after the shot; nausea; numb sensation on her right arm;
sore sensation so bad she could not lift her arm; sore sensation so bad
she could not lift her arm; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable consumer, the patient. A female patient of an unspecified
age received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
mRNA VACCINE; Lot Number: UNKNOWN), via an unspecified route of
administration on 22Dec2020 as a single dose for COVID-19
immunization. Medical history included two strokes. The patient's
concomitant medications were not reported. On an unknown date, the
patient experienced a metallic taste in her mouth, she couldn't taste
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
anything half an hour after receiving the first dose, fatigue that made her
fall asleep for 4-5 hours, tingling sensation in the top of her head/ tingling
sensation on her right arm right after the shot, nausea, numb sensation
on her right arm, and sore sensation so bad she could not lift her arm.
The clinical outcomes of metallic taste in her mouth, couldn't taste
anything, fatigue, tingling sensation, nausea, numb sensation on her right
arm, and sore sensation so bad she could not lift her arm, were unknown.
The lot number for the vaccine, BNT162B2, was not provided and will be
requested during follow up.
954359 tingling on tongue tip; Metallic taste in the mouth; This is a spontaneous 01/09/2021 01/09/2021 49 M
report from a contactable consumer. A 49-year-old male patient received
his second dose of bnt162b2 (BNT162B2 reported as PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on
09Jan2021 (date lot number: EK9231; expiration date: unknown) at a
single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient medical history was
not reported. The patient has no known allergies. There were no
concomitant medications. The patient received his first dose of
(BNT162B2 reported as PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an
unspecified route of administration on 12Dec2020 13:45 (lot number:
EH9899; expiration date: unknown) at a single dose for covid-19
vaccination. The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to
vaccination. The patient experienced tingling on tongue tip and metallic
taste in the mouth on 09Jan2021 09:45 AM. The patient did not received
treatment for the adverse event. The patient was tested for COVID-19
post vaccination (saliva) which was negative on 04Jan2021. The
outcome of the events was unknown.
954365 tip of tongue numb; Metallic taste; lower left lip felt swollen; This is a 01/02/2021 01/02/2021 41 F
spontaneous report from a contactable other health care professional
(patient). A 41-year-old female patient started to receive BNT162B2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number EL1284 and
expiration date not provided), via an unspecified route of administration
(Right arm) first dose on 02Jan2021 10:30 at single dose for COVID-19
immunisation. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. On 02Jan2021, the patient experienced
metallic taste, lower left lip felt swollen, and tip of tongue numb. The
patient was treated with Injection 50 mg Benadryl L thigh. The outcome
of the events was recovered in Jan2021. Facility where the most recent
COVID-19 vaccine was administered in Workplace clinic. The patient did
not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine.
Since the vaccination, the patient did not tested for COVID-19.
954637 Metallic taste; Tired; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer- 01/18/2021 U
sponsored program. A contactable consumer (patient) reported that a
patient of unspecified age and gender received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of
administration on an unspecified date at a single dose for COVID-19
immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient had the vaccine and then 30
minutes after there is a metallic taste in patient's mouth, noticed that
patient had a metallic taste in mouth and was just calling to see is this a
normal reaction to the vaccine because patient didn't see it anywhere in
the paperwork. Patient wanted to know if that is the normal side effect
because it was not listed. Patient was also tired. The outcome of the
events was unknown. Information on the lot/batch number has been
954765 On 12-24-2020 I started to have a metallic taste in my mouth and at 12/24/2020 12/24/2020 60 F
2:35pm I experienced rapid heart beat with chest tightness. On the next
day I felt two places in body begin with hives and it grew with itchiness
till the third day. I had under-skin itchiness which grew into hives. I did a
telemedicine consult with a doctor who started me on Benadryl, for me to
take it 3 times a day for Monday and Tuesday after Christmas
(12-28-2020 and 12-29-2020).
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
954853 1/12: Immediately after receiving vaccine felt pressure and flushing in 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 46 F
face which progressed to sensation of tightness in chest and throat but
no dyspnea, able to talk, no change in MS. Evaluated by PA - Code Green
called. VS stable, transferred to ICU> In ICU labs completed, monitoring
continued - all stable. Ate sandwich without difficulty or N/V. discharged
to home 1/13: Had continued sensation of numbness and tingling in
tongue that night and metallic taste in mouth with fatigue and headache.
Aprox 11am 1/13 developed racing heart , increased numbness and
tingling in tongue and metallic taste in mouth. Called 911 - transferred to
different hospital. Evaluation including EKG completed without finding.
Symptoms gradually resolved - discharged how with instruction to f/u
with PCP. 1/14 - Home/stable, mild change in sensation in mouth and
tongue persist otherwise tolerating all activity, working from home
without difficulty.
955015 Metallic taste and metallic cold feeling on tongue, intermittent. It was all 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 33 F
the time the first two days, then it started to come and go, and has
subsided over time to only be once or twice a day for roughly 15 minutes
at a time.
955495 ?Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA - approximately 45 minutes after taking 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 60 F
vaccine had a metallic taste in my mouth and a headache located at
lower back of head/upper neck area. Also, blood pressure was taken with
reading of 161/121 and within a couple of minutes BP was down to
104/74. Taste and headache lasted about 20 minutes or so. Felt fine
after BP returned to normal and felt a little fatigue the next day. Thursday
felt great.
955568 Within an hour patient reported metallic taste in her mouth and her 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 63 F
tongue and her upper mouth area felt like it was burnt and this persists
955581 Immediately following injection I had a metallic taste in my mouth. My 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 58 F
heart felt like it was racing and shortness of breath. The lady who have
shot said my face turned really red. Blood pressure spiked - they took it.
Normally it's 107/70's-80's and it was 148/98 and my pulse was around
100 or a little more. Called Drs - to check heart. Okay. BP started going
down and I sat for a little bit and I went home but I didn't drive. Went to
work next day but I felt really tired. BP was in high range but not quite as
high as yesterday. I was so tired and I went home for the day to rest
because I couldn't work. Blood pressure started going back in normal
range about 48 hours later. Metallic taste lasted about 3 days.
955976 Metallic taste in mouth within minutes of injections, throat felt swollen at 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 47 F
40 minutes but both resolved without intervention. Diarrhea within 24
hours of shot. Runny nose that started 24 hours later and lasted for 24
955982 About 30 minutes after the vaccine was administered, my mouth began 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 44 F
to feel strange. Had a slight metallic taste to my mouth and my mouth
also felt a little dry. About 10 minutes later, my mouth started to feel
slightly numb. Then my whole face, neck, and inside my mouth felt
slightly numb. Not completely numb. I was still able to breath and
swallow just fine. The numb feeling lasted close to 24 hours.
956306 1/16/21 - 3:40 PM - Metallic taste in mouth 1/16/21 - 3:45 PM - Chills 01/16/2021 01/16/2021 25 M
1/16/21 - 3:50 PM - Neck / Back soreness 1/16/21 - 3:55 PM -
Lightheadedness 1/16/21 - 6:45 PM Difficulty Breathing / Lung Pain,
tiredness 1/17/21 - Arm / Body pain, difficulty sleeping, tiredness
1/18/21 - Arm / Body pain, difficulty sleeping, tiredness 1/19/21 - Full
body aches, arm pain, lightheadedness, dizziness, tiredness
956474 Metallic taste in mouth from approximately 1 hour after injection for 24 01/17/2021 01/17/2021 31 F
hours. Taste reappears periodically now- 2 days after injection.
956532 c/o tingling of face and tongue, metallic taste 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 42 F
956689 Metallic taste in mouth, tingling of sides of tongue, dry throat/unable to 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 60 F
clear throat. Resolved within 1 hour of injection.
956998 metallic taste immediately after injection self-resolved within 20minutes 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 72 M
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
957135 Fevers as high as 103 Body aches chills Metallic taste in mouth Nausea 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 39 F
vomiting Lasted 3 days
957274 Heavy jaw, metallic taste in mouth, tingling to face and lips, fast 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 37 F
heartbeat, pale feeling of passing out last about 15 mins or so given OJ
Head between legs and then felt fine
957420 Metallic taste (cold house key) 30-45 sec. middle of tongue, width 1-2 01/19/2021 F
mm; Left lips went numb (upper and lower)/left tip of tongue numb; lower
lip felt swollen again; left tip of tongue tingling; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable healthcare professional. A 41-year-old female
patient received second dose (pending clarification) BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE; Solution for injection; lot number and
expiration date: not reported), via an unspecified route of administration
on an unspecified date at single dose for COVID-19 immunization.
Medical history included known allergies. The patient is not pregnant.
Concomitant medication included unspecified medications (the patient
received medications within 2 weeks of vaccination). It was unknown if
the patient was diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination and the
patient had not been tested for COVID-19 since the vaccination. On
02Jan2021 10:30, the patient received first dose of COVID Pfizer vaccine.
On 02Jan2021 11:00, the patient experienced "1st" tip of tongue numb,
metallic taste, and lower left lip felt swollen. On an unspecified date, the
patient experienced "2nd" (pending clarification) metallic taste (cold
house key) 30-45 sec. middle of tongue, width 1-2 mm; left lips went
numb (upper and lower); lower lip felt swollen again; and left tip of tongue
numb and tingling, these tongue problems lasted for few days. The
events resulted physician's clinic visit. The events were reported non-
serious. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of these events
with injection 50 mg Benadryl left (L) thigh. The outcome of the events
was recovered on an unspecified date. Information on Lot/Batch number
has been requested.
957747 Fever, then 1/19/21 at 10:00am metallic taste in mouth followed by 01/18/2021 01/19/2021 35 F
severe fatigue and body aches and back spasms
957934 Fever of 103 C, chills, body ache, severe headache, nausea, metallic taste 01/14/2021 01/15/2021 34 F
in the mouth 2nd dose of vaccination given at 11 am 1/14/2021. Pain at
the injection site . Then body ache started. Midnight 1/14/2021 - chills
started, fever 103, severe headache- Fever, body ache and headache
continued till Monday(1/18/2021) Strong Metallic taste in the mouth,
nausea, dizziness- still continuing.
958439 Metallic taste in mouth, resolved after a couple hours. 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 42 M
958656 Lip tingling 5 minutes after injection Metallic taste and headache 8 hours 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 64 F
after vaccine: increase in lips tingling, peri-orbital tingling, throat itching,
burning, roof of mouth burning, decreased swallow sensation, heart
palpitations, fatigue 1/13 Fatigue, weakness, decreased swallow
sensation, phone call with physician 1/14 Fatigue, weak, decreased
swallow sensation, heart palpitations 1/15 Diarrhea, weakness, fatigue,
decreased swallow sensation, phone call with physician's office
1/16-1/18 Weakness, fatigue, decreased swallow sensation
958912 Immediate arm and neck soreness/12 hours later joint pain , Back pain, 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 42 F
muscle aches, headache, rapid heart rate, metallic taste in mouth.
weakness, fatigue, Symptoms still current after 2 weeks post vaccine.
959384 Felt faint, appeared pale, sweating. BP95/62, P69. Rested in chair, 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 22 F
sweatshirt removed. Symptoms resolved. 2:40pm BP114/80, P69.
Patient also reported slight metallic taste in mouth & slight tightness in
chest with deep breath. Stated was "fine" @2:50pm & was talking &
laughing w/fellow patient. Escorted ambulatory to car driven by co-
959547 Metallic taste in mouth, then itch palate, then hives of palate per nurse at 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 69 M
testing site.
959672 Felt hot; chest tightness; nausea; metallic taste in her mouth 01/17/2021 01/17/2021 65 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
959895 0955 - states metallic taste and some numbness of lower lip, declined 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 49 F
benadryl. 1000 - states symptoms have resolved 1011 - states feels
totally fine. going home to husband, not working today.
960264 unpleasant taste and smell after receiving COVID-19 vaccine yesterday/ 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 67 M
unusual smell and taste in my mouth, silvery, metallic; unpleasant taste
and smell after receiving COVID-19 vaccine yesterday; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer via a Pfizer-sponsored
program. A 67-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2
(PFIZER- BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) via an unspecified route of
administration on 08Jan2021 at single dose for covid-19 immunisation.
The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not
reported. The patient had unpleasant taste and smell after receiving
COVID-19 vaccine yesterday. The patient had his first covid vaccine on
Friday. Later that evening (08Jan2021) he was experiencing an unusual
smell and taste in my mouth, silvery, metallic, that became progressively
stronger and continued today. He had an unusual smell in his nose and
taste in his mouth that is kind of like silver or metal. He would like to
know if that is normal or should he be concerned. The outcome of events
was unknown. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
960852 So basically I believe I have Bell's palsy . After about an hour after 01/01/2021 01/15/2021 52 M
receiving the vaccine I noticed I was having a weird taste in my mouth.
Sort of a metallic taste. As the weekend went on it seemed to get worse.
Then Monday morning I noticed when brushing my teeth that I wasn?t
able to gurgle my mouth wash. And saw that my mouth and eye seemed
to be drooping slightly. Now Thursday the 21st and it seems to be
effecting my speech to were I now have a lisp. Can definitely see it when
I?m speaking to someone. Which people have commented on. Not sure
what can be done . But at this point I?m hoping it doesn?t get worse.
960992 Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: Metallic taste in mouth after 15 minute wait 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 62 F
time. Taste diminished after 30 minutes
961009 Modern a COVID 19 Vaccine EUA. I got pressure in my head, dizzy, tired 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 65 F
and most of all I had a strong metallic taste in my mouth. The injection
site hurt very bad so whenever I put an ice pack on it the metallic taste
came back until I removed the ice pack.
961663 30 minutes after immunization, patient complained of "fat tongue", 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 74 F
swelling feeling to left side of tongue, scratchy throat-"strep like feeling",
and metallic taste, described as nail polish remover taste. 50 mg po was
administered and MOD contacted, pt was monitored for 20 minutes at
which time patient stated symptoms had improved and was feeling fine.
Patient was kept another 30 minutes before patient left. At time of
discharge patient stated was feeling drowsy from Benadryl but was doing
well otherwise.
962671 Around 2pm the day of the vaccine, my tongue started to feel like it was 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 58 F
burned, rough , and someone spilled novacaine on the surface of it. My
throat also started to hurt, which lasted until about 6pm. The day after the
vaccine, (today) my tongue still feels the same, and i have a metallic
taste in my mouth when I eat.
962795 Immediately after injection metallic taste in mouth by 1 hour after 12/26/2020 12/26/2020 43 F
returning home marked urticaria LUE and induration and extended rash L
rib cage and flank. Rash persisted 10+ days; pt took photos and reported
to V-Safe. Presented for second vaccination - deemed ineligible b/o
immediate allergic reaction per CDC criteria.
962954 Metallic Taste from eating and drinks 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 40 M
963327 metallic taste in mouth immediately following vaccination resolved by 01/08/2021 01/08/2021 21 F
evening warm swollen red spot at injection site fatigue resolved following
963549 Lt arm pain, redness and swelling Nausea Headache Metallic taste in 12/24/2020 12/25/2020 48 F
mouth Last x 3 days Treated with Ibuprofen
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
963988 Patient had an appointment for her first Covid vaccination today at 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 31 F
10:30am. Pt came in feeling fine but anxious about getting her
vaccination. Pt also mentioned to both intern and I that she is a
hypochondriac. She got her IM vaccination and sat down for 15 minutes
as we monitored her. After her 15 minutes of sitting down in pharmacy
area and being monitored by our intern and pharmacist, they asked how
she's doing. Pt expressed she felt fine but had a dry mouth, and the intern
told her to call 911 immediately if any shortness of breath occurred, but
patient felt fine and left. About 25 minutes later she returned and
expressed that she had a metallic taste in her mouth and was anxious
about the shot. We asked her to sit down so we can monitor her further
and she did. Five minutes later she expressed tongue swollen a little and
a little difficulty swallowing but had no trouble breathing. At that time
pharmacy intern and I (pharmacist) decided to give the epipen injection
and patient agreed. We had the patient sit down for another 30 minutes
as we monitored her. Minutes later, pt started to feel better as we
continuously monitored her. During this time patient requested water due
to dry mouth. We handed her a bottle of water but asked her to please sip
and not take big gulps. After 30 minutes patient felt better. No swollen
tongue, no difficulty swallowing or breathing and anxiety had been
relieved. Patient was notified by pharmacy to call MD to let him know of
reaction and was also told to call 911 immediately if have any further
reaction. PT felt comfortable to leave at this point.
964247 I received my second dose Wednesday (1/20/21) about 10:50. Within 90 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 49 F
minutes to two hours I developed a headache, metallic taste and dryness
in my mouth, and mild nausea. Thursday 1/21/21 I came to work feeling
tired, achy, sluggish and nausea, loss of appetite. Later in the afternoon
increasing tiredness, chills, and continued nausea. Moderna Covid-19
vaccine EUA I left early about 2:00. That evening I developed a fever
about 101. Took some Tylenol. Fever broke about 2am (1/22/21).
extensive sweating. Woke up feeling much better today.(1/22/21) Still not
much of an appetite. A little shaky, mild chills/sweating.
964425 10 minutes after injection started having metallic taste, pressure to the 12/28/2020 48 M
left back tongue, left arm heaviness and fatigue Narrative:
964727 Pt called the office stating she had received the first dose of Moderna's 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 54 F
COVID vaccine around 0830. Pt called at 0941, c/o band-like headache
with significant pain, a metallic taste in her mouth, and feeling like parts
of her mouth were numb similar to when she has dental work done and is
numbed with lidocaine.
964793 Patient describes severe burning at the time of injection, severe pain 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 39 F
immediately following the injection and for 5 days following injection.
Also describes metallic taste in mouth almost immediately followed by a
sore throat. Fever, chills, extreme sweats, nausea, dizzy spells, and
headache also reported. Patient states could not move arm for 5 days
following vaccination. Also reports that symptoms were so severe she
was in bed for 4 days.
964850 Hard heart beat, but not racing heart beat within the first half hour and 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 36 F
lasted until the early hours of the next morning. Metallic taste in back of
throat that started within the first half hour and lasted until the next day.
Muscle cramps and spasms throughout the first night from feet up to
neck. Throbbing/pulsing pain in left arm (injection arm) from finger tips to
neck. Intense pain started a couple hours after injection until the early
hours of the following morning. Extreme fatigue, light headed, nausea
started about 24 hours later and still experiencing two days later. (feels
like a bad flu without the congestion or cough)
964866 Patient reported metallic taste in her mouth. Resolved after 15 minutes 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 42 F
965089 reports fever 102.7, headache, nausea, body aches, metallic taste 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 46 F
965560 Low grade fever; Headache; Stomach ache; body ache; metallic taste in 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 54 F
mouth; sore arm at injection site; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable nurse. A 54-year-old female patient received the second dose
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
EKQ231), via an unspecified route of administration at the left arm on
11Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. There were no
medical history and concomitant medications. On 11Jan2021, patient
experienced metallic taste in mouth, which was reported as worsened
and sore arm at injection site. On 12Jan2021within about an hour after
vaccination, the patient experienced lowgrade fever that was slowly going
up, headache, stomach ache, & body ache. The patient has not recovered
from the events.; Sender's Comments: Based on the time association, the
reported events are possibly related to suspect BNT162B2 administration
in this patient. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the
Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety
evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for
adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as
well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to
Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as
965921 Client immediately got a metallic burning in her mouth. Within two days 01/06/2021 01/22/2021 71 F
she had thrush. Her physician ordered a "Miracle wash" for her thrush. It
took about 2 weeks for that to disappear. On 01/21/2021 she woke up
with a horrible burning on her tongue. She also developed a huge egg
shaped rash at the injection site on 01/19/2021.
965985 Client immediately got a metallic taste in her mouth. Within two days she 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 71 F
had thrush. Her physician treated her with a "Miracle Wash". It took about
two weeks to completely go away. Woke up with a horrible burning
tongue on 01/21/2021. On 01/19/2021 noticed a huge egg shaped rash
at the injection site.
966125 Severe H/A, metallic taste, BP 252/104, HR 104, Her BP returned to 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 50 F
normal in a very short time.
966135 Ran a fever for 24 hours, joint pain, metallic taste in mouth x 4 days and 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 43 F
blisters on tongue.
966465 Two hours post vaccination: tongue heaviness followed by metallic taste 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 57 F
sensation, vomited once after this. Four hours post vaccination: nausea,
bilateral forearm pain evolving to all over body aches and muscle
cramping along with a pulsating headache. Spiked a fever of 102 F that I
treated with 500 mg of Tylenol. Later took ibuprofen for body aches. Had
frequent urination along with unexplained crying. The lowest the fever
would measure for the next 24 hours was 100 F. I was taking Tylenol and
ibuprofen as directed on a regular basis. On Thursday 1/21/2021 at 5:55
pm, I woke up drenched in sweat. I felt weak yet improved. Headache
and back pain were less. Showered and moved to the couch in living
room attempting to watch TV. Could not stay awake. Woke up three
hours later again drenched in sweat. Showered and went to bed. Slept
through the night and woke up at 8 am with body aches, muscle cramping
and nausea gone. Night gown and sheets were damp with sweat.
Lingering symptoms: Skin from lips and inside my mouth appears to be
sloughing off. There are very tiny cuts on my bottom lip. Left with mild
headache I attribute to dehydration. No longer nauseous although I have
no appetite.
966521 ABOUT 15 MINUTES AFTER VACCINATION, TYHE PATIENT 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 37 F
966945 Metallic taste immediately, dizzy, nausea, (lasted for about 15-20 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 83 F
966993 Severe pain in left arm, heard a snapping sound at time of injection, very 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 43 F
strong metallic taste in month, approximately 37 minutes after injection
itching was noticed around neck and back of head, approximately 45
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
minutes after injection entire body was covered head to toe with hot and
red hives, very large hives under arms and on sides of body, quarter sized
hives on vaginal area and bottom, small, pin prick hives all over back, legs
and arms, very itchy head
967107 Tingling/numbness to tongue, metallic taste (1/6/21)--Covid test done 12/28/2020 01/06/2021 35 F
and negative. Vertigo, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting 1/11-12/21
967430 Metallic taste immediately followed by heat rush through entire body. 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 50 F
Light headed and felt faint. Went to a private area with paramedic.
Elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Felt swelling of face and neck,
slight difficulty of breathing (tightening of throat).
967653 I tested positive in July . Many of the same symptoms. Achy , 01/21/2021 01/22/2021 75 M
headache,tiredness metallic taste low energy general malaise. No
temperature but slight increase in heart rate. I seem slightly improve on
the the second morning after but no appetite and no energy.
967732 All over Itchiness, few hives, metallic taste in month 01/23/2021 01/23/2021 29 F
968051 1:45pm- Vaccine administered, metallic test in mouth for a couple of 01/21/2021 01/22/2021 46 F
hours. 10:00pm- Pain, swelling, rash at injection site and took 600mg of
ibuprofen. 4:00pm- pain, swelling worsens and took 600mg Ibuprofen
with full glass of water. 9:00am- chills, stomach upset with nausea,
extreme arm pain and took 600mg of ibuprofen. 10:00am all symptoms
except arm pain resolve. 2:00pm-fever, chills, stomach upset with
nausea, extreme arm pain returns and took 600mg of Ibuprofen and
25mg of diphenhydramine with 2 glasses of water. Symptoms persist the
rest of the day. Took another 600mg ibuprofen and 25mg
diphenhydramine at 11:00pm slept with heating pad on arm all night long.
4:00am- fever broke, woke up drenched in sweat. 8:00am only symptoms
were arm pain and a headache and took 600mg of ibuprofen with full
glass of water. As of 3:00pm arm pain, swelling and metallic taste in
mouth only symptoms with no additional ibuprofen since 8:00am.
968186 Within 20-30mins I have metallic taste, headache, left arm heavy & numb 01/03/2021 01/03/2021 50 F
and tingling 2fingers, BP 177/104 . I was observed for 1hr 10mins. On my
way home my face was tingling. I called advice nurse and doctor talk to
me. Tylenol for at least 2 days 1000mg and benadryl 50mg or 25mg . 3
days after I eat pineapple I felt I was chocking, hacking cough, wheezing
and throat burning. Never had an allergy with pineapple , Called and talk
to a doctor. Benadryl 50mg q6hrs x2 and prednisone 20mg with relief.
968252 Metallic Taste in mouth Cold extremities on feet. 01/17/2021 01/18/2021 42 F
968283 About 15 min after vaccine, going back to work station and felt ringing in 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 37 F
my ear (tinnitus) vertigo; headache - went downstairs and drank a lot of
water and took my legs up to prevent fainting and i didn't get better. 30
min later - 103/115 BP (Higher than normal -- 96/58or 60); after 12 Pm
started having chills, shaking and chest hurt and difficulty breathing.
Went ER at 12:55 pm and they did an EKG - not a regular heartbeat; blood
work and x-ray. My BP was high - 143/122; I had low potassium; white
blood cells higher than normal -10.9 (in mid Nov - only 7.5); They gave me
potassium to take. December 30, when I got home at 6:30 - nausea
started and I was throwing up two-three days in a row more than 5 or 6
times a day; weird metallic taste; fever at night; arm pain and swollen
under my armpits. (Stayed off work three days.) Went to dr on Jan. 7 - did
a follow up appt. and did all the blood work again and everything was
back to normal.
968411 Patient experienced metallic taste in her mouth once vaccine was given. 01/23/2021 01/23/2021 66 F
Metallic taste left approximately 3 minutes after does was administered.
Client was cleared by EMS.
968825 Dizzy, lightheaded, severe headache, shaking, freezing cold, profuse 01/01/2021 01/19/2021 61 M
sweating, muscle aches, joint pain, tachycardia, minor chest pain, nausea,
dehydration with constant thirst, metallic taste in mouth. Took 2 tylenol
pm pills, drank water and 7-up. Symptoms were gone 20 hours later
except for very sore right arm, neck and back muscles which were
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
completely gone and normal by day 3.
968914 Strong metallic taste in mouth within 2 minutes and lasted about 3 hours, 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 53 F
intense left wrist started a prickly tingle about 5 minutes and lasted about
3 hours, mild left palm and arm started a prickly tingle about 10 minutes
after injection and lasted 1 hour, started feeling light headed about 10
minutes after and lasted about 1 hour with no blacking out, warm flush
feeling started about 5 minutes after the injection and lasted for 32 hours
(did not take temperature), my chest felt very heavy and breathing was a
little diminished which lasted about 20 minutes. The following morning I
felt some nausea with mild dizziness that lasted about 4 hours.
968965 I had a metallic taste in my mouth it did go away the next day. 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 32 M
969029 Within 3 min of injection - lightheaded, racing heart beat. Increased PAC 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 60 F
sensation. Strong metallic taste.. HR/PACs resolved mainly within 10-15
min. Lightheaded, extreme fatigue and metallic taste eased after about
45 min.
970092 Loss of sense of taste and smell; Loss of sense of taste and smell; High 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 M
pressure feeling in his nose; Injection site pain; Muscle soreness; This is a
spontaneous report from a non-contactable Other HCP. A 23 year old
male patient received BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BIONTECH Covid-19 Vaccine) lot
number not reported, via an unspecified route of administration on
11Jan20201 11:00 at single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient
medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. On
11Jan2021 the patient experienced, within half hour from vaccine
administration, injection site pain and muscle soreness both with
outcome of unknown. On 13Jan2021 he experienced loss of sense of
taste and smell, mixed with high pressure feeling in his nose with
outcome of unknown. The patient reported that "with loss of taste and
smell, what is my next step, do I stay home, do I go back to work, what do
I do. My work wants to know if I can come back or not. I also know
someone that I work with that had a metallic taste in his mouth". The
action taken was not applicable. No follow-up attempts are possible;
information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained.
970271 No side effects from first vaccine except soreness to site. This time 01/01/2021 01/20/2021 39 F
around I was too lethargic for three days to get out of bed. I had a rash
around site that progressed up to the right side of my face and also right
side of my lower back the following day. The rash was also accompanied
by blotches and is still there only on the side of the injection. I had
metallic taste for on and off the first 2-3 days. I am feeling a bit better,
well enough to work today. Still very fatigued. On Thursday I also had a
102 fever that Motrin and Tylenol didn't help me at all at night. I finally
stopped sweating yesterday. The blotches are now improving . Only thing
that remains is the fatigue.
970598 Metallic taste in mouth and unusual sensation in posterior pharynx (1st 01/09/2021 01/09/2021 43 M
and 2nd vaccination courses)within 15 minutes post IM injection.
Approximately 4.5 hours post IM injection (2nd vaccination) again
unusual taste in mouth with swelling of posterior pharynx. Swelling not
relieved by 20 mg prednisone X , Benadryl 50 mg and Pepcid 40 mg.
Second dose of prednison 20 mg alleviated throat symptoms.
Approximately 24 hour post IM injection (2nd vaccination), subject felt
itchy, especially the eyes. Subsequant dose of Zyrtec and Pepcid
alleviated symptoms within one hour.
971259 metallic taste immediately; last for several hours--resolved. swelling/ 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 1 F
tenderness anterior neck/most likely lymphadenopathy Narrative: phone
971818 patient shared he experienced a metallic taste in his mouth 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 57 M
972079 Patient reported a metallic taste after vaccination. 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 83 F
972695 Woke up in early morning with chills, fever, muscle ache, sore left arm. 01/22/2021 01/23/2021 42 F
Throughout the day when I wasn't sleeping chills, fever increased to
102.8, noticed headache, nausea, and metallic taste. Into the night and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
early Jan 24, same symptoms intermittent fever. Jan 25 symptoms more
tolerable, but fatigue and arm continues to hurt, firmness, redness,
swelling with blotchy, swollen lymph note all noted. Treated at home with
Tylenol, Aleve, ice, rest and sleep. Fever ranged from 100.5-102.8
972776 Complain of metallic taste and oral parathesia immediately following 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 49 F
vaccination administration. No shortness of breath or swelling.
972911 Patient immediately on administration became flushed, reported metallic 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 30 F
taste in her mouth, thickening of her throat, and light headedness. VS, O2
6l/min via NC and EPI 0.3mg/0.3ml IM injection given and patient
transferred to ED.
973253 Strong metallic taste in mouth; This is a spontaneous report received 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 36 F
from a contactable nurse (who is also patient). A 36-year-old female
patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (BNT162B2 PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number and expiration date unknown),
via an unspecified route of administration in right arm, on 12Jan2021
11:00, at single dose, for COVID-19 immunization, in the hospital. There
were no medical history and concomitant medications. The patient has
no known allergies. The patient is not pregnant. The patient did not have
COVID-19 prior to vaccination and did not receive other vaccines in four
weeks. The patient experienced strong metallic taste in mouth on
12Jan2021 11:30. No treatment was given for the event. The patient was
not tested for COVID-19 post vaccination. The outcome of the event was
unknown. Information on the Lot/Batch number has been requested.
973467 Cough; has a metallic taste in her mouth; This is a spontaneous report 01/04/2021 01/01/2021 76 F
from a contactable consumer (patient) reported that a 76-year-old female
patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA
vaccine, lot number and Expiration Date unknown) via an unspecified
route of administration on 04Jan2021 at single dose for covid-19
immunisation. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications was not reported. Patient was getting a cough and has a
metallic taste in her mouth in Jan2021. Wanted to know if it was from the
vaccine or Covid. The outcome of events was unknown. Information on
the lot/batch number has been requested.
973531 little nauseous, queasy; low grade temperature; chills and shakes; 01/07/2021 01/01/2020 56 F
scratchy throat; decreased sense of smell; decreased sense of taste;
everything she eat or drinks has a metallic taste to it; muscle stiffness;
Fatigue; arm soreness/right arm was still tender to touch/The first shot
hurt way more and hurt all over the whole arm, it was throbbing; sinus
pressure and congestion; sinus pressure and congestion; felt really
lightheaded; low grade headache; chest feeling tight/chest tightness; she
is not feeling good; wheeze; cough; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable nurse (patient). A 56-years-old female patient received
BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via intramuscular
(IM) in right deltoid on 07Jan2021 15:30 at second single dose for
preventative. The patient medical history was not reported. There were no
concomitant medications. The patient previously took H1N1 flut shot in
2015 or 2016 for immunisation and experienced muscle stiffness and
fatigue, first dose bnt162b2, via IM in left deltoid for preventative on
18Dec2020 at 18:00 and patient was tender in her left arm, the first shot
hurt way more and hurt all over the whole arm, it was throbbing. No
additional vaccines administered on same date of the pfizer suspect. No
prior other vaccinations administered within 4 weeks. The patient took
the second dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine on Thursday 07Jan2021 at
15:30. She called employee health and was advised to call Pfizer to report
side effects since she is not feeling good. She had never had the covid
diagnosis. On Friday (08Jan2021) she worked all day and felt arm
soreness and sinus congestion but nothing out of the ordinary. The
patient reported her right arm was still tender to touch, if she rotated her
arm she can feel that she had the shot and she was still tender in her left
arm from the first shot. The first shot hurt way more and hurt all over the
whole arm, it was throbbing. On 08Jan2021 evening she felt really
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
lightheaded, she thought maybe it was her sinuses since it is dry due to
winter. She felt like a truck hit her. She had a low grade headache. On
09Jan2021, she felt a little nauseous, queasy, no vomiting. On Saturday
(09Jan2021) she had a low grade temp of 100.3 degrees F. She had the
chills and shakes on Saturday and most of yesterday. She got up today
(reported on 12Jan2020) at 5:30 am, she checked her temperature and it
was 97.2 after the shower, an hour later it was 98 degrees F. She felt like
she had to keep clearing her throat, her chest felt a bit tight which started
Friday evening, the chest tightness was not terrible but it was there. She
was not wheezing but when she took a deep breath she felt a little like a
wheeze and she had to cough, she had a scratchy throat on 09Jan2020.
She stayed home from work yesterday. The patient did not feel
lightheaded today, felt it yesterday and did not notice it at all this morning,
reported it has resolved. The sinus pressure and congestion started
Friday night, she felt stuffy. She had a decreased sense of smell and taste
on 09Jan2021. Unless something is right in front of her, she could not
smell anything. She felt quite nauseous this morning but at the moment
her nausea is under control. She had a decreased sense of taste,
everything she ate or drunk had a metallic taste to it, on 09Jan2021. She
felt that all the side effects mentioned were related to getting the vaccine.
On 08Jan2021, she also experienced muscle stiffness and fatigue which
had improved after a hot shower, that helped. She felt like she had a bad
flu shot. The only time she ever felt similar to this was when she received
the H1N1 flut shot in 2015 or 2016. She did not have lot number, NDC, or
expiration date to provide. Treatment included: took Tylenol on Saturday.
The events did not require a visit to emergency room and physician office
(she is trying to get an appointment to see the doctor). Outcome of the
event lightheaded was recovered on 12Jan2021, of events low grade
headache, chest tightness, scratchy throat, sinus pressure and
congestion, decreased sense of smell, decreased sense of taste,
everything she eat or drinks has a metallic taste to it, arm soreness was
not recovered, of events chills and shakes, muscle stiffness, fatigue was
recovering, of other events was unknown. Information about Lot/Batch
has been requested.
973567 metallic taste in mouth (went away with sleep and gone with wake up)/ 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 35 F
metallic taste in mouth came back; Muscle tension in left neck area and
left upper back; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable other
health professional (reporting for herself). A 35-year-old female patient
number: EL 3247 via an unspecified route of administration, on
13Jan2021 15:15 at a single dose, for covid-19 immunization. The
patient's medical history was not reported. Concomitant medication
included sertraline. On 13Jan2021 15:20 The patient experienced muscle
tension in left neck area and left upper back. On the 1st day after
vaccination (14Jan2021 21:15), patient experienced metallic taste in
mouth which went away with sleep and gone with wake up but on 2nd
day after vaccination 15Jan2021 at 7:30, metallic taste in mouth came
back. The outcome of events was not recovered. Patient did not received
treatment due to the events. Events were considered non-serious. No
follow-up attempts are possible. No further information is expected.
Information on the lot/batch number has been obtained.
973572 experience funny taste in her mouth (somewhat metallic like); This is a 01/25/2021 62 F
spontaneous report received from a non-contactable other healthcare
professional. A 62-year-old female patient received the first dose of
number: EK9231, expiry date: unknown), via an unspecified route of
administration, on an unspecified date, at single dose, for COVID-19
immunization. Medical history included ongoing disability and gait
disturbance (difficulty ambulating long distances due to being disabled).
The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. During the
patient's 15-minute waiting period after the vaccination, the patient began
to experience funny taste in her mouth (somewhat metallic like).
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Treatment included antihistamines (unspecified). The response to
treatment was good. The patient was doing well upon discharge/leaving.
She was escorted out via wheelchair only due difficulty ambulating long
distances due to being disabled but is otherwise at baseline. The
outcome of the event was recovering (reported as "reports some
improvement in change in taste prior to discharge/leaving"). The reporter
assessed this case as non-serious. No follow-up attempts are possible;
information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained.
973918 1/12/21 received the vaccine and had mild symptoms of injection site 01/12/2021 01/13/2021 29 F
pain and LGF. By morning of 1/13/21, c/o fever up to 103.4, joint pain,
especially in spine, dry heaves/nausea, dizziness and metallic tastes.
Symptoms resolved within 2 days.
974052 within 15 minutes of receiving my injection, I experienced a strong 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 53 F
metallic taste in my mouth that lasted constantly for a week after my
injection. I am still occasionally experiencing an intermittent metallic
taste, that dissipates quickly,. I am scheduled for my second injection this
974100 Patient began complaining that her arm was numb, and her mouth was 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 38 F
itchy with a metallic taste. tongue felt "thick" but no problems breathing.
BP maintained at 120's over 80's. Gave 50mg of benedryl and continued
to observe. Symptoms began to resolve after about 20 minutes, mouth
numbness was last to resolve.
974206 Metallic taste 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 36 F
974221 Metallic taste 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 36 F
974287 First vaccine on 12/30/20 almost immediately after receiving vaccine 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 39 F
metallic taste in mouth, followed by itchy throat and felt throat slightly
thighten took Benadryl and received relief Second dose on 1/20/21 took
a Zyrtec per doctor?s instruction prior to receiving vaccine about 15
minutes after receiving second dose tongue numbness and weird taste in
mouth now and developed itchy face, managed with Zyrtec although
itchiness not resolved, taking Zyrtec every day since second dose,
yesterday 1/25 in afternoon still medicated under Zyrtec face began to
swell on left side of face, persistent itchy face, itchiness went down to
other areas including neck, chest, bumps on left hand now on an oral
steroid per my doctor
974389 Injection site soreness is ongoing. About 10-11 hours after vaccine 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 45 F
(8pm) I started having mild headache, took 400mg Ibuprofen. 15 hours
after time of vaccine (12midnight) developed severe rigors, severe back
pain along with severe pounding headache and mild nausea. Had very
dry mouth and metallic taste. Symptoms reduced 50% after 2nd dose of
400mg Ibuprofen taken at 7 am (11 hours after first Ibuprofen).
Reporting these changes that occurred in first 24 hours after vaccine.
975307 Within 10 minutes horrible headache and tasted metallic taste. In an hour 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 44 F
my face and tongue was numb. The headache got more and more
extreme The next morning people at work noticed I was slurring my
words. Felt like crap full body aches and extremely tired. Went to the
hospital and it was determined I have bells palsy. Still have headache and
facial paralysis
975610 Symptoms within 10 minutes of vaccination included: "tingly" hands, 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 59 F
metallic taste in mouth, headache described as "achy", and "fogginess",
975620 5-10 minutes after shot had a metallic taste in mouth, no adverse 01/21/2021 01/25/2021 50 F
reactions. Next 2 days the injection site became red, swollen (knot under
skin) and grew in size to a silver dollar. My left arm was sore. Redness
and swelling dissipated on 4th day and looked like a bruise. About 6pm
on 4th day, I was itchy on my stomach. I didn't think twice as had a
neoprene/spandex brace around stomach/back from exercise. When I
finally took a shower at 8pm, I noticed my torso was completely red. I
immediately took 2 Benadryl. Throughout the evening the rash/hives
spread to my shoulders. Took 2 more Benadryl at 1am. By morning rash
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
around torso was almost gone, but some spread slightly to wrists,
shoulders, breasts and knees. Took 2 more Benadryl at 8 am. Applied
Benadryl cream to few spots on body throughout today. Itching mostly
gone but splotches on legs, neck and few on back. Will take more
Benadryl about 6pm.
975842 At 1:50 pm in post vaccine observation, patient reported metallic taste in 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 53 F
mouth and warm flushing sensation from head to toe and tingling in lops.
Vital signs taken at 1:50pm 158/92, pulse 71, resp 20, 1:55pm: 138/64,
pulse 62, 2:05pm: 112/70, pulse 60, 2:15pm: 110/72, pulse 59, 2:28pm:
130/70, pulse 60, 2:40pm: 128/74 pulse 60, resp. 18. O2 sat remained
96-99% on room air. After 45 minutes patient reported feeling better and
left with family member. Instructed to self monitor and to contact MD or
report to ER if symptoms return or worsen. Patient verbalized
understanding. Patient received Pfizer BioNTech Covid 19 vaccine EUA.
975897 Patient c/o metallic taste, chest tightness, SOB, difficulty breathing, and 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 30 F
difficulty swallowing. Also had a mild erythematous rash. Symptoms
976787 metallic taste in their mouth after the vaccine; This is a spontaneous 01/26/2021 U
report from a contactable pharmacist. This pharmacist reported similar
events for two patients. This is the first of two reports. A patient of
unspecified age and gender received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number and expiration date
not reported), via an unspecified route of administration from an
unspecified date at a single dose for Covid-19 immunization. The patient
medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The
pharmacist reported that she also had 2 other patients who had reported
metallic taste in their mouth after the vaccine on an unspecified date. The
outcome of the event was unknown. Information about Lot/batch
number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-
PFIZER INC-2021026363 same reporter/drug, similar event, different
patient;US-PFIZER INC-2021027151 same reporter/drug/event, different
976849 metallic taste in his mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a non- 01/26/2021 M
contactable healthcare professional. A male patient of an unspecified age
received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for
injection, lot number and expiration date unknown), via an unspecified
route of administration on an unspecified date at a single dose for
COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient experienced metallic taste in
his mouth on an unspecified date. The outcome of the event was
unknown. No follow-up attempts are possible; information about lot/
batch number cannot be obtained. No further information is expected.
976883 mild metallic taste; poor administration tech; extreme burning for 10 min 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 55 F
following vax-I; arm soreness; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable nurse (patient). A 55-year-old female patient received
BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) (lot number EK5730),
via an unspecified route of administration on 21Dec2020 11:30 at single
dose for covid-19 immunization. Vaccine location was left arm and it was
the first dose. Patient is not pregnant. The facility type vaccine was
Workplace clinic. Medical history included obesity from an unknown date.
Known allergies included sulfa and penicillin. Concomitant medication
included metoprolol, vitamin d3, calcium, probiotics. Patient was not
diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. The patient didn't receive
any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The patient
experienced mild metallic taste on 22Dec2020 11:30 with outcome of
recovered, arm soreness on 21Dec2020 with outcome of recovered, poor
administration tech on 21Dec2020 11:40 with outcome of recovered,
extreme burning for 10 min following vax-i on 21Dec2020 11:40 with
outcome of recovered. The verbatim as follow: 1st Vax: mild metallic
taste and arm soreness (including extreme burning for 10 min following
vax-I believe this was poor administration tech), slight metallic taste 24
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
hrs post vax, lasted a few hours. Patient didn't receive treatment for the
adverse events. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which
included sars-cov-2 test: negative on 04Jan2021. The covid test type post
vaccination was Nasal Swab. The covid test name post vaccination was
976885 frequent urination; sudden extreme fatigue; headache/headache began 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 55 F
receding from the front to back of head and down back of neck; sore
injection site; heavy metallic taste; no appetite; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 55-year-old non-pregnant
female patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL3302), via an unspecified
route of administration on 11Jan2021 08:30 at single dose in right arm
for COVID-19 immunization. The patient medical history included obesity
and known allergies to sulfa and penicillin. The patient previously
received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, lot number: EK5730), via an unspecified route of administration
on 21Dec2020 11:30 at single dose in left arm for COVID-19
immunization and experienced mild metallic taste and arm soreness
(including extreme burning for 10 min following vaccination, the patient
believe this was poor administration tech), slight metallic taste 24 hrs
post vaccination, lasted a few hours. Concomitant medications in two
weeks included metoprolol, colecalciferol (VIT D3), Calcium, ascorbic acid
(C) and probiotic. The patient had no covid prior vaccination. It was
reported that after the second vaccination, the patient had no burning at
site, on 11Jan2021 09:30 the patient had heavy metallic taste
approximate 40 mins post vaccine and lasted approximate 12 hrs, at 12
hrs post vaccine (on 11Jan2021 20:30) sudden extreme fatigue, 15 hrs
post vaccine (on 11Jan2021 23:30) frequent urination began and lasted
approximate 18 hrs. The patient woke up with headache 6/10 that
medication would not touch, no appetite but ate and drank anyway hoping
would help with headache (it didn't) (reported on 11Jan2021 09:30),
approximate 32 hrs post vax headache began receding from the front to
back of head and down back of neck. Slept well and woke up 48 hrs post
vax feeling normal but with sore injection site (reported as on 11Jan2021
09:30). The patient underwent lab tests and procedures related to covid
included nasal swab and PCR with negative result on 04Jan2021. No
treatment was received for the events. The outcome of the events was
recovered in Jan2021.
976954 Nausea; vomiting; Metallic taste; Headache; migraine; didn't have an 01/08/2021 01/01/2021 38 F
appetite; lost taste, lost the sense of taste; This is a spontaneous report
from a Pfizer-sponsored program Pfizer First Connect. A contactable
consumer (patient) reported a 38-year-old female patient received the
second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot
number: EK4176) via unspecified route single dose for COVID-19
immunization on 08Jan2021, 10 am, at 38-year-old. Medical history was
not reported. Concomitant medication included: celecoxib (CELEXA) 10
mg for an anti-depressant; alprazolam (XANAX) 0.25mg three times a
day. Once the patient took that second vaccine, she had the metallic taste
and had some headache and migraine at that time (08Jan2021). When
the patient got the vaccine, within one minute, she started getting her
usual migraine on the right side of head (08Jan2021), that was pretty
much instantly. She didn't have an appetite (Jan2021), she only vomited
when she ate. She had nausea and vomiting, it was about 2 o'clock that
afternoon (08Jan2021, 2 pm). Every time she ate, she vomited and lost
taste, lost the sense of taste. The patient was still nauseated (Hence,
ongoing checked for nausea) and she hadn't tasted anything. She hadn't
drink or ate anything yet this morning but last night her taste was starting
to come back. But she still couldn't identify something. No treatment
received. Action taken for BNT162B2 was not applicable. Outcome of the
event nausea was not resolved, outcome of the other events was
977262 1st dose December 23, 2020. Arm pain, swelling, raised red 3 inch bump 12/23/2020 01/07/2021 58 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
developed within 12 hours. Subsided, and reoccurred about 10 days post
vaccine. 10-14 days post vaccine I developed New onset forefoot
weakness (foot drop) Right, new onset trigger finger Right middle finger,
new onset bladder spasms with immediacy and incontinence - not
bladder volume dependent, resurgence of body aches, new bilateral knee
pain requiring two arm support for sit to stand, Mental status changes
including anxiety, paranoia, mania and depression (personality change!),
motion induced nausea and dizziness, visual changes (blurry vision), New
intensification of nocturnal muscles spasms - bilateral and progressive
and intermittent headache up the Right neck to crown, New onset
(01/14/21 - present) burning rubber scent when some food being cooked.
The muscle and joint pain were present with February illness, subsided by
April, and came back with a vengeance within two weeks of the 1st
injection. I also lost three teeth (fracture vertically while flossing), thinned
hair, and had intermittent dizziness during the initial illness in February.
February Initial loss of taste/smell included metallic taste with artificial
flavors, rotten garbage - random, and ?iron taste with meats. I can now
taste some fruits but only get bitterness with other fruits and vegetables.
I had one sided facial paralysis after tooth extractions in September -
resolved in 1 week. I required dental implants to replace the fractured
teeth. I am a vaccinator, and have been administering our vaccines and
swabbing for Covid testing since we reopened elective procedures. I
strongly encourage our staff to get the vaccines - and I am the one who
gets the reaction. The constellation of symptoms, temporal proximity to
the vaccine with no intervening illness or injury, and commonality of some
symptoms with my February illness have prompted further testing and
evaluation for central nervous system insult.
977448 Metallic taste post injection Fever 102 degrees (by 8pm eve of shot) 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 62 F
Tylenol only reducing fever to 101 Severe chills/shakes Insomnia
Confusion Dizziness Tachycardia (125 bpm) persistent the first night)
Loose stools Incontinence
977568 Pt presented to COVID vaccine clinic today and developed a mild reaction 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 37 F
after receiving her first Pfizer vaccination. Denies hx of known allergies or
hx of anaphylaxis reactions. Pt reported palpitations and metallic taste in
mouth 15 minutes after receiving the vaccination as well as a slight
tightness sensation in her throat like there was something stuck in her
throat. Metallic taste resolved after a few minutes. Pt denied SOB,
swelling of face/tongue/throat, difficulty swallowing, nausea, rash,
itchiness, dizziness. No visible swelling. BP: 127/66 HR: 80 O2: 100%
Paged Allergy. Pt advised to stay for 30 more minutes and reassess. After
30 minutes pt reported palpitations had resolved. Throat symptoms
improved but not completely resolved. Paged Allergy again to check in.
Advised to give Zyrtec 10 mg and observe to see if there is any
977791 Headache, arthralgia, metallic taste Narrative: Patient previous covid dx: 12/31/2020 01/01/2021 49 M
3/19/2020; antibodies at least as of 10/22/2020 vaccine: 12/31/2020,
the next day awaoke with sore arm and mild headache sx progressed
over next 4 hours to severe headache and neck/bilat shoulder pain and
profound malaise. Some migratory arthralgias, transient lower extremity
pains, and a metallic taste. Reminiscent of covid for about 6 hours. Some
relief with nsaids and apap. By 30 hours later, just tired and soreness at
injection site
977856 Patient reports onset of "ball in throat" sensation and metallic tasted in 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 31 F
mouth after 1 minute of vaccine injection. This was followed
approximately one minute later with tongue numbness, tingling, swelling.
She did not report difficulty breathing and dismissed her symptoms as
"anxiety". She continues with sensory loss on the right side of her face
with paresthesia around the right eye. She has seen her PCP for this
condition at time of call.
977865 After 5 minutes mouth had metallic taste, tongue and face started 01/01/2021 01/13/2021 46 F
itching. Temp 99.9 tympanic. Flushed, red, hives on face, trunk, severe
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
977885 Immediately after injection, VR developed metallic taste in mouth as well 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 53 M
as lightheadedness. HR was within normal limits. BP was 150/90. VR
stated that lightheadedness persisted even after 1/2 hour of observation.
He elected to go home at that time and refused EMS services and
hospital evaluation.
978020 Pain in vaccination site radiating to neck, dizziness, metallic taste in 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 66 F
978856 metallic taste in throat; mid chest tightness and weakness; flushed 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 51 F
feeling in body and legs; went to the emergency room since she didn't feel
any better; mid chest tightness and weakness; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 51-year-old female patient
received 1st dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE,
lot: EK5730, expiration date: Mar2021), via an unspecified route of
administration on 30Dec2020 12:00 at single dose on deltoid left for
COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included patient was working in
healthcare and around Covid positive patients daily. There were no
concomitant medications. 10 minutes after getting bnt162b2, patient
noticed side effects. Patient had a metallic taste in throat and a few more
things. Right after getting it she had a flushed feeling in her body and
legs, similar like IV contrast. 10 minutes after that so about 20 minutes
later she had mid chest tightness and weakness that was gone after
about 40 minutes to an hour. Patient was unable to provide any
seriousness criteria, stating it was scary for a moment and she didn't
know what it was, but the mid chest tightness could have progressed to
something more serious. That was how she felt at that moment, but after
it was all gone, it was not serious. She did not know why or what the
reason was or if she was lucky or what. Patient was sitting for 10 minutes
after receiving Pfizer COVID vaccine and was doing something on her
phone when she started experiencing these symptoms unexpectantly.
Eventually the nurses observing her after a half hour took her to the
emergency room since she wasn't feeling any better. Patient had
emergency room visit for all events. Outcome of events was resolving.;
Sender's Comments: The Company cannot completely exclude the
possible causality between the reported mid chest tightness and the
administration of the COVID 19 vaccine, BNT162B2, based on the
plausible temporal association and lacking alternative explanations. The
impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is
evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the
review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety
concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action
in response, will be promptly notified to RA, IEC, as appropriate.
978953 Metallic Taste / Tingly lips. Observed for 30 minutes. Only reported 01/18/2021 01/18/2021 44 F
symptoms at 15 minute mark in observation and reported improving.
denies any symptoms of throat swelling. Released to home.
979442 Day 1 moderate to severe pain at site and headache treated with 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 76 F
Acetaminophen. Extreme sleepiness for 48 hours and slept for most of
the day. 2nd Day pain at site and headache continued. Treated with
Acetaminophen. Extreme sleepiness slept for most of the day. Sore
throat,cough and nasal congestion and drip, and metallic taste in mouth.
Loss of appetite. Loss of hearing and appetite. I woke up at night at 1:00
a.m. with severe nasal discharge and had to sit upright for 2 hours till it
abated a little. Day 3 Pain at site continued as did nasal congestion and
discharge. Loss of appetite and hearing also continued. I still have nasal
congestion and discharge on my 3rd week and also the loss of appetite
and hearing loss. The loss of hearing has improved very minutely.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
979860 Within 5 minutes I started feeling 'not quite right'. I had a strange metallic 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 59 F
taste and itchiness on the back of my tongue. I tried to meditate for my
15 minutes. When I got up I felt very stressed, nauseous, foggy. I waited
another 10 minutes in the hall. I felt more nauseated and went back to
holding area. The nurse had me lay down. My blood pressure was around
145/100 and is usually around 100/68. My pulse was between 44-60
which is typical form me. I felt very very cold and was shivering. My hands
and feet were like ice. I typically have good circulation. I rested another 30
minutes or so and went home. It took hours to warm up. The next few
days were more of what I had expected: flu like symptoms, chills,
tiredness, malaise, fatigue, sore arm.
979871 Immediate onset of tachycardia and flushing, resolved after 5 minutes. 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 35 F
30-min delayed onset of metallic taste in the mouth, resolved after 2
hours. 8-hours delayed onset of 8/10 arm pain and 8/10 fatigue, arm pain
resolved after 4 days, fatigue improved after 3 days but has bet to
resolve. 24-hours delayed onset of circular erythema around the injection
site, approximately 6' in diameter, resolved after 9 days.
979948 Received Moderna Dose #2 on 1/25/21, immediately after injection, 01/25/2021 01/26/2021 53 F
metallic taste in mouth, but no other compaints at that time. Waited 15
minutes felt fine, took public transport home. At 1am on 1/26/21 woke up
to use the bathroom and came back to bed with severe chills and fever of
99.4, sweating profusely, nausea, unable to lift right arm above shoulder,
and severe headache. Continued with chills for 2 hours, retook temp after
chills subsided and resulted at 101.7. Headache so severe could barely
lift head off pillow. Took 600mg Motrin and pushed fluids. Continued with
profuse sweating until 11:30 am, temp at that point 100.3. No further
symptoms except nausea. Later on in the evening (about 6:30pm) of
1/26/21, noted loss of taste, but still had sense of smell. As of today
1/27/21 still with no sense of taste, feeling of lethargy, but normal temp
of 98.6 (taken at 7pm).
979997 immediate metallic taste in back of mouth ( reminded her of iron 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 40 F
supplements she takes). The next day felt pressure in chest like
indigestion, but she says that happens frequently.
980599 had 2 other patients who have reported metallic taste in their mouth after 01/26/2021 U
the vaccine; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Pharmacist.
This Pharmacist reported similar events for 2 patients. This is second of
two reports. A patient of unspecified age and gender received BNT162B2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection; lot number
and expiry date: not known), via an unspecified route of administration on
an unspecified date at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The
patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported.
The pharmacist reported that she also had 2 other patients who had
reported metallic taste in their mouth after the vaccine on an unspecified
date. The outcome of the event was unknown. Information on the lot/
batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked
Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021027150 same reporter/drug/event;
different patient
980614 slight tingling and numbness of her face and cheeks/little tingling 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 51 F
numbness in her face/tingly stuff; slight tingling and numbness of her
face and cheeks/little tingling numbness in her face; slight tingling and
numbness of her face and cheeks/little tingling numbness in her face/
tingly stuff/she has not had symptoms for years, potentially initiated by
being vaccinated; Headache; Diarrhea; Stomach upset; warm flushed
feeling; heavy metallic taste to her mouth; This is a spontaneous report
received from a contactable consumer (patient). A 51-year-old female
patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL0142, expiry date: unknown), via an
unspecified route of administration in the left arm, on 07Jan2021, at
single dose, for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included
ongoing multiple sclerosis (MS) from 2012 (she has not had symptoms
for years), tingly stuff/tingling and numbness (MS symptoms). There
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
were no concomitant medications. The patient experienced metallic taste
in her mouth, a slight tingling and numbness of her face and cheeks. The
patient reported that she also has a history of MS that has been
controlled and she has been without symptoms for years. She stated the
tingling could be a symptom of MS, potentially initiated by being
vaccinated. She stated that the tingly stuff concerned her, she got a little
panicky because that can be a symptom of MS and she did not have
symptoms for years. The patient clarified that on 07Jan2021, she took
the vaccine. On 07Jan2021, she experienced heavy metallic taste to her
mouth two hours after the injection, headache, diarrhea, stomach upset,
and warm flushed feeling. On 08Jan2021, she experienced little tingling
numbness in her face. She stated that she has MS prior to the vaccine
and reported that numbness and tingling can be MS symptoms. She has
not had symptoms for years. The patient did not receive treatment for the
events. The outcome of "heavy metallic taste to her mouth" was
recovering (reported as "improved but persisting"); paraesthesia and
hypoeasthesia were recovering; headache, diarrhea, stomach upset, and
warm flushed feeling were resolved on 09Jan2021.
980671 slight metallic taste" on the back and sides of her tongue; This is a 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 F
spontaneous report from a non-contactable consumer (patient). A 41-
year-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (Pfizer-
BIONTECH Covid-19 Vaccine), via an unspecified route of administration
in Jan2021 as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's
medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was
reported that 15 minutes after the patient received her first dose of the
Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine in Jan2021, she noticed a "slight
metallic taste" on the back and sides of her tongue. She wanted to know
if this was a common side effect and if there have been reports regarding
it. Outcome of the event was unknown. No follow-up attempts are
possible; information about the lot/batch number cannot be obtained. No
further information is expected.
981385 Apprx 7 minutes after receiving vaccine, I experienced a sensation in my 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 66 M
chest, upper arms, and neck areas. I also experienced a slight metallic
taste in my mouth. I also sensed a somewhat increased heart rate and
some slight dizziness. I did NOT experience any breathing difficulties but
maybe had a very slight wheeze sensation. These reactions lasted only
about 8 to 10 minutes then started easing away. I was monitored a full 30
minutes and then released after reporting I felt ok then.
981442 Dose #1 4 hours later tingling on my tongue and a strange taste almost 12/29/2020 12/29/2020 38 F
metallic which lasted 5 days, I woke up on 12/31/20 with body aches,
chills, headache, that is when I called the infectious disease nurse and
they tested me for covid on the 31st and it was negative, I also
approximately 2 weeks after the dose i developed a large red bullseye
around the injection site and it lasted about 3 days. I had some itching
and swelling at the injection site but the bullseye showed up later. The
infectious disease team did not seem to find I needed any additional
treatment. I self medicated myself with Tylenol, Benadryl Zyrtec OTC and
Ibuprofen. There was about 4-5 days before the second dose when the
symptoms cleared up.
981487 I have a reaction to the flu shot so my MD recommended that I 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 40 M
premedicate with Zyrtec. I did one hour prior to injection. Around 5
minutes after my injection I could feel my throat swelling. I alerted the
nurse and took a Benadryl tablet. The swelling stayed consistent and I
was able to breathe so I waited for an hour and then went home. When I
arrived home I felt and increase in the swelling so I took another Benadryl.
The swelling slightly decreased but was still present for 5 hours post shot
and then disappeared. The only other reaction I had was metallic taste in
my mouth and extremely sore arm where injection was given for 2 days.
981839 Swelling of tongue for 2 days A little light headed Metallic taste in mouth 01/16/2021 01/16/2021 65 F
and throat
981853 constant metallic taste that started approximately 1 hour after receiving 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 43 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
the vaccine that has now exceeded 24 hours for duration.
981984 10 minutes post vaccination developed metallic taste in mouth, then 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 43 F
scratchy throat and throat began to close up and was given PO Benadryl -
no relief. Required Epinephrine and transport to ER
982094 26 minutes after receiving the vaccine I started to get a metallic taste in 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 52 F
my throat. I felt my tongue from the back of my throat to the tip of tongue
was very tingly. I difficultly swallowing, every time I went to swallow it felt
like something was stuck in my throat. Due to me bad allergic reactions in
general I took 25 MG of Benadryl prior to be vaccinated. I was instructed
to go over to ER, I went to the ER. I was given 50 MG IV of Benadryl they
watched me for a few hours and then sent me home. I went home and
sleep and was told to take Benadryl every 8 hours. I woke up cause I
couldn't breath right. My face and tongue was swollen at this time. There
was redness on my face as well. I woke my husband up and he took my
back to the hospital. I went back to Hospital. They said it was acute
reaction I was having and gave epi-pen in my left thigh. I received
Decadron IV push and said it would last 72. I was told to take Benadryl
every 6 hours instead of 8 like told the day before. I went home and have
been doing that. I have been okay today so far. A week before getting the
vaccine anti-inflammatory diet to help prevent the an allergic reaction. I
am having my tithers drawn in a month
982262 Metallic taste beginning 20 min after injection. Chills beginning 15 hours 01/26/2021 01/27/2021 60 M
after, then fever up to 100 F at18 hours after. Treated with 400 mg
ibuprofen every 6 hours. Fever resolved at 20 hours after injection.
Lymphadenopathy in left axillary nodes with tenderness.
982395 Tired, achy, swollen glands at base of head and under right ear, metallic 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 42 U
taste in mouth
982428 Few seconds after the vaccine I felt a big metallic taste in my mouth. 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 53 F
During observation I started feeling super super hot, sweaty and shaky,
like I was closing in, a feeling like I was going to pass out. I also had a
headache. My coworkers noticed I was bright red on my face. Cool rags
and icy waters. The shaky, the sweats went away after about 30 min but I
was left with a headache for about a week. Later that evening the body
aches and the chills (not really a fever, it bounced between 99. 9 and
100.4F) were off and on I do not remember for how many days.
982474 Pt developed palpitations(felt like heart was racing) and metallic taste in 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 49 F
mouth a few minutes after injection. Patient noted that symptoms were
mild and were improving. She declined EMS services/hospital evaluation
and elected to go home after appx. 30 minutes of observation. HR and BP
were both within normal limits.
982506 Few seconds after the vaccine I felt a metallic taste in my mouth (not as 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 53 F
strong as with the first dose). 3 minutes later I started feeling hot, sweaty
and shaky, fuzzy in the head I also had a headache. The body aches,
headache and the chills ( I woke up with a fever 101.3F and about an hour
ago it was 100.8F) are more severe than with the first dose. I also have
joint pains that I did not have with the first dose (my lower back and hips
and my right elbow are the worse). My injection site is also swollen and it
was not with the first dose.
982626 Ten minutes after receiving vaccine, I started experiencing a strong 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 28 F
metallic taste in my mouth. I was told I was only the second person the
vaccine administrator heard of having that symptom. No other
982753 About 30 to 45 minutes after the shot I got a metallic taste in my mouth. 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 47 F
It is intermittent and seems to be happening less almost 24 hours after
the shot. About 16 hours after the shot, I noticed my right cheek tingling
and seeming somewhat numb. It is a continuous feeling; however very
minor in nature. I have no difficulty using my facial muscles in any normal
everyday activities like chewing or smiling. The feeling is very similar to
what I have had felt after putting on a topical anesthetic gel on my
internal mouth tissues or a few hours after I had been numbed for a
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
dental procedure. I have moments of dizziness as well, but this is
something I have dealt with before the Moderna shot. My left arm is sore
and I am taking ibuprofen for this.
982758 Vaccine was administered on 1/14/21. Approximately 15 minutes later 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 59 F
patient complained of being dizzy and lightheaded and having a metallic
taste, injection area was sore. She waited with EMS for 30 minutes, felt
better and left. The next 24 hours she had fatigue, joint pain in her knees
and fingers, discomfort under left arm and left breast. For the next 10-14
days her left deltoid area was warm and red. She had a virtual
appointment with her nurse practitioner, no treatment was necessary, just
to continue to monitor. The next day all symptoms were resolved.
982764 Approximately 15 minutes after receiving the vaccination, I felt very warm 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 30 F
and had a heart rate of around 124. A watch ECG was done and showed
PVCs. EMS was brought in, and they took me to the emergency room. I
experienced tremors throughout this time. Once I arrived at the hospital, I
felt better but still had a heart rate in the 90s. My typical range is 50s-low
60s. Blood sugar was 146, which is high for me. I have no history of
diabetes or other blood sugar issues. Blood pressure was taken several
times and initially showed 110/66. At the hospital it was 124/72. I was
released from the hospital around 1:00 and instructed to come back if
symptoms worsened. I had some chest pressure and metallic taste
throughout this time.
982834 Felt lump in throat 2 minutes after receiving vaccine. 3 minutes later she 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 36 F
felt chest pressure and had a metallic taste in mouth and with smell. She
was brought to TEC for futher evaluation.
982896 Too large dose injected. Bolus was 1ml. Initial metallic taste and mouth 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 57 M
15 min after injection. Numbness, tingling, muscular weakness in the left
arm radiating to fingers along C7 dermatome. Severe fevers, chills, mental
confusion, muscular weakness, exquisite tenderness at injection site,
severe fatigue. Had to leave work. Slept 12 hours. Lingering muscular
pain and fatigue for 48 hours following injection.
983238 1 hour after injection: metallic taste in mouth for 30 minutes 4 hours after 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 55 F
injection: soreness at injection site 8 hours after injection: myalgia 24
hours after injection: fever all day, headache all day, myalgia all day 48
hours after injection: 2 inch by 3 inch rash on same arm as injection
983377 Immediately after receiving the vaccine, patient noticed that she had a 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 38 F
metallic taste in her mouth. Approximately 4 minutes later she called the
attention of a staff member to alert them that her tongue felt tingly. The
RN was called to come observe patient, blood pressure taken at this time,
reading was 118/82. Patient began complaining that mouth and tongue
both felt numb and it was becoming hard to swallow. EMS was called at
this time along with MD. MD directed nurses to continue to monitor
patient, while on the phone with MD, patient stated that her chest felt
heavy. MD ordered patient to receive 0.5 ml of Epinephrine. Patient
received dose of epinephrine. BP taken again at 1:18, 3 minutes after Epi
injection, reading was 124/86. Patient began complaining of a "heaviness
feeling" in legs at approximately 1:19. Ambulance and EMS staff arrived
at 1:21. Ambulance left with patient at 1:26. Spoke with patient at 4:45
pm, patient has made a full recovery and is at work.
983419 Immediately after receiving the vaccine, patient noticed that she had a 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 38 F
metallic taste in her mouth. Approximately 4 minutes later she called the
attention of a staff member to alert them that her tongue felt tingly. The
RN was called to come observe patient, blood pressure taken at this time,
reading was 118/82. Patient began complaining that mouth and tongue
both felt numb and it was becoming hard to swallow. EMS was called at
this time along with MD. MD directed nurses to continue to monitor
patient, while on the phone with MD, patient stated that her chest felt
heavy. MD ordered patient to receive 0.5 ml of Epinephrine. Patient
received dose of epinephrine. BP taken again at 1:18, 3 minutes after Epi
injection, reading was 124/86. Patient began complaining of a "heaviness
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
feeling" in legs at approximately 1:19. Ambulance and EMS staff arrived
at 1:21. Ambulance left with patient at 1:26. Spoke with patient at 4:45
pm, patient has made a full recovery and is at work.
983514 Metallic taste in my mouth for about an hour. 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 48 M
983569 After getting vaccine, pt. had tingling in her lips and a metallic taste in her 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 58 F
mouth. This resolved after Benadryl.
983587 complain of metallic taste and sensation in left arm. Symptoms resolve 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 55 F
after five minutes.
983636 complain of persistent metallic taste. no associated symptoms. 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 73 F
983654 tingling of lips, tingling of tongue, numbness of left side of face, flushed 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 73 F
face on left side. Occurred about an hour and a half post injection.
Lasted about 30 minutes. 12 hours post injection - shortness of breath
similar to asthma, tongue feeling slightly swollen, slight metallic taste.
Lasted a couple of hours while watching tv - subsided. Day 4 - noticeable
fatigue, headache, slight cough, sinus like congestion, muscle and joint
aches, slight dizziness, foggy feeling, sluggish, but no fever. slowly
resolved over next day.
983758 Received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at 0845 on Thursday the 28th of 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 37 M
February. Immediately upon injection, the site became red and inflamed.
Pt was given 25mg of chewable Benadryl within 45 seconds of vaccine
administration. Pt was directed to sit down and vital signs were taken.
BP- 145/96 SP02: 99% on RA, HR: 95 RR: 22. Pt was given a cool
compress and monitored closely by a Physicians Assistant for 15
minutes. Pt stated he felt that he was ?very anxious, but felt fine.? Vital
signs were taken again; BP 136/78 SP02- 100% on RA, HR: 72, RR: 18. Pt
was monitored for another 30 minutes with no other side effects. Pt was
given instructions to come back to clinic if symptoms persisted. walked
from his car to his office around 1430 and ?felt winded and had difficultly
breathing? he also stated he had a ?metallic taste in his mouth around
lunch time.? Pt came back to the clinic and spoke to provider who did not
feel that patient needed any escalation of care. Pt was contacted
multiple times after incident today and no additional symptoms persisted,
at this time.
983813 Light headedness and metallic taste 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 50 F
983878 Lightheaded ness and metallic taste 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 51 F
984031 Post vaccine, patient described chest pain, metallic taste in mouth, dry 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 38 F
tongue and L foot tingling.
985211 Metallic taste in mouth about an hour after receiving the vaccine - lasted 01/26/2021 01/27/2021 43 F
about 5 hours. Body Aches, Fatigue all over starting 24 hours after
receiving vaccine. Lasted for about 8 hours. Fully recovered by next
985524 Metallic taste right after for 45minutes 6 days post injection @12pm bp 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 48 F
130/101 resting hr94, @ 2:30 bp 141/100 resting hr 96 palpitations and
SOB untill3:30pm then again from 5pm-6:30. Diastolic has went down
from the 80s and 90s but systolic has kept in the 140 range. My normal
is around 120/80.
985683 1ST TIME - INJ 1/6/21 EL0142 (throbbing headache after I left the 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 33 F
hospital. It didn't go away until I took 2 Exedrin & went to bed. I also had
some nausea as well and was fatigued). 2ND VACCINE - INJ 1/29/21
EL324 (much worse - fatigue, muscle pain, extreme nausea, headache,
and metallic taste in mouth after 15 min wait passed. i also had an inj site
reaction. my right arm was burning and i had a stinging pain)
986437 Headache, Fever- 102.3, Severe Body aches, Severe chills, couldn't feel 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 48 F
botoms of feet, metallic taste in mouth, hives, tiredness, stuffy nose,
confusion, delerium.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
986456 Headache, Fever- 102.3, Severe Body aches, Severe chills, couldn't feel 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 48 F
botoms of feet, metallic taste in mouth, hives, tiredness, stuffy nose,
confusion, delerium.
986518 I experienced dry mouth, unquenchable thirst, metallic taste in mouth, 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 31 F
diminished taste, dizziness, nausea, chills, fever, myalgia, joint pains,
soreness at injection site, congestion, mild headache.
986904 Fever, cough, muscle aches, fatigue, metallic taste in mouth, congestion, 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 50 F
headache, nausea, abdominal pain. Symptoms improved 1/29 in AM.
987159 Within 5 minutes after shot my lips were feeling tingly. at 15 minutes out 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 43 F
a co-worker sat by me and I told her about my lips and she commented
that I had a large red mark/rash on my neck. I went to the nurse and she
asked if I was nervous - which I was. She told me that I should take a
Benadryl. I took a single Benadryl. I went home and was still feeling the
tingling sensation and had the rash which had spread onto my chest. I
took another Benadryl about one hour after the initial shot. This reduced
the rash and tingling sensation. as it wore off about 4.5 hours later the
rash, tingling lips and facial swelling started to appear. I took two more
Benadryl and called the on call doctor at my physicians office. He
advised me to continue taking Benadryl until 48 hours after the vaccine, I
did this every 4-5 hours including waking during the night to keep up on it.
I was also taking Advil at this point to try to help with the swelling and a
dull headache that had set in. I should note that I have never had any
facial injections or anything like unto it. For 40 hours post vaccine I did
this. After 48 hours the symptoms seemed to go away. I did start feeling
a metallic taste in my mouth that night and the following night so I took a
single Benadryl at bedtime those nights and that seemed to resolve it. I
have had a slight cough and congestion on days 3-6 when I woke up in
the morning, but that would resolve itself within an hour of being up. The
doctor on call that I spoke with the first night did advise me to still get the
second dose, but to take some Benadryl ahead of time and to make sure
that the clinic has a current EpiPen on site.
987213 the first 12 hrs, nothing abnormal (chills, aches, restlessness in sleep. The 01/20/2021 01/21/2021 68 F
morning of day 2 I experienced an overwhelming bitter/metallic taste.
This last for 3 days. It was a very strong taste--notably unpleasant. When I
ate, I could taste food. I sucked on lozenges to keep the taste at bay. It
faded over the 3rd day and was mostly gone on the 4th.
987274 3am severe chills with 104.6 fever; vomiting, diarrhea; severe headache, 01/19/2021 01/20/2021 47 F
felt like pins and needles all over body. Fever 101 with Tylenol/ibuprofen
alternating, lasted exactly 24 hours. Next 2 days severe head ache and
tired; next 5 days swollen injection site- red and hurt; lymph node swollen
under right arm about the size of a baseball; since this time have metallic
taste and smell. This piece still happening
987282 Metallic taste developed in mouth about 3 - 5 minutes after injection. 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 46 F
After about another couple of minutes, mouth began to feel numb. Also
started to tingle. Sensation/response lasted for about 2 hours. No other
side effects.
987606 Started about 3-5 minutes in with clammy hands and a very dry ?cotton 01/25/2021 01/25/2021 36 F
mouth? sensation in my throat. Metallic taste in my mouth was noted. I
felt tachycardic, then as if my heart was pounding out of my chest. Asked
to have vitals checked, BP 179/99, pulse 130-140s, oxygen sat 97-100%.
Started feeling chest burning from left to right chest and also
palpitations. Was given Zyrtec by on site RPh, then eventually transferred
to the ED at approx 9am. I was given IV Pepcid 20mg and PO Benadryl
50mg, potassium repletion for incidentally low level of 3.1. Had BMP /
CBC/ Complement total and triptase levels drawn. Kept for observation
until pulse and Bp were within normal range. Discharged around 11:45am
987967 Reported having a metallic taste in mouth. After waiting for 30-45 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 52 F
minutes reported tingling at the back of the mouth and throat. Called
CODE 250 and was taken to the emergency room for medical
management and observation.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
988157 Began with a slight headache that eventually got worse. Started, when 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 51 M
treated, at a 5 of 10. Left facility with a 7 of 10 headache. Then I had a
weird taste in my mouth (metallic like). My tongue started to tingle and
was a bit numb. Eventually after Doctor at facility took me in, I was given
benedryl 50 mg and an antacid. After a few minutes the right side of my
mouth became itchy but the tingling stopped. The itch was not
unbearable but it was getting there. I was already having a slight difficulty
breathing but that was from the morning even with inhalers. As an
instrument player a doctor said I have super lungs so my results would
be skewed due to how much air I take in. But any loss of air, although in
the safe range for others, is like breathing through a straw for me. My
blood pressure was 139/90 at the time. My normal blood pressure is
117/70. I went home feeling cold and just not feeling well, relatable to flu
symptoms. This is the next day after taking benedryl every 6 hours at
50mg/dose. My breathing is slightly labored. I feel ok but my arm hurts, I
have been moving it around a lot just to get it mobile. My chest feels like
there is a slight weight on it which is weird for me. At the moment my
pulse is 81bpm and my oxygen is at around 96. My norm is around
70bpm and oxygen at 99. No temperature is consistent at 97.3. I feel a
little weird today. I am stiff all over as well. Little aches here and there
but that is a norm. Doing my stretches and exercise is not a go today.
Can't breathe as normal.
988446 10 minutes after receiving the intramuscular Covid-19 Moderna 01/30/2021 01/30/2021 61 F
vaccination patient started to feel tingling sensation on the right side of
her face, arm and leg and a dizzy. She also had a metallic type taste in
her mouth. When called to the area client was talking and had no signs
or symptoms of distress. Was speaking without difficulty and ambulating
without difficulty. She reported that she had not taken her blood pressure
(hypotensive) medication today nor had she eaten anything. The issue
was resolving quickly while speaking with her. Lung sounds clear, heart
rate normal. 124/72 84 20 (TPR). Denied headache, weakness or
numbness. Client improved while speaking with her and was released to
home with her daughter who was directed to stay with her the rest of the
day and call 911 for any medical emergency.
989774 Approximately 35 minutes after receiving the Moderna vaccine, I 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 47 F
experienced an unusual metallic taste in my mouth followed by severe
pain to both sides of my head and significant dizziness, I also felt tingling
and numbness to the lower part of my face. The intense pain to my head
(like both sides of my head were being squeezed between two plates)
and dizziness lasted about 10 minutes. At the time it occurred, I was
driving and had to pull off the road due to the symptoms. The dizziness
slowly got better but my headache remained, although it wasn't as severe.
After the dizziness faded, I felt light-headed for about 30 minutes. The
strange metallic taste in my mouth lasted about 45 minutes. I had never
had an experience like that with a vaccine.
989860 15 minutes after injection, I had a strong metallic taste in my mouth. One 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 74 F
hour to 1.5 hours after the injection, my tongue felt scalded . My tongue
has an obvious red ring which continues to have a burning sensation.
Day 3 and it is somewhat less sensitive but continues to burn.
989892 Metallic taste in her mouth. Violent shaking for 11.5 hours and pulled 01/21/2021 01/22/2021 61 F
muscles in her stomach and back. Injection site hot. Fingers on that side
were white Dizziness. H/A. Vomiting
990024 Metallic taste and dry mouth inmediately after injection that stopped on 01/30/2021 01/30/2021 39 F
its own and lasted for less than a minute. Severe headache migraneous
type that started an hour after injection, treated with OTC Acetaminophen
at home but did not resolved until 6 hrs later. Moderate Myalgia and
general malaise without fever or chills that started 20 hours after
injection and was treated with Ibuprofen and bed rest at home. Lasted 12
hrs aprox.
991000 30 minutes after receiving the vaccine I began to have tingling in my 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 37 F
throat, tongue, and lips. Also had a slight metallic taste in my mouth that
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
subsided within 10 minutes. My upper lip began to swelling along the
edge only. The tingling and swelling subsided after 3 hours. On day 4 after
the vaccine, my left arm felt "cool and heavy" for 3 hours, and returned on
day 5 (02/01/21).
991209 Patient complained of metallic taste in mouth w/in 5 mins of vaccine on 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 56 F
1/22/21. On the next day, patient was biting tongue and felt was swollen,
and took Benadryl. On 1/24/21, patient noticed tongue swollen and went
to ER where was given prednisolone 60mg. Went to allergist 1/28/21 to
perform allergy testing and was told allergic to the PEG (polyethylene
glycol) and advised to defer dose #2.
992230 Increased BP, flushing, metallic taste in mouth, fever up to 101.0 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 52 F
992591 Stated that she had a metallic taste in mouth. Denied shortness of breath 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 69 F
and pain. No wheezing noted. Vital signs taken. Monitored for 30
minutes. Stated that she felt good. Nurse advised patient to monitor for
additional signs and symptoms and to seek medical treatment if
condition worsens. Patient verbalized understanding and was discharged.
992663 Metallic taste in mouth, insatiable thirst 01/16/2021 01/19/2021 32 F
992725 Approximately 10 min. post vaccine, she developed numbness & tingling 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 53 F
in both hands, fingers, both feet & toes, lips, bruised sensation in throat,
Metallic taste in mouth. Unable to lift left arm on Jan. 16, 2021. Other
symptoms have disappeared except the numbness, tingling in hand finger
tips and feet, toes. Unable to return to full duty work as of 2/1/21.
Modified duty.
992799 Metallic taste in mouth, hot lips and cheeks, that eve, chills, muscle, arm 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 54 F
pain that went into fever increasing to 103.9, deep bone pain, neck, back,
rib pain, chills, severe weakness, decreased mobility, The next day same
with a headache and injection site red and hot size of 3 silver dollars.
Day 3 weak, fatigue, aches , back, neck pain, arm pain and hot still huge,
low grade fever Day 4 achy, cough, congestion, pain
993109 metallic taste in mouth began today, not alleviated by food or drink (body 01/29/2021 02/01/2021 38 F
aches and fatigue were experienced on the day after vaccination, but that
was reported through a text alert system)
994228 Myalgia tingling and paresthesia of mouth, tongue , scratchy throat, mild 12/21/2020 12/21/2020 58 F
cough, metallic taste, myalgia Narrative: tingling and paresthesia of
mouth, tongue , scratchy throat, mild cough, metallic taste, myalgia
994254 Systemic: Headache, Systemic: Other- Staff Member complained of 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 51 F
metallic taste and headache. Instructed to lay down, BP was elevated,
continued to rise. Contacted 911, patient transported to hospital,
admitted and disharged next day. Symptoms lasted 1 day
994522 metallic taste, hot trachea and esophagus, breathing difficulty, diarrhea, 01/12/2021 01/12/2021 50 F
fatigue, extreme headache, sensitivity to light
994607 I had a metallic taste in my mouth that lasted about 36 hours. 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 49 F
994758 Metallic taste to mouth Tongue feels funny Tingling/Fidgety to Fingers 02/02/2021 02/02/2021 62 F
995348 After dose #1- sore left deltoid lasting for 1 week and severe fatigue 01/31/2021 02/01/2021 56 F
lasting for 48 hrs. After dose #2-12 hours post injection, myalgias, chills
and cough set in. Took to bed and became febrile @100.4, noted a
metallic taste in mouth a/w headache. Lasting 48 hours.
995660 Metallic taste in mouth started approximately 1 hour after receiving 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 54 F
vaccine and still reporting metallic taste. Tingling on tongue started after
receiving vaccine and went away after a few days.
995982 Shortness of breath, chills. tingling, metallic taste, nausea, headache 02/02/2021 02/02/2021 26 F
996307 Sore arm resolved in 24hrs Metallic taste began 24-48 hrs after 01/25/2021 01/26/2021 69 F
vaccination lasting x 3 resolved On 2/1/21 noticed a Round
silver-dollar sized initially then size increased by 2/2/21 itchy lesion;
appears like a "bullseye" with reddened circle around swollen area. Site is
warm, red to touch. Advised by her PCP via telehealth 2/2/21 to take:
generic Zyrtec:10mg. Site improved after medication: no longer itchy, or
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
red circle. Size remain the same.
996326 Chest pressure, dizziness, headache, metallic taste in mouth 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 35 F
997580 Within 30 seconds had metallic taste in my mouth. Approximately 1hr 15 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 40 F
minutes later I began to experience swelling of the tongue, scratchy
throat, headache, heart palpitations and nausea, which progressed
through the evening. Benedryl was taken PO at approximately 2005. At
HS (approx. 2230) tongue was still swollen, though not grossly. In the
morning my tongue was slightly swollen, but improved. All other
symptoms persisted for 3-4 days.
998186 Immediately after the shot had bad H/A, burning in the rib cage like a fire 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 74 F
was burning. Lower lip became numb. Very metallic taste in mouth with
burning. The numbness continued until the next day, then went away.
Then 26 hrs later, had a catch in the lower back going into the hip, very
intense pain for 10 minutes. Had to sit down an rest. Then burning in the
ribs cage again. Then vomited intensely, uncontrollably it lasted about
30mins. Then went to bed with a heating pad for about 1 hr. Then had
the projectile vomiting again. It lasted 20mins. Then took Percocet and
went to bed. Then had chills. got up 8 time with night sweats. This
morning she feels much better, but still with a terrible H/A. Still feels
tired, fatigue. Called MD to report. Got a nausea medication.
998315 patient reported a metallic taste in mouth but no other symptoms, around 02/03/2021 02/03/2021 80 F
9:46 (11 minutes after onset) the metallic taste was resolving
998352 Within 15-minutes of vaccination, the patient reported a metallic taste in 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 71 F
their mouth. EMS monitored patient's condition on-site.
998791 A metallic type taste in the mouth followed by numbness of the tongue 02/03/2021 02/03/2021 86 F
starting from back of the tongue and progressing to entire tongue. Pt was
moved to first aid room where v/s and ecg monitoring were started. The
numbness never progressed to swelling, scratchiness, or anything else.
No further treatment was provided and symptoms resolved on their own
within 15-20 minutes. Pt did not feel further evaluation was necessary.
998860 Patient voiced having metallic taste in mouth and had mild redness on 02/03/2021 02/03/2021 39 F
chest and stated chest felt warm. Patient denied any itching.
998905 Immediate warm flushing sensation lasting a couple seconds/coincident 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 76 M
with change in taste to a metallic taste. Lasted only a few seconds.
999221 After 30 receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, Patient developed symptoms: 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 25 F
fatigue, lips numbing, metallic taste in mouth, difficulty breathing, nausea
and dizziness. I provided patient 2 tablets of Benadryl 25 mg (total 50
mg) and monitored patient. I called 911 team when patient developed
shortness of breath. The ambulance team arrived 10 minutes later and
determined that patient was not severely reacted. Patient decided not to
go to the ER and recovered after that.
1000526 Right eyelid feels heavy; She slept all day Sunday; Extreme fatigue; 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 48 F
Flushed feeling; lightheaded/dizzy; lightheaded/dizzy like she was going
to pass out; Had a heavy feeling in her throat and chest/Had a heavy
feeling on her face- had removed her mask but it still felt like she still had
it on; Had a heavy feeling in her chest; Tingling sensation on her lips;
Tingling sensation on the right side of her face, and cheek; Severe burning
in her right ear; Sore throat on the right side; When she was speaking it
sounded like she had a thick tongue; Tongue feels swollen; Pain at the
base of her skull on the right side; Pain on the right side of her forehead;
Pinpoint pain that went down the right side of her spine; Metallic taste in
her mouth; felt off; Pain at the injection site; It was so bad that it would
wake her up if she rolled over; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable Nurse reporting for herself. A 48-year-old female patient
received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE; Batch/lot number: EL3248), via an unspecified route of
administration on 15Jan2021 at single dose (Once by injection in the right
arm) for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient medical history was not
reported. Historical vaccine included Hepatitis B vaccine. There were no
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
concomitant medications. On 15Jan2021, after 15 minutes of monitoring
she was fine. 5 minutes later or so (after 20 minutes), she had a flushed
feeling and was lightheaded/dizzy like she was going to pass out. She
returned to her office. She had someone check her blood pressure which
was fine. It was 110/60. Normally it runs low in the 90s. Again, she
thought she looked flushed. It was reported she had a heavy feeling in her
throat and chest and on her face. She had removed her mask but it still
felt like she still had it on. She had brought Benadryl with her, as she has
had a reaction to the Hepatitis B vaccine before. She took the Benadryl
since she felt off. She thinks this first part of what she experienced
triggered everything else. By the time she got home, she had a tingling
sensation on the right side of her face, on her lips and cheek. She had
severe burning in her right ear. She also had a sore throat on the right
side. Heaviness in her throat and chest- resolved late Saturday to early
Sunday (Jan2021). Her husband noticed on Friday evening (15Jan2021)
when she was speaking it sounded like she had a thick tongue. Saturday
morning it was more normal. Her tongue does feels swollen. She also
developed pain at the base of her skull on the right side. This started
about 2 hours after the vaccine. She had pain on the right side of her
forehead. She had pinpoint pain that went down the right side of her
spine. She also developed a metallic taste in her mouth. She had pain at
the injection site. It was so bad that it would wake her up if she rolled
over. On 17Jan2021, she slept all day Sunday and also had extreme
fatigue. On 18Jan2021, her right eyelid feels heavy on 18Jan2021. She
does not think any of these are serious, but stated they are concerning.
Vaccination card does not have the NDC or expiration date on it. Patient
asked is getting the second dose of the injection recommend. She is
leaning towards no but wanted to see what was recommended. She has
reached out to her primary care about this. Outcome of the events
flushed feeling, lightheaded/dizzy, lightheaded dizzy, like she was going to
pass out was recovered on 15Jan2021. Outcome of the events when she
was speaking it sounded like she had a thick tongue was recovered on
16Jan2021; Outcome of the events pain at the base of her skull on the
right side, pain on the right side of her forehead, pinpoint pain that went
down the right side of her spine, extreme fatigue, pain at the injection site
was recovered on 17Jan2021; Outcome of the events Had a heavy feeling
in her throat and chest/Had a heavy feeling on her face- had removed her
mask but it still felt like she still had it on, and Had a heavy feeling in her
chest was recovered on Jan2021. Outcome of the events severe burning
in her right ear, sore throat on the ride side, tingling sensation on her lips,
tingling sensation on the right side of her face and cheek was recovering.
Outcome of the events tongue feels swollen, metallic taste in her mouth,
right eyelid feels heavy was not recovered. Outcome of the events it was
so bad that it would wake her up if she rolled over, she slept all day
Sunday, and felt off was unknown. The reporter considered the events as
non-serious. Causality assessment for events for felt off, she slept all day
Sunday, It was so bad that it would wake her up if she rolled over was not
reported. Causality assessment for all other events was reported as
1002097 Metallic taste in mouth immediately , 30-60 min later face and hand on 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 42 F
left side became numb, next day felt heavy on left side and body aches,
by sunday symptoms resolved
1002206 11:30 participant received vaccine; 12:10 pm she stated her tongue had a 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 54 F
metallic taste and she felt lightheaded (stated symptoms started at 11:45
am. Vitals @12:15: BP 140/70, HR 80, RR 16, Temp 97.7F. Offered her
bottled water. 12:30 pm stated she felt better Vitals: BP 140/70, HR 60,
RR16, temp 97.5F, lungs CTA. Balanced gait. Conferred with EMS who
stated that they are comfortable releasing her.
1002258 tingling in mouth and nose with metallic taste metallic taste also went 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 66 F
down throat with heat sensation and sore throat
1002472 Tongue swollen roof of mouth tingling metallic taste 01/16/2021 01/16/2021 70 M
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1002676 Within 2 mins of shot: Tachycardia, dizziness, some mild shortness of 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 43 F
breath/chest tightening, reddening of face/chest (and strange almost
metallic taste in mouth). The metallic taste subsided quickly (within 2
mins) tachycardia subsided quickly (within 5-10min), and I felt dizzy for
approx 30mins (the skin on my chest still looks slightly red approx 2
hours later). The next day/morning I awoke with slightly puffy/swollen
face and upper lip lightly swollen/tingly
1002736 Metallic taste, eyes watering, feeling jittery, eyes itching, needs to take 02/01/2021 02/04/2021 46 F
deep breathe
1002938 Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA 30 minutes after vaccination dizziness 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 39 F
and lightheadedness approx 4 hours later dizziness returned
accompanied by metallic taste in mouth
1002953 Caller stated that she received her vaccine on 01/21/2021 and started 01/21/2021 02/01/2021 52 F
having a weird (metallic)senation to her tongue and is not getting better.
Member advised follow up with her PCP and is scheduled to see an
allergist in 2 weeks.
1002970 Patient called yesterday and stated she had vaccine on 01-21-2021. She 01/21/2021 01/22/2021 51 F
stated she had a sore arm the next day that lasted 36 hours and a pian in
her axilla area that lasted a week. She reported she had a fever of 100.8
that lasted a day. Patient also stated she has metallic taste in her mouth
after vaccine and still has it today. She has a call in in to her Allergist to
make him aware of it.
1003084 Approx 30 min after administration- chest pressure, slight SOB, metallic 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 51 F
taste in mouth. 4 hours after vaccination headache, nasal congestion,
muscle pain, joint pain, redness to left arm (shoulder to elbow), fever up
to 103, chills, shaking with the chills, nausea, sore arm
1003214 Pt reports that she has started feeling itchy (no rash noted) and has and 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 48 U
has a metallic taste in her mouth. Placed on stretcher and vital signs
taken, Benadryl 25 mg given orally with juice. At 1450 Pt feeling better,
itchiness decreased and pt discharged
1003260 metallic taste to mouth, thickening of saliva, itching on neck. Benadryl 50 01/07/2021 01/07/2021 46 F
mg PO, transferred to Urgent Care. Monitored and discharged with no
further incident
1003561 30 mins after injection of second dose a metallic/medicinal taste was 02/01/2021 02/02/2021 37 F
discovered in my saliva. Four hours after dose began feeling nausea.
Day 2 nausea and metallic/medicinal taste in saliva continued. Metallic/
medicinal taste in saliva stopped mid morning of day 2. Day 2
experienced chills, headaches, elevated body temperatures, severe night
sweats, and stiff body. Day 3 headaches and stiff neck. Also injected arm
was very sore during the two day experience.
1003695 Metallic taste in my throat...immediately. Light headed and faint within a 02/02/2021 02/04/2021 72 F
minute. Foggy thinking, slight fever, fatigue. Two and 1/2 days later,
swollen arm below the shot site, red, itchy, hot and sensitive to the touch.
1004556 Metallic taste in my mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a 01/12/2021 01/13/2021 32 M
contactable Physician (patient). A 32-year-old male patient received the
second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
an unspecified route of administration on 12Jan2021 07:00 AM at single
dose in left arm for COVID-19 immunisation. The first dose of BNT162B2
was administered on 22Dec2020 at 06:00 AM at single dose in left arm.
The patient was vaccinated at hospital. Patient age at vaccination was 32
years. No other vaccine was given within 4 weeks prior to the COVID
vaccine. Medical history included psoriatic arthritis. The patient has no
known allergies. Concomitant medication included adalimumab
(HUMIRA). On 13Jan2021 the patient experienced metallic taste in mouth
occurring daily but intermittently, started after first dose but now worse
after second dose. No treatment was received for the event. The event
had not resolved. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with
COVID-19 and since the vaccination, has been tested for COVID-19 (nasal
swab performed on 19Jan2021 which resulted negative). Information on
the lot/batch number has been requested.
1004648 I feel metallic taste in my mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a 01/21/2021 02/04/2021 U
contactable Consumer. This Consumer(patient) reported that a patient of
unspecified age and gender received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), via an
unspecified route of administration on 21Jan2021 02:00 at SINGLE DOSE
for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history was not reported.
There were no concomitant medications. Patient had a shot today the
vaccine (Covid vaccine) that was at 2 O'clock and patient felt metallic
taste in patient's mouth. The outcome of event was unknown.
Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
1005719 Felt very hot after getting vaccine: drinking water> Then tasted metallic 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 53 F
taste; BP slightly elevated 160/90; no other issues.Monitored; hot
resolving, metal taste resolving
1006103 On Saturday, January 30, 2021 I began experiencing an altered sense of 01/13/2021 01/30/2021 53 M
taste with a metallic taste all through my mouth and tingling in my mouth.
I mostly felt ill throughout the day with low-grade fever, fatigue, body
aches. This continued on Sunday, January 31, 2021 and Sunday evening,
I noticed a small droop in the upper lip on the right side of my mouth.
When I awakened, Monday, February 1, 2021, I had full right-side paralysis
of the face, severe right eye, right jaw and right ear pain, severe fatigue,
continued body aches. After going to the ER where tests were performed
to rule out stroke and sepsis, I was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy.
1006358 Metallic taste in mouth since vaccine 01/26/2021 01/27/2021 47 F
1006368 After initial vaccination patient reported experiencing metallic taste in 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 48 M
tongue and tingling. the tingling sensation persisted several weeks and
the patient visited an allergist for further assessment. upon evaluation
allergist noted sloughing on the tongue 4 weeks after the initial
vaccination. patient was deemed ineligible for 2nd vaccination per
recommendation from allergist.
1006674 metallic taste, dizzy, lightheaded 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 30 F
1006719 I have a metallic taste in my mouth and my arm still looks like covid arm 01/22/2021 02/01/2021 46 F
and it?s been 2 weeks. It?s still warm to the touch
1006890 Within 5-10 minutes of the shot I started to get a metallic taste in my 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 41 F
mouth. Then my legs started to feel heavy and numb, then my face felt
numb and then my arms. I could barely pick something up and I could not
stand. Then my jaw started to shake and so did my legs. I went to the ER
and they said I was having a shock/panic attack response to the vaccine.
On Monday 1/25 I woke up in extreme stomach pain and went back to the
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
ER and they said I needed to have my appendix out. I went to a hospital
where they tried to just give me antibiotics, but still had to have my
appendix out on Wednesday 1/27.
1007203 I have had 4 adverse events over the course of the 2 shot series. I did not 01/11/2021 01/11/2021 56 F
realize these represented adverse events until after the 2nd dose. 30
minutes after the 1st shot (this is the one I noted in this report), while
driving home from the vaccination center, my face became itchy and hot.
I became panicked, and had a panic attack. I pulled off the road, and dealt
with my panic symptoms which were typical for me when I have panic
attacks (sense of doom, extreme fear that I am dying, depersonalization).
I forgot that it was triggered by itching. In fact, I did not report a reaction
to the vaccine center when I got my 2nd shot because I considered it a
panic attack, which is not new, and I had forgotten about the itching. I
remembered this happened when I received the 2nd shot on 2/2/21 at
2:00 and remained at the center for 30 min (due to my sulfa allergy).
Again driving home (abt 45 min after the vaccine) my face became itchy
and hot. It lasted approximately 20 min, and resolved. No other acute
symptoms . However, I've developed a mild stomatitis after both shots.
Several days after the first shot I woke up to find extensive sloughing of
my buccal mucosa. . There was no pain, but I continued to have
sloughing for several days. it was extremely noticeable the first 2 days,
and tapered off. I also developed a metallic taste in my mouth (that was
the most bothersome part) this was very strong for 3-4 days, and has
lessened but not resolved completely. I did not connect any of this with
the vaccine. Today 3 days after the second shot, I woke with more
mucosal sloughing in my mouth. It is localized to one particular area
nearand seems to be deeper layers because there is some tenderness to
the area and a lesion. I have some metallic taste in my mouth but it is
1007605 Strong metallic taste in mouth. Lasted about a month. 01/01/2021 01/08/2021 68 F
1007939 11:30am vaccinated; 12:10pm stated her tongue had metallic taste and 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 54 F
she felt lightheaded (started at 11:45am) Offered her bottled water.
12:15pm BP 140/70, HR 80, RR 16, Lungs CTA, Temp 97.7 12:30pm
stated she felt better, no symptoms. BP 140/70, HR 60, RR 16, Lungs
CTA, Temp 97.5 Balanced gait. Conferred with EMS who stated they are
comfortable releasing her.
1008129 I received my first COVID19 at around 5:00 p.m. at Walgreens. I was 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 69 F
asked to remain in the store for 15 minutes. By the time I got home, at
around 5:25 p.m., I was feeling woozy, my neck was red (flushed), I had a
strange metallic taste in my mouth, I was very thirsty, and I felt that my
throat was somewhat constricted. I immediately took a Benadryl. (I
knew to do this because I had done this when I had an allergic reaction to
penicillin years ago. By about an hour later I felt alright and the redness
on my neck had almost faded away.
1008231 Around 10:30 pm on 2/5/21, almost 6 hours after my first dose of the 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 48 F
Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, I started feeling fatigued, soreness in my arm
and a metallic taste in my mouth developed. I took 2 Advil (400mg)
around 12:30am. By 1am, my left side was weak, mildly numb and the
left side of my head and left foot were prickly. By 3am, my tongue and
throat felt mildly numb and all the other symptoms continued. My
husband, who is an internist, gave me a Benadryl tablet at that time. On
2/6/21, I woke up fatigued and weak on my left side. The prickly feeling in
my head and foot has gone away and replaced with a headache on the
left side. I still feel weak and slightly numb on the left side and my tongue
and mouth still feel a little numb as well. No breathing difficulties. I have
never had a reaction to any vaccine and I don't have any food allergies. I
am only allergic to cats and occasionally have seasonal allergies in the
1008505 Dizziness and nausea. Took dramamine the night of and generic 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 25 F
meclizine the other 2 days. Metallic taste, buy specifically where I have
had a filling for 6 years. Red blotchy rash around injection site.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1008656 Metallic taste in mouth and tongue numbness immediately and still 01/06/2021 02/06/2021 47 M
present one month later
1008797 Received dose #2. Within 10 minutes, developed metallic taste. 4 hours 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 43 F
later severe nausea and vomiting. Began alternating Tylenol and
Ibuprofen 800mg. 6 hours to the following day- severe headaches, chills,
body aches, all over joint pain. Around midnight on 1/6/21 pain in the arm
that radiated up her neck. 1/7- fever of 101. Small rash around injection
site and slightly down arm. Stiff neck and arm pain.
1010712 nipple drainage; itchy and watery eyes; itchy and watery eyes; sore arm; 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 55 F
metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse
(Patient). A 55-years-old female patient received the first dose of
BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EJ1685),
via an unspecified route of administration on 30Dec2020 at single dose
for covid-19 immunization. The patient took vaccine for work, and to get
back to a normal life. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were both reported as none. Shortly after her first dose of
the vaccine, she developed nipple drainage. She didn't know if it was
coincidental or what. She hadn't noticed it prior to the vaccine. She a work
up with a mammogram and ultrasound. There were no masses or
anything else. They showed no reason to have the drainage. She was
unsure of her weight, but would get 140 or 150 lbs. With the first vaccine,
she experienced a sore arm. It started the evening of the 30Dec2020
about 4-6 hours after the vaccine. That resolved, and she recovered
completely. She also experienced a metallic taste in her mouth. It
happened initially on 30Dec2020. She recovered completely. It only lasted
a couple of hours. They were both not serious. She had noticed an
increase in the itchy and watery eyes on an unknown date. It was ongoing
and persisting. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which
included mammogram: normal, ultrasound breast: normal, weight: 140 or
150 lbs, all on an unknown date. The outcome of the nipple drainage was
unknown, the outcome of the events sore arm and metallic taste was
recovered on 30Dec2020, the outcome of the events increase in the itchy
and watery eyes was not recovered.
1010713 itchiness and watery eyes; itchiness and watery eyes; nipple drainage/ 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 55 F
increased again after the second dose; nipple drainage/increased again
after the second dose; exhausted; nausea; low grade fever; muscle aches;
This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 55-
year-old patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) (lot number: EL3247) via an unspecified
route of administration on 19Jan2021 at single dose for COVID-19
immunization. The patient medical history was not reported. There were
no concomitant medications. The patient previously received the first
dose of bnt162b2 (lot number: EJ1685) on 30Dec2020 for COVID-19
immunization and experienced nipple drainage, sore arm, metallic taste in
mouth, itchy and watery eyes. The nipple drainage decreased before
getting the second dose, and then increased again after the second dose.
She noticed an increase in the drainage on 21Jan2021. It was a yellowish
to clearish drainage. She was wondering if there was any correlation. She
was curious if other women have noticed this. She was unsure of her
weight, but would get 140 or 150 lbs. She didn't have a prescribing doctor.
She got it through her employer. Also she experienced other side effects.
After the second dose she experienced different side effects. She
experienced a low grade fever. It started on 19Jan2021 evening into
20Jan2021 morning. It lasted for 18- 24 hours. She recovered completely,
and it was not serious. She also developed muscle aches on 19Jan2021,
6-8 hours after the second vaccine. She felt better now. She had a rough
night last night. She has been doing Advil, and it had helped significantly.
That stated on 19Jan2021. It had improved, and it was not serious. She
had also been exhausted after the second vaccine. That started 20 hours
after. It started the 20Jan2021. It was ongoing, but had improved. It was
not serious. She developed the nausea six hours later on the 19Jan2021.
It had improved, but she was not 100%. It was not serious. She had been
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
taking Tylenol and Advil for event low grade fever and muscle aches. She
had noticed an increase in the itchiness and watery eyes (She didn't know
if it was related to winter and allergies or the vaccine.). It was ongoing
and persisting. The outcome of the event low grade fever was recovered
on 20Jan2021, of the events muscle aches, exhausted, nausea was
recovering, of the events itchiness and watery eyes was not recovered, of
the other events was unknown.
1010886 Medicinal sensation up in the upper palate of mouth about 3 or 4 minutes 01/17/2021 01/17/2021 71 F
same sensation in the back of throat when I would breathe in I would feel;
Almost like I could smell it; Medicinal sensation up in the upper palate of
mouth about 3 or 4 minutes same sensation in the back of throat when I
would breathe in I would feel; Almost like I could smell it; This is a
Spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 71-years-
old female patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE, Batch/lot number: EL3249), via an unspecified route
of administration on 17Jan2021 at single dose for COVID-19
immunisation. Medical history included breast cancer. The patient's
concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced
medicinal sensation up in the upper palate of mouth about 3 or 4 minutes
same sensation in the back of throat when she would breathe in she
would feel; almost like she could smell it on 17Jan2021 with outcome of
recovered on the same day. The patient reported that it didn't taste like
anything that she could identify but it was just a medicinal taste. It wasn't
metallic. It was just a sensation of an odd presence, an odd breath, an
odd air or something in the back of her throat and up in her upper palate
and it lasted for about 10 minutes and then it went away. The patient was
not treated due to the events.
1011435 Metallic taste in mouth immediately following injection. Taste did not 02/07/2021 02/07/2021 35 F
subside and made food taste bad. Tingling in lips started 12 hours after
shot. Chest pain. Have been taking Tylenol and Benadryl and symptoms
have not resolved but have not gotten worse
1011515 Flushing, numbness left hand and fingers, quivering and burning in chest, 02/08/2021 02/08/2021 71 F
numbness and tingling of lips with metallic taste. Blood pressure
160/100, Heart rate 125-130. O2 saturation on room air 96-98%. Patient
transported to Emergency Room via private vehicle. Patient declined
ambulance transport.
1012714 Patient started by complaining of a metallic taste in their mouth shortly 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 55 F
after administration. a few minutes later it had evolved into numbness
and tingling across the entire mouth and down the throat. Physical exam
presented mild swelling
1012762 dizziness, anxiety, metallic taste 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 48 F
1012794 Approx 7 minutes after receiving the vaccine, client started c/o tingling in 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 72 F
her left hand and the tip of her tongue. Vitals monitored, oxygen applied
per nasal cannula. Her symptoms resolved very quickly without the use of
medications. She also c/o metallic taste in her mouth. She was upset bc
she had to wait 2 hours to get the shot and then had to be monitored for
1hr and 45 minutes after the vaccine. She did have one previous reaction
to a pain shot in the past.
1012819 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Patient got first dose of vaccine on 02/03/2021 02/03/2021 40 F
2/3/2021. After getting dose, she felt anxious, increased heart rate and
had a metallic taste in back of her throat. Patient was sent to ER for
evaluation at 10:27am. Patient felt better and discharged at 12:11pm
1013158 Restless legs; blurry vision; headache; nausea; lots of confusion; dizzy; 02/03/2021 02/06/2021 67 F
metallic taste in mouth
1014371 Ten minutes post receiving vaccination pt reported metallic taste in 02/08/2021 02/08/2021 55 F
mouth and 'funny feeling in throat' that made her constantly need to clear
her throat.
1014826 ~ 1 -2 second patient stated that he was feeling heat in his arm; face 02/08/2021 02/08/2021 42 M
noted to flushed ~30 seconds continue to have burning ~ 1 min moved to
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Isolation; c/o metallic taste in mouth and feels nausea ~ patient appears
the same - allergic symptoms reviewed multiple times 1514 162/102 112;
c/o tongue thickness ~1516 stated he felt mild tightness to in throat ~
1518 136/96 100; states he is feeling worse; EPI pen suggested patient
declined ~1520 paten states his allergist had told him that he is not a
candidate for the Moderna Vaccine ~ 1524 EMT was called given
patients condition and the allergist suggested no vaccinations ~1524
patient continues to refuse EPI administration despite c/o throat
tightness and enlarged tongue; able swallow and tongue visually appears
normal 1528 131/81 100 99%; stated tightness is improving 1530
158/106 104 flushed able to swallow; lung sound are clear; no increased
WOB 1533 EMT at bedside - care endorsed to EMT after rport given As
he was leaving with EMT patient stated he may have had COVID 19 ~
December 12 to 20 2019
1015902 Metallic taste in mouth, followed by numbness, tingling in palate, throat, 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 39 F
tongue and lips, followed by swelling of the tongue and lips
1015911 Patient complained of generalized itching, metallic taste in mouth, 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 25 F
nausea and tachycardia. Patient reported cellulitis at the administration
site following first dose of Moderna. Patient transfered to ED for
1016086 Within 15-minutes of vaccination, the patient reported an "odd" metallic 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 69 F
taste in their mouth. EMS monitored the patient's condition on-site.
1016256 Metallic taste in mouth 02/09/2021 02/09/2021 66 F
1016778 I received my first vaccine as the Pfizer manufacturer, and did not have 02/01/2021 02/02/2021 19 M
any side effects. However, when I received my 2nd shot, I received the
Modena manufacturer, and have experienced many concerning side
effects. Fever, cold chills, trembling, fatigue, that lasted 2 days after the
vaccine was administered. The side effect I am still experiencing is a
metallic taste in my mouth, that gets worse when I drink water or other
beverages. My hands and fingers turned a rust orange color the day after
getting the shot and resolved within 48 hours.
1017667 Client reported metallic taste in her mouth approx. 1 minute after 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 64 F
receiving the vaccine. She said her trouble breathing was before the
vaccine, not after. " I have trouble breathing because of my COPD and my
back hurting". Client says she was diagnosed this week with pneumonia.
She tried to take Trilogy but she couldn't tolerate it.
1017810 Immediate: Flushing (transient), bleeding down my own arm and 01/16/2021 01/18/2021 25 F
vaccinator (lasting about 2 min) 1 hour to 3 weeks post vaccination
(inclusive) - ongoing pins and needles sensations in both hands and both
feet. 10 hours to 72 hours post vaccination: - high fever (39.5 Celsius),
causing temporary auditory and visual hallucinations (no history of
psychiatric illness) - uncontrollable chills (pronounced) - transient
tachycardia (3-4 episodes lasting 30 seconds to 2 minutes each time) -
headache - myalgias - transient metallic taste on tongue once, lasting
one minute - insomnia for two consecutive nights - anxiety - mild arm
soreness at the site of injection
1017982 "Covid arm" began Saturday afternoon on 2/6/21 with itching, 01/30/2021 02/06/2021 70 F
tenderness, warm to the touch, red, swollen raised area that was solid/
hard and 2 inches in diameter. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth
that lasted for 3 days. I took an antihistamine for 3 days. On the 2nd day,
the red area lightened and swelling, itching decreased. On the 3rd day he
diameter of the affected area was now 3.5 inches with the center of
outbreak clearing but still red "rash" around the perimeter (measuring
about 0.5 inch. By the end of the 3rd day, the rash was almost gone and
completely gone on the 4th day. I had this same metallic taste in my
mouth almost immediately after the first vaccination on 1/30/21. This
lasted about 14+ hours. It was gone the next morning.
1018347 metallic taste in her throat; strange sensation; very rapid heart rate; This 01/23/2021 01/23/2021 45 F
is a spontaneous report from a contactable health care professional
(patient). A 45-year-old female patient received the first dose of
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, lot number: EL9262), via
an unspecified route of administration on 23Jan2021 at 08:30 on the left
arm at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history
included allergy to penicillin. The patient was not diagnosed with
COVID-19 prior to vaccination. Concomitant medication included
omeprazole (manufacturer unknown). The patient did not receive any
other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Since the
vaccination, has the patient has not been tested for COVID-19. The
patient reported that minutes after the injection, she had a metallic taste
in her throat, strange sensation, and then very rapid heart rate. It subsided
in about two minutes. The patient did not receive any treatment for the
events. The patient recovered from the events. The events were reported
as non-serious.
1018395 splitting headaches; chronic nausea; Vomiting is explosive and 12/29/2020 12/31/2020 61 F
unpredictable; metallic taste in mouth for 3 days.; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable other hcp, the patient. This 61-year-old female
patient received BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine)
(Lot number: EK5730), dose number 1, via an unspecified route of
administration in the right arm on 29Dec2020 at 11:00 (at the age of 61-
years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history
included type 1 diabetes mellitus from 1974 to an unknown date (T1DM
dx 1974) and aortic valve replacement from 1990 and unknown if
ongoing (AVR 1990 and 1992). Concomitant medication included insulin
(INSULIN), simvastatin (SIMVASTATIN) and lisinopril (LISINOPRIL). The
patient did not have any allergies to medications, food, or other products.
Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19.
The patient was not pregnant at the time of vaccination. On 31Dec2020,
the patient experienced metallic taste in mouth for 3 days. On 07Jan2021
at 13:00, the patient experienced splitting headaches, chronic nausea
began and vomiting which was explosive and unpredictable. No
therapeutic measures were taken as a result of the events. The clinical
outcomes of the metallic taste in mouth for 3 days, splitting headaches,
vomiting and chronic nausea were not resolved. It was also reported that
since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19.
1018482 right ear began to hurt; eustachian tube inflammation; slight vertigo; 01/20/2021 01/22/2021 69 F
metallic taste in mouth; phlegm drainage in throat; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 69-year-old female
patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL3247), via an unspecified route of
administration (left arm) on 20Jan2021 (15:00) at single dose for
Covid-19 immunization. Medical history included penicillin allergy (Known
allergies: penicillin, ciprofloxin, levofloxacin, hylan G-F, lexapro, bacitracin).
Concomitant medication included potassium chloride. The patient
previously took Ciprofloxin, Levofloxacin, Hylan G-F, Lexapro, and
Bacitracin and experienced allergy. The patient was not diagnosed with
COVID-19 prior to vaccination. The patient is not pregnant. The patient did
not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine.
On 22Jan2021 (10:00), the patient began to experience slight vertigo
accompanied by metallic taste in mouth and phlegm drainage in throat
(reported as "phlym"). When she laid down in bed at right side mainly her
vertigo got worse. Late Saturday afternoon (23Jan2021), her right ear
began to hurt. She went to urgent care at 7:30 pm. The doctor prescribed
vertigo exercises, Flonase nasal spray for possible eustachian tube
inflammation and ibuprophin. On Sunday (24Jan2021: today), the patient
was still experiencing pretty severe vertigo; not much improved. The
adverse events resulted in doctor or other healthcare professional office/
clinic visit. The patient had vertigo exercises, ibuprophin, and Flonase
spray as treatment. The outcome of events was not recovered. The
patient has not been tested for COVID-19 since the vaccination.
1018507 feeling a metallic taste in my mouth; arm was sore yesterday more 01/23/2021 01/23/2021 F
discomfort as the day went but I feel better today; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable consumer (patient). A female patient of an
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
unspecified age (reported as Age: 52; Unit unspecified) received first dose
of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number and
expiration date not reported), via an unspecified route of administration
on 23Jan2021 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's
medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The
patient received the first dose of the vaccine yesterday (23Jan2021) and
1 hour into it; 30 minutes after she left the site, she started feeling a
metallic taste in her mouth. The metal taste consumed her mouth and
she thought it was strange. She didn't think it was anything related. Today,
she was reminded of it; a little bit of the taste today (which reminded her
of what she experienced yesterday) but not as overwhelming like
yesterday. Her arm was sore yesterday (23Jan2021), more discomfort as
the day went but she feels better today. She was thinking her arm doesn't
have anything to do with her mouth, but she read the metallic taste could
be a side effect, so she contacted Pfizer. It was coming from the left side
of her mouth and consumed her taste buds. Wondering if that had
anything to do with her fillings (she has metal filling on her left side). She
feels fine. The patient also wanted to know if there was anything else, she
needed to know about the second dose which was scheduled for
13Feb2021. The outcome of the event feeling a metallic taste in my
mouth was unknown and recovering for the event arm was sore yesterday
more discomfort as the day went but I feel better today. Information on
the lot/batch number has been requested.
1018680 developed a Metallic taste in the mouth; This is a spontaneous report 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 M
from a contactable nurse (wife). A male patient of an unspecified age
received the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, batch/lot and expiration date unknown), via an unspecified
route of administration on 21Jan2021 at a single dose for covid-19
immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. On 21Jan2021, the patient developed a
metallic taste in the mouth a couple of hours after the vaccine which
lasted from Thursday-Saturday. The outcome of the event was recovered
on 24Jan2021. Information about Batch/Lot number has been
1018868 a metallic taste in mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a 01/22/2021 01/01/2021 M
contactable consumer (patient) from a Pfizer-sponsored program. A male
patient of an unspecified age received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on
22Jan2021 at single dose for covid-19 immunization. The patient's
medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The
patient received Covid vaccine on 22Jan2021 and had a metallic taste in
mouth in Jan2021- wondering if that was normal. The outcome of the
event was unknown. Information on the lot/batch number has been
1018919 I had chills, headaches, body aches, arm soreness and fevers up until 02/10/2021 U
almost the full 48 hours. My arm is still red, swollen, and warm to touch at
injection site. However my main concern is my chest. It began at about 12
hours post vaccine. I felt pressure in my chest and a weird feeling in my
throat that brought on a cough. At about 18 hours when I laid down I had
this tingling feeling on my tongue that was almost like I had ate
something hot and burnt my tongue, but I hadn't. After 48 hours I thought
the feeling was gone. However at night I found myself unable to sleep
again because the pressure in my chest when laying down was back.
When I attempt to take a deep breath while laying down I have to cough. It
is a dry cough. Also, the feeling in my tongue came back again...tingly
amost like all my taste buds were tasting something metallic.
1019024 Metallic taste in mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 29 F
consumer (patient). A 29-year-old female patient received first dose of
expiry date unknown) via an unspecified route of administration on
28Jan2021 11:45 AM in left arm at single dose for COVID-19
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
immunization. Medical history included acne and no allergies to
medications, food, or other products. The patient was not pregnant at the
time of vaccination. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed
with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for
COVID-19. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks
prior to the COVID vaccine. Concomitant medication received within 2
weeks of vaccination included adapalene (DIFFERIN, topical cream)
cutaneous for acne. The patient experienced metallic taste in mouth on
28Jan2021 12:00 PM and no treatment was received. The outcome of the
event was not recovered. The event was reported as non-serious and no
results in death, life threatening, caused or prolonged hospitalization,
disabling or incapacitating, congenital anomaly or birth defect involved.
1019111 I had a metallic taste in base of my throat and after that I have like 01/21/2021 01/21/2021 65 F
burning in my throat; I had a metallic taste in base of my throat and after
that I have like burning in my throat; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable consumer. This consumer reported for self that the 65-year-
old female patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2, Covid Vaccine, lot:
EL3247, Expiration Date: 30May2021), via an unspecified route of
administration on 21Jan2021 at single dose for covid-19 immunisation.
Medical history and concomitant medications were none. Consumer
stated, "I had the shot (Covid vaccine, Pfizer) a couple of days ago and I
experienced the weird side effects. I just wanted to know if that was
normal things or if I need to report this? I had a metallic taste in base of
my throat and after that I have like burning in my throat. I had another
question before you change. I was reading the pamphlets that was given
to me at the clinic and it says that it is been in clinic trial an approximately
20,000 individuals have received the vaccine is that all? I had the vaccine
on 21Jan2021 and it started immediately afterwards. No, it went away on
following day." No treatment received. The outcome of the event was
recovered in Jan2021.
1019144 Arm and head hurt badly; Sick to her stomach; Lost most of the taste and 01/24/2021 01/01/2021 47 F
smell; Lost most of the taste and smell; Weird taste in her mouth;
Headache; Swelling in her throat; Injection site pain; Muscle pain;
Injection site swelling and redness; Injection site swelling and redness;
Swollen lymph node; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
consumer. A 47-year-old female patient received the first dose of
BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection,
lot number/expiration date not reported), via an unspecified route of
administration, on 24Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19
immunization. Medical history included asthma from an unknown date.
Concomitant medications were not reported. It was reported that the
patient got the COVID-19 vaccine shot on 24Jan2021. When she sat there
for 15 minutes, she got a weird taste in her mouth and got a headache. At
2 PM she still had a headache and she lost most of the taste and smell; at
4 pm she was sick to her stomach; by 5:15, her arm and head hurt badly,
the taste in her mouth was like super weird but it was not exactly metallic
taste it was weird bizarre taste she never had before. Her smell came
back. She was extremely nauseated and had a bad headache. She stated
that all of her symptoms were gone away except the swelling in her
throat. She further stated she called the hospital and stated she got
injection site pain, headache, and muscle pain. She also got injection site
swelling and redness, nausea, swollen lymph node and a headache and
the weirdest part that really bothered her was the strange taste in her
mouth. She got some of the smell and taste back and now it's gone; it's
really bizarre like the injection site pain, the headache everything was
gone literally gone. The only things that was still hanging on was her
lymph nodes and throat. The second due dose of vaccine was on
14Feb2021. The patient has not recovered from swelling in her throat and
swollen lymph node, and has recovered from other events. Information
on the lot/batch number has been requested.
1019570 Immediately post vaccine patient complained of metallic taste in mouth, 02/09/2021 02/09/2021 54 F
itchy tongue, diaphoresis and shortness of breath. On VS Heart rate and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
blood pressure were elevated O2 sat was WNL. Patient w as placed in a
supine position and VS were repeated after 15 min and she felt better and
VS were now WNL
1020016 Vertigo, Migraine ( light, sound sesitivity, movement causing severe 02/08/2021 02/09/2021 56 F
crushing sensation, nausea), low grade fever, metallic taste,
1020068 After 30 min post vaccination my hands started itching like crazy - skin 12/18/2020 12/27/2020 37 F
was red and blotchy appearance but no rashy appearance. Lasted about
2 hours still after medicating myself with antihistamines. About 3 days
after the vaccine I noticed a different vaginal discharge that has a
different odor, almost like a metallic one. I am not sexually active at the
moment but this happened after the vaccine. I have never smelled
something like this. It does not smell like an STD odor. I got body aches
and severe headaches, congestion and runny nose, I felt terrible, I had a
low grade fever (99.1F) I am usually on the 97F range) , general malaise
and fatigue, I could not get out of the bed, just to go out to the bathroom.
Went to the PCP who tested me for flu and covid and both were negative.
The symptoms lasted about 48 to 72 hours. Except the discharge/vaginal
odor all symptoms subsided.
1020439 Metallic taste in mouth, sweaty palms, Racing heartbeat. Started about 02/10/2021 02/10/2021 31 F
10 minutes after vaccination. Transferred to ED. Observed for 2 hours.
No interventions required. Discharged from ED
1022671 Loss of sense of smell and metallic tasting food 1 week after receiving 01/11/2021 01/17/2021 35 F
1023071 On the night of the shot, I had trouble sleeping, my heart would stop so I 02/09/2021 02/09/2021 59 F
was awake most of the night in fear of not waking up, when I did get
some sleep, I was having nightmares, I also had a metallic taste in my
mouth and could smell it. My Dr. is having me take 600 mg Ibuprofen,
and 650 mg in Tylenol rotating them.
1023856 About 3:30 in the morning I woke up and I was really cold. I started having 02/06/2021 02/07/2021 73 F
chills. when I checked my temperature it was in the 99s (the highest my
temperature 101.9. When I checked my heart rate in the morning and it
was in the 90s, and that's higher than normal for first thing in the morning.
My heart rate went high and I had achy muscles. I sat around all day, but I
didn't feel that bad in the morning, I took an extra strength Tylenol and I
didn't have much have an appetite. My heart rate stayed in the 90s-130,
so I called my cardiologist and he recommended I alternate Tylenol and
ibuprofen and drink lots of fluids. By dinner that night I had no appetite,
and then I had nausea and dry heaves, so I took 25 mg of promethazine
at about 8 and the dry heaves got better within an hour. I got the COVID
tongue. I had a white coating on my tongue and I couldn't get it off and a
weird metallic taste in my mouth, I had a mild headache. The next day I
felt much better. I called my PCP and they didn't think it was necessary for
me to come in for a cardiogram because I was feeling better.
1024125 Within in minutes I had a strong metallic taste in mouth and order in nasal 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 57 F
passages. Heart racing and lightheaded. I was given water, observed, and
told to call for a ride. Felt better in 15 - 20 min. was tired rest of the day.
1024568 Approximately 5 minutes following administration of my second dose of 02/10/2021 02/11/2021 31 F
the Pfizer COVID 19 vaccine I began to have signs of lip numbness and lip
swelling at the same time. No issues were noted with tongue or throat
swelling associated with anaphylaxis. Additionally I noted an odd taste in
my mouth, potentially metallic. I also experienced some abdominal pain
at that time that passed in approximately 10 minutes. Discomfort and
swelling feeling of the lips has persisted for the past 2 hours. Still no
difficulty breathing, raving heart or other signed of anaphylaxis. Lips are
only slightly swollen on outside appearance if at all but the feeling of
swelling is noticeable
1024804 After 30 minutes receiving the 1st dose of covid-19 vaccine, patient 02/11/2021 02/11/2021 53 F
reported metallic taste. The heart rate was 83 bpm. The blood pressure
was fluctuate from 125 to 150 / 70 to 83. After 15 minutes taking 2
tablets of Benadryl 25 mg, the metallic taste went away. Patient was
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
back to work as usual.
1024813 metallic taste in mouth, feeling "woozy", legs felt heavy 02/11/2021 02/11/2021 80 F
1025170 02/05/21 Developed headache 3-4 hours after receiving COVID vaccine, 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 60 F
along w/ metallic taste in mouth & tingling in right hand. 6 hours after
COVID vaccine had tingling in both hands. 02/06/21 4 AM felt chilled. 8
AM had mild headache & fatigue, tingling in both hands continued all day.
02/07/21 Tingling in both hands continued. Then developed tingling in
left foot & increased tingling in left hand. 02/08/21 Increased tingling in
both hands, worse in left 3rd digit. 6 PM had increased tingling in left
hand & tingling up into left elbow. 9 PM had increased tingling in right
hand. 02/09/21 Tingling in both hands continued all day. Fingers feel
cold off &on. 02/10/21 Tingling in both hands continued all day. Fingers
feel cold off & on. Tingling in feet, left leg up to knee in evening.
02/11/21 Tingling in both hands continues, fingers feel cold in both
hands. Tingling in feet.
1025336 About fifty minutes after shot I experienced a metallic taste in my mouth 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 50 F
(my mouth was very dry), mild swelling in my throat, and mild difficulty
swallowing. The symptoms subsided after thirty minutes. My throat was
sore for two days. I did not require medical attention.
1025580 Diarrhea & NauseaVomiting Narrative: jaw pain, metallic taste, cramps 12/22/2020 12/22/2020 55 F
1025616 6 hours after injection - began low grade fever - body, muscle aches- 02/08/2021 02/08/2021 71 F
weakness- 12 hours after injection - high fever 102 for 3 hours chills
sweats - all other symptoms persisted and I began to have a very strong
METALLIC TASTE in mouth. Very ill; 3 days after Metallic taste still
present still not feeling well. missed 3 days work; By Friday 4 days after-
feeling much better - Metallic taste still present but seems to be a bit
1030030 the swelling and extreme tenderness of the site of injection; the swelling 12/18/2020 12/01/2020 61 M
and extreme tenderness of the site of injection; headache; I couldn't sleep
last night because I have headache, thrombing headache and back pain;
Nausea; I had like metallic taste; Dizziness; The initial case was missing
the following minimum criteria: suspect drug. Upon receipt of follow-up
information on 27Jan2021, this case now contains all required
information to be considered valid. This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable physician. A 61-year-old male patient received his first dose
of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number EJ1685,
expiration date Mar2021) on his left arm, intramuscular on 18Dec2020 at
0.3 mL, single for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included
hypertensive, 2 stents in heart in 2016, Hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism,
coronary artery disease in 2016 and Allergic (Allergic rhinitis + Chronic
sinusitis). Concomitant medication included acetylsalicylic acid
(ASPIRIN), clopidogrel bisulfate (PLAVIX). It was reported that the patient
had swelling and severe tenderness left his arm. He couldn't sleep last
night because he had throbbing headache and back pain on 18Dec2020.
Initially, he had nausea. Patient stated further stated that Headache and
swelling and extreme tenderness of the site of injection, that is the
swelling, no redness but the swelling and tender and painful. Initially, he
had till now the mild back pain. He patient said she took Tylenol. She also
mentioned that initially she had like metallic taste and then disappear.
The patient also had dizziness a little bit. The outcome of the event
vaccination site swelling, dysgeusia and tenderness was recovered on
unspecified dates, headache and back pain was not recovered, recovering
for nausea while unknown for the remaining events.
1030969 Pt has 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine today at approx 1037 and at within 5 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 37 F
min experienced nausea, palpitations and a metallic taste simuliar to
copper pennies. She had breakfast at 0900 and had taken oral SL Zofran
at 0930 due to previous reaction to the first vaccine where she had
nausea, vomiited x 3 metallic taste and had to go home from work. 1055
had vomiting x 2 at present sitting in chair with legs elevated all VSS will
list below. 1105 Spoke with Doctor and pt states she wants to go home.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
He said to offer her a Tryptase test to confirm a diagnosis of anaphylaxis.
The Lab was called and the tests results take 5 to 7 days it is sent out to
Lab. Informed pt of the offer for testing and the time frame. 1117
Vomited for the third time and VSS are stable in recliner chair. 1125
Doctor informed pt wishes to go and sleep she is now starting to get a
headache. She also does not wish to pursue the Tryptase test which she
would have to go the urgent care to be seen and ordered. Pt has a co-
worker to drive her home and declines to go to Urgent care. She was
instructed to return if her symptoms worsen.
1032128 Within 45 minutes, had an overwhelming metallic taste in mouth. Lost 02/10/2021 02/10/2021 44 F
ability to taste food for 36 hours. Also had a fuzzy feeling in ears. Next
day had fatigue, headache, aches, shortness of breath. Subsided within
48 hours.
1032948 Very strong Metallic taste in mouth appeared one week after receiving 01/20/2021 01/27/2021 31 F
shot, and after receiving second dose, less than 3 hours later the metallic
taste disappeared and has not returned. It had been constant from
1033159 Within 5 minutes of vaccine-Metallic taste, Tingling tongue, burning 02/15/2021 02/15/2021 34 F
throat, coughing, lump in throat when swallowing, hot flushed feeling.
Elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugar. 1 hr after vaccine
itchiness all over and itch welt on forehead
1033365 ~5-10 min after receiving first dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, patient 12/18/2020 12/18/2020 34 F
started feeling dizzy/lightheaded/nauseous/iron metallic taste in mouth
but did not pass out; RRT called at 1440 and transported via wheelchair to
ER triage for assessment. Patient d/c'ed home alert & oriented x 4 in
NAD and ambulating with steady gait.
1033934 About 2 hours after receiving the COVID shot, while seated in my recliner, 02/15/2021 02/15/2021 66 M
watching TV, I began to feel a sickened feeling with tightness in my chest
and heart area. The sensation lasted for about 15 minutes then
completely subsided. About 4 hours later upon retiring to bed before
falling asleep, I began to experience a abnormal sound in both my ears. I
covered my ears and the sound remained unchanged. I do suffer tinnitus
and am used to ringing in my ears. This was more of a rushing metallic
sound similar to the rushing water but high pitched and metallic. This
anomaly lasted for around 30 minutes.
1034068 About 5 to 10 minutes after receiving the Moderna vaccine, the patient 02/16/2021 02/16/2021 72 F
reported a metallic taste in her mouth and a funny feeling on the tip of her
tongue. The patient took 25mg of generic Benadryl at this time. She was
monitored for a total of 30 minutes. After this time she reported her
symptoms were better and she had no additional symptoms.
1034213 Ten minutes after getting the vaccine I experienced tingling on both sides 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 58 F
of my mouth and my tongue. About 5 minutes after that, I had a metallic
taste in my mouth. I was monitored and my blood pressure was elevated.
My pulse was normal. They monitored me for 1 hour and then let me go
home. The tingling continued through the night. Around 8 hours after the
vaccine, the tingling was only on the left side of my mouth and tongue.
Two days after the vaccine, my heart began to race. My blood pressure
remained high for approx. 2 1/2 weeks. My heart beat continues to race
at times. I followed up with my PCP and cardiologist who both took EKGs
which were normal.
1034264 Within 20 minutes of receiving vaccine patient reported dizziness, lip 02/16/2021 02/16/2021 41 F
tingling, metallic taste in mouth, swelling to eyes, and difficulty
swallowing. Patient was assessed by provider at 1500. She received
oxygen 2 L via nasal cannula, Epinephrine 0.3 mg IM, followed by
diphenhydramine 25 mg IM for allergic reaction. EMS was called and
patient transported to Hospital Emergency room at 1530
1035521 hallucinations; drowsiness; Insomnia; extremely vivid and realistic 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 43 M
dreams; metallic taste in mouth; muscle soreness; joint pain; headache;
nausea; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer
reporting for self. A 43-years-old male patient received first dose of
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL9265),
via an unspecified route of administration on 01Feb2021 08:15 at single
dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included allergies to
azithromycin, erythromycin, amoxicillin, penicillin. Concomitant
medication included influenza vaccine inact split 4v (FLUZONE),
diphtheria vaccine toxoid, pertussis vaccine acellular 5-component,
tetanus vaccine toxoid (ADACEL), hydrochlorothiazide, lisinopril
(LISINOPRIL HCTZ). The patient experienced Insomnia, extremely vivid
and realistic dreams, hallucinations 16-20 hours after injection (that
night), metallic taste in mouth, muscle soreness, joint pain, headache,
nausea, drowsiness for approximately 36 hours on 01Feb2021 11:00.
Outcome of events was recovering.
1035963 Metallic taste in mouth. Tastes similar to aspirin. Tingling feeling on lips 02/16/2021 02/16/2021 67 M
that has a numbing slight burning effect. Total body itches. Pain in entire
left arm like it has been punched at about a level 4/10 ain.
1037729 Forty minutes after the vaccination, the top of my shoulders were a little 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 65 F
achy - across my back. This lasted around one hour.; Forty minutes after
the vaccination, the top of my shoulders were a little achy - across my
back. This lasted around one hour.; I had a metallic taste in my mouth;
This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 65-years-
old female patient received BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BIONTECH Covid-19
Vaccine), lot number= EL9262, via an unspecified route of administration,
in the right arm, on 22Jan2021 at 14:00 (at the age of 62 years-old) as a
single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The vaccine administration was
given at a hospital. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within
4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine nor was diagnosed with COVID-19
prior to the vaccination. Medical history included being a breast cancer
survivor. Concomitant medication included montelukast sodium
(MONTELUCAST) daily, received within 2 weeks of vaccination. The
patient previously took LEVAQUIN and LIVALO and experienced an allergy.
On 22Jan2021 at 14:45, at forty minutes after the vaccination, the patient
reported that the top of her shoulders were a little achy - across the back
and also experienced a metallic taste in her mouth. This lasted around
one hour. The patient was not hospitalized for the events nor received
treatment. The clinical outcome of the events was not reported. Since the
vaccination, the patient has not been tested for COVID-19.
1037736 tingling sensation in jaw and it extended to nose and it felt numb with 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 46 F
difficulty swallowing; tingling sensation in jaw and it extended to nose
and it felt numb with difficulty swallowing; tingling sensation in jaw and it
extended to nose and it felt numb with difficulty swallowing; raised blood
pressure; metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
healthcare professional. A 46-year-old female patient received
0041297301), via an unspecified route of administration in left arm on
15Jan2021, at 17:00 as first single dose for covid-19 immunisation.
Medical history included obesity, opiate allergy and artichokes allergy
from an unknown date. Concomitant medication included unspecified
probiotic, levothyroxine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN), ascorbic acid (VIT
C), ergocalciferol (VIT D), linum usitatissimum seed oil (FLAXSEED OIL
NATURE MADE). The patient experienced the following non-serious
events: metallic taste on 15Jan2021, at 17:30 with outcome of recovered
in Jan2021; tingling sensation in jaw and it extended to nose and it felt
numb with difficulty swallowing on 15Jan2021, at 17:30 with outcome of
recovered in Jan2021; raised blood pressure on 15Jan2021, at 17:30 with
outcome of recovered in Jan2021. Details were as follows: following
vaccination the patient reported a metallic taste in her mouth, then a
tingling sensation in her jaw which extended to her nose and it felt numb
with difficulty swallowing, and she also had raised blood pressure. No
treatment was received for the adverse events. Prior to vaccination, the
patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19, and since the vaccination, the
patient has not been tested for COVID-19.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1039416 Strong Metallic taste in mouth with mild nausea lasting over 5 days. The 02/13/2021 02/15/2021 57 F
same thing happened with the first dose, but I wasn?t sure it was
attributable to the vaccine.until it happened with the second dose.
1039440 Vaccine administered at 1:50 pm. After 15 minute wait time felt itching in 02/03/2021 02/03/2021 52 F
arms, elbow, upper back, and a metallic taste in mouth, muscle tightness
in upper right back and neck. Blood pressure reading of 120/80.
Consulted anaphylactic protocols administered 25 mg Benadryl PO at
2:34pm. Asked client to wait another 30 minutes at vaccination site for
monitoring. 3:30 pm rechecked BP 120/90, client reports feeling better.
Itching has subsided and was able to leave clinic. Reviewed signs and
symptoms to monitor for and when to seek medical attention. Also
recommended speaking to primary care provider before receiving second
dose of vaccine.
1039496 Cannot taste what he is eating and it is followed by a metallic/soapy 02/15/2021 02/16/2021 73 M
aftertaste. This started one day after the vaccine and continues.
1041229 Client noticed pain in her neck, left axillary and left shoulder. Had a CT 01/28/2021 02/01/2021 70 F
scan two weeks ago that revealed enlarged lymph nodes. Still having pain
with enlarged lymph nodes today on 2/19/21. Also stated that she had a
metallic taste in her mouth when receiving the first dose of the Pfizer
1044676 Fever, Severe chills, Muscle weakness and aches, lethargy, metallic taste, 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 56 F
loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
1045549 Hypersensitivity reaction; Mild metallic taste; Flushing; Heart palpitations; 12/26/2020 12/26/2020 50 F
Tightness in chest; Lightheadedness; Weakness; A spontaneous report
was received from a consumer who is a physician concerning herself, a
50 year old female patient who recived Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine
(mRNA-1273) and experienced hypersensitivity reaction, dysgeusia,
flushing, palpitations, chest discomfort, dizziness and asthenia. The
patient's medical history was not provided. No relevant concomitant
medication was reported. On 26Dec2020, the patient received the first of
their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (lot number 025H20-2A)
intramuscularly in the left arm for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On
26Dec2020, shortly after receiving the injection, the patient experienced a
hypersensitivity reaction with a mild metallic taste, flushing heart
palpitations, tightness in chest, lightheadedness, and weakness. No
treatment was reported and the symptoms did not last past the day.
Action taken with the mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not
reported. The outcome of the events of hypersensitivity reaction,
dysgeusia, flushing, palpitations, chest discomfort, dizziness and
asthenia was considered resolved.; Reporter's Comments: This case
concerns a 50 year old, female patient, who experienced a serious
unexpected event of Hypersensitivity after receiving first dose of
mRNA-1273. Based on the current available information and temporal
association between the use of the product and the start date of the
event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Further information has
been requested.
1045566 metallic taste in mouth; metallic taste in mouth; This is a spontaneous 01/19/2021 01/19/2021 61 F
report from a contactable other healthcare professional (patient). A 61-
year-old female patient (non-pregnant) received second dose of bnt162b2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number= EK4176), via an
unspecified route of administration on 19Jan2021 at single dose at right
arm for covid-19 immunization. Medical history included T1DM (Type I
diabetes mellitus) from 1974, AVR (aortic valve replacement) from 1990
(AVR 1990 and 1992). No known allergies. Concomitant medications
included insulin, simvastatin, lisinopril. The patient was not diagnosed
with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. Since the vaccination, patient had not
been tested for COVID-19. Patient previously received first dose of
bnt162b2 (lot number= EK5730) via an unspecified route of
administration on 29Dec2020 11:00 AM at single dose at right arm for
covid-19 immunization, and had metallic taste in mouth on 31Dec2020
for 3 days, chronic nausea began 07Jan2021, vomiting was explosive and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
unpredictable, and still occurring, splitting headaches. The patient
experienced metallic taste in mouth on 19Jan (pending clarification) with
outcome of not recovered. The adverse events resulted in neither doctor
or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, nor emergency room/
department or urgent care. Patient didn't receive any treatment.
1045655 Within ten minutes of having the first vaccine, I developed a strong 02/14/2021 02/14/2021 55 F
metallic taste in my mouth. This subsided within approximately 2 hours.
Seven days after having the first vaccine, I developed ?Covid arm? at the
injection site. The area is red, swollen, and very itchy.
1046544 First Moderna vaccine (lot number 029L20A, left arm ) on 1/30 with no 01/30/2021 02/06/2021 70 F
immediate reaction other than a metallic taste in my mouth for 12-14 hrs.
Second vaccination scheduled for 2/29. On, 2/6, 7 days after the vaccine,
the arm that received the Covid became tender, red, hard, swelling, very
warm to the touch, metallic taste again. The raised area was about 2" in
1046618 About 2 days after receiving the vaccine, she bitter taste in her mouth. 01/16/2021 01/18/2021 87 F
She still has it as of today. It is kind of metallic taste. She also has blurry
vision and swelling in her eyes. It felt like she had discomfort behind her
eyes. It was causing difficultly reading. This lasted about 2 weeks. It is
not as blurry but her vision is not what it is was prior to receiving the
vaccine. She went to Eye Center, they told her they didn't know what it was
from. They gave her some eye drops and gave her antibiotic/steroid
cream. She has a follow up appointment 2/26/2021.
1046687 After both doses of the Moderna vaccine, about 2-3 minutes post- 02/19/2021 02/19/2021 54 F
injection, I noticed a metallic taste in my mouth for about 2 seconds. The
taste was there just long enough for me to notice the metallic taste and
then it was gone. I had no other adverse reactions to the vaccine. I did
have the muscle aches and fatigue that been documented as common
side effects post-vaccination but those eased after about 36 hours. I
searched online for "metallic taste" but was unable to find any
information as to whether this is an expected side effect, hence my
reporting it now.
1046816 I experienced a metallic taste in my mouth a few minutes after receiving 02/22/2021 02/22/2021 67 F
the vaccine. I mentioned it to the pharmacist and was asked to report it to
the CDC. It lasted a few minutes, with no other symptoms occurring.
1047139 Received vaccine on 12/30/2020: Experienced 5-7 Days of neuropathy, 12/30/2020 12/31/2020 52 F
itching. Six hours after injection, I woke up with extreme flushing, but no
fever. Worst part was, I had like a tingling and burning sensation that
radiated to my extremities legs and feet. Sweating in feet that came in
waves. I felt like my skin was on fire, like I was too close to a heater.
Waves of numbness and tingling that was constant that lasted for
approximated 5 days. Bad taste in mouth like a metallic taste. Blood
pressure was extremely high. Worse at night. I went to ER on 1/3/21,
because I was still having waves of burning and discomfort that was
raising my blood pressure. I thought after 72 hours I would be better and
it did not so this is why I went to ER. Day 5, I had lost of taste, runny nose,
light nausea. By day 6, the cough turned into itchy throat discomfort. Day
7 low grade fever. Day 8, everything started to subside.
1047610 Metallic taste in mouth immediately after receiving vaccine at 8:13 am. 02/22/2021 02/22/2021 80 F
1047749 About 20 minutes after vaccination, lips and tip of nose went numb, 12/19/2020 12/19/2020 47 F
tongue felt big and fuzzy, strong metallic taste in mouth, felt flushed and
HR was elevated. Received 50mg of Benadryl.
1049422 Within 1-2 minutes, felt like an infusion or flush with a chemical/metallic 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 62 F
smell, taste. Extreme weakness, dizziness. Had to sit down for a long
time, couldn't really open my eyes. Bad head feeling. Eyes hurt, but were
not swollen. No swelling, just that constant metallic overwhelming. Dizzy.
Stayed at pharmacy for about 40 minutes. On drive home, hot face,
metallic infusion, very warm. Fever at home, achy all over, 99.8, very
dizzy, brain fog, very weak, arm sore. Next morning, no better. Took a
Nexium and immediately big hive popped up on my chest. Disappeared
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
about an hour later. Took 3 days to feel like myself. Still concerned about
allergic reaction. I'm a little itchy, tingly. I'm now terrified of getting that
second shot.
1050417 Adverse events: cramping at injection site (deltoid), cramping in injection 02/18/2021 02/18/2021 36 M
arm, general body cramping, muscle spasms, numbness, body
temperature dropping, high fever (101F), chills, severe headache,
excessive sweating, severe earache, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of
balance, dizziness, vertigo, joint pain (knees), altered sense of smell
(acidic smoke), altered sense of taste (metallic), altered color vision
(tinted yellow), altered mouthfeel (plastic film feeling), gum sensitivity,
blotchy rashes (legs), tightness in chest, difficulty breathing. All occurred
within first 48 hours following injection and began to subside without
intervention prior to 72 hours following injection.
1051382 metallic taste in mouth; itchy throat that felt constricted; itchy throat that 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 39 F
felt constricted; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable other
healthcare professional (patient). A 39-year-old female patient received
the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE lot
number: EL0142) intramuscular on the left arm on 30Dec2020 10:30 at a
single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included pre-
diabetes and known allergies: Penicillin. Concomitant medication
included escitalopram oxalate (LEXAPRO). Immediately after the 1st dose
on 30Dec2020, the patient experienced metallic taste in mouth followed
by itchy throat that felt constricted. The facility where the vaccine was
administered was in a hospital. Patient was not pregnant. The patient did
not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine.
Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Post
vaccination, the patient has not been tested for COVID-19. Outcome of
the events was unknown.
1051383 tongue numbness; weird taste; persistent allergies; itchy face; This is a 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 39 F
spontaneous report from a contactable health care professional (patient).
A 39-year-old female patient received the second dose of BNT162B2
(Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, lot number: EL8982, expiry date
unknown), via an unspecified route of administration on 20Jan2021 at a
single dose on the left arm for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history
included pre-diabetes and allergies to penicillin both from an unknown
date and unknown if ongoing. The patient concomitantly received
cetirizine hydrochloride (ZYRTEC) as pre-medication and Lexi pro (as
reported). The patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (lot number:
EL0142, expiry date unknown), intramuscular on 30Dec2020 at 10:30 AM
on the left arm for COVID-19 immunization where the patient immediately
after experienced metallic taste in mouth followed by itchy throat that felt
constricted. Prior to vaccination, the patient has not had COVID-19. The
patient has not been tested for COVID-19 post vaccination. The patient
was premedicated with Zyrtec and 15 minutes after second dose had
tongue numbness and weird tast on 20Jan2021 at 16:15 and itchy face
started hours later and then continued with persistent allergies every day
since the second dose until present was placed on oral steroid. The
events resulted in a doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic
visit. The patient received oral steroid and Benadryl as treatment for the
events. The outcome of the events was recovering.
1051908 When patient left pharmacy after waiting about 15 minutes after being 02/17/2021 02/17/2021 66 F
inoculated, she told me that as she was sitting in the waiting area she
developed a clear metallic taste in her mouth.
1052061 I have a strange metallic taste in my mouth. 02/11/2021 02/13/2021 80 F
1052082 Patient was administered the vaccine around 6:15 pm on 2/23/21 and 02/23/2021 02/23/2021 19 F
she waited in the pharmacy recovery area for the full 15 minute time.
Patient called the pharmacy after she had just returned home (around 7
pm) and said her throat felt funny and she had a metallic taste in her
mouth. Confirmed no difficulty breathing at that point, but that her throat
felt a "little thick". As patient was already at home and not near the
pharmacy area, recommended that she immediately go to ER to be seen
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
as felt the delay of driving back to potentially get epi injection and then be
sent to ER could be detrimental to the patient. She confirmed that she
would head to the nearest ER.
1052252 injection site and arm pain; tiredness; muscle pain; joint pain; feeling 02/22/2021 02/22/2021 79 F
unwell; metallic taste in mouth
1052630 Pt received dose #1 of Pfizer vaccine at 12:48 PM. After about 10-12 min 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 51 F
wait period in waiting area, c/o feeling "whoozy", a metallic taste in mouth
and tingling of mouth. A short time later, reports that symptoms are
worsening. Walked with stand by assist of two to cot. BP elevated,
other VSS. C/o feeling "whoozy", middle tongue feeling swollen, metallic
taste in mouth, mouth feeling numb/tingling. Symptoms progressed to
rest of body feeling "tingling". Denies dizziness. Symptoms progressing.
Denies SOB, itchy throat or throat swelling sensation. Denies any itching
of skin. No hives or rash noted. Due to worsening of symptoms, a First
Responder was called at 2:01 PM for transport, monitoring and treatment
in ED.
1052696 Patient reported metallic taste in mouth feeling flushing in throat and 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 44 F
chest. HR 113, 96% o2 RA was checked by paramedics and cleared
refused treatment.
1053017 Shot #1. Metallic taste after 15 mins, chest tightness after 45 mins, 02/24/2021 U
nausea, slight headache, tired lasting 48hrs. On day 8, skin reaction to
site-warmth, redness size of a golf ball-width, lump under injection site
felt, itching, swelling cleared with benedryl. Two days later, width of a
baseball and looked like ringworm, burned, and skin felt taunt. Shot #2.
Metallic taste again gone same day, extreme tired. Today horrible
headache, extreme muscle pain. Freezing cold chills or rare warm spells,
with no fever on thermometer. Sleeping all day. I am so cold and I cannot
get comfortable. I hurt so bad.
1053106 1 min: Metallic taste. 3 min: very mild tingling to lips. 40 min while driving: 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 34 F
Pronounced tingling to lips spreading to face, squeezing feeling to center
upper chest, sensation of not being able to breathe, tight/wheezy/labored
breathing, sensation of being about to become unconscious. 911 called.
Squeezing sensation self-resolved after call. Paramedics arrived about 1
hr post-vaccination. BP 89/66. (Note my normal BP runs
90-110s/50s-70s.) HR 70s-90s. Pulse Ox high 90s. Paramedics not
concerned that reaction was allergic, no rescue meds advised. I felt well
enough to drive home despite persisting facial tingling and tight
breathing. Allegra and albuterol taken upon arrival home, resolved
breathing but not facial tingling. Facial tingling better but not resolved
after about 24 hrs.
1054397 In observation area having a metallic taste, felt tongue began tingling and 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 30 F
became extremely anxious.
1054672 Immediately after getting the vaccine, I noticed a strong metallic taste in 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 32 F
my mouth. The metallic taste lasted for approximately 5 days, decreasing
in strength over time. Within 10-15 minutes of getting the vaccine, parts
of my face went partially numb (primarily under my lips and along my
right cheek). The numbness was largely improved after 1.5 weeks, but I
continue to experience it intermittently 3+ weeks later. I also had severe
jaw pain that lasted for about 2 weeks, on and off. Within about an hour
of receiving the vaccine, I noticed a small amount of rectal bleeding as
well; this resolved within the same day. Beyond that, my symptoms were
"normal" -- pain at the injection site, mild nausea and chills on the day of
the vaccine. I spoke with 5 different doctors about the facial numbness,
and none of them were able to advise me on why that might have
happened. My primary care physician recommended against getting the
second shot until we have more information about what would cause
these side effects.
1054954 Metallic taste in mouth, no other sx. Hx of anaphylaxis. Evaluated by 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 55 F
EMS. So resolved and client was discharged at 1:55pm.
1055090 Metallic taste in mouth within 3 minutes of vaccination, "odd/weird" 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 75 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
feeling to tongue and lips (denied numbness, prickly, burning, tingling
descriptions) with in 5-8 minutes, feeling of "fullness" to tongue and lips
but no apparent swelling and client denied swelling to lips and tongue
and denied numbness within 10-12 minutes. Symptoms resolved over the
next 30 minutes.
1055350 Right after injection, patient complaints of metallic taste and scratchy 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 43 F
throat. 10 minutes after injection, patient developed mild swelling of lips.
VS was stable, a dose of Benadryl 50 mg by mouth given. Patient was
taken to ER.
1055470 Burning/tingling sensation in the mouth and lips, metallic taste in the 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 66 F
mouth. Transported via ambulance to hospital for evaluation.
1055707 Tingling right side of face - persistent Metallic taste - resolved Fatigue - 01/13/2021 01/13/2021 63 F
1056476 Seizures; Mini stroke; Tired; A spontaneous report was received from a 01/14/2021 02/10/2021 73 M
consumer concerning a 73-year-old male who received Moderna Covid-19
vaccine and experienced seizures, mini stroke, confused, agitated, eyes
were abnormal, memory impairment, and tired. The patient's medical
history included heart attack and stent placement in 2011. His relevant
concomitant medications include acetylsalicylic acid, candesartan
cilexetil, clopidogrel bisulfate, diltiazem hydrochloride, ezetimibe,
adenosine, gabapentin, metoprolol tartrate and rosuvastatin calcium. The
patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 on 14 Jan
2021. On 10 Feb 2021, 30 minutes prior to the onset of the events, the
patient received his second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273
(Lot#010M20A) intramuscularly in left deltoid for the prophylaxis of
COVID-19 infection. On 10 Feb 2021, With in 30 minutes of receiving the
vaccination, the patient had a seizure. They took him to the hospital,
where he had a computerized tomography (CT) scan, blood work and had
a consult. After consult, they said, it's a mini stroke. They released him
and told her if it happens again call 911. He felt so tired and went to sleep
at home. Around 17:00 dinner time, he woke up looked very blankly, and
his wife reported knowing he had another seizure. She reported he ran to
his keys saying, "I have to go", seemed confused, agitated and didn't know
where he was. She called 911 andhe was transported to the hospital in an
ambulance. Around 19:00 the same day, he was admitted to do scans
overnight. Around 21:00, patient's eyes were abnormal, he became
agitated again and nurses confirmed he was having another seizure. 30
minutes later, he was talking to his wife and daughter as if he didn't
remember anything. He mentioned some metallic taste in his mouth. On
11 Feb 2021, they did an electroencephalogram (EEG) and confirmed that
he was having seizure. He was prescribed seizure medication and
released him from hospital. However, the patient and his wife reported
not wanting him to take the medication as they believe the events were
due to the vaccine. Treatment information was not provided. Action
taken with vaccine is not applicable as the patient received both the
doses. The outcomes of the events, seizures, mini stroke, and tired, were
recovered.; Reporter's Comments: Very limited information regarding this
event has been provided at this time. The patient's medical history of
heart attack and concomitant medication use can be confounding factor.
Further information has been requested.
1056549 anxious; chills; No appetite; metallic taste in her mouth/ had a burnt taste 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 63 F
in her mouth; burning sensation in her whole torso; fast heart rate; This is
a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer reported for self and
a contactable consumer (husband). This 63-year-old female patient
received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE) on 20Jan2021 09:00 on Arm left via Intramuscular at single
dose (Lot # EL3247) for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included
allergic to penicillin when she was a kid. She said that her lips swelled up.
No other products. Since receiving the vaccine, she's had a burnt taste in
her mouth on 20Jan2021 and also reported that she had a burning
sensation in her whole torso that lasted 2-3 mins after she received
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
vaccine on 20Jan2021 and her heart rate was racing but resolved after a
few minutes. She had a metallic taste in her mouth. It made her very
anxious and she was having a fast heart rate on 20Jan2021. She got
panicky because of the metallic taste. She clarified that the burning
sensation she felt was a burning in her whole torso on 20Jan2021 and it
was extremely hot like a chemical went into her body that was burning
her guts. She said that the burning sensation only lasted 2-3 minutes and
was gone. She said that she got scared and her heart was racing a little
bit on 20Jan2021. Her heart racing resolved that same day after a little
bit. She clarified that she has like a burnt taste in her mouth. She said that
it is the roof of her mouth and her tongue that taste like this. The burnt
taste is still ongoing. She said that she tried to call the physician, but has
not heard back yet. She said that she had chills and no appetite that day
on 20Jan2021, but it was gone by the next day 21Jan2021. Outcome of
the event metallic taste in her mouth/ had a burnt taste in her mouth was
not recovered. Outcome of the event burning sensation, fast heart rate
was recovered on 20Jan2021. Outcome of the events chills and no
appetite was recovered on 21Jan2021. Outcome of other event was
1056656 blew a blood vessel under her eye lid; stroke; tasted rubber band taste in 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 65 F
her mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer
(patient). A 65-year-old female patient received the second dose of the
EN5318), in a clinic, intramuscularly in the right arm on 29Jan2021 at
14:00 at 65-years-old at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. There
were no prior vaccinations within four weeks of the bnt162b2. Medical
history included ongoing fibromyalgia from an unknown date, reflex
sympathetic dystrophy from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing,
irregular heart beat from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing,
ongoing hemangioma from an unknown date, thyroid problems from an
unknown date and unknown if ongoing, low white blood cell counts from
an unknown date and unknown if ongoing, ongoing pinched nerves in her
neck and back from an unknown date, migraines from an unknown date
and unknown if ongoing, diastolic heart failure from an unknown date and
unknown if ongoing (diagnosed about 5 years ago.), abdominal pains
from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing, numbness in her nose,
foot from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing, nausea from an
unknown date and unknown if ongoing, vomiting from an unknown date
and unknown if ongoing. Concomitant medications were not reported.
The patient previously received the first dose of the bnt162b2 (PFIZER-
COVID-19 immunization on 08Jan2021 at 64-years-old and experienced
metallic taste (Recovered), carbamazepine (TEGRETOL) from an
unknown date to an unknown date and experienced white count was
down to 1, influenza vaccine (MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN) in Jul2020 at
64-years-old for immunization. The patient experienced the following
events and outcomes: stroke (medically significant) on 29Jan2021 at
14:10 with outcome of unknown, blew a blood vessel under her eye lid
(medically significant) on 31Jan2021 with outcome of recovering, tasted
rubber band taste in her mouth (non-serious) on 29Jan2021 with
outcome of unknown. The clinical course was reported as follows: The
patient reported a history of migraines/ weather migraines, that cause
numbness in nose and foot as well as gastro-intestinal symptoms. The
patient received her first dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine on 08Jan2021
and felt a metallic taste in her mouth (said that the metallic taste lasted
about three hours; ate to get rid of the metallic taste). On 29Jan2021, the
patient received her second dose; after 10 minutes her face went numb;
her nose, forehead, and under her eyes all the way up felt numb. Also, the
patient's systolic blood pressure was at 150. The patient reported that
she also tasted rubber band taste in her mouth. The patient's neighbor
that was there with her getting the vaccine told the nurse and they called
the paramedics. The paramedics stated that they thought she had a
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
stroke. She said that her blood pressure was 150 systolic (usually
107-110/79). The patient had diastolic heart failure which was diagnosed
about 5 years prior. The numbness stayed with her until about 22:00 on
29Jan2021. The patient had a history of "migraines and gets abdominal
pains, numbness in her nose, foot", and she experienced "nausea and
vomiting and stuff with her migraines." The patient thought the vaccine
just gave her a big migraine. The patient took sumatriptan succinate
(IMITREX) and it did nothing. The patient said that on 31Jan2021 her eye
felt weird. The patient blew a blood vessel under her eye lid. The patient's
eye looked like a blood clot in the corner of her eye then it dispersed
throughout the eye and then now it was just below the pupil of her eye.
The patient called the doctor on 01Feb2021, but they were out because of
the snow. On 02Feb2021, the patient received a call from the doctor's
office saying that the physician assistant would call her back, but the
patient had not heard anything yet. The blood circulated around her eye
and now it was just only under her pupil. The patient said that her
daughter sent her something that said that some people have gotten
Bell's palsy after getting the vaccine. The patient said that she was
concerned about this with the facial numbness. The patient said that
every once in a while, her face felt weird; her cheeks feel weird and her
nose. The patient said that it comes and goes. The day after she got the
second shot, she felt like she got run over by a truck and like someone
beat her up. The patient's migraines were under control with magnesium.
The migraine came on so quick it was like a boom. The patient said that
was why she was concerned. The patient said that she declined going to
the hospital; and there was no trip to the emergency room or physician
office. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included
blood pressure: 150 systolic on 29Jan2021 (usually 107-110/79).
Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of stroke.
1056903 After vaccination in the evening patient has a mild complaint of throat 02/25/2021 02/26/2021 52 F
burning. Patient went to bed and awoke at 4AM with severe arm pain
which was managed with an ice pack. Patient was able to sleep for about
an hour, awoke with headache, body aches, sore kidneys, and a queasy
stomach. Also complain of metallic taste on her tongue. Patient has
taken tylenol and cough suppressants for symptoms. Had similar
symptoms after first vaccine, but these are worse. Patient likely would
not have gone to work except for strict attendance policy.
1057058 Fever (102+), chills, faintness, redness on arm the size of softball. Felt as 02/19/2021 02/20/2021 77 F
if had flu. Could not eat. Lasted all day 2/20/2021. Redness on arm
visible 7 days in large area. Still have visible signs. With first shot I had a
metallic taste in mouth and nose about 30 minutes after, a wave of
nausea the next day and felt bad the 3rd day. Then just sore arm for 2
1057864 Strong metallic taste in my mouth about 5-10 min after vaccination 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 60 F
(lasted about 45 min); morning stiff shoulders and back of neck (still have
it but it's better); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
consumer (patient). A 60-year-old female patient received first dose of
BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection,
lot number: EL9265), via an unspecified route of administration on
26Jan2021 12:30 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical
history included PVCs (Premature ventricular contractions), coronary
artery disease (CAD) and allergies to NSAIDS, artificial sweeteners, sulfa,
and mango. The patient was not pregnant at the time of vaccination. The
patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination.
Concomitant medications included nicotinic acid (NIASPAN), vitamin d
nos, metoprolol tartrate (LOPRESSOR), omega-3-acid ethyl ester
(LOVAZA) and Nexlizet. No any other vaccines received within 4 weeks
prior to the COVID vaccine. On 26Jan2021 12:45, the patient experienced
strong metallic taste in her mouth about 5-10 min after vaccination and
morning stiff shoulders and back of neck (still have it but it's better). No
treatment was received for the events. The patient has not been tested
for COVID-19 since the vaccination. The patient was recovering from the
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1057978 Patient describes "dry throat" and "metallic taste in mouth" starting 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 77 F
immediately after vaccination. Patient was observed to repeatedly clear
her throat. Denies shortness of breath, denies difficulty swallowing,
denies cough, denies chest pain. After 30 minutes, she's no longer
clearing her throat. She continued to deny shortness of breath, difficulty
swallowing, cough, chest pain. She was advised to follow up with her
primary care provider. Discharged with her son. Son states
understanding of all. Patient was afebrile, pulse 72, BP 140/85, RR 16.
Patients states that she took her hypertensive medications today and that
her blood pressure is normally in this range.
1058752 12w 1d pregnant, The first day I had nausea, fatigue, injection site 02/25/2021 02/26/2021 36 F
discomfort, metallic taste in my mouth. The second day (today), I had
nausea, fatigue and diarrhea.
1058865 Chest pain, fever (102.7), dizziness, exaggerated body pain, metallic taste 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 42 F
in mouth, not able to walk, not able to stay awake for more than a few
minutes, swollen lymph nodes under armpits on right arm
1058964 After taking the shot I had a very mild metallic taste in my tongue. After 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 44 F
about 45 minutes later the metallic taste became much stronger. My lips
felt like they were drying out, my tongue felt like it was swelling and drying
out, and it felt difficult to swallow. The strong sensation only lasted a
couple of minutes. It is now 7:48 PM and I still have a "very mild" case
where my lips feel they are either itchy or mildly burning and my tongue
still feels weird and has a very mild metallic taste. I did not have any
issues with tasting anything. I also have a very mild headache.
1058991 Metallic taste in mouth shortly after shot, lasted the rest of the day. 02/20/2021 02/20/2021 65 F
Fatigue began several hours later. Lasted the rest of the day and through
the next day. Injection site was sore for a couple of days.
1059031 Metallic taste, burning sensation on lips, excessive dryness and peeling 02/10/2021 02/17/2021 38 F
1059122 Metallic taste in mouth... slightly itchy throat which went away but the 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 46 F
metal taste did not
1059143 Within 1 hour of the vaccine, pain in the injection site worse than the first 02/21/2021 02/21/2021 47 F
dose. By 6pm on 2/21, I experienced fatigue and minor arthralgia /
myalgia. By 9pm on 2/21, the arthralgia/myalgia worsened. The pain in
the bones was severe enough for me to not be able to feel comfortable in
any position. I chose not to take any NSAIDs at the time. By 1am on
2/22, I awoke with chills and a fever of 103. I was shivering and
sweating. At that point, I did take ibuprofen. I woke up at 7am on 2/22 in
terrible muscle and joint pain. I had still had a 101 fever. I worked for 4
hours that morning. At 1pm, I went back to be with the same symptoms.
Fever went back to 103. I had brain fog and unable to concentrate. It was
hard to climb stairs. I experienced shooting pains at times. Continued
fever and pain through the night. Injection site pain also. The morning of
2/23 I woke up with the fever still at 7am. I took my second dose of
ibuprofen. I was able to work that evening. My fever broke at noon on
2/23. On the evening of 2/23 I notice a delayed reaction at the injection
site. I developed red blotches that were hot to touch and painful. The
blotches went from my deltoid to my elbow. My muscle & back pain had
resolved at that point however I developed a soreness at the base of my
skull from ear to ear. I was unable to look up at the ceiling with limited
range of motion. I developed a runny nose and a slight cough. My soft
palette also felt swollen at 11pm on 2/23. I woke up on 2/24 with the
neck pain resolved. The arm was still red and warm to touch. My other
symptoms resolved I just felt worn out. On the evening of 2/24, I
developed a metallic taste in my mouth. The metallic taste resolved by
the end of day 2/25. As of today, 2/26 I am feeling 90% better.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1059448 Pt called office to report a strong metallic taste in mouth onset 2/27/21 02/26/2021 02/27/2021 71 F
at 3am. It has persisted through present.
1059470 Metallic taste and smell 02/27/2021 02/27/2021 41 F
1059490 Immediately after receiving my 2nd Moderna shot Ihad a metallic taste in 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 70 F
my mouth (did not occur with my first shot) With in 30 minutes tongue
began to swell up and my throat was closing I had left the facility So I
called my Dr. Told to to take Benadryl and go to nearest er if the swelling
did not go down It didn't go down or get worse Called Dr again told to take
Benadryl every 4 hours and tylenol Swelling subsided about 6 hours after
the shot. Scary but at least the swelling went down
1059541 Waited 15 minutes in clinic after vaccine. On the way home, notice slight 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 62 F
numbness in left face and left side of neck. It never got worse and went
away after approximately 2 hours. Woke up in the middle of the night
with a metallic smell. Noticed metallic smell on hands, washed hands
and this kept up the following day. Had a metallic taste in mouth that
lasted all the following day.
1059879 For about 24 hours after getting shot I felt like I was having an ongoing 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 49 M
egg allergy - even though I know there are no eggs - I would call it minor
but noticeable - my neuropathy also flared up immediately so badly that
my arch on my felt foot was causing so much pain I thought I must have
torn something - however after about 36 hours it disappeared - my sense
of taste has also suddenly changed - after about 24 hours so that when I
drink something it tastes like it has turned sour or metallic
1059896 Itchy rash on both hands both forearms . Felt a warm body flush like an iv 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 45 F
contrast . Mouth tasted metallic like when injected w iv contrast. Breath
felt like had trouble catching breath but didn't last or intensify so I didn't
go seek medical attention. Rash still remains into following day. Injection
Arm slightly swollen, sore.
1059958 Patient received vaccine at 1015 am. While waiting in the store for 02/27/2021 02/27/2021 68 F
observation, she began to feel a racing heart, shaking from the inside out,
and difficulty catching her breath around 10:30. 911 was called. She
stated her throat started to feel tight, dry mouth, and metallic taste and
was given an epi pen. The patient stated she started to feel better after
the epi pen was administered and declined medical transport when
emergency services arrived. Per emergency services, notable negatives
include: no hives/rash, no localized reaction, no wheezing, no
angioedema, no hypotension, no flushing.
1060618 chills, nausea,metallic taste, half an hour after shot felt sick and had chills 02/23/2021 02/23/2021 77 F
bad taste in mouth. lasted that day and next day. felt fine after that
1060688 Metallic taste in mouth 02/16/2021 02/19/2021 34 F
1060837 Altered taste in mouth: initially sour, followed by bitter, salty, metallic, 02/14/2021 02/15/2021 72 F
soapy . Tongue felt swollen
1061378 metallic taste in mouth numbness in left side of face, mostly cheek area 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 36 F
from approximately 2PM and resolving around 8PM. 400mg Tylenol was
taken at 5PM.
1061974 side effect of a metallic taste in her mouth, back of throat, and nose; This 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 57 F
is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 57-
year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE; Solution for injection, unknown lot number and expiration), via
an unspecified route of administration on 27Jan2021 at a single dose for
COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient experienced side effect of a
metallic taste in her mouth, back of throat, and nose on 27Jan2021. The
patient wants more information on this. Outcome of the event was
unknown. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
1062197 tingling sensation left skull; fever 101.8; Mild left arm soreness; This is a 01/15/2021 01/15/2021 63 F
spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient herself). A 63-year-
old female patient received her second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL8982, expiry date:
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
31May2021), via intramuscular route of administration in the left arm on
15Jan2021 10:05 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical
history included open cholecystectomy in 1990, hypertension, and sleep
apnoea (CPAP). The patient's concomitant medications were not
reported. The patient previously received her first dose of BNT162B2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) on 22 Dec2020 and experienced
fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste in mouth, Loss of taste/
smell, minimal soreness at the site of injection, strange sensation of
tingling in her skull, chills, dry mouth, feels like she has no saliva, tongue
felt a little bit too dry, extremely tired, thirst, and altered taste. The patient
experienced mild left arm soreness on 15Jan2021 and fever 101.8 on
16Jan2021 23:00. Patient took ibuprofen 400mg and ondansetron
(ZOFRAN) 4mg. The patient also experienced tingling sensation left skull
continues as described. The patient had no cough, sore throat, stuffy or
runny nose. She had no shortness of breath, no nausea vomiting or
diarrhea, and no loss of taste/smell or metallic taste in mouth. The
patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included body temp:
99.7 on 15Jan2021 18:00, 101.8 on 16Jan2021 11 PM, 99.5 on
16Jan20213 PM, 99.8 on 16Jan2021 10 PM, 99.5 on 17Jan2021 9:00,
99.8 on 17Jan2021 8 PM, 100 on 17Jan2021 10 PM, 99.4 on 18Jan2021
07:00, 99.7 on 19Jan2021 16:00, 98.6 on 20Jan2021 11 AM. Outcome of
tingling sensation left skull was not recovered, of remaining events was
1062497 I am experiencing a lingering metallic taste in my mouth and wonder if it 02/23/2021 02/25/2021 70 F
is related to the vaccine.
1062668 1208 Patient received vaccine and was in her 15 min. wait time when she 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 42 F
began to taste a metallic taste and flushing skin / hot flashes.EMS was
on site and present with the patient. 1208- 147/85,81,20, 97%. rescue
drugs were not given. 1217 -147/78,84,18. 97% patient feeling better and
symptoms resolved. 1225- 147/85,85,89,18,98%. Again all symptoms
have resolved. Patient was released and instructed to call 911 if
symptoms come back.
1062824 After receiving the vaccine on Thursday I had a very metallic taste. 02/25/2021 02/26/2021 60 F
Shortly after breakfast on the morning of the 25 I had a lump in my throat
as though my food didn't go all the way down. Then, as the day wore on I
got more & more fatigued; later in the day my lips were mildly numb. I had
no appetite at supper time and started getting a headache along with
chills. All day Saturday I had flu-like symptoms, chills (no fever) extreme
tiredness and a dull headache and laid under a blanket all day, no energy.
Saturday evening around dinner time I started feeling better and Sunday
woke up feeling as though nothing had happened other than a dull
headache and soreness at the injection site.
1063031 Patient had an adverse reaction to her first dose of the Moderna Covid-19 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 42 F
vaccination. Patient experienced a metallic taste in her mouth, nausea,
headache (slight), slight shaking, and dizziness. She also described a
warm, tingly feeling on the side of her neck. She was seated and
monitored by pharmacist on duty for at least 30 mins before deciding that
she was ok to leave. She decided that she wanted to walk out herself. Her
daughter did come to pick her up so she would not have to drive herself.
She was instructed to go to the ER if symptoms worsened. I will check
back with patient on her condition before end of business today.
1063249 Persistant metallic taste, occurred with first dose and worse with second 02/24/2021 02/26/2021 70 F
dose. Lasted 5 days with the first dose and still continuing with second
1063880 Metallic taste in mouth continuing until today's date 3/1 02/02/2021 02/03/2021 81 F
1064638 All of these symptoms happened within a few hours of getting the 02/28/2021 02/28/2021 49 F
vaccine. MolkMetallic taste in my mouth, headache, sore arm, itchiness
on legs and back, rash on inner thigh
1064648 Dizziness, soreness under both armpits, all around neck ache, fuzziness 03/02/2021 U
in jaw, metallic taste in mouth, pressure in back of head, ears plugged/
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
ringing, tightness across chest, sore arm at injection site.
1064683 Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Approximately 5 hours after second 02/27/2021 02/27/2021 39 F
dose of Moderna vaccine began to feel tired with nausea and a headache.
Approximately 8 to 9 hours after receiving vaccine also experienced
chills, muscle aches, soreness at injection site, body aches, and a fever of
~101.7 degrees F. The Fever continued for approximately 24 hours, as
well as all other symptoms. Approximately 40 hour after receiving
vaccine developed a metallic taste in mouth when eating or drinking food.
Nausea, headache, lethargic feeling continued ~40 hours after vaccine as
1065090 she experienced a metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a 01/30/2021 01/30/2021 61 F
contactable consumer (patient) reported that a 61-year-old female patient
received second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, lot number: EL9262, expiration date: May2021), via an
unspecified route of administration on the left arm on 30Jan2021 09:00
at a single dose for Covid-19 immunization. The vaccine was
administered at the hospital. The patient medical history was not
reported. There were no concomitant medications. The patient previously
received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE) on 09Jan2021 for Covid-19 immunization. On 30Jan2021
09:30, she experienced a metallic taste for about 30 minutes after the
injection that lasted about an hour with outcome of recovered on
30Jan2021 10:30.
1065956 Patient reports approximately 45 minutes after administration of the 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 49 F
vaccine she developed a metallic taste in her mouth, followed by tingling
and numbness in her lips, tongue, and tingling in her throat. She reports
she took Benadryl sometime after this, and then eventually the sensation
and taste resolved.
1066085 Altered smelled rotten or had a metallic smell. Taste was 02/25/2021 02/26/2021 63 F
1066174 Patient feels tingling in tongue and metallic taste; she reports she had the 03/02/2021 03/02/2021 63 F
same side effects with her first dose and it went away after 12 hour. She
was assessed and cleared with EMS.
1066873 Client describes a metallic taste after the first dose. She still is 01/28/2021 02/04/2021 84 F
experiencing the metallic taste. She denies a change in medication or
diet. Doctor instructed her to call an ENT. The nurse at the ENT office
stated it was from the COVID vaccination.
1066991 Complained of warm feeling after receiving first dose of Pfizer COVID-19 03/02/2021 03/02/2021 52 F
vaccine (lot EN6205, exp 6/30/2021). At 1029, EMT was checking in on
client since she was in post vaccine waiting area for 30 min observation.
EMT noticed flushed face and neck. Per client felt warm sensation and at
1031 stated metallic taste in mouth, feeling clammy with sweaty hands.
PHN joined EMTs. First set of vitals: blood pressure 120/80, temperature
101.7 F. Alert and oriented, no shortness of breath, rash, itching, swelling,
blurry vision, or tingling noted per client. Per client sulfa, shellfish, and
contrast IV dye allergies. Medication client took this morning: Synthroid
75mcg. Clt reported she ate breakfast at 9am consisting of cereal and
coffee, client reported a history of Bell's palsy 20 years ago with full
recovery. 1034 temp 100.0 F. Assessed for arm drift, no tongue deviation,
clt stated no tingling, able to move all extremities. 1042 vitals: blood
pressure 120/100, pulse 77, o2 98, temp 99.0 F. Alert and oriented,
clammy hands, no shortness of breath, no swelling. PHN offered client
Benadryl, client declined. Informed client she would be kept longer for
observation and client agreed. At 1047 temp 98.9 F, respiratory rate 24. At
1051 client stated tingling sensation on inner lips, metallic taste,
dizziness, and mild burning sensation around eyes and nose area. PHN
assessed for swelling in mouth, lips, face. PHN offered Benadryl again
and client accepted. Client called husband who was in parking lot, client
not driving. At 1054 Benadryl 50mg/ml IM on left deltoid. Vitals 1056:
blood pressure 118/90, pulse 70, o2 98. Client informed vitals would be
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
reassessed every 5 minutes. 1101 vitals: 99.1 F temp, blood pressure
118/78, pulse 77, o2 98. Per client dizziness and metallic taste were
improving. 1106 vitals: pulse 75, o2 98, respirations 14, EMT unable to
obtain blood pressure. Client complained of tingling on left index finder,
PHN assessed bilateral grip strength, equal on both sides. 1114 vitals:
blood pressure 128/72, pulse 74, o2 99. Per client, improvement of
tingling sensation on lips, no metallic taste, no dizziness, no headache.
Per client felt Benadryl effects. Vitals 1118: blood pressure 124/82, pulse
76, o2 96. Vitals 1124: blood pressure 128/78, pulse 75, o2 98. Client able
to stand, denied dizziness. At 1133 noticed change in speech, slurred. Per
client voice was different. called 911 at 1134. Paramedics arrived at 1142
and assumed care. Client transported to Hospital per client's husband
request at 1149.
1067959 face started to feel "hot and on fire"; face and neck turned bright red; face 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 41 F
started to feel really tight; Heart Rate then was elevated to 115 bpm;
shortness of breath; itchy eyes; headache; nausea; Arm still felt sore;
fatigued; At site of injection there was a warm sensation; metallic taste in
my mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse
(patient). A 41-year-old female patient received her first dose of
solution for injection, intramuscular at left arm on 29Jan2021 at 10:30
AM at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included
asthma. The patient has no known allergies. The patient's concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient was not pregnant and has no
other vaccines in four weeks. She will have a birth control in two weeks. It
was unknown if the patient has COVID prior to vaccination. She was not
tested with COVID post vaccination. The patient was given COVID-19
vaccine at a hospital. When she initially received the vaccine on
29Jan2021, the site of injection had a warm sensation which resolved
within a minute. Then on the ride home, she had a metallic taste in her
mouth. While at home around 4:00 PM, her face started to feel hot and on
fire and then her face and neck turned bright red. Her face started to feel
really tight and hot. Heart rate was then elevated to 115 bpm. She then
started having shortness of breath, itchy eyes, headache and nausea. The
patient sat down and took 10 mL of BENEDRYL (as reported) at 4:30 PM
or 4:40 PM. Between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM, her face and neck were still
slightly red. Her arm felt sore and she was fatigued. She again took 10 mL
of BENEDRYL at 7:30 PM. She woke up on 30Jan2021 and still felt
fatigued and the back of arm (tricep area) was very sore. The patient also
took paracetamol (TYLENOL) 600 mg. The outcome of the event
vaccination site warmth was recovered with sequel on 29Jan2021 and
recovered with sequel on Jan2021 for all other events.
1068191 blood in her mouth; metallic taste in her mouth; This is a spontaneous 03/02/2021 F
report from a contactable consumer (patient). A female patient of an
unspecified age received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE; lot number and expiry date not reported), via an unspecified
route of administration on an unspecified date at single dose for
COVID-19 immunisation. The patient's medical history and concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient experienced blood in her
mouth and metallic taste in her mouth on an unspecified date. It was
reported that the patient had a metallic taste in her mouth which she has
a strong metallic taste but also has blood in her mouth. She wants to
know if that is a side effect. She still has the metallic taste but no longer
has blood in her mouth. The patient woke up with blood in her mouth. The
patient recovered from blood in her mouth while not recovered from
metallic taste in her mouth. No follow up attempts are possible;
information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained. No further
information is expected.
1068609 Lost feeling in face, tongue, mouth. Numbness in cheeks - 2 hours after 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 36 F
vaccine Metallic taste immediate after vaccine. Treated with Benadryl.
27 weeks pregnant - Due May 31, 2021.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1069079 Metallic taste in mouth that dissipated after about an hour, redness/ 02/08/2021 02/08/2021 60 F
swelling at injection site and itching that persisted for 3-4 days.
1069162 runny nose, metallic taste in mouth, headache, nose bleed 02/27/2021 03/03/2021 52 M
1069536 SEVERE swelling of tongue, lips, mouth lining, throat; "waxy coating 02/06/2021 02/06/2021 47 F
feeling" in lungs - began 20 minutes after vaccination to 4 days after -
went to Emergency Department at 30 minutes after vaccination and
received IV medication and epipen shot to R thigh. Subsided before
leaving ED, but returned in more mild state the next day - managed by
OTC Benadryl and allergy meds. Symptoms returned again at approx 39
hours and returned to Emergency Department again for more IV
medications. Asthma attacks - started in the Emergency Department on
first day and have continued to today 3/3/2021. Prior to vaccination, I
used inhaler approx 1x every 60 days at most. Have gone more than a
year without using one. After vaccination, used inhaler the same evening
and then 12 times the next day, and several times before going to ED
again, and have had to use it daily since. This morning 3/3/2021, woke at
apprise 2:30-3:00 am with an attack that needed 2 doses to subside, and
then again at 8:30 this am about 1.5 hours after waking. Burning on
tongue with sores on outer sides, metallic/burning/no taste - began 20
minutes after vaccination continuing to today. Rash on face - began in
Emergency Department on first day and continues to today. Began using
Cortizone yesterday 3/3/2021. Rash and hives on neck, chest - began in
Emergency Department on first day and subsided next day after allergy
medications in ED and OTC allergy medications that night. Headache -
sudden onset 25 minutes after vaccination. Returned that evening after
first ED visit. Returned the following day. Returned the third day. Subsided
the fourth day. Used ibuprofen and acetaminophen to manage.
1069634 Patient had 2 minutes left on her 20 minute post-vaccination observation 03/03/2021 03/03/2021 40 F
and began to complain of metallic taste, tongue feeling wierd and facial
itching; no SOB, no rash or redness noted; Vitals were WNL, given
Benedryl 50 mg chewable and drink of water; at no time did client c/o or
appear SOB, pO2 remained at 99% and vitals remained WNL; continued
observation for an additional half hour and c/o subsided; client released
to home.
1070732 had a feeling of impending death and thought he was gonna die.; 02/12/2021 02/12/2021 55 M
Syncopal episode; My platelets counts drop; metallic taste; Potassium
level went down; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse
(patient). A 55-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EL3248) first dose on
12Feb2021 on Deltoid Left at single dose for covid-19 immunisation.
Medical history included Covid-19 and High cholesterol. Concomitant
medications were not reported. He said that he was 60 days post COVID
and his doctor advised him to get vaccinated. He was feeling fine, but
after 10 minutes into the shot, he had a metallic taste in the mouth. After
12-13 minutes, he had a feeling of impending death and thought he was
gonna die. It freaked him out. He was rushed to the ER and had a
complete blood count (CBC) and Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) test run on
him. It was that his Potassium level went down to 3.3 and his platelets
dropped to 141. He had tests on 28Jan2021 and mentioned that his
Potassium levels were normal and had a platelet count of 181. He
mentioned that there was no other way but the vaccine that could have
caused this. He is if he would already have passed away from the shot
from his opinion. Patient had a Syncopal episode of some type. He had
an intended feeling like he was going to die after the shot, he was 60 days
post Covid when he get that shot, he was getting over Covid and he was
60 days and he didn't wait the 90 days his primary doctor care told me
that he can get it too because he was feeling better which he was feeling
better but since then he have gotten that shot, he went to the doctor on
the 28Jan2021 and he had CBC drawn on him and he went for his regular
physical and Covid follow-up at his doctor, his platelets counts drop since
he have had shot struck at 40 points, feels concerning. The outcome of
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
the events was unknown.; Sender's Comments: The Company cannot
completely exclude the possible causality between the reported "feeling
of impending death and Syncopal episode " and the administration of
COVID 19 vaccine, BNT162B2, based on the reasonable temporal
association and lacking alternative explanations. The impact of this
report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part
of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and
analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern
identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in
response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics
Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.
1071209 After ~ 10 minutes, I had a metallic taste in my mouth. Upon leaving the 03/02/2021 03/02/2021 58 F
facility after sitting for 30. minutes, I had lip/tongue/roof of mouth prickly
feeling exactly the same as initial reactions in food allergies that I have
developed over the past two years. The reaction worsened and I pulled
over and drank some water. I did not have an epipen or benedryl. After
about 10 minutes, I proceeded home, took a benedryl and called my PCP
for advice. There is no instruction or guidance for allergic reactions to
the vaccine that do not require an epipen so I do not know whether to
have a second dose. It is well known with food allergies that such a
reaction can worsen with exposure.
1071777 The day after the injection I had a metallic taste and smell (almost like 02/27/2021 02/28/2021 38 F
blood) that I've never experienced before. It was very strong. I also have
had increased acne in the days since the vaccine - which my husband
also experienced.
1072783 Metallic taste in mouth, tongue felt funny/itchy 04/04/2021 02/29/2020 67 F
1073083 Metallic taste in mouth that won't go away. 02/25/2021 03/02/2021 35 M
1073130 About 5 minutes after the injection, my throat began to feel tight like it 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 70 F
was swelling. When it did not improve in about 5 more minutes, I took a
benedryl, which l carry with me in my purse. When the time was up that l
was supposed to wait (15 min.), l pulled out of line but did not leave the
parking lot. I parked behind the EMS on duty to wait a while longer to be
sure the symptom improved rather than getting worse. EMS talked with
me to be sure l was ok, and to check for a rash, which l did not have. After
about 10 more minutes my throat had improved to the point where l felt
like l was going to be ok & could drive home. I did experience tingling
around my mouth, tooth pain, & a metallic taste in my mouth . My drs.
Office suggested l report these symptoms to you.
1073384 I had tested positive with covid in the ending of December after the 02/22/2021 02/26/2021 22 F
holidays. With that I lost my sense of taste and smell. Fast foward, on
Monday Feb. 22nd I received the second dose to the covid vaccine, on
Friday I was eating tacos and I got this taste in my mouth and my
stomach was bothering me I believe from the tacos beings bad (2 other
people got sick too) but the taste lingers, The next morning I cook
breakfast and lunch and I can smell this smell that I taste as well. It is not
March 4th, 1 day shy of it being a week and I am still experiencing this. I
can not taste any food flavor except this taste that I have, it has replaced
all food flavors and smells. Whenever I cook something I can smell the
scent I taste (only when Its food or Im cooking, I can smell my coconut
lotion and body spray just fine). I do not know how to describe it I started
describing it as it being an old grease taste but it could be a metallic taste
I am not sure, all I know it is a very unpleasant taste. Whenever I brush my
teeth, immediately when I put the toothpaste in my mouth i immediately
taste the taste again its like it almost heightens it. The taste lingers in my
mouth after that as well. I do have to say that I tried a chocolate covered
pretzels and m&m's and notices that I can taste sweet stuff but
immediately get the taste when I eat regular foods thats are not sweet. I
tried to eat waffles one time and the syrup taste was fine but I could not
eat sausage because of the taste. This is very frustrating because its
disgusting that I would rather not taste anything at all. I am unsure if my
taste was ever fully back after having covid I was able to start tasting
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
things but not sure if it was 100% as well as I could smell somethings but
not sure if that was 100%. I talked to some people who thought maybe it
is my senses trying to fully come back because they heard about people
experiencing weird smells when their senses were coming back but I am
unsure I just want to not deal with this anymore. I think its weird it came 3
days after the vaccine and that I can not taste food other than this taste.
1073745 Patient reported a Metallic Taste in the mouth after receiving vaccine. 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 68 F
Patient was given 5ml of Benadryl and a peppermint. She waited 30
minutes before leaving the pharmacy. At that time she felt fine.
1073980 Approx. 3 hours after injection (second dose) I began to feel very 03/02/2021 03/03/2021 68 F
fatigued but otherwise fine. Then, approximately 14 hours after injection I
began having chills, body aches, headache and nausea. These lasted in
most severe form for about 8-9 hours and were mostly gone after 24
hours. However, at the onset of these I also began having a heavy
metallic taste in my mouth. Now, more than 48 hours later all symptoms,
except the metallic taste have resolved.
1074185 Bitter metallic taste in my mouth; fatigue; arm soreness; lip tingling; 02/02/2021 03/04/2021 49 M
headache; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer
(patient). This 49-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE; lot number EL9262) via an
unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 02Feb2021 at 09:30
(at the age of 49-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization.
Medical history included kidney cancer from 2009 and unknown if
ongoing; costochondritis from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing;
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) from an unknown date and
unknown if ongoing; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) from an
unknown date and unknown if ongoing; irritable bowel syndrome (GERD)
from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing; migraines from an
unknown date and unknown if ongoing, low immunoglobulin A (IgA) from
an unknown date and unknown if ongoing; and steri strip allergy from an
unknown date and unknown if ongoing. Prior to vaccination the patient
was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Concomitant medications included
rosuvastatin calcium (CRESTOR) from an unknown date for an unknown
indication; vitamin D from an unknown date for an unknown indication;
and vitamin B12 from an unknown date for an unknown indication. The
patient previously received a dose of BNT162B2 (lot number EK5730) in
the left arm on 12Jan2021 for COVID-19 immunization. On an unspecified
date in 2021 (reported as 02Jan2021 at 15:00) the patient experienced
bitter metallic taste in his mouth, fatigue, arm soreness, lip tingling and
headache. The events were reported as non-serious and did not require
hospitalization. No treatment was provided for the events. Lab tests and
procedures included polymerase chain reaction via nasal swab on
31Jan2021 with negative results. The clinical outcomes of bitter metallic
taste in his mouth, fatigue, arm soreness, lip tingling and headache were
not recovered. It was also reported that since vaccination the patient was
tested for COVID-19.
1074240 I noticed a mild tingling and numbness in lips and edge of tongue about 03/02/2021 03/02/2021 68 F
15 - 20 minutes after the vaccine during my 30 minute wait time. Also,
around the same time, I developed a metallic taste in mouth that resolved
quickly after drinking warm coffee. The lip/tongue issue was not
concerning and resolved within an hour. I do suffer from anxiety having
experienced reactions to food and medicines although never anything
1074953 2 hours after the vaccine I experienced the sudden onset of a strong 02/13/2021 02/13/2021 66 F
metallic taste on my tongue. This taste lessened on a daily basis and
finally disappeared after 5 days.
RESOLVED. 02 97% BP 100/62 HR 75
1075053 Received Pfizer COVID19 injection at 9:57 am on March 4 at the . As is 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 60 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
usual for any shot or IV on me, I immediately tasted something weird in
my mouth. It was not as metallic tasting as usual. More plasticy. Shot did
not hurt. Was told to stay in 30 minutes waiting area.I did. The taste
remained in my mouth. I left at 10:34 am feeling OK, except for weird
taste. As I drove off the parking lot, I noticed that my mouth and tongue
were tingling, with worst of it on my left side. My throat did not seem to
be affected, so I continued driving. Some nasal congestion and coughing.
The tingling turned into numbness in my mouth and tongue, all the way
back to top of throat. I called my primary care doctor at 12:10 pm and left
a message. I received a call back at 2:15 pm from nurse. She told me to
take Benadryl and have someone take me to Urgent Care right away to
get my vitals checked. I did not take Benadryl, as CDC said it could mask
anaphylactic reaction. I called a friend and she took me . I noticed that
my lymph nodes in my neck were swelling and painful. We arrived at 2:45
pm. My vitals were checked, heart and breathing listened to and was
checked briefly for swelling in mouth and throat. There was no swelling.
He said he had never heard of this tingling reaction and claimed it is just a
side effect and not a serious reaction and that it would probably last a
couple of days. He recommended that I watch for new symptoms and
take Benadryl. That was $30. We left at 3:10. We left. I noticed that the
numbness was spreading to my lips and up the left side of face and I was
getting super tired. Also, my mid to lower back started hurting a lot. I took
a Benadryl. 4:30 pm still have same numbness. My eyes got super dry
and itchy. My head started to hurt. Some coughing. 5:10 pm dry eye and
numbness, more swollen lymph nodes and chills. Pain in calves, upper
back, same on both sides. 6:38 weirdly, from the bottom of my thumb to
halfway up my arm there is pain. Both arms simultaneously. Worse on the
left. 8:11 pm after bundling up and using a heating pad, plus extra heat,
chills are lessened. Lymph nodes very sore in neck. Eyes are not quite as
dry. Everything else is the same. 8:48 pm jaw really aches. Intestinal
discomfort. Going to bed. 10:39 pm pain from jaw extended up into left
ear. Upper part of throat hurts. March 5, 2021 4:00 am. Body aches have
lessened. Left arm sore at shot area. 5:45 am eyes definitely dry, but not
nearly as dry as yesterday. Numbness in mouth , tongue and face has
lessened, but still uncomfortably present. Definitely worse on the left
side. Little bit of tingling on the left, mostly on cheek from chin to ear.
Headache gone. Lymph nodes sore and swollen . 7:00 am went on a
walk. Noticed some achyness throughout body. Very tired. 10:51 am The
tingling and numbness remain in my mouth, tongue and cheek up to my
left eye. Very tired. Lymph nodes still swollen and sore.
1075631 Progress Notes (Nurse Practitioner) Pt called to follow up s/p covid-19 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 41 F
vaccine done on 02/24/21. She reports she took a nap yesterday after
getting home and felt better afterwards. Today she feels well. Denies any
other questions or concerns. She is appreciative of the phone call.
Progress Notes at 2/28/2021 7:34 AM Expand AllCollapse All VACCINE
CLINIC 2/24/2021 Subjective Patient is a 41 y.o. female who was seen
at SVH COVID Vaccine Clinic today for her first dose of the COVID 19
vaccination. She was given the Pfizer vaccination in the right deltoid
muscle. During her 15 minute waiting period after the injection, the
patient began to experience lightheadedness, headache, nausea, tingling
lips and a metallic taste in her mouth. She denied rash, difficulty
breathing, difficulty swallowing, throat tightness, facial swelling and lip
swelling. She does mention having a history of anxiety and did take her
duloxetine and Wellbutrin today. Denies use of her Ativan recently. This
provider was notified of patient reaction and she was then assessed in
the emergency bay area. Monitored patient for severe reaction
symptoms, including but not limited to rapid progression of symptoms,
respiratory distress, tongue swelling and vomiting. ALLERGY REVIEW
OF SYSTEMS: Patient complains of dizziness and headaches Patient
denies chills, facial swelling, chest tightness, shortness of breath and
wheezing +nausea and metallic taste in mouth: Previous Reactions:
Denies Objective Vitals Vitals: 02/24/21 1427 02/24/21 1434 BP:
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
126/70 112/68 Pulse: 81 80 SpO2: 99% 96% Physical Exam
Constitutional: Appearance: Normal appearance. HENT: Head:
Normocephalic and atraumatic. Mouth/Throat: Mouth: Mucous
membranes are moist. Pharynx: Oropharynx is clear. No posterior
oropharyngeal erythema. Comments: No swelling or lips or tongue.
Cardiovascular: Rate and Rhythm: Normal rate and regular rhythm.
Pulmonary: Effort: Pulmonary effort is normal. No respiratory distress.
Breath sounds: Normal breath sounds. No wheezing or rales. Skin:
General: Skin is warm and dry. Neurological: General: No focal deficit
present. Mental Status: She is alert and oriented to person, place, and
time. Assessment/Plan Treatment included: Tylenol and water
Follow up response to treatment: good. She noted some lightheadedness
prior to discharge but other symptoms were improved. I walked patient
around the bay area and she was feeling okay. Her vitals were stable. Pt
was escorted out of the facility. Patient discharge: Stable to go home and
follow up with PCP. Electronically Signed 2/24/2021 2:43 PM
1075633 PT STATED SHE HAS A HEADACHE AND FEELS DIZZY. SHE HAS A 03/03/2021 03/03/2021 36 F
108/66 HR 79 O2 98% REPEAT BP 112/68 HR 70 O2 97%
1075987 5 minutes after injection I experienced a metallic taste in mouth and 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 27 F
slight tightening of throat. I waited 20 minutes in observation and spoke
to nurse and PA who assured me I should be fine if I had no history of
anaphylactic shock. 20 minutes later I still felt tightness in my throat,
metallic taste in mouth, headache, and now slight difficulty swallowing, at
which time I used my Albuterol rescue inhaler. Tightening in throat
resolved within an hour. Metallic taste and headache is still present +2
hours after injection.
1076091 15 minutes after injection, customer complained about metallic taste, 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 68 F
tongue slightly swollen with small bubbles on each side of tongue. No
difficulty in breathing. We asked to stay 15 minutes more for observation.
Had tightness in the chest 5 minutes later. Called 911. Operator asks not
to give water/benadryl/epipen. EMT arrived 5 minutes later and
assessed. Watch 15-20 minutes later walked her out to car. We checked
6:45 pm still have metallic taste and just little swollen on tongue. Called
3/5/21 @ 2:30pm no more symptoms., only from the JNJ shot. tiredness
1076106 Observed for 30 minutes post vaccination. 45 minutes post vaccination 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 49 F
had metallic taste, tingling and numbness in lips and tongue and scratchy
throat/ Contacted PCP.
1076209 patient woke up next morning with cold sweats and headache. also had 02/24/2021 02/25/2021 23 F
swollen arm, red bullseye around shot spot, blurry vision and metallic
taste in mouth
1076978 Within 10 minutes of the 1st Moderna vaccine dose, the patient 12/30/2020 12/30/2020 40 F
developed chest pressure, a burning sensation over the anterior chest, a
sensation of mild swelling of the mouth with a metallic taste. No rash,
SOB, or n/v. The patient was transported to the ED for evaluation. On ED
admission, the BP=151/107, HR=76, RR=20, SpO2=96%. All labs normal
(CXR, EKG, CBC, troponin). The patient declined any medications for
possible allergic reactions. The symptoms resolved quickly and the
patient was discharged home. Three days later, the post-ED follow-up
consult found the patient was experiencing cough and congestion. She
was sent for a Covid test, which came back negative.
1077398 Extreme metallic taste developed in my mouth, which started right after 02/02/2021 02/02/2021 59 F
the injection but got progressively worse to the extent I was extremely
nauseated and had difficulty tasting things for 5-6 days (unsure exact
time frame).. I forced myself to eat with the family as I?m a very petite
1077495 Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine EUA Pain at injection site including shoulder 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 67 F
and jaw (couldn't raise arm), general body aches, headache, fatigue and
metallic taste in mouth. Acetaminophen has helped with the aches.
1077682 Immediate metallic taste, flushing, sweating, itchiness. Patient 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 46 M
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
progressed to itching in throat and mouth, mild SOB, tachycardia, nausea,
and rash over chest, abdomen, upper arms, and back over the next 30-60
minutes. Treatment: Benadryl 50 mg PO, Zofran 4 mg PO, Loratidine 10
mg PO, ranitidine 150 mg PO. Repeat doses of Benadryl, Zofran, and
Loratidine given later that day. Patient stated improved symptoms within
a few hours. The facial redness and rash on chest persisted until the next
1077692 Within five minutes of receiving injection, I had a metallic taste at the 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 64 F
back of my throat, my tongue was burning my lips were numb, and my
fingers and toes were ice cold
1077712 Client reported a metallic taste in her mouth, heaviness in her chest, 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 94 F
headache, lightheadedness. On site EMS attended to client. B/P 130/70,
EKG done-normal sinus rhythm. Client declined to be transported to the
hospital. Client monitored for 30 minutes, reported that she felt "a little
better" and wanted to go home. Client driven off site by her daughter.
Client and daughter encouraged to call 911 in case of emergency and
follow up with primary doctor. Verbalized understanding.
1077714 Low blood pressure starting approximately 15-17 hrs hours after 03/03/2021 03/04/2021 66 F
vaccination, continuation of symptoms at least 3 days after vaccination.
It was challenging to stand on my own, extreme light-headedness, blood
pressure wasn't taken until March 6th. The symptoms were the worst on
March 4th, they improved over the past day or so, however when taking
blood pressure reading on March 6th, 2021, blood pressure was 110/60
at 8 am, so it is highly indicative that blood pressure was even lower in
the previous days. Other accompanying symptoms on 3/4 were
headache, low fever, fatigue, sore arm, achiness (expected side effects).
Other side effects on 3/5 were nausea and metallic taste (expected side
effects). There were no swelling of throat or breathing problems.
1077753 Approximately an hour after I received the shot, I felt pins and needles on 02/27/2021 02/27/2021 69 F
my lips and a metallic type taste in my mouth. My arm was sore , as
expected, and I felt some body aches, and tiredness. It wasn't until
Tuesday that my mouth was feeling numb and the bad taste in my mouth
returned. I did not have an appetite to eat. It didn't seem to bother me as
much during the day as nighttime. I would wake up in the middle of the
night with a terrible taste in my mouth and nausea. It seemed to be most
uncomfortable by Thursday evening and I drank a lot of water all day
Friday. I did not eat much on Friday because of the nausea and taste in
my mouth. After I did eat something early Friday evening, I became very
tired. Today I am better. I do not feel like my mouth is numb, and the bad
taste is not completely gone, but I feel better. I will drink a lot of water
1077819 fatigue, body aches, fever, headache, sweats, metallic taste in mouth. 03/03/2021 03/04/2021 73 F
1078121 Immediately tasted a metallic taste and numbness in my cheeks. When I 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 44 F
got home I had a rapid heart rate and slight shortness of breath. That
night I ran a fever of 102 and had horrible chills and nausea. The next day
these were gone but I had a horrible headache that even Tylenol wouldn?t
get rid of. The second day these symptoms had stopped.
1078287 Started 2/23/21 with metallic taste in my mouth, next day the metal taste 02/20/2021 02/24/2021 70 F
was worse. On 2/25/21 woke with face sagging on right side, slurring,
unable to smile.
1078385 5-15 minutes after injection: Tasting metallic Difficulty swallowing 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 43 F
Throat tightness Chest tightness Coughing Red chest 27 hours later:
Flushed and warm to touch face and chest
1078587 Fever, muscle pain, fatigue, redness in face, metallic taste in mouth, 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 32 F
1078757 Systemic: stiff neck, metallic taste in mouth-Mild, Systemic: Nausea-Mild 03/06/2021 03/06/2021 32 F
1079064 I received my shot at 1pm on Monday, March 1. Forty five minutes after 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 49 F
the shot was administered, I started to have a metallic taste in my mouth.
Five minutes after that, my lips and tongue started to tingle. Five minutes
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
after that my tongue started to go numb and then a few minutes after
that my throat felt sore. Around 3pm, I took two Benadryl. By 5:30pm, my
tongue was no longer numb, but my mouth didn't feel right all night. I
don't know if this was related, but on Wednesday morning I woke with the
start of a migraine. I took something right away and was able to avoid it. I
have only had 4-5 migraines in my adult life. I started to feel like I was
getting a cold by Friday, but I'm not sure if this is related either.
1079476 The patient experienced a metallic taste shortly after vaccination. The 03/06/2021 03/07/2021 42 F
patient then experienced a severe headache and nausea about 13 hours
after vaccination .
1079495 The patient experienced a metallic taste shortly after vaccination. The 03/06/2021 03/07/2021 25 F
patient then experienced a severe headache and nausea about 13 hours
after vaccination .
1079695 Metallic taste in the mouth, tingling of the mouth, nausea. Refused 03/07/2021 03/07/2021 41 F
evaluation from EMS, cleared by medic on site.
1079976 12/23/20 (Moderna #1) - Malaise, cough on 12/24, went to walk-in on 12/23/2020 12/23/2020 44 M
12/25 c/o cough, malaise, rx'd Augmentin x14d, Rapid covid negative
(and PCR resulted negative). 12/27 slept all day, 12/28 back to work.
1/12/21 metallic taste in mouth, severe GI sx, malaise, aches, headache.
1/14 seen at walk-in and covid swabbed Negative. 1/21/21 exposed to
parents who found out they were covid + on 1/22/21. 1/25/21 (Moderna
#2) - Continued with persistent cough and GI sx. Then also developed
urinary frequency and urgency. Seen at urgent care 2/1 c/o cough, dx URI,
rx'd augmenting. Woke up morning of 2/2/21 abruptly, stood up, said
something was wrong, and collapsed. CPR attempted immediately, EMS
brought him to ER where he was pronounced dead.
1080197 weakness; Headache; metallic taste in her mouth; This is a spontaneous 03/05/2021 F
report from a contactable consumer (patient) via Pfizer Sales
Representative. A female patient of an unspecified age received second
dose of bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), lot number not reported, via an
unspecified route of administration from an unspecified date as SINGLE
DOSE for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history and
concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced
headache, metallic taste in her mouth, weakness after 2nd dose of
vaccine. The outcome of the events was unknown. No follow-up
attempts are possible; information about lot/batch number cannot be
obtained. No further information is expected.
1080392 Thursday...3:05pm...metallic taste, sore/hot arm/beginning to swell... 03/04/2021 03/05/2021 49 F
Tylenol taken Friday...5pm...severe chills, severe body aches, high fever,
exhaustion, thirst until 2:30 am...Motrin taken at around 7pm...Dayquil
taken around 1am Saturday 2:30 am chills subside, body aches continue,
fever continues, exhaustion continues, thirst continues until 10am
Saturday 10am fever subsides and sweating/clamminess begins, body
aches subside. Tired Arm is still swollen at this time, burning and itching.
Rash appears. Saturday 4pm no longer sweating, slight head ache
Monday I still have a rash on the injection point and soreness and slight
swelling. Still tired.
1080442 Nose is stuffy; Trembling; Metallic taste in mouth; Hands and fingers 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 19 M
turned a rust orange color; severe body ache; Headache; body chills; fever
of 102F; Fatigue; Received first shot of Pfizer vaccine and scond shot of
Moderna's; A regulatory authority report was received from a healthcare
provider concerning a 19-year-old, male patient who received first shot of
Pfizer vaccine and second shot of Moderna's/wrong product
administered, headache, nose is stuffy/nasal congestion, chills,
trembling/tremor, fever of 102F/pyrexia, hands and fingers turned a rust
orange color/skin discoloration, metallic taste in mouth/dysgeusia,
fatigue and severe body ache/myalgia. The patient's medical history
included allergies to codeine and anxiety. Products known to have been
used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included
Fluoxetine 40mg, Lamotrigine 100mg, Amlodipine 10mg and Lunesta
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
3mg. On 01 Feb 2021, approximately one day prior to the onset of the
symptoms, the patient received a dose of the mRNA-1273 (Batch number:
not provided) intramuscularly in the right arm for prophylaxis of COVID-19
infection. On 01 Feb 2021, the patient went to pharmacy and was
offered his second dose of the vaccine, at the time of administration, the
patient stated he was unaware that the vaccine given to him was from
Moderna. His first vaccine was from Pfizer. On 02 Feb 2021, the patient
stated he felt very sick, he had a headache, nose was stuffy, body chills,
severe body aches, a fever of 102 degree Fahrenheit, and noted rust
colored spots on his hands. The patient stated these symptoms lasted
two days after the vaccine was administered. The patient also stated he
had a metallic taste in his mouth that worsened when he drank water or
other beverages. At the time of this report, the metallic taste in mouth had
not resolved. The patient visited Urgent Care and was instructed to take a
baby acetylsalicylic acid once a day. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in
response to the events was not applicable. The outcome of the event,
metallic taste in mouth/dysgeusia, was considered not resolved. The
outcome of event, received first shot of Pfizer vaccine and second shot of
Moderna's/wrong product administered, were considered resolved on 01
Feb 2021. The outcome of events, headache, nose is stuffy/nasal
congestion, chills, trembling/tremor, fever of 102F/pyrexia, hands and
fingers turned a rust orange color/skin discoloration, fatigue and severe
body ache/myalgia, were considered recovered on 04 Feb 2021.;
Reporter's Comments: Based on the current available information and
temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of
the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
1080560 Severe flu-like symptoms, including chills, ache, and headache Metallic 03/06/2021 03/07/2021 48 F
taste in mouth Injection site swelling and pain
1080640 tinny, metallic taste and feeling in mouth, consistent for entire week 03/02/2021 03/03/2021 50 M
following vaccine and fatigue in evening.
1081089 Raised red rash just below injection site Metallic taste in mouth Slight 02/26/2021 03/06/2021 68 F
nausea All started about a week after injection
1081241 Progress Notes (Physician Assistant) ? ? Family Medicine Cosigned by: 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 36 F
MD at 3/8/2021 10:37 AM Expand AllCollapse All 3/5/2021
Subjective Patient is a 36 y.o. female who was seen at COVID Vaccine
Clinic today for her first dose of the COVID 19 vaccination. She was
given the Pfizer vaccination in the right deltoid muscle. During her 15
minute waiting period after the injection, the patient began to experience
chills and a "nasty taste" in her mouth. She described this to be a metallic
taste later on and stated she could smell it as well which was making her
nauseous. She also mentioned belching started after her vaccine. She
denied difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, throat tightness, facial
swelling, lip swelling and tongue swelling. This provider was notified of
patient reaction and she was then assessed in the emergency bay area.
Monitored patient for severe reaction symptoms, including but not limited
to rapid progression of symptoms, skin changes, tongue swelling and
vomiting. ALLERGY REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Patient complains of chills
Patient denies fever, facial swelling, chest tightness, shortness of breath,
wheezing, dizziness and headaches "Nasty" taste and smell. :
Previous Reactions: Denies Objective Vitals Vitals: 03/05/21 1124
03/05/21 1144 BP: (!) 145/61 126/55 Pulse: 93 SpO2: 100%
Physical Exam Constitutional: Appearance: Normal appearance.
HENT: Head: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Mouth/Throat:
Mouth: Mucous membranes are moist. Pharynx: Oropharynx is clear.
No posterior oropharyngeal erythema. Comments: No swelling or lips
or tongue. Cardiovascular: Rate and Rhythm: Normal rate and regular
rhythm. Pulmonary: Effort: Pulmonary effort is normal. No respiratory
distress. Breath sounds: Normal breath sounds. No wheezing or rales.
Skin: General: Skin is warm and dry. Neurological: General: No focal
deficit present. Mental Status: She is alert and oriented to person,
place, and time. Assessment/Plan Treatment included: water and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Pepcid. Gave two lozenges to help with bad taste. Follow up response to
treatment: good. She had complete resolution of symptoms within a few
minutes of taking the Pepcid 20mg solution. I continued to observe her
for another 10 minutes and the taste did not return. Patient discharge:
Stable to go home and follow up with PCP.
1081631 Vile scary nauseating metallic taste in my mouth, still Here a week later! 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 68 F
Fever and chills were no match for this awful taste I felt like I was
1081748 groggy; Headache; metallic taste; sweating; shivering; feeling like I was 02/18/2021 02/20/2021 45 F
going to either have vertigo spell or throw up; balance unsteady; feeling
numbness in left arm; Exhausted/tired; feeling faint; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer reported for herself. A
45-year-old female patient (No Pregnant) received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot: EL9267), left arm on 18Feb2021
14:15 at single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included
overweight, pre-diabetic. The patient did not diagnose with COVID-19. No
allergies to medications, food, or other products.The patient did not
receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine.
Other medications the patient received within 2 weeks of vaccination
included multivitamin. Shot on Thursday. No problem on Friday.
Headache Saturday morning 20Feb2021 06:30 AM. After dinner on
20Feb2021, she had a metallic taste in her mouth started sweating and
feeling faint then started shivering and feeling like she was going to either
have a vertigo spell or throw up. Ballance unsteady. Drank water got into
bed and then she started feeling numbness in her left arm. Exhausted and
tired. Sunday tired and groggy. Monday still tired and groggy. Events were
non serious. Since the vaccination, the patient has not been tested for
COVID-19. No treatments were received. Outcome of the events was not
1082503 Bitter/metallic/chemical taste in mouth that appeared 30 minutes after 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 26 M
injection and has not subsided since. Pins and needles feeling in tongue,
as well as numbness on tip/center of tongue.
1082801 I experienced an immediate metallic taste in my mouth. My pulse shot up 01/26/2021 01/26/2021 33 F
to the 120s-130s and stayed elevated for about 12-24 hours. My body felt
like it was in fight or flight for about 6-7 days. I had foul smelling diarrhea,
weakness, fatigue and fevers. I have been experiencing random blood
pressure spikes since being vaccinated and also cardiac issues. I saw
two different allergists to get opinions on whether or not I should receive
my 2nd dose. I also saw a cardiologist and had an echocardiogram done.
My echo showed mild pulmonary hypertension which I have never had
1083207 approximately 1 hour after injection the following : metallic taste, itchy 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 67 M
eyes, nose, ears, then face. My face became bright red and also itchy. the
metallic taste lasted about an hour. the redness 6 hours. The itchiness
until the following morning approx. 15 hours
1083852 Fever, chills, extreme muscle pain beginning 12 hours after second dose 02/23/2021 03/06/2021 40 M
and lasting 24 hours. Extreme nerve pain in face and head and metallic
taste beginning on 3/6 overnight and continuing to worsen over the next
72 hours. Within 48 hours of onset of symptoms, facial paralysis and loss
of taste (suspected Bell?s palsy, awaiting confirmation) began in addition
to worsening pain and extreme discomfort. Still ongoing.
1083891 Arm pain, muscle aches, swelling lymph nodes right arm only, headache, 03/08/2021 03/08/2021 32 F
change in smell sensitivity vs a metallic/chemical smell?-onset with
headache 2 hours post vaccine. This also happened with first vaccine but
thought was a coincidence.
1084038 Weakness, cold sweat, nausea, metallic/sour taste in mouth, salivation 03/08/2021 03/08/2021 35 F
1084062 After receiving shot my tongue had a weird sensation and my mouth has 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 27 F
a metallic taste. The next day my left lower lip had a weird sensation and
the left cheek was tight. Symptoms has disappeared within 4 days
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1084542 client waiting in post-vaccination area and started to have difficulty 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 58 F
breathing. Post-vaccination nurse notified Vaccination Team Lead. After 1
minute, difficulty breathing did not decrease, client also reported a
metallic taste in mouth. Reaction at 9:32, EAMS called 9:33, Epinephrine
administered at 9:34 in right arm, IM. 0.5mL administered per protocol.
EMS arrived 9:37. Client placed on stretcher and transfer of care to EMS
at 9:43.
1085034 Patient is a 33 y.o. male who received the Moderna lot # 001B21A on 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 33 M
3/9/2021. The patient experienced the following reaction(s) during the
immediate of observation: Patient c/o "weird taste in mouth, metallic
taste." Patient was treated/managed as follows: PMH of DM and
asthma. Patient reports taking metformin and lisinopril at home. Vital
signs, monitor 0937 BP 146/92, HR 75, RR 18, O2 sat 97% on room air.
Patient reports taste in mouth resolving. 0947 BP 126/90, HR 72, RR 17,
O2 sat 97% on room air. Patient reports anxiety and twitching in lips. No
swelling noted. Denies numbness and tingling. Water provided. 0954
Patient reports twitching in lips and taste resolved. 1008 Patient reports
"feeling better." Patient escorted to car by significant other and
documenting nurse. Patient given educational material regarding vaccine
and advised to continue to self-monitor per the CDC guidance.
1085261 Metallic taste, slight headache and elevated blood glucose numbers 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 40 M
(normal 80-120, one hour post no food prior 243)
1085532 Moderna Covid - 19 Vaccine Chills time 2 days, same day of vaccine the 03/06/2021 03/06/2021 70 F
taste of metallic stayed in my mouth times 2 days. Low grade fever
of99.5. times 2 days. Exhausted!
1085633 Flu like symptoms and metallic taste in mouth 03/07/2021 03/08/2021 57 M
1086126 11-12 hours after vaccine I began to have a metallic taste in my mouth 03/08/2021 03/09/2021 27 F
and nose. 24 hours later and there is still a weird smell in my nose and
taste in my mouth.
1086271 It began with a metallic taste in the back of the throat about 15 minutes 02/16/2021 02/16/2021 73 F
after the shot was administered (February 16). In an hour my tongue and
lips were tingling and my throat was swelling slightly. I called the
pharmacy and was advised to take Benadryl. I took doses at 4:00 and
10:00 PM that day and at 11:00 AM the next day (February 17). By 3:00
PM I could feel tingling and swelling in my throat, lips and tongue. I called
my primary care doctor. She told me to take more Benadryl and go to the
ER. She told me not to get the second vaccine. I went to the ER and
they checked me out, observed me and gave me a steroid shot. The ER
doctor also told me not to get the second shot, that the risks would
outweigh the benefits. He gave me a prescription for steroids and an epi-
pen. I still felt some swelling in my throat for about a week. Since then
I?ve been fine.
1087105 Shortly after receiving second dose had a slight metallic taste in my 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 72 F
mouth. Today it's 6 days later and I still have it off and on.; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 72-years-
old female patient (no pregnant) received the second dose bnt162b2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number EL1283) , via an
unspecified route of administration on 01Feb2021 09:30 at single dose at
left arm for covid-19 immunisation. The patient previously took the first
dose bnt162b2 on 11Jan2021 for covid-19 immunization. The patient
medical history was not reported. Concomitant medication included
sertraline. The patient experienced shortly after receiving second dose
had a slight metallic taste in mouth on 01Feb2021 10:00. On 06Feb2021,
it's 6 days later and patient still have it off and on. No treatment for
event. The outcome of event was not recovered. No other vaccine in four
weeks; No covid prior vaccination; No covid tested post vaccination.
1087148 metallic taste same as experienced when receiving chemo last year; mild 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 50 F
pain at injection; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable
consumer. A 50-year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) first dose, lot number: EL3247, via an
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
unspecified route of administration on 24Feb2021 14:00 at a single dose
in the right arm for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included
early breast cancer, metallic taste when receiving chemo last year in
2020. The patient had no allergies to medications, food, or other
products. Concomitant medication included anastrozole and calcium
carbonate, vitamin D. The patient has not received any other vaccines
within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The patient experienced
metallic taste same as experienced when receiving chemo last year and
mild pain at injection on 24Feb2021 17:00. No treatment was received.
The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. The
patient has not been tested positive for COVID-19 since the vaccination.
The outcome of the events was not recovered.
1087226 Bitter Metallic Taste in my mouth. Lasted 24 hrs, and abated completely. 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 77 M
1087229 0-12 hours in I felt mild light headedness and had citrusy metallic taste in 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 35 F
my mouth. Went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 10am. Did nothing for it.
12-36 hours in I had waves of nausea every couple hours, fatigue, general
aches, and swollen lymph. Swollen and painful at site of injection. Right
arm hurt. Taste was restored to normal when I woke up. I vomited after
eating eggs at 2pm (26 hours after injection). 36- 48 hours mild waves of
nausea, sweating, swollen lymph, mild congestion, mild asthma
symptoms, full body/joint aches, and left ear ache-felt like ear infection
painful to touch. Arm still sore and swollen. Feels like a mild common
cold. 48 - 60 hours everything seems to have cleared up. Still slightly
swollen lymph and tenderness/ swelling/ lump at injection site.
1087781 Received vaccine at 2:15pm on Friday 3/5/21. At 7:15pm on Friday 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 61 F
3/5/21, began feeling slight throat tightness then Tingling sensation in
Lips, Numb Nose, Rapid and Heavy Pounding Heartbeat, Tingling in front
half of Tongue. Went outside to take breaths of cool air twice and then
took 2 Bayer aspirin. Event lasted for about 30 minutes. After the issues
passed, continued to have slight tingling in tongue and metallic taste in
mouth until Tuesday morning 3/10/21.
1087811 I woke up the day after my vaccine feeling slightly nauseous and with 03/08/2021 03/09/2021 54 F
chills, which I expected. However, by 8:00 am I had a headache equal to
the worst migraine I've ever had. I laid in bed all day trying not to move as
any movement caused intense nausea. At times, I felt that my heart was
fluttering or irregular. I vomited 3 times, but despite having eaten dinner
the night before, I seemed to have nothing to throw up. I vomited clear
liquid, if anything at all, which had a strong metallic taste. The vomiting
was very intense, leaving me sweating and exhausted. I fell asleep
around 8:00 pm, and when my husband woke me at 9:15 to check on me,
I could tell that the sharpness and intensity of the headache was gone. I
still had a headache, but it was a normal headache. Today, the 10th, I
woke up feeling mostly normal, just weak.
1088000 Intense metallic, burning sensation in mouth and on tongue within 1 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 63 F
minute after vaccine and lasting 3.5 hours. Mouth irritation is milder but
still present the day following the vaccination (22 hours).
1088604 Four hours post injection I became flushed and broke out in hives and a 01/22/2021 01/22/2021 72 F
red itchy rash on my body and legs. My heart rate jumped at the same
time. I took Benadryl immediately, and for the next 24 hours. The itchy
rash has persisted on and off ever since ( 6.5 weeks). In addition I have
had many other symptoms. Excessive hair loss, a severe metallic taste in
my mouth that is getting worse over time. At the suggestion I was
scratch tested for PEG (negative), but I have since learned that test is not
reliable. I tried to go on a sustained course of antihistamines but got
allergic reactions to both 24 hour Allegra and 24 hour Claritin. My primary
care doc has me on a course f very high dose vitamin C and I am getting
some relief, but if i don't take the vitamin the itching returns.
1088697 Patient received Moderna Vaccine 1/21/2021. 2 days prior to vaccine 01/21/2021 02/04/2021 77 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
administration patient had vertigo and sinus allergies that resolved.
Patient canceled her 2nd dose appointment on 2/18/2021 reporting she
had been sick. She rescheduled 2 times on 3/4/2021 and 3/11/2021 but
canceled those appts as well reporting still not feeling well. She called
3/10/2021 and informed nurse of persistent symptoms that started 2
weeks after receiving her 1st dose of Moderna Vaccine. The symptoms
reported throat burning, metallic taste in mouth, metallic smell in urine,
body weakness, warm sensation over body, ear pressure and nausea. She
reports she has been to an ENT doctor 2 times, her PCP 1 time and the ER
1 time. She and her doctor's are unsure if her symptoms are related to her
first injection.
1089249 Tinnitus, Headaches, Pressure, Pins and Needles to skin on face, metallic 01/09/2021 01/29/2021 35 M
taste and tooth sensitivity. All right side of face. Ear pressure
1089642 had immediate strong metallic taste in mouth 03/10/2021 03/10/2021 56 F
1090946 About 45 minutes after injection I had tingling lips, the first inch of my 03/10/2021 03/10/2021 65 F
tongue felt numb, and when I licked my lips there was a tinny, metallic
taste. These symptoms lasted approximately 15 minutes. I was able to
swallow and drank water.
1091099 intense back pain to the point worried about getting up the stairs from the 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 65 F
parking garage about 30 minutes from shot this lasted about 30 minutes.
Swollen tongue and lots of drainage down back of throat with metallic
taste, and then a sore mouth and throat. This lasted 3 -4 days. did treat
with 1 benadryl each night for 2 nights in a row. and tyneol in the day.
Swollen tongue was not so I couldn't breathe but just hurt and "felt big" in
my mouth with many bumps where it rested against my front teeth.
itching and small rash on the arm that got the shot (not at the site) (3 to 4
days on this and benadryl helped). and of course a sore arm just for a
1091574 Ever since the first dose, I have had a strong metallic taste in my throat/ 01/14/2021 01/15/2021 37 F
mouth and my upper teeth are starting to gray in the back. No other
variables other than the vaccine. Have seen some data that others
experience a metallic taste and that Covid can cause teeth Green, so
thought I would report. I have never had a positive Covid test or any
reason to believe I have had Covid. Just the vaccine
1091597 No treatment. Just waited for it to subside. Metallic taste in mouth. 03/11/2021 U
Lasted that day only. Normal amount of pain in arm at injection site on
the evening of injection. Next day also moved into top of shoulder. Still
sore on 3/11/21 but much better.
1091673 angioedema; swollen glands below the jaw; dry mouth; canker sores; 01/06/2021 03/11/2021 51 M
thrush; a metal taste in his mouth; swelling of lips, tongue and gums;
Rash; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a
51-year-old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine and
experienced angioedema, swollen glands below jaw, dry mouth, canker
sores, thrush, metal taste in mouth, swelling of lips, tongue and gums.
The patient's medical history was not provided. Concomitant product use
was not provided by the reporter. 0n 06 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of
symptoms, the patient received the first of two planned doses of
mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) for prophylaxis of COVID-19
infection. The patient developed symptoms after the first dose like dry
mouth, canker sores, swollen glands below the jaw, swollen tongue,
thrush, a metal taste in his mouth, and swollen lips. On 05 Feb 2021, the
patient received the second dose of two planned doses of mRNA-1273
(Batch number: unknown) for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. Nothing
new happened after the second dose. On 29 Feb 2021 (the date will be
confirmed) he went to ER received steroids, Benadryl and Pepcid. They
treated him for angioedema. Most of the symptoms went away except for
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
the swelling of the gums, rash and metallic taste. The outcome of the
events, angioedema, swollen glands below jaw, swollen tongue and lip,
dry mouth, canker sores, thrush, swelling of lips, tongue and were
resolved. The outcome of the events metal taste in mouth, gums and rash
were unknown.; Reporter's Comments: Based on the current available
information and temporal association between the use of the product and
the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
1091981 Approximately 5-10 minutes from injection; felt a metallic flavor in my 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 60 F
mouth. No other side effects as of this time , 4 hours after the
1092351 I was monitored the recommended 15 minutes and was fine. I went to the 03/07/2021 03/07/2021 66 M
car, was being driven home, and about 20 minutes after the vaccination I
developed an odd sweet/metallic taste in my mouth, followed by
increased saliva, some difficulty swallowing, nasal congestion, and some
chest discomfort. They symptoms were already getting a little better by
the time we got home (about 30 minutes after the shot), but I took a
Benadryl and the symptoms resolved within 2 hours. After that I just had
the expected arm pain and fatigue until the next morning. Since then I
have been fine.
1092694 patient reported a metallic taste in her mouth and nausea immediately 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 30 F
following administration of the vaccine
1093040 Metallic taste in mouth, then following with numbness, tightening, and 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 28 F
tingling in throat and mouth. First treated with Benadryl, then decadron
and Pepcid. After reaction did not stop, I was taken to the ER and given IV
steroid(s). On discharge I was given epinephrine and prednisone. This
occurred over a four hour period.
1093330 blood pressure was high 210/106; facial tongue tingling; facial tongue 02/25/2021 02/01/2021 F
tingling; numb; metallic taste in mouth; This is a spontaneous report from
a contactable nurse. A 75-year-old female patient received her first dose
of BNT62b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot no. and expiry
date were not reported), via an unspecified route of administration on
25Feb2021 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's
medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. After
getting her first dose on unspecified date in Feb2021, the patient
experienced facial tongue tingling and numb, blood pressure was high
210/106 and had a metallic taste in mouth. Paramedics gave her
Benadryl and monitored for an hour. The outcome of the events was
unknown. Information about lot/batch number has been requested.;
Sender's Comments: Due to a positive drug-event temporal association
and lacking identified alternative explanations, the company, despite no
patient's medical history, concomitant medication and baseline and
follow-up values of blood pressure have been provided, cannot
completely exclude that the reported high value of blood pressure is
related to BNT162b2 administration. The impacts of this report on the
benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer
procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of
aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part
of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be
promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and
Investigators, as appropriate.
1093480 Client verbalized having a metallic taste in his mouth immediately after 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 55 M
receiving vaccine. Client seen by EMT and refused to be assessed and
stated that taste went away as soon as he drank some water. Cleared to
go home by EMT.
1093600 Headache, Fever 101.3, Left arm Temp 103.3, Nausea, Chills, Body Aches, 03/10/2021 03/11/2021 42 M
Very sore arm, metallic taste in the mouth, tired and sleepy,
1093621 Metallic taste in my mouth 03/10/2021 03/11/2021 53 F
1094361 tingling side of tongue and jaw and weird taste in mouth (metallic taste) 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 52 F
starting at 0930. Injection given at 0900. Symptoms better after 45
minutes. Vital signs stable.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1094497 I have a number of metallic orthopedic implants: L & R shoulder, L elbow, 02/09/2021 02/10/2021 72 M
L & R femur and R knee. After my first shot, I noticed that I developed a
slight pain in my left shoulder and elbow at about day 3 post jab. At
about day 5 post jab, I started to have similar pain in my R femur and
knee. The pain was minimal (2 out of 10) and subsided in another 5 days.
Otherwise I had no reaction to the vaccine. I received my second jab
3/9/21 and got an immediate bruising at the injection site with a little
pain (2/10 again) but no further issues with my implants
1094513 I am twenty-eight years old, young, healthy active girl. I have always been 02/12/2021 02/20/2021 28 F
into fitness and yoga. I live a generally healthy lifestyle. I have been a
singer, a dancer, and a flight attendant! I decided sign up for the COVID-19
vaccine in order to help our world fight against this pandemic. I wanted to
protect my family and friends to eradicate this virus once and for all. It
was with no hesitation did I jump at the opportunity to get this vaccine
when it became available to me on February 12th, 2021 at the Convention
Center. As soon as I received my shot I proudly posted my photo with
tears in my eyes letting the world know that we were one human closer to
a COVID-19 free world. I was Moderna proud. My entire family had
already received their Moderna vaccines because I come from a family of
nurses, but none of them had experienced any side effects. I was
confident I would be in the clear after their clear symptom free vaccine.
Immediately following my vaccine my arm was a little sore, as expected.
However, I did experience fatigue and mild leg cramps in my calves. One
very odd symptom was that I could taste the vaccine in my mouth, like a
metallic, strange taste, which I reported to my family, but everyone just
laughed it off. The leg cramps went away after a day or two as well as the
taste, but the fatigue continued throughout the week. I felt these
symptoms were pretty average. I signed up for the V-Safe reporting
system and put in my report and thought nothing of my initial vaccine
symptoms. Things took a very strange turn on the morning of February
20th, 2021 at about 10am. I woke up and my face was numb, tingling all
over, twitching in different parts of my face pretty severely and
uncontrollably. By 4pm the tingling moved into both of my arms and
hands and by 5pm it moved into both of my legs. Shortly after the
cramping and twitching began in both of my legs and I lost the ability to
walk, lift my legs, and just the ability to feel my legs at all. I could not
walk. Obviously concerning, I thought I was originally having a reaction to
a medication I had been taking for over a year called, Topamax, a nerve
pain medication which can cause numbness and tingling as a side effect.
I called my prescribing physician and he immediately ruled out the
possibility of a reaction to this medication due to the length of time I had
been on this medication, that I had not missed a dose, I had not increased
or decreased the dose, and I had not experienced a reaction like this in
the time that I had been taking the medication. He recommended I keep
an eye on my symptoms and go to an emergency room if things worsen.
Overnight, my symptoms remained the same. I woke up on Sunday,
February 21st, 2021 and I still could not walk, I could not feel my legs. My
legs were still twitching and cramping. My face was still numb and
tingling, but the twitching had stopped in the face. My hands had stopped
tingling. At this point my mother who is a nurse suggested that I call
Moderna, the vaccine provider, to report a possible side effect of the
vaccine. Upon contacting Moderna, the company thought that it could
possibly be a reaction between the Topamax medication and the vaccine,
but they had no current information about these two having any
interactions. They thanked me for reporting and told me to go to an
emergency room if my symptoms continued or worsen. Throughout the
day on Sunday, February 21st, my symptoms remained. I was able to get
to my feet, but I walking like a newborn baby giraffe or as my mother
described, like a 105 year old woman. I was unable to feel my legs
completely, lift them, move them without lifting them with physical help of
my arms moving them. At this point on Sunday night I decided to contact
my Primary Care Physician. She noted that this sounded similar to
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Guillain-Barre and that I sound immediately go to an Emergency
Department before the symptoms get any worse. It was late on a Sunday
night and I was unable to drive myself, so I waited. Overnight on Sunday
into Monday I began experiencing light flashes in my eyes, heart races,
lower back pain, and worsening cramping in my legs. I knew that I needed
to seek treatment in an emergency room. On Monday, February 22nd,
2021 I was taken to the Emergency Room Department. They conducted
blood work and a physical examination, but did not want to proceed with
any MRI?s or CAT scans. The ER the doctors were baffled. They could not
figure out what was causing my paralysis other than the vaccine was the
only new thing that had been introduced to my body, but they could not
verify or diagnose anything. They let me go with a referral to neurology.
While we were sitting in the ER my cousin, a nurse anesthetist at another
local hospital, called my mother who was with me with some very
alarming news. Her co-worker, had experienced the same symptoms back
in December and was just going through recovery after his first dose of
the COVID-19 vaccine. He was told by the CDC there had been 19
reported cases through the CDC where after the first dose of the vaccine
people have reported numbness, tingling, and the lose of the ability to
walk after receiving the first dose of the mRNA vaccine, both Moderna
and Pfizer. Her co-worker was also in the same age range as myself, very
healthy, young, active. He was officially diagnosed with Transverse
Myletis. He has taken a full two months to regain the ability to walk and
still has numb patches on his legs. He walks very slowly, but is walking.
He returned to work, but cannot return to his normal life working out and
being active because he does not have the strength. He was told not to
get the second dose of the vaccine. There are unreported cases in this
area by physicians who do not know where to turn with this information. It
is hard to link these symptoms and cases because they are so obscure,
but these same symptoms are occurring with those who have also had
COVID-19. When I was being seen for an EMG test of my legs the
physician performing the test said to us, ?I have a patient who received
the vaccine and has the symptoms, maybe I should report it!?. My
Grandmother?s physician just last week just sent a patient of hers with
the same symptoms to neurology. I think this uncommon side effect is
more common than is being reported and no one knows where to turn
with the information. I finally got into the head of Neurology. I was told, ?
it?ll probably get better?, basically saying that they don?t know what they
can do and they are at a loss for knowing what this is and why this is
happening to people after the first dose of the mRNA vaccine. Doctors
don?t have answers and the vaccine companies aren?t offering
information to help link these side effects together. The physician told me
not to proceed with the second dose of the vaccine due to neurological
side effect that I have had. I should benefit from the first dose and it is not
safe for me to get the second dose from this side effect. I was unable to
walk for weeks since this began on Feb. 20th. It is just now that this week
I am slowly able to move my legs, but they are still very numb and heavy. I
haven?t been able to drive or live my normal life. I cannot use stairs, walk
long distances, stand for very long periods of time. I am twenty-eight
years old and I walk like an eighty year old woman, wobbly. I have
reported my case to CDC, V-SAFE, Moderna. The CDC said they would be
in contact with me due to my report of extreme adverse side effects via
the V-SAFE report, but I have not heard anything from them as of today.
These are the uncommon side effects that need to be heard and reported.
I don?t know why they are being ignored because I have been left without
answers and without hope.
1094883 APPROXIMATELY 15 MINUTES AFTER MODERNA DOSE #1 PATIENT 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 54 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1095492 20 minutes after receiving Pfizer dose, he had metallic taste in mouth, felt 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 64 M
dizzy. Vitals 111/58 HR 46. pulse ox 96% on RA.Patient given Benadryl.
Metallic taste improved and dizziness improved. He stated at this point
that it felt like his throat was swelling so epi was administered. He went
to the ER as directed but not by ambulance. He was treated there rom
6:15 to 9:15. Received monitoring and decadron IV.
1095609 salivating more than normal, metallic taste, cold feeling inside mouth 03/07/2021 03/12/2021 27 M
1095728 Called to observation area due to patient concern about metallic taste in 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 61 F
mouth starting about 15 minutes after injection. Heart RRR no murmur
not tachycardic, lungs CTAB. No ShOB, chest pain, tightness, N/V or other
symptoms. She is taking azithromycin and prednisone currently. Has
been taking the prednisone in AM, took dose today and has two left.
Instructed her to take next prednisone this evening and last one tomorrow
PM. Instructed to call the clinic or present to ER if any new issues.
1095864 About 6 days after receiving the first dose of the Moderna vaccine, he 03/05/2021 03/12/2021 55 M
started to develop a bitter, metallic taste in his mouth. The morning of the
effect, he felt fine and had no other symptoms until approximately 4:50
pm where water tasted odd to him. Before the vaccine, he had no other
covid symptoms and has tested negative for the virus numerous times.
This only occurred after receiving the Moderna shot.
1095886 within 10 minutes of receiving 2nd COVID vaccination patient and a 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 71 F
metallic taste in mouth and lips and the tip of tongue began to tingle.
Gave a 50mg dose of benadryl and patient was observed for 30 minutes
and called for a person to pick her up and symptoms were subsiding.
Called patient later and she relayed that she was better and symptoms
took about 1 hour to 2 hours to go away.. and her arm was sore at the
time of our contact.
1096290 Metallic Taste immediately after injection. Felt a bit wobbly. 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 59 F
1096339 Metallic taste in mouth after 10 minutes of receiving injection. Left arm 03/10/2021 03/10/2021 37 F
axillary lymph node swelling that began the day after vaccination. The
swelling persist, it is day 4 today.
1096886 I left hospital after waiting required 15 minutes. About 10 minutes after 03/03/2021 03/03/2021 75 M
leaving I had sensation of a metallic taste in mouth and tongue, primarily
on rt side. I was concerned that the tongue might be swollen. My wife
who is a retired nurse looked at it and didn't see anything to be concerned
about. All the symptoms were gone within two hours.
1096976 Immediately after administer, I felt ?weird?. Almost a little light headed. 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 40 F
As the minutes passed, I began feeling dissociated. Almost out of body,
like I was under the influence. I began to struggle to answer questions
and stay awake. I willed myself to stay calm and stay awake. I was given
water and observed for an hour. My face began to feel numb and the roof
of my mouth itchy. The ?high? feeling was eventually replaced by the
feeling of being extremely tired. After and hour I was good to drive but
extremely tired when I got home. About an hour after the shot I can taste
a blood or metallic taste in my mouth. I still feel ?drugged? or tried.
1097005 Patient complained of headache, metallic taste and numbness on the 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 51 F
sides of tongue. She was given 50mg oral benadryl at 11:55am. No
further intervention required. Discharged to home.
1097162 Metallic taste persistent to Left side of tongue ongoing since vaccine 02/22/2021 02/22/2021 38 M
1097304 metallic taste 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 85 F
1097799 Metallic taste in mouth that subsided the next morning. Sore arm for 3 03/02/2021 03/02/2021 61 F
days Slightly feverish on and off for the first 2 days All of the above were
relatively mild
1097904 tingling lips, one to two hours, subsiding to slight only on left side 03/10/2021 03/10/2021 50 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
intermittently tingling left side of tongue, one to two hours slighter
tingling next to left eye, intermittent for days very strong metallic taste in
mouth, subsided to slight metallic taste after a few hours
1098251 Approximately 20 minutes of receiving the first dose of Pfizer COVIN19 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 55 M
vaccine, I started to develop a metallic taste in my mouth. Shortly after
the metallic taste started, saliva production decreased causing severe dry
mouth and it became difficult to swallow. I went to the closest hospital
which was approximately a 10 minute drive from when symptoms started
and explained what was going on to the person at the triage desk. I did
NOT request to be seen by a doctor because symptoms had started to
lesson but I did wait at the ER since it was a public place for
approximately 30 minutes before traveling home. Approximately 2 hours
after onset of symptoms, saliva production had returned to normal levels.
1098660 Strong persistent metallic taste in mouth 03/12/2021 03/13/2021 37 F
1098881 Started with a funny taste in my mouth almost metallic approximately 20 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 39 F
to 25 min after the injection. Within a few minutes moved on to a tingling
sensation and a scratchy feeling in the back of my throat. The tingling
numb sensation moved forward across my palate and tongue and into my
lips. My lips and tongue both started swelling. Since I was at the hospital
I went to the ER where they treated me for an allergic reaction. I was
given two antihistamines and an iv steroid as well as fluids. I was
monitored for 6 hours and sent home with prednisone, an allergy pill, and
an EPI pen.
1098962 Woman with a history of prior Covid19 infection conplained of onset of 03/14/2021 03/14/2021 58 F
altered taste (metallic) , "chalky" taste, mild nausea and vomiting within
minutes of vaccine. Reports the same symptoms occured after 1st dose
and lasted 4 days,. Also compalained of 3 weeks of fatiigue. Mild throat
"thickening" but no dyspnea, hives, abdominal pain, back pain. Observed
for 45 minutes, vomiting resloved, metallic taste diminished but not
resolved. O2 sat 99%, HR 69. Pt ambulated home.
1099283 Transcription of a text I sent to my colleagues: Hi all--I'm not sure who 01/14/2021 01/15/2021 50 F
has received the second vaccine, but I wanted to update as to my
experience. I got sick with the first one from about 4ish hours after until
the next mid morning maybe? Then I felt bad again that second night. I
had my vaccine (second) yesterday at 4 PM, and I felt OK going to bed but
had a pretty pitiful night. I woke up at 5 AM and I felt horrible. That felt
like someone took a pair of metal cymbals and slammed them together
on my head. The tinnitus was strong. I also had body aches and joint
pain and felt like I had the flu. I felt a little better around 1 PM, but felt bad
again around 330. Now I'm miserable again with terrible body aches and
chills (this was at 7:38 PM). I'm sure I will feel better in the morning, just
wanted to share my experience." Sadly, since then, I have had tinnitus
with a metallic ringing in both ears along with hearing loss. I had some
vertigo one day but unsure if this was related. The tinnitus makes me
very sad. I am a hospitalist and am happy to have been vaccinated, still.
It has been 2 months today, and it remains, unrelenting. It is worse in the
morning and at night. The hearing loss is difficult.
1099430 Immediate (non-severe?) allergic reaction. I received the first dose of the 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 48 F
Modern covid vaccine, injected into my left arm. I went to sit for the
mandatory 15 minute "observation" period, sitting with a couple of my
coworkers who were being vaccinated at this time as well. After
approximately two minutes, I started feeling a little light-headed and had
slight difficulty breathing. I mentioned it to my coworkers and they
suggested I take off my mask (masks were required for everyone). I did
so and took a couple deep breaths which made me feel better. I put my
mask back on and continued chatting with my coworkers. About 5
minutes later I felt the same, slight difficulty breathing again, but thought
it was probably due to my mask, so I repeated - mask off, deep breaths -
and felt better. As a precaution, I stayed in the observation area for 30
minutes with one my coworkers, but did not experience any other
problems. Feeling a little shaky but otherwise okay, I left at that point and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
walked to my car. Once in the car, I took off my mask and took more deep
breaths. Feeling okay, I started my drive home (approx 7 minutes). About
halfway on the drive I felt a slight difficulty in breathing again, so I rolled
down the window, took deep breaths. Arriving home, I told my husband I
felt "a little weird". My throat felt slightly swollen, the back of my neck felt
stiff, my lips felt a bit numb, my face felt tingly and my jaw felt tight. It
was about 2:45 at this point. I felt the outside of my throat with my fingers
and realized my tonsils were quite swollen. My husband felt them, too,
and agreed. However, nothing was visibly swollen in my face or neck, only
felt inwardly. I still felt a bit shaky and had an occasional metallic taste in
my mouth. I drank some water and laid down, with my feet slightly
elevated. My husband stayed with me, both of us monitoring my
symptoms in case anything got worse and medical attention was needed,
but nothing got worse. My symptoms stayed at this level for the next few
hours. I sat up occasionally and continued to drink water. I would get
occasional waves of slight difficulty in breathing, but would take deep
breaths and that would help. My airway never felt constricted, I just felt
like I need a bit more oxygen. By early evening, I was feeling a little tired,
but was able to eat dinner without problem and by about 8pm I was
feeling a bit better. The swelling in my tonsils had subsided a little at this
point and the waves of difficulty in breathing were getting much less
often and milder. I slept through the night without problem. In the
morning, however, I did not feel very well. I felt quite fatigued and had a
little difficulty breathing again, but no worse than before. My arm was
pretty sore from the injection, but no other symptoms had developed
otherwise. By about 11am, I started feeling better, and by about 1:00pm I
felt much better. I had low energy, but I otherwise felt good the rest of the
day and slept fine again that night. This morning (day two) I again felt
some fatigue and had a little difficulty breath at times, but by mid-
morning I felt much better and have continued feeling a little low in
energy, but otherwise okay so far. It is now 6:30pm on day two.
1100276 Within 3 minutes of injection I developed a medicinal, metallic taste in my 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 76 F
mouth; tingling in my tongue and on my lips; This is a spontaneous report
from a contactable consumer herself. A 76-years-old female patient
received first dose bnt162b2 (Solution for injection, Pfizer, Lot
number:EL3249) via an unspecified route of administration arm left from
27Jan2021 09:30 at single dose for Covid-19 immunization. Medical
history included rheumatoid arthritis, and Hypothyroid. Concomitant
medication included adalimumab (HUMIRA), levothyroxine sodium
(SYNTHROID), montelukast sodium (SINGULAIR), ezetimibe (ZETIA),
rosuvastatin calcium (CRESTOR) and calcium. The patient previously took
metronidazole (FLAGYL) and experienced allergy. On 27Jan2021, 09:30
AM, within 3 minutes of injection I developed a medicinal, metallic taste
in my mouth. In a few more minutes, tingling in my tongue and on my lips
and for both events received treatment Benadryl and extra waiting. The
outcome o the events recovered in 2021
1100833 Patient reports "tongue was a little numb and felt a tingle on his lips" 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 47 M
shortly after vaccination and during wait period. States he tasted "a
metallic taste" with injection that resolved immediately. Did not alert staff
while waiting 30 min post vaccine. Reports s/s resolved "about 10
minutes after leaving. Denies SOB, rash, tongue/face/throat swelling.
1101057 About 6 hours after receiving vaccine, the usual arm soreness became 03/10/2021 03/11/2021 61 F
more prominent then chills, headache and nausea. Also, a terrible metallic
taste in my mouth started making me produce increase saliva. My tongue
felt numb and have become swollen. (This took 5-6 hours to subside, the
tongue swelling was about 2x size but never increased beyond that size.)
Also, during the time the systems started, I had waves of prickly or fizzy
feelings that were different from the chills. These lasted at least 24 hours.
1101209 Wife described a putrid metallic odor coming from my body and had an 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 37 M
allergic reaction after kissing me. She experienced numbness and tingling
on her face and lips as well as hives on her face and neck that was
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
treated with Benadryl. These symptoms went away after a few hours but
she was unable to come in close proximity to me until the next day. Also
experienced, soreness around injection site, body aches, fatigue, flushing
of face, headache, light headedness. All of these symptoms subsided
within approximately 36 hrs. after time of vaccination with plenty of rest.
1101738 Metallic taste in mouth that was transient. Developed and resolved during 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 38 F
the 15 minute observation period following vaccination.
1102897 Immediately following the administration of the vaccine on Thursday, I 03/04/2021 03/04/2021 39 F
tasted a metallic taste. Within 5 mins I began to having a racing heart
and flushed skin. On my drive home approximately 15-20 minutes
following the administration of the vaccine, I began feeling very flushed,
continued racing heart, and had a lot of difficulty swallowing. I tried to
push water even though it was difficult to swallow. Upon getting home I
continued to feel these symptoms along with fatigue. I laid down to rest
after feeling extremely fatigued. 30 minutes later I woke up (this is
approximately 1 hour - 1.5 hours after the vaccine administration) with a
rash all over my chest, my neck and face. Additionally, the left side of my
neck was extremely swollen. The lymph node on the left side was
sticking out about the size of a golf ball. I continued to have all these
symptoms along with then extreme nausea, hot/cold flashes, and flu-like
symptoms. I took three Advil at this time. These symptoms continued
onto the morning (Friday). In the morning, I still had the rash and swollen
neck, so being worried, I took Benedryl and contacted my doctor and sent
him pictures of my allergic reaction. By Sunday, the swelling in my neck
and other symptoms subsided. The doctor returned my message on
Monday and instructed me to report this via this form and advised me not
to get the second shot, as it looks like I had a severe allergic reaction to
the first vaccine. He advised me at that time that if I was still having
symptoms I should go to the ER. I no longer was having those symptoms,
so I did not go to the ER immediately.
1103181 First dose 12:30pm metallic taste, slight nausea, brief light headed. 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 69 F
Approx 1:20pm moderate arm soreness lasting 2 days. Second dose
administered about 3:00pm about 1hour later injection site soreness.
Next day about 4:30pm extreme arm pain, 100.4 fever and chills. Took 2
Tylenol. Approx 11:30pm no fever or arm soreness.
1103292 Metallic taste in mouth 02/11/2021 03/03/2021 26 F
1103358 At time of vaccine administration, patient experienced a metallic taste in 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 63 F
her mouth as she has in the past with other medications. Approximately
5-10 minutes after the vaccine, she felt a "prickly" feeling starting at the
head moving down to the arms and down to her trunk. It was most
prominent in her hands. Patient denies any shortness of breath, swelling,
rash, or any other respiratory issues. Patient was monitored for 30
minutes after vaccine administration and "prickly" symptoms persisted.
1103949 Altered sense of taste that has continued through today which which can 12/21/2020 12/23/2020 65 F
be described as metallic without altered sense of smell.
1104020 after about 30 minutes, I started having a metallic taste in my mouth. I 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 54 M
was also experiencing soreness in left arm area. After about an hour, the
pain in my arm started to feel as though it was spreading to my left chest
cavity area. I then started to get chest pains in the left breast area to the
armpit area, but not severe, just concerning. After probably 70-80
minutes, I started feeling drowsy. I continued to feel drowsy all evening
and did not sleep well. I woke up and could not return to sleep at 4:45am.
My normal waking time is 6:00am. I had/have quite a bit of soreness in
my arm, but nothing unbearable. No signs of rash or inflammation
around injection sight. I am taking a sick day from work to relax and
recover from loss of sleep. The metallic taste persist, but only an
annoyance and taste seems to be normal when eating or drinking. A
slight achiness in joints, but a cold front was also moving in, which can
cause me to have the same effect.
1104187 Minutes after injection, numbness in lips, metallic taste in mouth, and 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 37 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
flushed skin. All subsided after a few minutes. Approximately 10 hours
later, fever, chills, and body/head aches. Ongoing as of form submission.
1104316 Within less than 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine, the patient 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 44 F
complained of swelling and numb sensation to lips and metallic taste in
her mouth. No trouble breathing or swallowing. Seen in emergency room.
Given Benadryl 25 mg PO. At 1047 symptoms were all resolved and
patient was discharged with instructions to take Benadryl 25 mg every 6
hour as needed. Return to ER if needed.
1104375 Notes Expand AllCollapse All Patient: 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 43 F
DOB: 6/11/1977 Date: 3/15/2021
MRN: Subjective Patient is a 43 y.o. female who was seen at COVID
Vaccine Clinic today for her first dose of the COVID 19 vaccination. She
was given the Pfizer vaccination in the right deltoid muscle. During her
15 minute waiting period after the injection, the patient began to
experience lightheadedness and "head rush", feeling dizzy and had a
metallic taste in mouth (shortly resolved). Sensation of chest tightness
as reported upon her arrival to bay. She denied rash, hives, welts,
difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, wheezing, throat tightness,
hoarseness, stridor, itching, facial swelling, lip swelling and tongue
swelling. This provider was notified of patient reaction and she was then
assessed in the emergency bay area. Monitored patient for severe
reaction symptoms, including but not limited to blood pressure
abnormality , drooling, rapid progression of symptoms, respiratory
distress, skin changes and tongue swelling. Medical hx includes asthma
and allergies, pvcs and IgG deficiency ALLERGY REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:
Patient complains of dizziness (lightheaded) Patient denies chills, fever,
malaise/fatigue, facial swelling, sore throat, frequent throat clearing,
cough, chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing, rash, hives, itching
of skin, vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle aches, joint pain and
headaches R arm pain where injection site is. Ice pack given for site.:
Previous Reactions: flu vaccine 20 years ago. She's done well with flu
vaccines since then. Objective Vitals Vitals: 03/15/21 1244
03/15/21 1254 03/15/21 1310 BP: 128/85 122/65 Pulse: 86 86 86
SpO2: 100% 100% 100% Physical Exam Constitutional: General:
She is not in acute distress. Appearance: Normal appearance. She is
well-developed. She is not diaphoretic. HENT: Mouth/Throat: Mouth:
Mucous membranes are moist. Pharynx: Oropharynx is clear.
Comments: Clear airway Eyes: Extraocular Movements: Extraocular
movements intact. Conjunctiva/sclera: Conjunctivae normal. Pupils:
Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Cardiovascular: Rate and
Rhythm: Normal rate and regular rhythm. Pulses: Normal pulses.
Heart sounds: Normal heart sounds. Pulmonary: Effort: No respiratory
distress. Breath sounds: Normal breath sounds. No wheezing.
Comments: Hyperventilating upon arrival to bay. Pt improves with deep
breathing. Pt did take her levalbuterol as well during her stay which did
help her chest tightness. No wheezing heard pre/post administration. O2
sats 100% Skin: General: Skin is warm and dry. Neurological: General:
No focal deficit present. Mental Status: She is alert and oriented to
person, place, and time. Gait: Gait normal. Psychiatric: Mood and
Affect: Mood normal. Behavior: Behavior normal. Thought
Content: Thought content normal. Judgment: Judgment normal.
Assessment/Plan Treatment included: antihistamines, water and snacks
Follow up response to treatment: excellent. Patient discharge: Stable to
go home and follow up with PCP. Differential Diagnosis: Vaccine-Related
Anxiety (include misc mental health), Local reaction (arm pain, bleeding/
bruising, mechanical irritation, localized rash) and Red flag symptoms
(CP, SOB, NVD, Visual/Neuro concerns) R arm pain; injection R arm. Ice
pack placed. Anxiety: hyperventilating, relieved with instructed deep
breathing and removal of mask for short time. Lightheaded/dizzy: related
to anxiety and systemic stress response. She reponded well to zyrtec,
water and snack. Pt able to recover and stand w/o symptoms. She was
ambulated out to the front w/o difficulty accompanied by this provider.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
She's to follow up with pcp/allergist. Pt voiced appreciation of care today.
1104405 We are using the Drive thru method at Airport. Client received COVID-19 01/20/2021 01/20/2021 79 F
vaccine and afterwards drove to Recovery Room. Client states she had a
metallic taste in her mouth. 76-20. Respirations Good. She says this
happens to her when she has a CAT Scan with IVP dye. Put her in the 30
min line. She drank some water and felt better. When 30 min was done,
she went home. Daughter was with her. Told client if any other problems,
to call her Dr.
1106421 I was waiting as required and I started feeling itchy. Then it started in my 01/05/2021 01/05/2021 60 F
legs and knees, and ended up staying in there an extra 20 min. I left and
got halfway over the bridge and had to go back. My lips got numb and the
tip of my tongue. I kept having to clear my throat. I went to the ER and my
heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. Once they gave me the
Benadryl, Pepcid and steroids via IV, it got better but didn't go away. They
also gave me oral steroids to take at home. The symptoms remained for
3 days or more. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth. I was awakened
during the night multiple times. After about 3 days the itchiness and
blotchiness went away, but the taste remained for like a week. After a full
week, I was back to 100%.
1106629 Almost immediately after injection started to experience a bitter metallic 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 27 M
taste that has gradually gotten stronger. Writing this roughly 3 hours after
injection and still experiencing the strong taste.
1106709 flushing, rash to chest, metallic taste 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 53 F
1106922 I had a very strong metallic taste in my mouth immediately following 03/15/2021 03/15/2021 71 F
getting the shot. It lasted for several minutes
1107301 Moderate fatigue, metallic taste in mouth, burning sensation in nose, 03/03/2021 03/04/2021 56 F
muscle aches, bilateral ankle and knee soreness, headache, very sore left
arm, flu-like -ache in nipples Arm soreness declined over two weeks, ankle
and knee soreness currently persist, fatigue lasted one week, other
symptoms stopped after third or fourth day Treatment was
acetaminophen, increased water intake and rest
1107348 Hematoma to left arm. Metallic taste. Numbness in face and tongue. 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 60 F
1107940 Mild Red and itchy skin at injection site. Slight salty or metallic taste 03/09/2021 03/17/2021 51 F
similar to what I experienced the day of the injection. This is 8 days
later. Have used topical benadryl.
1108180 metallic taste in mouth, headache , can't sleep, nausea, diarrhea, loss of 03/02/2021 03/09/2021 68 F
appetite, little strength, fever, chills . fever gone
1108256 ~5 minutes after injection, developed flushing and altered taste. Flushing 12/30/2020 01/06/2021 42 F
resolved within 5-10 min. Taste was very proncounced, slightly metallic
and very salty and lasted remainder of the day with associated nausea.
Taste alterations resolved that day. Slight arm soreness and moderate
fatigue for next 2 days, then resolved. On day 6, I developed fevers, the
odd taste changes that I had post-vaccine returned, and fatigue. Felt "off,"
similar to when I had presumed COVID in March 2020. Fevers (100.5 on
Advil), fatigue, felt "off." No cough/shortness of breath. Symptoms
peaked on day 8, then I woke up feeling great on day 9. Minimal reaction
to dose #2.
1108703 COVID 19 Moderna vaccine second shot: Stomach ache/burning/metallic 02/25/2021 02/26/2021 60 F
taste in mouth is the prevalent complain. . 12 hours after the shot I had
fever 100.4 F aches all over, headache, tiredness, some stomach
discomfort. All these lasted 24 hours. Stomach problems still continues,
almost 3 weeks. First stomach pain(upper part of stomach), and burning,
than pain, couple days pain in the stomach and metallic taste in the
moth.. pain still continues but a bit more under control with medication.
It feels like there is something on the top part of my stomach.. Tried
several medications, not all taken on same days but switched to some
different one when the one I am using was not working well. Tums, milk
of magnesia, pepto-bismal stopped all but now using Prilosec.
1108997 Patient reported feeling dizzy and having a headache. She also reported a 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 33 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
metallic taste in her mouth. Staff provided her with water to drink and
monitored vital signs. Patient recovered and was released at 11:09 AM.
1109103 Patient was being monitored for 30 minutes as she stated that she has 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 57 F
allergies to food and medication. At 3:05pm - the patient c/o numbness
and tingling to the left side of her face and mouth. She denies having any
difficulty swallowing, breathing or swelling at this time. 3:08pm -
Benadryl 25mg PO given with juice. She admits to not eating anything
since last night. 3:16pm - Vitals: 154/98, 78, 20. 3:20pm - Pt states that
she is feeling a little better and that this is mild compared to what she has
experienced in the past. She also mentioned having a metallic taste in
her mouth. No redness, swelling or difficulty breathing noted at this time.
3:30pm - Vitals: 150/94, 78, 20. Patient states that she feels better and
that she wants to leave. She was advised to inform her physician
regarding the incident and to ask how she should proceed with her
second dose. She states verbal understanding. 3:31 pm - Patient left the
medical facility ambulatory and without further incident
1109198 Moderna LOT: #001B21A. Pt reported to EMT at 1734 that she was 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 46 F
seeing stars, felt dizzy and anxious. At 1751 pt reported "a weird metallic
flavor in throat." EMT took vital signs at 1751. BP: 140/96, pulse: 72, RR:
24. At 1814 pt reported a slight headache. Pt asked to stay longer for
observation. Pt requested medication at 1839. offered pt adult dose of
Diphenhydramine 2x, 25mg/mL. Pt agreed to take medication. gave pt
adult dose of diphenhydramine at 1840. At 1844 pt reported feeling
better. EMT retook pt vital signs at 1852. BP: 130/100. Pt reported ears
being plugged and felt flushed. Pt offered EMS at 1853. Pt declined EMS.
Pt advised to stay an additional 15 minutes. Pt reassessed by EMT. Pt
stated that she felt a lot better. Pt left with friend with a steady gait at
1109221 I felt fine immediately after the injection, but then about 3 minutes after 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 63 F
the injection, I was "hit" by a very intense reaction: metallic taste in
mouth, nauseous, burning heat throughout my back, sweating, very hot,
very anxious/scared. This quieted down after about 10 minutes, but then
I got "hit" again, a few minutes after that. This time with burning heat in
my chest and then burning heat traveling down my left arm, sweating,
very hot, very anxious/scared. I was under observation for 45minutes
before they let me drive home (just 4 miles away). Once I got home, I felt
extremely exhausted and foggy headed. This lasted for about 6 hours,
and then it began to lift. That night, I was woken from sleep suddenly by
pain in my arm (at injection site); it was a sort of pain I've never
experienced -- it was sharp and moving around. The following day (today)
I'm having lingering fatigue, lingering slight nausea, and a sore arm at
injection site.
1109988 Metallic taste at 6 hours & headache 103 temp at 12 hours with chills and 03/15/2021 03/16/2021 40 M
shakes 101 temp at 30 hours
1110632 Metallic taste in mouth after both moderna vaccines 02/18/2021 75 U
1110736 Five minutes after receiving my 1st shot, I experienced a warming 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 66 F
sensation more up my chest into the throat and the had a metallic taste. I
felt the need to clear my throat several times. This lasted about 20
minutes. No other problems throughout the day until I went to bed that
evening. After laying down I experienced the metallic taste again.
1110884 c/o dizziness , lightheadedness, and metallic taste 02/28/2021 02/28/2021 69 F
1111078 Strong metallic taste in my mouth that lasted for about 28 hours. It did 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 55 F
stop after 28 hours. No adverse impact from having this side effect.
1111947 Light headed and slight dizziness along with string metallic taste in 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 44 F
mouth almost immediately following injection. These symptoms
dissipated after about 15 minutes and I was able to drive home. An hour
later I started to have intense muscle and joint aches all over my body
with slight dizziness. My left arm, regardless of continued movement,
became increasingly sore. The next morning only slight aches and
dizziness remained and I was able to go to work. By the end of the eight
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
hour work day, the joint and muscle aches and fully returned
accompanied with intense pain in my left arm, hand, and neck. Today I
feel no symptoms at all.
1112108 At 10:50 am a 43 years, female complain of a Metallic taste and ear pain 03/02/2021 03/02/2021 43 F
after receiving the vaccination Moderna. Patient has a history of Chronic
Nerve pain. No known allergies noted. V/S BP 118/79, HR 77, RR 16, O2
100%. 11:15 am BP 123/88, HR 77, RR 16, O2 100%. Patient was
observed for 30 minutes. Patient stated that the ear pain was a 2 out of
10, 10 being the worst pain. Metallic taste had went away. Patient was
discharged with family.
1112312 Dysgeusia - Faint metallic taste experienced within 30 minutes post 03/17/2021 03/17/2021 50 M
injection. I am continuing to experience this (transient) 24 hours later.
Injection site reaction - soreness, bruising 24 hours post injection (pain is
4 out of 10) Diarrhea - have experienced 3 bouts of diarrhea with onset
around 12 hours post injection and continuing to 24 hours post injection.
1112391 Feeling of a ?pill in the throat?. Metallic taste. Largening of the tongue. 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 32 F
Maintained a patent airway with no breathing difficulties. Just feel very ?
out of body?.
1113582 After approximately 5 minutes after receiving Dose 1 of Moderna Vaccine 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 41 F
patient complained of metallic taste in mouth, dizziness, and increased
heart rate. Patient sat down in chair. Pharmacist called 9-1-1. Patient
complained of swelling of throat. Paramedics evaluated patient for hives,
took vitals, and evaluated patient. Patient was ok, but still complained of
swelling in her throat. Paramedics told patient to take Benadryl to
decrease swelling. Patient refused to go to hospital.
1113677 A few hours after first dose I began having a metallic taste in mouth. This 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 55 F
lasted for several hours, even through sleep. Also had zero food or
appetite all day, despite trying, even after metallic taste dissipated. FYI:
my boyfriend, who completed both shots of this same brand, said he also
had weird taste in mouth.
1113724 swelling of tongue, metallic taste in mouth, instant frontal lobe headache 02/26/2021 03/19/2021 47 F
and rash that appeared on my back 48 hours later- I took a benedryl and
had my husband monitor me. I was watched for 30 minutes at the site
with my symptoms being manageable there and they got worse within the
hour. I am allergic to sulfa with mild reactions to it in small doses. The
tongue swelling, headache and metallic taste in my mouth were gone in
12 hours.
1115078 Metallic taste in mouth that does not go away. 03/17/2021 03/17/2021 46 F
1115168 I have developed a metallic/salty taste in my mouth effecting the taste pf 02/26/2021 03/13/1921 66 F
food and causing nausea at times.
1115472 10 hours after vaccination - fever, chills, body aches, severe headache, 03/17/2021 03/18/2021 33 F
exhaustion, metallic taste in mouth 36 hours after vaccination - fever,
chills, and body aches are gone; mild headache and metallic taste remain;
very easily worn out
1115568 Numbness in forehead, Headache and metallic taste in the mouth. Event 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 73 F
only lasted about 30 seconds to 1 minute. After that event went away.
1115626 About 15-16 mins after receiving the shot I experienced a metallic taste 03/17/2021 03/17/2021 59 F
which immediately led to my head feeling pressure like it was inflating
and my brain feeling like it was short circuiting and doing alot of misfiring
or something (hard to explain but it was like a lot of brain activity) which
immediately led to my heart pounding and racing (I don't know if the
pounding heart and racing was due to feeling panic because of my brain
reaction or the vaccine). The metallic taste and brain issue subsided
within a minute (perhaps less) but my heart continued to race for about
3-5 mins and then subsided with a tightness in my chest for nearly 3
1115683 Patient reports metallic taste and tightness in throat for up to 10 minutes. 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 61 F
Cleared by EMS
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1115890 Immediately tasted a metallic taste in my mouth. Within 12 hours 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 44 M
experienced body pains (not aches...true pain) just like I had with Covid at
Christmas. We are now almost a week later and the body pains have only
gotten worse. Tylenol and Motrin have not helped. I don?t have a primary
care doctor or insurance so I can?t follow up with a doctor, but I feel
1116040 Metallic taste in mouth - 5 min after injection Ringing ears - 45 min after 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 41 M
injection Pain at injection site - immediate after injection
1116088 Patient is a 50 year old woman who presents 10 minutes post-vaccination 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 50 F
of her first Moderna vaccine in the left deltoid. She describes that 5
minutes following vaccination that she started to experience pain in the
left arm, which was then followed by a burning sensation in her left upper
back and mid sternum. She denies a history of similar episodes. She
denies a history of reactions to vaccines received in the past. She does
describe sensitivities to the top 8 allergen foods, relating that she
experiences abdominal bloating. She also describes a sensitivity to
codeine, specifically Tylenol #4, relating that she experiences itching of
the skin. She denies chest pain, headache, lightheadedness, dizziness,
cramping abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, pruritus,
swelling of the lips, mouth, and tongue. Past medical history of obesity.
During medical observation, while waiting for EMS to arrive onsite, the
patient began to describe the feeling of something "being stuck in her
throat," relating that it "felt odd to swallow" and that she was experiencing
a metallic taste in her mouth. Upon examination, no signs of swelling of
the throat, lips, and tongue. Neck was supple and without signs of
edema. Bilateral lungs were clear to auscultation in all fields. No audible
wheezing or stridor. No visible use of accessory muscles.
1116284 Strong metallic taste in mouth 03/17/2021 03/17/2021 50 F
1117447 Guest received first dose of Pfizer Vaccine. While in the Observation Area 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 63 F
she reported - Metallic Taste, Left arm tingling, cold feeling, and light ?
headedness.? Vital signs assessed. Discussed symptoms and guest
reported improvement within two to three minutes. VS: B/P: 150/72, P ?
71, SPO2 ? 100% R/A. Interventions: Water, snack, observed for 30
minutes. Guest reports no further symptoms upon departure.
1117572 Initial soreness and swelling at injection site lasting a couple of days, 03/11/2021 03/14/2021 59 F
then croupy wet cough leaving a metallic taste in mouth started 3 days
after injection and lasted about 2 days, and the 8 days after injection red
raised itchy hives at injection area about 2x3 inches and arm sore and
swollen at injection site and warm to the touch.
1117580 Metallic taste after first vaccine and after second vaccine. Chills, aches, 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 48 F
feverish after second vaccine. Hard lump under injection site. Minor
1117751 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Metallic taste immediately 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 26 F
following injection lasting 2 days 27 weeks 4 days gestation
1117766 Systemic: metallic taste in mouth -Mild, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating- 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 40 F
Mild, Additional Details: patient states that she has metallic taste in her
mouth post observation of 30 minutes -- patient states she still has it
upon leaving
1118188 Metallic taste in mouth, mild headache 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 64 F
1118340 Patient is a 78-year-old male with history of COPD, paroxysmal atrial 02/05/2021 03/20/2021 78 M
fibrillation, ischemic cardiomyopathy, type 2 diabetes mellitus, status post
mitral valve replacement with metallic valve on Coumadin, stage II: CAD
status post LAR. Presented to Hospital campus on account of severe
shortness of breath in a patient with significant weakness. Patient has
had significant shortness of breath progressively worsening. Patient was
just discharged from this facility on 03/17/2021. The patient was
admitted on 03/05/201 on account of shortness of breath. During the
admission, patient had a multiloculated right-sided pleural effusion
requiring video-assisted thoracoscopy and evacuation of hemothorax.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Associated with chest wall mass. Subsequent biopsy revealed evidence
of small cell carcinoma. The patient was seen by oncology during that
admission with a Mediport put in place. With plans to follow-up with
oncology outpatient for continued management and to hopefully initiate
chemotherapy. There was also concern for acute congestive heart failure
and required diuresis. Echocardiogram was showing EF of 40% at the
time. Now, patient is presented to the emergency room on account of
significant weakness in the patient well developed worsening shortness
of breath over the last couple of days. Patient was still short of breath
and weak he could not even get up the toilet seat. When EMS saw the
patient he was satting 80% on room air and required 6 L via nasal
cannula. Did not complain of any chest pain or cough with this finding.
Neither did he complain of any fever. In the emergency room, patient was
tachypneic and slightly tachycardic. Lab work shows lactic acid of 2.3
glucose of 302 and creatinine of 1.90. The patient's BNP was 1170 with
GFR of 34. Patient INR was 4.5. Chest x-ray shows Trace right pleural
effusion. No pneumothorax. With concern for pneumonia patient was
given azithromycin and Unasyn. Also with concern for possible CHF
patient was given Bumex.
1118401 I woke up on 3-19-2021, about 48 hrs after the vaccine, with swollen lips. 03/17/2021 03/19/2021 59 F
They also have a light metallic taste. My sense of taste seems to be
slightly affected. This is the reaction I have had in the past to antibiotics I
am allergic to.
1118517 Patient experienced change in taste within a few minutes of receiving the 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 55 M
second Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and afterwards experienced metallic
1118526 Patient had a metallic taste in the back of her throat. She has a history of 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 68 F
several allergies and she felt like she was going to have an allergic
reaction. She became anxious and had slight shaking in her hands and
legs. She removed her mask and jacket and sat calmly. We took her BP
and Pulse Ox and she was normal. She sat for 1 hour and then felt better
to leave. I followed-up with her 4 hrs later and she was okay but just
didn't feel right. I advised her to come to the ER if her symptoms
1118728 Metallic taste 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 46 F
1119230 Prior to vaccination: fatigue, muscle/body aches, sore throat, runny nose/ 03/19/2021 03/20/2021 35 F
congestion, headache, cough, SOB, palpitations, tachycardia, diarrhea,
metallic smell/taste, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, insomnia. Started
shortly before Covid diagnosis but had only mildly subsided and present
but stable upon receiving 1st vaccination. Rash within 2 hrs of first
injection. Flu like symptoms with fever and cough 2 days after first
vaccine, nose bleeds, increased cognitive changes to memory, thought
process, comprehension. Fever few hours later following 2nd vaccine.
Body stiffness, bloody oral and nasal sputum 12 hrs following 2nd
vaccine, flu like symptoms, body aches and stiffness, pelvis pain, 12 hrs
after 2nd vaccine.
1119731 A metallic taste and burning sensation in mouth was noted; A metallic 02/09/2021 02/09/2021 55 F
taste and burning sensation in mouth was noted; intense flushing and
burning sensation from my waist up, mostly in the chest, developed;
intense flushing and burning sensation from my waist up, mostly in the
chest, developed; increase in heart rate, but no tachycardia; elevation of
blood pressure; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable 55-year-
old female physician reported for herself. A 55-year-old non pregnant
female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, Solution for injection ,Lot number: FM 9809) on her right arm
intramuscularly on 09Feb2021 (at the age of 55-years-old ) at single dose
for covid-19 immunisation.Medical history included HBP, RA,
Hyperlipidemia. Allergies to medications included NSAID'S. Other
medications which patient received within 2 weeks of vaccination
included Irbesartan 150mg, Toprol 100mg XL, Plaquenil 200mg,
Simvastatin 10mg, Folic Acid 1mg, Methotrexate 15mg sq weekly. On
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
09Feb2021 14.15 it was reported that less than one minute after
receiving the vaccine, a metallic taste and burning sensation in mouth
was noted , and then an intense flushing and burning sensation from her
waist up, mostly in the chest, developed. There was some increase in
heart rate, but no tachycardia, no skin and/or respiratory manifestations.
There was mild elevation of blood pressure. The symptoms resolved
without any medication and lasted about 10 -15 minutes. No more
symptoms or complaints thereafter. The events were considered as non-
serious by reporter. The patient did not received any other vaccines within
4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine.Prior to vaccination, the patient was
not diagnosed with COVID-19.Since the vaccination, the patient has not
been tested for COVID-19.No treatment received for events. The outcome
of the events was reovered.
1119932 headache; Asthmatic Cough; Taste metallic/ tongue felt metallic; This is a 02/04/2021 02/04/2021 59 F
spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). A 59-year-old
female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE), first dose via an unspecified route of administration,
administered in Arm Left on 04Feb2021 11:40 (Batch/Lot Number:
EL9261) (at 59-year-old) as single dose for COVID-19 immunization.
Medical history included Hypertension, Gout, Allergy. She clarified that
she is allergic to NSAIDS and as well has environmental and food
allergies. She clarifies that her Allergies do change from time to time, she
is allergic to fragrances. Wheat bothered her before, but not anymore,
thats what she meant by her allergies changes. Concomitant medications
was not reported. She did not take any NSAIDS because they made her
wheeze. She only had her regular medication that she takes on routine
schedule. The patient previously took ibuprofen and allergy. She is
Allergic to ibuprofen and had an asthmatic cough after it. The patient had
first dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine a week ago Thursday, she has a
question. She had that dose, and when she had the injection was fine, she
did have a metallic taste in mouth (04Feb2021) but it was no issue. Then
she woke up coughing on Friday (05Feb2021) and Saturday (06Feb2021),
it was like an asthmatic feeling, she will feel it time to time when having
an allergy to something. She had headache on Sunday (07Feb2021). She
didnt know if that was an indication to a problem with the vaccine. She
wanted to know if it was safe to take the second dose. It was clarified
that the metallic taste started 10 minutes after the injections. The
Asthmatic Cough started on Friday 05Feb2021, she woke up coughing.
She clarified that the metallic taste only last just up to that afternoon. The
asthmatic cough subsided Saturday. She experienced a lot of coughing
on Friday, then a little on Saturday and that was last day. She was just
concerned about it, she did not want it to get worse. She does not
normally have metallic taste in her mouth, so she thought it could be
related but she really doesn't know. She didn't know if the asthmatic
cough is related, it could even be a coincidence, she hasn't experienced
something like this in a year. She just wants to know if she should get the
second dose. It stated that her second dose is schedule for 25Feb2021 at
11:40AM. The outcome of the event Taste metallic/ tongue felt metallic
was recovered on 04Feb2021, Asthmatic Cough was recovered on
06Feb2021, and headache was unknown.
1119950 metallic taste in mouth; This is spontaneous report received from a 02/03/2021 03/16/2021 56 F
contactable consumer. A 56-year-old female patient (non-pregnant)
received first dose bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE;
Solution for injection, Lot number: EL9269), via an unspecified route of
administration on left arm on 03Feb2021,15:45 at single dose for
COVD-19 immunization. The patient medical history included High blood
pressure, Allergies: Raw Eggs. Concomitant medication included
hydrochlorothiazide taken; verapamil; biotin, calcium pantothenate,
chromic chloride, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin, dl-alpha tocopheryl
acetate, folic acid, manganese sulfate, nicotinamide, phytomenadione,
potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, sodium ascorbate, sodium
molybdate dihydrate, sodium selenate, thiamine mononitrate, zinc oxide
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
(CENTRUM VITAMINTS). The patient previously took prednisone,
metoprolol, lisinopril, losartan and all had Allerges. No Covid prior
vaccination and no Covid tested post vaccination. It was reported that,
the patient experienced metallic taste in mouth on an unspecified date in
2021. The outcome of the event was reported as recovered on 2021.
1120078 Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Main issue is metallic taste in mouth 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 33 F
still comes and goes Noticed it immediately after vaccine Then noticed it
1-2 days later Since then, metallic taste seems to come and go
throughout the day each day Other more minor issues that resolved:
fatigue, headache, dizziness, fever, arm pain
1120430 day 2 of the second dose - experiencing metallic taste, loss of taste 03/20/2021 03/21/2021 50 M
symptoms current as of reporting future action may include rapid COVID
1120771 Metallic taste in mouth, severe fatigue, muscle, joint, and nerve pain, 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 48 F
1120794 At 35 minutes post shot, I started experiencing lower abdominal 03/14/2021 03/14/2021 53 F
cramping. This occurred when I was driving home and continued for an
hour or 2 after shot. For about 24 hours, I had very intermittent cramping.
For a couple of hours after shot, I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I also
had some stiffness in my right hand and wrist appear after a few hours
that was gone when I woke up the next day. I had 1 episode of loose
stools the next morning. For 5 days after I felt off especially in the
morning, with some slight dizziness, and something similar to restless leg
syndrome which I have had some years ago. (at night.) I took my blood
pressure and it was low. It remained low in the morning for 5 days.
1120841 I HAD PAIN AT SITE, CHILLS, HEADACHE AND BODY PAINS THE DAY 03/05/2021 03/08/2021 64 F
1120911 Day of vaccine: fatigue, sore arm at injection site, at 10pm: metallic taste 03/09/2021 03/10/2021 35 F
Day after vaccine: Fever 99.5 for ~2 hours, extreme clumsiness/lack of
full control of appendages, muscle aches, and fatigue all day. Sore arm
(injected arm), intermittent headaches. At 10pm: swollen lymph node
(size of cherry tomato of injected arm). For the next 9 days: arm tingling,
as if nerve(s) were pinched, when trying to extend or stretch straight
(injected arm) Symptoms caused fair/tolerable discomfort, but not
1120962 Patient waited at the pharmacy for 15 minutes with no problems at all. 03/21/2021 03/21/2021 65 M
Patient's wife called back 2 hours later around 12:43pm and said the
patient noticed a metallic taste in his mouth about 15 minutes after his
vaccination. No other adverse issues. I called patient back around
2:15pm and he was resting with no other issues per consult with wife.
Advised patient's wife to seek immediate medical attention if any other
adverse events developed (rash, swelling, itching, tickle in throat any
difficulty breathing, facial drooping or anything out of the ordinary).
Also advised patients wife to contact us if there were any changes or if
the patient had to seek medical treatment.
1121078 About 30 min after injection, I felt slight tingling in my face and metallic 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 38 F
taste in my mouth. The tingling went away about 15 min later. Metallic
taste stayed all day and all day the following day, but went away the next
day. Metallic taste however returned on day 6 for one day only. Day 7 my
left armpit was very sore all day. Day 8 armpit pain went away but
injection site became hot and progressively more pink/red in the site and
1122153 Numbness/tingling in arm where injection occurred - lasting 10 min or so, 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 48 F
then a feeling like the medication was traveling across my upper chest to
my other arm, brief metallic taste in mouth
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1122721 patient's tongue started to feel a strange numbness; metallic taste; This is 02/17/2021 02/17/2021 F
a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 71-year-
old female patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 2 via an
unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on
17Feb2021 19:30 (Batch/Lot Number: EN6201) as SINGLE DOSE for
covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included allergies to Band-aide
adhesive. The patient received dose 1 of the vaccine on 27Jan2021 07:30
PM, lot number: EN5318, Left arm. The patient is not pregnant at the time
of vaccination. Th patient did not have COVID-19 prior vaccination.
Concomitant medications included levothyroxine sodium (SYNTHROID)
taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported;
hydrochlorothiazide, triamterene (DYAZIDE) taken for an unspecified
indication, start and stop date were not reported; ezetimibe (ZETIA) taken
for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported;
celecoxib (CELEBREX) taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop
date were not reported; ascorbic acid, ergocalciferol, nicotinamide, retinol,
riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride (VITAMINS [ASCORBIC
HYDROCHLORIDE]) taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop
date were not reported. On 17Feb2021 19:50, within 20 minutes of
vaccine shot the patient's tongue started to feel a strange numbness
from the tip to approximately an 3/4 of an inch. Then the patient
developed a metallic taste. Thee outcome of the event was not
recovered. The patient was not tested for COVID post vaccination. No
treatment was received for the medication.
1123231 stared with a metallic taste in mouth and fatigue. next day nausea light 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 70 F
headed and fainted. Body aches and no appetite, joint aches.
1123964 Site soreness 7pm 3/8 duration 10 days Metallic taste 7am 3/9 duration 03/08/2021 03/08/2021 59 F
24 hrs Total loss of appetite 7am 3/9 duration 24 hours Total body joint
aches 3:00pm 3/9 duration 18 hours Vomiting/diarrhea 8am 3/10
duration 2 hours Severe chills/mild body aches 2pm 3/10 duration 3
hours Fatigue 3/10 2pm 24 hours Severe left shoulder joint pain, redness,
heat, swelling 3/11 duration 10 days Stye in left eye lower lid 3/14
duration 6 days
1124351 Flushing, Excess moisture in eyes and mouth, strong metallic taste in 02/25/2021 02/25/2021 71 F
mouth, weakness in knees, short vision disturbance. Symptoms subsided
after an hour. Next day fluttering in chest. No trouble breathing
1124424 1508 C/O LIPS TINGLY METALLIC TASTE MONITORED, BP 142/98 SAT 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 55 F
97% HR 70 1533 148/98 96% 67 1548 148/99 99% 70 1603 146/100 98%
66 Did not want Benadryl pt told family she will be driving home.
encouraged to seek medical help if s/s worsen pt call for an appt with MD
this week.
1124564 Patient had a metallic taste in her mouth. Her entire left arm felt itchy. 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 44 F
She was also dizzy. Gave patient one Cetirizine 10mg tablet. Patient
refused benadryl and said that she was allergic.
1124777 Metallic taste in mouth 02/26/2021 02/26/2021 30 F
1124780 Metallic taste in mouth 02/02/2021 02/02/2021 64 F
1125098 I have Epstein barre and it feels like it has been reactivated.; waves of 02/24/2021 02/24/2021 44 F
dizziness; fatigue; nausea; diarrhea; headache; I have been having vivid
nightmares during this time as well; metallic taste; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable consumer (patient). The 44-years-old female
patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 1 via an unspecified route
of administration, administered in Arm Right on 24Feb2021 09:45 AM
(Batch/Lot Number: EN6203) as SINGLE DOSE for covid-19
immunisation. Medical history included Chronic fatigue syndrome,
Epstein barre. The patient was not pregnant. No other vaccine in four
week. No covid prior vaccination. The patient did receive other
medications in two weeks. The patient experienced i have epstein barre
and it feels like it has been reactivated, waves of dizziness, fatigue,
nausea, diarrhea, headache, i have been having vivid nightmares during
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
this time as well, metallic taste on 24Feb2021 14:00. Reported as: I have
Epstein barre and it feels like it has been reactivated. I have waves of
dizziness , fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headache and metallic taste. I have
been having vivid nightmares during this time as well. I developed a
metallic taste in my mouth. AE resulted in Doctor or other healthcare
professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent
care.The patient had covid tested post vaccination via Nasal Swab on
03Mar2021 and was negative. It's unknown if the patient received
treatment. The outcome of the events was not recovered. No follow-up
attempts possible. No further information expected.
1125381 Injection site pain, 2 days. Metallic taste in mouth, especially eating, 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 52 M
1125470 Within a couple minutes of receiving shot, felt pain at injection site that 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 41 F
traveled up arm into neck. Heart rate went up to 122bpm. Left side of
face felt puffy and numb. Left side of mouth and tongue were tingling.
Reported this to vaccine giver, he had me wait about half an hour before
suggesting Benadryl. Half an hour after 25mg Benadryl, symptoms were
almost completely resolved. The next day (3/14) I felt tired. The day after
(3/15) I felt hot and my skin was flushed. I was not running a fever. I
generally felt unwell that day. I felt better by the time I woke up on 3/16. I
also had a bad/metallic taste in my mouth through 3/21, which has
resolved. My nurse practitioner suggested that I take Benadryl before I
receive my second vaccine dose on 4/3/21.
1126003 metallic taste in mouth starting around 11:30 and lasting for 3 hours. 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 44 F
Metallic taste went away after 3 hours.
1126198 Metallic taste in mouth, tingly feeling in tongue. Started about an hour or 03/21/2021 03/21/2021 35 F
two after receiving the vaccine and lasted for roughly 24 hours.
1126202 At 8:55 am patient complained of metallic taste in her mouth and feeling 03/07/2021 03/07/2021 54 F
light headed. V/S BP 136/93, and HR 76. Gave patient bottle of water and
her additional 15 minutes fer close observation. 9:10 am patient says
that she feels good and is good to leave.
1126223 I became flushed and it lasted a few days. it feels like a sunburn from the 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 58 F
inside out and it was from the neck up. then I had a tingly tongue and a
metallic taste in my mouth. it did NOT swell, it just didn't feel right. has
resolved by today 03/23
1126646 A few minutes after vaccination patient had scratchy throat and a 02/08/2021 02/08/2021 45 F
metallic taste in her mouth. Normal vital signs.
1126755 A few minutes after vaccination patient had a scratchy throat and 02/09/2021 02/09/2021 20 F
metallic taste in her mouth, as well as a headache. She received Benedryl
and was released home.
1126768 Pt was complaining of "throat swelling" and complaint of metallic taste in 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 37 M
mouth. Zyrtec given.
1126892 My doctor told me to report that I had an overwhelming metallic taste 03/01/2021 03/01/2021 39 M
immediately after recieving the vaccination. It lasted for about a day and
a half.
1126936 Waves of metalic taste in my mouth on the second dose. On the first dose 03/06/2021 03/06/2021 41 F
I had a VERY strong metallic mucus tasted for about 3 days and nausea.
After the second dose all my muscles seized up and I had fever, chills,
overnight sweats, I had waves of nausea and a terrible headache. I am
still nauseous 2 weeks later. I am taking anti nausea meds and drinking
ginger teas. Any injury I have ever had like broken bones or torn rotator
cuffs have all started hurting so incredibly bad. I also had a COPD flare
1127141 Metallic taste, throat discomfort, dry mouth, hard to swallow Took 25mg 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 59 F
1127174 day 1 immediately following vaccine - metallic taste in mouth; some arm 03/15/2021 03/22/2021 50 F
fatigue (similar to influenza injection reaction), slight headache day 7 -
left armpit lymph node discomfort; rash developed throughout the day in
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
area about 1-2 inches to the right of the injection site on left upper arm;
rash was initially blotchy and itchy but as the day progressed, it became
much large and "filled in" as similar to a very large hive (approx 4x7
inches). Rash is itchy and hot/inflamed. Metallic mouth taste also
returned along with increased salivation. day 8 - rash still present - hot
and itchy but has not enlarged beyond day 7 size; armpit lymph still
uncomfortable but less so than day 7; metallic taste and increased
salivation remain.
1127226 Facial flushing, trouble swallowing, metallic taste, lip tingling 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 50 F
1127286 Within 3 hours of receiving it I suddenly became very dizzy and 03/13/2021 03/13/2021 45 F
lightheaded. My vision blurred and I felt like I was hallucinating. My mouth
also became severely dry and I felt dehydrated. I have a metallic taste and
have pain when I take deep breaths. I blacked out at one point and can?t
recall anything. My temp was 103 all night Saturday and I never slept.
Sunday I woke up Dazed, Confused and dizzy. I was extremely light
headed and out of it. I had double vision and was running into everything.
My heart has been racing non stop with a feeling of severe anxiety.
Tuesday I woke up again with sharp pain in upper left back shoulder/
armpit along with severe dry mouth which feels like dehydration. My head
still hurts, but somewhat manageable. Fast forward 10 days later and I?
m still experiencing dizziness, rapid heart beat, anxiety, dry mouth, feel
dehydrated and headache.
1127430 1. metallic taste in mouth - 7 days 2. Arm sore at injection site - 4 days 3. 02/23/2021 02/23/2021 67 F
Tongue felt swollen-2 days 4. Jaw felt locked--8 days 5. nauseous--20
days 6. diahrreah 2 days a week apart 7. Loose bowels--8 days 8 sharp
pain in left ear--4 days 9. vomiting--2 days 10. extremem fatigue--21 days
11. stomach bloated severely--4 days 12. sever headache--8 days, even
woke me at 3 am 2 times 13. joints and muscles ache--12 days 14.
Chills--4 days; developed a week after the vaccine 15. Extremely stuffy
nose and somewhat runny, felt like someone punched me in the face the
first 4 days--28 days on and off 16. severe stiff neck--started stared day
14 of vaccine--5 days 17. dizzy and vertigo--started a week after the
vaccine, lasted until the Epley Maneuveur done on March 16
1127465 Got first pfizer vaccine 3-12-21. Developed SOB after about 10 minutes 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 50 M
which resolved with albuterol when got to car. 1/5. to 2 hours later
developed dry mouth. Water couldn't produce saliva. Had external cheek
paresthesia about 4-5 times on the way home from work that same day.
Resolved by time he got home. Over next 2--3 days would get the
numbness and tingling on his cheeks. Still had dry mouth. 3-4 days later
developed upper/lower lip numbness on the outside for 5-6 episodes. No
lip swelling. 5 days after vaccine developed a metallic taste in his mouth.
Was still able to eat/smell/taste food. That lasted a day. The following
day the metallic taste went just to the right side for a day. Since then
occasionally gets a paresthesia around his lip/cheek area.11 days still
getting metallic taste sensation for 5-15 minutes at a time
1127685 After I got the shot, on the way home, I started feeling tingling on tongue 01/14/2021 01/14/2021 50 M
and lips; had a metallic taste. I felt like I had allergies - I was a little
congested - but the next morning, 04:00 am - I was still congested - and
was still breathing short and shallow. I get to work and I'm open mouth
breathing - not breathing correctly. It felt like my lungs were swollen on
the inside and throat was swollen on inside. Couldn't palpate and feel it
but just couldn't access the lower lungs breathing-wise. Started getting
dizzy and couldn't think - from 05:00 am to 09:00 am - and I decided I
couldn't work anymore. I went to headquarters and I couldn't talk from
lack of breathing - would have to stop just to think or just to breathe. I
drove by the clinic where I was got my vaccine and decided to go in - I
was so dizzy and I realized I shouldn't be driving. They told me to get up
and move and I told them I couldn't breathe and I'm not one to say that
but they called an ambulance that took me ER. (I was a LPN at one time
so I wasn't anxious.) And they told me it was anxiety - and they kept
telling me to breathe. But it wasn't an anxiety attack at all. My heartrate
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
was normal. I was shallow breathing. They gave me a paper bag to
breathe into. That's it .I was there for a couple of hours. They had told me
to rest. I shouldn't have gotten out of bed that morning - my body just
didn't want to move. I felt a little better after a couple of hours and people
helped me from there to get home. After that, I felt better - about 4 pm or
5 pm. Second vaccine - felt flu like symptoms for three days after. I still
feel a little weird - my bones hurt and I'm achy. Just not feeling right.
Note: When I was in the emergency room - my hands were purple.
Circulation was weird.They told me my oxygen levels were fine and that I
just needed to breathe. It caused carpal tunnel in my wrist - I had nerve
damage on that about three weeks - I have about 80 percent nerve
damage from previous and so when something irritates it - it takes a
while to recover from it but I have. I consulted with a doctor about the
reaction to first vaccine before getting the second vaccine.
1127779 metallic taste in mouth and nausea. Was asked to wait an extra 15 03/16/2021 03/16/2021 78 F
minutes and give pretzels and water. Felt a little better and wnt home.
Nausea continued for 5days u with discomfort at the pit of my stomach,
then I started with multiple bowel movements for the past 3 days.
1128121 First Moderna shot was uneventful. When I went back for the second one 03/21/2021 03/21/2021 53 F
a month later, immediately when they put the injection in I had an
uncomfortable metallic taste in my throat.
1128529 Nausea, Metallic taste in mouth, headache, entire arm in pain for 24 03/18/2021 03/19/2021 37 F
hours. I was better by the following day 3/20.
1128596 I have noticed an alteration in my taste of peanut butter only. Peanut 02/01/2021 03/01/2021 28 F
butter of all brands gives a foul metallic type taste that invades my mouth
AND nose like fumes. No other reaction as far as I can tell occurs. No
hives no itching no swelling. I was taking no new medications at that time
and was not sick. I have never had any issues eating Peanut butter and I
am not currently pregnant.
1129102 Immediately following vaccine I had a metallic taste in my mouth and my 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 48 F
arm felt a tad heavier than the right. I was fine until I woke up 11pm or so
with body aches, fever of 100.8 or so, headache, stomach craps and was
extremely tired. These side effects went on all of Friday to where I
missed work with all symptoms and fever reaching over 102. (I didn't have
that when I had Covid.) Saturday and Saturday evening were much of the
same but the fever came down to 99.5 or so with improvement on
headache and body aches. Slept the better part of Friday through Sunday
morning when I had returned to fever free and mostly myself less some
mild sleepiness.
1129453 Slight metallic taste on front of tongue starting 2-4 minutes after 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 41 M
injection, lasting at least 30 minutes. (Still experiencing it as I write this.)
1129481 Felt dizzy, had metallic taste in mouth. Numbness & tingling of lips, tip of 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 62 F
tongue. Dizzyness got better after 15 minutes. Tingling of lips & tongue
better after 1 hour, but still present. Face felt hot & flushed 40 minutes
after shot. Also had some "burning" of veins in wrist . Metallic taste
continues.. Some itching of face.
1129858 1st MODERNA shot Feb3 at 8:45 am; At 5 pm noticed TASTE 02/03/2021 02/03/2021 61 F
DISTURBANCE (dirty, dry, metallic taste). Much worse after vaccine dose
#2 (March 3 at 10:45 am), and has in recent days become constant rather
than intermittent. Is a chef, and describes this change as a taste "note"
added to but not replacing other flavors. Does NOT perceive this as
change or diminishment of smell. HOT FLASHES AND CHILLS,
starting roughly Feb 17, lasting about 1 wk. Now generally feeling chilly
(change). FATIGUE, MUSCLE ACHES, JOINT PAINS: In the morning
feels about 2/3 of normal energy, after noon energy decreases much
more. Continuous since first vaccine administration to present.
Background: Describes self as "fastidious." Not aware of any exposures
in recent months. Patient tested about 6 times in last year for COVID19,
most recently in January, always negative. Has been checking
temperature twice daily through pandemic, always normal. 12-years post-
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
menopausal. Has pituitary microadenoma, thought 5 yrs ago to be
stable, not checked since.
1130164 As soon as the vaccine was administered, my nose began running and I 02/12/2021 02/12/2021 53 F
had a metallic taste in my mouth. These symptoms dissipated relatively
quickly. Several hours later I experienced fever (subjective), chills,
headache, muscle aches, nausea and an intense heaviness in my arm at
the vaccination site. I had a slight, barely noticeable ringing in my ears.
These symptoms lasted approximately 48 hours, with the exception of
the ringing in my ears which I still have. The ringing has gotten
progressively worse and is most noticeable at night. I'll be reaching out to
an ENT to explore treatment options.
1130325 received the Pfizer COVID vaccine dose 1 (lot ER8732, expiration 7/2021) 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 60 F
at 0915. Patient reported to at 0920 that she was experiencing a bitter
and metallic taste in her mouth and cramping in her wrist. Vital signs: O2
98%, pulse 73, blood pressure 140/82, respirations 16. Patient reported
the taste had disappeared but the cramping radiated up her arm to the
axilla. Medical conditions include: diabetes mellitus type II, pacemaker,
status post stroke in 2017, hysterectomy in 2012, breast cancer in 1998 in
remission, hypertension. Patient reported her normal blood pressure is
140s/80s. Medications: synthroid, levothyroxin, novolin, Humulin R, niacin
and fish oil. Allergies include corticosteroids, codeine, sulfa, citric acid.
Patient denied edema, tingling, pain, or dizziness. Patient reported she
had not eaten breakfast and only drank a few sips of water with her
morning medications. EMT advised patient to move arm and wrist
continuously to promote circulation. At 930, offered Benadryl that patient
declined, also advised patient to notify provider and signs when to
contact 911. Patient drank approximately 8 oz of water, ate a small snack
of pistachios, and reported improvement in cramping and taste resolved.
At 940, vital signs: O2 97%, pulse 65, respirations 16, blood pressure
142/86. Patient reported symptoms had resolved. At 0952 vital signs: O2
99%, pulse 64, respirations 16, blood pressure 140/82. Patient left
walking with steady gait.
1130399 Pt developed palpitations, tachycardia and lightheadedness appx. 10 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 65 F
minutes after injection. HR was noted to be elevated initially at appx. 120.
Symptoms improved after several minutes. BP was noted to be158/94.
HR improved to 70s. Pt noted a metallic taste in mouth as well. EMS
services and hospital evaluation were offered but pt declined. She elected
to go home and mentioned that she will call her doctor.
1130602 Metallic taste after shot. Pins/Needles on left side of face - continually 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 51 F
near eye, every few hours rest of face.
1130913 Metallic taste and L shoulder pain 03/14/2021 03/16/2021 54 F
1130921 Exacerbation of chronic fatigue, "burning" eyes, "brain fog", chills, metallic 03/08/2021 03/08/2021 68 F
taste in mouth, mouth sores, decreased appetite.
1130935 I have a complex history of anaphylactic reactions to many allergens. 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 62 F
Immediate reaction to Pfizer vaccine #1--flushed/hot, strong metallic
taste, chemical smell, tachycardia (156-158), nausea, some chest
discomfort and dizziness. BP 158/85 (my normal is 100/60). O2 sats
98%. I did not feel anxious until heart rate would not come down to
baseline. Clinic staff monitored me and did not treat. Allowed heart rate
to decrease over time. Took over 20 minutes to get below 120. At 35
minutes, it was below 100. Stayed at clinic for one hour and released. Still
had metallic taste (over 3 days now), loss taste, loss of appetite,
headache, and fatigue.
1131049 About 12 hours in: strong metallic taste About 20 hours in: itchy throat 03/15/2021 03/16/2021 62 F
and neck About 24 hours in: difficulty taking a deep breath with minor
1131450 About an hour after vaccination, my tongue started to tingle and then 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 52 F
became numb as well as the side of my face. A bit difficult to talk for a
bit. Facial numbness went away but tongue area was numb and tingly for
an hour eventually decreasing. Noticed a metallic taste in mouth as well.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1131451 Metallic taste in mouth starting ten minutes after injection, reporting 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 41 M
event approximately 8 hours later and metallic taste is still present.
1131753 Patient reported a metallic taste in mouth right after administration of 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 34 F
vaccine. She then reported a funny feeling in her throat. Pharmacist gave
her Claritin 10mg (5-7 min post vaccination). She has experienced
seizures in the past and felt like one was coming on. She had nausea,
light headedness, cooling sensations. She was given some water and
then asked for pepto bismol, which we gave her (10-15 min) post
vaccination. She then started getting hives on neck and eye. She wanted
an ambulance called, we did. She started getting tingles on both arms
and neck. Felt a sensation like someone sprayed water near her on her
neck. Ambulance arrived and by that time she was feeling better and
hives were leaving. Paramedics checked her out and she declined going
to hospital. Headache started when paramedics were assessing her. She
had a friend come pick her up and take her home, to monitor her.
1131885 For 1 hour post injection, metallic taste in mouth. Beginning 6 hours later: 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 43 M
myalgias, fatigue, fever -> resolved at 30 hours post vaccine.
1132328 Almost immediately after receiving the shot, I began having a metallic 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 64 F
taste in my mouth. It lasted about 4 hours. In addition, I experienced mild
flushing (lasting about an hour) and extreme tiredness., which is still
ongoing the day after.
1133014 fainting spells; Metallic taste in the mouth; weakness; nausea; vomiting; 03/08/2021 03/08/2021 20 M
This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 20-year-
old male patient received the 1st dose of bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), via an
unspecified route of administration, as single dose in in left arm on
08Mar2021 12:30 AM for COVID-19 immunisation, administered at drive
thru site. Medical history included hypertension, COVID-19 prior
vaccination, no known allergies. Concomitant medications in two weeks
included lisinopril (manufacturer unknown); methylphenidate
(manufacturer unknown), both taken for an unspecified indication, start
and stop date were not reported. No other vaccine in four weeks. On
08Mar2021 13:00 the patient experienced fainting spells, metallic taste in
the mouth, weakness, nausea, vomiting. No treatment received. COVID-19
was not tested post vaccination. The outcome of events was unknown.
Information about lot/batch number has been requested.
1133495 severe pain emanating from injection site; traveled upward over shoulder; 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 77 F
continued up right side of neck; heavy right earache; sore throat;
headache forehead and across top of my head; dry heaves; feverish/
chills/shivering; feverish/chills/shivering; words mixed up; Felt pain in
center chest; congestion across bronchial area and developed upper
respiratory congestion temporarily; congestion across bronchial area and
developed upper respiratory congestion temporarily; fatigued; had severe
coughing spell which included choking and further nausea; had severe
coughing spell which included choking and further nausea; severe
nausea; Ripple effect across bridge of nose; strong metallic odor and
taste within mouth; moving from back of throat and nostrils; it is both
painful and difficult to raise my right arm very high; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable consumer, the patient. A 77-year-old female
patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA
VACCINE, Lot EN6060, first dose) solution for injection intramuscular in
the right arm on 09Mar2021 at 16:00 (at the age of 77-years-old) at single
dose for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient was not pregnant at the time
of vaccination. Medical history included known allergies: yes.
Concomitant medication included vitamins. The patient did not receive
any other vaccine within 4 weeks prior to the vaccine. Prior to the
vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. On
09Mar2021 16:15, the patient had severe coughing spell which included
choking and further nausea, ripple effect across bridge of nose, strong
metallic odor and taste within mouth moving from back of throat and
nostrils, it is both painful and difficult to raise my right arm very high. On
10Mar2021, the patient experienced dry heaves, feverish/chills/shivering,
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
words mixed up, felt pain in center chest, congestion across bronchial
area and developed upper respiratory congestion temporarily, fatigued.
On 10Mar2021 03:00 the patient had severe pain emanating from
injection site traveled upward over shoulder continued up right side of
neck heavy right earache, sore throat, headache forehead and across top
of my head. Unspecified treatment was provided for the events. The
outcome of the events choking, coughing, nausea, ripple effect across
bridge of nose, strong metallic odor and taste and smell, severe pain
emanating from injection site upward over shoulder continued up right
side of neck heavy right earache, sore throat, headache, dry heaves,
feverish, chills/shivering, words mixed up, Felt pain in center chest,
painful and difficult to raise my right arm very high, fatigued was not
recovered. The outcome of the event congestion across bronchial area
and developed upper respiratory congestion temporarily was recovering.
Since the vaccination, the patient has not been tested for COVID-19.
1133513 Stomach upset; Mid back hurting; Metallic taste mouth; Nausea; This is a 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 47 F
spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 47-year-old female
patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE,
Batch/Lot Number: EN6199), via an unspecified route of administration,
administered in arm left on 09Mar2021 at 07:58 (at the age of 47-years-
old) as a single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history
included ongoing gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and ongoing
allergies from an unknown date. Concomitant medications included
lansoprazole (PREVACID) taken for gastrooesophageal reflux disease,
start and stop date were not reported. The patient got her first dose of the
vaccine yesterday (09Mar2021) and immediately when she was given the
injection, she had a metallic taste in her mouth. This lasted 10-15
minutes. She added, she has allergies and she told them that when
getting the vaccine. She was told to sit for 30 minutes. She actually sat
for 45 minutes instead, but that went away. She later clarified she was
referring to the metallic taste that went away. She also had nausea
throughout the day. Last night, she took medicine for acid reflux because
she has GERD and had stomach upset from the nausea. She clarified she
took PEPCID. Then after that, she noticed her mid back was hurting. She
is not sure if this is considered a muscle ache, did not really feel like a
muscle ache, but it was like a burning type of pain. This was in her mid-
back area. It would like to start on one side and rotate to the other and go
back and forth. She sent an email to the doctor. She is the one who
suggested she get the vaccine because at first, she was not going to get
it. The doctor talked her into it. Metallic taste in mouth she did not have
after leaving the area. It was a different taste. She was unable to clarify
outcome. It was just something she noticed. Nausea: Commented she
also take lansoprazole (PREVACID) every day. Last night, she took
PEPCID. From what she can tell this morning she has not had nausea.
However, she has not gone through the full day yet so would say it's still
ongoing, but better. PEPCID (Lot: MHF063, Exp: Mar2021) at 20mg tablet,
as needed, for stomach upset. She commented she does not know if she
will take the second dose. Stomach upset seriousness criteria was
confirmed as medically significant. It has gone away, but medically
significant because she did not feel it until after the shot. Mid back
hurting seriousness criteria was confirmed as medically significant as it
is significant to her even though she is not currently getting treated for it.
She still feels the ache. Yesterday, it was like a burning ache. Today it is
just an ache on her right side, but still mid back. She does not know if it is
a muscle ache. The outcome of the events was stomach upset was
recovered on 10Mar2021, Mid back hurting and nausea was recovering,
while of metallic taste mouth was unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based
on available information, a possible contributory role of BNT162B2
vaccine can not be excluded for the reported events of stomach upset
and back hurting due to temporal relationship. Case will be re-assessed
upon the additional information provided. The impact of this report on the
benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of
aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part
of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be
promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and
Investigators, as appropriate.
1133657 Immediate hearing loss/ heavy ringing...I was sitting on my couch 03/04/2021 03/23/2021 52 M
watching TV. I want from hearing to non-hearing in an instant. I noticed
there is a feeling of pressure in the ear area. I now have a heavy ringing
with some random "ticking" in the ear. I am not able to hear anything
short of really loud noises that sound like metallic screeching.
1133676 After receiving her vaccine, client stated she has a metallic taste in her 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 70 F
mouth. Vital signs obtained. BP 155/90, HR 75, O2 Sat 97.
1133709 Systemic: Metallic taste, dry mouth-Mild 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 63 F
1134034 Strong metallic taste in mouth almost immediately after vaccine. 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 51 F
1134242 Day of injection: pain at injection site, extreme fatigue. Next day: Extreme 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 38 F
fatigue, fever (100-101.7), whole body ache but especially on the left side,
metallic taste in mouth.
1134530 Arm soreness -two days Metallic taste in mouth - one full day 03/25/2021 U
1134686 Received the Moderna Vaccine at the Clinic at 3:27 pm on 3/24/2021. 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 36 F
Client noticed an instant metallic taste in her mouth with tingling after
injection but didn't really think to report it. She was home at 4:10 and
started to experience burning and swelling in her mouth and throat. She
took 25 mgs of Benadryl at home. Symptoms did not improve and
seemed to be getting worse so she called 911 and was transported to
Medical Center for treatment. Reproted getting more benadryl and
epinephrine in her IV followed by a steroid.
1134806 I did not eat before my appointment, and had taken 325mg of aspirin 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 43 F
before the vaccine due to my chronic chest pain (undiagnosed). My
other meds were taken the night before. Approximately ten minutes after
receiving the vaccine, I developed a metallic taste in my mouth. After
being observed for 45 minutes, I left and got something to eat. After I ate
the metallic taste lasted another hour before diminishing.
1135958 Metallic or ammonia smell/taste, no treatment yet, outcome is the same 03/13/2021 03/14/2021 38 F
1135981 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Loss of taste to a moderate 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 31 M
degree about two hours after injection. Smell unaffected. Slight odd
metallic taste as well. Currently ongoing.
1136034 I immediately felt my right arm getting cold. It then started to feel heavy 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 46 F
and weighed down. Soon after, I started getting a mild headache toward
the front of my head which intensified towards my temple area. My eyes
felt strained ( the back of my eyes ). The feeling was similar to a
migraine/sinus pressure. I started getting cold and then my extremities
were freezing. I got chills and was shivering ( it was cold in the building,
but I wasn?t that cold upon entering ). This was all in the first 15 minutes.
I was told to stay for 30 minutes in the waiting area because of my allergy
to erythromycin, just as a precaution. Around 20 minutes my mouth
became very dry. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth. It became hard
for me to swallow and I had to think to swallow because it wasn?t
happening naturally. At that time I alerted someone and asked if these
reactions were normal. I was given a 25mg Benadryl and had people
continuously check on me. It took some time before I was able to not feel
the choking closed feeling from swallowing. Once I was able to swallow it
felt as if I had something lodged in the back of my throat. Similar to the
feeling of phlegm. I kept having to clear my throat because that phlegm
feeling wouldn?t ?wash down?. I felt light headed, but not dizzy. More of a
foggy feeling. Once they felt it was safe for me to leave I came home and
rested. The headache lessened, I was still cold, but not chilled. Into the
evening I was very tired and foggy in thinking.
1136320 A few hours after receiving the vaccination, I noticed that food had a 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 68 F
metallic taste. I did not lose my sense of taste or my sense of smell; it
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
was only that the sense of taste was altered. The metallic taste had
greatly diminished within 24 hours and continued to abate until I was no
longer aware of it by 36 hours after injection.
1136361 Metallic nickel or penny flavor in my mouth. Reminds me of when I went 03/25/2021 03/26/2021 48 M
through my cancer treatment after receiving chemotherapy treatments.
1136370 On 11 Mar 2021 at 11:00 am (23.5 hours post vaccine) I had a mild 03/10/2021 03/11/2021 63 F
headache and significant dizziness. I had to leave my work desk. This
lasted for approximately 2 hours and then "lifted" and I went back to work.
At 4:00pm, about 5 hours later (28.5 hours post vaccine) I felt a total lack
of concentration, extreme fatigue, and dizziness. I should have left my
desk but had work I needed to complete. This episode also lasted for
about 2 hours and then I felt pretty normal again. The following day, on 12
Mar 2021, at 5:00 pm (53.5 hours post vaccine) I had what I described to
my sister as crazy dizziness and extreme lethargy. This lasted for 2-3
hours, I was able to go out with my husband to a store, but was not able
to drive. I also experience two days where I had a metallic taste in my
mouth. It was not overwhelming, and since I'm sensitive to odors and
chemicals anyway I just assumed that there was something in my home I
was exposed to, even though that had never happened to me before in my
home. This probably occurred on day 3 & 4 post vaccine (13 Mar 2021
and 14 Mar 2021) but I did not annotate the details. I am very suspicious
this was also related to the vaccine. As I think about my past few days,
especially while at work, I think I am having a harder time than normal
concentrating, although at times I have perfect clarity and feel normal.
1136495 Pt. stated she got a headache a minute after she got vaccinated. It was a 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 57 F
sharp pain at first and then it was dull. Pt. also reported a metallic taste.
Vitals signs taken at 11:45 am: BP 148/69, HR 87, O2 Sat 98%, R 18. At
11:57 am pt. stated she is feeling better, headache is almost gone, she
wants to go home. Pt. went home at 12:02 pm.
1136525 Patient came up to nurse after her 15 minute post vaccination 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 57 F
observation was completed. Patient stated that within one minute of
receiving the vaccine, she developed a metallic taste in her mouth, had a
heaviness in her chest and her heart was racing. Patient stated
everything resolved within 10 minutes except she still has a metallic taste
in her mouth. BP 122/84 and Pulse 68 and regular. Patient stated she
did not want to follow up with a medical facility. Provider recommended
that patient contact her primary care doctor.
1136751 I noticed a funny metallic taste almost immediately after the vaccine. I 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 63 F
thought it was my imagination until I saw it mentioned on a banner
across the news a few nights later. The taste lasted a few hours.
1136920 Hives at neck and right side of back accompanied by extreme itching/ 03/14/2021 03/14/2021 50 M
burning-36 hours after, increased zyrtec dosage; swollen face-16 hours
after; metallic taste-onset was 4 hours from inject and persisted for 7
days; pimples/white heads on left arm-16 hours after injection and
persisted through day 12; intermittent tremors/shaking hands-6 hours
after injection and persisted through 48 hours; mental confusion/fog-4
hours after injection and persisted through 48 hours; left arm numbness
from injection site to wrist-4 hours after injection, episodic persistence
through day 4.
1137144 She got the vaccine, and then she pulled over to wait 15 minutes, a nurse 03/20/2021 03/20/2021 75 F
came around and she asked if she was feeling okay, she told her that her
left arm and hand were numb. She told her to more her hand around and
then came back within 5 minutes and said to go home and gave her some
literature. She had loss of taste as well and a headache/sharp pains. The
area of the injection was hurting, but not badly. She has extreme
tiredness, feels like she is walking through water. Also upset stomach,
started not being able to taste food (metallic taste), and was able to start
tasting food yesterday. She has stayed in the house all week, sometimes
feels jittery, she just gets this feeling and surprises her. She woke up last
night during the night and the upper arm were hurting and the hand and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
arm were numb again. She keeps exercising the arm which helps some,
but it has to go away on it's own and it continues to come and go. She
took Tylenol 2-3 days for the headache. Two days after the vaccine her
normal temp if 97.6, and 2 days after it was almost 100 but that went
away and has had no temperature since. Called her doctor and the
vaccine center and they told her to call her doctor and she has an
appointment on Monday.
1137291 After approximately 2 minutes of receiving the injection, patient started 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 38 F
having a metallic taste and her lips were tingling. She then had trouble
getting her breath. Benadry 50mg given IM and then Solu Cortef 125mg
given IM. Administered O2 per mask at 8L/min. Began to have less
distress and improved breathing after about 10 min. Also developed
hives later in evening.
1137320 Strange taste in mouth..maybe metallic. Lasted an hour or so. Flushing 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 60 F
of face. Day 2 ..after shot feel very tired.
1137563 Metallic taste in mouth 03/22/2021 03/23/2021 43 F
1137569 "Pfizer-BioNT Covid-19Vaccine EUA" Because I am allergic to Hornet 02/27/2021 02/27/2021 72 F
sings I waited 30 mins after the injection. I was fine so I walked out to my
truck. I became flushed in the face and my mouth had a metallic taste so
I walked back into the clinic to tell them. They took my Blood pressure
which was 200/125. I felt very off so they wheeled me into Urgent Care
where they gave me one benadryl and monitored my blood pressure.
They then called for ambulance for ER . I was released when my blood
pressure was lower. I will not get the second injection of Pfizer!
1137621 Client received her first dose of Pfizer vaccine and thereafter reported a 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 33 F
metallic taste in her mouth. She was asked to wait for 30 minutes, at the
end of which she reported feeling queasy. She went to the bathroom and
tried to throw up, but she only had dry heaves. Vital signs: BP=119/91,
Pulse=81, Respiration=18. She was asked to wait another 15 minutes to
observe for progression of her symptoms, but at the end of that time she
stated that she felt fine, her symptoms had improved and she was ready
to leave. She was asked to call ?911? if the symptoms returned and was
also asked to share her reaction to the vaccine with her Primary Care
Physician, and she voiced understanding.
1137950 believes blacked out for 5 to 8 minutes; left side of face felt weird; blurry 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 58 M
vision in both eyes; slurred speech; metallic taste in mouth; unable to sit
up; arm pain near injection site; A spontaneous report was received from
a consumer concerning a 58 years old, male patient who received
Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine(mRNA-1273) and experienced a loss of
consciousness, facial discomfort, blurred vision, dysarthria, dysgeusia,
vaccination complication, vaccination site pain. The patient's medical
history was not provided. Concomitant product use was not provided by
the reporter. On 19 Mar 2021, the patient received their 0.5 ml of
planned dose of mRNA-1273 (Lot number: 046A21A) intramuscularly in
the left arm for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 19Mar2021, within
15 minutes of receiving the vaccine, the patient experienced face feeling
weird, blurry vision in left eye, blurry vision in right eye, speech slurred,
inability to sit up, metallic taste in the mouth, loss of consciousness, and
some arm pain near injection site. The patient went to the emergency
room (ER) and underwent electrocardiogram (EKG), unspecified blood
work, neurological tests, and computerized tomography (CT scan).
Treatment information was not provided. Action taken with mRNA-1273
in response to the event was unknown. The outcome of the events loss
of consciousness and slurred speech was resolved, and the outcome of
the other events was not resolved. The reported events are loss of
consciousness, facial discomfort, blurred vision, dysarthria, dysgeusia,
vaccination complication, vaccination site pain, were considered related
to mRNA-1273.; Reporter's Comments: Very limited information regarding
this event/s has been provided at this time. Further information has been
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1138153 Approximately 10 minutes after injection patient started to complain of 01/04/2021 01/04/2021 33 F
an itchy throat and a metallic taste in her mouth. No acute distress noted.
No oral, facial or throat swelling noted. Lungs clear bilaterally and patient
moving air without difficulty. Skin warm and dry. Patient speaking clearly
and in full sentences. Patient continued to be monitored. Patient
complained of slight chest "tightness" and increased mucus production
approximately 20 minutes after initial vaccination. Upon exam no acute
distress noted. Lungs clear bilaterally. Skin warm and dry. Patient
speaking clearly and in full sentences. Patient able to manage oral
secretions, no drooling noted. No oral, facial or throat swelling noted. No
notable redness or rash observed. EMS called and arrived without
incident. Patient discharged by EMS and was advised by them to go
home and take a benadryl. Discussed EMS recommendation with patient
and she verbalized understanding and stated that she would call 911 or
go to ER if symptoms change or worsen.
1138256 Within 20 minutes of receiving shot, I started having warm rushing 03/02/2021 03/02/2021 34 M
sensations on left calf. Over the next few days it traveled to my foot and
left arm. Also started developing tingling, pins and needles sensations,
numbness and weakness in left leg, foot, forearm and hand. Have
experienced prolonged periods of time with muscle spasms in left calf
sometimes up to 2 days in length. A combination of all of these
symptoms happen daily. Have had muscle fatigue in right arm and neck
at different times Have developed a metallic taste in mouth over the last 2
weeks. After the first 5 days developed extreme mental fatigue and
grogginess that lasted 7 days and can sometimes reappear.
1138716 Within 10 minutes of receiving the vaccine I developed an odd metallic 03/26/2021 03/26/2021 57 F
taste in my mouth along with a dull headache. It is now seven hours
since being vaccinated the metallic taste has persisted even after eating
and drinking.
1138994 Had loss of taste, weird/altered taste, metallic taste in my mouth Friday 03/04/2021 03/05/2021 35 F
afternoon through mid-morning/early afternoon Saturday.
1139301 Metallic and Dry taste in mouth High fever 101.7 that wouldn?t go below 03/24/2021 03/25/2021 33 F
100 with both Tylenol or Ibuprofen Large red circle at injection site that
was hot to touch Headache Dizzy when standing Very tired
1139358 Metallic taste in mouth after 15 minutes. About a half hour later, tingling 03/19/2021 03/19/2021 65 F
began around my mouth then my entire face and labored breathing ( used
Ventolin inhaler)and a cough and very sore arm. The next day, Saturday, I
had tingling in my fingers in the morning that spread up my arms and my
toes up through my thighs along with my face . I took a Benadryl Sat. PM.
By Sunday the tingling intensity decreased. Monday-dizzy when I woke ,
then okay. Wednesday I saw my doctor. Today , a week later, and I still
have tingling. Doctor recommended I take Claritin for 2 days and get the
second shot due April 16th. I am afraid to get it!!!!
1139477 DAY ONE, Metallic taste in mouth, immediately after vaccine, over in 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 74 F
minutes. DAY ONE, Vagal body flush, sudden weakness, immediately
after vaccine, over in minutes. DAY TWO, 3:30 p.m., freezing chills.
Fever quickly rose to 104, took 2 Advil and 2 Tylenol, fever gone by 7:30
p.m. Continued chills, very weak and tired. Developed COVID arm, red,
splotchy, warm to touch, swollen, hard, very large area. DAY THREE and
DAY FOUR, very weak, easily exhausted, no energy. COVID arm. DAY
FIVE, much improved, still a little tired but able to drive and go to store.
Still have COVID arm.
1139525 While driving home experienced sudden numbness on right side of face/ 03/26/2021 03/26/2021 36 F
ear. Numbness of tongue and tingling of tongue and throat along with a
metallic taste in mouth. Took Benadryl around clock and symptoms
improved, but still mildly present this morning.
1139590 Immediate metallic taste in the mouth. Anaphylactic reaction starting 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 44 F
after 5 minutes (high heart rate, difficulty swallowing, tight feeling in
1139881 Metallic taste in mouth and numbness of tongue - kind of like licking a 03/21/2021 03/21/2021 31 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
battery. Started about 30 minutes after vaccination. Has been coming in
and out for about a week now. Currently very strong. Not worried about it,
but thought it was worth reporting.
1139935 1. I was completely normal the day of the second dose. 2. The next day, I 03/04/2021 03/05/2021 46 M
had quite significant chills, body aches, fatigue, and some nausea. I also
had a metallic taste. 3. Fortunately, the chills, body aches, and fatigue
went away the second day. However, I continued to have the metallic
taste for days. 4. Also, starting the third day and I still have a cough and
tightness in my lungs. I went into a doctor at urgent care four days after
the second dose (due to a concern about the cough and tightness in my
lungs). All of my vitals were normal and they attributed to side effects
from the vaccine. Also, they gave me an inhaler. 5. The inhaler has been
somewhat helpful, but I had a consistent cough as well as some
tightness in my lungs for two weeks after the second dose. On unusually
stressful days, it was even worse. 6. The cough has improved, but I still
have it occasionally throughout the day as well as the tightness in my
lungs. 7. Finally, I continue to have the metallic taste.
1139951 A lemon size swelling has appeared on my forehead. It is changing brown 03/27/2021 03/27/2021 42 F
in color- resembles ringworm with swelling but no ring showing , metallic
taste continues
1140023 3 hours after shot I hit metallic taste in my mouth, I then became so 03/24/2012 03/24/2021 59 F
severely tired and light headed. Got chills. Hot & cold nauseated . It?s
three days later I?m still very tired. Headaches , throats feels swollen ,
glands swollen. I feel like I got the flu! When is this going to end ?
1140047 Pain in left arm 1 hour post injection, for 5 hours after the shot, followed 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 74 F
by chills, fever, general sense of "being off". Next day, same symptoms,
along with change in taste (not loss- everything tasted very off, slightly
metallic), vomiting (1x), shaking, loss of appetite. Slight arm pain
throughout morning, shakiness throughout day, felt like I was freezing all
thru Friday night to Saturday morning, despite excessive sweating.
General shakiness and loss of appetite, altered sense of taste thru time
of reporting.
1140457 Metallic taste 03/26/2021 03/26/2021 67 F
1140949 10 minutes after receiving covid vaccine, rapid heart rate, hard to breathe, 03/17/2021 03/17/2021 39 F
and metallic taste in mouth. Advised to go to emergency after been
checked out by allergist on site. At emergency, was given Pepcid,
steroids, IV fluids, Benadryl intravenously. Also, did bloodwork and chest
X-ray. After bloodwork came back, doctor felt okay to release me. Over
the week, still felt heavy chested and I could not return to work until a
week later. The emergency doctor, sent me home with steroids, Pepcid,
and Benadryl to take for the next 3 days. I only took the steroids and
Pepcid because the Benadryl made me feel so out of it. I also started to
get fatigued couple days after with some body aches. On Saturday
morning, I woke up at 4:00 am to vomit. Had an appointment with my
PCP that Monday, told me to take Claritin and Albuetrol inhaler.
1141091 For the first 24-48 hrs I was fatigued, had a very sore arm and 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 50 F
experiences a metallic taste, smell. After two days I got a canker sore. 7
days later my resting heart rate is 158-163. prior to the shot my resting
heart rate was 168.
1141132 Less than 3 minutes after administration, I began having tingling in my 03/26/2021 03/26/2021 26 F
throat. My heart began to race. I grabbed a medically professional who
assessed me, she stated I was beginning to flush and then had EMS
respond. Vital signs indicated a peak heart rate in the 160?s, O2 Sats
were in the 80?s. I also had a metallic taste in my mouth and a tightness
in my airway. Later in my hour observation I had a period of facial flushing
and itching. I had ice packs placed on my skin, given a fluid bolus and
monitored by an RN and EMS personal. A Doctor assessed me and
contemplated transporting to the ED for management but I was slowly
feeling improvement. I was monitored for an hour and felt okay when I left
the clinic.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1141192 Started with arm pain after 3 hours which got worse than last shot which 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 64 F
was only arm pain. Then few hours later bad body aches felt like bad pain
in my bones all over and chills couldn't get warm I noy slept 1 hour even
after the Tylenol because hurt so bad all night, didn't take temp hurt to
move. All day Friday feverish ranging from 99-102. I normally run cold
took temp Thursday morning 96.7. Saturday fever down to 97.5 but felt
woozy, tired, weak all day felt hungry again. Sunday today woke up at
5am metallic taste in mouth temp 96.2 and felt a bit chilled. Also last two
nights tickling cough but that could be allergies again
1141307 Upon immidate injection Tongue felt thickened, metallic taste and 03/26/2021 03/26/2021 64 F
difficulty swallowing. Stay at facility for 15 minutes, symptoms subsided
within an hour. Symptoms have since returned. Two days later after
receiving vaccine.
1141523 Still have odd burnt-metallic taste in my mouth that won?t go away 02/10/2021 02/11/2021 32 F
1141529 Persistent, strange taste in mouth, especially after eating (chalky/ 03/26/2021 03/27/2021 25 F
metallic/sour). Concentrated at tip of tongue.
1141987 Felt a metallic taste in my mouth within a few minutes after receiving 1st 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 36 F
dose of Pfzier Covid-19 Vaccine. Only lasted for a few seconds and then
taste was normal again.
1141998 First day after second shot I woke with a heavy metallic aftertaste. This 03/28/2021 03/29/2021 67 F
is day 5 and the metallic taste is still strong and unrelenting.
1142037 Metallic taste in mouth, dizziness within 20 minutes of injection 03/28/2021 03/28/2021 24 F
1142054 metallic taste in my mouth for 3 days, fatigue, upset stomach--felt like 03/11/2021 03/11/2021 65 F
heartburn but wasn't
1142079 Patient received 2nd Pfizer COVID vaccine today; completed 15 min RN 03/28/2021 03/28/2021 60 F
observation; however, described to nursing staff she was starting for feel
dizziness, tingling of hands, feet and " sudden odd, metallic taste" in
mouth. A/O x 4 VS stable; reports dizziness, tingling to hand and feet
bilaterally. Patient was assisted w/transfer from chair to wheelchair and
transported to UC department accompanied safely by RN. RN/COM
advised of incident.
1142803 Sense of smell off (things smelled like rotten eggs), sense of taste dulled, 03/27/2021 03/28/2021 32 F
metallic taste for 24 hours
1143249 Right after vaccine had a metallic taste. About four hours later started 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 72 F
itching. That evening overnight face became numb tongue swelling .
Next morning metallic taste linguered. Was able to swallow but more
difficult. Drank a lot of water continually. These symptoms lasted into
the next day. Felt better by Sunday. Itching continue on and off. Feelin
Better. Contacted the Health Dept. and left a message for primary care
doctor. Plan to follow up with him this week.
1143478 tunnel vision; Nausea; dizziness; feeling weak; headache; metallic taste in 03/11/2021 03/12/2021 29 F
mouth; left arm/leg pain; left arm/leg pain; This is a spontaneous report
from a contactable consumer (patient). A 29-year-old female patient
received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), first dose via
an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on
11Mar2021 11:45 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as SINGLE DOSE
for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included premenstrual
dysphoric disorder (Pmdd), major depression (mdd), anxiety, high
cholesterol and allergies: Penicillin, all from an unknown date and
unknown if ongoing. No COVID prior vaccination and not COVID tested
post vaccination. The patient is vaccinated at a clinic. No other vaccine in
four weeks. Other medications reported was yes, however unspecified. It
was reported that the patient experienced Nausea, dizziness, tunnel
vision, feeling weak, headache, metallic taste in mouth, left arm/leg pain
all on 12Mar2021. The outcome of the events was not recovered. No
treatment for the events. Information on the lot/ batch number has been
1143859 Metallic taste in mouth and dry mouth every day since 2nd vaccine. 01/25/2021 01/30/2021 38 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1144321 arm pain x 2-3 days, then metallic taste started 1 week after vaccination 03/18/2021 03/25/2021 72 F
1144896 Patient called to report strong metallic taste and smell. Seemed 03/29/2021 03/29/2021 56 F
concerned that it came on so fast.
1145683 Metallic taste in mouth (though I was still able to taste food normally); 02/23/2021 02/23/2021 37 M
Arm pain where I received the injection; This is a spontaneous report from
a contactable Other Health Professional, the patient. A 37-year-old
female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE, Lot number EL3247), via an unspecified route
of administration on 23Feb2021 at 13:45 (at the age of 37-years-old) as a
single dose in the left arm for COVID-19 vaccination. Medical history
included asthma. The patient has no allergies to medications, food or
other products. Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed
with COVID-19. The vaccine was administered at a workplace clinic.
Concomitant medication was reported as "No." The patient did not
receive any other vaccines within four weeks prior to the vaccination. On
23Feb2021 the patient experienced arm pain where he received the
injection and experienced a metallic taste in his mouth. He specified that
he was still able to taste food normally. As treatment for the event
vaccination site pain, the patient applied ice to his arm (reported as "iced
my arm"). The clinical outcomes of the events vaccination site pain and
metallic taste in mouth were reported as recovering. It was also reported
that since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19.
1148503 patient stayed for 15 minutes after the shot and then left. She said she 03/30/2021 03/30/2021 56 F
tasted metallic and tingle in lips/mouth so she drove back to the store
and came inside. We gave her 50mg diphenhydramine PO. She had BP of
178/96 and pulse 107. She seemed to calm down but we had already
called paramedics. They arrived and she became frantic and asked for
EpiPen. They monitored her EKG and asked her many questions. She
demanded to go to the ER so they put her on a stretcher and left. Her
pulse did get up to 150 when she was most frantic however her oxygen
saturation stayed 100% through entire time. She was instructed to slow
her breathing and remain calm.
1149015 After about 5 minutes of vaccine administration, patient complained of 03/30/2021 03/30/2021 51 F
dizziness, light-headedness, hot and feverish (temperature taken with
forehead contact-less thermometer read 97.2F), tingling in extremities,
and a metallic taste in mouth. Patient had to lay down on the floor to stop
dizziness. Provided the patient with a cup of water. Symptoms lasted
about 30 minutes. After that, patient stated she felt much better but had
to stay sitting in our pharmacy for another 30 minutes. When asked if her
throat was closing up, patient said no. When asked if we should call an
ambulance, patient said no.
1150333 sore arm where shot was given; nauseous; shortness of breath; tongue 01/30/2021 01/30/2021 40 F
tingly; right Eye bothersome; metallic taste; elevated heart rate; headache;
This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A
40-year-old non-pregnant female patient received first dose of bnt162b2
(COMIRNATY, Solution for injection, Lot number: EL 3257, Expiration date:
unknown) via unspecified route on 30Jan2021 01:30 PM, in the left arm,
deltoid at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's relevant
medical history included asthma and seasonal allergies. Concomitant
medications included Nortriptyline, oxcarbazepin, montelukost. It was
reported that the patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4
weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. It was reported that the patient did not
have COVID-19 prior to vaccination or tested since the vaccination. On
30Jan2021 at 02:00 PM the patient experienced very sore arm where
shot was given, nauseous, shortness of breath, tongue tingly, right eye
bothersome, metallic taste, elevated heart rate and headache. It was
unknown if the patient had received any treatment for the events.
Outcome of events was not resolved.
1150349 Metallic taste; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable 01/28/2021 01/28/2021 57 F
consumer. A 57-years-old female patient received bnt162b2 (Pfizer-
BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, formulation: Solution for injection), dose 1
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Right on
28Jan2021 16:30 (Batch/Lot Number: EK9231) as single dose for an
Covid-19 immunization.The patient had none medical his-tory There were
no concomitant medications.Calling about the Covid-19 Vaccine she
states that she got her 1st dose yesterday, 28Jan2021. About 15 minutes
after, she got an odd metallic taste in her mouth that she still has. she
enquired that this is not a side effect that was listed.Vaccination Facility
type is Hospital.The outcome was not recovered.
1150493 Metallic taste in my mouth; Mild face swelling; This is a spontaneous 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 39 F
report from a non-contactable other health care professional (patient). A
39-year-old female patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection Batch/Lot number:
EL9265 Exp Date:not reported),via an unknown route of administration in
right arm (at the age of 39-year-old) on 27Jan2021 at 4pm at a single
dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included asthma,
obesity and post-traumatic stress disorder, all from an unknown date and
unknown if ongoing. Patient has allergies with bee stings from unknown
date and unknown if ongoing. It was also reported that prior to
vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Patient was
also reported not to be pregnant at the time of vaccination. Concomitant
medications included cetirizine hydrochloride (ZYRTEC ALLERGY) and
ibuprofen (MOTRIN), both taken for an unspecified indication and start
and stop date were not reported. Patient previously received Hepatitis A
vaccine and had allergies. The patient experienced mild face swelling at
4:45pm (about 45 minutes after injection, as reported) then she had a
metallic taste in her mouth that started about 6:30pm (about 2.5 hours
after injection) and lasted until about 8 pm. She reported that she could
still taste the food. Patient has not been tested for COVID-19 since
vaccination. The outcome of mild face swelling was recovered on an
unknown date while metallic taste recovered on 27Jan2021 at 8pm. No
follow-up attempts are possible; information about lot/batch number
already obtained
1150832 metallic taste in my mouth; numbness in certain areas of my face, 02/01/2021 02/01/2021 32 F
particularly around my lips/facial numbness; numbness in certain areas
of my face, particularly around my lips; local anesthetic; noticed some
sporadic tingling in my legs on the day of the vaccine; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer or other non-
healthcare profes-sional. A 32-years-old female patient received first dose
of BNT162B2 (solution for injec-tion) via an unspecified route of
administration on 01Feb2021 13:00 at single dose for for COVID-19
immunization. The patient medical history was not reported. Concomitant
medica-tion included minerals nos, vitamins nos (PRENATAL VITAMINS),
docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (OMEGA-3), probiotics
(PROBIOTICS), colecalciferol (VITAMIN D). The patient previously took
erythromycin and experienced hypersensitivity. The patient experienced
immediately after receiving the vaccine metallic taste in my mouth and
numbness in certain areas of my face, particularly around my lips. The
numbness isn't complete (I can still feel when I touch my face), but it feels
like being partially recovered from a local anes-thetic. I also noticed some
sporadic tingling in my legs on the day of the vaccine. The facial
numbness issue persists on 01Feb2021 13:00. The event considered non
serious. The outcome of the event was not recovered. Information on the
lot/batch number has been requested.
1151336 Metallic taste strong at time of vaccine, every day afterwards sometimes 01/29/2021 01/29/2021 42 F
with eating sometimes not with food; very vivid dreams every night-
sometimes nightmares, usually don't remember dreaming at all; very vivid
dreams every night-sometimes nightmares, usually don't remember
dreaming at all; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Other-
HCP (patient reported herself). A 42-year-old non-pregnant female patient
received BNT162B2 (COVID-19, Pfizer, Formulation: Solution for injection,
Lot number: EL3247) via an unspecified route of administration on
29Jan2021 12:00 PM at single dose to her left arm for Covid-19
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
immunization. She was allergic to Sulfa-thrush. No Covid was tested prior
or post vaccination. Concomitant medications included (BENADRYL)
every night and paracetamol (TYLENOL) 1-2 times a week bef. On
29Jan2021, the patient experienced metallic taste strong at time of
vaccine, every day afterwards sometimes with eating sometimes not with
food, very vivid dreams every night-sometimes nightmares, usually did
not remember dreaming at all. She did not take any treatment in response
to the events. Outcome of the events was not recovered.
1153496 Abdominal pain; nausea; vomiting; metallic taste in mouth; This is a 03/06/2021 03/07/2021 22 M
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 22-years-
old male patient received BNT162B2, dose 2 via an unspecified route of
administration, administered in left arm on 06Mar2021 (Lot Number:
EN6205) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history
included microscopic colitis. No known allergies. No Covid prior
vaccination. The patient previously received first dose (lot number: 8982)
of BNT162B2 at the age of 21-year-old, in right arm on 13Feb2021 at
12:00 AM for COVID-19 immunisation. Concomitant medications included
valproate semisodium (DEPAKOTE), mesalazine (LIALDA), budesonide,
bupropion hydrochloride (WELLBUTRIN), dicycloverine hydrochloride
(BENTYL). The patient experienced abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and
metallic taste in mouth on 07Mar2021 12:00 AM. Required
hospitalization. The patient was hospitalized for the events for 3 days.
The events resulted in doctor or other healthcare professional office/
clinic visit, emergency room/department or urgent care and
hospitalization. Treatment was received for the events which included IV
fluids, anti nausea medicine pain medication. The patient underwent lab
tests and procedures which included Nasal Swab: negative on
12Mar2021. The outcome of the events was recovering.
1153910 A spontaneous report (United States) was received from a consumer 01/27/2021 01/27/2021 39 M
concerning a 39-year-old male patient who received Moderna's COVID-19
vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced metallic taste, eyes burning, dizzy
spells, heart rate dropped, sharp stabbing pain abdomen, sharp stabbing
pain chest, vaccination site swelling, and vaccination site tenderness. The
patient's medical history was not provided. No relevant concomitant
medications were reported. On 27-JAN-2021, the patient received first of
two planned dose of Moderna vaccine and after one minute of dose he
experienced the event(s) metallic taste, eyes burning, he waited in the
nursing area for one hour. While he was driving home, he experienced a
dizzy spell for a couple of minutes and then his heart rate dropped to 40
beats per minute coming back to normal after. On 28-JAN-2021, for a
period of three to four hours, the patient experienced localized sharp
stabbing pain at upper left abdominal and lower chest areas and then it
stopped. All side effects have stopped except for swelling and tenderness
at vaccine location. No treatment information was provided. No
laboratory tests were reported. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response
to the events was not reported. The outcome for the events, metallic
taste, eyes burning, dizzy spells, heart rate dropped, sharp stabbing pain
abdomen, and sharp stabbing pain chest, was resolved on 28-JAN-2021.
The outcome of events, vaccination site swelling and vaccination site
tenderness, was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: Based on the current
available information and temporal association between the use of the
product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be
1157830 Rosacea flare up within 10 minutes of injection. Face bright strawberry 03/27/2021 03/27/2021 64 F
red. Entire body became hot and had to fan myself (not a hot flash)
Approximately 45 minutes later left ear started tingling and then pain
followed and only in left ear. An hour after the shot ( and back home)
started feeling tingling in lips and face. Face swelled up and smoothed
out wrinkles. Lasted about 2 hours and then subsided. Also metallic
taste in mouth during swelling of the face. Metallic taste lasted as long as
the face swelling which was about 2 hours. Loose stools and tummy
upset which is still going on.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1159390 At 4:00pm I got lightheaded, dizzy, and achy. The lightheadedness was 03/31/2021 03/31/2021 20 F
such that my heart was pounding, vision was lost for a second (similar to
the effect when you stand up too fast), and the sound went out for a
second. Around 7:00 I got chills, a 101 degree F fever, and headache. The
chills, fever, and headache lasted throughout the night, but they were
gone in the morning. The entire day after getting the vaccine, 4/1/2021, I
had a metallic taste in my mouth. By the morning of 4/2/2021 the
metallic taste was gone.
1166415 5 minutes after injection developed metallic taste in mouth follwed by 03/31/2021 03/31/2021 53 M
limited ability to taste starting to resolve 4/4/21.
1168004 Started day one but over by day three: fever, chills, body aches, diarrhea, 04/01/2021 04/01/2021 55 F
over by day three. Ongoing: sore arm, headache, metallic taste in mouth,
nausea, dizzy feeling.
1168162 Metallic taste in mouth for days Sever headache Sore arm 04/01/2021 04/01/2021 50 F
1168177 1. Peripheral neuropathy in arms and legs, no treatment, perceived same 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 63 M
day as getting the vaccine, symptoms continue. 2. Arthritis in neck,
shoulders and hips, no treatment other than ibuprofen , perceived same
day as getting vaccine, symptoms continue. 3. Metallic taste on tongue
and tingling of tongue, no treatment, perceived same day as getting
vaccine, symptoms seemed to have subsided. 4. Stomach muscle
fatigue, no treatment, perceived same day as getting vaccine, symptoms
including burning sensation continue. 5. Itchy head, no treatment,
perceived same day as getting vaccine, symptoms have lessened over
time. 6. Stuffy head - unable to clear ears, no treatment, perceived same
day as getting vaccine, symptoms have lessened over time. 7.
Generalized sore muscles, no treatment, perceived on same day as
getting vaccine, symptoms continue. 8. Generalized aching joints, no
treatment, perceived on same day as getting vaccine, symptoms
continue. 9. Enlarged or swollen lymph nodes, no treatment, perceived a
few days after getting vaccine, symptoms have lessened over time. 10.
Testicular pain, ice pack as needed, perceived a few days after getting
vaccine, symptoms continue.
1169005 went into seizure; felt a metallic taste; felt dizzy; nearly fainted; not able to 03/09/2021 03/09/2021 63 F
walk; had chest tightness; did not feel like she could breathe; did not feel
well; her face was flushed like she was on fire; A Spontaneous report was
received from a physcian concerning a 63 Year old Female patient, who
received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced
Dysgeusia/Felt like metallic taste, Dizziness/Dizzy, Presyncope/ Near
fainting, Gait Disturbance /Walking difficulty, Chest discomfort/ Chest
tightness, Dyspnoea/ Breathing difficult, Malaise/ Feeling unwell, Seizure,
Blood pressure abnormal, Blood sugar abnormal and Flushing. The
patient's medical history included Asthma. No relevant concomitant
medications were reported. No information on allergies were provided.
The reported stated that the patient was physically and mentally healthy
before vaccination. On 9 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the
patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Lot
number: unknown) via intramuscular route and unknown location for
prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. had chest tightness and she is an
asthma patient. She did not feel like she could breathe and did not feel
well. She went back to the pharmacy and they did not want to give her
EpiPen. She went into seizure because she already had seizure disorder.
Her blood pressure went to 162/80 and her blood sugar went to 152 when
she was on her way to the hospital and her face was flushed like she was
on fire. She took Zofran during her 5 hours of hospitalization and got a CT
scan. They diagnosed her with a post vaccination reaction but she still
wants to get the second dose. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response
to the events was not reported. The outcome for the event Dysgeusia,
Dizziness, Presyncope, Walking difficulty, Chest discomforts, Dyspnoea,
Malaise, Seizure, Blood pressure abnormal, Blood sugar abnormal and
Flushing was considered unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on the
current available information which includes a strong temporal
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
association between the use of the product and onset of the events, and
excluding other etiologies but for history of asthma, causal relationship
cannot be excluded.
1171398 3/29/2021 metallic taste in mouth, 15 min after leaving the clinic. 03/29/2021 03/29/2021 64 F
Tingling in lips and chin. 3/30/2021 hives, mouth sores on roof of mouth.
went to ER received steroid and magic mouth wash. patient is at home
recovering at this time.
1172745 METALLIC TASTE IN MOUTH 2-3 HOURS POST DOSE 04/06/2021 04/06/2021 74 F
1173033 Runny nose. Runny watery eyes, metallic taste in mouth, sore upper arm 04/05/2021 04/05/2021 40 U
muscles on both arms, nausea, chills, fever, body aches , headache
1175189 bulging eyes; Mild allergic reaction; metallic taste in mouth; pounding 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 62 M
headache; red ears; face/neck rash; fatigue; dizzy.; Sore arm; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 62-year-
old male patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 1 via an
unspecified route of administration, administered in Left Arm on
23Mar2021 12:00 (Batch/Lot number was not reported), at the age of 62-
years at vaccination, as SINGLE DOSE for COVID-19 immunization.
Medical history included enlarged aorta, high blood pressure, asthma,
eggs and corn allergy. Concomitant medication included lisinopril taken
for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported;
losartan taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not
reported; amlodipine taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop
date were not reported; budesonide (PULMICORT) taken for an
unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported;
cyanocobalamin, ferrous sulfate, folic acid, serine (RESCUE) taken for an
unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported. On
23Mar2021 12:00, the patient experienced mild allergic reaction, started
with metallic taste in mouth and pounding headache before leaving
(pharmacy name withheld) after 15 min wait period, red ears, face/neck
rash, "bulging eyes". No respiratory issues. Subsided after
1178279 face felt like plastic; Acute pain in base/spine of neck; dizziness; difficulty 03/18/2021 03/18/2021 49 F
breathing & swallowing; difficulty breathing & swallowing; nausea;
metallic taste in mouth; double vision; This is a spontaneous report from
a contactable consumer. A 49-years-old non-pregnant female patient
received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 2 via an unspecified route of
administration, administered in left arm on 18Mar2021 at 08:15 (Batch/
Lot Number: EP7534) as a single dose at the age of 49, for Covid-19
immunisation. Medical history included juvenile- als, and a sulfa allergy.
The patient had not received any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to
the COVID vaccine. Concomitant medications were not reported. On
18Mar2021, after use of product patient developed Acute pain in base/
spine of neck, dizziness, difficulty breathing & swallowing, nausea,
metallic taste in mouth, face felt like plastic, double vision. The patient
was not hospitalized nor was treatment received for the events. The
outcome of the events was recovered. Prior to vaccination, the patient
was not diagnosed with COVID 19. Since the vaccination, the patient has
not been tested for COVID 19. Additional Information has been
1178458 Metallic taste in mouth. 04/07/2021 04/07/2021 33 F
1183719 METALLIC TASTE; TASTE BITTER; Injection site bleeding; Injection site 03/01/2021 U
stinging; This spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a
patient of unspecified age and sex. The patient's weight, height, and
medical history were not reported. The patient received j and j national
consumer product (form of admin and route of admin were not reported,
batch number: Unknown) dose, frequency, and therapy dates were not
reported for an unspecified indication. The patient received covid-19
vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not
reported, batch number: Unknown) dose, start therapy date were not
reported for prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not
reported. Per procedure, no follow-up will be requested for this case. No
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
concomitant medications were reported. On MAR-2021, the subject
experienced metallic taste. On MAR-2021, the subject experienced taste
bitter. On MAR-2021, the subject experienced injection site bleeding. On
MAR-2021, the subject experienced injection site stinging. The action
taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s, and j and j national consumer
product was not applicable. The outcome of the injection site stinging,
metallic taste, taste bitter and injection site bleeding was not reported.
This report was non-serious.
1187268 Patient began to have a metallic taste in mouth. Then mouth started 04/09/2021 04/09/2021 48 F
itching and tongue felt like cotton. Patient was given 25 mg of Benadryl
and later 0.3mg of epinephrine and taken to the hospital where she was
admitted with trouble breathing, swelling, and low oxygen.
spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a 56 year old
female. The patient's height, and weight were not reported. The patient
had no known drug allergies. The patient was not pregnant at the time of
reporting. The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension
for injection, route of admin not reported, batch number: 1808609, expiry:
UNKNOWN) dose was not reported, administered on 31-MAR-2021 in left
arm for prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications were
reported. On 31-MAR-2021, the subject experienced excessive sweating
at night. On 31-MAR-2021, the subject experienced chills. On 31-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced pain on her left arm. On 31-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced fatigue. On 02-APR-2021, the subject
experienced loss of ability to taste food and metallic taste. The action
taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient
recovered from excessive sweating at night, chills, and fatigue on 02-
APR-2021, was recovering from pain on her left arm, and had not
recovered from loss of ability to taste food and metallic taste. This report
was non-serious.
1190101 Sore arm, chills, muscle aches, back pain, fatigue all within 1 day after 04/07/2021 04/08/2021 33 F
shot. Metallic taste in mouth immediately following injection and still
lingering 3 days later.
1191225 migraine, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, fever and extreme sweating, chills, 04/08/2021 04/09/2021 25 F
muscle pain all over body, arm and leg numbness and pain/tingling,
metallic taste when eating and drinking. vomiting, fatigue started around
7am. fever and chills began overnight around 2am. migraine level was a
10, with immense pressure shifts when moving and ear pain and
pressure. ibuprofen was ineffective in treating pain and fever. on day 3 I
have no fever but a slight headache and neck and back stiffness. arms
are tingling and going numb a lot and my entire arm that I got the shot in
is swollen.
1191714 Immediately after injection, my heart raced, I got a metallic taste in my 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 52 F
mouth, and my fingers got cold and tingly. The next day, I developed chest
pain, racing heart, shortness of breath, and insomnia. I continue to have
chest pain. On 04/08/2021, without injury or anything that I did, my right
middle finger swelled and turned purple and it's still purple. The ER doctor
said it was a hematoma.
1192354 The first symptom was a pounding headache which got progressively 04/08/2021 04/08/2021 25 F
worse and was also the longest lasting symptom. Fever of 102.5 degrees.
Fever lasted approximately 12 hours, and included heavy chills and
sweating. Extreme fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. Metallic taste in
mouth. Body aches, and especially soreness in the left arm (injection
site). Loss of appetite. By 24 hours after the vaccine injection, almost all
symptoms were gone, but soreness in left arm persisted. About 26 hours
after the vaccine, I had extreme acid reflux which lasted a few hours. In
the two days since the vaccine I've experienced a ringing in my left ear.
1192645 Persistent Metallic taste 04/10/2021 04/10/2021 54 F
1194139 left arm is tingling numb; droopy face; headache; nausea; left arm began 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 F
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
bothering her and it was aching; vibration of the feet; left arm is tingling
numb; sharp chest pain; dry mouth; metallic taste in mouth; dizzy; right
hand got weak; prickly itch everywhere, and was on her chest and under
neck; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently
medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of FACIAL PARALYSIS
(droopy face) in a female patient of an unknown age who received
mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The
occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The
patient's past medical history included No adverse event. On 24-
Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna
COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 24-Mar-2021, the
patient experienced VIBRATORY SENSE INCREASED (vibration of the
feet), VACCINATION SITE ANAESTHESIA (left arm is tingling numb),
CHEST PAIN (sharp chest pain), DRY MOUTH (dry mouth), DYSGEUSIA
(metallic taste in mouth), DIZZINESS (dizzy), MUSCULAR WEAKNESS
(right hand got weak), PARAESTHESIA (prickly itch everywhere, and was
on her chest and under neck), NAUSEA (nausea) and VACCINATION SITE
PAIN (left arm began bothering her and it was aching). On an unknown
date, the patient experienced FACIAL PARALYSIS (droopy face)
(seriousness criterion medically significant), VACCINATION SITE
PARAESTHESIA (left arm is tingling numb) and HEADACHE (headache).
At the time of the report, FACIAL PARALYSIS (droopy face), VIBRATORY
PARAESTHESIA (left arm is tingling numb), VACCINATION SITE
ANAESTHESIA (left arm is tingling numb), CHEST PAIN (sharp chest
pain), DRY MOUTH (dry mouth), DYSGEUSIA (metallic taste in mouth),
DIZZINESS (dizzy), MUSCULAR WEAKNESS (right hand got weak),
PARAESTHESIA (prickly itch everywhere, and was on her chest and under
neck), HEADACHE (headache), NAUSEA (nausea) and VACCINATION SITE
PAIN (left arm began bothering her and it was aching) outcome was
unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19
Vaccine) (Unknown Route) was unknown. Concomitant medications
were not provided.Treatment information were not provided. Based on
the current available information and temporal association between the
use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship
cannot be excluded.; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available
information and temporal association between the use of the product and
the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
1194219 Joint pain Metallic taste Fever (as high as 102) Chills Headache Body 04/10/2021 04/10/2021 43 F
ache Fatigue
1194537 Patient reported around 3:15pm that her tongue felt dry, tingly and had 04/11/2021 04/11/2021 46 F
metallic taste. She denies trouble breathing. Gave patient a bottle of
water and gave her a dose of Allegra 180 mg which she declined to take
but agreed to keep with her. Observed patient over the next 30 minutes
and during that time the patient reported a gradual improvement of
symptoms. She spoke on the phone with husband whom is a physican
and he told her to drink the water and thought she was fine. Patient
declined EMS and going to the hospital across the street. Upon leaving
she states that she is feeling normal and I advised her to call 911/md if
any worsening of symptoms.
1195029 Metallic taste in mouth 14mins after injection. Minor tongue swelling, 04/11/2021 04/11/2021 43 F
increased saliva production. Resolved within 3hours. No treatment or
other medical intervention required.
1195093 Metallic taste in my mouth. 04/09/2021 04/10/2021 51 M
1195390 Janssen CCOVID-19 Vaccine EUA 4/9/21: metallic taste in mouth when 04/09/2021 04/09/2021 50 F
eating/drinking; nauseous; mild headache; fatigue; Overnight - leg
cramping, coughing, heaviness in chest. 4/10/21: fever (high of 101.5
most of day); chills; mild headache; severe fatigue; muscle cramping;
dizziness; difficulty focusing & remembering. 4/11/21: fever (high of
100.3 in am only); severe fatigue; extreme pain in lymph nodes in left
armpit (difficulty moving arm); pain behind right eye (began in evening);
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
difficulty focusing & remembering; random short term muscle cramping
1195408 Metallic taste in mouth as soon as it was given and has continued. By 04/07/2021 04/07/2021 36 F
8pm on 4/7 every bone and muscle ached along with cold chills , off and
on right chest pains and a headache that I?ve never experienced before.
Woke up tired but better until Saturday when the headache, cold chills,
body aches, pain in right chest area, extremely congested, sore/raw
throat along with diarrhea.
1195531 Nausea within minutes after injection, metallic taste and smell within an 04/11/2021 04/11/2021 28 F
hour, slight full body muscle weakness and stronger muscle weakness at
injection site within a few hours. All symptoms still present 11 hours after
1196252 Patient reported about an hour after the injection she developed a dry 04/09/2021 04/09/2021 61 F
mouth, lip felt swollen, and she had a metallic taste in her mouth.
1196372 Metallic taste in mouth within 3 minutes of Injection lasting overnight,104 04/11/2021 04/11/2021 43 F
degree temperature for 7 hours, severe chills, severe body aches, racing
heartbeat , unable to sleep. I currently have low grade fever, body aches,
headache, moderate low back pain Me
1198594 About one hour after receiving the vaccination I got a strong, terrible 04/12/2021 04/12/2021 54 F
tasting metallic taste in my mouth. Seriously like I had a mouthful of
copper pennies in there! It has now been 4 hours later and it is still there,
yucky. Food, drink, gum, etc and it is still there.
1198776 Patient reported stiff neck, back hurts, and metallic taste 04/08/2021 04/08/2021 43 F
1199070 I experienced extreme fatigue, metallic taste, extremely sore and tender 04/08/2021 04/08/2021 35 F
joints, fuzzy floating feeling in my head, and general flu like malaise
symptoms. My fiancé experienced extreme muscle cramps to the point
that he could not walk, similar symptoms to myself extreme fatigue,
metallic taste, floating/fuzzies. Our symptoms began in less than an hour
after receiving the vaccine. My fuzziness and neurological symptoms
began in the 15 minute observation window. My fiancé is began
approximately 40 minutes later. We proceeded to go home eat something
small, and sleep for the next 26 hours straight
1200925 On Thursday evening client just had a slight headache On Friday client 04/08/2021 04/12/2021 56 F
reported more headache, no fever, body aches and nausea On Saturday
client still reported nausea and was encouraged to drink more fluids.
Client was taking Tylenol for body aches On Sunday client still not able to
each much but did eat a small crab cake and continued to push fluids On
Monday morning client who works for us a the Health Department called
to say that she woke up with a rash on her arms and legs and began
taking benadryl. Later in the day when I checked on her she said itching
was better, rash no worse and had taken more benadryl. She reported
tasting a metallic taste in her mouth. On Tuesday morning she txtd me to
say that she was having chest discomfort. I told her to go the the ER
immediately which she did and is currently there now.
1200930 Strong Metallic taste, in mouth, within 10 minutes after injection, lasted 04/12/2021 04/12/2021 35 M
over 30 minutes. Lightheaded within 10 minutes after injection, lasting
less than 5 minutes. Mild, aching, posterior Headache that started within
1 hour after injection and has continued up to present time.
1201280 Self Reporting: 4/8/21 - Metallic taste in mouth within 20 minutes of 04/08/2021 04/08/2021 57 F
vaccination, within 1 hour fatigue and nausea. Later feeling worse with
muscle aches, afebrile. 4/9/21 - Awakened with fatigue, Temp 99.8 at
1630 with chills. Tylenol 1000mg PO taken. 4/10/21 - Evening temp 99.4
with chills:Tylenol 1000mg PO taken. 4/11/21 - Fatigue continued. No
chills or temp. 4/12/21 - Evening temp 99.0 with chills.
1201778 About 2:30pm on 4/6/2021, same day as vaccine, began to have saline/ 04/06/2021 04/06/2021 39 F
metallic taste in mouth, about 1 hour later started to get cotton mouth
and began getting tired; by 5pm same day I was fatigued and had a hard
time keeping my eyes open, started getting chills about 7:30pm and took
2 ibuprofen and fell asleep, woke up some time before midnight because
my heart was pounding in my chest, was so tired that I'm not sure if I
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
passed out or just fell back asleep but woke up around 3:00am on
4/7/2021 with a fever and headache. The cotton mouth, fatigue,
headache and fever of 99.9 to 101 lasted until about 8:00am on
4/8/2021., where I had a second set of chills and the fever broke. On
4/9/2021 I still had fatigue and had to leave work early as I couldn't multi-
task and had a hard time staying focused. The inability to focus and
fatigue lasted 4/10/201 and 4/11/2021, just walking up and down my
stairs at home exhausted me. On 4/12/2021 I went back to work, my
focus is better but still not back to where it should be, I still get exhausted
easily and everything is a bit too bright. On 4/12/2021 about 7:30am, I
had a bloody nose that took a while to stop (about 30 minutes), that is not
normal as I rarely have a bloody nose; I was late to work due to it and had
another one while at work around 11:40am; it was not as bad as the first
and stopped after approximately 10 minutes. Today is 4/13/2021- Things
are still a little too bright and my energy level is not quite back to normal, I
also have a slight headache.
1202089 Symptoms lasted for 36 hours and started 8 hours post vaccination: 04/01/2021 04/01/2021 38 F
Severe headache Severe body aches Metallic taste in mouth Nausea
Fever (101) with Tylenol
1202384 immediate metallic taste, headache, elevation in BP reading 200's /100's 03/10/2021 03/10/2021 53 F
(this is still occurring diastolic number will not remain below 100 even
with medication) systolic had leveled to below 130's) ; low grade temp for
2wks; heated swollen soreness to injection site (baseball size lasting
3wks) with pealing of surrounding skin. area remains sore after almost
5wks; debilitating fatigue at around 2wks lasting 2-3 days still occurs but
is intermittent
1202505 Developed within 10 hours and lasted 36 hours Severe body aches 04/01/2021 04/01/2021 39 M
Fatigue Metallic taste in mouth Injection site pain that lasted 1 week
Fever of 104.3
METALLIC TASTE; This spontaneous report received from a patient
concerned a 35 year old. The patient's height, and weight were not
reported. The patient's concurrent conditions included diabetic, rare form
of gout, and immunocompromised due to chemotherapy infusions., and
other pre-existing medical conditions included atromyocin allergy. The
patient experienced drug allergy when treated with vancomycin. The
patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection,
route of admin not reported, batch number: 042A21A, and expiry: not
reported) dose was not reported, administered on 07-APR-2021 for
prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications were reported. On
07-APR-2021, the subject experienced vomiting. On 07-APR-2021, the
subject experienced severe metallic taste. On 07-APR-2021, the subject
experienced nausea. On 08-APR-2021, the subject experienced lack of
smell. On 08-APR-2021, the subject experienced lack of taste. Treatment
medications (dates unspecified) included: ondansetron hydrochloride.
The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable.
The patient recovered from vomiting, and nausea on 07-APR-2021, and
severe metallic taste on 08-APR-2021, and had not recovered from lack of
smell, and lack of taste. This report was non-serious.
1204662 Patient reports she had "metallic taste" in her mouth for roughly 3 hours 04/07/2021 04/08/2021 57 F
post vaccination. Patient reported that on 4/8, she woke at 0100 with
"toe cramps", she got out of bed, walked around and took some Tylenol,
this resolved. Then on 4/9 around 1400, she had what she described as
"the beginning of a migraine" in which she had blurry/wavy vision. She
has had migraines in the past, however they are very infrequent. She is
not treated for migraines due to their infrequency. In the past, she would
take a Tylenol at the first sign of blurry/wavy vision and this would
prevent a full blown migraine. On 4/10 at 0530, patient woke from
"charlie horse" in left calf. She got up, walked around again and took a
Tylenol, this resolved. Later that same day, patient developed the blurry/
wavy vision again, took a Tylenol again and this resolved. On 4/11,
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
patient reported soreness in left calf from previous day's cramp and used
heating pad. Patient has had 2 more episodes of blurry/wavy vision
yesterday 4/12 and today, 4/13, which both resolved with Tylenol. Patient
has not yet spoked with PCP. Due to the nature of the events, and the
recent update of J&J vaccines,
1208052 After Covid shot Metallic taste in my mouth Injection was on left side 04/09/2021 04/10/2021 35 F
Extreme paid on left side of body Body aches Skin painful Scalp painful
Throbbing headache Fatigue Milk production low on left side Milk
difficult to let down Left foot painful at break site Jaw painful-clicking
Neck and back very sore especially left sd Nausea Painful pumping
Sweating at night Irritability
1208093 Metallic taste , cold sensation. 5 mins later tongue and throat swelling, 02/05/2021 02/05/2021 61 F
face and chest hot and tingling, shortness of breath
1209185 **Tingling in my tongue immediately after the shot--lasted about an hour 04/12/2021 04/12/2021 38 F
then turned into a light metallic taste in my mouth that lingers still
**Debilitating headache for first 24 hours **Ringing in my ears since
Monday evening
1209456 Metallic taste in mouth on day of vaccination, resolved then recurred 6 03/31/2021 03/31/2021 46 F
days later.
1210420 Near immediate metallic taste in my mouth. Resolved after 36 hours. 04/12/2021 04/12/2021 47 M
Body aches developed within 8 hours. Resolved in 36 hours
1211171 Metallic taste in mouth, chest pains 04/03/2021 04/05/2021 55 F
1212116 Due to history of vaccine reaction of hives to flu vaccine, took 25 mg 04/10/2021 04/10/2021 33 F
benadryl 1.5 hours prior to receiving covid vaccine. approximately 1
hours after vaccination, experienced sharp, constant retrosternal chest
pain that is was non-radiating. on 4/11 experienced fever, and developed
hives to right arm that injection was given as well as nausea without
vomiting or diarrhea. Fever continued x 4 days with maximum
temperature of 102.9 on 4/12. Chest pain continues as of 4/15. On 4/14
at approximately 2am was awoken with worsening chest pain and at that
time also noticed development of a metallic taste in mouth, and since
that time have been unable to taste anything but metal regardless of what
is eaten or drank. Still with chest pain and metallic taste, hives resolved
4/12 evening and fever resolved on 4/14 late evening.
1212855 Metallic taste in mouth 30 minutes after receiving vaccine. I have had a 03/30/2021 03/30/2021 64 F
lot of stress (significant other diagnosed with Stage 4 inoperable NSCLC )
and had been attributing the often present headache to that, but they
were also accompanied by a butterfly pattern red flush across my nose.
Acid reflux which I was attributing to stress or alendronate. Woke in the
night 4/12 to severe acid reflux, nausea, headache, flush, thought maybe I
was having a heart attack (I have no cardiac/BP issues); then last night,
4/14 about 6 PM, weird numbness tingling in right arm from center of my
chest passed in about 5 minutes. Significant Other said I had the pattern
flush on face at time of attack which faded as I began to feel better. I
have not consistently felt at 100% since vaccination, but I have a lot going
on and attributed it to that.
1213003 Day 1) after 5 mins: rapid heart rate sweatin,g lasted 5 mins. at 45 mins: 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 58 F
strong metallic taste and burning in mouth, both lips numb, loss of
strength, lasted 1.5 hrs, slight nausea feeling rest of day Day 2) 99.8 fever,
fatigue Day 3) 99.8 fever, fatigue, headache Day 4) better Day 5) bottom
of both feet start burning, very noticeable at night, lasted 4 days Day 15)
migraine headache, right side/top lasted 3 days
1213144 Patient received the Janssen COVID vaccine (lot 1808980, exp 6/20/21) 04/06/2021 04/06/2021 56 F
at 1613. At 1635, patient stated to EMTs that she had a strong metallic
taste, shortness of breath, chest tightness, possible dizziness, and felt
palpitations. Vital signs: O2 99%, pulse 56, blood pressure 130/86,
respirations 24. Medications included hydrochlorothiazide, clonidine,
sucralfate, sliding scale insulin, anxiety medication, and several
medications for both "heart and blood pressure." Medical conditions
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
include breast cancer, Lupus, COPD, congestive heart failure, asthma,
diabetes, history of 4 heart attacks, Tokasubo cardiomyopathy, stomach
ulcers, and bleedings problems. Allergies include MMR vaccine, penicillin,
sulfas, bees, peas, and strawberries. Patient reported feeling similar
symptoms when she had anxiety previously. At 1644, vital signs: blood
pressure 128/82, O2 95%, pulse 67, respirations 22. Patient reported an
improvement of symptoms but continued to have shortness of breath. RN
called 911. At 1646, EMS assumed care. At 1704, patient denied care and
transport to the hospital. At 1707, patient left walking with steady gait.
1213297 About 10 days after the vaccine, I started feeling a "cotton mouth" (dry 03/20/2021 03/01/2021 58 F
mouth) and a cough that I could not get down. I also wanted to say that I
had a metallic taste in my mouth that then developed into the dry mouth. I
drank a lot of water and in a couple of hours the taste went away and the
dry mouth went away but the cough persisted. Tried the over the counter
Dayquil did not work and then decided to do the telehealth visit with a
doctor. They prescribed me some antibiotics and steroids and it solved
the problem
1214123 Within nine hours of receiving the shot I began to suffer chills and a fever 03/20/2021 03/21/2021 52 F
of 101.6, with a high of 101.8. The fever lasted 12 hours. I also had
fatigue, headache, metallic taste in month and dizziness. I felt awful. I
began to feel better after about 2 1/2 days. I still have an occasional
headache (not severe or constant), but it seems more allergy related
(stuffy nose and drainage). I would not take the vaccine again because I
thought my response was too strong. I thought I would provide this
information given the pause of the vaccine, so you could gather additional
1216598 Vertigo or Dizziness lasting over a week now. Metallic taste in mouth 03/20/2021 04/04/2021 34 M
starting around the same time but now dissipated.
1216666 The patient reported a metallic taste and pressure behind her ears at 04/15/2021 04/15/2021 34 F
6:52pm, about 2 minutes after the Moderna vaccine was administered.
She then reported feeling lightheaded and tingling in her lips. I assisted
her to the floor and had her lay down. She reported feeling feverish and
she was warm to the touch, but her temperature was 98.4 degrees
Fahrenheit. Her O2 was at 99%. She briefly lost consciousness around
6:55pm as evidenced by her not responding to my questions or to me
roughly shaking her arm. She regained consciousness within a couple
seconds. Patient then reported a sudden headache at 6:57pm. EMS
arrived at 7:01pm. The patient left with EMS.
1216882 METALLIC TASTE; This spontaneous report received from a patient 04/10/2021 30 F
concerned a 30 year old. The patient's height, and weight were not
reported. The patient's concurrent conditions included hypertension,
anxiety, alcohol use occasionally once per month or once every 3 months,
and smoke marijuana twice daily for anxiety, and other pre-existing
medical conditions included no known allergies and no history of drug
abuse/ illicit drug use. The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s
(suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch number:
1808982, expiry: UNKNOWN) dose was not reported, administered on 10-
APR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. Concomitant medications
included lisinopril for hypertension. On 10-APR-2021, the subject
experienced metallic taste. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient recovered from metallic
taste on 10-APR-2021. This report was non-serious.
spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a 70 year old
female. The patient's height, and weight were not reported. The patient's
concurrent conditions included breathing issues, milk allergy, sulfa drug
allergy, and hoarseness of voice, and other pre-existing medical
conditions included the patient is not pregnant at the time of reporting.
The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for
injection, route of admin not reported, batch number: 201A21A, and
expiry: UNKNOWN) dose was not reported, administered on 08-APR-2021
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
for prophylactic vaccination. Non-company suspect drugs included:
clarithromycin ( batch number: UNKNOWN expiry: UNKNOWN, form of
admin, route of admin, and were not reported) 500 mg, 2 times every 1
day, therapy dates were not reported for an unspecified indication. No
concomitant medications were reported. On 09-APR-2021, the subject
experienced headache. On 11-APR-2021, the subject experienced metallic
taste. On 11-APR-2021, the subject experienced sore arm. On 11-
APR-2021, the subject experienced pain in shoulder. The action taken
with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient had
not recovered from metallic taste, sore arm, headache, and pain in
shoulder. This report was non-serious.
1217817 Immediately I could taste a metallic salty taste in my throat. About 1 04/06/2021 04/06/2021 65 F
minute later my throat was burning and itching and I began coughing. The
nurses put me in a room with another nurse, gave me cold water and
watched me. 5 minutes later I began feeling dizzy and nauseated. My
throat seemed to settle a bit and I finally told them I felt good enough to
leave about 45 minutes later. Around 5 pm my throat was still burning
and throbbing, so I took a benedryl, claritin and a pecid. My head felt
fuzzy. I ate ice cream for dinner because my throat kept throbbing and I
was still nauseated. I went to bed at 6 PM and around 10 PM I woke up
with my throat throbbing and burning and I ached all over as if I'd been
beaten in my sleep. I considered using my epi pen, but took another
claritin and Hydrocondone instead because I never had trouble breathing
and my lips didn't swell. The worst was the swollen, itchy, throbbing
throat and body aches. By morning my throat had cleared up, but the
body aches and headaches, and fuzzy headed are still with me 10 days
later. I feel permanently damaged by the vaccine.
1217921 A metallic bitter taste in my mouth to the point that even water is bitter. 03/10/2021 03/17/2021 58 F
1219814 Lightheaded immediately and almost passed out. Felt a tingling in both 03/30/2021 03/31/2021 47 F
hands. Metallic taste in mouth for about an hour. 8 hours later had the
chills, body aches, headache, sinus pressure, and blocked ears. I
developed tinnitus in both ears 24 hours after the shot and it still hasn't
resolved 16 days later.
1221051 lost most the hearing in the left ear; had a bad day generally; This 01/26/2021 02/11/2021 79 M
spontaneous case was reported by a patient and describes the
occurrence of DEAFNESS UNILATERAL (lost most the hearing in the left
ear) in a 79-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna
COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 013L20A and 022M20A) for COVID-19
vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed
below. The patient's past medical history included No adverse event
(No reported medical history). On 26-Jan-2021, the patient received first
dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1
dosage form. On 23-Feb-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273
(Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1
dosage form. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient experienced DEAFNESS
UNILATERAL (lost most the hearing in the left ear) (seriousness criterion
medically significant) and FEELING ABNORMAL (had a bad day
generally). In April 2021, DEAFNESS UNILATERAL (lost most the hearing
in the left ear) was resolving. At the time of the report, FEELING
ABNORMAL (had a bad day generally) outcome was unknown. No
relevant concomitant medications were reported. The patient confirmed
lost most of the hearing in the left ear by a visit to the clinic after a
hearing exam was done. The patient stated that he can hear better now
but the left ear was not usable and could not use a telephone. It was
better now but still not ok and was still "metallic." The patient does not
know if 2nd dose had influenced the hearing and stated that he did not
have prior history of hearing issues. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in
response to events was not applicable. No treatment information was
provided. Based on the current available information and temporal
association between the use of the product and the onset date of the
reported events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.; Sender's
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Comments: Based on the current available information and temporal
association between the use of the product and the onset date of the
reported events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded.
HEADACHE; This spontaneous report received from a patient concerned
a patient of unspecified age and sex. The patient's weight, height, and
medical history were not reported. The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin, and batch number
were not reported) dose was not reported, administered on 09-MAR-2021
11:45 for prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not reported
and has been requested. No concomitant medications were reported. On
09-MAR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste in mouth. On 09-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced high blood glucose level. On 09-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced slight headache. On 09-MAR-2021
12:50, Laboratory data included: Blood glucose (NR: not provided) 243
mg/dL. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not
applicable. The outcome of the metallic taste in mouth, slight headache
and high blood glucose level was not reported. This report was non-
BODY; This spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a
patient of unspecified age and sex. The patient's weight, height, and
medical history were not reported.The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, intramuscular, batch number:
1805022, and batch number: 1805022 expiry: UNKNOWN) .5 ml,
administered on 06-MAR-2021 23:30 to Left Arm for prophylactic
vaccination. No concomitant medications were reported. On 06-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste. On 06-MAR-2021, the
subject experienced warmth in body. On 07-MAR-2021, the subject
experienced shaking. On 07-MAR-2021, the subject experienced sinus
pain. On 07-MAR-2021, the subject experienced back pain. On 07-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced burning skin on and off. On 07-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced pain in pelvis area. On 07-MAR-2021,
the subject experienced vomiting. On 07-MAR-2021, the subject
experienced nausea. On 07-MAR-2021, the subject experienced soreness
at the injection site. On 07-MAR-2021, the subject experienced muscle
ache. On 07-MAR-2021, the subject experienced headache. On 07-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced fatigue. The action taken with
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient recovered
from metallic taste on 06-MAR-2021, was recovering from back pain, and
warmth in body, had not recovered from fatigue, shaking, nausea,
headache, sinus pain, soreness at the injection site, burning skin on and
off, pain in pelvis area, and vomiting, and the outcome of muscle ache
was not reported. This report was non-serious.
1228136 METALLIC TASTE; THIRSTY; This spontaneous report received from a 03/11/2021 F
patient concerned a female of unspecified age. The patient's weight,
height, and medical history were not reported.The patient received
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, intramuscular,
batch number: Unknown, and batch number: UNKNOWN expiry:
UNKNOWN) .5 ml, administered on 11-MAR-2021 03:00 to Left Deltoid for
prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not reported and had
been requested. No concomitant medications were reported. On 11-
MAR-2021 05:00, the subject experienced metallic taste. On 11-
MAR-2021 05:00, the subject experienced thirsty. The action taken with
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient had not
recovered from metallic taste, and thirsty. This report was non-serious.
1228647 3d s/p vaccine symptoms started w/ SOB w/ exertion, itchy skin, metallic 03/31/2021 04/03/2021 49 F
taste in mouth, left sided chest pain that went straight to back followed
by heaviness and pressure in chest, and HA
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1229147 Vertigo that started a few days after the shot has gotten progressively 04/02/2021 04/05/2021 49 F
worse over the last two weeks and is ongoing. Metallic taste in mouth for
the first two days immediately after the shot.
This spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a 59 year old
female. The patient's height, and weight were not reported. The patient's
concurrent conditions included alcoholic, and non smoker, and other pre-
existing medical conditions included no drug abuse/ illicit drug used. The
patient was previously treated with benzylpenicillin. The patient received
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, intramuscular,
batch number: 1805022, and batch number: 1805022 expiry: UNKNOWN)
0 .5 ml, administered on 11-MAR-2021 03:00 pm for prophylactic
vaccination. No concomitant medications were reported. On 11-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced fatigue. On 11-MAR-2021, the subject
experienced more thirsty than usual. On 11-MAR-2021, the subject
experienced metallic taste. On 13-MAR-2021, the subject experienced lips
dry. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not
applicable. The patient recovered from metallic taste on 11-MAR-2021,
and had not recovered from fatigue, more thirsty than usual, and lips dry.
This report was non-serious.
NORMAL; This spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a
27 year old female. The patient's height, and weight were not reported.
The patient's concurrent conditions included alcohol user, non-smoker,
and marijuana, and other pre-existing medical conditions included the
patient had no known allergies.The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, intramuscular, batch number:
1802070, and batch number: 1802070) dose was not reported,
administered on 11-MAR-2021 09:30 for prophylactic vaccination. No
concomitant medications were reported. On 01-FEB-2021, Laboratory
data included: COVID-19 virus test (NR: not provided) Negative. On 11-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced not been able to eat or drink as much
as normal. On 11-MAR-2021, the subject experienced nausea. Laboratory
data included: Body temperature (NR: not provided) 100.8 (units
unspecified). On 11-MAR-2021 17:00, the subject experienced feeling off.
On 11-MAR-2021 17:00, the subject experienced body aches. On 11-
MAR-2021 17:00, the subject experienced chills. On 11-MAR-2021 17:00,
the subject experienced fever. On 11-MAR-2021 17:00, the subject
experienced headache. On 12-MAR-2021, the subject experienced
metallic taste appeared, which subject noticed when drinking water. The
action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The
patient recovered from body aches, chills, and fever on 12-MAR-2021, had
not recovered from nausea, metallic taste appeared, which patient
noticed when drinking water, and headache, and the outcome of not been
able to eat or drink as much as normal and feeling off was not reported.
This report was non-serious.
FINGERNAILS BEDS TURN PURPLE; This spontaneous report received
from a patient concerned a 42 year old female. The patient's height, and
weight were not reported. The patient's past medical history included
hashimoto's disease, and concurrent conditions included allergy to sun,
aloevera, latex, and bees. The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch
number: Unknown) dose was not reported, administered on 08-APR-2021
for prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not reported and has
been requested. No concomitant medications were reported. On
APR-2021, the subject experienced fingernails beds turn purple. On 08-
APR-2021, the subject experienced body ache. On 08-APR-2021, the
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
subject experienced tingling of fingers arms legs and lips. On 08-
APR-2021, the subject experienced feeling cold. On 08-APR-2021, the
subject experienced lightheaded. On 08-APR-2021, the subject
experienced numbness of fingers arms legs and lips. On 08-APR-2021,
the subject experienced fever. Laboratory data included: Body
temperature (NR: not provided) 103-104 F. On 12-APR-2021, the subject
experienced dry cough. On 12-APR-2021, the subject experienced sore
throat. On 13-APR-2021, the subject experienced taste metallic. The
action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The
patient recovered from lightheaded on 09-APR-2021, and fever on 10-
APR-2021, had not recovered from body ache, tingling of fingers arms
legs and lips, feeling cold, taste metallic, dry cough, sore throat, and
numbness of fingers arms legs and lips, and the outcome of fingernails
beds turn purple was not reported. This report was non-serious.
1232210 Severe chill followed by low grade fever(98.2 F; normally I am about 97.5), 04/09/2021 04/09/2021 44 M
mild headache that lasted about 12 hours, very dry mouth, and metallic
taste in mouth. Accompanied by a feeling of mild intoxication /
indifference / being unmotivated which lasted most of the next day. The
lack of motivation with a slight tiredness seems to still be slightly present
11 days later.
1233339 Loss of taste combined with a lasting metallic taste and near constant 03/13/2021 03/15/2021 51 M
thirst. Specifically, the sensations of sweet and sour are almost
completely lost.
1233915 I had Covid-19 on January First. On the same evening as I got the shot I 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 28 F
noticed when I ate something that it tasted metallic. All food tasted and
smelled metallic for two weeks. Three weeks after the shot the problem
resolved for cold food. It is five weeks I still have a problem with eating
hot food that it tastes and smells metallic. I consulted a doctor and he
told me that he doesn?t know what to do.
1235462 2 hours after receiving the vaccine, I grew exhausted and had to sleep 03/26/2021 03/26/2021 62 F
into late evening and was chilled, had a fever of 101 and developed
severe pain and inflammation on the top of my collar bone that was
feverish and migrated toward my shoulder region on the same side as my
vaccine. Ibuprofen would not help with the pain but helped with the fever.
My mind told me that I had things to tend to the next day, but still was
forced to sleep off and on for 2 more days. After a week and a half, not
only did I have thirst, but also food didn't taste right and was metallic.
This lasted for 2 days and finally my taste was restored. The exhaustion
lasted off and on for 2 weeks and I just listened to my body. The pain and
inflammation on my collar bone has subsided 4 days ago but still have
pain in my shoulder when I sleep. On April 5 around 8:30 a.m. a nasty
virus hit me out of the blue. I grew week and tired and had to go to bed. I
slept all day until around 9:00 p.m. and woke to uncontrollable diarrhea
and fainting spell while in the bathroom. I had abominable pain and
nausea that last for a half hour and then I returned to bed. The next 2
days, I was week and exhausted but continued with my regular routine.
My equilibrium is still affected from time to time.
1235607 metallic taste in the mouth, arm soreness, redness around the injection 04/15/2021 04/15/2021 31 F
site, swelling
1235704 Peripheral neuropathy; Arthritis in neck hips and shoulders; Arthritis in 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 63 M
neck hips and shoulders; Metallic taste on tongue; tingling on tongue;
stomach muscle fatigue; itchy head; inability to clear ears; burning
sensation in stomach; generalized sore muscles; generalized achy joints;
enlarged or swollen lymph nodes; testicular pain; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 63-year-old male patient
received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, lot number: ER8730 and expiration date not provided) via an
unspecified route of administration, administered in left arm on
22Mar2021 10:45 as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical
history included pinched nerve in neck and allergies to Penicillin. The
patient did not receive any other vaccine in 4 weeks prior to the COVID
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
vaccine and no other medications in two weeks. Prior to the vaccination,
the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient's concomitant
medications were not reported. On 22Mar2021 18:00, the patient
experienced peripheral neuropathy, arthritis in neck hips and shoulders,
metallic taste on tongue, tingling on tongue, stomach muscle fatigue,
itchy head, inability to clear ears, burning sensation in stomach,
generalized sore muscles, generalized achy joints, enlarged or swollen
lymph nodes, and testicular pain. The events resulted in Doctor or other
healthcare professional office/clinic visit and Disability or permanent
damage. No treatment was given in response to the events. The outcome
of the events was not recovered. The patient has not been tested for
COVID-19 since having the vaccine.
STOMACH; TIRED; This spontaneous report received from a patient
concerned a patient of unspecified age and sex. The patient's weight,
height, and medical history were not reported. The patient received
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin,
and batch number were not reported) dose was not reported,
administered on 09-APR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. Batch
number was not reported has been requested No concomitant
medications were reported. On 09-APR-2021, the subject experienced
sick stomach. On 09-APR-2021, the subject experienced tired. On 12-
APR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste in mouth. On an
unspecified date, the subject experienced little sore in leg muscles.
Treatment medications (dates unspecified) included: povidone-iodine.
The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable.
The outcome of the sick stomach, tired, little sore in leg muscles and
metallic taste in mouth was not reported. This report was non-serious.
1237074 Within first 2 hours: dizziness Between 1-7pm: Faster heartbeat Nausea 03/27/2021 03/27/2021 47 F
Soreness in sacrum Lower intestine and vagina sore/tight On/off sore
throat & metallic taste similar to when sick in December At 8:15pm:
Chills Fever - temp 99.3 (normal is 97.5) Heels sore 10:20pm - Fever -
temp 100.4 4:30am - Fever - temp 101.2 9:30am - Fever - temp 99.6
12:30pm - Temp back to normal at 97.5 Minor, dull headache for 2-3 days
after Then, starting on around April 8, I have been feeling, and still feel
today: soreness in my left heel, inflammation all over my body, slightly
faster heartbeat, sensations in gland areas of my body (lips, neck, groin,
etc), headache that comes and goes.
1238218 Middle of the night woke up with chills, sweats. Lasted for the night. Took 04/12/2021 04/13/2021 46 F
Tylenol. I no longer have a fever. Headache that started at 4am on
4/13/2021 and lasted throughout the day. I have been having headaches
on and off throughout the week. I have had a metallic taste in my mouth
for about a week with increased heartburn. I am still having these
symptoms. Increased fatigue.
1238230 I had reaction right away five minutes afterwards drowsy and metallic 04/12/2021 04/12/2021 46 F
taste in mouth and :30 observation and extremely fatigue and a neck pain
and 4-5 pain level issue 04/12/2021 04/13/2021. Doctor phone and
recommended ER and next day tired and off and fatigue and felt off and
went to urgent care 04/16/2021 and fever and blood pressure electro
cardio gram and for stroke and heart and stroke and clots and no
symptoms for clots results was good and not able to sleep and Friday
was extremely exhausted and neck pain and fever and medication.
Fatigue and fatigue come and Motrine or Tyler. Still have neck pain and
fatigue that comes and go not recovered.
1238845 Reported adverse effects to J&J after a horrible day/night from severe 04/10/2021 04/10/2021 51 F
allergic reaction. We were 5 hrs from home, on a weekend, could not get
vaccines in our county. Drove to County. After the 15 min when walking
out of the building noticed strong metallic taste in mouth (no fillings),
thought odd. Then while driving noticed red blemishes/rash on neck,
swelling of my tongue. Once arrived at hotel (too far to drive back home
and not feeling well), noticed red rash on front of neck, ear lobes bright
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
red, hot to the touch and swollen. Vertigo and low fever came on along
with elevated heart rate. These lasted all Saturday into Sunday. Didn't and
couldn't sleep Saturday night, Sunday morning rash on face with heart
rate BPM elevated all day with fever and bad vertigo. All these symptoms
continued all week with exception to the rash and swollen tongue those
subsided late Sunday. The vertigo, fevers, skin sensitivity and complete
fatigue along with bump at injection site persisted even to today.
1240181 Body aches; chills; fatigue; loss of taste; metallic taste. Lasted about 48 04/09/2021 04/10/2021 29 F
hours after onset of symptoms. Symptoms began about 14 hours after
vaccination. Treated with OTC medication and rest.
1240241 I noticed a metallic taste in my mouth around April 12 and I still have it. It 04/06/2021 04/12/2021 41 F
seems to have improved but I?m nervous now that it has lasted so long
and I?m due for my second vaccine on April 27.
Fever; Fatigue; Headache; This spontaneous report received from a
parent concerned a 28 year old female. The patient's height, and weight
were not reported. The patient's concurrent conditions included has
severe allergies to many foods. The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch
number: Unk) dose was not reported, administered on 08-APR-2021 for
prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not reported and has
been requested. No concomitant medications were reported. On 08-
APR-2021, the subject experienced severe body aches. On 08-APR-2021,
the subject experienced metallic taste in mouth lasting 5 days. On 08-
APR-2021, the subject experienced fever. On 08-APR-2021, the subject
experienced fatigue. On 08-APR-2021, the subject experienced headache.
Treatment medications (dates unspecified) included: ibuprofen. The
action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The
patient recovered from metallic taste in mouth lasting 5 days on 13-
APR-2021, fever on 09-APR-2021, and fatigue, and the outcome of severe
body aches and headache was not reported. This report was non-serious.
PALPITATIONS IN ARM; SORE ARM; This spontaneous report received
from a patient concerned a 49 year old female. The patient's height, and
weight were not reported. The patient's past medical history included
penicillin allergy, prednisone allergy, flu shot allergy, and beta blocker
allergy, and concurrent conditions included rheumatoid arthritis, and
neuropathy in both arms. The patient was previously treated with
methotrexate for neuropathy in both arms, rheumatoid arthritis; and
experienced hydroxychloroquine allergy when treated with
hydroxychloroquine. The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s
(suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch number:
1802070, expiry: UNKNOWN) dose was not reported, administered on 12-
MAR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications
were reported. On 12-MAR-2021, the subject experienced palpitations in
arm. On 12-MAR-2021, the subject experienced sore arm. On 14-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced feeling unwell. On 15-MAR-2021, the
subject experienced short of breath. On 15-MAR-2021, the subject
experienced rapid heart beat. On 15-MAR-2021, the subject experienced
dizziness. On 15-MAR-2021, the subject experienced numbness of
tongue. On 15-MAR-2021, the subject experienced taste metallic. On 15-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced fatigue. On 15-MAR-2021, the subject
experienced headache. On 14-APR-2021, Laboratory data included:
Platelet count (NR: not provided) unknown unknown. The action taken
with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient
recovered from palpitations in arm, short of breath, rapid heart beat,
dizziness, feeling unwell, fatigue, and headache, and had not recovered
from sore arm, numbness of tongue, and taste metallic. This report was
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
HEART RATE; SLEPT ONLY 3 HOURS; This spontaneous report received
from a patient concerned a 51 year old female. The patient's height, and
weight were not reported. The patient's past medical history included
hernia surgery, and smoker, and concurrent conditions included seasonal
asthma, heart palpitations, overweight, and metallic taste reaction with
contrast dyes use with scans. The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch
number: 1805031 expiry: UNKNOWN) dose was not reported,
administered on 10-APR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. No
concomitant medications were reported. On APR-2021, the subject
experienced slept only 3 hours. Laboratory data included: Heart rate (NR:
not provided) 118-120. On 10-APR-2021, the subject experienced
increased heart rate. On 10-APR-2021, the subject experienced metallic
taste. On 10-APR-2021, the subject experienced swelling of tongue. On
10-APR-2021, the subject experienced swelling. On 10-APR-2021, the
subject experienced red blemishes around ear. On 10-APR-2021, the
subject experienced body ache. On 10-APR-2021, the subject experienced
dizziness. On 10-APR-2021, the subject experienced rash/mosquito type
red dot under left eye and left earlobe. On 10-APR-2021, the subject
experienced weakness. On 10-APR-2021, the subject experienced large
red spot on neck, almost like hives. On 10-APR-2021, the subject
experienced fever. On 10-APR-2021, the subject experienced headache.
Laboratory data included: Body temperature (NR: not provided) 98.9. On
11-APR-2021, Laboratory data included: Body temperature (NR: not
provided) 100.4. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was
not applicable. The patient recovered from metallic taste, swelling of
tongue, and swelling on 10-APR-2021, and dizziness, and weakness on
APR-2021, was recovering from rash/mosquito type red dot under left eye
and left earlobe, and large red spot on neck, almost like hives, had not
recovered from red blemishes around ear, fever, headache, body ache,
and increased heart rate, and the outcome of slept only 3 hours was not
reported. This report was non-serious.; Sender's Comments: V0:Medical
assessment comment not required as per standard procedure as case
assessed as non serious.
1245042 Arm muscle pain, leg muscle pain, back pain, headaches, metallic taste in 04/08/2021 04/13/2021 46 M
mouth : all lasting up to 2 weeks
1245250 About five to ten minutes after I received my first shot, I started to feel like 03/24/2021 03/24/2021 22 F
my throat was closing a little. I knew it wasn?t an allergic reaction
because I could still speak, but I also became very dizzy and sweaty. I
stood up to go see the nurse and she took my blood pressure and it was
slightly higher than normal and my heart rate was extremely elevated. I
sat down on a stretcher and felt incredibly light headed and gained a
metallic taste in my mouth. I also felt very nauseous and started
experiencing chest pains. It felt like a panic attack but more severe and
more sudden. My throat felt very tight but I could still talk, and my cheeks
felt like they were on fire. My face was bright red. They gave me some
water and monitored me some more and encouraged me to go to the
hospital, but my symptoms subsided after about 35 minutes. After that I
just felt tired and didn?t have any more symptoms.
1245494 metallic taste 04/22/2021 04/22/2021 22 F
1246498 pt says she developed a full body rash. About a week and a half later she 04/06/2021 04/06/2021 54 F
is now experiencing headaches, depression, a metallic taste in her
mouth, head pressure, feeling of being high or that her brain is swelling,
nausea, and numbness in the last three fingers in both hands. She says
her heart rate is really fast. On 4/19/2021 BP was 191/102. The did EKG
that was normal and lab work. Pt has not received lab results. Pt says
she will go to the ER today since she is still having all of these symptoms
and she could not get our of bed to go to work.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1246754 Hives, swelling in lips, face, metallic taste in mouth. Continuing even after 04/11/2021 04/20/2021 39 M
ER visit at 4 am Wednesday morning and taking meds to control reaction
REACTION; LOSS OF TASTE; This spontaneous report received from a
patient concerned a 62 year old female. The patient's weight, height, and
medical history were not reported. The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, and
batch number: 04DDZ1D expiry: UNKNOWN) dose was not reported,
administered on 09-APR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. No
concomitant medications were reported. On APR-2021, the subject
experienced hot flash. On APR-2021, the subject experienced nausea. On
APR-2021, the subject experienced joint pain/joint burning. On APR-2021,
the subject experienced fogginess. On APR-2021, the subject experienced
vomiting. On APR-2021, the subject experienced facial redness. On
APR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste. On APR-2021, the
subject experienced appetite lost. On APR-2021, the subject experienced
swollen tongue. On APR-2021, the subject experienced pain tongue. On
APR-2021, the subject experienced peeling tongue. On APR-2021, the
subject experienced adverse reaction. On APR-2021, the subject
experienced loss of taste. The dose of covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was
increased. The outcome of the hot flash, nausea, joint pain/joint burning,
fogginess, vomiting, facial redness, metallic taste, appetite lost, swollen
tongue, pain tongue, peeling tongue, adverse reaction and loss of taste
was not reported. This report was non-serious.
TURNED COLD AND TINGLY; This spontaneous report received from a
patient concerned a 52 year old female. The patient's height, and weight
were not reported. The patient's past medical history included covid-19,
"over Christmas" and had since recovered. The patient received covid-19
vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not
reported, batch number: 1805031, and expiry: 26-MAY-2021) dose was
not reported, administered on 23-MAR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination.
No concomitant medications were reported. On 01-DEC-2020, Laboratory
data included: COVID-19 virus test positive (NR: not provided) Positive. On
23-MAR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste in mouth. On 23-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced fingers turned cold and tingly. On 24-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced body ache. On 24-MAR-2021, the
subject experienced fatigue. On 25-MAR-2021, the subject experienced
insomnia. On 25-MAR-2021, the subject experienced ringing in the ears.
On 25-MAR-2021, the subject experienced chest pain. On 25-MAR-2021,
the subject experienced shortness of breath. On 08-APR-2021, the subject
experienced right middle finger turned purple. On 08-APR-2021, the
subject experienced fingers swelling. Treatment medications (dates
unspecified) included: doxycycline, and azithromycin. The action taken
with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient
recovered from right middle finger turned purple, chest pain, metallic
taste in mouth, and fingers swelling, had not recovered from insomnia,
ringing in the ears, and shortness of breath, and the outcome of fingers
turned cold and tingly, body ache and fatigue was not reported. This
report was non-serious.
spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a patient of
unspecified age and sex. The patient's height, and weight were not
reported. The patient's concurrent conditions included hypertension,
asthma, and unspecified allergy.The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch
number: Unk) dose was not reported, administered on 10-APR-2021 for
prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not reported and has
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
been requested. No concomitant medications were reported. On
APR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste in mouth. On APR-2021,
the subject experienced very mild nausea. On APR-2021, the subject
experienced little tired. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient had not recovered from little
tired, metallic taste in mouth, and very mild nausea. This report was non-
1251118 Arm pain, nausea, vertigo, extreme fatigue, fever (8 hours post vax, lasting 04/09/2021 04/09/2021 36 F
5 hours). Chills at same time as fever. Metallic taste in mouth day
following immunization. Abnormal menstrual cycle (heavier, cramping),
and shorter ovulation (only 9 days post- period start, versus usual 12).
Swollen lymph nodes under arms. Brain fog (constant for two weeks
following vaccine).
This spontaneous report received from a patient concerned a patient of
unspecified age and sex. The patient's weight, height, and medical history
were not reported. The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s
(suspension for injection, route of admin, and batch number were not
reported) dose was not reported, administered on 08-MAR-2021 16:00 for
prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications were reported. On
an unspecified date, the subject experienced awful metallic taste in
mouth, chills, fever, and muscle aches. The action taken with covid-19
vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The batch number was not
reported and has been requested. The patient recovered from fever, and
the outcome of chills, muscle aches and awful metallic taste in mouth
was not reported. This report was non-serious.
spontaneous report received from a consumer concerned a male of
unspecified age. The patient's height, and weight were not reported. The
patient's past medical history included suffered hemorrhagic stroke, and
aneurysm. The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s
(suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, and batch number:
1805022 expiry: UNKNOWN) dose was not reported, administered on 12-
MAR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications
were reported. On 12-MAR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste.
On 13-MAR-2021, the subject experienced joint pain. On 13-MAR-2021,
the subject experienced severe headache. On 13-MAR-2021, the subject
experienced fatigue. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s
was not applicable. The patient recovered from metallic taste on 13-
MAR-2021, and joint pain, severe headache, and fatigue on 14-MAR-2021.
This report was non-serious. The case is associated with Product Quality
Complaint number # 90000173161 The suspected product quality
complaint has been confirmed to be voided (did not meet PQC criteria)
based on the PQC evaluation/investigation performed. Additional
information was received from Regulatory authorities on 17-MAR-2021.
The following information was updated and incorporated into the case
narrative: Product complaint investigation result was added.
report received from a patient concerned a female of unspecified age.
The patient's height, and weight were not reported. The patient's past
medical history included 3 heart attacks, total hysterectomy, laparotomy,
2 stents placed, and neurostimulator placed in back. The patient received
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin
not reported, batch number: 1805022, expiry: UNKNOWN) dose was not
reported, administered on left arm on 12-MAR-2021 for prophylactic
vaccination. No concomitant medications were reported. On MAR-2021,
the subject experienced excruciating pain below the waist. On 12-
MAR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste. On 13-MAR-2021, the
subject experienced flushing. On 13-MAR-2021, the subject experienced
clammy skin. On 13-MAR-2021, the subject experienced joint pain. On 13-
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
MAR-2021, the subject experienced headache. On 13-MAR-2021, the
subject experienced fatigue. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient recovered from metallic
taste on MAR-2021, and fatigue on 14-MAR-2021, had not recovered from
headache, joint pain, flushing, and clammy skin, and the outcome of
excruciating pain below the waist was not reported. This report was non-
serious. The suspected product quality complaint has been confirmed to
be voided (did not meet PQC criteria) based on the PQC evaluation/
investigation performed.; Sender's Comments: V0: Medical assessment
comment not required as per standard procedure since case was
assessed as non serious.
1253690 TASTE BUDS AFFECTED; METALLIC TASTE; This spontaneous report 03/26/2021 F
received from a patient concerned a female of unspecified age. The
patient's weight, height, and medical history were not reported. The
patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection,
route of admin not reported, batch number: Unknown and expiry:
unknown) dose was not reported, administered on 09-MAR-2021 for
prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not reported. The
Company is unable to perform follow-up to request batch/lot numbers.
No concomitant medications were reported. On an unspecified date, the
subject experienced taste buds affected, and metallic taste. The action
taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The
outcome of the taste buds affected and metallic taste was not reported.
This report was non-serious.
1254894 felt like precursor to an anaphylactic response; Rapid heart rate; metallic 04/07/2021 04/07/2021 55 F
taste; throat pressure; dry mouth; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable consumer (Patient herself). A 56-Year-old female (non-
pregnant) patient received BNT162B2 (BNT162B2, Formulation: solution
for injection, Batch/Lot was not reported) via unspecified route of
administration and administered in left arm on 07Apr2021 14:00 as single
dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient no medical history and
known allergies includes shellfish allergy and penicillin allergy, Levaquin,
doxycycline were reported. The patient concomitant medications within
two weeks included as Linzess, Prilosec, miralax, vitamin D were
reported. Patient was not on other vaccines within four weeks. Patient
had no Covid prior to vaccination and not tested for covid post
vaccination. On 07Apr202 14:00 PM, the patient experienced rapid heart
rate and metallic taste and dry mouth and throat pressure- felt like
precursor to an anaphylactic response. Symptom onset was immediate
and was decreased in 8 hours but still present 24 hours later. No
therapeutic measures were taken. The outcome of the events was
1255114 I had blacked out or passed out while driving; Shortly afterwards while 04/08/2021 04/08/2021 35 M
driving I suddenly started to not feel well.; Horrible dry, metallic taste in
my mouth; Horrible dry, metallic taste in my mouth; VERY dizzy; My whole
body started to tingle and I knew I needed to pull over as fast as possible;
I feel very "off/extremely upset; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable consumer. This 35-year-old male consumer (patient)
reported for himself. A 35-year-old male patient received first dose of
BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection,
lot number: ER8729) via an unspecified route of administration in left arm
on 08Apr2021 11:00 as SINGLE DOSE for COVID-19 immunization.
Medical history was not reported. The patient did not receive any other
vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination,
the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient had no allergy
to medications, food or other product. The patient receives other
medication in two weeks include probiotics. After patient received first
dose and waited 15 minutes as directed before leaving. He felt fine at
this point. Shortly afterwards while driving I suddenly started to not feel
well. Horrible dry, metallic taste in my mouth and started getting VERY
dizzy. My whole body started to tingle and I knew I needed to pull over as
fast as possible. I turned my signal on to turn right onto a side road and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
the next thing I know, I woke up in the woods. I had blacked out or passed
out while driving and trying to pull off to safety. I was blacked out for at
least 15 minutes. Now I feel very "off" and not myself. My car is damaged,
and I don't have the means to get it fixed. I'm extremely upset. Adverse
events start time: 01:30 AM. Patient didn't received treatment for the
events. The clinical outcome is not recovering.
1256303 1. metallic taste in mouth lasting about one day on day of injection march 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 64 M
25 2. body aches and pains, severe headache, fatigue, stomach distress
nausea March 26-28 3. April 5-7 another incidence of fatigue including
fever and shaking 4. April 9 a mini-flu type illness including vomiting and
shaking/constipation/diarrhea 5. today April 25, metallic taste in mouth
1257631 Metallic taste right after injection. Two days later I had joint pain, 04/07/2021 04/09/2021 52 M
headache with congestion and more use of my asthma inhaler. These are
still on-going as well as tightness through the chest and shoulders. Some
1258004 Nose is tingling, metallic taste in mouth, perfume smell in nose 03/26/2021 03/26/2021 52 M
1261154 TASTE METALLIC; BODY ACHES; EXHAUSTION; This spontaneous report 04/01/2021 U
received from a patient concerned a patient of unspecified age and sex.
The patient's weight, height, and medical history were not reported. The
patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection,
route of admin, and batch number were not reported) dose was not
reported, administered on 06-APR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. The
batch number was not reported and has been requested. No concomitant
medications were reported. On APR-2021, the subject experienced taste
metallic. On APR-2021, the subject experienced body aches. On
APR-2021, the subject experienced exhaustion. The action taken with
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The outcome of the
taste metallic, exhaustion and body aches was not reported. This report
was non-serious.
1261159 METALLIC TASTE; fatigue; headache; This spontaneous report received 04/11/2021 U
from a patient concerned a patient of unspecified age and sex. The
patient's weight, height, and medical history were not reported. The
patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection,
route of admin not reported, batch number: 20321A expiry: UNKNOWN)
dose was not reported, administered on 11-APR-2021 13:30 for
prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications were reported. On
11-APR-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste. On 11-APR-2021,
the subject experienced fatigue. On 11-APR-2021, the subject
experienced headache. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The outcome of the fatigue, headache
and metallic taste was not reported. This report was non-serious.
FEVER; HEADACHE; This spontaneous report received from a patient via
a company representative concerned a patient of unspecified age and
sex. The patient's weight, height, and medical history were not reported.
The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for
injection, route of admin not reported, batch number: Unknown) dose,
start therapy date were not reported for prophylactic vaccination. The
batch number was not reported. Per procedure, no follow-up will be
requested for this case. No concomitant medications were reported. On
an unspecified date, the subject experienced body ache, everything tasted
metallic for 48 hours, chills, fever, and headache. The action taken with
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient recovered
from body ache, everything tasted metallic for 48 hours, chills, fever, and
headache. This report was non-serious.
1261569 chills; fever; achy joints; headache; metallic taste; loss of appetite/lost 02/15/2021 02/20/2021 82 F
appetite/no appetite; very weak; tired; uncontrollable teeth chattering;
This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). An
82-year-old non-pregnant female patient (patient was not pregnant at the
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
time of vaccination) received second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection, Lot Number: EL
9266), via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm
Left on 15Feb2021 (at the age of 82-years-old) at a single dose for
covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included Hashimoto disease and
known allergies: penicillin. Concomitant medications patient received in
two weeks included nebivolol hydrochloride (BYSTOLIC); rosuvastatin
calcium (CRESTOR); levothyroxine. The patient previously took first dose
of BNT162B2 (Lot number: EN-5318) on 25Jan2021 at 02:15 PM in the
left arm at a single dose for covid-19 immunisation. On 20Jan2021 at
09:00 PM, the patient experienced chills, fever, achy joints, headache,
metallic taste, loss of appetite which lasted for 2 days. On the 5th day
after vaccine, I lost appetite again felt very weak and tired all day and by
evening I spiked a fever 102.2 with uncontrollable teeth chattering. The
same occurred 6th day, metal taste, no appetite, fever 101.2. Today is 7th
day, still no appetite and temp are normal. The patient did not receive any
other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to
vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the
vaccination, the patient has not been tested for COVID-19. No treatment
was received for the adverse events. The patient underwent lab tests and
procedures which included body temperature: 102.2 on 20Feb2021, 101.2
on 21Feb2021 and normal on 22Feb2021. The patient was recovering
from all the events.
1261731 Fainted; extreme dizziness and disorientation since; extreme dizziness 03/12/2021 03/12/2021 39 F
and disorientation since; metallic taste in mouth; smell metal coming out
of pores; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable other
healthcare professional (patient). A 39-year-old female patient (not
pregnant, age at vaccination 39-year-old) received the second dose of
bnt162b2 (BNT162B2 also reported as COVID 19 brand=Pfizer, Batch/Lot
number was not reported), via an unspecified route of administration in
the left arm, on 12Mar2021 09:00 as SINGLE DOSE for Covid-19
immunisation. Medical history included allergy to contrast dyes. She
reported of Covid prior vaccination. She had her first dose of bnt162b2,
09am (lot unknown), left arm on 19Feb2021. Concomitant medications
was antibiotics (unspecified) in two weeks. On 12Mar2021 09:15, the
patient experienced faint/fainted, extreme dizziness and disorientation,
metallic taste in mouth and had a smell metal coming out of pores (no
treatment for the events). She had a clinic visit and Emergency room/
department visit. The patient was hospitalized for 2 days due to the
events. The patient underwent laboratory test Sars-cov-2 test: negative on
01Apr2021. The outcome of events was recovering. Information about
lot/batch number has been requested.
1264886 04/01/2021 - Vaccinated at 3:00 pm . Waited 15 mins and then returned 04/01/2021 04/01/2021 51 F
home. Around 3:30 pm I developed a metallic taste in my mouth. Around
3:35 pm I became very itchy with no rash or hives. Itching feeling felt like
it was below the skin. Approx 3:45 pm I called called Primary Care
Physician and let them know what going on. Around 4:05 pm my lips,
tongue and mouth felt numb ( Novocaine like ) Around 4:15 pm My Dr's
office called me back and after describing my symptoms they told me to
go to to the ER. Immediately Went to Emergency Department. Was seen
by doctor and others. Skin had now began going back and forth from pale
to red. Itching had increased . Skin color began changing going from
bright red to pale white and then back and forth. I was also now very light
headed and very nauseous along with. I still had the metal taste in my
mouth, was extremely itchy, and my lips and tongue were still numb.
Around 5:14 pm they gave me Pepsid, Vistaril, Deltasone. We stayed
there about another hours and I was released. Was give a script for
Deltasone that I had filled that night. I went home and went to bed.
04/02 - Woke up and had lost all sense of taste and smell. I was still itchy,
tired, nauseous, lips and tongue we still numb. I called my Dr and they
said they would see me on Monday 04/05. The symptoms continued all
weekend and on Sunday 04/04 i developed a burning feeling in my lungs.
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
Monday 04/05 I went to see the Dr . The Dr prescribed hydrOXYzine . I did
not do well on so it was changed to Zytec. Rested and tried to take it
easy. Feeling in the lips and tongue came back. No longer nauseous . I
was still light headed from time to time. My lungs were still bunring and I
was very short of breath. On 04/23 went to the doctor because I still am
not better. My lungs were still burning, I was tired all of the time, I and I
was still light headed from time to time. They did blood work, EKG and a
chest X ray. On 04/24 I had a CTA because ( abnormal coagulation profile
shortness of breath. I was prescribed Albuterol in hopes it will be better.
I have a follow up on 05/10 unless things get worse. 04/27 This are not
worse, but they are not really improved. I am still tired all of the time. I
still have shortness of breath, my lungs are still burning, and I still get
light headed from time to time.
1265625 numbness in my right leg the night of the vaccine, a mineral or metallic 03/08/2021 03/08/2021 68 F
taste in my mouth for a few hours after receiving the vaccine. Also severe
diarrhea started around midnight the night of the vaccine and did not
clear up until March13.
1265665 Immediate rash on hands, spread to arms and metallic taste in tongue 04/27/2021 04/27/2021 31 F
and tingling.
1266858 Shortly after I received the Janssen Covid Vaccine I begin to lose some of 03/16/2021 03/01/2021 30 F
my taste and smell. There is a specific metallic smell that I smell in
certain foods and items such as coffee, perfume, my deodorant, and even
my bowel movements. I have difficulty smelling onions & garlic but can
still taste them. I had Covid back in January 2021 where I lost my taste
and smell. I regained it and only AFTER receiving the vaccine did I have
problems with smell/taste again.
1267869 Right after the vaccine I had a metallic taste on my mouth it went away till 03/25/2021 03/25/2021 46 F
midnight. Later on that day I also had lost of taste and smell that went
away about 3 days later. I also experienced fatigue and a sever headache.
My headache has not gone away. I contact my neurologist this morning
and they will do an MRI on me they will call me back with my appointment
1269633 I experienced an unsettling metallic / bitter taste in my mouth about two 04/26/2021 04/28/2021 35 M
days after vaccination. (It?s now lasted for six hours and counting). I
called an urgent care / telehealth line and am relieved to hear it?s not
something to worry about unless it persists for a very long time - like 2
weeks. But I wanted to report the symptom here so that hopefully more
people are aware that this is a possible side effect - and that it can appear
well after vaccination day. It?s not listed on the handout I received. For
what it?s worth, I didn?t have this reaction to the first shot which is a little
puzzling. Anyway - hope this helps!
1273573 As soon as I got the shot, I immediately had a metallic taste in my mouth. 03/20/2021 03/21/2021 63 F
I had a weird sensation in my nerves in my right arm and a little all over
my body. I think the shot may have hit a nerve in my arm. Two weeks after
the shot I was very pale, and my stomach was very upset. I had a
headache and abdominal pain. I felt very ill so I didn't eat or drink much
that day. The smell of food made me throw up and felt really bad for 24
hours. I did not eat much for three days and it helped my nausea and I
recovered after four days I still had the unusual feeling all over my body. I
got some IV therapy twice and it helped. It did start to fade over time and
I finally started to feel normal after a month. I am fully recovered now.
1274991 I smell metallic, acidic, bitic, acerbic tastes and smells and extreme 04/27/2021 04/29/2021 31 M
sensitivity to food.
1276706 mouth burning; face burning; hot and cold issues with nerves; she gets 01/02/2021 02/05/2021 61 F
burning hot and heat waves come up; chills; metallic taste in mouth;
difficulty in breathing\ntermittent difficulty in breathing; hives rash around
throat and face; chest wall tingling/throat tingling/Tingling in her arms,
legs, mouth, face; throat burning; throat closing; chest wall burning; chest
wall closing; light-headed; anaphylactic reaction; This spontaneous case
was reported by a health care professional and describes the occurrence
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
of ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION (anaphylactic reaction) in a 61-year-old
female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine)
(batch nos. 012L20A and 026L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The
occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below.
Concurrent medical conditions included Penicillin allergy. Concomitant
products included TAFLUPROST (ZIOPTAN) for Glaucoma,
02-Jan-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna
COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 05-Feb-2021,
received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine)
(Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 05-Feb-2021,
the patient experienced ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION (anaphylactic
reaction) (seriousness criterion medically significant), DYSPNOEA
(difficulty in breathing\ntermittent difficulty in breathing), URTICARIA
(hives rash around throat and face), PARAESTHESIA (chest wall tingling/
throat tingling/Tingling in her arms, legs, mouth, face), THROAT
IRRITATION (throat burning), THROAT TIGHTNESS (throat closing),
CHEST PAIN (chest wall burning), CHEST DISCOMFORT (chest wall
closing) and DIZZINESS (light-headed). On 05-Apr-2021, the patient
experienced DYSGEUSIA (metallic taste in mouth). On an unknown date,
the patient experienced ORAL DISCOMFORT (mouth burning), BURNING
SENSATION (face burning), DYSAESTHESIA (hot and cold issues with
nerves), FEELING HOT (she gets burning hot and heat waves come up)
and CHILLS (chills). On 05-Feb-2021, ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION
(anaphylactic reaction) had resolved. At the time of the report,
DYSGEUSIA (metallic taste in mouth), DYSPNOEA (difficulty in breathing
\ntermittent difficulty in breathing), URTICARIA (hives rash around throat
and face), PARAESTHESIA (chest wall tingling/throat tingling/Tingling in
her arms, legs, mouth, face), THROAT IRRITATION (throat burning),
THROAT TIGHTNESS (throat closing), CHEST PAIN (chest wall burning),
CHEST DISCOMFORT (chest wall closing), DIZZINESS (light-headed),
burning), DYSAESTHESIA (hot and cold issues with nerves), FEELING HOT
(she gets burning hot and heat waves come up) and CHILLS (chills)
outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are
provided in parenthesis if available): On 30-Jan-2021, COVID-19: positive
(Positive) Positive. On 31-Jan-2021, COVID-19: negative (Negative)
Negative. On 02-Feb-2021, COVID-19: negative (Negative) Negative. For
mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter
did not provide any causality assessments. She was not admitted to the
hospital. She stated she had to go back to the emergency room a few
times since then for symptoms of burning and tingling in her arms, legs,
mouth, face, as well as hot and cold issues with her nerves, and
tightening of her throat and chest. She immediately treated with Bedadryl
(unknown dosage), Pepcid40mg, Prednisone 40mg, ongoing- Prednisone
5mg daily, Pepcid 20mg daily, Claritin 10mg daily. Company comment:
This case concerns a 61 Y/O F with a serious expected anaphylactic
reaction, and dyspnea, urticaria, paraesthesia, throat irritation, throat
tightness, chest pain, chest discomfort, dizziness, dysgeusia, oral
discomfort, burning sensation, feeling hot, chills, and nervous system
disorder. Event onset immediately after second dose. Based on current
available information and temporal association between use of the
product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be
excluded. This case was linked to US-MODERNATX, INC.-
MOD-2021-087026, US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-087026 (E2B
Linked Report).; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 61 Y/O F with
a serious expected anaphylactic reaction, and dyspnea, urticaria,
paraesthesia, throat irritation, throat tightness, chest pain, chest
discomfort, dizziness, dysgeusia, oral discomfort, burning sensation,
feeling hot, chills, and nervous system disorder. Event onset immediately
after second dose. Based on current available information and temporal
association between use of the product and the start date of the event, a
causal relationship cannot be excluded. US-MODERNATX, INC.-
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
MOD-2021-087026:Case for dose 1 US-MODERNATX, INC.-
MOD-2021-087026:case for dose 2
1276869 Low grade Fever; Arm so sore that you dont want to move it; Body Aches; 03/30/2021 03/30/2021 46 M
Fatigue; Headache; Metallic Taste in my mouth; Nasal Drip; Nasal Drip
with Nausea; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable
consumer (patient). A 46-year-old male patient received the second dose
ER8727) via an unspecified route of administration in the right arm on
30Mar2021 at 08:00 (at the age of 46-years-old) as a single dose for
COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included sarcoidosis from an
unknown date and unknown if ongoing. Prior to vaccination the patient
was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and had not received any other
vaccines in the 4-weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Concomitant
medications included atorvastatin, pantoprazole, fluticasone propionate
(FLONASE), and cetirizine hydrochloride (ZYRTEC) all from unknown
dates for unknown indications. The patient previously received morphine
on an unknown date for an unknown indication and experienced drug
allergy, and the first dose of BNT162B2 (lot number EN6208) on
09Mar2021 at 13:15 (at the age of 45-years-old) for COVID-19
immunisation. On 30Mar2021 at 08:45 the patient experienced low grade
fever, arm so sore that you don't want to move it, body aches, fatigue,
headache, metallic taste in their mouth, further reported as nothing tasted
good yesterday (as of 31Mar2021), and nasal drip with nausea. No
treatment was provided for the events. The outcomes of low-grade fever,
arm so sore that you don't want to move it, body aches, fatigue, headache,
metallic taste in their mouth, and nasal drip with nausea were not
recovered. It was also reported the patient had not been tested for COVID
since vaccination. No follow-up attempts are needed. No further
information is expected.
1277266 diagnosed with coronary vasospasm; chest pain for 10 minutes and it 04/05/2021 04/05/2021 44 F
went down through her arm and she was nauseous and thought she
could walk it off and she was fine and did that for 10 minutes and got
sick and she had to go; it was a pressure, painful but pressure; arm a little
sore; tired; weird taste in her mouth; got nauseous; tingling pins and
needles in her bottom jaw; This is a spontaneous report from a
contactable consumer (patient). A 44-year-old female patient received
bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), first dose via an
unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on
05Apr2021 11:30 (Batch/Lot Number: ER8737) as SINGLE DOSE for
covid-19 immunisation. She added it is to protect herself and she takes
care of her mom next month and she had hers and she also works with
the public at store and it is the right thing to do to not keep spreading the
awfulness. No prior vaccinations within 4 weeks and no additional
vaccines administered on the same date as the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Medical history included ulcer, irritable bowel with constipation, tired a lot
and just that her doctor said to take a multivitamin and knows B and D
are good, sinus infection 2-3 weeks ago and he told her to do sulfer
antibiotics, risk factors of high blood pressure, overweight, and a smoker.
Concomitant medication included linaclotide (LINZESS) taken for irritable
bowel with constipation from an unspecified start date (started taking
over 5 years ago) and ongoing; hydrochlorothiazide, lisinopril (LISINOPRIL
HCTZ) taken for high blood pressure from an unspecified start date
(started taking over 15 years ago) to 10Apr2021 (stopped taking on
10Apr2021, her last dose was 09Apr2021); colecalciferol (VITAMIN D3)
taken for an unspecified indication from an unspecified start date
(started taking about 1 year ago, after Covid came out and fiance, tested
him and it was low and takes because going around) and ongoing;
cyanocobalamin (VITAMIN B12 [CYANOCOBALAMIN]) taken for
supplementation therapy (reported as tired a lot and just that her doctor
said to take a multivitamin and knows B and D are good) from an
unspecified start date (started about 6months ago) and ongoing;
curcuma longa (TURMERIC [CURCUMA LONGA]) taken for as tired and
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
heart healthy and she heard good things and thought she would try it
from an unspecified start date (started about 6 months ago) and ongoing;
vaccinium macrocarpon (CRANBERRY) taken for an unspecified
indication from an unspecified start date (started 2-3 weeks ago) and
ongoing. The patient also concomitantly took "Tantoprazole" (at 40mg
once a day by mouth) started taking over 5 years ago and ongoing, states
she took it that morning for ulcers; Dietary fiber (at 25 4 grams by mouth
once a day) started taking over a year ago and ongoing after she lost her
insurance and couldn't get the medication for her irritable bowel and was
taking 2 a day and when she got insurance back and the medication back
and still takes 1 a day and helps go to the bathroom; chewable immune
support formula (by mouth daily) and ongoing and stated that it is like
airborne, it has Vitamin C plus 13vitmains and she started taking this
about 2 weeks ago VitC plus 13 vitamis started about 2 weeks ago;
ongoing Culturelle Probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus (40 mg) started
over a year to a year and a half ago when she lost her insurance and had
problems with irritable bowel with constipation and figured it can't hurt to
keep taking. The patient added that she was not taking anything new, she
has been on them a long time but will list in case the shot counteracts
with a medication. The patient further added she was taking Lisinopril
HCTZ for the last 15 years and has had high blood pressure for 20 years
and was 1st on Capazoid and was changed to this. She states it is in a
pharmacy filled see through bottle and the pill had BO3 on one side and
LL on the other side. States she stopped taking it, her last dose was
09Apr2021 and the cardiologist switched her to 2 new medications. The
Capazoid, she is not sure of spelling, was for about 5 years and it was
Captopril and HCTZ and it was 15-20 years ago and she does not know
the dose. It was also stated that she took her morning pills the day of the
shot but didn't take her 3 afternoon pills. She went to the doctor for a
sinus infection 2-3 weeks ago and he told her to do sulfer antibiotics and
took that and she had problems going to the bathroom and the
prescription for the UTI was too expensive so she got the over the counter
and figured she would take Cranberry to keep it at bay. The patient does
not know the name of the antibiotic, the dose, NDC, lot or expiry date
states it was about 3 weeks ago. The pharmacist told her fiance that the
over the counter was just as good as the AZO. It was also reported that
the patient previously had prior vaccinations: sore arm with the flu shot,
caller does not have name, dose, NDC, lot or expiry to provide. It was
nowhere near the soreness from the Covid shot, it hurt to lift her arm. The
patient can be heard asking if her fiance would like to make a report
about being tired and having a sore arm after his shot. The patient and
fiance decline to make a report. No further details provided. It was
reported that the patient is calling to report the side effects she had with
the 1st vaccine and what she went through after that and have it recorded
and see if anyone else is having the same issue. She states if she can get
answers that would be great. Her cardiologist can't confirm or deny if
what she experienced was from the vaccine. States she had some
immediately after and some happened a couple days later. States some
of the stuff is on the sheet but not the severe stuff and if we have more
information than when she got the sheet it would be great. The
cardiologist she saw in the hospital that said he could neither confirm or
deny that it is from the vaccine, states her primary is not aware of this.
The patient states she didn't report right away as she didn't think it was a
big deal and then she had big issues on Friday and she had the vaccine
on Monday. The patient got the vaccine on Monday 05Apr2021, her
appointment was at 10:35. The patient got the shot and right after the
Band-Aid was placed a couple of minutes she got a weird taste in her
mouth and she didn't say anything. She has donated plasma and knows
there can be a metallic taste and it was just a shot and whatever it was a
funny taste. She sat for the 15 minutes and was fine and got in her car
and got nauseous and thought maybe she didn't eat so she started to
drive and was calling her fiance to see what he wanted to eat. She started
to get tingling pins and needles in her bottom jaw and that was weird to
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
her and she told her fiance about it and got off the phone. She got to the
place and ate and the nausea got a little better but she still had the
tingling in her bottom jaw. She went home and laid down to take a nap.
Shen she got up it was gone and everything was fine. The next day her
arm was a little sore and she was tired but that is normal. Her fiance got
his and he was tired and so she didn't think anything of it, she works 2
jobs, one at home and also at Target and her first day back was
09Apr2021. States most of the day she was fine but on her last break she
was having chest pain for 10 minutes and it went down through her arm
and she was nauseous and thought she could walk it off and she was fine
and did that for 10 minutes and got sick and she had to go. Her manager
and coworkers were worried about her so she went to the urgent care
across the street and was told there that she was having signs of a heart
attack with her risk factors of high blood pressure, overweight, and a
smoker. They gave her 4 baby aspirin and did an EKG and that came back
fine and was told she could go up to the ER if she wanted, she asked what
that would do and was told they would run blood work. The patient states
it was a pressure, painful but pressure. She asked him if this could have
to do with the Covid vaccine she got Monday and he said he didn't know
but probably not. She told him her symptoms she has listed, the taste,
nausea, pins and needles in the jaw and he hung his head and shook it
and told her that is another sign of heart issue. The patient went home
and laid down for a nap and when she woke up the chest pain was still
there and her fiance said she was going to the hospital since the aspirin
didn't help and she could go by ambulance or by car. He took her to the
ER Friday and they really thought she was having a heart attack and did
tests like EKG and X-Ray and those were fine. It was stated that they did a
T enzyme for your heart and it was .03 and they said they wanted it below
that, that it wasn't bad. She had that test again and it went up so she had
a catheter the next day and was told it was not clogged arteries. The
patient stated she was diagnosed with coronary vasospasm. It was
clarified the name of the test as Troponin and it was .03 and they wanted
it below that and had her stay for observation and said it can go up and is
a sign of heart damage and heart attack 6-24 hours after the initial pain.
The patient stated they gave her nitroglycerin and that helped with the
chest pain and it opened all the blood vessels. Throughout the night her
Troponin levels went up. She had a cardio cath Saturday and the
cardiologist was surprised he thought there was blockage and would
place a stent and there was not blockage and nothing wrong. He
explained that her blood vessels were so constricted that her heart
spasmed as it was not getting enough oxygen and was causing the pain.
She asked him if it could be from the Covid vaccine and he said he could
not confirm or deny as she is overweight, has high blood pressure and
smokes but she has never had issues before. The reason she is calling is
because the tingling in the bottom jaw started within 30-45 minutes after
the vaccine and she had never had that before and she is not saying it is
related or not. This may help other people may be having issues and may
help give information to say maybe you shouldn't smoke right after the
vaccine or if you have high blood pressure or are overweight you should
stay longer. For the next one her cardiologist thinks she should get the
2nd one and she will pay more attention to the signs. She has an
appointment tomorrow with her cardiologist and will double check and
ask him as they ask you to let them know before the vaccine if you are on
a blood thinner and when her Troponin was up they have her blood
thinner Warfarin through the night in the hospital and wants to double
check to see if that is still in her system and if it's ok to get the 2nd dose.
The physician also changed her blood pressure medication she has been
on for over 15 years (No further details provided). The patient added she
was hospitalized on 09Apr2021 evening and discharged 10Apr2021
around 5pm. For the investigation the patient states after the heart cath.
she had an echocardiogram where you lay on your side and they do an
ultrasound of your heart. The patient does not know the result of the
echocardiogram, assumes it's fine but doesn't know. She took a week off
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
at work as she was told not to bend her wrist from the procedure and has
a weight restriction so she is doing her computer job. It was also reported
the normal arm soreness and tired are expected but the severe, it helps to
report and keep track of and it may be isolated and it may not be. The
outcome of the events was unknown. The events required emergency
room and physician office visit.
MUSCLE WEAKNESS; FEVER; This spontaneous report received from a
patient concerned a 35 year old female. The patient's height, and weight
were not reported. The patient's pre-existing medical conditions included
no history of ear problems.The patient received covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch
number: Unk) dose was not reported, administered on 09-APR-2021 for
prophylactic vaccination. The batch number was not reported and has
been requested. No concomitant medications were reported. On 10-
APR-2021, the subject experienced muscle weakness. On 10-APR-2021,
the subject experienced fever. On 12-APR-2021, the subject experienced
worsened metallic taste in mouth. On 12-APR-2021, the subject
experienced worsened tinnitus. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine
ad26.cov2.s was not applicable. The patient recovered from muscle
weakness, and fever on 11-APR-2021, and had not recovered from
worsened tinnitus, and worsened metallic taste in mouth. This report was
1285761 I have a metallic taste in my mouth ever since I took the shot. 03/10/2021 03/10/2021 63 F
1286245 A little after two weeks after vaccination I developed a extremely 03/10/2021 04/27/2021 40 M
disgusting metallic taste in my mouth. I can no longer eat food without
being disgusted and wanting to spit it out and it has not gone away
1288261 Has metallic taste in her mouth; Cough; "This is a spontaneous report 01/23/2021 01/01/2021 F
from a contactable consumer (patient). A 76-year-old female patient
received second dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, Solution for injection, lot number EL3247), via an unspecified
route of administration in right arm on 23Jan2021 (at the age of 76-year-
old) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient medical
history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient
previously took historical vaccine, first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-
BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection, lot number:
EL1284) in left arm on 03Jan2021, (at the age of 76-years-old) as a single
dose for Covid-19 immunisation. The patient experienced cough on
29Jan2021, and has metallic taste in her mouth on an unknown date in
Jan2021. The patient was hospitalised for the event has metallic taste in
her mouth on an unknown date in 2021. The patient did not receive any
treatment for the events. The outcome of the event Cough was not
recovered and Has metallic taste in her mouth was recovered on an
unknown date in 2021. No follow-up attempts are needed. No further
information is expected."
1288721 Immediately had strong metallic taste, accompanied by mild nausea. 04/14/2021 04/14/2021 59 F
Began drinking lots of water, which did help. Lips became numb, but did
not swell, no difficulty breathing or tightness in chest. Symptoms were
mild, so no treatment was needed., so I went home to rest and hydrate.
Continued to drink lots of water. Felt very fatigued and lips were numb
for 4-5 hours post vaccine.
1289398 Approximately 2 weeks after vaccination, patient diagnosed with UTI. 04/07/2021 04/28/2021 41 M
Was prescribed a course of Cephalexin. Patient did not take full course
but symptoms resolved one day after initiation. Approximately one week
later, he began to experience a metallic taste for about 1.5 days, followed
by right sided facial palsy. As of date of this report, facial palsy has not
1290242 Swollen cheeks, throat, metallic taste, pain in old scar tissue (surgery at 04/01/2021 04/01/2021 42 F
L5-S1) within twenty/thirty minutes of injection Fever/headache/chills/
sweating for four nights Hair shedding started 4-14-2021 and continues
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
1292143 lips and nail beds blue, 4/3/21 bumped left leg,,big bruise, felt clots, 03/30/2021 03/31/2021 58 F
headache, metallic taste in mouth,
1295627 Metallic taste in my mouth almost immediately after getting shot. 05/07/2021 05/07/2021 59 F
1299211 delirious; left side of body feeling swollen; whole body sensitive; do not 04/21/2021 04/22/2021 30 F
want to eat anything; have a metallic taste in my mouth; nausea/I still feel
nausea; I woke up at 4am on Thursday feeling chills; This is a
spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 30-years-old
female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration,
administered in Left Arm on 21Apr2021 13:30 (Batch/Lot Number:
ER8729) as SINGLE DOSE (at the age of 30) for covid-19 immunisation.
Dose 1 of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) was given
on 30Mar2021 16:45 lot number EW0150, in left arm for Covid-19
immunisation. Medical history was none. The patient did not have
Covid-19 prior vaccination. The patient had no known allergies. The
patient is not pregnant. Concomitant medication included
ethinylestradiol, levonorgestrel (SEASONIQUE) taken for an unspecified
indication. The patient took no other vaccine except BNT162B2 in four
weeks. The patient experienced delirious (medically significant) on
22Apr2021 04:00 with outcome of recovering, left side of body feeling
swollen on 22Apr2021 04:00 with outcome of recovering, whole body
sensitive on 22Apr2021 04:00 with outcome of recovering, do not want to
eat anything on 22Apr2021 04:00 with outcome of recovering, have a
metallic taste in my mouth on 22Apr2021 04:00 with outcome of
recovering, nausea and still feel nausea on 22Apr2021 04:00 with
outcome of recovering, woke up at 4am feeling chills on 22Apr2021 04:00
with outcome of recovering. The patient was not Covid tested post
1300829 This is my second report (same vaccine Johnson and Johnson on March 03/23/2021 03/23/2021 52 F
23 lot #1805031) because my symptoms are still present; my first report
was on 04/07/2021. I currently have depression, tinnitus, fatigue, brain
fog, sometimes I feel shaky on the inside, swaying at times, and
dizziness/vertigo. I sent follow-up information for my first VAERS report
via mail and a pdf document to VAERS webpage; I attempted to fax
several times but it came back unsuccessful; I left a message for a
representative to return my call and nobody called back. I want to make
sure you get this information, hence this second report. Additional
Follow-up Information: Hospital Emergency Room visit on April 8, 2021:
purple finger, racing heart, chest pain. EKG, body scan for blood clots, and
blood panel. Doctor video visit on April 16, 2021: chest pain, feeling
horrible, shortness of breath, metallic taste in the mouth, tinnitus,
insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Doctor office visit on April 29, 2021:
headache, dizziness, fatigue, brain fog, stress, depression, thirsty,
pressure at temples and back of head and forehead, rocking, anxiety.
SUSPECTED COVID-19 INFECTION; This spontaneous report received
from a patient concerned a 60 year old male. The patient's height, and
weight were not reported. The patient's concurrent conditions included
seasonal allergies, and the patient have no other health history. The
patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension for injection,
route of admin not reported, Frequency: 1 total, batch number: 1808978
expiry: Unknown) dose was not reported, administered at left arm on 26-
MAR-2021 for prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications
were reported. On 27-APR-2021, the patient experienced suspected
covid-19. On 01-MAY-2021, On the same day the patient underwent rapid
swab test and tested positive for COVID-19 (suspected clinical
vaccination failure, Stuffiness, Runny nose, Drainage, Congestion,
Anosmia, Ageusia). It was reported that, the symptoms started about 4
days prior, but it was hard to discern due to allergies. On the same day,
the patient went to gym for about 45 minutes and felt okay except for
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
slight metallic taste in mouth. Later, he went home and tried smelling
whiskey and realized he had lost his sense of smell and experienced loss
of taste. The patient did not present with typical symptoms and had felt
okay because he had been working out prior. It was reported that, the
patient could smell firewood burning but nothing else. Later, all vitals
checked at urgent care and all was normal. The patient's laboratory data
revealed blood pressure was normal, Oxygen level on Oximeter 99%,
Smell and Taste was 90-95% gone. At the time of this report, the patient
had a tiny amount of fatigue and was in quarantine for the next ten days.
The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not applicable.
The patient recovered from metallic taste, had not recovered from
suspected covid-19 infection, and the outcome of suspected clinical
vaccination failure was not reported. This report was serious (Other
Medically Important Condition).; Sender's Comments: V0:20210504165-
covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s-Suspected clinical vaccination failure. This
event(s) is considered not related. The event(s) has a compatible/
suggestive temporal relationship, is unlabeled, and has unknown
scientific plausibility. There are other factors more likely to be associated
with the event(s) than the drug. Specifically: SPECIAL SITUATIONS
1307997 Metallic taste, headache, nausea 05/11/2021 05/11/2021 63 F
1309528 blisters in her mouth; exhausted and winded; exhausted and winded; 04/16/2021 04/01/2021 44 F
Metallic taste, hives on face and neck, shortness of breath walking;
Metallic taste, hives on face and neck, shortness of breath walking;
Metallic taste, hives on face and neck, shortness of breath walking; cold
sore; super red and itchy; super red and itchy; tongue started to get itchy;
the lymph nodes in her neck were really swollen; This is a spontaneous
report from a contactable consumer, the patient. A 44-year-old female
patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA
VACCINE, lot EW0153, first dose, expiration date 31Jul2021) solution for
injection intramuscular in the left arm on 16Apr2021 at 15:45 (at the age
of 44-years-old) as a single dose for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient
was not pregnant at the time of vaccination. Medical history included acid
reflux, latex (allergy), sulfa based medicine (allergy), and pineapple
(allergy). Concomitant medications included ongoing lansoprazole
(PREVACID) for acid reflux, ongoing montelukast sodium (SINGULAIR) for
seasonal allergy, ongoing fluticasone propionate (FLONASE) for seasonal
allergy. The patient did not receive any other vaccine within 4 weeks prior
to the vaccine. Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed
with COVID-19. On 16Apr2021, the patient experienced metallic taste (5
seconds after vaccination), hives on face and neck (45 minutes after),
shortness of breath walking resulting on doctor or other healthcare
professional office/clinic visit, emergency room/department or urgent
care which included treatment with steroid shot and BENADRYL shot. On
17Apr2021, the patient experienced exhausted and winded. In Apr2021,
the patient experienced cold sore, was super red and itchy, tongue started
to get itchy, the lymph nodes in her neck were really swollen that included
unspecified treatment. On 24Apr2021, the patient experienced blisters in
her mouth and used hydrogen peroxide 3% to clean. The outcome of the
events metallic taste, hives on face and neck, shortness of breath walking
was recovering. The outcome of the events cold sore, super red and itchy,
exhausted and winded, tongue started to get itchy, the lymph nodes in her
neck were really swollen was unknown. The outcome of the event blisters
in her mouth was not recovered. Since the vaccination, the patient has not
been tested for COVID-19. Information on Lot/Batch number was
available. Additional information has been requested.
1309530 minor hallucinations; metallic taste; horrible smell that she experiences in 02/12/2021 05/11/2021 80 F
which it makes her not want to eat or drink; chills; joint pain; tissue tender;
This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse (patient). An 80-
year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19
VACCINE, Batch/Lot Number: EN9581), via an unspecified route of
administration, administered in deltoid right on 12Feb2021 (at the age of
80-years-old) as unknown, single for COVID-19 immunisation. The
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
patient's medical history and concomitant medications were not reported.
The patient previously received the first dose of BNT162B2 on 22Jan2021
for COVID-19 immunisation. The reporter stated that since then (having
both doses of the vaccine), she has been to the emergency room 4
different times experiencing side effects. She has a metallic taste and
horrible smell that she experienced in which it made her not want to eat
or drink. She has minor hallucinations, chills, joint pain, and her tissue is
tender. Her joint pain has improved. Then stated, "I'm afraid I'm going to
die from it." She asked if anyone has reported these reactions previously
and what should she do about them. Her family physician's nurse looked
up a study in which 11% of the patients were experiencing a metallic
taste. Also stated, "This is very discouraging and depressing." The
outcome of the event joint pain was recovering while of the rest was
unknown.; Sender's Comments: A possible contribution role of BNT162B2
(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) to the onset of minor
hallucinations cannot be excluded due to temporal relationship. The case
will be reassessed should additional information become available. The
impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is
evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the
review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety
concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action
in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics
committees and Investigators, as appropriate.
1309548 blisters inside and outside the mouth; hives; metallic taste; This is a 04/16/2021 05/11/2021 44 F
spontaneous report received from a contactable consumer, the patient. A
44-years-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH
COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE), dose 1 via an unspecified route of
administration on 16Apr2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as a
single dose (at the age of 44 years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. The
patient medical history was not reported. The patient's concomitant
medications were not reported. The patient experienced blisters inside
and outside the mouth, hives, metallic taste all on an unspecified dates.
Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of hives and included the
patient received a steroid shot. The outcome of the events blisters inside
and outside the mouth, hives, and metallic taste was unknown. The
batch/lot numbers for the vaccine, PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 MRNA
VACCINE, were not provided and will be requested during follow up.
ACHES; HIGH FEVER; NAUSEA; This spontaneous report received from a
patient via a company representative concerned a patient of unspecified
age and sex. The patient's weight, height, and medical history were not
reported. The patient received covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s (suspension
for injection, route of admin not reported, batch number: Unknown) dose
was not reported, administered on MAR-2021 for prophylactic
vaccination. The batch number was not reported. Per procedure, no-
follow-up will be requested for this case. No concomitant medications
were reported. On an unspecified date, the subject experienced severe
reaction, body aches, strangest metallic taste, head aches, high fever, and
nausea. The action taken with covid-19 vaccine ad26.cov2.s was not
applicable. The patient recovered from severe reaction, body aches,
strangest metallic taste, head aches, high fever, and nausea. This report
was non-serious.
received from a patient concerned a 44 year old male. The patient's
height, and weight were not reported. The patient's concurrent conditions
included gout. The patient could not take statins because they cause
muscle pain but not an allergic reaction. The patient received covid-19
vaccine (suspension for injection, route of admin not reported, batch
number: 205A21A) dose was not reported, administered on 10-MAY-2021
for prophylactic vaccination. No concomitant medications were reported.
On 10-MAY-2021, the subject experienced metallic taste in mouth. On 10-
Id # Report Text Vax Date AE Date Age Sex
MAY-2021, the subject experienced face was red. On 10-MAY-2021, the
subject experienced flushing on face. On 10-MAY-2021, the subject
experienced right leg pain described as dull ache. The action taken with
covid-19 vaccine was not applicable. The patient recovered from face
was red, and flushing on face on 10-MAY-2021, and was recovering from
metallic taste in mouth, and right leg pain described as dull ache. This
report was non-serious.

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