Biocomputers: Biochemical Computers

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BioComputers bio-computer and can be interpreted as a form

of computational analysis. Three

Ajinkya jadhav distinguishable types of biocomputers include
Isha Dhar biochemical computers, biomechanical
Department of Computer Engineering computers, and bio-electronic computers.
Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Alandi Biochemical Computers Biochemical computers use the immense
variety of feedback loops that are characteristic
of biological chemical reactions in order to
Biocomputers use systems of biologically achieve computational functionality. Feedback
derived molecules, such as DNA and proteins, loops in biological systems take many forms,
to perform and many different factors can provide both
computational calculations involving storing, positive and negative feedback to a particular
retrieving, and processing data. biochemical process, causing either an increase
The development of biocomputers has been in chemical output or a decrease in chemical
made possible by the expanding new science output, respectively. Such factors may include
of nanobio-technology. The term nanobio- the quantity of catalytic enzymes present, the
technology can be defined in multiple ways; in amount of reactants present, the amount of
a more general sense, nanobiotechnology can products present, and the presence of
be defined as any type of technology that uses molecules that bind to and thus alter the
both nano-scale materials, i.e. materials having chemical reactivity of any of the
characteristic dimensions of 1-100 nanometers, aforementioned factors. Given the nature of
as well as biologically based materials. A more these biochemical systems to be regulated
restrictive definition views nanobiotechnology through many different mechanisms, one can
more specifically as the design and engineering engineer a chemical pathway comprising a set
of proteins that can then be assembled into of molecular components that react to produce
larger, functional structures. The one particular product under one set of specific
implementation of nanobiotechnology, as chemical conditions and another particular
defined in this narrower sense, provides product under another set of conditions. The
scientists with the ability to engineer bio- presence of the particular product that results
molecular systems specifically so that they from the pathway can serve as a signal, which
interact in a fashion that can ultimately result in can be interpreted, along with other chemical
the computational functionality of a computer. signals, as a computational output based upon
the starting chemical conditions of the system,
The promising field of bio-computer research i.e. the input.
uses the science behind nano-sized
biomaterials to create various forms of Biomechanical Computers
computational devices, which may have many Biomechanical computers are similar to
potential applications in the future. One day, biochemical computers in that they both
biocomputers using nanobiotechnology may perform a specific output that can be
become the cheapest, most energy-efficient, interpreted as a functional computation based
most powerful, and most economical of any upon specific initial conditions which serve as
commercially available computer. Already, input. They differ, however, in what exactly
scientists are making significant headway in serves as the output signal. In biochemical
the advancement of this science. computers, the presence or concentration of
certain chemicals serves as the output signal. In
biomechanical computers, however,
Scientific Background the mechanical shape of a specific molecule or
Biocomputers use biologically derived set of molecules under a set of initial
materials to perform computational functions. conditions serves as the output. Biomechanical
A bio-computer consists of a pathway or series computers rely on the nature of specific
of metabolic pathways involving biological molecules to adopt certain physical
materials that are engineered to behave in a configurations under certain chemical
certain manner based upon the conditions conditions. The mechanical, three-dimensional
(input) of the system. The resulting pathway of structure of the product of the biomechanical
reactions that takes place constitutes an output, computer is detected and interpreted
which is based on the engineering design of the appropriately as a calculated output.
the ability to self-replicate and self-assemble
Bio-electronic Computers into functional components; life could not be
sustained if living organisms were not capable
Biocomputers can also be constructed to of replicating themselves.
perform electronic computing. Again, like both The economical benefit of biocomputers lies in
biomechanical and biochemical computers, this potential of all biologically derived
computations are performed by interpreting a systems to self-replicate and self-assemble
specific output that is based upon an initial set given appropriate conditions. For instance, all
of conditions that serve as input. In bio- of the necessary proteins for a certain
electronic computers, the measured output is biochemical pathway, which can be modified
the nature of the electrical conductivity that is to serve as a bio-computer, can be synthesized
observed in the bio-electronic computer, which many times over inside a biological cell from a
comprises specifically designed bio-molecules single DNA molecule, which can itself be
that conduct electricity in highly specific replicated many times over. This characteristic
manners based upon the initial conditions that of biological molecules makes their production
serve as the input of the bio-electronic system. highly efficient and relatively inexpensive.
Whereas non-biological computer components
Engineering Bio-Computers require extensive production processes, the
components of biocomputers can be produced
The behavior of biologically derived in large quantities from tandem processes
computational systems such as these relies on occurring in a single, easily attainable,
the particular molecules that make up the convenient source—the replicating machinery
system, which are primarily proteins but may present within most biological cells.
also include DNA molecules.
Nanobiotechnology provides the means to
synthesize the multiple chemical components Notable Achievements in Bio-Computer
necessary to create such a system. The Technology
chemical nature of a protein is dictated by its Currently, biocomputers exist with various
sequence of amino acids—the chemical functional capabilities that include operations
building blocks of proteins. This sequence is in of logic and mathematical calculations. Tom
turn dictated by a specific sequence of Knight of the MIT Artificial Intelligence
DNA nucleotides—the building blocks of Laboratory first suggested a biochemical
DNA molecules. Proteins are manufactured in computing scheme in which protein
biological systems through the translation concentrations are used as binary signals that
of nucleotide sequences by biological ultimately serve to perform logical operations.
molecules called ribosomes, which assemble At or above a certain concentration of a
individual amino acids into polypeptides that particular biochemical product in a bio-
form functional proteins based on the computer chemical pathway indicates a signal
nucleotide sequence that the ribosome that is either a 1 or a 0, and a concentration
interprets. What this ultimately means is that below this level indicates the other, remaining
one can engineer a bio-computer, i.e. the signal. Using this method as computational
chemical components necessary to serve as a analysis, biochemical computers can perform
biological system capable of performing logical operations in which the appropriate
computations, by engineering DNA nucleotide binary output will occur only under specific,
sequences to encode for the necessary protein logical constraints on the initial conditions. In
components. Also, the synthetically designed other words, the appropriate binary output
DNA molecules themselves may function in a serves as a logically derived conclusion from a
particular bio-computer system. Thus, set of initial conditions that serve as premises
implementing nanobiotechnology to design and from which the logical conclusion can be
produce synthetically designed proteins, as made. In addition to these types of logical
well as the design and synthesis of artificial operations, biocomputers have also been shown
DNA molecules, can allow the construction of to demonstrate other functional capabilities,
functional biocomputers, e.g. Computational such as mathematical computations. One such
Genes. example was provided by W.L. Ditto, who in
1999 created a bio-computer composed of
Economical Benefits of Bio-Computers leech neurons at Georgia Tech which was
capable of performing simple addition .These
A hallmark of all biological organisms and the are just a few of the notable uses that
chemical building blocks that comprise them is
biocomputers have already been engineered to
perform, and the capabilities of biocomputers
are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
Because of the availability and potential
economic efficiency associated with producing
bio-molecules and biocomputers, as noted
above, the advancement of the technology of
biocomputers is a popular, rapidly growing
subject of research that is likely to see much
progress in the future.

Future Potentials of Bio-Computers

Many examples of simple biocomputers have
been designed, but the capabilities of these
biocomputers are still largely premature in
comparison to commercially available non-bio
computers. However, there is definitely great
potential in the capabilities that biocomputers
may one day acquire. Evidence of the true
potential of the computing capabilities of
biocomputers exists in the most powerful,
complex computational machine known to
currently exist: the bio-computer that is the
human brain. Certainly, there is plenty of room
to improve in the realm of bio-computer
computational ability; one may reasonably
expect the science of biocomputers to advance
greatly in the years to come.

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