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Structural Mechanics (CE- 312)


Dr. Nauman KHURRAM

Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering

Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
Mohr’s circle is a graphical representation of the
transformation equations a popular method of stress
transformation for two reasons.
1. It allows us to visualize how the normal and shear stress
components vary with the angle of transformation.
2. Since, all relevant data can be obtained from Mohr’s
circle by trigonometry, it is not necessary to refer to the
transformation equations.
 x  y  x  y
(8)   x   cos 2   xy sin 2 (a)
2 2
 x  y
(10)   xy   sin 2   xy cos 2 (b)
By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 2
squaring both sides of above equation and then adding the adding them

 x  y    x  y 
2 2

  x     xy 2      xy 2 (c )
 2   2 
If the state of stress at a point is given with respect to the x-y
axis, then σx, σy, and τxy are known constants. Therefore, the
only variables in Eq. (c) are σx', and τx’y’. Eq. (c) can be written
more compactly as following
  x  y 

 R      xy 2
 2 
 x      xy 
2 2
 R2 (d )  x  y
  
Eq. (d) as the equation of a circle in the σx’- τx’y’ plane.
The radius of the circle is R, and its center has the
coordinates ( ,0).
By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 3
Construction of Mohr’s circle
For a give state of stress as shown in Fig (a),
the Mohr’s Circle can be constructed as
1. Draw a set of axes, with the abscissa
representing the normal stress σ and the
ordinate representing the shear stress τ.
2. Plot the point labeled (x) with coordinates
(σx , -τxy) and the point labeled (y) with
coordinates (σx , τxy). The coordinates of
these points are the stresses acting on the
x- and y- faces on the element,
3. Join the points (x) and (y) with a straight
line, and draw a circle with this line as its
By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 4
Sign convention for Mohr’s circle

+ve Normal Stress : stress acting away from the plane

+ve Shear Stress : shear stress tends to produce the clock wise
+ve angle : rotation takes place in counter in clockwise

+ve Shear
Plotted Up

-ve Shear
Plotted Down

By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 5

Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
• Mohr’s circle for centric axial loading:

• Mohr’s circle for torsional loading:

By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 6

Sample Problem 8.7 (by Andrew Pytel)
The state of plane stress at a point with respect to the x-y axes is
shown in Fig. (a).Using Mohr’s circle, determine
1. The principal stresses and principal planes
2. The maximum in-plane shear stress; and
3. The equivalent state of stress with respect to the x’- y’ axes.
Show all results on sketches of properly oriented elements.

By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 7

Problem 9-23 (Mech. Of Materials by R.C. Hibbler)
The wood beam is subjected to a load of 12 kN. If a grain of
wood in the beam at point A makes an angle of 25° with the
horizontal as shown, determine the normal and shear stress that
act perpendicular and parallel to the grain due to the loading.
Problem 9-24
Determine the principal stress at point A and specify the
orientation of the element.

By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 8

Absolute Maximum Shear Stress
The largest shear stress encountered in transformation is called the
maximum in-plane shear stress and is denoted by τmax. However,
τmax is not necessarily the largest shear stress at a point. To find the
largest shear stress, called the absolute maximum shear stress, we
must also consider transformations in the other two coordinate

State of plane stress referred Mohr’s circles for stress transformation

to the principal planes in three coordinate planes
By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 9
Example Problem 7.02 (by Bear and Johnston)
For the state of plane stress shown,
(1) Construct Mohr’s circle
(2) Determine the principal planes
(3) Determine the principal stresses
(4) The maximum shearing stress and the corresponding
normal stress.

By: Dr. Nauman KHURRAM Department of Civil Engineering, UET Lahore 10

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