Name: Nur Meli (1910621012) // Matkul: Cross Culture Understanding

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The Difference Between The Culture of Asian And American

Name: Nur Meli (1910621012) // Matkul: Cross Culture Understanding

1.      Every region in the world has differences and similarities. Between continents also
have differences. One of them is the cultural difference between a country in Asia and
America, namely between Indonesia and America. These two countries have very
significant differences. Not only in terms of the progress of the country or the
progress of technology, but also in terms of culture, America and Indonesia are in
contradiction even though there may be some similarities.

         Here are some of the differences between American and Indonesian culture.

a.  Indonesians really like rice, while Americans prefer bread and potatoes.

For Indonesians, rice is one of the staple foods, so if someone hasn't eaten rice, it
means that sometimes they haven't eaten it. Unlike the Americans who only eat rice

b.  Indonesian love cigarettes and little bit of alcohol, American love alcohol and
little bit of cigarettes. 

I am an Indonesian who has many male friends who smoke a lot but don't like
alcohol. What's more, Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country which punishes that
alcohol is haram. In contrast to America, Americans, alcohol is a drink that is
common every day. but Americans don't really like cigarettes.

c.   Americans and Indonesians get along differently

The American way of getting along is very free. Kisses and hugs are commonplace in
America. In contrast to Indonesians who still prioritize ethics and morals. Perhaps one
of the reasons is because the majority of Indonesia adheres to Islam. This is because
in the teachings of Islam, the interaction between men and women is very well
maintained. To be alone between a man and a woman who is not a mahram can cause
slander, apathy again by hugging and kissing.

d.  Americans really value time while in Indonesia they are less aware of it.

Indonesians lack awareness of time. They often do not value time. the habit of rubber
clocks in Indonesia is still very large. In contrast to America who really values time.
Americans actually find it rude to be late in an agreement.
e.  How to dress

How to dress Indonesian people still seem closed. different from Americans who
dress very openly. even American women often show off their curves, very different
from Indonesian women who really protect themselves from this.

f.       Against something New

Indonesian people, if there is something new, are not satisfied if you        don't have
it, so don't be surprised if many Indonesians are consumptive, have cellphones
mutually, some even collect cell phones, cars change every year,       just
because they don't want to be left behind. model. In contrast to Western
Westerners, when there is something new, they don't   necessarily want to know
and want to have or use it, they just know it.
g.      Language
The United States has no official language, according to its government. Almost all
languages in the world are spoken in the United States, but most languages other than
English, such as Spanish, Chinese, French, and German. 90% of the United States
population speaks and understands at least some English, and most official businesses
use English. It is different from Indonesia, which has an official language, namely
Indonesian, even though every region in Indonesia has its own regional language. 

Those are some of the differences between America and Indonesia. The many
differences between the two give us the task to be smarter in taking the culture of a
region because each region has a negative culture as well as a positive one.

2.  Comparison between Manhattan, New York City, USA and Makassar City, South
Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Manhattan City and Makassar City are located in different cities, continents and
countries. This is one of the main factors there are many differences between the two.
one of which is cultural differences.

Here are some of the differences between Manhattan City and Makassar City.

a.   Cultural Walking

In a video titled Manhattan / New York City  which lasts 3 hours 40 minutes
33 seconds which shows an overview of the Manhattan area. When the video
starts it shows a lot of pedestrians in the area. Even vehicles are few and often
what you see is public transportation. This proves that the awareness of
walking in that area is still very large. In contrast to Makassar City, which is
an area that is increasingly congested due to the large number of vehicles, both
private vehicles and public transportation as well as pedestrians.
b.  Awareness of throwing trash in its place.

In the same video, a video titled Manhattan / New York City, you can see
several times the images of people throwing garbage in the right place. This
can also be proven by a very clean picture of the area. Unlike the city of
Makassar, which lacks this awareness. In fact, not only in Makassar City, but
almost all parts of Indonesia are still less aware of the habit of disposing of
garbage properly.

c.   Snack stalls on the side of the road.

In the same video, it shows an area of Manhattan that lacks street food stalls.
like a street vendor. In the 25th minute, you can see some traders on the side
of the road, but only in certain areas. In contrast to the city of Makassar, which
almost along the road has street vendors and this is not only in Makassar but
has become Indonesian culture which has always been missed and this has
become the hallmark of the Indonesian State.

That's a little difference between Manhattan, New York, USA and the city of
Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. 

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