Civil Technical Specification

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PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 110


AASHTO : American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ASTM : American Society of Testing and Materials

BSTI : Bangladesh Standards Testing Institute

REB : Rural Electrification Board

BRRL Bangladesh Road Research Laboratory

BS British Standard

CBR : California Bearing Ratio

HWL High Water Level

IP : International Petroleum Society

JIS : Japan Industrial Standard

LWL : Low Water Level

MSL Mean Sea Level

PVC : Polyvinyl Chloride

RHD : Roads and Highways Department

ROW : Right of Way

STP : Standard Laboratory Test Procedures for Quality Control Laboratories,

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 111

CHAPTER -1: GENERAL ASPECTS..................................................................................2

1.1 Description of works.................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Location and Access.....................................................................................................2
1.3 Access to Sites.............................................................................................................2
1.4 Existing Services..........................................................................................................2
1.5 Field office for the Engineer and his Staff....................................................................2
1.6 Keeping Works free from Water...................................................................................3
1.7 Sanitary convenience...................................................................................................3
1.8 Medical Facilities..........................................................................................................3
1.9 Abatement of Nuisance................................................................................................3
1.10 Program and Methods..................................................................................................3
1.11 Bench Mark...................................................................................................................4
1.12 Progress Photographs..................................................................................................4
1.13 Provision of Facilities for Engineer’s Inspections.........................................................4
1.14 Inspection by Engineer During Defects Liability Period................................................4
1.15 Submission of Samples................................................................................................4
1.16 Ordering Materials and Manufactured Articles and Samples for Testing.....................5
1.17 Quality of Materials & Workmanship............................................................................5
1.18 Soil Dumps...................................................................................................................5
1.19 Materials on and under the Site of Works....................................................................5
1.20 Unsuitable Materials.....................................................................................................5
1.21 Notice Boards...............................................................................................................5
1.22 Traffic Safety and Control.............................................................................................5
1.23 Local Regulations.........................................................................................................6
1.24 CONTRACTOR’S OBLIGATIONS................................................................................6
1.24.1 Site Establishment, Maintenance and Demobilization.................................................6
1.24.2 Provision of Performance Security...............................................................................6
1.24.3 Provision of Insurances................................................................................................6
1.24.4 As-Built Drawings.........................................................................................................6
1.25 Price Escalation............................................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER -2: EARTH WORKS .........................................................................................7

2.1 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STRUCTURES.................................................8

2.1.1 Description....................................................................................................................8
2.1.2 Materials.......................................................................................................................8 Foundation Fill Material................................................................................................8 Backfill Material.............................................................................................................8
2.1.3 Construction Methods...................................................................................................8 Clearing........................................................................................................................8 Excavation....................................................................................................................8
2.1.3. 3 Disposal of Excavated Material....................................................................................9 Cofferdams...................................................................................................................9 Pumping and Bailing...................................................................................................10 Backfilling....................................................................................................................10
2.1.4 Measurement..............................................................................................................11
2.2 EXCAVATION FOR PIPE TRENCHES......................................................................11
2.2.1 Setting Out..................................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Excavation .................................................................................................................11
2.2.3 Shoring and Boxing....................................................................................................13
2.2.4 De-watering of Excavations........................................................................................13
2.2.5 Trench Excavation in Roads.......................................................................................13
2.2.6 Trench Excavation in Surfaces other than Roads......................................................14
2.2.7 Inspection by Engineer...............................................................................................14
2.2.8 Disposal of Materials from Trench Excavation...........................................................14
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) i
2.2.9 Trench not to be left Open..........................................................................................14
2.2.10 Back Filling Trench Excavation..................................................................................15

CHAPTER - 3: FOUNDATION WORKS............................................................................17

3.1 BORED CAST IN PLACE PILES................................................................................17
3.1.1 Description..................................................................................................................17
3.1.2 Materials.....................................................................................................................17 Steel Casing...............................................................................................................17
3 1.2.2 Concrete.....................................................................................................................17 Reinforcement............................................................................................................18 Drilling Fluid................................................................................................................18
3.1.3 Construction Methods.................................................................................................18 General.......................................................................................................................18 Setting out Piles..........................................................................................................19 Diameter of Piles........................................................................................................19 Tolerances..................................................................................................................19 Boring.........................................................................................................................19 Placing Reinforcement..............................................................................................21 Placing Concrete........................................................................................................21 Extraction of Temporary Casing.................................................................................22 Temporary Support.....................................................................................................23 Records......................................................................................................................23 Measures in Case of Rejected Piles...........................................................................23
3.1.4 Measurement..............................................................................................................23
3.1 .5 Payment......................................................................................................................24
3.2 PILE TEST LOAIDING...............................................................................................24
3.2.1 Descriptions................................................................................................................24 General.......................................................................................................................24 Definitations................................................................................................................24
3.2.2 Supervision.................................................................................................................25
3.2.3 Safety Precautions......................................................................................................25 General.......................................................................................................................25 Kentledge....................................................................................................................25 Tension Piles and Ground Anchors............................................................................25 Testing Equipment......................................................................................................25
3.2.4 Construction of a Pilot Pile to be Test Loaded...........................................................26 Notice of Construction................................................................................................26 Method of Construction..............................................................................................26 Boring of Driving Record............................................................................................26 Cut-Off Level...............................................................................................................26 Pile head for Compression Tests...............................................................................26
3.2.5 Preparation of a Working Pile to be Tested................................................................26
3.2.6 Reaction Systems.......................................................................................................26 Compression Tests.....................................................................................................26 Working Piles..............................................................................................................26 Spacing.......................................................................................................................26 Adequate Reaction.....................................................................................................26 Care of Piles...............................................................................................................27 Loading Arrangement.................................................................................................27
3.2.7 Equipment for Applying Load.....................................................................................27
3.2.8 Measurement of Load.................................................................................................27
3.2.9 Adjustability of Loading Equipment............................................................................27
3.2.10 Measuring Movement of Pile heads...........................................................................27 General.......................................................................................................................27 Levelling Method.........................................................................................................27 Independent Reference Frame...................................................................................27 Other Methods............................................................................................................28
3.2.11 Protection of Testing Equipment................................................................................28 Protection from Weather.............................................................................................28
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) ii
31 .2 Prevention of Disturbance..........................................................................................28
3.2.12 Supervision.................................................................................................................28 Notice of Test..............................................................................................................28 Records......................................................................................................................28
3.2.13 Test Procedure...........................................................................................................28 Proof Test by Maintained Load Test...........................................................................28
3.2.14 Presentation of Results..............................................................................................29 Results to be Submitted.............................................................................................29 Schedule of Recorded Data.......................................................................................29
3.2.15 Completion of a Test..................................................................................................30 Measuring Equipment.................................................................................................30 Kentiedge....................................................................................................................30 Temporary Piles..........................................................................................................30
3.2.16 Measurement and Payment.......................................................................................30

CHAPTER - 4: BRICK WORKS........................................................................................33

4.0 BRICKWORK..............................................................................................................33
4.1 General.......................................................................................................................33
4.2 Materials.....................................................................................................................33
4.2.1 Soaking of Bricks........................................................................................................33
4.2.2 Mortars........................................................................................................................33
4.2.3 Brick Masonry Construction........................................................................................34
4.2.4 Weep Holes................................................................................................................35
4.2.5 Scaffolding..................................................................................................................35
4.2.6 Protection and Curing.................................................................................................35
4.2.7 Finishing of Surfaces..................................................................................................35
4.2.8 Repairing of Brickwork................................................................................................36

CHAPTER - 5: CONCRETE WORKS................................................................................38

5.1 CONCRETE FOR STRUCTURES.............................................................................38
5.1.1 Description..................................................................................................................38
5.1.2 Materials.....................................................................................................................38 Specifications for Materials.........................................................................................38 Testing of Materials....................................................................................................39 Composition of Concrete............................................................................................40 Control of Concrete Quality........................................................................................42
5.1.3 Construction Methods.................................................................................................44 General.......................................................................................................................44 Scaffolding and Formwork..........................................................................................44 Care and Storage of Concrete Materials....................................................................46 Preparations before Casting.......................................................................................46 Measuring Materials...................................................................................................47 Mixing Concrete..........................................................................................................47 Handling and Placing Concrete..................................................................................49 Perforations and Embedment of Special Devices......................................................51 Finishing Concrete Surfaces......................................................................................52 Construction Joints.....................................................................................................52 Curing Concrete..........................................................................................................53 Removal of Scaffolding and Formwork.......................................................................53 Repair of Concrete......................................................................................................53 Depositing Concrete under Water..............................................................................54 Factory Made Pre-Cast Concrete Elements..............................................................54 Control of heat in Structures.......................................................................................54 Grouting of Ducts for Pre-stressing Tendons............................................................54 Loading......................................................................................................................56 Backfill to Structures...................................................................................................57 Cleaning Up................................................................................................................57
5.1.4 Measurement..............................................................................................................57
5.1.5 Payment......................................................................................................................57
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) iii
CHAPTER -6: REINFORCEMENT WORKS.....................................................................59
6.1 General.......................................................................................................................59
6.2 Steel Reinforcement...................................................................................................59
6.3 Cutting and Bending...................................................................................................61
6.4 Placing and Fixing Reinforcing Steel..........................................................................61
6.5 Concrete Cover to Reinforcement..............................................................................62
6.6 Welding of Reinforcement..........................................................................................62
6.7 Additional Tests..........................................................................................................62
6.8 Protection and Storage..............................................................................................63
6.9 Splicing.......................................................................................................................63
6.10 Substitutions...............................................................................................................63
6.11.01 Measurement..............................................................................................................63
6.11.02 Payment......................................................................................................................63


7.0 INSTALLATION OF PIPES, FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES..................................65
7.1 General.......................................................................................................................65
7.2 Pipe Works.................................................................................................................65
7.3 Pipe Laid Underground...............................................................................................65
7.4 Closing Lengths and Connection of Existing Pipeline................................................65
7.5 Inspection at the time of Installation...........................................................................65
7.6 Laying.........................................................................................................................66
7.7 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes............................................................................................66
7.7.1 General.......................................................................................................................66
7.7.2 Characteristics of uPVC Pipe.....................................................................................69
7.8 Ductile Iron Pipe.........................................................................................................70
7.9 Definition.....................................................................................................................72
7.10 Pipe Fitting and Laying (For internal & external)........................................................72
7.11 Concrete Thrust and Anchor Blocks...........................................................................74
7.12 Connecting to Existing Main.......................................................................................74
7.13 Measurement of pipe Installation................................................................................74


8.0 TESTING, CLEANING AND DISINFECTION OF PIPE LINES..................................77

8.1 General.......................................................................................................................77
8.2 Testing and Cleaning of Pipelines..............................................................................77
8.3 Disinfection Procedure...............................................................................................78

CHAPTER -9: MECHANICAL WORKS............................................................................81

9.1 Scope of Works..........................................................................................................81
9.2 General Requirement.................................................................................................81
9.2.1 Standards of Materials and Equipment......................................................................81
9.2.2 Quality assurance.......................................................................................................81
9.2.3 Factory Tests..............................................................................................................81
9.2.4 Factory Inspection......................................................................................................82
9.2.5 Factory Painting..........................................................................................................82
9.2.6 Guarantee and Warrantee..........................................................................................82
9.2.7 Operation and Maintenance Instructions....................................................................82
9.2.8 Brand Names..............................................................................................................82
9.2.9 As-built Drawings........................................................................................................82
9.3 Pumping Equipment...................................................................................................82
9.3.1 General.......................................................................................................................82
9.3.2 Submittals...................................................................................................................83
9.3.3 Quality Assurance.......................................................................................................83
9.3.4 Pump Details (General) .............................................................................................83
9.3.5 Construction Details of Pumps...................................................................................84
9.3.6 Motor Ratings (General).............................................................................................97
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) iv
9.3.7 Marking of' Pumping Unit (Name Plate): ...................................................................88
9.3.8 Source Quality Control...............................................................................................88
9.3.9 Performance Tests of Pumps ....................................................................................88
9.4 Pipes & Fittings...........................................................................................................88
9.5 Valves and Appurtenances ........................................................................................90
9.5.1 General.......................................................................................................................90
9.5.2 Sluice Valves/Gate Valves ........................................................................................90
9.5.3 Air Valves ...................................................................................................................91
9.5.4 Check Valves .............................................................................................................91
9.5.5 Installation, testing & commissioning of Valves .........................................................91
9.6 WATER METERS.......................................................................................................91
9.7 FIELD TESTING.........................................................................................................94
9.7.1 Standards...................................................................................................................94
9.7.2 Field Testing of Pumping Unit....................................................................................94
9.7.3 Field Tests of Valves..................................................................................................94
9.7.4 Requirement...............................................................................................................94
9.7.5 Method of Measurement......................................................................................94

CHAPTER -10: STEELWORK.........................................................................................96

10.0 STEELWORK.............................................................................................................96
10.1 Materials Standard and Workmanship.......................................................................96
10.2 Workshop Drawing.....................................................................................................96
10.3 Erection Process.........................................................................................................96
10.4 Welding.......................................................................................................................96
10.5 Making Holes..............................................................................................................96
10.6 Cutting Metal Plate.....................................................................................................96
10.7 Barbed Wire................................................................................................................96
10.8 Nuts & Bolts................................................................................................................96
10.9 Stainless Steel............................................................................................................97
10.10 Aluminium...................................................................................................................97
10.11 Galvanizing.................................................................................................................97
10.12 Shop Painting.............................................................................................................97
10.13 Measurement..............................................................................................................97

CHAPTER -11: PAINTING METAL STRUCTURES.........................................................99

11.0 PAINTING METAL STRUCTURES............................................................................99

11.1 Description..................................................................................................................99
11.2 Materials.....................................................................................................................99
11.2.1 General.......................................................................................................................99
11.2.2 Prime Coat..................................................................................................................99
11.2.3 Undercoat...................................................................................................................99
11.2.4 Finish Coat..................................................................................................................99
11.3 Construction Methods.................................................................................................99
11.3.1 Cleaning of Surfaces..................................................................................................99
11.3.2 Number of Coats and Color......................................................................................100
11.3.3 Weather Conditions..................................................................................................101
11.3.4 Mixing of Paint..........................................................................................................101
11.3.5 Application................................................................................................................101
11.3.6 Painting Galvanized Surfaces..................................................................................101
11.4 Measurement............................................................................................................101

CHAPTER -12: ELECTRICAL WORKS.......................................................................103

12.1 Scope of Works........................................................................................................103

12.2 General Requirement for Equipment & Materials.....................................................103
12.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................103
12.2.2 Quality Assurance.....................................................................................................103
12.2.3 Brand Name..............................................................................................................104
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) v
12.2.4 As-built Drawings etc................................................................................................105
12.2.5 Workmanship............................................................................................................105
12.2.6 Testing and Commissioning.....................................................................................105
12.3 Source of Supply......................................................................................................106
12.4 HT power take off assemblies..................................................................................106
12.4.1 SPC (Stressed Precast) Pole...................................................................................106
12.4.2 Drop out Fuse...........................................................................................................106
12.4.3 Lightning Arrester.....................................................................................................106
12.5 Power Transformer...................................................................................................106
12.5.1 General.....................................................................................................................107
12.5.2 Transformer Duty......................................................................................................107
12.5.3 Winding Connections................................................................................................107
12.5.4 Tappings...................................................................................................................107
12.5.5 Construction..............................................................................................................107
12.5.6 HV and LV Terminations..........................................................................................108
12.5.7 Fittings......................................................................................................................108
12.5.8 Earthing....................................................................................................................108
12.5.9 Transformer Installation............................................................................................108
12.5.10 Testing......................................................................................................................109
12.6 Switchboards/Panel Boards and Motor Control Centre............................................109
12.6.1 Description of Work..................................................................................................109
12.6.2 Submittals.................................................................................................................109
12.6.3 Manufacturer’s Qualification.....................................................................................109
12.6.4 Low Tension Switchboards/Panel Boards ...............................................................109
12.6.5 Motor Control Units...................................................................................................114
12.6.6 Power Factor Correction Equipment........................................................................115
12.7 Wires and Cables.....................................................................................................115
12.7.1 General.....................................................................................................................115
12.7.2 Quality Assurance.....................................................................................................115
12.7.3 Delivery, Storage and Handling................................................................................116
12.7.4 Performance Requirements for Environmental Conditions......................................116
12.7.5 Cables.......................................................................................................................116
12.7.6 Sundries....................................................................................................................117
12.7.7 Installation of Cable..................................................................................................118
12.8 Earthing Installation.................................................................................................120
12.9 Lighting & Small Power Installation..........................................................................121
12.10 Measurement............................................................................................................122

CHAPTER -13: MISCELLANEOUS WORKS......................................................................125

13.0 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS....................................................................................125

13.1 Cement Plastering....................................................................................................125
13.2 White Washing, Color Washing and Painting...........................................................125
13.3 Wood Works.............................................................................................................126
13.4 Concrete Thrust and Anchor Blocks.........................................................................126
13.5 Road Works..............................................................................................................127
13.6 Herringbone Bond Brick Pavement .........................................................................127
13.7 Brick-on-End Edging ...............................................................................................127
13.8 Brick Soling...............................................................................................................128
13.9 Testing and Disinfection of Water Retaining Structures...........................................128
13.9.1 Water Retaining Structures......................................................................................128
13.9.2 Testing of Structures other than Storage Reservoirs ..............................................129
13.9.3 Testing of Clear water Reservoirs ...........................................................................129
13.9.4 Disinfection ..............................................................................................................129
13.10 Commissioning, Operation & Maintenance..............................................................129
13.10.1 Commissioning.........................................................................................................129
13.10.2 Operation & Maintenance.........................................................................................129

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) vi


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 1

1.1 Description of works
This Contract calls for the construction of components of Water Supply System including
Manufacturing or Assembling, Supply, Installation Testing, Commissioning, Maintenance of the
Electrical Equipment and related works in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, the
Specifications, the Bills of Quantities, the Drawings and or any other document which may be issued
by the Engineer under the Terms of the contract.
The works comprises:
 Construction of Surface Water Treatment plant along with Pre-settling Basin & Intake
structures and Transmission Mains;
 Installation of High Lift Pumps, Centrifugal pumps and motors;
 Manufacturing and (or) Assembling and Supply of Transformers, Lightning Arresters, Drop-
out fuses, LT/HT Panels, PFI Plants, Motor Control Panels, and Accessories;
 Installation of all Equipment required for the sub-station and Motor Control Panels;
 Supply and Installation of Pipe between the equipment of sub-station and pump motors in
underground / Cable Trench / Surface through Conduits (GI/PVC/RCC Pipes);
 Installation of Earthings;
 Arrangement of inspection of the Electrical Installations and taking approval of Licensee
 Obtaining sanction of required load (Demand Note) from PDB/REB with the help of DPHE;
 Arrangement of power supply to the Pumping Plant;
 Testing and disinfection of pipe lines and water retaining structures;
 Miscellaneous works as per bill of quantities and any others related works;

1.2 Location and Access

The works to be carried out under this contract is located at West side of Khulna by-pass road at
various location of Bangladesh under 37 District Town Water Supply Project.

1.3 Access to Sites

The Contractor shall be deemed to have fully informed himself as to the suitability or otherwise of
the road access to the Site and he is advised to study carefully the means of access and exit as no
extra costs incurred due to his lack of this information will be entertained for payment by the
Employer. He shall exercise due care in the use of any means of access he may use and shall
make good any damage caused in their use. The Contractor shall provide such temporary site roads
as necessary and bring the area to its original condition upon completion.

1.4 Existing Services

The Contractor shall take every precaution to ensure that all existing pipes or other services shall be
protected. Any damage due to the Contractor’s operations or to his negligence shall be made good
by the Contractor at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall carry out the works so that there is the minimum of interruption in the supply
through the existing water mains and services. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of
the Water, Gas, Telephone, Electricity and other Authorities. Where such interruption is
unavoidable, it shall only be carried out with the permission of and during such times as are agreed
in writing by the Engineer.

If it should become necessary for the proper execution of the work, to remove or divert temporarily
any existing pipe, field-drain or other service, the Contractor shall obtain permission from the
Competent Authority or Owner and shall carry out the work at his own cost in a manner and at times
to be approved by such Authority or Owner and shall subsequently reinstate the work to the
satisfaction of such Authority or Owner.

1.5 Field Office for the Engineer and his Staff

In addition to the office space required for his own use, the Contractor shall provide a furnished field
office for the use of the Engineer and his staff.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 2

The field office shall be maintained in a secure and watertight condition by the Contractor until
completion of the Works or as otherwise instructed by the Engineer and shall be provided with
electricity, running water and sewerage. All doors shall be fitted with approved locks, and windows
shall be provided with mosquito screens and blinds and shall have interior locking devices.

The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer before construction, plans and
drawings showing proposed details and location for the field office, including foundations, access
roads, shades, layout of electrical and water supplies and hard standings thereto. The Engineer
may require revision of the plans prior to giving approval for construction. The Contractor shall also
submit details of proposed furniture and fittings to the Engineer for approval. These items shall
generally be of the best quality obtainable locally.

The office, complete with furnishings, fittings, access roads and hard standings shall be ready for
occupation by the Engineer within four weeks of the date when the Contractor first occupies the site.

The Contractor shall arrange for the field office to be regularly and properly cleaned and for access
roads and hard standings to be maintained in a well drained and trafficable condition. All furnishings
and fittings in the field office shall also be maintained by the Contractor in working condition and to
the approval of the Engineer.

All materials recovered from dismantling the office and removing access roads, hard standings etc.,
should be stockpiled on site as approved by the Engineer and along with all furniture and fittings will
be the property of the Employer.

1.6 Keeping Works free from Water

Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall execute any temporary drains, water courses
and other works that may be required to keep the works free from water and he shall supply and
work such pumping capacity as may necessary for the purpose.

1.7 Sanitary convenience

Sanitary conveniences for the use of persons employed on the works shall be provided and
maintained by the Contractor to the extent and in such manner and at such places as shall be
approved by the Engineer and the Authority concerned, and all persons connected with the works
shall be obliged to use them. The Contractor shall make all temporary arrangements for the proper
discharge of sewage and drainage from or in connection with the Works and shall maintain the
same to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the Authority concerned as long as they may be

1.8 Abatement of Nuisance

The Contractor shall adopt such measures as the Engineer may consider reasonable and
necessary to minimize nuisance to others from noise, dust and other causes.

1.9 Programme and Methods

The Contractor is to proceed with the implementation of the works in accordance with the works
schedule for commencement and completion of the various sections. He shall submit to the
Engineer for his approval a statement with drawings and diagrams showing how he proposes to
carry out the Works. The statement shall describe the methods to be employed, the constructional
plant which the Contractor intends to supply or use together with the estimated dates on which the
various sections of the works will commence and the estimated rate of construction to ensure the
whole of the works are completed within the Contractor Period.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 3

1.10 Bench Mark

It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility before commencing the Contract to obtain from the
Engineer in writing the location and level of the benchmark to be used. All temporary benchmarks
shall be referred thereto.

Levels and Dimensions

(a) The levels of the ground and the levels and dimensions of existing features are believed but are
not guaranteed to be correct. Wherever dimensions or levels are marked on the drawings, such
dimensions or levels shall take precedence over dimensions scaled from the drawings and scaled
dimensions shall be used only in the absence of other more precise information. Large scale
drawings shall be used only in the absence of other more precise information. Large scale drawings
shall be taken in preference to drawings of a smaller scale.

(b) The drawings give dimensions and levels relating to the works, but these dimensions may be
modified by the Engineer if so required.

(c) The Contractor shall set in the ground on the Sites steel temporary benchmarks which shall be
securely concreted in. He shall establish the levels of these benchmarks and obtain the agreement
of the Engineer. All levels used in the construction of the works shall be referred to these
Where any benchmark is situated within the working area, the Contractor shall, on written
agreement from the Engineer, locate and establish new benchmarks outside the working areas.

1.11 Progress Photographs

Each month on a date to be agreed with the Engineer, the Contractor shall arrange to take a series
of not less than 20 and not more than 40 color photographs which record the progress of the Works.

Two complete sets of prints of approximate size 175 mm x 125 mm plus the negatives shall be
supplied to the Engineer by the Contractor within one week of each series of photographs being
taken. A list shall accompany the photographs, indicating the date when the photographs were
taken and a short description of the photographs, against the negative numbers.

The photographs shall be taken by an approved professional photographer, accompanied by

representatives of the Engineer and the Contractor. If, for any reason, the Engineer is not satisfied
with any of the photographs, the Contractor shall arrange at his cost for further photographs to be

1.12 Inspection by Engineer During Defects Liability Period

The Engineer will give the Contractor due notice of his intention to carry out any inspections during
the Defects Notice Period and the Contractor shall upon receipt of such notice arrange for a
responsible representative to be present at the times and dates named by the Engineer. This
representative shall render all necessary assistance and take note of all matters and things to which
his attention is directed by the Engineer.

1.13 Submission of Samples

Before incorporating in the finished work any materials or articles which he must supply under the
terms of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a sample of each
respective material or article and such samples shall be delivered to and kept at his office for
reference. All the respective kinds of materials and articles used in and upon the works shall be at
least equal quality to the approved samples. Each and every sample shall be a fair average of the
bulk material or of the article which it represents. The Engineer may decide the method by which
each sample to be taken from bulk.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 4

1.14 Ordering Materials and Manufactured Articles and Samples for Testing

The responsibility shall rest upon the Contractor for ordering and delivering materials and
manufactured articles and samples that they may be tested sufficiently far in advance of the work so
as not to delay it. He shall not be entitled to any time credit for delays occasioned by his neglect to
order sufficiently well in advance or to payment of any costs he may incur as the result thereof. Any
tests carried out will be at the expense of the Contractor.

1.15 Quality of Materials & Workmanship

The materials and workmanship shall be of the best of their respective kinds and shall be to the
approval of the Engineer. In the reading of these Specifications, the words “to the approval of the
Engineer” shall be deemed to be included in the description of all materials incorporated in the
works whether manufactured or natural and in the description of the description of all operations for
the due execution of the works.

1. 16 Soil Dumps

The Contractor shall not deposit excavated materials on public or private land except where directed
by the Engineer in writing and with consent in writing of the Local Authority of the owner or reusable
representative of the owner of such land and only then in those places and under such conditions as
the Local Authority, owner or responsible representative may prescribe.

1. 17 Materials on and under the Site of Works

All soil, gravel, store or other material obtained in the excavation, clearing and earth stripping of the
sites of the works shall belong to the Employer except where otherwise described and must not be
removed from the works Site without the consent of the Engineer. The Contractor, however, shall
use for the construction or installation of the works any of the materials excavated which the
Engineer may determine to be fit for such use.

1. 18 Unsuitable Materials

Where in the opinion of the Engineer, existing materials are unsuitable for use in the installation or
construction, the Contractor shall remove such unsuitable material and replace it with filling
approved by the Engineer and such work shall be covered by the Conditions of Contractor.

1. 19 Notice Boards

Notice Boards in Bengali and English are to be displayed in suitable positions on the Sites on the
day work commences. This is to show the Employer’s name together with name of the Project and
the names of the Consulting Engineer and the Contractor. The exact sign dimensions and layout
and the exact positions of the signs on the Site are to be agreed with the Engineer.

1. 20 Traffic Safety and Control

The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain on the Sites at such positions and for such duration
as may be required by the Engineer all protective barriers, traffic signs and traffic control signals
necessary for the direction and control of all traffic and clear away when the work involved in the
diversions has been completed.

The signs and barriers shall be adequately illuminated at night and kept clean and legible at all
times. The Contractor shall reposition the barriers, signs and signals as necessary as the work

Where single file traffic is necessary, the Contractor shall, where directed by the Engineer, provide
and maintain temporary lighting, barriers and traffic direction signs required.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 5

1. 21 Local Regulations

The Contractor shall at all times conform to the provisions of any ordinance and of any order,
proclamation, rule or notice made under any ordinance relating to the works, employment of labor,
etc. and to any water or electricity company within whose area and jurisdiction the works are to be


1.22.1 Site Establishment, Maintenance and Demobilization

The Contractor is to allow for the provision, maintenance and removal at the end of the Contract of
all offices, stores, covered workshops, canteens, toilet facilities etc. for his own use, required to
execute the Works in accordance with the Contract Documents. In addition, the Contractor is to
allow for complying with his obligations for safety, security and protection of the environment
described in the Contract Documents.

1.22.2 Provision of Performance Security

This item is for the provision by the Contractor of the Performance Security, the requirements of
which are stated in Contract document.

1.22.3 Provision of Insurances

This item is for the provision of insurances as required in accordance with Clauses in contract
document. The minimum amount of third party insurance shall be as stated in the contract
document. Failure to provide insurance will result in no interim payment.

1.22.4 As-Built Drawings

The Contractor shall furnish sets of as-built Drawings of the Works to the Engineer, showing the
permanent works as actually constructed, within one month of completion of the Works. Included in
the sets of as-built Drawings will be revisions of Tender Drawings and Drawings supplied to the
Contractor during the Contract as well as revisions of drawings supplied by the Contractor during
the Contract. The As-built drawings Submitted by the Contractor will be subject to the approval of
the Engineer. For specific requirements for the As-built Drawings refer to Particular Specifications.

1. 23 Price Escalation

During the project period, the market price of the construction or manufacturing materials may be
higher or lower than the estimated cost / quoted rate or analyzed rate submitted by the contractor
for manufacturing of the equipment and ancillary works. The appointed contractor would not be
allowed to claim extra money for escalation of price of materials. The contractor will be paid for
satisfactory completion of works only as per BOQ of the tender document.

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2.1.1 Description
This work shall consist of excavation in any material for the foundation of structures, other than pipe
trench, not otherwise provided for in the Specifications; constructing and removing cofferdams,
sheeting; pumping, dewatering and bailing; backfilling of completed structures with suitable material
and disposal of excavated material.

2.1.2 Materials Foundation Fill Material

Material for foundation fill shall consist of suitably graded sand, gravel or stone as directed by the
Engineer. Concrete for foundation fill shall conform to the general requirements of Section 5.1.
Concrete to be placed under water shall conform to the requirements of Section . Concrete
used as foundation fill in dry excavation shall be class 15. Backfill Material

Backfill materials below top level of pile caps shall consist of sand with not more than 10% of
material passing the 75 micron sieve, if not otherwise directed by the Engineer or stated on the
Backfill above top level of pile caps but outside embankment and road areas shall be excavated
material if suitable and approved by the Engineer.

2.1.3 Construction Methods Clearing
Prior to starting excavation operations in any area, all necessary clearing and grubbing shall have
been performed accordingly. Excavation

(A) General
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer sufficiently in advance of the beginning of any excavation
so that cross section elevations and measurements may be taken of the undisturbed ground. The
natural ground adjacent to the structure shall not be disturbed without permission of’ the Engineer.

Trenches and foundation pits for structures and structure footings shall be excavated to the lines,
grades and elevations shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer, The elevations of the
bottoms of footings shown on the Drawings are approximate only and the Engineer may order in
writing such changes in the dimensions or elevations of footings as may be deemed necessary to
secure a satisfactory foundation.

Boulders, logs and other objectionable material encountered in excavation shall be removed After
each excavation is complete the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to that effect and no footings,
bedding material or structure shall be placed until the Engineer has approved the depth of
excavation and the character of the foundation material.

The foundation material shall be cleared of all loose material and cut to a firm surface, either level or
stepped or serrated, as specified or shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

(B) Foundation Directly on the Ground

When the footing is to rest on the ground and not on piles, special care shall be taken not to disturb
the bottom of the excavation, and excavation to final grade shall be deferred until just before the
footing is to be placed. When, in the opinion of the Engineer, the foundation material is soft or
otherwise unsuitable, the Contractor shall remove the unsuitable material and insert foundation fill
material or concrete as specified or shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. If

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 8

foundation fill material is required, it shall be placed and compacted in layers not more than 150 mm
thick to the degree of compaction as specified in Section 2.6.

(C) Foundation on Piles

When the ground between piles is too soft to support green foundation concrete, the Contractor
shall submit his proposals for a bottom form to the Engineer for his approval. Extra excavation and
foundation fill or concrete fill in such cases will not be paid for separately.

If the bottom form is achieved by such strengthening of the ground, the Contractor shall, if
requested, submit calculations showing that the pile cap will not be harmed during hardening due to
differential settlements between the piles and the strengthened ground

2.1.3. 3 Disposal of Excavated Material

Excavated material classified as suitable by the Engineer shall generally be utilized as backfill or
embankment -fill. Surplus suitable material shall be stockpiled on Site. Excavated suitable material
for use as backfill shall be deposited by the Contractor in spoil heaps at points convenient for re-
handling of’ the material during the backfilling operation and approved by the Engineer.

Excavated material shall be deposited in such places and in such a manner as not to cause damage
to roads, services or property either within or outside the right-of-way and so as to cause no
impediment to the drainage of the site or surrounding area The location of spoil heaps shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer who may require that the reference lines and the traverse
lines of any part of the structure be kept free of obstruction. Cofferdams
(a) The term “cofferdam” denotes any temporary or removable structure, constructed to hold
the surrounding earth, water or both, out of the excavation, whether such structure is
constructed of earth, timber, steel, concrete or any combination of these. The term includes
earth dikes, timber cribs, sheet piling, removable steel shells and all bracing— and it shall
be understood to include excavation enclosed by pumping wells and well points.
The cost of cofferdams is always to be included in the tender rates/prices for the permanent
(b) The term “caisson” denotes a permanent part of the substructure so constructed as to sink
gradually into place as material is excavated within the area protected by its side walls.
Where the term “well is used it shall be taken to have the same meaning as caisson”.
(c) When no provision for caissons is shown on the Drawings, it shall be the intent of the
Contract that suitable cofferdams shall be provided for all excavations where cofferdams
may be necessary in order to control water to preclude sliding and caving of the walls of the
(d) The Contractor shall submit upon request, drawings showing his proposed method of
cofferdam and caisson construction. Approval of the drawings by the Engineer will not in
any way relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of the design for
strength and stability or for the safety of the people working therein.
(e) The interior dimensions of cofferdams shall be such as to give sufficient clearance for the
construction and removal of any required forms and the inspection of the interior and to
permit pumping.
(f) If possible, cofferdams shall be so designed that no cross bracing shall be left in place. If
this is not possible bracings left in place shall be of structural steel. The end of such
structural members that would be exposed when the structure is completed shall be boxed
back at least 50 mm behind the concrete face. The resulting holes shall be completely filled
with concrete.
(g) In general, sheet piling cofferdams shall extend well below the bottom of the footing and
shall be well braced and as watertight as possible.
(h) When foundation piles are to be driven inside a cofferdam and it is judged impossible to de-
water the cofferdam before placing a concrete seal, the excavation may be extended below
the designed level to a depth sufficient to allow for swell of the material during pile driving
operations. Any material that rises to a level above the design level shall be removed.
(i) Where it is possible to dc-water the cofferdam, the foundation material shall be removed to
exact grade after the foundation piles are driven) Backfilling in a foundation to
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 9
compensate for excavation, which has been extended below the required grade, shall be at
the expense of the Contractor. Backfilling shall be with concrete or foundation fill material as
indicated on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer.
If no material is indicated, backfilling shall be concrete of the same kind as required for the
structure to be constructed in the excavation. Unless otherwise permitted no excavation
shall be made outside of caissons or cribs or cofferdams or sheet piling and the natural
streambed adjacent to the structure shall not be disturbed without permission from the

If any excavation or dredging is made at the site of the structure before caissons, cribs, or
cofferdams are in place, the Contractor shall after the foundation is in place, backfill all such
excavation to the original ground surface or stream bed with material satisfactory to the

Material deposited within the stream area from foundations or other excavations or from the
filling of cofferdams shall be removed and the stream area freed from obstruction.

(j) Caissons and cofferdams, which have tilted or moved laterally during construction, shall be
corrected as necessary at the expense of the Contractor.

(k) Unless otherwise provided cofferdams shall be removed, after the completion of the sub-
structure. The removal shall be effected in such a manner as not to disturb or mar the
finished work. The Engineer may order the Contractor to leave any part or the whole to the
cofferdam in place.

(l) When conditions which, in the Opinion of the Engineer, render it impossible to dc-water the
foundation before placing the footing are encountered, the Engineer may require the
construction of a concrete foundation or seal of such dimensions as he may consider
necessary, and of such thickness as to resist any possible uplift. The concrete for such seal
shall be placed as shown on the Drawings or required by the Engineer. The foundation shall
then be de-watered and the footing placed. When weighted cribs are used and the weight is
used to overcome partially the hydrostatic pressure acting against the bottom of the
foundation seal, special anchorages such as dowels or keys shall be provided to transfer
the entire weight of the crib to the foundation seal. When a foundation seal is placed under
water the cofferdam shall be vented at low water as directed.

Cofferdams shall be constructed so as to protect newly cast concrete from sudden rising of
the water and to prevent damage to the foundation by erosion. Pumping and Bailing

Pumping and bailing from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such a manner
as to preclude the possibility of the movement of water through or alongside any concrete being
placed. No pumping or bailing will be permitted during the placing of concrete and for a period of at
least 24 hours thereafter unless it is done from a suitable pump separated from the concrete work
by a watertight wall or from well points.

Excavation shall be as- dry as possible prior to and during placing concrete. Placing concrete under
water will only be permitted if indicated on the Drawings or approved by the Engineer. Backfilling
All spaces excavated under these Specifications and not occupied by the permanent structure shall
be backfilled. Backfilled material shall fully comply with this Specification and adequate provision
shall be made for drainage. No backfilling shall commence until permission has been given by the

Backfill under top level of pile caps shall always be made with compacted sand fill free from
chemical contamination. Over top level of the pile cap but outside embankment and road areas, the
backfill shall be excavated material if suitable and free from chemical contamination, and approved
by the Engineer. If the excavated material is not suitable, the Engineer may order sand filling.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 10
Special care shall be taken to prevent any unduly high pressure against the structures. In placing
backfill and embankment, the material shall be placed insofar as possible to approximately the
same height on both sides of the structure at the same time. If conditions require backfilling
appreciably higher on one side, the additional material on the higher side shall not be placed until
permission is given by the Engineer that the structure has enough strength to withstand any
pressure created.

Jetting of fill or other hydraulic methods involving, or likely to involve, liquid or semi-liquid pressure is
prohibited. Backfill and embankment fill shall not be placed behind the walls of bridges or box
culverts until the top slab has been placed for at least three days.

The placing of embankment and the benching of slopes shall continue in such a manner that at all
times there will be a horizontal beam of thoroughly compacted material for a distance at least equal
to the height of the abutment or wall to be backfilled.

2.1.4 Measurement
The volume of excavation and backfill shall be measured in cubic meters of excavated undisturbed

The quantity of excavation for structures to be measured for payment shall include excavation for all
structures except pipe culverts, which will be in accordance with Section 6.2. The measured volume
shall be the excavation plan outline, bounded on the bottom by the plane of the underside of the
brick flat soling to the blinding concrete under the reinforced concrete footing and on the top by the
surface of the existing ground and on the sides by vertical planes of the footings.

Backfilling with previously excavated material shall not be measured or paid for separately but shall
be deemed included in the rate for excavation.
Backfill with concrete or sand where directed by the Engineer including concrete seals shall be
measured separately as the volume within the- plan outline and top and bottom surfaces. Concrete
or sand placed to backfill excavation beyond the excavation required will not be measured for
payment. The plan outline referred to is the excavation plan outline as defined above. If sand fill is
ordered over top level of pile cap, the fill shall be the specified filling volume measured on the
Drawings up to profiles agreed upon in writing by the Engineer. In the case of structures for which a
lump sum price is called for, the volume of excavation as stated above for the work as shown on the
Contract Drawings, shall be subtracted from the volume measured as above, and the price to be
paid or deducted shall be based on the measured increase or reduction of the excavation shown on
the Drawings.

Removal of slides, cave-ins, silting or filling shall not be measured nor paid for.


2.2.1 Setting Out

Prior to starting of earth works the Contractor shall set-out the necessary alignment and grade
boards for proper control of the works. All earth works shall have to be made to the required grades
and sizes as per the drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer. The Contractor shall
maintain the setting-out undisturbed during the course of earth work and subsequent construction,
and arrangements shall be provided for reference bench marks/ reduced levels so that levels can be
checked and measured as and when necessary.

Notwithstanding any relevant information furnished by the Employer or Engineer, the Contractor
shall be responsible for ascertaining from his own inspection of the Site and from the respective
supply authorities and other public bodies the position of all mains, pipes and pipe, whether
underground or overhead, within or near the site.

2.2.2 Excavation
Trial holes or pit shall be excavated well ahead of the trench excavation to such depths as are
necessary to determine the alignment for the trench. Trial holes may also be required by the
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 11
Contractor to determine the position of underground services, subsoil drains or for any other reason.
Trial holes shall be excavated and reinstated at the Contractor’s expense and the Contractor rates
for pipe line installation shall be deemed to provide for all trial holes.

Excavations shall be done in all kinds of soils for pipe trench up to required depth of 1.1m plus pipe
diameter from the road surface and width equal to outer diameter of pipes plus 0.3m as per drawing
and direction of the Engineer. While excavating, at least 150 mm of the depth shall initially be left
unexcavated which shall dug out carefully in the final dressing after checking of the levels. If any
portion of the trench is excavated to a greater depth than specified, the excess depth shall be filled
up with compacted khoa and sand in the ratio of 2:1 at the contractor’s own cost. If foundation bed
is wet due to rains or due to slow seepage of water, care shall be taken to dry it up before the
foundation is laid. Dry sand is to be laid to the required thickness for this purpose at contractor’s
cost. The excavated earth shall be kept sufficiently away from the side walls to avoid collapse of the
excavations due to the pressure of the surcharged earth and also in such a manner that it does not
interfere with traffic or approach to private or public properties.

When excavation is made on metal, tarred, concrete or brick paved roads, the Contractor shall
remove the salvageable cut materials, stack them away from the trenches and preserve them
separately from excavated earth. Any excavated earth shall be removed from site within 24 hours of

The line level of trenches shall be as shown in the Drawings or as may be directed by the Engineer.
Before starting trench excavation, the route of the trench shall be pegged out accurately and the
natural ground levels and chainages shall be measured and agreed with the Engineer. Strong sights
rails shall then be fixed and maintained at each change of gradient, and as many intermediate point
as may be necessary. On these rails shall be marked the centre line and the level at which the
excavation is to be carried out, such rails being not more than 50m apart.

The sides of trench excavation shall be vertical unless the Engineer permits otherwise.

The Contractor shall support the sides of trench excavation to prevent any fall or run from any
portion of the ground outside the excavation and to prevent settlement of or damage to structures
adjacent to the excavation. The Contractor shall be deemed to have made his own allowance for
any excess excavation necessary to provide space for such support and for any other working
space. If for any reason any portion of trench excavation shall give way, the Contractor shall at his
own expense take all necessary remedial measures including the excavation and removal of all the
ground thereby disturbed and extra excavation shall be held to be excess excavation.

Where the contractor elects, and is permitted by the Engineer, to execute trench excavations with
battered sides instead of providing support as aforesaid they shall be excavated to stable slopes
and heights and the resulting extra excavation shall be held to be excess excavation.

Where land drains, culverts or field drains are served by trench excavation, they shall be kept in
effective temporary operation during construction of structure / pipe line. At the appropriate stage of
refilling the trench excavation, the drains shall be permanently restored to their original capacity to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Where trench excavation or other work is carried out close to or across existing drains, pipes, pipe,
or other services etc. the Contractor shall obtain all necessary consents from the relevant parties
and execute the work in agreement with regulations etc. in force. Due care for the existing
installations, structure, construction, etc. shall be taken in aligning the pipes and the contractor shall
take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to the said objects. Any expenses caused by
damages etc. in this connection are the total responsibility of the contractor.

Where the trench excavation crosses barriers such as fences and walls, the Contractor, as
temporary measure during construction of the pipe lines, shall provide temporary fencing for any
parts of such barriers as have had to be removed. After trench Excavation has been reinstated, the
Contractor shall carry out the permanent restoration of such barriers.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 12

The Contractor shall arrange for the refilling and reinstatement of trial holes to be carried out
immediately the required information is obtained. The reinstatement of the surfaces of trial holes
shall be carried out to the approval of the Engineer.

2.2.3 Shoring and Boxing

Shoring and boxing work should be done in cases where loose soil is encountered, masonry
structures are close to the excavations, depth of cutting exceeds 1.5 meters, and /or utilities require
safeguarding, etc. to avoid side collapse, and should be done simultaneously with the earthwork

Design of the shoring or boxing shall be determined by the site conditions and shall be subject to
the approval of the Engineer. The process of boxing and shoring shall be continued until the
excavation reaches the required depth of cutting. All boxing and shoring materials such as planks,
runners and struts shall be withdrawn from the excavations prior to completion of backfilling.

2.2.4 De-watering of Excavations

All excavations shall have sufficient clearance for the purpose of making sumps for dewatering and
boxing arrangement. Arrangement for sumps shall be made in such a way that the water level
remains below the bed level, and bailing out water from the sumps should be continuous. Where
necessary in trenches, sumps may be made away from the trenches and connected by laying pipes.
During construction of the works existing water courses or flows of drains may have to be diverted
through pipes of open channels so that no water can seep into the excavations and interfere with
the works, or cause collapse of the walls. The diversion channels should be large enough to take
the load of rains, and should be leak proof. The diversion arrangement should be continuous from
section to section and the slope should be such that it maintains a gravity flow.
In case the soil on which the diversion pipes are to be laid is not suitable for the purpose the
diversion pipes should be laid on proper staging. All diversion lines shall be maintained till
completion of the works as a whole. The Contractor will, in no case, be allowed to put up
embankments which may cause stagnation of water anywhere within the excavation.

Where gravity drainage is not possible or practical, the Contractor shall provide adequate pumping
facilities to maintain the excavation in a safe and workmanlike condition so that any water dose not
interferes with the progress and quality of the works. Unless specifically provided for by a separate
item in the contract, any costs of pumping shall be deemed to be included in the contract rates, and
no extra payment will be made on this account.

2.2.5 Trench Excavation in Roads

All trench excavation and other work carried out within the limits of any existing road or highway
shall be completed as rapidly as possible and, in the case of roads capable of carrying two or more
lanes of traffic, not more than one half of the width of the carriage way shall be obstructed at any
one time. In single lane roads, the Contractor shall programme his work in such a manner that the
minimum inconvenience is caused to those persons who have reasonable grounds for using the
road and, in the case of private or restricted roads, who have authority to use them. Road drains
and channels shall be kept free from obstructions at all times.

The Engineer shall normally direct that trench excavation along roads be located in footpaths or
verges adjacent to the road rather than in the carriage way itself. Trench excavation shall wherever
practicable be carried out in such a way that every part of the excavation is at least 0.9 m clear of
existing edges of the carriage way. In any event the Contractor shall take special precautions, which
shall include the continuous support of the sides of the excavation, from the time when excavation is
begun until the refilling of the trench is placed, to ensure that there is no disturbance of the adjacent
road or road foundation.

Where trench excavation or any other part of the works obstructs any footpath or right-of-way, the
Contractor shall provide, at his own cost, a temporary footpath around the obstruction of the
Engineer. Where applicable, this temporary footpath shall include stout bridges of wooden planks or
other approved construction across any open trenches.

Where excavated material has temporarily been deposited on a grass margin or verge, the margin

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 13

shall on completion of refill be restored entirely to its original condition and left free from loose
stones and soil.
2.2.6 Trench Excavation in Surfaces other than Roads
Trench excavation in surfaces other than roads shall include all surfaces except those asphalt
surfaces, concrete and HBB which require road reinstatement. These surfaces include but are not
limited to fields, paddy fields, pasture land and the like, footpaths, verges, non - asphalt roads,
lanes, alleys, and all private lands. Trench excavation shall, if the Engineer so requires, have
temporary fencing erected around that length. Temporary fencing shall not be removed without the
Engineer’s permission, which will not normally be given until the trench excavation has been refilled
and reinstated. The Contractor shall have particular regard to the safety of livestock, and shall
ensure that all open excavation, access routes and steep or loose slopes arising from the
Contractor’s operations are adequately fenced and protected. After the erection of temporary
fencing where required, the Contractor shall remove top soil to such depth and over such area as
may be necessary to provide sufficient material to ensure adequate surface reinstatement of the
working areas occupied by the Contractor for construction of the pipe line.

2.2.7 Inspection by Engineer

When the specified levels of trench excavation are reached the Engineer will inspect the ground
exposed and if he considers that any part of the ground is by its nature unsuitable he may direct the
Contractor to excavate further and to refill the further excavation with such material as he may direct
but such further excavation shall not be held to be excess excavation.

If the bottom of any trench excavation acceptable by the Engineer at the time of his inspection
subsequently become unacceptable due to exposure to weather conditions or due to flooding or
have become puddle, soft or loose during the progress of the works the Contractor shall remove
such damaged, softened or loosened material and excavate further by hand. Such further
excavation shall be held to be excess excavation without any cost to the employer.

2.2.8 Disposal of Materials from Trench Excavation

Subject to any specified requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall make his own
arrangements for the temporary storage of any excavated materials which are required for use in
refilling trench excavation, including any necessary double handling. In this connection the
Contractor shall have regard to the working areas available to him for the construction of the pipe
line particularly where this is located in roads or in other places to which the public has free access.
Any temporary tips alongside the trench excavation shall be to stable slopes and heights. Where the
nature of the excavated material is suitable, the Contractor’s temporary storage as aforesaid shall
include for separate storage. The Engineer may direct of any of the various grades of material
herein after specified for the refilling and surface reinstatement of trench excavation, namely,
selected fill, coarse backfill, and topsoil. Any excavated material required for or not suitable for use
as refilling as aforesaid or use elsewhere in the works shall remain the property of the Employer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for its removal from the site and for disposal as directed by the
Engineer. The cost of such removal of excess excavated earth shall be deemed to be included in
the contract rate.

The Contractor, when working along carriage ways where it is not possible to stack excavated
materials along the trench, shall be required to remove such materials required for backfill to
temporary sites to be provided by the Contractor and to return these materials on completion of the
installation of pipe laying

2.2.9 Trench not to be left Open

Trench excavation shall be carried out expeditiously and subject to any specific requirement of the
Contract, the refilling and surface reinstatement of trench excavations shall be started and
completed as soon as reasonably practicable after the pipes have been laid and jointed. Pipe lying
shall follow closely upon the progress of trench excavation, and the Contractor shall not permit
unreasonably excessive lengths of trench excavation to remain open while awaiting for testing of the
pipeline. The Contractor shall take precautions to prevent flotation of pipes in locations where open
trench excavations may become flooded and these precautions may include the partial filling of the
trench leaving pipe joints exposed for tests of the joints.

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If the Engineer considers that the Contractor is not complying with any of the forgoing requirements
he may prohibit further trench excavation until he is satisfied with the progress of laying and testing
of pipes and refilling of trench excavation. The Contractor will not be permitted to excavate trenches
in more than one location in any one road at given time without the Engineer’s Permission.

2.2.10 Back Filling Trench Excavation

Filling and back filling must not be started before obtaining direction of the Engineer.

Partial Back filling of Pipeline Trench for Testing

After laying and jointing of pipes, partial back filling of the trench shall be done leaving the joints
exposed. Testing of pipe shall be carried out expediently and after successful testing the trench
shall be back filled and road surface reinstated. The Contractor shall avoid any accident to road
users due to exposed trench. Where the pipes are laid for installation of pipe across the road,
complete back filling shall be done immediately after laying and jointing of pipes pending the
pressure test.

Back filling of excavated Pipeline Trench

Back filling of pipe trench shall consist of bedding, back fill in the pipe zone and back fill over the
pipe zone as specified and shown in the drawings. Pipe bedding shall be prepared with sand (FM
1.00) layer compacted to a thickness of 100mm. After laying and testing of the pipes, the trench
shall be back filled and compacted to 150 mm over the top of the pipe with sand of specified

For back filling over the pipe zone in open areas / non traffic pathways and traffic ways excavated
materials from the trench shall be placed in 150mm layers and compacted to the original condition
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Back filling in the road crossing shall immediately be executed for restoration of movement of
vehicular traffic in easy manner. Until the pavement is restored, the Contractor shall be responsible
to maintain the road in a manner which will allow easy traffic movement.

To permit the proper consolidation of back fill into the voids behind trench sheeting and supports,
trench sheeting shall be withdrawn gradually as back fill progresses in depth and along the trench.
On no account shall any excavated material be dozed back when refilling trenches in roads and no
back filling shall be carried out unless, in the opinion of the Engineer, sufficient mechanical rammers
are in operation on that portion of the work.

Compaction of sand, local fill sand and excavated trench materials shall be done by watering and
compacting with pneumatic or petrol driven tamper not exceeding in 150 mm layers. Prior to
acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall re-grade the area up to the level of the surrounding

Any approved refilling material become unacceptable to the engineer due to exposure to weather
conditions or due to flooding or have become soft or segregated during the progress of work, the
Contractor shall at his own expense remove such damaged, softened or segregated material and
replace it with fresh approved material.

Volumes of back fill which fail to meet the specified compaction, as tested by the Engineer, shall be
reworked and re-compacted as directed by the Engineer

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3.1.1 Description
This work comprises the construction of bored cast in place piles for bridges, including the provision
of all materials and structures in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the
requirements of the Drawings or other parts of the Contract Documents.

Piles through water and soft upper soil layers shall be provided with permanent steel casting if
shown on the Drawings.

The pile boring shall be carried out using a temporary steel casing bored to the pile toe or to a level
approved by the Engineer. The temporary casing shall be withdrawn.

Under certain circumstances the Contractor may be permitted to bore all or part of the pile without
casing under water or use drilling fluid to stabilize the borehole as referred to in Section

The piles shall be concreted and reinforced to resist pile loads and horizontal forces on the pile caps
according to the Drawings and these Specifications.

3.1.2 Materials Steel Casing

This part of the Specifications only deals with the permanent steel casing. For steel casing used
during boring of the pile see Section 3.1.3, Construction Methods.

When permanent steel casing is shown on the drawings, the steel shall conform to the AASI-ITO
Standard Specification M 183-79 (ASTM A36) or equivalent.

The minimum thickness of the permanent steel casing shall be 10 mm. The minimum length shall be
from 100 mm above the bottom of the pile cap to 5 metre under the riverbed or into firm strata. If the
permanent casing is used in the boring operation or if the handling and transport require a greater
thickness to avoid deformation or buckling, the increase in thickness shall be provided by the
Contractor at his own expense.

The steel casing shall be furnished in appropriate lengths and the joints shall be approved by the

The casing shall be handled and stored in a manner that shall prevent buckling and other
deformation as well as accumulation of dirt, oil and paint. When placed in the work it shall be free
from dirt, oil, grease, paint, mill scale and loose or thick rust.

The outside surface of the permanent casing of piles to river piers, for the depth indicated on the
Drawings from the underside of the pile cap shall receive two coats of anticorrosion tar type paint.
The paint shall be approved by the Engineer and its application shall follow the manufacturer’s

3 1.2.2 Concrete
The concrete shall conform to Section 3.1 of these Specifications. Concrete class 21 with type 2
cement shall be used.
Concrete placed under-water or drilling mud by tremie shall have a cement content of not less than
350 kg/m3.
The density and consistency of the concrete shall conform to the tremie casting method and the
maintenance of sufficient workability (slump) of all the concrete during the casting and casing
handling period, including reasonably calculated delays, shall be secured by a design mix,
(including the necessary retarders and plasticisers), tested by trial mixes prior to the pile

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 17

All relevant concrete properties such as slump, time of setting, temperature and strength shall be
measured on the trial mixes. Reinforcement
The reinforcement shall conform to Section 6.2 of these specifications. Drilling Fluid

The following clauses shall be complied with if bentonite mud is used to stabilize the boreholes:

The Contractor shall obtain a certificate from the manufacturer of the bentonite powder, showing the
properties of the consignment delivered to the site. This certificate shall be made available to the
Engineer on request. The Properties to be given by toe manufacturer are the apparent viscosity
range (in centipoises) and the gel strength range for solids in water.
Any other material proposed by the Contractor for the drilling fluid shall be approved by the

Bentonite and any other material shall be mixed thoroughly with clean water to suspension which
shall maintain the stability of the pile excavation br the period necessary to place concrete and
complete construction.
Where saline or chemically contaminated groundwater occurs, special precautions shall be taken to
modify the bentonite in fresh water so as to render it suitable in all respects for the construction of

The frequency of testing drilling fluid and the method and procedure of sampling shall be proposed
by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer prior to the commencement of the work, The
frequency may subsequently he varied as required depending on the consistency of the results
obtained. The control tests shall cover the determination of density, viscosity, gel strength and pH
The Contractor shall supply all equipment and experienced operators required to carry out tests on
the drilling mud. No additional payment shall he made for these tests which shall be considered. as
an essential part of the drilling operations.

3.1.3 Construction Methods General
The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that his proposed construction
methods for the piles do not result in the pile shafts being weakened by contamination of the
concrete, by sectional reduction, by washing out of cement. by breaking during pulling of temporary
casings or in any other way, including the construction of neighboring piles.

(A) Assumed Procedure

The following construction procedure has been assumed in the tender design. The final construction
procedure shall be as approved by the Engineer prior to commencing piling operations.

I. Place permanent steel casing, if required, in position and embed casing toe into river
bed or firm strata. If no permanent steel casing is specified a sufficient length of
temporary steel casing shall be used to stabilize the upper part of the borehole.

2. Bore and excavate inside the steel casing down to casing toe level, or to a level
approved, and continue excavation to final pile tip level using either temporary casing
under water, or using drilling mud. The fluid level inside casings shall at all times be at
least 2 metres higher than outside the casings.

3. Carefully clean up all mud or sedimentation from the bottom of borehole.

4. Place reinforcement cage, inspection pipes etc.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 18
5. Concrete continuously under water, or drilling fluid, by use of the tremic method.

6. Withdraw the temporary boring casing concurrently with concreting to the instructed

7. After hardening, break out the top section of the concrete pile to reach sound concrete.

(B) Approval of Construction Method

In the tender, the Contractor shall describe the construction method he proposes, including name of
proposed Sub-contractor (if any), information on boring equipment, materials, methods of work and
control of quality. The Contractor shall submit references from similar jobs carried out by him and/or
his proposed Sub-contractor.

During contract negotiations, the Contractor shall submit all requested supplementary detailed
information in writing.

After the Contract has been awarded, the Contractor shall prepare a detailed programme and
establish a procedure for the pile construction. The detailed programme shall contain all required
information on materials. equipment, methods of work etc. and be approved in writing by the
Engineer. Such approval shall not, however, relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for pile

The import of ajiy boring equipment or materials by the Contractor, before he has received the
Engineer’s approval of proposed construction methods, shall he at the Contractor’s risk. Setting out Piles

The Contractor shall check the casing position for each pile during and immediately after placing the
casing and agree it with the Engineer. Diameter of Piles

The diameter of a pile shall be not less than the specified diameter. Tolerances
The centre of Ike 6ornptcted pile at the cut off level shall not deviate more than 100 mm from the
theoretically correct position shown on the Drawings. The inclination of the pile shall not deviate
more than 1:100 from vertical. The Contractor shall provide suitable equipment, such as an inverted
pendulum, to check the verticality of the boreholes at intervals during drilling and prior to concreting. Boring

(A) Methods
Method of excavation shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Water or
air jetting for boring of the piles shall not be allowed.

(B) Boring Near Recently Cast Piles

Piles shall not be bored so close to others piles which have recently been cast and which contain
workable or unset concrete so that a flow of concrete could be induced from or damage caused to
any of the piles. Boring and excavation for a pile shall not be commenced until 24 hours after
completion of any pile within a radius of 6 metres, centre to centre.

(C) Temporary Casings

Temporary casing of approved quality or an approved alternative method shall be used to maintain
the stability of pile excavations, which might otherwise collapse.

Temporary casings shall be free from significant distortion. They shall be of uniform cross-section
throughout each continuous length. During concreting they shall be free from internal projections
and encrusted concrete which prevent the proper formation of piles.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 19
(D) Stability of Pile Excavation Using Drilling Fluid
Where a borehole is formed without casing under water or using drilling fluid for maintaining the
stability of a boring, the level of the water or fluid in the excavation shall be maintained so that the
water or fluid pressure always exceeds the pressure exerted by the soils and external ground water.
The water or fluid level shall be maintained at a level not less than 2 metres above the level of the
river water level or any artesian pressure level.

In the event of a rapid loss of water or bentonite suspension from the pile excavation, the excavation
shall be backfilled without delay and the instructions of the Engineer shall be obtained before
excavation at that location is resumed.

(E) Disposal of’ Excavated Material

No excavated material shall be dumped into the river or any connecting waterway without the
written approval of the Engineer. Excavated material shall be removed from site and dumped either
beyond areas affected by dredging, or taken to the Contractors approved dumping areas on land.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for costs involved in removing the excavated material to

(F) Pumping from Boreholes

Pumping from a borehole shall not be permitted unless a casing has been placed into a stable
stratum which prevents the flow of water from other strata in significant quantities into the boring, or
unless it can be shown that pumping will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding soil or

(G) Obstructions
Where boulders or other obstructions render it impossible to bore the pile, excavation operations
inside pile casing as directed by the Engineer shall he carried out to remove obstructions and the
Contractor shall he reimbursed for such operations only when the largest dimension of the
obstruction exceeds 200 mm and the obstruction is found more than 2 metres below river bed.

(H) Unexpected Ground Conditions

The Contractor shall report immediately to the Engineer any circumstances which indicate that in
the Contractor’s opinion the ground conditions differ from those expected by him from his
interpretation of the site investigation reports.

(I) Boring Records

During the boring of the pile, the Contractor shall compile a ‘boring log’ indicating depths and types
of the various soil layers encountered. Disturbed samples shall be submitted to the Engineer as

The Contractor shall allow for carrying out sampling and tests to check soil strengths as required by
the Engineer.

(J) Final Pile Toe Level

The final pile toe level shall he as indicated on the Drawing or as instructed by the Engineer after
due consideration of the Contractor’s proposals, boring logs and test results.

The final toe level of other piles may subsequently be altered according to the results of the test
loadings detailed in Section 3.4.

(K) Inspection and Cleaning Bottom of Excavation

The time between final excavation and bottom cleaning and the start of concreting shall be kept as
short as possible and shall not exceed 6 hours. To achieve this, the final 2 metres of excavation
shall not start until all preparations for cleaning, reinforcing and concreting are finished. In case of
unexpected delay the Contractor shall dump sand or gravel in the bore to 2 metres above toe level.

On completion of the drilling an interval is required, to allow the fine materials to settle (15 minutes
unless otherwise approved by the Engineer). Thereafter the bottom of the excavation shall be
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 20
carefully cleaned of mud, sedimentation and other soft material by an approved method. The
Contractor shall show, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, that the bottom of the excavation is clean.
Sedimentation tests shall be carried out by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer.
If boring without casing, the diameter of the boring hole for a representative number of piles shall be
measured by caliper prior to the placing of concrete. The verticality of boreholes will be checked as
directed by the Engineer. These measurements shall be done by the Contractor using approved
equipment and no reimbursement shall be made. Placing Reinforcement

The reinforcement shall be placed as indicated on the Drawings. Reinforcement in the form of a
cage shall be assembled with additional support such as spreader forks and lacings, necessary to
form a rigid cage, hoops, links or helical reinforcement shall fit closely around the main longitudinal
bars and be bound to them by approved wire, the ends of which shall he turned inward of the main

The cover to all reinforcement shall be not less than 75 mm.

Joints in longitudinal steel bars shall be permitted unless otherwise specified. Joints in
reinforcement shall be such that the full strength of the bar is effective across the joint and shall be
made so that there is no relative displacement of the reinforcement during the construction of the

Joints in longitudinal bars in piles with tension (for instance for test loading) shall be carried out by
welding unless another method has been approved by the Engineer. Placing Concrete

(A) Approval
No concreting shall take place before the bottom of the excavation has been cleaned, the borehole
inspected and approval obtained in writing from the Engineer.

The method for placing concrete requires to be approved and conform with the following:

 The method of placing and the workability of the concrete shall be such that a
continuous monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross section is formed.
 The concrete shall be placed continuously, and without such interruption as would allow
the previously placed batch to have hardened in this respect the Contractor shall submit
details of his contingency plans, standby plant etc to be utilized in the event of an
equipment failure.
 The use of pumped concrete and the methods in its use shall be approved.
 The Contractor shall take all precautions in the design of the mix and placing of the
concrete to avoid arching of the concrete in a casing. No spoil, liquid or other foreign
matter shall be allowed to contaminate the concrete
 13) Workability of Concrete

Slump measured at the time of discharge into the pile boring shall be in accordance with Table

Minimum Range Typical Conditions of Use
(mm) (mm)
A 75 75-150 Placed into water-free unlined or permanently lined bore of
600 mm diameter or over or where casting level lines below.
Temporary casing: reinforcement widely spaced, leaving
ample room for free movement of concrete between bars.
B 100 100-200 Where reinforcement is not spaced widely: where cut-off level of
concrete is within temporary casting: where pile bore is water-
free is water-free and the diameter is less than 600 mm.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 21

C 150 150 or Where concrete is to be placed by tremie under water or drilling
more mud or by pumping.

(C) Placing Concrete under Water or Drilling Fluid

Concrete to be placed under water fluid shall be placed by tremie and shall not be discharged freely
into the water or drilling fluid.

Before placing concrete, the Contractor shall ensure that there is no accumulation of silt, other
material, or heavily contaminated bentonite suspension at the base of the boring, which could impair
the free flow of’ concrete from the pipe of the tremie. A sample of the bentonite suspension shall be
taken from the base of the boring using an approved sampling device. If the specific gravity of the
suspension exceeds 1.2, the placing of concrete shall not proceed. In this event the Contractor shall
modify the mud quality.

The concrete shall he a rich coherent mix of high workability in accordance with Section and
shall be placed in such a manner that segregation does not occur.

During and after concreting, care shall be taken to avoid damage to the concrete from pumping and
dewatering operations.

The hopper and Pipe of the tremie shall be clean and watertight throughout. The pipe shall extend
to the base of the boring and a sliding plug or barrier shall be placed in the pipe to Prevent direct
contact between the first charge of concrete in the pipe of the tremie and the water or drilling fluid.
The pipe shall at all times penetrate the concrete, which has previously been placed and shall not
be withdrawn from the concrete until completion of concreting. The bottom of the tremie pipe shall
be kept at least 1.5 meters under the surface of concrete once that amount of concrete has been
placed. At all times a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within the pipe to ensure
that the pressure from it exceeds that from the water or drilling fluid. The internal diameter of the
pipe of the tremie shall he not less than 150 mm I’or concrete made with 20 mm aggregate and not
less than 200 mm for concrete made with 40 mm aggregate. It shall he so designed that external
projections are minimized, allowing the tremie to liass through reinforcing cages without causing
damage. the internal face of the pipe of the tremie shall be free from projections.

The Contractor shall maintain a continuous record of’ the volume of concrete used and the level of
the concrete in the pile. Any deviations from the theoretical, or expected, volume level relationship
shall be immediately reported to the Engineer. Extraction of Temporary Casing

(A) Workability of Concrete

Temporary casings shall be extracted while the concrete within them remains sufficiently workable
to ensure that the concrete is not lifted.

(B) Concrete Level

When the casing is being extracted a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within it to
ensure that pressure from external water, drilling fluid or soil is exceeded and that the pile is neither
reduced in section nor contaminated. The toe of the temporary casing shall be kept a minimum of 2
metres under the outlet of the tremie.

No concrete shall he place in the boring once the bottom of the casing has been lifted above the top
of the concrete: it shall be placed continuously as the casing is extracted until the desired head of
concrete is obtained.

Adequate precautions shall be taken in all cases where excess heads of water or drilling fluid could
be caused as the easing is withdrawn because of the displacement of water or fluid by the concrete
as it flows into its final position against the walls of the shaft.

The pile shall be concreted with certain over height to allow for chiseling off the top concrete down
to sound hard concrete.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 22

The pile top shall after clean cutting be embedded 100 mm in the foundation.

(C) Vibrating Extractors

The use of vibrating casing extractors shall be permitted.
(D) Reinforcement Cage
During concreting and pulling the casing, the reinforcement cage shall be secured against uplift and
the top shall be kept under close inspection.

(E) Supervision
The execution of the pile concreting shall be supervised by a qualified person of the Contractor’s
staff, who will keep records on the relation between quantity of concrete used, level of concrete and
withdrawal of casing. Temporary Support

The Contractor shall ensure that free standing piles are, temporarily braced or stayed immediately
after driving to prevent loosening of the pile in the ground and to ensure that no damage resulting
from oscillation. Vibration or movement of any free - standing Pile length can occur. Records
The Contractor shall keep records as indicated below for the installation of each pile and shall
submit two signed copies of these records to the Engineer not later than noon of the next working
day after the pile was installed. The signed records shall form a record of the work. The following
data are required:

a) Pile location
b) Pile reference number
c) Pile type
d) Nominal cross-sectional dimensions or diameter
e) Date and time of boring
f) Date and time of concreting
g) River bed level at commencement of installation of pile
h) Working level
i) Pile toe level
j) River water levels
k) Pile head level
1) Length of temporary casing
m) Length of permanent casing
n) Soils samples taken and in situ tests carried out
o) Standing water level
p) Length and details of reinforcement
q) Concrete mix
r) Volume of concrete supplied to pile and corresponding levels of concrete and casings
s) All information regarding obstructions, delays and other interruptions to the sequence
of work. Measures in Case of Rejected Piles

If any pile is found unsatisfactory in the opinion of the Engineer for utilization in the structure, it shall
be cut off below the pile cap if so ordered by the Engineer.

The pile shall be replaced as directed by the Engineer. All extra expenses shall be borne by the
Contractor and payment shall be made on the basis that no replacement pile had to be provided for
the unsatisfactory pile.

When the safe bearing value of any pile is found by test to he less than the design load, longer piles
or additional piles shall be installed as ordered in writing by the Engineer.

3.1.4 Measurement
The unit of measurement for bored cast in place piling shall be the linear meter of pile constructed
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 23
and accepted in the structure the payable lengths of the satisfactory bored piles shall be measured
from the toe level to cutoff 100 mm above the bottom level of pile cap. Pile permanent steel casing
shall be measured separately in linear meters of the installed and accepted length of casing.
Reinforcement steel shall be measured in accordance with Specifications Section 5.2.4.

3.1 .5 Payment
Bored piles shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per linear meter. The rate shall constitute full
compensation for all materials including temporary casings and concrete, but excluding
reinforcement steel and Permanent Steel Casing, which items will he paid for separately. The rate
shall also include
boring equipment, standard penetration testing, split spoon sampling, boring, excavation,
concreting, inspection and control, cutting off, welding, coupling and all related tools, rigs, cranes,
jets, frames, leads, labor, and other incidental equipment and work necessary to complete the work.
Payment for reinforcement steel shall be at the Contractor’s rates per tone for mild steel and high
yield deformed steel bars.
Payment for Pile Permanent Steel Casing shall be at the Contract unit price per linear meter. The
rate shall constitute full compensation for all materials, labor and plant necessary for providing and
installing the casing, including all jointing, testing and coatings.
No payment shall he make for unauthorized. Defective, unsound or un-satisfaction piles, or for any
costs incurred by the Contractor for such piles.


3.2.1 Descriptions General
This Section deals with the testing of a pile by the application of an axial load or force. It covers
vertical piles tested in compression. Definitations

(A) Allowable Load

The load which may he safely applied to a pile after taking into account its ultimate hearing capacity,
negative friction, Pile spacing, overall bearing capacity of the ground below and allowable

(B) Compression Pile

A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to penetrate further into the

(C) Kentledge
The dead weight used in a loading test.

(D) Maintained Load Test

A loading test in which each increment of load is held constant either for a defined period of time or
until the rate of movement (settlement or uplift) falls to a specified value.

(E) Pilot Pile

A pile installed before the commencement of the main piling works or a specific part of the works for
purpose of establishing the suitability of the chosen type of pile and for confirming its design,
dimension5 and bearing capacity. Pilot pi1es may be utilized as working piles, subject to the
Engineer’s approval,

(F) Proof Load

A load applied to a selected pile to confirm that it is suitable for the load at the settlement specified.
A proof load should not normally exceed 200% of the working load on a pile except in
circumstances where Special Provisions are provided for the testing of precast piles driven to a set,
In these circumstances, 300% is specified.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 24

(G) Reaction System
The arrangement of kentledge, piles, anchors or rafts that provides a resistance against which the
pile is tested.

(H) Tension Pile

A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to be extracted from the

(I) Test Pile

Any pile to which a test loading is, or is to be applied.

(J) Ultimate Bearing Capacity

The load at which the resistance of the soil becomes fully mobilized.

(K) Working Load

The load which the pile is designed to carry.

(L) Working Pile

One of the piles forming the foundation of a structure,

3.2.2 Supervision
All tests shall be carried out only under the direction of an experienced and competent supervisor
conversant with the test equipment and test procedure. All personnel operating the test equipment
shall have been trained in its use.

3.2.3 Safety Precautions General
When preparing for, conducting and dismantling a pile test the Contractor shall carry out the
requirement of’ the various regulations and other statutory instruments that are applicable to the
work for the provision and maintenance of safe working conditions, and shall. in addition make such
other provision as may be necessary to safeguard against any hazards that are involved in the
testing or preparations for testing. Kentledge
Where kentledge is used the Contractor shall construct the foundations for the kentledge and any
cribwork beams or other supporting structure in such a manner that there will not be differential
sctt1enent, bending or deflection of’ an amount that constitutes a hazard to safety or impairs the
efficiency of the operation. The kentledge shall he adequately bonded, tied or otherwise held
together to prevent it filling apart. or becoming unstable because of’ deflection of’ the supports.
The weight of kentledge shall be greater than the maximum test load and if the weight is estimated
from the density and volume of the constituent materials an adequate factor of safety against error
shall be allowed. Tension Piles and Ground Anchors

Where tension piles or ground anchors are used the Contractor shall ensure that the load is
correctly transmitted to all the tie rods or bolts. The extension of rods by welding shall not be
permitted unless it is known that the steel will not he reduced in strength by welding. the bond
stresses of the rods in tension shall not exceed normal permissible bond stresses for the type of
steel and grade of concrete used. Testing Equipment

In all cases the Contractor shall ensure that when the hydraulic jack and load measuring device are
mounted on the pile head the whole system shall be stable up to the maximum load to be applied.
Means shall he provided to enable dial gauges to he read from a position clear of the kentledge
stack or test frame so that failure in any Part of the system due to overloading, buckling, loss of
hydraulic pressure will not constitute a hazard to personnel.

The hydraulic jack, pump, hoses, pipes, couplings and other, apparatus to he operated under
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 25
hydraulic pressure shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure of 1 .5 times the maximum
working pressure without leaking.

The maximum test load or test pressure expressed as a reading on the gauge in use shall be
displayed and all operators shall be made aware of this limit.
3.2.4 Construction of a Pilot Pile to be Test Loaded Notice of Construction

The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 48 hours notice of the commencement of
construction of any pilot pile, which is to be test loaded. Method of Construction

Each pilot test pile shall be constructed in a manner similar to that to be used for the construction of
the working piles, and by the use of similar equipment and materials. Any variation shall only be
permitted with prior approval.
Extra reinforcement and concrete of increased strength shall be permitted in the shafts of pilot piles
at the discretion of the Engineer. Boring of Driving Record

For each pilot pile which is to be tested a detailed record of the soils encountered during boring, or
of the progress during driving shall he made and submitted to Engineer daily not later than noon on
the next working day. Cut-Off Level

The pile shaft shall terminate at the normal cut-off level, or at a level required by the Engineer.
The pile shaft shall be extended where necessary above the cut-off level of working piles so that
gauges and other apparatus to be used in the testing process are not damaged by water or falling
debris. Pile head for Compression Tests

For a pile that is tested in compression, the pile head or cap shall be formed to give a plane surface
which is normal to (lie axis of the pile, sufficiently large to accommodate the loading and settlement-
measuring equipment and adequately reinforced or protected to prevent damage from the
concentrated application of load from the loading equipment.

3.2.5 Preparation of a Working Pile to be Tested

If a test is required on a working pile the Contractor shall cut down or otherwise prepare the pile for
testing as required by the Engineer in accordance with Sections and

3.2.6 Reaction Systems Compression Tests

Compression tests shall be carried out using kentledge, tension piles or specialty constructed
Where kentkdge is to be used, it shall be supported on cribwork disposed around the pile head so
that its centre of’ gravity is on the axis of the pile. The hearing pressure under supporting cribs shall
be such as o ensures stability of the kentledge stack. Kentledge shall not be carried directly on the
pile head, except when directed by the Engineer. Working Piles

Where working piles are used as reaction piles their movement shall be measured to within an
accuracy of 0.5 mm. Spacing
Where kentledge is used for loading vertical piles in compression, the distance from the edge of the
test pile to the nearest part of the crib supporting the kentledge stack in contact with (lie ground shall
be not less than 1 .3 meters.
The centre to centre spacing of vertical reaction pits, including working piles used as reaction piles,
from a test pile shall he not less than three times the diameter of (lie test pile or the reaction piles or

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 26

2 meters, whichever is the greatest. Adequate Reaction

The size, length and number of the piles or anchors, or the area of the rafts, shall be adequate to
transmit the maximum test load to the ground in a safe manner without excessive movement or
influence on the test pile. Care of Piles
The method employed in the installation of any reaction piles, anchors or rafts shall he such as to
prevent damage to any test pile or working pile. Loading Arrangement

The loading arrangement used shall be designed to transfer safely to the test pile the maximum load
required in testing. Full details shall he submitted to the Engineer prior to any work related to the
testing process being carried out on the Site.

3.2.7 Equipment for Applying Load

The equipment used for applying load shall consist of one or more hydraulic rams or jacks with the
total capacity of’ the jacks being at least equal to the required maximum load. The jack or jacks shall
be arranged in conjunction with the reaction system to deliver an axial load to the test pile. The
complete system shall be capable of transferring the maximum load required for the test.

3.2.8 Measurement of Load

Suitable approved measuring devices for determining the load on the pile shall be supplied by the
Contractor. Certificates of calibration shall he supplied to the Engineer.

In addition, large diameter (i.e. exceeding 1 .2 metre) test piles shall he instrumented at 5 different
depths to measure the load distribution along the piles. 1’lic instrumentation shall consist of both a
mechanical system and strain gauges for measuring the pile deformation, The mechanical system
shall consist of 6 mm steel rods or high ensile steel wires gauge No. 23, placed in steel tubes down
to the various depths, and connected to dial gauges at the top. The strain gauges shall be of a
stable type, wholly protected by a steel capsule. They shall be welded to the steel reinforcement, 2
gauges at each depth. The Engineer shall approve the type of gauges to be used and other details
on the instrumentation.

3.2.9 Adjustability of Loading Equipment

The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a smooth
increase of load or to maintain each load constant at the required stages of a maintained loading

3.2.10 Measuring Movement of Pile heads General
In a maintained load test movement of the pile head shall be measured by two of the methods as
described below. One method for settlement measurements, the other method for control. Leveling Method

An optical or any other leveling method by reference to an external datum may he used.
Where a level and staff are used, the level and scale of the staff shall he chosen to enable readings
to be made to within an accuracy of 0.5 mm. A scale attached to the pile or pile cap may be used
instead of a leveling staff. At least two datum points shall he established on permanent objects or
other well-founded structures, or deep datum points shall be installed. Each datum point shall be
situated so that only one setting up of the level is needed.
No datum Point shall be affected by the test loading or other operations on the site.
Where another method of leveling is proposed this shall be approved in writing. Independent Reference Frame

An independent reference frame may be set up to permit measurement of the movement of the pile.
The supports for the frame shall be founded in such a manner and at such a distance from the test
pile, kentledge support cribs, reaction piles, anchorages and rafts that movements of the ground in

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 27

the vicinity of the equipment do not cause movement of the reference frame during the testing.
Check observations of any movements of the reference frame shall be made and a check shall be
made of the movement of the pile head relative to an external datum during the progress of the test.
In no case shall the supports be less than three test pile diameters or 2 meters, whichever is the
greater, from the centre of the test pile.
The measurement of pile movement shall be made by two dial gauges rigidly mounted on the
reference frame that bear on surfaces normal to the pile axis fixed to the pile cap or head.
Alternatively the gauges may he fixed to the pile and hear on surfaces on (lie reference frame. The
dial gauges shall be placed in diametrically opposed positions and be equidistant from the pile axis.
The dial gauges shall enable readings to he made to within an accuracy of 0.1 mm.

The reference frames shall be protected from sun and wind. Other Methods

The Contractor may submit for approval any other method for measuring the movement of pile

3.2.11 Protection of Testing Equipment Protection from Weather

Throughout the test period all equipment for measuring load and movement shall be protected from
the weather.

31 .2 Prevention of Disturbance
Construction equipment and persons who are not involved in the testing process shall be kept at a
sufficient distance from the test to avoid disturbance to the measurement apparatus.

3.2.12 Supervision Notice of Test

The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours notice of the commencement of the test. Records
During the progress of a test, the testing equipment and all records of (lie test as required in

3.2.13 Test Procedure Proof Test by Maintained Load Test

The maximum load. which shall he applied in a proof test, is shown on the Drawings. The loading
and unloading shall be carried out in stages as shown in Table 3.2.1 or as required by the Engineer.
Following each application of an increment of load (lie load shall be held for not less than (he period
shown in Table 4.2.1 or until the rate of settlement is less than 0.25 mm/hour and is slowing down.
The rate of settlement shall be calculated from the slope of the curve obtained by plotting values of
settlement versus time and drawing a smooth curve through the points.

Each stage of unloading shall proceed after the expiry of (lie period shown in Table 3.2.1.

For any period when the load is constant, time and settlement shall be recorded immediately on
reaching the load and at approximately 15 minute intervals between 1 hour at 30 minute intervals
between 1 hour and 4 hours, and at 1 hour intervals between 4 hours and 12 hours after the
application of the increment of load.
The Engineer may require that the full loading, or any portion of the loading, be maintained on the
pile for periods longer than shown in Table 3.2.1.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 28

Table 3.2.1

Loading Sequence
Load as Percentage of Working Load Minimum Time of
Holding Load
Bored Piles Driven Piles
25 50 1 hour
50 100 1 hour
75 125 1 hour
100. 150 1 hour
75 125 10 minutes
50 100 10 minutes
25 50 10 minutes
0 0 1 hour
100 150 6 hours
125 200 1 hour
150 250 6 hours
175 275 1 hour
200 300 24 hours Proof Load
175 275 10 minutes
150 250 10 minutes
125 225 10 minutes
100 200 10 minutes
75 150 10 minutes
50 100 10 minutes
25 50 10 minutes
0 0 1 hour

3.2.14 Presentation of Results Results to be submitted

a) A summary in writing to the Engineer, unless otherwise directed, within 24 hours

of the completion of the test, which shall give for a proof test by maintained load
for each stage of loading, the period for which (lie load was held, (lie load and the
maximum settlement or uplift recorded.

b) The completed schedule of recorded data as in Section within seven

days of the completion of the test. Schedule of Recorded Data

The Contractor shall provide information about the tested pile in accordance with the following
schedule where applicable.

(A) General

1) Site location
2) Contract identification
3) Proposed structure
4) Date of test

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 29

(B) Pile Details

1) Identification (number and location of the test pile)

2) Ground level at pile position
3) Head level as which test load is applied
4) Type of pile
5) Length in ground
6) Level in ground
7) Level of toe
8) Details of Permanent casing

C) Installation Details

1) Dates and times of boring, driving and concreting of test pile and adjacent piles
2) Date and time of casting concrete
3) Driven length of pile or temporary casing at final set
4) 1 hammer type, size or weight
5) Dolly and packing, type and condition before and after driving
6) Driving log (depth, blows per 250 mm, interruptions or breaks in driving)
7) At final set and at redrive set, for drop or single acting hammers, the length of (lie drop
or stroke, for diesel hammers the length of the stroke and the blows per minutes, for
double-acting hammers the number of blows per minute
8) Condition of pile head or temporary casing after driving

(D) Test Procedure

1) Weight of kentlege
2) Tension pile, ground anchor or compression pile details of kentledge supports, rafts,
3) Plan of test arrangement showing Position and distances tension or compression piles
and reference frame to test pile
4) Jack capacity
5) Method of Load measurement
6) Method(s) of penetration measurement
7) Relevant dates and times

E) Test Results

1) In tabular form
2) In graphical form: loads Plotted against movements and time

3.2.15 Completion of a Test Measuring Equipment

On completion of a test all equipment and measuring devices shall be dismantled, checked and
either stored so that they are available for use in further tests or removed from the Site. Kentiedge
Kentledge and its supporting structure shall be removed from the test pile and stored so that they
are available for use in further tests or removed from the Site. Piles
On completion of a preliminary test, temporary tension piles shall be cut off below ground level,
removed from the Site and the ground made good with approved material as specified.

3.2.16 Measurement and Payment

Load tests on large diameter (i.e. exceeding 1 .2 metre) cast in place bored piles shall normally be
carried out on working piles using other working piles as anchor piles. The test pile and anchor piles
will be paid fur at the normal rates for working piles as provided in Section 4.1. Separate payments
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 30
will be made for carrying out each load test, individual rates shall be provided for different proof
loads, which are specified in the Bill of Quantities. Payment for load tests on large diameter cast in
place bored piles shall include provision of special instrumentation to test piles, anchor bars to
reaction Piles. provision of all testing equipment, carrying out of the tests, dismantling of equipment
and removal from site, breaking out pile heads etc. in accordance with the requirements for working
piles, preparation of all reports etc.

Load tests on working cast in place piles, less than 1 .2 metre diameter, shall normally be carried
out using temporary anchor piles or kentledge. Separate payment shall not be made for anchor
piles. Separate payments will be made for carrying out each load test and individual rates shall be
provided for different proof loads, which are specified in the Bill of Quantities. Payment for load tests
on pilot piles shall include provision of anchor piles or kentledge, provision of all test equipment,
carrying out of the tests, dismantling of equipment and removal from site, cutting off below level of
temporary anchor piles, preparation of all reports etc.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 31


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 32

4.1 General
This section shall apply to of brickwork in head walls, abutments, wall-staining, any other place or
places as required conforming to the levels, dimensions, and designs as shown on Drawings or as
directed by the Engineer.
The work to be performed under the provision of this section includes the supply of all labour,
materials, tools and equipment, and the performance of all work necessary for the construction of
the brick masonry required as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

4.2 Materials
Well burnt first class coal or natural gas fired clay bricks of uniform color, shape, and size having
sharpened square sides and edges as well as parallel faces shall be used. Bricks shall be sound,
hard, homogenous in texture, free from cracks, chips, flows etc. Bricks shall emit a clear metallic
sound when struck.
The mean compressive strength of twelve halved bricks shall be 175 kg/cm 2. The minimum
compressive strength for an individual brick shall be 140 kg/cm2.

The minimum water absorption of the bricks shall be 14% by weight. Slight efflorescence shall be
permitted with the approval of the Engineer.

The standard dimensions of first class bricks shall be 238 mm x 112 mm x 70 mm. The allowable
variation shall not be more than 6 mm in length, 3 mm in breadth, and 1 mm in height. Banana
shaped bricks shall be rejected and shall not be used in the works.

The minimum unit weight of first class bricks shall be 1100 kg/m 3. The minimum weight of first class
picked jhama bricks shall be 1300 kg/m3.

The Engineer reserves the right to inspect the place where the bricks are manufactured and select
bricks for load testing as he may direct. The cost of such testing shall be borne by the Contractor.

Unless otherwise specified or directed all brickwork shall be with first class bricks in cement mortar
of required proportions. The sand use in this work shall have minimum fineness modules of 1.5.
Water for mixing the mortar shall conform to the requirements

4.2.1 Soaking of Bricks

Before use in works in all bricks shall be soaked in clear water for a minimum period of 6 hours.
Soaking shall be discontinued two hours before use so that at the time of laying they are skin dry.
Such soaked bricks shall be staked on a clean place where they shall not be spoilt by dirt, earth or
any other objectionable materials.

4.2.2 Mortars
(1) Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, cement mortar for brick masonry shall consist by
volume in proportion as specified in the Schedule of Rates. In each mortar just enough water shall
be added and the components mixed and thoroughly incorporated together to give work ability
appropriate to its use. Mortar shall be used whilst freshly mixed and no softening or re-tampering
will be allowed.

(2) Mortar shall be mixed in an approved method unless hand-mixing is specifically permitted by the
Engineer and in a manner as to accurately determine and control the quantity of each ingredient in
the mortar. The cement and sand shall be first mixed dry until thoroughly mixed before adding
mixing water. If hand-mixing is permitted, the operation shall be carried out on a clean watertight
platform, and cement and sand shall be first mixed dry in the required proportion to obtain a uniform
colour and then the mortar shall be mixed for at least two minutes after addition of water.

(3) Only a sufficient quantity of sand and cement shall be mixed with water as can be used within 30
minutes after the addition of water. The adding of additional water to, and re-tempering, cement
mortar that stiffened because of evaporation of water, shall be permitted only within thirty minutes
from the time of addition of water at the time of initial mixing.
(4) Mixing troughs and pans shall be washed clean at the end of each day’s work.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 33
4.2.3 Brick Masonry Construction
(1) The method and equipment used for transporting and placing the bricks and mortar shall be
such as will not damage the brick or delay the use of mixed mortar. All equipments and tools used
for mixing and transporting mortar and bricks shall be clean and free from set mortar, dirt or other
injurious foreign substances.

(2) All brickwork shall be placed only after the foundation surfaces have been prepared satisfactorily
in accordance with the specifications and the Engineer’s instructions.

(3) The bricks shall not be placed rain sufficiently heavy or prolonged to wash the mortar from the
bricks. Mortar already spread which becomes diluted by the rain shall be removed and replaced
before continuing the work at the expense of the Contractor.

(4) All bricks to be used in brickwork with mortar joints shall be completely soaked in water for a
minimum period of 6 hours before they are used. The bricks shall be used within two hours of taking
out of water. All bricks shall be free from water adhering to their surface when they are placed in the

(5) Before laying bricks in foundation, a layer of not less than 10mm of mortar shall be spread to
make the surface on which the brick work will be laid even. Immediately therefore, the first course of
bricks shall be laid.

(6) Bricks shall be laid on English bond unless otherwise directed by the Engineer and shall be set
with both bed and vertical joints filled with mortar and shall be bedded in by firmly tapped with the
handle of the trowel. The face with the frog mark shall be placed upward to ensure that the frog
mark is filled with mortar. Bricks shall be skillfully laid with the level courses, uniform joints, square
corners, plumb vertical and true surfaces, except when otherwise shown on the Drawings or
directed by the Engineer.

(7) The bricks used on face shall be selected hole or uniform size and with true rectangular face.
Only full bricks shall be used in the brickwork unless absolutely necessary for breaking joints or
maintaining bond.

(8) Bricks shall be laid on full bed of mortar and shall be slightly pressed so that mortar gets into all
the surface pores of bricks to ensure proper adhesion. Bricks shall be laid where possible from one
face only and each brick shall be set with both horizontal and vertical joints filled with mortar and the
bricks shall be bedded in by firmly tapping with the handle of the trowel. Mortar joints shall be
checked and any hollow or defective joints shall be racked and filled with mortar immediately.

(9) Each course shall break the joints with the course below. All horizontal joints shall be parallel
and all vertical joints in alternate courses shall be directly over one another. In thick wall or
foundations, not only the face of the joints but the joints inside also shall break course.

(10) The thickness of mortar in any joint shall not be less than 6mm and not more than 10mm and
the height of four courses as laid shall not exceed more than 25mm the height of four dry bricks
staked one upon other.

(11) All brickwork shall be truly plumb and shall always be carried up regularly along their entire
length throughout the structure. When the entire work cannot be carried out in even courses, the
break shall be made at regular steps each of a length of at least 1-1/2 times its height. Unless
otherwise directed no overhead work shall be allowed. Toothing may be done where future
extension is contemplated but shall be used as an alternative to raking back.

(12) Where specified, fabric reinforcement shall be embedded completely in mortar. During
construction of well staining members, bars shall be placed accurately in accordance with the

(13) The surface of each course shall be thoroughly cleaned from all dirt before another course is
laid on top of it. If the mortar in any course begun to set, the joints shall be racked out to a depth of
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 34
25mm before any subsequent course in laid. When the top course has been exposed for more than
two weeks, it shall be removed and the surface below thoroughly cleaned before any more courses
are added.

(14) When fresh masonry is to be placed against the existing surface of structures, these surfaces
shall be cleaned of all loose materials, roughened and wetted as directed by the Engineer so as to
affect a good bond with the new work.

(15) Height of brickwork in a day shall be limited to 1 meter.

4.2.4 Weep Holes

Weep holes in abutment, wing wall and return wall shall be provided as shown on the Drawings.
The Contractor shall clear or replace at his own expenses to the satisfaction of the Engineer weep
holes that become blocked for any reason during the contract period.

4.2.5 Scaffolding
The scaffolding shall be sound and strong to withstand all loads likely to come upon it and subject to
the Engineer’s approval. Pole going into the masonry is at place which can be filled with a header
brick. The holes which provide resting place for horizontal members shall not be left in masonry
under one meter in width or immediately near the skew backs of arches. The holes left in the
masonry work for supporting the scaffolding shall be filled and made good.

4.2.6 Protection and Curing

(1) Brickwork shall be protected during construction and for 3 days after laying against harmful
effects of weather by suitable covering. During hot weather, all finished or partly completed work
shall be covered or wetted in such manner as will prevent rapid drying of the brickwork.

(2) All brickwork requiring mortar shall be cured as it is constructed for not less than seven days
after completion of the last course by being kept continuously wet with water or by covering with
water saturated material or other curing methods approved by the Engineer.

(3) At the completion of the works all visible surfaces shall be free of damage or debris and shall
look clean. Cure shall be taken that bricks are not stained of coated as the work proceeds. No
rubbing of the faces to remove coating shall be allowed.

4.2.7 Finishing of Surfaces

(1) The surface shall be finished by “Jointing” or “Pointing”. The surfaces which shall remain
exposed shall be pointed, and those which shall be buried under ground shall be jointed. The mortar
or finishing shall be prepared as per Clause 7.7.4.

(2) In jointing, the face joints of the mortar shall be worked out while still green to give a finished
surface flush with the face of the brickwork. The faces of brickwork shall be cleaned to remove any
splashes of mortar during the course of raising the brickwork.
(3) For pointing, the joints shall be squarely raked out to a depth of 15mm while the mortar is steel
green. The raked joint shall be well brushed to remove dust and loose particles and surface shall be
thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and wetted. The mortar shall be filled and pressed into the
raked out joints, before giving the finish. The pointing shall then be finished to proper type given on
the Drawings.

(4) If type of pointing is not mentioned on the Drawing or Schedule of Works, flushing pointing shall
be used. For ruled pointing after the mortar has been filled and pressed into the joints and finished
off level with the edge of the bricks, it shall while still green be ruled along the center with a half
round tool of such width as may be specified by the Engineer. The superfluous mortar shall then be
cut off from the edges of the lines and the surface of the masonry shall also be cleaned of all mortar.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 35
4.2.8 Repairing of Brickwork
After the completion of any brickwork, if any brick is out of alignment or level or does not conform to
the lines and grades shown on the Drawings, or shows a defective surface, it shall be removed and
replaced by the Contractor at his expense unless the Engineer’s grants written permission to patch
or replace the defective area.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 36


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 37


5.1.1 Description

This work shall consist of the construction of all or portions of structures of Portland cement
concrete, of the required grades and types, with or without reinforcement, pre-stressed
reinforcement and with or without admixture, in accordance with these Specifications and to the
lines, levels, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings and required by the Engineer. Portland
cement concrete shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement, water and coarse and fine aggregate
with or without admixture.

5.1.2 Materials Specifications for Materials

(A) Cement

Cement shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO Standard Specification M 85 type 2,

composite Portland cement, unless other types are indicated on the Drawings or specified by the

Cement shall be sampled and tested in accordance with bagged or bulk cement which has partially
set or which contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected. The use of cement reclaimed from
discarded or used bags shall not be permitted.

(B) Water

The water used in mixing-and curing concrete shall be tested by methods described in AASHTO
Test Method T 26. All water shall be clean and free from salt, oil, acid, vegetable or other substance
injurious to the finished product. The use of river water will be subject to the approval of the
Engineer. Such approvals may be withdrawn from time to time depending on the condition of the

(C) Admixtures

Admixtures shall be used as specified or permitted, shall fully conform to the requirements of ASTM
C-494 Type-F of approved brand/origin/manufacturer.

(D) Coarse Aggregate

Coarse aggregate for all types of concrete of hard durable crushed or broken rock and generally
conform to the requirements of AASIITO Standard Specification M80. Coarse aggregate shall be
clean, free from dust and other deleterious material.

The amounts of deleterious substances shall not exceed the following limits:
1) Soft fragments; 2% by mass
2) Clay lumps; 0.25% by mass.
3) Material Passing the 0.075 mm sieve; 0.50% by mass if clay, 1.50% by mass if
infrastructure dust.

In addition, coarse aggregates shall comply with the following:

I) Thin or elongated pieces; Flakiness Index less than 30.

2) The aggregate crushing value shall be less than 30% and the ten percent fines value
shall be greater than 150 KN.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 38

The grading of coarse aggregate of maximum size 20 mm shall conform to Table 5.1.1 below. The
grading of 40 mm maximum size coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with AASIITO Standard
Specification M 80.

Table 5.1.1

Grading Requirements for 20 mm

Maximum Size Coarse Aggregate
Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by Weight
25 100
20.0 90-100
12.5 20-55
10.0 5-20
5.0 0-5
2.4 -

In heavily reinforced structures with difficult casting conditions smaller size aggregates may he used
ii approved by the Engineer.

(E) Fine Aggregate

Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand and fine aggregates from different sources of supply
shall not he mixed or stored in the same pile.

The amounts of deleterious substance when tested in accordance with STP 3.4 shall not exceed the
following limits:

1) Friable Particles; 0.5% by mass

2) Coal and Lignite; 0.5% by mass
3) Material passing the 0.075 mm sieve; 3.0% by mass
4) Any other deleterious materials shall not cause a strength reduction of the concrete of
more than 5% in relation to the strength of concrete free of the concerned deleterious

The grading shall normally be in accordance with Table 5.1.2. In the event that it is not possible to
obtain regular supplies of sand conforming to this grading, (lie Engineer May approve the adoption
of a grading conforming to the requirements of table 4 with additional limits of either C or M of BS
882:1992. However, any additional costs resulting from changes in aggregate proportions or
additional cement contents required to achieve the specified strengths, when using these alternative
grading, shall be borne by the Contractor and shall not be reimbursed.

Table 5.1.2

Grading Requirements for Fine Aggregate

Sieve Size (mm) % Passing by Weight
10.0 5-20
5.0 95-100
1.2 45-80
0.30 10-30
0.15 2-10

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 39 Testing of Materials

(A) Cement

Cement shall he in accordance with AASIITO M 85. The Contractor must provide the Engineer with
manufacturer’s certificates indicating compliance.

Cement shall be sampled and tested for fineness, setting time and strength in accordance with STP
8.1, STP 8.2 and STP 8.3, respectively, at the Contractor’s own expense. The Contractor shall
notify the Engineer of delivery dates so that there will be sufficient time for sampling the cement,
either at the mill or upon delivery. If this is not done, the Contractor may be required to re-handle the
cement in the store for the purpose of obtaining the required samples.

Sampling shall normally be instructed by the Engineer for every batch of cement prior to this cement
being incorporated in the Works.

(B) Water

The, water proposed by the-Contractor to he used in mixing or curing concrete shall be tested by
methods described in AASHTO Test Method T 26.

In sampling water for testing, care shall be taken that the containers arc clean and that samples are

When comparative tests are made with a water of known satisfactory quality, any indication of
unsoundness, marked change in time of setting, or a reduction of more than 10 percent in mortar
strength, shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the water tinder test.

The water shall be tested at a recognized laboratory approved by the Engineer. The test result shall
be signed by the laboratory. The water shall be tested before commencement of work or if the
source is changed or at any time required by the Engineer. All testing shall be carried out at the
Contractor’s expense.

(C) Admixtures

The Contractor shall submit specifications and samples of any admixtures or additives that he
proposes to use to the Engineer at least 28 days before the commencement of construction or
manufacture of the particular structure on which he intends to use such admixtures.

Any tests (the Engineer may require on concrete mixes on account of the Contractors proposal to
use additives shall) be carried out at the expense of the Contractor.

(D) Aggregates

Selection and Approval

From the aggregate materials proposed by the Contractor, samples shall be selected according to
STP Section 2.4 and in the presence of the Engineer. The samples shall he tested at the site
laboratory or at an approved testing laboratory for conformance with Section of these

The quality control of the aggregate shall be as directed by Engineer. Grading shall normally be
checked daily.

Moisture contents of fine aggregate shall be determined daily and at any time when a change in
moisture content is expected.

Contractor proposes to change the source of aggregate; the Engineer shall be informed in advance
and in no case less than 3 weeks before the new aggregate shall be used.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 40 Composition of Concrete

(A) Classes of Concrete

Concrete with cement type I for incorporation in the Works shall be of the classes indicated on the
Drawings and shall comply with Table 5.1.3.

Table 5.1.3

Concrete Characteristic Strength Maximum Minimum

(N/mm2 @ 28 (days) Size of Cement
Cylinder Cube Coarse
Concrete (1150 x 300 mm) (150 mm) Aggregate Content
Class (mm) (Kg/m3)
7 7 9 40 180
20 210
10 10 13 40 210
20 240
15 15 19 40 250
20 280
20 20 25 40 300
20 320
25 25 31 40 340
20 360
30 30 37 40 370
20 400
35 35 44 40 400
20 430

(B) Proportioning

When designing the concrete mix, the Contractor shall consider the following conditions:

1) Strength
The class is the specified characteristic cylinder strength at 28 days and a crushing strength
24 N/mm2. Concrete mixes shall be designed to comply with Specifications Section

2) Water/Cement Ratio
The ratio of free water to cement when using saturated surface dry aggregate shall be as
low as possible and not exceed 0.50 by weight for all concrete, except for blinding concrete
where it shall not exceed 0.6, unless approved by the Engineer.

For concrete in barriers, edge beams and bridge decks directly exposed to traffic or
concrete in pile caps or abutments in contact with the ground, the water cement ratio shall
not exceed 0.45, unless approved by the Engineer,

3) Minimum Cement Content

As indicated for the respective class in Table 5.1.3.

4) Minimum Filler Content

Filler content (fine aggregate less than 0.25 mm) and cement shall not be less than as
follows (except for mass concrete).

Maximum c Maximum coarse aggregate size (mm) 20 40

Minimum filt Minimum content (kg/3 of concrete) 435 350

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 41

5) Coarse Aggregate
The maximum size of coarse aggregate will generally be in accordance with Table 5.1.1.
Grading and quality is to comply with the requirements of Section (D).

6) Fine Aggregate
The grading and quality is to comply with the requirements of Section 5.1 .2.1.

7) Workability
The concrete shall be of suitable workability to obtain full compaction. Slump measured in
accordance with STP 9.1 shall not exceed 60 mm unless otherwise indicated on the
Drawings or approved by the Engineer.

(B) Trial Mixer

After the Contractor has received approval for the cement and aggregate to be used, he shall
prepare trial mixes with concrete of designed proportions to prove and establish workability,
strength, water cement/ratio, surface criteria etc. Methods of transporting fresh concrete and the
compaction equipment shall be considered. The trial mixes shall be made and compacted in the
presence of the Engineer, using the same type of plant and equipment as will be used for the

From each trial mix, cylinders or cubes shall be made and tested in accordance with Section 5.1 .

From the same mix as that from which the test specimens are made, the workability of the concrete
shall he determined by the slump test in accordance with STP 9.1. The remainder of the mix shall
be cast in a wooden mould and compacted. After 24 hours the sides of the mould shall be struck
and the surface examined iii order to satisfy the Engineer that an acceptable surface can be
obtained with the mix.

The trial mix proportions should be approved if the required strength is obtained from tests carried
out in accordance with Section and the consistency amid surface is to the satisfaction of the

When a flux has been approved, no variations shall be made in the mix proportions, or in the type,
size, grading zone or source, of any of the constituents without the consent of the Engineer, who
may require further trial mixes to he made before any such variations are approved.

Until the results of trial mixes for a particular class have been approved by the Engineer, no
concrete of the relevant class shall be placed in the Works.

When the Contractor intends to purchase factory-made precast concrete units, trial mixes may be
dispensed with provided that evidence is given to satisfy the Engineer that the factory regularly
produces concrete which complies with the Specifications. The evidence shall include details of mix
proportions, water/cement ratios, slump tests and strengths obtained at 28 days. Control of Concrete Quality

(A) General

The Contractor shall assume the full responsibility for the quality of the concrete conforming to these
specifications and this responsibility shall not be relieved by the testing carried out and approved by
the Engineer.
The Contractor shall thus at his own discretion establish additional testing procedures as necessary.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 42

(B) Control of Concrete Production

I) Materials

Materials used shall be tested in accordance with Section

2) Plant and Equipment

Batching plants will be tested by the Contractor in a procedure approved by the Engineer before any
major concrete casting and at any other time requested by the Engineer.

3) Fresh Concrete

The frequency of slump tests shall be as directed by the Engineer, with at least one test per 25 m 3 of

(C) Control of Strength

1) Sampling and Testing

Cube tests may be substituted for cylinder tests if acceptable to both the Engineer and the
Contractor If cube tests are adopted, the concrete characteristic strengths shall be as shown in
Table 5.1.3. All other requirements of the Specifications shall equally apply to cubes or

The Contractor shall take samples of the concrete for testing. The number, frequency and location
shall be decided by the Engineer. A minimum of 3 concrete cubes/cylinders; should be taken for
each day’s casting, or for every 15 M3 of concrete cast in large pours. The slump of concrete
samples shall be measured.

The procedures for sampling and making cubes/cylinders and testing them shall be as described in
STP 9.2.

2) Strength Requirement
The results of the testing shall conform to the strength requirements according to British standard

(D) General
The characteristic strength of concrete is the 28 days strength below which not more than 5% of the
test results may be expected to fall.

(E) Target Mean Strength

The concrete mix should be designed to have a mean strength greater than the required
characteristic strength by at least the current margin for each particular type of concrete mix shall he
determined; it may he taken as having the smaller of the values given by (I) or (2) below.

1) 1.64 times the standard deviation of tests on at least 100 separate batches of concrete of
nominally similar proportions of similar materials and produced over a period not exceeding
12 months by the same plant tinder similar supervision.

2) 1.64 times the standard deviation of tests on at least 40 separate batches of concrete of
nominally similar proportions of similar materials and produced over a period exceeding 5
days but not exceeding 6 months by the same plant under similar supervision.Where there
are insufficient data to satisfy (1) or (2) above, the margin for the initial mix design should he
taken as two-thirds of the characteristic strength for concrete. This margin should be used as
the current margin only until sufficient data are available to satisfy (I) or (2) above.However,
when the required characteristic strength approaches the maximum possible strength of
concrete made with a particular aggregate, a smaller margin may he permitted by (lie
Engineer for the initial mix design.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 43
(F) Testing Plan

Each cube shall be made from a single sample taken from randomly selected batches of concrete.

Compliance with the specified characteristic strength may be assumed if:

I) The average strength determined from any group of four consecutive test cubes
exceeds the specified characteristic strength by not less than 0.5 times the current
margin, and

2) Each individual test result is greater than 85% of the specified characteristic strength.

The current margin should be taken to be two-thirds of the specified characteristic strength for
concrete, unless as mentioned above a smaller margin has been established to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

If only one cube result fails to meet the second requirement then that result may be considered to
represent only the particular batch of concrete from which that cube was taken provided the average
strength of he group satisfies the first requirement.

If more than one cube in a group fails to meet the second requirement or if the average strength of
any group of four consecutive test cubes fails to meet the first requirement then all the concrete in
all the hatches represented by all such cubes shall be deemed not to comply with the strength
requirements. For the purposes of this sub-Section, the batches of concrete represented by a group
of four consecutive test cubes shall include the batches from which samples were taken to make the
first and last cubes in the group of four, together with all the intervening batches.

(G) Action to be taken in the Event of Non-Compliance with the testing Plan

W hen the average strength of four consecutive test cubes fails to meet the first’ requirement in (F),
above, the mix proportions of subsequent batches of concrete should be modified to increase the

The action to be taken in respect of the concrete which is represented by the test-cubes which fail to
meet either of the requirements (or not by correct statistical proof can be verified to have the
required strength) shall be determined by the Engineer. This may range from qualified acceptance
in less severe cases, to rejection and removal in the most severe cases.

The Engineer may also require the Contractor at his own expensed to prove statistically the
strength, by boring out cores and testing them according to a program approved by the Engineer.
The age of the concrete and degree of hardening at the time of the new testing shall he consider.
The equivalent cylinder/cube strength shall comply the minimum characteristic strength or as
decided by the Engineer.

(H) Control of Hardening

If the Contractor wants to remove forms and scaffolding earlier than specified herein, extra test
specimens shall be cast by the Contractor in accordance with the instruction of the Engineer. These
specimens shall be tested the day before removal of the form. On the basis of the test results the
Engineer shall take the final decision on the time for the removal of forms. For pre-stressed
concrete, extra test specimens shall be cast by the Contractor in accordance with the instructions of
the Engineer, to determine the time for tensioning the tendons. On the basis of the test results, the
Engineer shall decide upon the time for pre-stressing the concrete.

5.1.3 Construction Methods General

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 44

The Contractor shall in due time and as soon as possible present and discuss his construction
methods amid work programme with the Engineer and shall obtain his approval before
commencement of any work.

The Contractor shall maintain an adequate number of trained amid experienced supervisors and
foremen at the Site to supervise and control the work.

All construction, other than concrete, shall conform to the requirements prescribed in other Sections
of the Specifications, for the particular items of work comprising the complete structure. Scaffolding and Formwork

(A) Scaffolding (False Work)

Details, plans and structural calculations for scaffolding shall be submitted by the Contractor to the
Engineer for approval, but in no case shall (lie Engineer’s approval relieve the Contractor of his
Contract responsibilities. All scaffolding shall he designed and constructed by (lie Contractor to
provide the necessary rigidity and to support dead and live loads without deflection or deformation.
The Engineer may require the Contractor to employ screw jacks or hardwood wedges to take up
any settlement in scaffolding and formwork, either before or during the placing of concrete.

Tests may be required by the Engineer of materials proposed by the Contractor for scaffolding. Test
loadings of the completed scaffolding may also be required fur (lie determination of flexibility and
strength. All expenses associated with testing shall be borne by the Contractor.

Scaffolding which cannot be founded on a satisfactory footing shall be Supported on piles, which
shall he spaced, driven and removed in a manner approved by the Engineer. When the Contractor
wishes to support scaffolding on existing structures, lie shall submit his proposals in due time to (lie
Engineer, in writing, including loads from the scaffolding, The Engineer will consider the proposals
and respond in writing.

Scaffolding shall be set to give the finished structure a camber, if indicated on the Drawings or
specified by the Engineer.

Scaffolding shall remain in place for periods which shall be determined by the Engineer.

(B) Formwork

Formwork shall include all temporary or permanent moulds for forming the concrete. Formwork shall
be of wood, metal or other approved materials and shall be built mortar light amid rigid enough to
maintain the concrete in position during placing, compacting, setting and hardening.
Formwork for exposed surfaces (“wrought form”) shall he made of dressed lumber of uniform
thickness with or without a form liner of an approved type or shall he of metal sufficiently rigid in
itself with no surface blemishes that will impair (lie quality of the concrete surface finish. No rusty or
bent metal forms shall be used. Exposed concrete arises shall be provide with formed chamfers, as
indicated on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer.

Rough lumber may be used for surfaces that will not be exposed in the finished structure (“rough

All lumber shall be sound, free from warps and twists, sap, shakes, large or loose knots wavy edge
or other defects affecting the strength or appearance of the finished structure.

All forms shall be set and maintained true to the line designated until (lie concrete is sufficiently
hardened. Forms shall remain in place for periods, which shall be determined by the Engineer.
When forms appear to be unsatisfactory in any way, either before or during (lie placing of concrete,
the Engineer may order the work stopped until (lie defects are corrected.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 45

If requested, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer working drawings of (lie forms and also, if
requested, calculations to verify (lie rigidity amid strength of (lie forms. -

The shape, strength, rigidity, water tightness and surface smoothness of reused formwork shall be
maintained at all times. Any warped or bulged lumber must be re-sized before being reused.
Formwork that is unsatisfactory in any respect shall not be reused.

Metal ties or anchorages within the form shall be so constructed as to permit their removal to a
depth of at least 50 mm from the face without injury to the concrete. All fittings for metal ties shall be
of such design that, upon their removal, the cavities which are left will be of the smallest possible
size. The cavities shall be filled with cement mortar and the surface left sound, smooth, even and
uniform in color.

Formwork shall be so constructed that easy cleaning out of any extraneous material inside the
formwork can he achieved without disturbing formwork already checked and approved by the

Formwork shall be treated with approved non-staining oil or saturated with water, to facilitate
formwork removal. The Engineer may require trials to be carried out before approval is given for the
use of a particular type of oil, to ascertain that the oil proposed by the Contractor does not discolour
or injure the finished concrete face in any way.

Before placing any concrete, all shavings, loose binding wires, soil, rubbish and all foreign matter
shall be removed from the formwork amid the formwork shall be carefully and thoroughly washed
with water. if not indicated otherwise, the following tolerances of the finished concrete structures
shall apply:

Foundations: horizontally ± 30 mm: vertically ± 20 mm

Piers:Horizontally ± 20 mm, vertically ± 10 mm, inclination 1:400
Dimensions of other structural members: + 10 mm, - 5 mm
Edge beams and parapets shall be made to such accuracy that no deviations froni the correct
alignment are visible.

The cross sectional areas of the superstructure of bridges shall in no place deviate more than 3%
from the theoretically correct cross sectional areas.
Anchors for bearings, expansion joints, railings, etc. shall he placed within the tolerances indicated
on the Drawings or specified by the Engineer.

(C) Blinding Concrete on Single Layer Brick Flat Soling

A leveling layer of blinding concrete shall he provided as the permanent bottom form for all concrete
structures that will directly bear on prepared soil, whether this blinding concrete is shown on the
Drawings or not. The leveling layer of blinding concrete shall be of thickness not less than 75 mm
and shall be constructing on single layer brick flat soling.

(D) Approval of Scaffolding and Formwork

If plans and calculations of scaffolding and formwork are requested by the Engineer, no construction
of such scaffolding and formwork shall take place before approval by the Engineer, in writing. Such
approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the Contract for the adequacy
of scaffolding and formwork.

The Engineer shall have reasonable time for his examination of the Contractor’s plans and
calculations, especially if scaffolding is introducing temporary loading on new structures. The
Contractor shall not be allowed extensions of Contract time due to awaiting such approval.

The Engineer shall inspect all formwork and scaffolding and no concrete shall be placed until the
Engineer’s approval has been given. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his
responsibilities under the Contract for the successful completion of the structure.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 46 Care and Storage of Concrete Materials

(A) Storage of Cement

All cement shall be stored in suitable weatherproof buildings or silos which will protect the cement
from dampness. These buildings or silos shall he placed in locations approved by the Engineer.
Provisions for storage shall he ample, amid the shipments of cement as received shall be separately
stored in such manner as to provide easy access for the identification and inspection of each
shipment. Storage buildings shall have capacity for the storage of a sufficient quantity of cement to
allow sampling at least 14 days before the cement is to be used. Cement shall meet the test
requirements at any time and any cement stored for an elongated time shall be checked amid tested
before use regardless of whether it has previously been tested.

(B) Storage of Aggregates

Aggregates shall be so stored as to prevent the inclusion of foreign material. Aggregates shall not
be placed upon the finished roadbed. Aggregates of different sizes and kinds shall be placed in
different stockpiles. Stockpiles of blended coarse aggregates shall be built up in successive
horizontal layers not more than I meter thick. Each layer shall be completed before the next is
started. Should segregation occur, the aggregates shall be recombined to conform to the grading

Washed aggregates and aggregates produced or manipulated by methods which involve the use of
water shall he allowed draining at least 12 hours before use. Preparations before Casting

Before any major casting, the Contractor shall prepare a complete “casting programme” describing
staff and labor, consumption of materials, plant, tools and equipment, reserves of materials, standby
plant and equipment, proposed means of handling and placing the concrete, quality controls etc.

No concrete shall he mixed and placed until the Contractor’s casting programme has been
approved in writing by the Engineer.

Equipment and tools necessary for handling materials and performing the work, and satisfactory to
the Engineer as to design, capacity, and mechanical condition, shall be at the site of the work before
casting is started.

If any equipment is not maintained in full working order, or if the equipment as used by the
Contractor proves inadequate to obtain the result prescribed, such equipment shall be repaired or
other suitable equipment substituted or added at the discretion of the Engineer. Measuring Materials

All material in the mix shall be proportioned by weight or volume, subject to the approval of the

When volume batching is proposed by the Contractor, the exact proportions must be converted from
trial mix weights to volumes, from bulk densities determined in the laboratory. Written approval from
the Engineer is required. Mixing Concrete

(A) General

All concrete shall be mixed in batch mixers, either at the site of construction or at a central plant.
Each mixer shall have attached to it in a prominent place, a manufacturer’s plate showing the
capacity of the drum in terms of mixed concrete and the speed of rotation of the mixing drum.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 47

(B) Mixers at Local Site of Construction

Mixers at local sites shall be approved drum-type capable of combining the aggregate, cement, and
water into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass within the specified mixing period and of
discharging the mixture without segregation. The mixer shall be equipped with a suitable charging
hopper, water storage and a water measuring device, accurate within 1%. Controls shall he so
arranged that the water can be applied only while the mixer is being charged. Suitable equipment
for discharging the concrete shall he provided. The mixer shall he cleaned at suitable intervals. The
pickup and throw-over blades in the drum shall be replaced when they have lost 10% of their depth.

The mixer shall be operated at a drum speed of between 15 and 20 revolutions per minute. The
batched materials shall be so charged into the drum that a portion of the water shall enter in
advance of the cement and aggregates and the water shall continue to flow into the drum for a
minimum time of 5 seconds after all the cement and aggregates are in the drum. Mixing time shall
he measured from the time all materials except water are in the drum and shall, in the case of
mixers having a capacity of I cubic metre or less, not be less than 50 seconds nor more than 70
seconds. In the case of dual drum mixers, the mixing time shall not include transfer time. The
contents of an individual mixer drum shall he removed before a succeeding batch is emptied
therein. Any concrete mixed less than the specified minimum time shall be discarded and disposed
of by the Contractor at his own expense.

The volume of concrete mixed per batch shall not exceed the mixer’s nominal capacity in cubic feet
or cubic meters as shown on the manufacture’s guaranteed capacity standard rating plate on the
mixer; except that an overload up to 20% of the mixers nominal capacity may be permitted provided
concrete test data for strength, segregation and uniform consistency are satisfactory, and provided
no spillage of concrete takes place.

Retempering concrete by adding water or by other means shall not be permitted. Concrete which is
not of the required consistency at the time of placement shall not be used and shall be discarded
and disposed of by the Contractor at his own expense.

(C) Central Plant Mixers

These mixers shall be of approved drum type capable of combining the aggregate, cement and
water into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass within the specified mixing period amid of
discharging the mixture without segregation. Central plant mixers shall be equipped with an
acceptable timing device that will not permit the batch to be discharged until the specified mixing
time-has elapsed. The water system for a central mixer shall be either a calibrated measuring tank
or a meter and shall not necessarily be an integral part of the mixer.

The mixers shall be cleaned at suitable intervals. They shall be examined daily for changes in
interior condition. The pick up and throw-over blades in the drum shall be replaced when they have
lost 10016 of their depth.

In addition to the requirements for mixers at local sites detailed above, central plant mixers which
have a capacity of between 2 and 5 cubic meters, or greater than 5 cubic meters, should have a
minimum mixing time of 90 and 120 seconds respectively, provided tests indicate that the concrete
produced is equivalent in strength and uniformity to attained as stated in the preceding paragraphs.

Mixed concrete shall be transported from the central mixing plant to the site of work in agitator
trucks or upon written permission of the Engineer in non-agitator trucks. Delivery of concrete shall
be so regulated that placing is at a continuous rate unless delayed by the placing operations. The
intervals between deliveries of batches shall not he so great as to allow the concrete in place o
harden partially, and in no case shall such an interval exceed 30 minutes.

(D) Agitator Trucks

Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Engineer, agitator trucks shall have watertight revolving
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 48
drums suitably mounted and shall be capable of transporting and discharging the concrete without
segregation. The agitating speed of the drum shall not be less than two or more than six revolutions
per minute. The volume of mixed concrete permitted in the drum shall not exceed the
manufacturer’s rating nor exceed 80% (lie gross volume of the drum.

Upon approval by the Engineer, open-top, revolving-blade truck mixers maybe used in lieu of
agitating trucks for transportation of central plant mixed concrete.

Gross volume of agitator bodies expressed in cubic feet or cubic meters shall be supplied by the
mixer manufacturer. The interval between introduction of water into the mixer drum and final
discharge of the concrete from the agitator shall not exceed 45 minutes. During this interval the mix
shall be agitated continuously.

(E) Non-Agitator Trucks

Bodies of non-agitating equipment shall be smooth, water-tight metal containers equipped with
gates that will permit control of the discharge of the concrete. Covers shall be provided when
needed for protection against the weather. The non-agitating equipment shall permit delivery of the
concrete to the site of the work in a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass with a satisfactory degree
of discharge.

Uniformity shall he satisfactory if samples from the one-quarter and three quarter points of the load
do not differ by more than 30 mm in slump. Discharge of concrete shall he completed within 30
minutes after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregate.

(F) Truck or Transit Mixers

These shall be equipped with electrically actuated counters by which the number of revolutions of
the drum or blades may readily he verified and the counters shall be actuated at the
commencement of fluxing operations at designated mixing speeds. The mixer when loaded shall not
he filled to more than 60% of the drum gross volume. The mixer shall be capable of combining the
ingredients of the concrete into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass and of’ discharging the
concrete with a satisfactory degree of uniformity.

Except when intended for use exclusively as agitators, truck mixers shall be provided with a water
measuring device to measure accurately the quantity of water for each batch. The delivered amount
of water shall be within plus or minus 1% of the indicated amount.

Truck mixer may be used for complete mixing at the batch plant and as truck agitators for delivery of
concrete to job sites, or they may be used for complete mixing of the concrete at the job site. They
shall either be a closed watertight revolving drum or an open top revolving blade or paddle type.

The amount of mixing shall be designated in number of revolutions of the mixer drum. When a truck
mixer is used for complete mixing, each batch of concrete shall he mixed for between 70 and 100
revolutions of the drum or blades at the rate of rotation designated by the manufacturer of the
equipment as the “mixing speed”. Such designation shall appear on a metal plate attached to the
mixer. If the hatch is at least 0.5 cubic meres less than guaranteed capacity, the number of
revolutions at mixing speed may he reduced to not less than 50. Mixing in excess of 100 revolutions
shall he at the agitating speed. All materials, including the mixing water, shall be in the mixer drum
before actuating the revolution counter which will indicate the number of revolutions of the drum or

When wash water (flush water) is used as a portion of the mixing water for the succeeding batch, it
shall be accurately measured and taken into account in determining he amount of additional mixing
water required. When wash water is carried on the truck mixer, it shall be carried in a compartment
separate from the one used for carrying or measuring the mixing water. The Engineer will specify
the amount of wash or flush water, when permitted; any may specify a “dry” drum if wash water is
used without measurement or without supervision.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 49

When a truck is used for complete mixing at the batch plant, mixing operations shall begin within 30
minutes after the cement has been added to the aggregate. After mixing, the truck mixer shall be
used as an agitator, when transporting concrete, at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the
equipment as agitating speed. Concrete discharge shall be completed within 45 minutes after the
addition of the cement to the aggregates. Each batch of concrete delivered at the job site shall be
accompanied by a time slip issued at the batching plant, bearing the time of departure there from.
When the truck mixer is used for the complete mixing of the concrete at (lie job site, the mixing
operation shall begin within 30 minutes after the cement has been added to the aggregates.
The rate of discharge of the plastic concrete from the mixer drum shall be controlled by the speed of
rotation of the drum in the discharge direction with the discharge gate fully open. Handling and Placing Concrete

The temperature of concrete at the time of placing shall not exceed 35 0C.

In preparation for the placing of concrete all sawdust, chips and other construction debris and
extraneous matter shall be removed from the interior of forms. Struts, stays and braces, serving
temporarily to hold the forms in correct shape and alignment, pending the placing of concrete at
their locations, shall he removed when the concrete placing has reached an elevation rendering
their service unnecessary. These temporary members shall be entirely removed from the forms and
not buried in the concrete.

Concrete must reach its final position in the forms within 20 minutes of the completion of mixing, or
as directed by the Engineer.

Concrete shall be placed so as to avoid segregation of the materials and the displacement of the
reinforcement. The use of long troughs, chutes and pipes for conveying concrete from the mixer to
the forms shall be permitted only on written authorization of the Engineer. In case an inferior quality
of concrete is produced by the use of such conveyors, the Engineer may order discontinuance of
their use amid the institution of a satisfactory method of placing.

Open troughs and chutes shall be of metal or metal lined. Where long steep slopes are required, the
chutes shall be equipped with baffles or he in short lengths that reverse the direction of movement.

All chutes, troughs and pipes shall be kept clean amid free from coatings of hardened concrete by
thoroughly flushing with water after each run. Water used for flushing shall be discharged clear of
the structure.

When placing operations would involve dropping the concrete more than 1.5 m, it shall be deposited
through sheet metal or other approved pipes. As far as practicable, the pipes shall be kept full of
concrete during placing and their lower ends shall he kept buried in the newly placed concrete. After
initial set of the concrete, the forms shall not he jarred and no strain shall he placed on the ends of
reinforcement bars which project.

Concrete, during and immediately after depositing, shall be thoroughly compacted. The compaction
shall be done by mechanical vibration subject of the following provisions:

I) Vibration shall he internal unless special authorization of other methods is given by

(lie Engineer or as provided herein.
2) Vibrators shall he of a type and design approved by (lie Engineer. They shall be
capable of transmitting vibration to the concrete at frequencies of’ not less than 4,500
impulses per minute.
3) The intensity of vibration shall be such as to visibly affect a mass of concrete of 20 mm
slump over a radius of at least 450 mm.
4) The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of vibrators to properly compact each
hatch immediately after it is placed in the forms.
5) Vibrators shall he manipulated to thoroughly work the concrete around the
reinforcement and embedded fixtures, and into the corners amid angles of the forms.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 50

Vibration shall he applied at the point of deposit and in the area of freshly deposited concrete. The
vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn from the concrete slowly. The vibration shall he of
sufficient duration amid intensity to thoroughly compact the concrete, but shall not be continued so
as to cause segregation. Vibration shall not be continued at any one point to the extent that
localized areas of grout are formed.

Application of vibrators shall be at points uniformly spaced and not further apart than twice the
radius over which the vibration is visibly effective.

6) Vibration shall not be applied directly or through (lie reinforcement to sections or layers
of concrete which have hardened to the degree that the concrete ceases to he plastic
under vibration. It shall not be used to make concrete flow in the forms over distances
so great as to cause segregation, and vibrators shall not he used to transport concrete
in the forms.

7) Vibration shall be supplemented by such spading as is necessary to ensure smooth

surfaces and dense concrete along form surfaces and in corners and locations
impossible to reach with the vibrators.

8) The provisions of this Section shall also apply to precast piling, concrete cribbing and
other precast members except that, if approved by the Engineer, the manufacturer’s
methods of vibration may he used.

Concrete shall he placed in horizontal layers not more than 600 mm thick except as hereinafter
provided. When less than a complete layer is placed in one operation, it shall be terminated in a
vertical bulkhead. Each layer shall be placed and compacted before the preceding batch has taken
initial set to prevent injury to the green concrete amid avoid surfaces of separation between the
batches. Each layer shall be compacted so as to avoid the formation of a construction joint with a
preceding layer which has not taken initial set.

When the placing of concrete is temporarily discontinued, the concrete, after becoming firm enough
to retain its form, shall be cleaned of laitance and other objectionable material to a sufficient depth
to expose sound concrete. To avoid visible joints as far as possible upon exposed faces, the top
surface of the concrete adjacent to the forms shall be smoothed with a trowel. Where a “feather
edge” might be produced at a construction joint, as in the sloped top surface of a wing wall, an inset
form shall be used to produce a blocked out portion in the preceding layer which shall produce an
edge thickness of not less than 150 mm in the succeeding layer. Work shall not he discontinued
within 450 mm of the top of any face unless provision has been made for a coping less then 450
mm thick, in which case, if permitted by the Engineer, a construction joint may be made at the under
side of the coping.

Immediately following the discontinuance of placing concrete all accumulations of mortar splashed
upon the reinforcement steel and the surfaces of forms shall be removed. Dried mortar chips and
dust shall not be puddle into the unset concrete. If the accumulations are not removed prior to the
concrete becoming set, care shall be exercised not o injure or break the concrete-steel bond at and
near the surface of the concrete, while cleaning the reinforcement steel.

For simple spans, concrete shall preferably be deposited by beginning at the centre of the span and
working from the centre toward the ends. Concrete in girders shall be deposited uniformly for the full
length of the girder and brought up evenly in horizontal layers. For continuous spans, the concrete
placing sequence shall be as shown on the plans or agreed on by the Engineer.

Concrete in slab and girder haunches less than 1 .0 meter in height shall be placed at (lie same time
as that in the girder stem.

Concrete in slab spans shall be placed in one continuous operation for each span unless otherwise
provided Concrete in T-beam or deck girder spans may be placed in one continuous operation if
permitted by the Engineer.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 51

Concrete in columns and pier shafts shall he placed in one continuous operation, unless otherwise

Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, no concrete shall be placed in the superstructure until
the column forms have been stripped sufficiently to determine the character of the concrete in the
columns. The load of the superstructure shall not be applied to the supporting structures until they
have been in place at least 14 days, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer.

Pneumatic placing of concrete shall be permitted only if authorized by the Engineer, The equipment
shall be so arranged that vibration does not damage freshly Placed concrete.

Where concrete is conveyed and placed by pneumatic means the equipment shall he suitable in
kind and adequate in capacity for the work. The machine shall be located as close as practicable to
the place of deposit. The position of the discharge end of the line shall not be more than 3 metres
from the point of deposit. The discharge lines shall be horizontal or inclined upwards from the
machine. At (lie conclusion of placement the entire equipment shall he thoroughly cleaned.

Placement of concrete by pumping shall be permitted only if authorized by the Engineer. The
equipment shall be so arranged that vibrations do not damage freshly placed concrete. Where
concrete is conveyed and placed by mechanically applied pressure, the equipment shall be suitable
in kind and adequate in capacity for the work. The operation of the pump shall be such that a
continuous stream of concrete without air pockets is produced. When pumping is completed, (lie
concrete remaining in (lie pipeline, if it is to be used, shall be ejected in such a manner that (here is
not contamination of the concrete or separation of the ingredients. After this operation, the entire
equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned. Perforations and Embedment of Special Devices

The Contractor is responsible for determining in advance of making any concrete pours, all
requirements for perforation of Concrete sections or embedment therein of special devices of other
trades, such as conduits, pipes, weep holes, drainage pipes, fastenings, etc. Any concrete poured
without prior provision having been made, shall be subject to correction at the Contractor’s expense.

Special devices to be embedded:

 Expansion joints
 Drain outlets including fixing bolts for down pipes
 Bolts and inserts for sign posts
 Bolts and inserts for various purposes regarding inspection and maintenance as
directed by the Engineer
Other devices not mentioned above shall he shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.
The inserts and fittings should conform to Sections 5.9 amid 5.10 of this Specification. Finishing Concrete Surfaces

One of the following types of finishing shall be applied to concrete surfaces:

Type A - Concrete Decks

Immediately after placing concrete, concrete decks shall be struck off using templates to provide
proper crowns and shall be finished smooth to the correct levels. Finish shall be slightly but
uniformly roughened by brushing. The finished surface shall not vary more then 10 mm from a 3
metre straight edge placed in any direction on the roadway Deviation from the grade line shall not
be more than + 30 mm, in any 20 metre length.

Type B - Kerb and Sidewalk Surface

Exposed faces of kerbs and sidewalks shall be finished to true lines and grades. The kerb surface
shall be wood floated to a smooth but not slippery finish. Sidewalk surfaces shall be slightly but
uniformly roughened by brushing.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 52

Type C - Ordinary Finish
An ordinary finish is defined as the finish left on a surface after the removal of the forms when all
holes left by form ties have been filled, and any minor surface defects have been repaired. The
surface shall be true and even, free from depressions or projections.
The concrete in bridge seats, caps, and tops of walls shall be struck off with a straight edge and
floated to true grade. Under no circumstances shall the use of Mortar topping for concrete surfaces
be permitted.

Type D - Rubbed Finish

After the removal of forms the rubbing of concrete shall be started as soon as its condition permits.
Immediately before starting this work the concrete shall be kept co thoroughly saturated with water
for a minimum period of three hours. Sufficient time shall have elapsed before the wetting down to
allow the mortar used in patching to have thoroughly set. A medium coarse carborundurm stone
shall be used for rubbing a small amount of mortar on the face. The mortar used shall be composed
of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the same Proportions as that used in the concrete being
finished. Rubbing shall be continued until all form marks, projections, and irregularities have been
removed, all voids filled, and a uniform surface has been obtained. The paste produced by this
rubbing shall be left in place at this time. The final finish shall he obtained by rubbing with a fine
carborumidum stone and water until the entire surface is of a smooth texture and uniform colour.

After the final rubbing has been completed and the surface has dried, burlap shall he used to
remove loose powder. The final surface shall be free from unsound patches, paste, powder and
objectionable marks.

Type-E-Bushhammer Finish
Bussammering shall be carried out by treating (lie surface with an approved heavy duty power
hammer fitted with a multi-point tool which shall be operated over the surface (o remove 5 to 6 mm
of concrete paste and expose maximum areas of coarse aggregate.

Aggregate hell embedded shall not he fractured or loose. 25 mm wide hands at all corners and
arises shall be left as cast. The finish surface shall be even and of uniform appearance and shall be
washed with water upon completion.

Type F-Ribbed Finish

Ribs shall be vertical and to the dimensions shown on the Drawings. The direction of the grain of the
timber forming the ribs shall be vertical. Construction Joints

(A) General
Construction joints shall be made only where located on the plans or shown in the pouring schedule,
unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
It not detailed on the plans, or in the case of emergency, construction joints shall be placed as
directed by the Engineer. Shear keys or inclined reinforcement shall be used where necessary to
transmit shear or bond the two sections together.

(B) Bonding
Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete which has hardened, the forms shall be re-
tightened. The surface of the hardened concrete shall he roughened as required by the Engineer, in
a manner that does not leave loosened particles of aggregate or damaged concrete at the surface.
It shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter and laitance, and saturated with water. To ensure an
excess of mortar at the juncture of the hardened and the newly deposited concrete, the cleaned and
saturated surfaces, including vertical and inclined surfaces, shall first be thoroughly covered with a
thin coating of mortar or neat cement grout against which the new concrete shall be placed before
the grout has attained its initial set.

The placing of concrete shall be carried continuously from joint to joint. The face edges of all joints
which are exposed to view shall be carefully finished true to line and elevation.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 53 Curing Concrete

All concrete surfaces shall be kept thoroughly wet for at least 7 days after placing. Bridge deck and
sidewalk slabs shall be covered with wet hessian immediately after final finishing of the surface.
This material shall remain in place for the full curing period or may be removed and replaced with
sand when the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent marking. In both cases the materials
shall he kept thoroughly wet for the entire curing period. All other surfaces if not protected by forms,
shall be kept thoroughly wet, either by sprinkling or by the use of wet burlap until the end of the
curing period. The wood forms are allowed to remain in place during the curing period, but they shall
be kept moist at all times to prevent openings at joints.

After a period of 7 days, the concrete shall he watered daily at certain intervals approved by the
Engineer to avoid drying out of the surface. This shall take place during the following 2 weeks. The
water used shall be the same as used in concrete mixes unless otherwise approved by the

Any proposal from the Contractor for the use of liquid membrane curing compound shall be subject
to the approval of the Engineer. Removal of Scaffolding and Formwork

Forms and scaffolding shall not be removed without the approval of the Engineer. The Engineer’s
approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his Contract responsibilities. Any kentledge blocks and
bracing shall be removed at the same time as the forms and in no case shall any portion of the
wood forms be left in the concrete.
Forms used on exposed vertical faces shall remain in place for periods which shall be determined
by the Engineer and normally not less than 3 days.
Supporting scaffolding and forms under slabs, beams and girders shall normally remain in place
until the full required strength of the concrete has been obtained. If a shorter period is requested,
this may be permitted by the Engineer. In such case, special test specimens (see Section
shall be cast to monitor the hardening.
All structures shall be fully stripped before adjacent structures are cast. Repair of Concrete

As soon as the form has been stripped, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer who shall inspect
the concrete before any improvement of the surface takes place.
All wire or metal devices used for securing the formwork which project from or appear on the
surface of the finished concrete shall be removed or cut back to at least a depth equal to the
required reinforcement cover. All holes and pockets so formed shall be filled with cement mortar
mixed in (lie same proportions as the fine aggregate to cement of the concrete mix used for that
particular section of the structure, after the surface to be patched has been thoroughly cleaned and
wetted to receive the patch.

Excessive honeycombing shall be sufficient to cause rejection of portions of the structure containing
this honeycombing. The Contractor, on receipt of written orders from the Engineer, shall remove
and rebuild such portions of the structure at his own expense.

Smaller honeycombing and other defects can be repaired if permitted by the Engineer. Structural,
maintenance and aesthetical points of view shall he taken into consideration before such approval, if
any, may be given. The method of repair shall be approved by the Engineer and an extension of
period for a certain part of the performance bond may be required. Depositing Concrete under Water

Concrete shall not he deposited in water except with the approval of the Engineer and under his
immediate supervision; and in-this case the method of placing shall be as defined in this Section.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 54

Concrete placed under water shall be carefully placed in a compact mass, in its final position, by
means of a tremie tube and shall not be disturbed after being deposited. Special care must he
exercised to maintain still water at the point of deposit. Concrete shall not be placed in running
water. The method of depositing concrete shall be so regulated as to produce approximately
horizontal surfaces.
Concrete seals shall be placed in one continuous operation. When a tremie tube or pipe is used, it
shall consist of a tube or pipe not less than 150 mm in diameter. All joints in the tube shall be
watertight. The means of supporting the tremie tube shall be such as to permit free movement of the
discharge end over the entire top of the concrete and to permit its being lowered rapidly when
necessary to choke off or retard the flow. The tremie tube shall be filled by a method that Prevents
washing of the concrete. The Discharge end shall be completely submerged in concrete at all times
and the tremie tube shall he kept full. Concrete slump shall not be less than 150 mm. Dewatering
shall proceed only when the concrete seal is considered strong enough to withstand any pressure to
be exerted upon it. This time shall be decided by the Engineer. All laitance or other unsatisfactory
material shall be removed from the exposed surface by scraping, jetting, chipping or other means,
which do not injure the seal unduly. Factory Made Pre-Cast Concrete Elements

Any supplier of precast concrete elements shall be approved in writing by the Engineer. Such
approval can be withdrawn at any time.Concrete work in precast concrete elements shall fully
conform with all relevant Sections of these Specifications. The supplier shall maintain laboratory
facilities of the same standard as the site laboratory. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer,
precast concrete members shall not be moved from the casting position until the concrete has
attained a compressive strength of 80% of the specified 28 day strength, nor transported until it has
developed strength of 90% of the specified 28 day strength.

Extreme care shall be exercised in handling and moving precast concrete members. Precast girders
and slabs shall be transported in an upright position. Shock shall be avoided and the points of
support and directions of the reactions with respect to the member shall be approximately the same
during transportation and storage as when the member is in its final position. If the Contractor
deems it expedient to transport or store precast units in other than this position, this shall be at the
Contractor’s risk, after notifying the Engineer of his intention to do so. Any rejected unit shall be
replaced at the Contractor’s expense by an acceptable unit.
Proposed details on the handling and transportation of precast concrete members shall be
submitted in writing by the Contractor, to the Engineer, for his approval.
Each precast member is to he uniquely and permanently marked so as to show its type, date of
casting and any other information required by the Engineer. Control of heat in Structures

In structures of major dimensions i.e., pile caps, etc. the heat deriving from the hardening of the
concrete shall be controlled by the Contractor. Temperature gradients introducing risk of cracking
shall not occur and the temperature shall not exceed 70 0C.

The Contractor shall submit timely proposals for avoiding excessive heat generation, such as the
cooling of aggregates bef6rc mixing, to the Engineer for approval. Backfill to Structures

All spaces which have been excavated and the volumes of which are not occupied by the concrete
structure shall be backfilled and compacted with acceptable material in accordance with the
provisions of Section 2.5 as directed by the Engineer. Cleaning Up

Upon completion of a structure and before final acceptance, the Contractor shall remove all forms
and scaffolding etc. down to 0.5 meters below the finished ground line. Excavated, or useless

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 55

materials, rubbish etc. shall be removed from the Site and the Site shall be left in a neat and tidy
condition satisfactory to the Engineer.

5.1.19 Measurement

Concrete shall be measured by the number of cubic meters of class and maximum coarse
aggregate size indicated on the Drawings complete in place and accepted by the Engineer. In
computing quantities, the dimensions used shall be those shown on the Drawings. No deduction
from the measured quantity shall be made for drainage. pipes less than 300’-mrn in diameter,
conduits, chamfers, reinforcement bars, stressing tendons, expansion joints water slops or pile
heads embedded in concrete.

Reinforcing and pre-stressing steel shall be measured for payment as described in Specifications
Sections 6.2 and 6.3.

Formwork, scaffolding (false work), construction joints and surface finishes shall not be measured
separately but shall be deemed to be an integral part of the concrete items.
Single layer brick flat soling under blinding concrete for concrete structures bearing directly on
prepared soil shall be measured in M2 as that of the base area of the concrete structure. . The
measured area will be the same.

5.1.5 Payment

Concrete of the classes and maximum coarse aggregate sizes shown on the Drawings and
measured as provided in Section 5.1.4 shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices per cubic meter.
The contractor’s rates shall include all trial mixes (as specified in Section, mixing,
transporting, placing and compacting the concrete. The rates shall also include all concrete
finishing, the supply, placing and building in of weep pipes.

The Contractor’s rates shall be fully inclusive of the cost of all labor and materials in providing and
erecting all formwork, falsework and centering and for their subsequent removal.

Payment for single layer brick flat soling shall include the supply of all required Materials and all
labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 56


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 57

6.1 General
(1) The steel reinforcement shall be prepared and fixed in accordance with the Working
Drawings furnished by the Engineer.
(2) The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with bar bending schedules detailing the
reinforcement required for the permanent works. Such schedules are to be approved by the
Engineer prior to the commencement of work. Approval shall not relieve the Contractor from his
responsibilities under the Contract for providing the materials called for on the Drawings. All
further working drawings and lists of reinforcement necessary to carry out the works shall be
approved by the Contractor at his own cost.
(3) All reinforcement delivered to the site shall be stacked prior to use off the ground kept free
from dirt, oil, grease and avoidable rust.
6.2 Steel Reinforcement
Reinforcement bars shall be mild steel, made from billet structural grade and shall conform to
following specifications:

(1) Code or standard: Standard of equivalent code: ASTM A575, A615-

Grade- 60, A-576
(2) Chemical composition (%): P (Phosphorous) –0.05 max.
S (Sulpher) – 0.05 max.

(3) Physical properties: Yield Stress- 414 N/mm2 min.

Tensile Stress- 483 N/mm2 min.
Percentage elongation- 20% min.
(min. gauge length- 5 dia.)

(4) Standard dimension and weight: According to Table 10.1

(5) Dimensional tolerance: Below 28mm bar +/-0.5mm

Above 28mm bar +/-0.6mm

(6) Weight tolerance: The different between calculated weight and actual
shall be within +/-3.5%.

The physical properties of the reinforcement shall be analyzed in a reputed laboratory as per
direction of the Engineer in Charge and test report to be submitted to the Engineer.

Reinforcement steel shall be deformed or ribbed twisted. All reinforcement bars shall be mild steel,
made from billet and shall conform to followings specifications:

Standard Dimension and Weight

Bar Diameter Cross Sectional Perimeter Unit Weight

In Mm in mm2 in mm ib/ft kg/m
¼ 6.356 0.05 28.27 0.79 18.85 0.167 0.249
3/8 9.52510 0.11 78.54 1.18 31.42 0.376 0.56
½ 12.7013 0.20 113.10 1.57 37.70 0.688 0.99
5/8 15.87516 0.31 201.06 1.96 50.27 1.043 1.56

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 58

¾ 19.0519 0.44 283.53 2.36 59.69 1.502 2.24
7/8 22.2322 0.60 380.13 2.75 69.12 2.044 3.05
1 25.4025 0.79 490.87 3.14 78.54 2.670 3.98
1-1/8 28.6528 1.00 615.75 3.54 87.96 3.400 5.06
1-1/4 31.7532 1.27 804.25 3.99 100.53 4.303 6.42

Requirements of Deformation for Deformed Bar

(a) Deformations shall be spaced along the bar at substantially uniform distances. The
deformation on opposite sides of the bar shall be similar in size and shape.

(b) The deformations shall be placed with respect to the axis of the bar so that the included
angles is not less than 45° where the line of deformation forms and included angle with the
axis of the bar of form 45° to 70° inclusive, the deformations shall alternately reversed in
direction from those on the opposite side. Where the line of deformation is over 70° a
reversed in direction is not required.

(c) The average center to center or distance between deformation on each side of the bar shall
not exceed seventeenth of the nominal diameter of the bar.

(d) The overall length of deformation shall be such that the gap between the extreme ends of the
deformations on opposite sides of the bar shall not shall not exceed 12.5% of the nominal
perimeter of the bar where the where the extreme ends terminate in a longitudinal ribs are
involved the total width of all longitudinal ribs shall not exceed 25% of the nominal perimeter
of the bar, further more the summation of gaps shall not exceed 25% of the nominal diameter
of the bar. The nominal perimeter of the bar shall be 3.14 (π=3.14) times the nominal

(e) The minimum height of deformations shall be not less than the following percentage of the
nominal diameter of the bar.

Diameter of the M.S. Rod Minimum height of Diameter in

Percentage of Nominal Diameter of Bar
10mm dia. 4.0
12mm dia. 4.0
16mm dia. 4.5
20mm dia. 5.0

(f) The spacing, height and gap of deformations shall conform to the requirements prescribed
Bar Size Max. average Min. average Max. gap in chord
spacing in mm height in mm 12.5% nominal
10mm dia 6.7 0.38 3.5
12mm dia 8.9 0.51 4.9
16mm dia 11.1 0.71 6.1
20mm dia 13.3 0.96 7.3
22mm dia 15.5 1.11 8.5
25mm dia 17.8 1.27 9.7
28mm dia 20.1 1.42 10.9

Ribbed Twisted Bars

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 59

i. Quality Mark High Strength Ribbed Twisted Bar

ii. Code or Standard Ribbed Twisted Bars shall conform to Indian Standard: IS 1986-
1979, or British Standard: BS 1144 & BS 4461 (1969) or
iii. Chemical Ribbed Twisted Bar shall made from soft Mild Steel with
Composition maximum limit (percent) of:
Carbon Sulphur Phosphoro
0.25% 0.055% 0.055%
iv. Physical Properties Yield Stress 414 N/mm2
Tensile Stress 621 N/mm2
Elongation (Gauge length 5d) 14.50%
Bend Test Around a mandrel of 3d through
180 degree.
Rebend Test Around a mandrel of 5d,
through 45 degree and reverse
bend through 23 degree.
v. Rib Requirement Pitot length of any Rib 8 to 12 bar dia (after twisting)
Width of all longitudinal 25% (Max.) of nominal
Longitudinal Rib A uniform continuous rib
parallel to the axis of the bar
before twisting.
Traverse Rib or Lug Any rib on the surface of a bar
other than a longitudinal rib.
vi. Standard Dimension Dia in mm Weight in kg/m
and Weight 6 0.222
8 0.395
10 0.617
12 0.888
16 1.578
20 2.466
22 2.980
25 3.854
28 4.830
32 6.313
vii. Dimensional and As in plain and Deformed Bar mentioned previously.
Weight Tolerances

6.3 Cutting and Bending

(1) All cutting and bending shall be in accordance with standard approved practice. Straitening of
bends and re-bending of incorrectly bent bar shall not be permitted. Bars shall be bent cold by use
of an approved bending machine.

(2) Bending ratio shall be as specified on the Drawings with bends made round a former having a
diameter of at least three times the diameter of the bar. If the ratio are not shown on the Drawings,
ACI standard shall be followed.

(3) Where splices or overlapping in reinforcement are required the bars shall, unless otherwise
shown on the Drawings, have an overlap of not less than thirty times the diameter where a U-hook
is employed on each of the overlapping bars and forty-five times the diameter for bars without

6.4 Placing and Fixing Reinforcing Steel

(1) All reinforcement shall be securely and accurately fixed in position shown on the drawings using

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 60

approved spacer books and chairs. Tolerance allowance for placing reinforcement shall not exceed
12mm. No splices of reinforcement shall be made other than as shown of the Drawings or approved
by the Engineer.

(2) All intersections of bars shall be secured with No. 22 to 18 gauge galvanized iron wire, the ends
being turned into the body of the concrete. The reinforcement shall be held securely in place to the
lines and grades shown on the Drawings by approved concrete supports, spacers or ties with
particular care being taken during placing of the concrete.

(3) The specified concrete cover to reinforcement shall be maintained with the aid of approved
supports and spacer pieces. Top reinforcement in slabs shall be maintained in position by means
chairs made out of mild steel, the diameter and quantity being sufficient to ensure security of the
reinforcement shall be used to support access ways, working platforms, or the placing equipment for
the conducting of an electric current. Reinforcement supports and spacers shall be sufficient to
maintain reinforcement in place throughout the concreting operation and shall be shall be not
exposed in the concrete face or discolour the finished concrete.

(4) Before any steel reinforcement is embedded in the concrete any loose mill scale, loose rust and
any oil, grease or other deleterious matter shall be removed. Particularly set concrete which may
adhere to the exposed bars during concreting operations shall be removed.

6.5 Concrete Cover to Reinforcement

(1) Unless specified on the Drawings, the clear concrete cover to reinforcement shall be as
tabulated below:

Table 10.2 Clear concrete cover to reinforcement

Description of concrete element Clear Cover (mm)

Normal Exposure

Wall and Foundation Slab: Contact with earth & Water 75

Exposed to weather 50
Piles: Cast-in-situ 75
Pre-cast 40
Beam, Girder, Column 50
Building, Roof and Floor Slab less then 150 mm thick 25
Building, Roof and Floor Slab more than 150 mm thick 40
Bridge Deck Slab 40
Railing 25

(2) Cover shall be maintained by the use of the minimum practical number of purpose made
concrete blocks, approved spacers and concrete and reinforcement chairs. Concrete spacer blocks
shall be made from cement, sand and small aggregate to match the mix proportions of the
surrounding concrete as far as practical to ensure comparable strength, durability and appearance.

6.6 Welding of Reinforcement

(1) Reinforcement which is specified to be welded shall be welded by any process the Contractor
can demonstrate by bend and tensile tests which will ensure that the strength of the parent metal is
not reduced and that the weld possesses strength no less than that of the parent metal. The welding
procedure established by the successful tests weld shall be maintained and no departure from this
procedure shall be permitted. Following the establishment of a satisfactory welding procedures,
each welder to be employed on the work shall carry out welder performance qualification tests on
reinforcing bars of the same metal and size as those on the works.

(2) Welds in positions other than those shown on the Drawings shall not be permitted.

6.7 Additional Tests

The Contractor shall cut out steel samples as directed by the Engineer and these shall be tested
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 61
according to the Engineer’s instructions by an approved Testing Institution. Expenses incurred in
connection with cutting out, transporting and testing of the samples shall be paid for by the
Contractor. In general, two samples shall be tested from each batch of a particular size of
reinforcement delivered to the site.
6.8 Protection and Storage
Reinforcement for structures shall be handled and stored in a manner that will prevent bending out
of the desired shape and any accumulation of dirt, oil and paint. When placed in the works it shall be
free from dirt, oil, grease, paint, mill scale and loose or thick rust.

6.9 Splicing
Reinforcement shall he furnished in the lengths indicated on the Drawings. When the Contractor
wishes to use more splices than are indicated and/or necessary, the Contractor shall furnish
Working Drawings to the Engineer for approval in accordance with the guidelines provided on the
Contract Drawings. If such additional splices are approved, the extra weight occasioned by such
splices shall not be included in the measurement of reinforcement for payment.

All splices for high yield deformed steel bars and mild steel plain steel bars shall have lap lengths as
shown on the Drawings. Lap splices shall generally he located at points of minimum tension in bars.
Except where otherwise shown on the Drawings lap splices shall be made with the bars placed in
contact and securely wired together.

Welding of reinforcing steel shall he done only if detailed on the Drawings or approved in writing by
the Engineer. Before the Engineer may approve of such welding, the Contractor shall submit and
test any samples as the Engineer may require and make due allowance for the time elapsing before
results are available.

6.10 Substitutions
Substitutions of bars shall be permitted only with specific authorization by the Engineer and at the
expense of the Contractor. If bars are substituted they shall have a cross sectional area equivalent
to the design area, or larger. If substitutions of bars are permitted, the Contractor shall produce
working drawings and reinforcing detailing at his own expense and to the approval of the Engineer.

6.11.01 Measurement
The quantity of reinforcement to be measured under this Section shall be the computed weight in
tones of material used and accepted as shown on the Drawings provided that the quantity shall not
include the reinforcement in any item of work for which the basis of payment includes the

Computing the weight to be measured, the theoretical weights of bars of the cross section shown on
the Drawings or authorized shall be used. The weight shall be calculated based on a constant mass
of 0.00785 kg/mm2 per meter run. The computed weight shall not include the extra material incurred
when bars larger than those specified are used, or the extra material necessary for splices when
bars shorter than those specified are used with the permission of the Engineer, or the weight of any
devices used to support or fasten the reinforcement in the correct position including any necessary

However, payment shall he allowed for lap splices not shown when the bars are longer than 12
meters. Only one lap splice per every started 12 meters will he paid for.

6.11.02 Payment
This work measured as provided above, shall he paid for at the Contract unit price per metric tone of
reinforcement of the particular type. The payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and
placing reinforcement of any size and for all labor, binding wire, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Section.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 62


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 63

7.1 General
Pipes and fittings include all pipes, fittings and accessories inside and outside the treatment plant
and comprise the connections between the plant and the transmission mains. The Contractor shall
deliver and install all necessary materials to incorporate and to modify the pipe works specified
herein or as listed in the schedules or shown on drawings, including all material and ancillary
equipments required or which may reasonably enforce to be necessary for the proper performance
of the works.

The whole system shall not contain any matter or chemicals which could impart taste, odor or
toxicity or otherwise be harmful to public health or adversely affect the water conveyed. The
designed working pressure shall be 6 bar. The test pressure shall be of 10 bar.

7.2 Pipe Works

In general all pipes & fitting supplied shall be manufactured with steel in compliance with BSB 34. DI
pipes are to be used for interconnection with the pipe work outside the site.

All other pipes work and fitting on pipes other than DI shall be flanged unless otherwise stated. The
flange shall comply with the relevant requirements of BS 4504 and be drilled according to class PN
10. Each flange shall be complete, with jointing materials, such as gaskets, bolts, nuts, washers,
glands etc. Where steel and cast flanges are mated together, the steel flange shall be machined
over its full face after welding to its respective pipe.

Flexible joints shall be provided to facilitate easy removal and reinstallation of a section after any
repair or maintenance.

The pipe work shall be laid out and designed to facilitate its erection, painting at sites, dismantling of
any section for maintenance and to give a constant and uniform flow of working fluid with a
minimum head loss. Position of flanges shall take into account any necessary pipe support or thrust

Facilities shall be provided for drainage and de-aerating the pipe system

7.3 Pipe Laid Underground

The alignments and levels of the pipelines are shown on the Drawings. The pipe shall be accurately
installed to the alignments, levels, grades and positions set out by the Contractor from data given on
the Drawings or supplied to him by the Engineer.

7.4 Closing Lengths and Connection of Existing Pipeline

At the locations shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall connect to the existing water mains.
The connection shall not be made until the new work has passed the final test specified elsewhere.

Pipes which are required to be cut to form closing pieces in any portion of the pipeline or to
terminate in chambers or other parts of the Works shall not be cut until after all adjacent pipes have
been installed and joined.

The Contractor shall determine the length of each closing piece and the required angle and shape
of the cut. The cut shall be neatly performed and the end of the pipe shaped up and trimmed so as
to ensure an accurate joint or termination as the case may be. Any damage to sheathing, coating or
lining shall be made good.

All pipes shall be cut on site and prepared for jointing in accordance with the supplier's instructions.

7.5 Inspection at the time of Installation

At the time of delivery and before installation of pipes, fittings and other materials, the contractor
shall inspect and receive as fit for use. The contractor shall remove from the site and shall provide a
replacement for any pipe, fitting or valve which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is so badly damaged

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 64

as to be unfit for repair or use. In addition to any inspection and tests made when delivery is taken,
pipes and valves, including any sheathing, lining or protective paint work, shall be inspected by the
Contractor immediately before and after installation and any damage shall be repaired by the
Contractor as directed by the Engineer before the pipe or valve is installed or joined as the case
may be. Steel pipes with external sheathing shall be tested externally by the Contractor in the
presence of the Engineer immediately before laying. Any special material required for the repair of
pipe sheathing or lining shall be obtained from the pipe supplier and shall be used with due regard
to his recommendations.

The Engineer may, and without thereby relieving the Contractor of any of his obligations, inspect
and test the pipes, fittings and valves by any means he considers appropriate and such tests shall
be performed by the Contractor as aforesaid. The Contractor shall remove from the Site and shall
provide a replacement for any pipe, fitting or valve which in the opinion of the Engineer is so badly
damaged as to be unfit for repair on the Site.

7.6 Laying
Unless specified otherwise, pipes shall be set in place singly and shall not be joined until after they
have been so positioned.

No pipe shall be laid which is damaged, cracked, checked, or spalled or has any other defect
deemed by the Engineer to make it unacceptable, and all such sections shall be permanently
removed from the Works.

Each heavy pipe shall be carefully lowered onto its prepared bed by means of necessary slings and
tackle. PVC pipes may be lowered by hand. A recess shall be left in the prepared bed to permit the
sling to be withdrawn. If the prepared bed is damaged, the pipe shall be raised and the bed made
good before pipe laying is continued. Pipe shall be laid upgrade. Any pipe which is not in true
alignment, both vertical and horizontal, or shows any undue settlement after laying, shall be taken
up and re-laid correctly by the Contractor at his own expense, when so ordered by the Engineer.

The pipe shall rest on solid and even foundation bedding for the full length of the pipe barrel.
Suitable excavation shall be made to receive the socket or collar. Except where directed or shown
otherwise, the minimum cover to the laid pipes, measured at the highest point at the barrel shall be
as shown in the Drawings.

The Contractor shall keep the interior of pipes clean and free from water, dirt, stones or other
foreign matter as installation proceeds, and at the end of the day's work, or at other times when
installation work is not proceeding, the open ends of pipes shall be sealed off by a wooden plug or
other approved stopper. If foreign matter enters the pipe which, in opinion of the Engineer, will not
be removed by the flushing operation, the interior of the pipe shall be cleaned by approved
mechanical means. Potable water pipes shall also be swabbed with a 1% hypo-chlorite disinfecting
solution as directed by the Engineer. Cleaning with any other means shall be undertaken only when
the Engineer has determined that such operation will not force mud or debris into pipe joint spaces.
The pipe trench shall be kept free from water at all times. The Contractor shall take all necessary
precautions to prevent the pipe from floating due to water entering the trench from any source, and
shall assume full responsibility for any damage due to this cause. It shall be at the Contractor's
expense to restore and replace the pipe to its specified condition and grade if it is displaced due to

Where pipes pass through water - bearing walls, care shall be exercised to ensure joints being
watertight. The pipe exterior shall be free of all dirt and grease to secure a tight bond with the
concrete. No pipe joint will be allowed to occur in the walls.
Installation of PVC pipe in open air is not permitted.

If any damage should occur to any pipes through failure of the Contractor to comply with these
conditions, the damage shall be made good at the Contractor's expense.

7.7 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 65

7.7.1 General
The jointing of PVC, pipe to pipe and PVC fittings shall be done by Bell end joint (Push joint, i.e.,
using of no solvent cement) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and Engineer’s
direction. Threaded joints shall be used where called for. All joints and preparation thereof, shall be
in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions and as hereinafter specified.

Flanged faces shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign substances before flanges are connected.
Flanges shall be aligned and faces shall be parallel before the joint is made. Extra care shall be
taken to load the bolts evenly so as to eliminate unnecessary stresses. A torque wrench shall be
used on all PVC to PVC flanged pipe joints and on all PVC to metal flanged pipe joints. The
following torque load shall be applied to produce the required 70 MPa stress in the corrosion
resisting steel bolts of flanged connections.

Sizes of Bolt (mm) Torque (N-m)

13 14
16 30
19 19

All PVC pipe connections to cast iron and steel valves and fittings shall socket and spigot or flanged
connections made in accordance with the Bills of Quantities and materials supplied.

All cast iron and steel fittings and valve assemblies in PVC pipe runs shall be supported
independently of the PVC pipe so that their weight will not be supported by or transmitted of the
PVC pipe.

The spigot will be centered in the socket and maintained in this position by resting it on two mounds
of tamped soil, or preferably gravel. The spigot with then be pushed into the socket, checking that
everything is correctly aligned.

Supports for unburied horizontal lines of PVC pipe shall be spaced as indicated in the following
table, unless it is otherwise shown on the drawings:

Nominal Pipe size (mm) Maximum Spacing of Supports( m)

50 and less 1.5
65 1.7
80 2.1
100 2.1
150 2.1

Where clamping of the pipe for the purpose of anchoring is required, the clamps shall be fitted with
rubber or PVC taper liners. Supports shall be provided at all poits of directional change especially
from horizontal to vertical, regardless that these supports are called for on the drawings or not.
Valves and other devices in the line shall be supported so that the weight or torque applied to the
device does not place undue stress on the pipe. Expansion joints shall be used at other locations
recommended by the pipe manufacturer. All PVC pipe shall be installed and supported to permit
contraction and expansion from temperature changes. Several Standard specifications, such as
British Standard (BS) or ISO that are followed widely in the world for uPVC pipes are given below.
The Contractor shall follow GOST or ISO Standard. .

Table: The specification of ISO 4422: 1996 (E)

Nominal PN 6.3 PN 8 PN 10 PN 12.5 PN 16 PN 20 PN 25

O.D.(mm) Wall thickness (mm)
32 1.6 1.9 2.4 3.6
40 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.4 3.0 4.5
50 1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.7 5.6
63 2.0. 2.5 3.0 3.8 4.7 7.1

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 66

75 2.3 2.9 3.6 4.5 5.6 8.4
110 2.7 3.4 4.2 5.3 6.6 8.1 10.0
140 3.5 4.3 5.4 6.7 8.3 10.3 12.7
160 4.0 4.9 6.2 7.7 9.5 11.8 14.6
200 4.9 6.2 7.7 9.6 11.9 14.7 18.2
225 5.5 6.9 8.6 10.8 13.4 16.6
250 6.2 7.7 9.6 11.9 14.8 18.4
315 7.7 9.7 12.1 15.0 18.7 23.2

Table: The specification of BS3505: 1968

Nominal Outer dia Class B Class C Class D Class E Class

Size (mm) 7
Wall thickness (mm)
Inch Min Max Mi Ma Min Ma Min Ma Min Ma Min Max
n x x x x
½ 21.2 21.5 …. …. …. …. …. …. 1.7 2.1 3.7 4.3
¾ 26.6 26.9 …. …. …. …. …. …. 1.9 2.5 3.9 4.5
1 33.4 33.7 …. …. …. …. …. …. 2.2 2.7 4.5 5.2
1¼ 42.1 42.4 …. …. …. …. 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.2 4.8 5.5
1½ 48.1 48.4 …. …. …. …. 2.5 3.0 3.1 3.7 5.1 5.9
2 60.2 60.5 …. …. 2.5 3.0 3.1 3.7 3.9 4.5 5.5 6.3
3 88.7 89.1 2.9 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.6 5.3 5.7 6.6 …. ….
4 114. 114. 3.4 4.0 4.5 5.2 6.0 6.9 7.3 8.4 …. ….
1 5
5 140. 140. 3.8 4.4 5.5 6.4 7.3 8.4 9.0 10. …. ….
0 4 4
6 168. 168. 4.5 5.2 6.6 7.6 8.8 10. 10. 12. …. ….
0 5 2 8 5
8 218. 219. 5.3 6.1 7.8 9.0 10. 11. 12. 14. …. ….
8 4 3 9 6 8
10 272. 273. 6.6 7.6 9.7 11. 12. 14. 15. 18. …. ….
6 4 2 8 8 7 1
12 323. 324. 7.8 9.0 11. 13. 15. 17. 18. 21. …. ….
4 3 5 3 2 5 7 6

Table: The specification of BS 3506: 1969

Nominal Mean outside Class O (non- Class B 6 Class C 9 Bar Class D 12

Size diameter(mm) pr) Bar Bar
Wall thickness Wall Wall Wall
(mm) thickness thickness thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Inch Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
0.50 21.2 21.5 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
0.75 26.6 26.9 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
1.00 33.4 33.7 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….
1.25 42.1 42.4 …. …. …. …. …. …. 2.2 2.7
1.50 48.1 48.4 1.8 2.2 …. …. …. …. 2.5 3.0
2.00 60.2 60.5 1.8 2.2 …. …. 2.5 3.0 3.1 3.7
3.00 88.7 89.1 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.6 5.3
4.00 114.1 114.5 2.3 2.8 3.4 4.0 4.5 5.2 6.0 6.9
5.00 140.0 140.4 2.6 3.1 3.8 4.4 5.5 6.4 7.3 8.4
6.00 168.0 168.5 3.1 3.7 4.5 5.2 6.6 7.6 8.8 10.2
8.00 218.8 219.4 3.1 3.7 5.3 6.1 7.8 9.0 10.3 11.9

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 67

7.7.2 Characteristics of uPVC Pipe
The average temperature of fluids shall be carried in these pipes should not exceed 65 C. PVC is a
synthetic material light in weight, impermeable to fluids and gases and resistant to a wide range of
chemicals and has a very high electrical resistivity.It does not support combustion. Following shall
be find the properties of uPVC pipes at 23C.

Specific gravity : 1.35 to 1.45
Water absorption in 24 hours : Less than 4 mg/cm (0.10%)
Flammability : Will not support combustion,
Self extinguishing
The most important properties of this versatile and economical material are given in the following
table and contractor shall be meet the requirements as listed in the Tables:
Properties of polyvinylchloride unplasticised (uPVC), average values.

Property Value Unit

Density 1.38 g/cm
Tensile strength 55 N/mm
Elongation at break >30 %
Modulus of elasticity 3000 N/mm
Coefficient of linear 0.008 mm/m C
Max.operating temperature 60 C
Vicat softening point >76 C
Water absorption <4 mg/cm
Surface resistance Approx.10¹³ Ω

uPVC pipes shall be an excellent resistance to acids, alkalis, salts in all concentration and can
handle water with a PH value of 2 to 12. It shall resist all kinds of acids used for well regeneration if
Heat Reversion
When tested in accordance with the requirements of method 1102 A or 1102 B of BC 2782 using a
temperature 150°C and appropriate immersion times specified in the table below, the change in
length after the conditioning process shall not be more than 5%.

Wall Thickness Immersion Time (Min.)

(mm) Oil Bath Air Oven
Upto 8.6 15 60
8.7 to 14.1 30 120
Greater than14.1 60 240

In addition, each test specimen the pipe shall show no faults, cracks, cavities or no blisters when
visually examined after cutting the test specimen longitudinally.

Resistance to Acetone
When tested by the method described as per BS 509 the sample will show no delimitation or
disintegration. Flattening and/or swelling of the pipe will not be deemed to constitute failure.
When tested by any method as per BS 3505, the wall of the pipe shall not transmit more than 0.2%
of the visible light falling on to it.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 68
IImpact Strength

uPVC pipes shall be tested for impact strength after the specified temperature, length, mass of
striker and its height of free fall are followed as per BS 3505 or GOST.

Elongation at Break More than 80%

Modules of rigidity 1.12 X 104 kgf/cm
Modules of Elasticity 2.600-3.000 m/mm
Ultimate Tensile Strength 45-55 N/mm
Maximum Bending Stress 21 kg/cm
Flexural Strength 650-700 kgf/cm
Compressive Strength 600-700 kgf/cm
Impact Strength 0.05-1.0 mkg/cm of notch
Impact Strength 0.027-0.05mkg/cm of notch

Dielectric Strength : 40 kv/mm: Non-conductor
Volume Resistivity : 105 Ohm/cm

Softening Point (Vicat) : 176 F (80C.)
Heat distortion temperature at : 75C. (at 18.5 kg/cm)
Specific heat : 0.25 cal/C.
Coefficient of heat conductivity : 0.14 K cal/kg/C.
Thermal conductivity : 4 X 104 cal/hr/cm2/C/cm
Coefficient of Liner expansion : 5 to 8.5 X 105 mm/C.
Expansion 6 meters length (approx) : 3.2 mm/10C.

Flow Characteristics
Hazen Williams’s coefficient : 135-150
Coole-brook coefficient : 0.00001

7.8 Ductile Iron Pipe

The underground interconnections with the transmission mains will be in DIIGI.

Assembly of Joints
The joints of DI/GI pipe to pipe to DI/GI fitting, shall be of the non-self anchoring socket-spigot type
with flexible rubber rings. All joints and preparation thereof shall be in accordance with the
manufacturers printed instructions and as hereinafter specified.

Socket chamber and pipe spigot should be cleaned carefully. Particular attention will be paid to the
gasket seat (i.e. all soil, sand, etc.. should be eliminated). The spigot of the jointing pipe, as well as
the gasket will also be cleaned. Spigot should be chamfered and in good condition. In case of a cut
pipe the chamfer will be remade.

The gasket will be inserted at the trench side. Condition of the gasket will be checked. The gasket
will be introduced into the socket. Radial pressure will be applied to the gasket to force it into place.
It should be ensured that the gasket fits snugly around its circumference.

If the pipe spigot is not already marked, the spigot of the pipe being laid will be market at a distance
from the end equivalent to the socket depth P, minus 10 mm. Lubricating paste will be applied to the
exposed surface of the gasket and to the spigot end and chamfer. The lubricating paste will be
brush applied in reasonable amounts.
The spigot will be centered in the socket and maintained in this position by resting it on two mounds
of tamped soil, or preferably gravel. The spigot with then be pushed into the socket, checking that
everything is correctly aligned.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 69
If the pipe is marked singly on site, the spigot will be pushed until the mark is in line with the socket
face. It should not be penetrated beyond this. If the pipe is marked doubly at works, the spigot will
be pushed until the first mark disappears inside the socket. The second marks must still be visible
after assembly. Finally the gasket will be checked to ensure that it is correctly seated by inserting
the end of a metal rule through the annular spigot and socket gap until it touches the gasket. The
rule must penetrate to the same depth around the whole circumference.

As pipe laying equipment, for insertion of the spigot into the socket, mechanical winches shall be
used of specification and with methods prescribe by the manufacturer.

Flanged Joints
Connections between DI pipes and cast iron, steel and PVC pipes, valves and fittings shall be either
with Flange Adapters or with flanges welded to the DI pipe end.

Flanges should be clean and of good appearance. Items being assembled should be aligned
properly. A small gap for gasket insertion should be left between the two flanges being joined. The
gasket will be centered between the bosses on both flanges.

Pipe Cutting
Slitting disc type cutters shall be used. Before cutting the pipes it is essential to measure the
external diameter at the cutting point with a circumference tape or compass callipers, to check that it
is compatible with the intended socket or gland dimension.

After making the cut, and before assembly, it is essential to fettle and remake the chamfer, to avoid
gasket damage during assembly. The chamfer dimensions must be as indicated by the

Repair of Coatings

External Coating
For slight damage (small areas, zinc not detached) no repair is necessary. Larger damage can be
repaired with bituminous paint. Application method will be by brush, roller or spray gun (air or

Dirt will be removed by brushing lightly. The area being coated will be dried by the most appropriate
means. The coating should be applied in criss-cross passes, until the coating is up to the level of the
undamaged coating, overlapping the later.

Internal Lining
Any cement mortal damage caused accidentally or by rough handling can be repaired on site,
provided it is not longer than a quarter of tlie pipe circumference and with no localized pipe
deformation. Otherwise the damaged section must be cut off.

Brush, trowel, palette knife, or sleeker will be used for mortar application. The pipe will be rotated to
bring the area to be repaired as close to the bottom as -, possible. The damaged area and 1 or 2 cm
of surrounding sound mortar should be removed with hammer and cold chisel. The edge of the
cleared zone must be vertical to the iron surface. Non-adherent material will be cleaned with a wire
brush. The repair area will be moistened.

The water emulsion mixture in brush applied a few minutes before making the repair so that the
original mortar is wetted over a width of about 20 cm around edges of the repair zone.

The mortar will be trowelled on to compact it adequately to restore the thickness. The repaired
surface will be smoothened with palette knife or sleeker.

It should be checked that there is no gap between the fresh and the original material. A protective
coat of water and emulsion is applied, not more than 30 minutes after final smoothing, to prevent the
patch from drying too quickly and to give good strength (to be covered with damp cloth until sun
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 70
7.9 Definition

Shall mean bends, junctions, reducers, tapers, couplings, adapters and similar items which are not
water flow control equipment.

A device to control flow of water.

Shall mean any fittings which are not normally manufactured, rather these are made locally
depending on the requirements to connect pipes and accessories

7.10 Pipe Fitting and Laying (For internal & external)

The pipes shall be accurately installed to the line, levels, grades and positions specified in the

Pipes shall be laid in accordance with CP312 for pipes specified. The programme for pipe laying
shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineer before the commencement of the works. Any
subsequent change in programme shall also be approved by the Engineer.

Externally coated pipe shall be handled at all times with non-abrasive canvas, rubber or length belts
or other equipment designed to prevent damage to the coating. The planks may be used to support
the coated pipe prior to lowering into the trench and shall be properly padded for the purpose of
protecting the coating.

Any injury to the protective coating from any cause must be repaired before the pipes are used.
Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipes or fittings. Pipes
and fittings lowered into the trench shall be carefully cleaned before jointing.

Piping shall be adequately supported with hangers, clamps supports, or other devices of appropriate
design, and as specified herein. Where details are shown on the drawings or specified herein, the
supports shall conform thereto and shall be placed as indicated. System shall be adequately
supported where details are not provided.

The Contractor shall keep the interior of pipes clean and free from waste dirt, stones or other foreign
matter as installation proceeds, and at the end of the day's work, or at other times when installation
work is not proceeding, the open ends of pipes shall be sealed off by a wooden plug or other
approved stopper.

All piping which will pass through walls shall be provided with specified pipe with annular space
sealed or with wall casting. The contractor shall provide the wall sleeves for insertion in the walls.
No pipe joint will be allowed to occur in the sleeve. The seal on both ends of the sleeve shall be
flush with the wall surfaces on completion of work. Drying of standard sealing and scaling of wall
sleeves shall conform to the following requirements.

The annular space between the pipe and sleeve be cleaned of all loose particles and contamination,
and shall be dry prior to sealing. Tape or other recommended protection shall be applied on the
structure surfaces to preclude contamination by the sealant, and any contamination which occurs
shall be removed immediately, followed by a through washing of the surfaces with solvent. Prepared
compound not used during the application time limits designated by the manufacturer of such
compound shall be discarded.

The sealing shall be performed after any required has been applied and backup material placed.
The application shall be made in clean, straight lines free of wrinkles, be touched as required and
finished with a convex furnace just sufficient to provide the required flush surface upon drying.

The annular space shall be packed and ends shall be caulked as required for bell and joints in
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 71
AWWA standard C600.
Pipes shall be laid or placed accurately to the lines and levels as shown on the drawings, within a
tolerance of ±5mm. The jointing of pipes shall be made in accordance with the manufacture's
recommendations and as the Engineer may order. The Contractor shall obtain from the
manufacturer all special information regarding the handling of their pipes and the formation of the
joints and submit the same to the Engineer.

When pipe lying is not in progress, including overnight, the open ends of the pipe line shall be
blocked with a temporary watertight fitting approved by the Engineer.

Before cutting trenches, the alignment of pipelines should be thoroughly inspected and seen that the
proposed trenches may not ordinarily encounter with electric or telephone poles, underground
sewer, gas and drainage pipes and may offer least troubles to pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
After fixing the alignment, the right-of-way should be cleared off all obstructions including roots of
trees etc. The width of the trench shall be adequate (pipe dia + 150mm both sides) to permit
working space for making joints conveniently. The maximum depth shall be such that the pipe will
have at least 1.0 meter coverage on top. Trenches should always be straight except at road corners
and other possible obstructions. Curves and bends used should not be beyond the permissible
deflection of the type of joints used. The side of trenches will be vertical as far as the soil conditions
permits and if necessary side protection should be made against collapsing of adjacent structures
with the help of planks or trench supports.

Laying of Pipes
The pipes shall be laid on a bed of soil so prepared that the barrel of pipe is supported over it's
entire length. Before lying, the bed should be properly rammed and leveled and so that there is no
sagging or settlement of any part of the trench anywhere. When sand bedding is required in case of
PVC pipes, trench is made 100 mm deeper than the required level and filled up to required level
with sand. After laying and fitting fixing the pipe, the same is covered by at least 150mm sand on top
and 150 mm each side. However, the minimum trench width shall not be less than 500 mm.

When laying pipes the trench shall be kept dry and if required a de-watering pump should be
engaged. Extra excavation should be made below each joint to facilitate the making of the joint
properly. Special arrangement should be made when pipe line crosses a canal or a culvert in
suspension. The suspended pipe should be supported at each joint, concrete thrust blocks shall be
installed at each bend, deflected position of pipe and at dead ends. Where loose solid or gorges in
the trenches are encountered, the loose soil should be replaced by sand or sand and khoa mixer.

Partial Back-filling of Trench for Testing

After laying and jointing of pipes partial back filling of the trench shall be done leaving the joints
exposed. Testing of pipes shall be carried out expeditiously and after successful testing the trench
shall be back filled and road surface reinstated. The Contractor shall strictly comply with safety
measures to avoid any accident to road users due to exposed trench. Where the pipes are laid
across the road complete back filling shall be done immediately after laying and jointing of pipes
pending the pressure test.

Back filling Trench Excavation

Back filling of pipe trench shall consist of bedding, back fill in the pipe zone and back fill over the
pipe zone with excavated material from the trench, tree of hard lumps or stones. In case of PVC
pipes, backfill material will be local sand. After laying and testing of the pipes, the trench shall be
back filled and compacted to 150 mm over the top of the pipe to at least 95% maximum dry density
as specified in BS 1377. Back filling in the road crossing shall be immediately executed for
restoration of movement of vehicular traffic in easy manner. Until the pavement is restored, the
Contractor shall be responsible to maintain the road in a manner which will allow easy traffic

Compacting of back fill material shall be done by watering and compacting with pneumatic or petrol
driven tamper not exceeding 150 mm layers. Prior to acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall
develop the area up to the level of the surrounding ground.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 72
Volumes of back fill which fail to meet the specified compaction, as tested by the Engineer, shall be
reworked and re-compacted until they conform to the specified compaction.

Should the materials being placed as refilling, while acceptable at the time when approved, become
unacceptable to the Engineer due to exposure to weather conditions or due to flooding or have
become puddle, soft or segregated during the progress of work, the Contractor shall at his own
expense remove such damaged, softened or segregated materials and replace it with fresh
approved materials. To permit the proper consolidation of back fill into the voids behind trench
sheeting and supports, trench sheeting shall be withdrawn gradually as back fill progresses in depth
and along the trench. On no account shall any excavated materials be dozed back when refilling
trenches in roads and no back filling shall be carried out unless, in the opinion of the Engineer,
sufficient mechanical rammers are in operation on that portion of the work.

Where directed by the Engineer, trench excavation shall be refilled with granular materials or
concrete in accordance with the Drawings or/and direction of the Engineer.

7.11 Concrete Thrust and Anchor Blocks

Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be in accordance with the details shown on the Drawing
and shall be constructed where directed by the Engineer for the anchorage of the pipeline.

Except where welded steel pipelines or self anchoring joints are used, thrust blocks are required
wherever the pipeline changes direction, diameter, terminates or is expected to develop a thrust,
e.g. at a valve or at unstable soil conditions.

7.12Connecting to Existing Main

The Contractor shall connect to the existing pipelines mains especially existing Mild Steel sludge
pipe of diameter of 350 mm, borehole pumps, treatment plant, elevated reservoir, etc shown on the
Drawing or directed by the Engineer. The connection shall not be made until the work has passed
the final test as specified in the Contract.

7.13 Measurement of pipe Installation

The supply and installation of pipes, valves and all works in connection therewith shall be valued by
the measurement of only such items as are included in the Bill of Quantities.

Pipe Installation
The items provided for pipe in the Bill of Quantities shall cover all things necessary to provide, take
over, where expressly stated, install, test and disinfect the pipe including storing, transporting,
excavation and back filling (other than with granular fill or concrete) to the depths shown on the
Drawings for underground pipes; laying, cutting, jointing, reinstatement in all surfaces; connection to
existing mains; and all other things necessary for pipe installation not measured separately under
other items in the Bill of Quantities. For pipe work within buildings or fixed to structures the rates
shall include for all necessary supports, hangers, clamps and the like.
Measurement shall be made per linear metre along the centreline of the pipe.

Pipe Specials and Fittings

Pipe specials and fittings shall be measured as the number of each item installed in accordance
with the Drawings and the Engineer's instructions. The rates in the Bill of Quantities shall include for
provision, installation, testing and disinfecting, including the provision of all necessary joint material
and the concrete thrust block shown on the Drawings.

Valve Chambers
Payment for air valve, washout, washout hydrant, sluice valve, butterfly valve and hydrant chambers
shall be made at a unit rate for each chamber constructed.

With the exception of the items listed below, the unit rate shall include for all the Contractor's
obligations necessary to complete the chambers in accordance with the Drawings including, but not
limited to, excavation, concrete, brickwork, pipe work, fittings, valve, hydrant, joint material and
associated pipe work, surface box and PVC drain pipe.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 73
Concrete Encasement and Thrust Blocks
Items are provided in the Bill of Quantities for concrete encasement to be paid per linear meter for
each pipe size. Thrust blocks shall be measured for payment per cubic meter placed to the limits
shown on the Drawings.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 74


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 75

8.1 General
It shall be a condition precedent to the issue of a Certificate of Completion pursuant to the
Conditions of Contract that all valves in the pipeline shall have been satisfactorily operated under
working pressure and that the pipelines shall have been successfully pressure tested and cleaned
out as specified hereafter.

The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval details of his proposed methods and
programme for testing (including details of test equipment) and shall arrange for all tests to be
witnessed by the Engineer or other person appointed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide all things necessary for carrying out testing and cleaning including
pumps, gauges, piped connections, stop ends and all other temporary works.
The Contractor shall remain responsible for the care of the Works during testing and cleaning of the

Where the refilling of trench excavation has not been completed before pressure testing is ready to
start, the Engineer, may nevertheless allow testing to proceed provided that sufficient refill material
is placed to restrain pipe movement under test and that all thrust blocks are complete and mature.

Before pressure testing is started, the Contractor shall recheck pipes and valves for cleanliness and
shall recheck the operation of all valves. The open ends of the pipeline (or sections thereof) shall
normally be closed by blank flanges or end caps additionally secured where necessary by
temporary struts and wedges. All anchor and thrust blocks shall have been completed and all pipe
straps and other devices intended to prevent the movement of pipes shall have been securely

Since valves cannot be guaranteed to be perfectly drop-tight, testing against closed valves which
are connected to an existing public water supply shall be prohibited, because of the danger of
contamination; testing against other closed valves (including air valves) not so connected, may be
attempted if desired, provided the valves are suitably anchored against thrust. No claims
whatsoever will be entertained on account of leaking valves, or any other difficulties in closing off
lengths of pipe work for testing, which shall be entirely at the Contractor's expense.

8.2 Testing and Cleaning of Pipelines

Testing of Pressure Pipelines

On completion of the pipe, or such sections as the Engineer may agree to be tested individually, the
Contractor shall then subject the pipeline to a final pressure and leakage test as follows.

Sections of pipelines shall be tested with partial back filling in lengths not exceeding 500 m. The
Contractor shall ensure that the pipe is adequately restrained and that all thrust blocks are in place
and have reached working strength.

The pipe (or section thereof) shall be filled with water and all air removed as far as possible. The
pipe shall be tightly plugged after spelling the air. The pressure shall then be raised by pumping in
water until the specified test pressure is reached and shall be maintained at this pressure by further
pumping until it is steady. The pipe shall then be left under pressure for twenty four (24) hours after
which pumping shall resume in order to restore the specified test pressure.

The test pressure for two hours shall be such that the test head plus gravity head at any point in the
pipeline shall be as shown on the Test Pressure Schedule in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 Test Pressure Schedule

Test Pressure
Pipeline kg/cm2 m
Raw & Treated Water Transmission Pipe 10 100

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 76

If the rate of loss does not exceed the equivalent of 0.3 litre per day per mm of nominal diameter per
kilometre of pipe per 100 m head, the pipeline (or section thereof) shall be deemed to have passed
the pressure test. The leakage tests shall be conducted at the same time as the pressure test. All
exposed pipes, joints, fittings, valves and hydrants shall be inspected to ensure that they are free
from defects. All visible leaks shall be repaired, even if the pipe line meets the maximum allowable
leakage requirement.

During all testing, the trench in general and the joint pockets in particular shall be kept clear of water
and should the trench become unstable due to work or leaking on testing or re-testing it shall be
excavated to solid ground and made up with lean mix concrete or such other material as the
Engineer may direct, all at the Contractor's expense. Should a test fail, the Contractor shall at his
own expense replace defective pipes or fittings or make good leaking joints or otherwise rectify
defective work. Cleaning, inspection and testing shall then be repeated, until the work is to the
Engineer's satisfaction.

Testing of Non-Pressure Pipelines

The pipeline to be tested shall be plugged at all pipe outlets with suitable plugs, and each plug
securely braced where needed. The testing equipment is to be approved by the Engineer prior to
testing. A stand pipe, preferably of the same diameter as the pipe to be tested shall be connected at
the top end of the pipe either using a 90 degrees bend or a hose. The stand pipe should extend up
to l.2m above the crown of the bend of the pipe to be tested. The pipe shall be filled with clean water
and allowed to stand for a period of one hour. Thereafter the stand pipe shall be topped up to 1.2 m
above the crown of the pipe. The loss of water head shall be measured over a period of 30 minutes
by adding water from measuring vessel at 10 minutes intervals and the quantity of water added shall
be recorded. The average quantity added should not exceed I liter per hour per m of nominal
internal diameter per meter of pipe tested.

Cleaning Out After Testing

After the final test has been successfully completed and the Contractor has removed all Temporary
Works and has reconnected any parts temporarily removed from the pipeline, the Contractor shall
finally clean out the whole pipeline and flush it thoroughly with water.

The Contractor shall be liable to the Employer for any damage caused to the pipe or to pumps and
other equipment of the Employer as a result of foreign matter of any kind not having been cleaned
out of the pipeline before it is handed over to the Employer.

Water for Testing and Cleaning

The Contractor shall provide all water required for testing and cleaning the pipe lines. Water should
be fresh, potable, and meets WHO standard (specially iron, salinity, rsenic, pH & bacteriological
standards). The Contractor shall provide all pumps and temporary works necessary for the transfer
of water from the point of abstraction to the pipe and the cost of these works shall be deemed to be
included in his Contract Rates. The rate at which water is abstracted from the streams shall be
strictly controlled so that the flow in the stream downstream of the point of abstraction is sufficient in
the opinion of the Engineer to provide continuously for all reasonable needs of any persons using or
abstracting water from the same stream.

8.3 Disinfection Procedure

After testing and immediately before commissioning, all potable water pipelines shall be washed out
and disinfected as follows:
1. All mains shall be flushed out.

2. A stock disinfecting solution shall be prepared by mixing for not less than five (5) minutes, in
a clean container, Chlorosene (30% available chlorine) and potable water in the proportion of 10
parts of powder to 100 parts water by weight. After mixing, the solution shall stand for a further
five (5) minutes after which the clear supernatant liquid shall be decanted into clean container.
Stock solutions shall be made up fresh daily.

3. The pipe to be disinfected shall be filled with potable water t the same time as the stock
solution is added through a convenient air valve in such quantities (to be determined by the
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 77
Engineer) as will result in a final solution containing 25 ppm free chlorine in the pipe line. Care
shall be taken to ensure that the stock solution is added at a constant rate, starting when water
is fed into the main and ending as soon as the main is full.

4. Every pipe charged with disinfecting solution shall stand for twenty-four (24) hours, after
which a sample shall be taken at a washout valve by the Contractor in the presence of the
Engineer’s Representative, from whom the sampling bottle shall be obtained. If the sample does
not show at least 2ppm free chlorine, disinfection shall be repeated. If the sample is satisfactory,
the pipe shall be emptied, flushed out and filled with treated water and allowed to stand for one
(1) hour.

5. The Contractor shall take adequate care and safety measures so that the highly
concentrated chlorinated water for disinfection is not consumed by any person, livestock, etc.
Prior to disinfection of a section of network, people of the surrounding area shall be warned of
the fatal effect of consumption of chlorinated water through wide publicity conducted with the
assistance of KWASA and concerned Ward Heads. The testing and flushing out schedule
should be made known to the people of the area.

After disinfection, the water in the pipeline shall be discharged to a nearby drain or depression
or as directed by the Engineer and this will follow continuous flushing out of the pipeline with
fresh potable water. In order to avoid any accident or health hazard, the Contractor shall be
vigilant and watchful that the flushed out water is not consumed by human being, livestock or

6. Two (2) further samples shall then be taken as before, one for a further determination of free
chlorine and the other, in a sterilized bottle, bottle, for bacteriological analysis. If the free
chlorine determination shows more than 4 ppm free chlorine the main shall be flushed out
again. If the bacteriological analysis is unsatisfactory, disinfection and sampling shall be
repeated until satisfactory results are obtained before the main is commissioned.

7. The Contractor shall provide all equipment, materials and testing apparatus etc. as may be
necessary for the effective disinfection of all pipelines.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 78


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 79

9.1 Scope of Works

Work to be undertaken in this clause shall include, but are not limited to:-

 Supply and installation of pumping equipment in Intake Pump Station including Delivery
Pipes & Fittings.
 Supply and installation of pumping equipment in Surface Water Treatment Plant
including Delivery Pipes & Fittings.
 Supply and installation of Filter influent, & filter effluent Pipes, Backwash and sludge
drainage pipes & fittings
 Supply and installation of Sluice Valves, Check Valves, Flow Meter, Pressure Gauge, Air
Valves and other accessories as required.
 Testing and commissioning of Mechanical Equipment

9.2 General Requirement

9.2.1 Standards of Materials and Equipment

All machinery, accessories and other equipment to be used in the mechanical installation work shall
be new and of the highest quality to the best modern practices, sound workmanship, robust in
design and of a grade and quality suitable for the purpose and the climatic conditions at the location.
All equipment shall be of approved types, supplied by approved manufacturers.

All manufactured items shall be the product of manufacturers regularly engaged in producing works
of the types specified and be constructed and finished by the same manufacturer.

All manufactured items shall be free from imperfections and defects which may impair their
durability and serviceability or affect their appearance.

Before installation and purchasing of any machinery, accessories and equipment, catalogues
related to type and model no. and warranty certificate (s) from the manufacturer (s) shall be
presented to the Engineer. As per decision of the Engineer, the Contractor shall take
necessary steps for the execution of the testing and inspection of the materials mentioned
herein, prior to purchase and installation.

All requirements as specified in other sections of the Technical Specification shall apply to
this section where applicable.

9.2.2 Quality assurance

The equipment to be furnished shall be new and shall be a standard product of a manufacturer
experienced in the design, fabrication and construction of that equipment. The manufacturer shall
demonstrate to the Engineer from operating installations of equal or larger capacity utilizing
equipment such as herein, that all the mechanical features and appurtenances of the equipment will
operated satisfactorily for the purposes intended.

9.2.3 Factory Tests

1. Factory tests are required for all mechanical equipment and assemblies to be supplied by
the Contractor. The Contractor shall perform factory tests in accordance with tile relevant
British Standards or other such standards approved by the Engineer.

2. Tests at the Manufacturer's works shall be accompanied with test certificates showing all
the relevant information and details relating to the test.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 80

9.2.4 Factory Inspection

1. The Engineer or his representative may inspect fabricated mechanical equipment at the
factory. The Contractor shall notify the engineer in sufficient time so that factory inspection
can be arranged.

2. Factory inspection may be made after the manufactures have performed satisfactory
checks, adjustments, tests, and operations.

3. Approval of equipment at the factory only allows the manufacturer to ship the equipment to
the site, and does not constitute a final acceptance.

9.2.5 Factory Painting

l. On mechanical equipment, a factory primer and high quality oil-resistant backed industrial
enamel paint are to be applied.

2. Surfaces that are inaccessible after assembly are to be painted otherwise protected by a
method, which shall provide protection for the life of the equipment.

9.2.6 Guarantee and Warrantee

1. The Contractor shall guarantee all equipment in accordance with the condition of contract.

2. In addition to the guarantee requirements, equipment guarantee shall cover.

i) faulty or inadequate design;
ii) improper assembly or erection;
iii} defective workmanship or materials; and
iv) leakage, breakage, or other failure.

9.2.7 Operation and Maintenance Instructions

Before purchasing and installation of any machinery, accessories and equipment, the
Contractor shall provide three complete sets of catalogues related to type and model number,
drawings and instructions required for operation and maintenance of all items of equipment
and instrumentation furnished. These shall include instructions for lubrication, repair and
servicing, parts lists and all other pertinent information available from the equipment

9.2.8 Brand Names

Brand names are used herein merely to describe the nature of the described equipment and
not used to endorse or indicate a preference for a particular product or manufacturer. Goods,
which have similar characteristics and provide performance in quality at least equal to those
specified, are acceptable.

9.2.9 As-built Drawings

After installation of the mechanical machines and accessories, the contractor shall prepare as
build drawings together with specification and data covering performance and materials of

Three copies of As-built drawings shall to be submitted to the Engineer.

9.3 Pumping Equipment

9.3.1 General

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 81

The Contractor shall furnish and install the specified pumps complete with motors, base frame,
coupling and appurtenances as shown on the drawings and as specified herein including furnishing
all labor, equipment, tools, materials, and performing all operations required for the construction and
installation. Pumps shall be designed and constructed to satisfactorily meet the design conditions
and requirements specified in the Bill of Quantities.

9.3.2 Submittals
The Contractor shall submit complete information including fabrication, assembly, foundation, and
installation data together with detailed specifications and performance information covering
materials of construction, power drive assembly, parts, devices, wiring diagrams, and all other
accessories of the pumping equipment furnished. The submittals shall include, but not be limited to
the following:
A. Pump data including pump cross-sectional drawing with part identification list and MOC
B. Motor data, including:

 Manufacturer.
 Motor construction details
 Minimum guaranteed efficiency at full load, 3/4 load, and 1/2 load.
 Power factor at full load, 3/4 load, and 1/2 load.
 Locked rotor current.
 Motor speed.
 Dimensions, weights and mounting details of motors

D. Pump characteristic curves.

 Plot flow, total dynamic head, brake power, shutoff head, efficiency, and minimum
submergence required for full operating range of pump.
 Show recommended limits of continuous operation.

E. Certificates of compliance.

F. Certified test reports.

G. Operation and maintenance manuals.

9.3.3 Quality Assurance

The Pumping Equipment to be furnished shall be new and shall be a standard product of a
manufacturer experienced in the design, fabrication and construction of pumping equipment. The
pumps shall be the product of an experienced manufacturer and:
1. must demonstrate equal or larger capacity installations using similar equipment and equipment
installed and successfully operating for at least 5 years;
2. provide names and phone numbers of contacts at referenced installations to verify performance;
3. demonstrate to satisfaction of Engineer that equipment to be provided is equal to that specified;
4. the pump manufacturer’s machining and assembly shops must be ISO 9001 certified in
order to assure conformance to the highest quality standards.

9.3.4 Pump Details (General)

Pumps and drives shall be rated for continuous duty and shall be capable of pumping the specified
flow range without surging, cavitations, or vibration. The pumps shall not overload the motors for
any point on the maximum speed pump performance characteristic curve within the limits of stable
pump operation as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent surging, cavitations, and vibration,
as well as throughout the entire pump operating range. The service factors for the motors shall not
be applied when sizing the motors. To ensure vibration-free operation, all rotating components of
each pumping unit shall be statically and dynamically balanced. The mass of the unit and its
distribution shall be such that resonance at normal operating speeds is avoided. In any case, the
amplitude of vibration as measured at any point on the pumping unit shall not exceed the limits set
forth in the latest edition of the Hydraulic Institute Standards(BHRI-British Hydraulic Research
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 82
Institute). Excessive vibration shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the equipment. All parts of
each pump shall be designed to withstand the stresses that will be imposed upon them during their
handling, shipping, erection, and operation. The completed units, when assembled and operating,
shall be free of cavitations, vibration, noise, and water leaks over the range of operation. All units
shall be so constructed that dismantling and repairing can be accomplished without difficulty.

9.3.5 Construction Details of Pumps

Part-A : High Lift/Backwash Pumping Equipment

i. Type : End Suction Horizontal Centrifugal with common Base Frame

ii. Materials of construction

1. Casing: Gray Cast iron casting (ASTM A 48 Grade 35 or C.I. Gr. 260)
2. Impeller: Bronze Casting (ASTM B584 C90300) or Stainless Steel (SUS410)
3. Wear plate: Bronze Casting (ASTM B584 C83600 or JIS H5111 Class 6 BC6)
4. Shaft: Stainless steel ASTM A582/SUS410)
5. Shaft sleeve: Bronze Casting (ASTM BS84 C83600)
6. Packing/Gland Housing: Gray Iron, ASTM A48, Grade 30 – 35

iii Special features

The casing shall be back pull-out type and it shall permit removal of the complete rotating element
without disconnection of suction and discharge pipes. The faces of casing and casing cover shall be
accurately machined for tight and accurate fit. The suction and discharge flanges shall conform to
BS4504 PN16. Pipe taps for pressure gauges, vent, drain, etc. shall be provided
The impeller shall be of single entry, of one-piece construction, finished smooth. The impeller shall
be dynamically balanced, tightly mounted on the pump shaft with a key/cotter to that it shall not
become loose due to rotation either in the forward or in the reverse direction.
Bronze casting removable wearing rings shall be provided on pump casing.
Shaft shall be protected from wear and corrosion by removable sleeves. Sleeves shall be of bronze
casting conforming to BS1400, JIS H5111 Class 6 BS6, or ASTM BS84 C 83600, or better. The
sleeves shall extend from the impeller to the outside of the stuffing boxes.
The bearings shall be of heavy-duty antifriction ball, or spherical roller type or sleeve type. The
bearings shall be installed in bearing case to prevent the ingress of water to each bearing.
Stuffing boxes shall be large and deep and shall be provided with at least four rings of square
packing and a lantern ring. Packing glands shall be of bronze casting, split horizontally to facilitate
for installing packing’s. Piping with orifice and globe valve shall be provided for sealing water to
each stuffing box from discharge volute casing. Drain pipes from the pumps shall be properly led to
drain trenches in pump houses.
Bed Plates shall be of fabricated steel with web reinforcing or grey iron casting so designed that
they can be grouted after alignment and leveling.
Coupling between pump and motor shall be the gear flexible type, shall have sufficient capacity to
develop the full strength of the shafting which they connect. The coupling shall be enclosed and
sealed to retain the lubricant and exclude dust and moisture from the gear surface. Coupling shall
be provided with guard.
Pressure gauges not less than 100 mm diameter shall be provided at both the suction and
discharge sides of each pump. The gauge ranges shall be approximately double the maximum
operating pressure. The gauge on the suction side shall be compound gauge. The gauge shall have
brass case and ring, and phosphor bronze Bourdon tube. The ranges selected shall be submitted to
the Engineer for approval. The gauges shall have bottom connection with shut-off valves.
iv. Motor Details (For End Suction Centrifugal Pump)
Motors shall be supplied by the manufacturer of the driven equipment as specified in this section,
and specifically outlined in the driven equipment specifications. The motors shall be completely

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 83

fabricated, assembled, checked and tested at the factory in accordance with NEMA MG-1/IEC
60034, 00072, 60085/

Motor shall be, squirrel cage induction type and shall operate at 3 phase, 50 HZ, AC supply of 380-
440 volts with sufficient tolerance upto 340 volts. The contractor shall propose the power rating of
the motor which shall provide sufficient allowance that at this low voltage the motor shall not get
overload throughout the working range of the pump. Motor speed shall not exceed 1500 rpm.

The stator coils shall easily rewind able. There should be smooth access to the windings to facilitate
checking and locating of any fault and replacing defective coils without distributing the full winding. A
complete stator unit, if required, should be easily and instantaneously replaceable by a new one.
The stator body shall be shot blasted and painted with epoxy coating for corrosion resistance. The
rotor shall be brazed with silver brazing alloy for better performance and be painted for corrosion
resistance. The rotor shaft shall be dynamically balanced at high speed.

The motor shall be rated to comply with BS 4999 or equivalent. Winding shall be designed to give a
reasonable even temperature distribution, free from hot spots.

The coupling shall be rigid sleeve made of stainless steel non-slip type with matching groove, collar
& key.

The motor starting method shall be Star-Delta Starter as mentioned in BOQ.

The material of motor casing shall be made of Cast Iron. The material for Motor casing shall be free
from pitting or any defect.

The motor body should be painted with anti-corrosive paint.

v. Accessories to be provided
Each pump shall be furnished with, but not limited to the following accessories:
Couplings with guard : One (1) set
Bed plate (common or individual) : One (1) set
Compound and pressure gauge : Complete set
Flange adapter with tie rods for discharge pipe : Complete set
Foundation bolts and nuts : One (1) set
Air vent and others piping : One (1) set
Suction reducer and delivery enlarger with flange : Complete set
Special tools for maintenance as recommended by : One (1) set
the Manufacturer or as instructed by the Engineer

vi Spare Parts
The Contractor shall provide the following spare parts for each unit of pump, and supply other items
as recommended by the Manufacturer as spares for 5 years operation.

Complete set of bearings for pump : One (1) set

Complete set of bearings for motor : One (1) set
Complete set of wearing rings : Two (2) sets
Complete set of all gaskets : Two (2) sets
Complete set of all packing : Two (2) sets
Shaft sleeves : One (1) set
Complete sets of all special bolts, screws and nuts : Two (2) sets
All spare parts shall be properly preserved and packed for a long period of storage, and in a hot and
humid climate and shall be properly marked in the English language on the outside to permit easy
identification of the contents without opening and exposing the contents.

Part-B: River Intake & Sludge drainage pumps

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 84

i. Type : Non-clog submersible pumps suitable for wet pit installation

ii. Materials of construction

Pump Casing: NiCi

Casing Wearing Ring: GG 25
Impeller: CF 8M
Impeller type: Multivane Radial Flow Impeller
Intermediate Casing/Discharge Cover: GG 25
Mechanical Seal (Motor Side): SiC/SiC
Shaft: AISI 410 HT
Bearing Bracket: GG 25
Motor Housing: GG 25
Elastomer Component: Nitrile Rubber(NBR)
Insulation Class: F to IEC 34-1
Motor Enclosure: IP 68
Power Factor at Full Load: 0.81
Delivery Pipe size:1 50mm

iii. Special Features

A. Pumps shall be
 Designed and constructed to satisfactorily meet the design conditions at
requirements specified.
 Capable of handling unscreened river water having foreign materials up to
 Allow for removal without entering the wet well and without removal of bolts,
nuts or other fastenings.
 Connect to discharge connecting with a simple downward motion without
 Include necessary sliding guide bracket and discharge connection, which,
when bolted to the floor of the sump and to the discharge line, will receive the pump
discharge connecting flange without need of adjustment, fasteners, clamp, or similar
 Not bear directly on the of floor the wet well.
 Provided with pressure gauge taps and air bleed taps on each pump
B. Discharge connections and guide rails shall comprise a sliding guide bracket integral to pump
unit which properly aligns the pump discharge with the discharge connection elbow for
watertight seal during pump operation. The guide rail(s) shall not support any portion of the
weight of the pump.
C. The shaft design shall be of sufficient size to transmit full driver output and the shaft shall have a
maximum deflection of 0.05mm measured at the stuffing box. The shaft shall be accurately
machined and constructed with sufficient materials.
D. The shaft shall be supported on upper and lower permanently lubricated bearings with B -10
lives of 40,000 hours. The bearing system shall be sealed from any outside contamination.
iv Motors:

o Provide motor of totally submersible design, constructed with epoxy or poly-seal

encapsulated windings, air-filled or dielectric oil filled, with Class F insulation, enclosure
protection of IP 68 and rated for continuous duty operation.
o Assure motor is capable of running dry for extended periods without damage to motor or seal.
o Motors shall be sized so that under maximum continuous load, motor nameplate kW is a
minimum of 15 percent greater than the driven load.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 85
v. Accessories to be supplied with the pump
1 Provide minimum 15m power cable and control cable from junction box to pump suitable for
submersible applications and indicate same by a code or legend permanently embossed on
cable. Size cable in accordance with applicable IEC specifications. Provide each cable with a
strain relief, cord grip, and explosion proof seal installed in accordance with IEC Article 500 to
prevent entrance of wet well gases. Cable entry design shall insure that no entry of moisture is
possible into the motor/terminal area even if the cable is damaged or severed below water level.
2 Each phase of the motor over 15 kWshall be fitted with a temperature monitor embedded in the
motor windings and in series with each other. The control shall be arranged to open a normally
closed contact for remote monitoring and stop the pump and shall automatically reset once the
stator temperature returns to normal. The set temperature of the temperature monitors shall be
as recommended by the manufacturer.

3 A leak detector shall be furnished to detect water in the stator chamber for motors over 15 kW.
The sensor shall utilize a float switch and controls shall be arranged to open a normally closed
contact for remote monitoring and stop the pump.

4 A bearing temperature monitor shall be furnished for the lower bearing arranged to open a
normally closed contact for remote monitoring and stop the pump. The set temperature of the
temperature monitor shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.

vi. Tools and Spare parts

All special tools required for normal service and maintenance shall be provided. In addition, spare
parts shall be furnished for each pump as follows, and supply other items as recommended by the
Manufacturer as spares for 5 years operation:
1. One set of complete bearings.
2. One set of wear rings.
3. One set of gaskets/”O” Rings, complete
4. Two sets of upper and lower seals

9.3.6 Motor Ratings (General).

Torque and slip characteristics shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the driven
equipment and as specified. Motor manufacturer shall confirm motor capability to the specifications.
Motors shall operate continuously and satisfactorily in ambient temperatures from minus 10 degrees
C to plus 55 degrees C at a maximum elevation of 1000 m without exceeding nameplate power
Motors shall have high power factor. Motors with the following minimum power factors, at full load,
shall be provided:
a. Minimum power factor of 0.82 shall be provided for motors up to 11 kW.
b. Minimum power factor of 0.83 shall be provided for motors from 11 kW to 37 kW.
c. Minimum power factor of 0.85 shall be provided for motors from 37 kW to 75 kW.

Motors shall have high efficiency. Motors with the following minimum efficiencies, at full load shall
be provided:

a. 87.5 percent minimum efficiency shall be provided for motors up to 11 kW.

b. 91 percent minimum efficiency shall be provided for motors from 11 kW to 30 kW.
c. 3 percent minimum efficiency shall be provided for motors from 30 kW to 93 kW.

The motors shall be sized so that the brake power does not exceed 90 percent of the full load
nameplate power unless otherwise indicated in the driven equipment specifications.
The motor must be able to accelerate the driven machine from zero to full speed at 90 percent of
rated voltage without overheating.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 86

All motors shall be insulated and braced for full voltage across the line starting regardless of the
starting method used.
Motors shall be NEMA MG1-1.16 Design B and shall have NEMA MG1-1.65 Class F insulation.

The maximum temperature by resistance for each of the various parts of the motor shall not exceed
the values of the NEMA MG1-1.65 Class B insulation system as indicated in NEMA MG 1-12.42.

9.3.7 Marking of' Pumping Unit (Name Plate):

The following information shall be engraved or be permanently attached to pump frame

embossed on a stainless steel plate :
i) Manufacturer’s name:
ii) Date of manufacture:
iii) Pump type, serial number;
iv) Discharge and head; and
v) Motor data: operating voltage, rated current, Frequency, and rpm

9.3.8 Source Quality Control

A. Secure from the pump manufacturer certifications that the following inspections and tests have
been conducted on each pump before shipment from factory:
1 Check impeller, motor rating and electrical connections for compliance with Specification.
2 Test motor and cable insulation for moisture content or insulation defects.
B. Factory test of each pump shall be provided.
C. The manufacturer shall furnish, to the Engineer prior to shipment:
1 Certified copies of the curves and reports generated by the tests described above.
Foundry Composition Certificates for all major casting (pump case, impeller, motor housing)
showing exact material composition and test conducted to insure compliance with the pump
manufacturer material specifications.

9.3.9 Performance Tests of Pumps

Each assembled pump shall be tested at the manufacturer/supplier test bench to determine the
following characteristics in accordance with the latest Hydraulic Institute Standards (BHRI-British
Hydraulic Research Institute)

1. head-capacity curve,
2. power curve,
3. efficiency curve.
Random test at least one for each type pump unit shall be carried out in
Manufacturer/Supplier/BUET Test Bench in presence of the purchaser’s representative. All
cost including witness of purchaser representative or charge for BUET test including
transportation, loading, unloading etc. shall be borne by the contractor.

Tests at the Test Bench shall be accompanied with test certificates showing all the relevant
information and details relating to the test.

9.4 Pipes & Fittings

Pipes & fittings in all cases shall be made of mild steel compliance with BS 534, 1966 (for steel
pipes, fittings and specials for water, gas and sewage). Dimensions of steel pipes are :

Inner Diameter Minimum Thickness

100 - 125mm 4.0mm

150mm 5.5mm
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 87
200mm 6.5mm
250 mm 7.5mm
300mm 8.0mm
350mm 8.5mm
400mm 9.0mm
450 –500 9.5mm
600mm 10.0mm

Same dimension shall be applied for concerned bends, tees & other fittings.

The pipe shall be suitable for a minimum test pressure of 15 bar. Straight pipe shall be supplied to a
standard length of not less than 3 metres. The term "short piece" for pipes will mean as required to
fulfill site condition. The pipes and specials shall, before installation, be internally coated with tar
epoxy resin and externally with bitumen reinforced with an inner layer of fibre glass tissue except for
the pipe work exposed.

Pipe Jointing - Flanged Joints

All fittings on pipes shall be flanged unless otherwise stated. The flanges shall comply with the
relevant requirements of BS 1504. Where necessary the flanges shall be complete with the jointing
materials such as gasket, Nuts-bolts, glands seal outs etc. for proper jointing and against the
leakage or minor adjustment of pipe installation.

Flanged joints to BS standard shall be made, unless specified otherwise, with rubber joint rings and
steel bolts and nuts which shall include two washers per bolt, joint rings shall be made from 1/8 inch
thick rubber to BS 3063 reinforced with fabric in accordance with BS 1787 of such width as to cover
the machined face of the joint inside the bolt holes.

They shall be of such physical properties as to be capable of forming permanent watertight joints
against pressures up to the maximum test pressure. The use of jointing paste or grease will not be
permitted. The bores of abutting pipes or fittings shall be concentric and no jointing material is to be
left protruding into the bore.

All nuts shall first be tightened by hand and nuts on opposite sides of the joint circumference shall
then be alternately and progressively tightened with a spanner so as to ensure even pressure all
round the joint.

Flexible Joints or Flange Adaptor

Flexible joints or Flange Adaptor shall be provided to facilitate installation and removal and for
differential movement of the plant. Where required, flexible joints or flange adapter shall be provided
with tie bolts or other means to transfer longitudinal thrust along the pipe work as a whole.

Welded Joints
All welding works shall be done with proper welding rods having about 2.5 kg/cm 2 tensile strength.
The welders must have enough experience for high pressure welding. Shims can be used for proper
penetration of metals during welding. Base plants joints shall be placed face to face for butt-welding.
Continuous single run welding must not be done to avoid deforming and wrapping due to over-heat.
Subsequent runs shall be done after thoroughly cleaning, chipping and grinding the previous
welding. Penetrated side must be finished with the disc grinder and a light welding will give the final
finish. The steel pipes and fittings shall be of welded quality.

Welding of joints in steel pipes shall be carried out manually by the metal-arc process complying
generally with the requirements of BS 1856 and BS 4515. Welding shall be carried out only by
welders approved by the Engineer. All fillet welds shall have a throat thickness of not less than 0.7
times the thickness of the pipe to be welded.

If deflection at a welded joint is permitted by the Engineer it shall not exceed the angle specified by
the manufacturer. Spare parts to be welded shall have loose scale, slag, rust and other foreign
matter removed by means of a mechanical brush and solvent and shall be left clean and dry. All
scale and slag shall be removed from each weld run when it is completed. Pipes manufactured with
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 88
longitudinal or spiral welds shall be lined up before jointing so that these welds are at least 15
degree apart around the joint circumference.
Flanges and internal retaining rings shall be jointed to pipe ends by two circumferential fillet welds
having a throat thickness not less than 0.7 times the thickness of the pipe.

Before commencing any welding work on site, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
approval details of the plant, materials and method he proposes to employ.

The pipes shall be accurately installed to the line, levels, grades and positions specified in the

Pipes shall be laid in accordance with CP312 for pipes specified. The programme for pipe laying
shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineer before the commencement of the works. Any
subsequent change in program shall also be approved by the Engineer.

9.5 Valves and Appurtenances

9.5.1 General
A. All valves shall be new and shall be suitable for use with water temperature up to 50 o C and in
climatic and soil conditions encountered in the country of installation. Valves shall be of the
same pressure rating as the adjoining pipe, but with a minimum rating of 10 bar. Valves shall be
supplied complete with flanges, gaskets and stainless steel nuts, bolts, and washers. Flange
gaskets shall be of the metal reinforced type. Nuts, bolts, screws and fittings shall be of
stainless steel with 2 washers per bolt. Bolt length shall be such that after the joints are made-
up, the bolt protrudes through the nut but not more than 12 mm.
B. Marking of valves shall include the; manufacturing standard; manufacturer’s name or trademark;
nominal diameter (N.D.) in mm; pressure rating in bars; an individual serial number which
relates directly to the manufacturer’s test certificate; and month and year of manufacture.

C. All gate and butterfly valves shall be clockwise closing and the direction of opening and closing
shall be clearly marked. Position indicators shall be provided on all gate and butterfly valves and
shall have adjustable end limit stops at both open and closed and positions to prevent damage
by excessive operating force. The maximum effort required to operate the valve against the
maximum unbalanced head applied at the circumference of the handwheel or end of the tee-key
shall not exceed 15 kg and where necessary gearing shall be provided as specified to achieve
this. Hand wheels shall be provided for all valves when installed above ground, when operation
is within reach. Valves installed deeper than 300 mm shall be provided with an extension
spindle and Tee-key. Valves installed out of reach above ground shall be provided with chain
drive or remote control drive as shown or specified.

D. All gate and butterfly valves shall be designed to provide 100 percent water tight shut off at all
specified pressures and suitable for installation of electrical actuators when required. Line
valves of 300 mm diameter and smaller shall be double flanged gate valves, unless otherwise
indicated. Butterfly valves shall be used as line valves for sizes larger than 300 mm diameter
and shall be flanged. Where flanges are required they shall be drilled to PN 10 unless specified
or directed otherwise.

9.5.2 Sluice Valves/Gate Valves

A. Sluice Valves shall conform to the provisions of AWWA C509; DIN 3352 Part 4A & B or
approved equivalent and as further specified herein. Valves shall be inside screw, non-rising
stem, clockwise closing, wedge, suitable for both underground/overground use and flow in both
directions. Valves pressure rating shall be equal to, or greater than the adjoining pipe or fitting
but a minimum of 10 bar.
B. Stems shall be non-rising and manufactured of stainless steel 1.4462 to DIN 17440 or approved
equivalent. Stem threads shall be of the rolled type. Sealings and bearings shall be corrosion
proof and maintenance and shall be designed in the form of a series of ‘O’ - rings of synthetic
rubber. Stem bearing gap shall be sealed against entry of dust by a wiper ring. Stem sealing

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 89

should be replaced when required. Stem nuts shall be of zinc-free bronze 2.1050.01 to BS 1400
CT 1-C or approved equivalent.
C. The body and bonnet shall be Cast Iron as per BS 1452 grade 220 or approved and shall be
internally and externally fusion bonded epoxy coated as specified here-in.
D. Manual operation shall be by hand wheel or by Tee-key as shown on the Drawings.

9.5.3 Air Valves

A. Air valves shall be designed to discharge air during filling of pipelines, admit air during emptying
of pipelines and discharge air accumulated at high points in pipelines during normal operation.
For both double orifice air valves and single orifice air valves the material of construction shall
1 body/cover/dust cover :grey cast iron to BS 1452 grade 220 or approved material,
2 all working parts :bronze, stainless steel or other non-corroding material,
3 coating :shall be in accordance with the Particular Specifications.
B. Detailed catalogues with drawings and graphs showing air inflow/outflow curves shall be
submitted for approval. Valves shall be supplied with rubber gasket, stainless steel nuts, bolts
and washers.

C. Single orifice air valve shall be of screw down type and of 25/50 mm size. Valves shall be
supplied with gunmetal cock, gunmetal strap and stainless steel pipe.

9.5.4 Check Valves

Check valves shall be of lever and weight operated type to BS 5153 or other approved standard
with cast iron body, bronze trim and Nitrile rubber faced. Flanges shall be in accordance with BS
4504 and drilled to BS 4504 Pattern 10.

9.5.5 Installation, testing & commissioning of Valves

A. Valves shall be installed and commissioned in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. The
Contractor shall co-ordinate the valve requirements with those of the actuators and
instrumentation to ensure compatibility of control interfacing and operations.
B. All valves shall be tested to the appropriate test pressure at the manufacturer’s works, and shall
be supported by a test certificate from the manufacturer. Work tests on all valves shall
witnessed by an approved independent testing agency at no extra cost to the Employer. The
Contractor shall supply the original manufacturer’s test certificate endorsed by the approved
independent testing agency for each valve supplied. The certificate shall relate to the individual
number cast on each valve and shall give the date of test. The manufacturer shall factory test
each valve for performance, leakage and hydrostatic pressure in accordance with AWWA C500.


The water meters will be used to record the discharge of water from deep the tube wells having
same characteristics as mentioned for tube well pumps.

Standard to be used
All materials and workmanship shall comply with the latest provision of BS/ISO or equivalent

Materials and Construction

All components of meter shall be new, solid and robust in design and suitable for the intended use
with long service guaranteed. Construction materials shall be of high quality and corrosion proof
internally and externally. The meters must be leak proof for both water and air and tamper proof

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 90

against fraud. No frost proof mechanism is required. Meters shall be designed for maximum water
pressure of 10 bar.

The meters shall have the following operational features:

- register shall be dry type with word-wheel counter mechanism for direct reading ;
- outer calibration device, anti-magnet mechanism ;
- Universal interchangeable measuring unit ;
- meters shall be of propeller type, magnetic or mechanically driven ;
- meters shall have flanges on both ends and conform with BS 4504 or equivalent ;

Registers shall record up to maximum 9,999,999.99 cubic metres. The meter recording device
should be such that after recording full capacity it automatically reverts to zero. Whole cubic meters
are to be indicated in black and fractions of cubic meters in red. The unit symbol m 3 should be
shown either on the dial or in the immediate vicinity of the digital indicator.

Each meter shall be equipped with a tamper proof device consisting of a seal wire and lead seal
which must be broken in order to remove the register box.

Performance Requirements
Each water meter shall be designed for high flow accuracy and have a proven performance record
with registration error not exceeding ±2% and ±5% when tested with water at 30 0C at normal test
flow limit and the minimum test flow rate respectively. The following are probable assumed flow

Meter Size (mm) Maximum Continuous Minimum Maximum Permissible Head Loss
Designed Flow Flow
150 mm 150 m3/hr 15 m3/hr Not to exceed 1 metre at 200 m3hr
250 mm 500 m3/hr 25 m3/hr Not to exceed 1.75 metres at 500
300 mm 750 m3/hr 40 m3/hr Not to exceed 2.0 metres at 750


All external and internal ferrous metal surfaces, except machined and bearing surfaces, shall be
painted for corrosion resistance. Other parts which are not recommended for painting should have
corrosion resistant coating suitable for tropical humid weather. A quantity of cleaning solvent,
sufficient to remove the factory applied coating shall be furnished. They should be properly
packaged and labeled before shipment.

Marking of Water Meter

The following information shall be cast on the water meter body :
- Manufacturer’s name
- Manufacturing date & serial number
- Size
- Director of flow

Inspection and Testing

All goods will be inspected at Supplier’s depot/warehouse/factory by the Purchaser’s authorized
inspection agent/representative in order to determine the conformity of the Goods to the contract
specifications. In addition to inspection, the Supplier shall arrange the following random tests in the
presence of Purchaser’s agent/representative with at least 10 days notice prior to conducting the

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 91

(a) Material test (visual or by any appropriate means without damaging any component)
(b) Pressure test for leakage proof operation at 15 bar
(c) Recording accuracy
(d) Head loss

The inspection and tests shall be carried out by the Supplier at no extra cost to the Purchaser
However, inspection agent’s charges for inspection and testing shall be borne by the Purchaser.

The Supplier shall submit satisfactory test certificate for the water meters in addition to the above
tests prior to dispatching the Goods.

Protection during Transport and Handling

The Water Meters should be packed preferably in wooden crates and protected during shipment
handling and storage. During loading, unloading and handling, the supplier shall ensure particular
care to avoid any damage to Goods.

Stored Goods shall be properly watched at all times. Any article found to be faulty shall not be

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 92


9.7.1 Standards

All tests shall be performed in accordance with the latest Hydraulic Institute Standards.

9.7.2 Field Testing of Pumping Unit

1. Following completion of' the installation and satisfactory start-up of the equipment, the
Contractor shall in the presence of the pump manufacturer's representative, operate each
pumping unit over the entire specified range. The operation, over the entire specified range,
shall be free of vibration, noise, or aviation.
i) Vibration shall be checked and recorded. The full speed vibration of all PUMPS shall be
equal to or less than the amplitude limits recommended in the Hydraulic Institute Standards.

ii) Each pump performance shall be documented by obtaining concurrent readings showing
motor voltage, current, pump head and discharge. Readings shall be documented for at
least four pumping conditions to ascertain the actual pumping curve.

iii) One test shall be at shut off head. Each power load to the motor shall be checked for
proper current balance.

Each assembled pump and drive listed herein shall be tested after installation to
determine the following characteristics at the maximum speed at which the pumps are to
be operated.
i). Head-Capacity Curve
ii) Brake Horsepower Curve
iii) Efficiency Curve

9.7.3 Field Tests of Valves

1. The Contractor shall test all valves and appurtenances for proper operation adjustments
and setting, to meet the requirements of the Specification.

2. The adequacy of all pipe hangers and supports and valve supports shall comply with the
specified requirements.

3. The Contractor shall rectify all detects found and all associated costs shall be borne solely
by the Contractor.

9.7.4 Requirement

1. In the event that the goods do not meet the specified requirements, the goods or
component part of the goods, shall be replaced or modified by the manufacturer to meet the
requirements of the Specifications and shall be retested in accordance with the provisions of
the Specifications.

2. In the event of retesting, all costs of the retesting including costs for additional witnessing
shall be borne by the Contractor.

9.7.5 Method of Measurement

Pumping equipment installation and all work in connection therewith shall be valued by the
measurement of only such items as are included in the bill of quantities. The cost of
equipment’s not itemized in the bill of quantities shall be deemed to be included elsewhere in
the Contract rates to cover the all Contractor's obligations under the Contract.

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PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 94

10.1 Materials Standard and Workmanship
The standard of materials for metal work and workmanship shall conform to relevant British
Standard specifications or equivalent.

10.2 Workshop Drawing

The Contractor shall prepare workshop drawing taking into consideration the following :
 All proposed connection and joints which are not detailed in the contract document shall be
approved by the Engineer;
 The requirements of fabrication technology, transportation and erection of steel structure;
 Uniformity of elements and parts of structures shall be maintained through out.

10.3 Erection Process

The Contractor shall align, plumb and level all steel work accurately and in accordance with the
drawings. No permanent bolting or welding may be done until correct alignment and leveling has
been achieved. During erection, steel works should be securely bolted and if necessary, temporarily
braced. Where considered necessary by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide, prior to
erection, all calculations relating to strength and anticipated deflections of the structure to be caused
by the proposed method of erection which shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Approval by
the Engineer shall in no way relieve the Contractor from full liability for the security of the structure
and plant.

Beddings shall not be carried out until steel works has been finally leveled and connected, the
stanchions meanwhile being supported on steel packing.

Immediately before grouting, the space underneath the steel should be thoroughly cleaned and
freed from water. Bedding should be done using cement grouts, mortar or fine concrete, depending
on the space to be filled.

10.4 Welding
Before fabrication, all steel shall be thoroughly wire brushed, cleaned of all scale, rust, grease and
thoroughly straightened by approved methods that will not injure the materials being worked on.
Welding shall be continuous along the entire line of contact except where tack or intermittent
welding is permitted. Where exposed, welds shall be cleaned of flux and ground smooth. Welding
shall be performed by experienced tradesmen, and made with electrodes conforming to BS 639.

All structural welds shall be continuous and shall be properly sized to develop the full strength of the
smaller of the two members being joined. The Engineer shall have to write the limit of the thickness
of each weld head pass.

10.5 Making Holes

Holes shall be punched where thickness of the material is not greater than the diameter of bolt
+3mm. Where the thickness of the material is greater, the holes shall either be drilled or sub-
punched and then reamed to size. Holes for bolts should not be formed by burning. Holes must be
accurately drilled or punched and reamed out to full diameter required

10.6 Cutting Metal Plate

As per as possible, cutting must be done by shearing. Oxygen cutting shall be done where shear
cutting is not possible and shall perfectly be done by machine. All edges shall be free gauges,
notches and burrs. If necessary the same shall be removed by grinding.

10.7 Barbed Wire

Fabricate of galvanized steel, ASTM A-121.

10.8 Nuts & Bolts

Only bolts of correct lengths are to be used. The threaded portion of each bolts should project

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 95

through the nut t least one thread after tightening. Where required, tapered washers are to be used
to give true bearing. Standard commercial quality galvanized nuts and bolts shall be used.

10.9 Stainless Steel

Stainless steel shall conform to ASTM A-276 or equivalent

10.10 Aluminium
All aluminum plate, pipe and structural shapes shall conform to ASTM B-209, B-221 and/or B-308
for 6061 -T6 alloy or equivalent, unless otherwise noted. All aluminum bearing on or embedded in
concrete shall have one coat of zinc chromatic primer.

10.11 Galvanizing
Iron and steel galvanizing shall be done in accordance with ASTM A-123 or equivalent with an
average coating weight of 600 gm per sq.m and not less than 560 gm per sq.m. Repair to
galvanized coating damaged during erection or fabrication shall be done using specified toughing

10.12 Shop Painting

Before leaving the shop all steel not shown or specified to be galvanized shall be given one coat of
primer and final painting shall be as specified under the painting section of these specifications.
That portion of steel to be embedded in concrete or masonry shall not be painted.

10.13 Measurement
Metalwork and all work in connection therewith shall be valued by the measurement of only such
items as are included in the Bill of Quantities. The cost of metal work not itemized in Bill of
Quantities shall be deemed to be included in the contract rates to cover all the Contractor’s
obligations under the contract.

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11.1 Description
Thus work shaft consist of unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the preparation of the metal
surfaces on existing structures, the application, protection and drying of the paint coatings and the
supplying of all tools, tackle, scaffolding, labor and materials necessary for the entire work as shown
on the Drawings.

11.2 Materials

11.2.1 General
All paints to be used for the painting system shall be obtained from one manufacturer. Paint shall be
supplied in sealed containers of not more than 5 liters capacity and these shall be used in strict
order of delivery. The paint shall be adequate in all respects for the intended purpose and shall be
obtained from the manufacturer ready for the use specified.
Paint shall he stored in sealed containers in a lock-up store where it is not exposed to extreme
temperature. Any special storage conditions recommended by the manufacturer shall be observed.
Paint not used within the shelf life period specified on the containers, or within 18 months of the date
of manufacture, shall be replaced.

At the end of a working period, paint with a limited pot life or any two pack primers etc. shall be
discarded. Other types of paint shall be returned to the store and kept in sealed containers.

11.2.2 Prime Coat

The prime coat of paint for metal shall be red lead paint and shall conform to the AASHTO
Specification for Red Lead Ready-Mixed Paint, M 72.

Red lead pigment in the dry form or as a paste in oil shall conform to ASTM D 83. The 97% grade
shall he specified for dry pigment.

In mixing for paint, raw linseed oil (ASTM D 234) may be replaced with boiled linseed oil (ASTM D
260) to the extent of 50% of the total oil content.

Flue paint, preferably, shall be factory mixed. As an alternative the pigment shall he furnished in the
form of red lead paste.

11.2.3 Undercoat
The undercoat shall be red lead paint as specified above, tinted light brown with lamp black in an
amount not exceeding 1/32 kilogram per litre of linseed oil. I)ry film thickness shah be 50 micron.

11.2.4 Finish Coat

The finish coat shall be as shown on the Drawings or as specified by the Engineer. It shall conform
to one of the following AASI-ITO Specifications:

1) Foliage Green Bridge Paint M 67

2) Black Bridge Paint M 68
3) Aluminum paint (Paste-Mixing Vehicle) M 69
4) White and Tinted Ready-Mixed Paint (Lead and Zinc Base) M70

11.3 Construction Methods

11.3.1 Cleaning of Surfaces

(A) General
Surfaces of metal to be painted shall he thoroughly cleaned, removing rust, loose mill scale, dirt, oil
or grease and other foreign substances. Unless cleaning is to he done by sand blasting. all weld
areas, before cleaning is begun, shall he neutralized with a proper chemical, after which they shall
he thoroughly rinsed with water.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 98

Cleaning may be carried out by hand, mechanical means. Chemically, sand blasting or by flame
cleaning. The method used in any area shall be approved by the Engineer. Methods of cleaning are
described as follows. All cleaning shall he approved by the Engineer before the application of’ any

(B) Hand Cleaning

The removal of rust, scale and dirt shall be done by the use of metal brushes, scrapers, chisels, or
hammers or other effective means. Oil and grease shall be removed by this use of gasoline or
benzene. Bristle or wood fiber brushes shall be used for removing loose dirt.

(C) Mechanical Cleaning

Steelwork shall be mechanically cleaned using power driven tools such as grinding discs, chipping
hammers and needle guns, followed by steel wire brushing, washing and dusting to remove all
loosened material. Excessive burnishing of the metal through prolonged application of rotary wire
brushes shall be avoided. Any visible peaks and ridges produced by the use of mechanical cleaning
tools shall be removed.

(D) Sandblasting

The sandblasting shall remove all loose mill scale and other substances down to the bare metal.
Special attention shall he given to cleaning of corners & angles. Before painting, sand adhering to
the steel in corners and elsewhere shall be removed. Cleaning shall he approved by the Engineer
prior to any painting, which shall be done within 2 hours and before rust forms.

(E) Flame Cleaning

Metal shall be flame cleaned in accordance with the following operations:

1) Oil, grease and similar adherent matter shall he removed by washing with a suitable solvent.
Excess solvent shall be wiped from the work before proceeding with subsequent operations.

2) The surface to be painted shall be cleaned and dehydrated (free of occluded moisture) by the
passage of oxyacetylene flames which shall have an oxygen to acetylene ratio of at least one.
The inner cones of these flames shall have a ratio of length to port diameter of at least 8 and
shall be not more than 3.7 mm centre to centre. The oxyacetylene flames shall he traversed
over the surfaces of the steel in such manner and at such speed that the surfaces are
dehydrated, and dirt, rust, loose scale in the form of blisters or scabs, and similar foreign matter
are freed by the rapid intense heating by the flames. The flames shall not be traversed so slowly
that loose scale or other foreign matter is fused to the surface of the steel. The number
arrangement and manipulation of the flames shall be such that all parts of surfaces to be
painted are adequately cleaned and dehydrated.

3) Promptly after the application of the flames, the surfaces of the steel shall be wire brushed,
hand scraped wherever necessary, and then swept and dusted to remove all free materials and
foreign particles. Compressed air shall not he used for this operation.

4) Paint shall be applied within 2 hours after the steel has been cleaned and while the temperature
of the steel is still above that of the surrounding atmosphere, so that there will be no re-
condensation of moisture on the cleaned surfaces.

11.3.2 Number of Coats and Color

All steel shall be painted with one prime coat, and with no less than two field coats. The thickness of
the prime coat shall not be less than 75 microns and the total thickness of the two field coats shall
not be less than 125 microns.

The color shall be as specified or determined by the Engineer. The coats shall be sufficiently
different in color to permit detection of incomplete application.

11.3.3 Weather Conditions

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 99
Paint shall not be applied when the air is misty, or when, in the opinion of the Engineer conditions
are otherwise unsatisfactory for the work. It shall not be applied upon damp surfaces.

Material painted under cover in damp weather shall remain under cover until dry or winter weather
conditions permit its exposure in the open. Painting shall not be done when the metal is hot enough
to cause the paint to blister and produce a porous paint film.

11.3.4 Mixing of Paint

Paint shall be factory mixed. All paint shall be re-mixed before applying in order to keep the
pigments in uniform suspension.

11.3.5 Application

(A) General
Painting shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner. Paint may be applied with hand brushes
or by spraying except that aluminum paint preferably shah be applied by spraying. By either
method, the coating of paint applied shall be smoothly and uniformly spread so that no excess paint
collects at any Point. If work done by spraying is not satisfactory to hue Engineer, hand brushing
shall be required.

(B) Brushing
When brushes are used, the paint shall be so manipulated under the brush as to produce a smooth,
uniform, even coating in close contact with flue metal or with previously applied paint, and shall be
worked into all corners and crevices.

(C) Spraying
Power spraying equipment shall apply the paint in a fine, even spray without the addition of any
thinner. Paint, when applied with spray equipment, shall be immediately followed by brushing when
necessary to secure uniform coverage and to eliminate wrinkling, blistering and airholes.

(D) Removal of Paint

If the painting is unsatisfactory to the Engineer, the paint shall be removed and the metal thoroughly
cleaned and repainted.

(E) Thinning Paint

Paint as delivered in containers when thoroughly mixed is ready for use. If it is necessary to thin the
paint in order that it shall spread more freely, this shall be done only by heating in hot water or on
steam radiators, and liquid shall not be added nor removed unless permitted by the Engineer.

11.3.6 Painting Galvanized Surfaces

Galvanized surfaces, which are required to be painted, shall first be treated as follows:
For the purpose of conditioning the surface of galvanized surfaces for painting, the Painting shall be
deferred as long as possible in order that the surface may weather. Before painting galvanized
surfaces they shall be treated as follows:
In 1 gallon of soft water dissolve 2 ounces each of copper chloride, copper nitrate and Sal
ammoniac, then add 2 ounces of commercial muriatic acid. This should be done in an earthen or
glass vessel, never in tin or other metal receptacle. Apply the solution with a wide flat brush to the
galvanized surface, after which it will assume a dark, almost black colour which on drying becomes
a grayish film.
The Contractor may propose any alternative process as a method of treatment subject to the
approval of the Engineer.

11.4 Measurement
The quantity of work done under this section shall be measured in square meters to include
all painting required on each structure or structural unit.

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PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 101

12.1 Scope of Works
Work to be undertaken in this clause shall include, but are not limited to:-

 Manufacturing and (or) Assembling and Supply of Transformers, Lightning Arresters, Drop-
out fuses, LT/HT Panels, PFI Plants, Motor Control Panels and Accessories
 Supply and installation of all Equipment required for the Sub-Station and Motor Control
 Supply and Installation of Cables between the equipment of sub-station and pump motors in
underground /Cable Trench/Surface through Conduits
 Installation of Earthings
 Arrangement for inspection of the Electrical Installations and taking approval of Licensee
 Obtaining sanction of required load (Demand Note) from Power Supply Authority (PDB/REB)
with the assistance of local DPHE and Pourashava.
 Deposition of Security money in the Bank
 Arrangement of power supply to the Pumping Plant
 Testing and Commissioning of the sub-station as well as pumping Plant
 Supply of spares and Maintenance of the sub-station for at least one year.

12.2 General Requirement for Equipment & Materials

12.2.1 General
All machinery, accessories and other equipment to be used in the electrical installation work shall be
new and of
 The highest quality to the best modern practices
 sound workmanship, robust in design and of a grade and quality suitable for the purpose
and he climatic conditions at the location.
 approved types, supplied by approved manufacturers

All electrical materials and equipment shall comply in all respects (design, properties, qualities,
testing, etc.) as a minimum with the latest International Electro-technical Commission
recommendations and/or the latest British Standards. Should there be and difference between the
IEC/BS and this Specification, then the most stringent requirements shall apply.

Component parts of similar use and rating shall be interchangeable with each other.

All manufactured items shall be the product of manufacturers regularly engaged in producing works
of the types specified and be constructed and finished by the same manufacturer.

All manufactured items shall be free from imperfections and defects which may impair their
durability and serviceability or affect their appearance.

Before installation and purchasing of any machinery, accessories and equipment, catalogues
related to type and model no and warranty certificate (s) from the manufacturer (s) shall be
presented to the Engineer. As per decision of the Engineer, the Contractor shall take necessary
steps for the execution of the testing and inspection of the above mentioned materials, prior to
purchase and installation.

12.2.2 Quality Assurance

To maintain quality of electrical equipment & related accessories the contractor shall follow the
instructions below :

A. Manufacturer’s Qualifications
The Contractor shall provide, for the approval of the Engineer, the equipment/material, country of
origin, together with clear evidence to demonstrate that it has been successfully manufactured at
that facility and has been installed and operating successfully, in a number of similar projects in type

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 102

and size, under similar conditions to those pertaining to its specified application. The manufacturer
must have installed, and had in satisfactory use, for a period of not less than five years a minimum
of five installations of similar size and type comparable to the units specified. The Contractor shall
provide data on installations of the manufacturer which shall include, but not be limited to, the
 name and location of installation,
 name of person in direct responsible charge for the equipment,
 address and phone number of person in direct responsible charge,
 month and year the equipment was placed in operation,
 brief description of equipment.

B. Factory Tests
Factory tests are required for all electrical equipment and assemblies to be supplied by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall perform factory tests in accordance with the relevant British
Standards or other such standards approved by the Engineer.

Test at the manufacturer’s works shall be accompanied with test certificates showing all the relevant
information and details relating to the test. Three (3) copies of test certificates signed by the
manufacturer’s representative shall be submitted to the Engineer.

C. Factory Inspection
The Engineer or his representative may inspect fabricated electrical equipment at the factory. The
Contractor shall notify the Engineer in sufficient time so that factory inspection can be arranged.
Factory inspection may be made after the manufactures has performed satisfactory checks,
adjustments, tests, and operations. Approval of equipment at the factory only allows the
manufacturer to ship the equipment to the site, and does not constitute a final acceptance.

D. Product Protection and Handling

Box, crate and equipment are to be protected during shipment, handling and storage. Equipments
are to be kept dry and covered from exposure to weather. Pumps, motors, electrical equipment and
equipment having anti-friction or sleeve bearings are to be stored in weather-tight storage facilities.
Large equipment items are to be lifted only at the point designated by manufacturer.

Protection against impact, abrasion discoloration and other damage are to be ensured. Damages
are to be repaired as directed and approved by the manufacturer.

E. Factory Painting
On electrical equipment, drives, starters, control panels and similar self-contained or enclosed
components, a factory primer and high quality oil-resistant backed industrial enamel finish are to be
applied. Surfaces that are inaccessible after assembly are to be painted otherwise protected by a
method which provide protection for the life of the equipment.

F. Guarantee and Warrantee

The Contractor shall guarantee all equipment in accordance with the condition of contract. In
addition to the guarantee requirements, equipment guarantee shall cover (i) faulty or inadequate
design; (ii) improper assembly or erection; (iii) defective workmanship or materials; and (iv) leakage,
breakage, or other failure. For equipment bearing a manufacturer’s warranty certificate in excess of
one year (wef the date of commissioning) furnish a copy of the warranty to the Employer is to be

G. Operation and Maintenance Instructions

Before purchasing and installation of any machinery, accessories and equipment, the Contractor
shall provide three complete sets of catalogues related to type and model number, drawings and
instructions required for operation and maintenance of all items of equipment and instrumentation
furnished. These shall include instructions for lubrication, repair and servicing, spare parts lists and
all other pertinent information available from the equipment manufacturers.
12.2.3 Brand Name
Brand names are used herein merely to describe the nature of the described equipment and not
used to endorse or indicate a preference for a particular product or manufacturer. Goods which
have similar characteristics and provide performance in quality at least equal to those specified are
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 103

12.2.4 As-built Drawings etc.

After installation of the electrical equipment and accessories, the contractor should prepare as built
drawings showing all components and circuit diagrams together with specification and data covering
performance and materials of construction. Three copies of As-built drawings are to be submitted to
the Engineer.

12.2.5 Workmanship
The entire work provided in this specification shall be constructed and finished in every respect in a
workmanlike and substantial manner. The Contractor shall provide the system in accordance with the
best trade practice and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Keep others fully informed as to the shape, size and position of all openings required for apparatus
and give full information sufficiently in advance of the work so that all openings may be built in
advance. Provide and install all sleeves, supports, etc., hereinafter specified or required.

Obtain detailed information from the manufacturers of apparatus as to the proper method of installing
and connecting same. Obtain all information from others which may be necessary to facilitate work
and the completion of the whole project.

Provide the services of an experienced foreman, who shall be continuously in charge of the erection of
the electrical work, together with all necessary skilled workmen, helpers and labors required to
properly unload, transfer, erect and connect up, adjust, start, operate and test the system.

Before installing any work, verify that it does not interfere with clearance required for other work.
Notice of adverse conditions shall be forwarded in writing to the Engineer before any work in question
is installed. If notification is not made, and work installed causes interference with the contemplated
design, make such changes in his work as directed by the Engineer to permit the installation of all
work of the project, at no additional cost to the Employer.

12.2.6 Testing and Commissioning

The Engineer shall be authorized to inspect, examine and test at any reasonable time and in the
premises of the manufacturer the quality of the material used for the equipment to be supplied.

Should part of the equipment be subcontracted to another manufacturer, the Contractor shall ensure
that the Engineer is authorized to inspect, examine and test the equipment in the premises of the Sub-

These inspection, examinations and tests shall not relieve the Contractor in any case from this
contractual responsibility and commitments.

The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing at least 15 days beforehand of the date and place at
which any equipment shall be available for tests to be made according to the provisions of the
Contract. Should the Engineer not have appeared at the place indicated within ten days following the
date indicated by the Contractor, the latter shall proceed with the tests and it shall be deemed that
they had been witnessed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall send the Engineer duly certified
copies of the results of the tests.

The Engineer shall notify the Contractor of his intentions to attend the test 24 hours beforehand.
Should the Contract provide for tests to be made in the premises of the Contractor or any Sub-
Contractors or suppliers. The Contractor shall afford any assistance, labour materials, electricity, fuel
supplies, equipment and instrument required and which can be reasonably requested for these tests.

On completion of the entire electrical installation work or any separate or distinct part thereof, notify
the Engineer, in writing, that the complete part of the electrical work is ready for inspection. Before
doing so, perform initial trial tests. Test, correct, adjust, balance, regulate, etc., the section concerned
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 104
as necessary until required conditions are obtained.

The inspection of the Contractors work shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer and in
accordance with the requirements of Section 'E' of the IEE 'Regulations for Electrical Equipment of
Buildings' and shall comprise of but not limited to :
a. Verification of polarity
b. Effectiveness of earthing
c. Insulation resistance test
d. Test of ring circuit continuity
e. Phase rotation
f. Operation tests of relays, interlocks and any other protective and control device to ensure
correct functioning.

The results and readings obtained shall be equal or better than the requirements of the IEE and the
supply authority regulations and these shall be recorded on forms similar to the ones described in the
IEE Regulations.

Supply all instruments and tools required for carrying out the tests.

Follow-up and make all necessary arrangements with the supply authority for the purpose of providing
permanent electricity supply. Also provide all facilities and attendance to the supply authority for any
other tests carried out before energising the installation.

12.3 Source of Supply

The power supply to the site will be undertaken as per prior approval, supervision and anticipation
by the electricity authorities extending the existing 11kV overhead distribution system and by
installing a transformer as well as a sub-station to the pump house/IRP/OGR compound as shown
on the drawing and/or as per direction of the Engineer. Working contractor will arrange HT
connection from PDB/REB course and also collect the inspection report from the Licensing Board.

12.4 HT power take off assemblies

In case of HT (11 KV) Power connection the following components should be provided and fitted
incorporating to the Hot Dip GI angle cross arm and RCC pole within pump house/IRP/OGR
compound as per prior consultation and approval of the local power supply (PDB/REB) authority.

12.4.1 SPC (Stressed Precast) Pole

PDB/REB Standard SPC poles of required length and size shell be used for installation of
transformers with supply of all necessary materials like clamps, bands or straps for fixing the fittings,
nuts & bolts, etc. to be provided as per requirements of PDB/REB and direction of the E/C.

12.4.2 Drop out Fuse

Drop out fuse cutout should be of outdoor type, rated maximum design voltage 15kV, nominal
voltage 11KV, frequency 50Hz, interrupting current RMS 10kA, basic insulation level 95 kV and
should be suitable for 3-phase connection of 3-nos. individual fuse barrels, single pole single throw,
single supporting insulator, cross-arm mounted, open drop out fuse cutout, complete with holder
and accessories, suitable for installation at ambient temperature 50 C (maximum). Withstand test
voltage for dry, 1 minute 35 kV and for wet, 10 second 30kV. The continuous current rating of the
drop out fuse should be selected as per prior approval of local PDB/REB authority for the specified

12.4.3 Lightning Arrester

Lightning arrester should be of rated voltage (RMS), 9 kV, rated system voltage 12kV, minimum
spark over (RMS) 14 kV, maximum spark over (RMS) 40 kV, Maximum Impulse spark (Crest) 45kV,
50 Hz , nominal discharge current 33 kV (Crest) 5kA, Impulse Current Withstand 55 kA. Withstand
test voltage for dry, 1 minute 28 kV and for wet, 10 second 24kV. suitable for use at ambient
temperature 50oC (maximum) at 1000 metre (maximum) above sea level.

12.5 Power Transformer

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 105

12.5.1 General
 Transformers shall be oil immersed, hermetically sealed, naturally cooled, double wound,
core type suitable for outdoor installation.
 Transformers shall be manufactured and tested to comply with BS 171/IEC 76.
 Transformer oil shall be to BS 148/ IEC 296.
 The manufacturer shall have quality control conforming to the relevant parts of ISO 9000.
Proof of compliance verified by an independent inspection agency shall be submitted with
the offer.
 Transformers shall be rated as described in the Bill of quantities.
 Ventilation pattern shall be oil natural, air natural, ONAN.
 The impedance voltage of the transformer shall be 6.3 percent.
 Voltage Ratio shall be 11000/420 volts between phases at no load, 400 V at full load.

12.5.2 Transformer Duty

The transformers shall be capable of supplying predominantly motorized loads with ratings up 40
kW on direct on line (DOL) starting. The Contractor shall furnish the transformer manufacturer with
the single line diagrams indicating the types and sizes of the loads connected to the transformers

12.5.3 Winding Connections

 The windings shall be connected HV delta, LV star in accordance with vector group
reference Dyn 11 of IEC 76.
 The star point of the secondary windings shall be brought out through the tank and suitably
terminated in a separate housing for solid earthing in addition to the neutral connection.
 Provision shall be made for current transformers for fault protection to be mounted on both
neutral and earth connections.

12.5.4 Tappings
 Adjustable tappings shall be provided on the primary windings for variation from +7.5% to
-7.5% in 2.5% steps.
 Tapping control shall be by means of a manual, externally operated, off-circuit tapping
switch complete with tap mechanical tap position indicator.
 Locking facilities shall be provided for the switch such that the lock can be inserted only
when the switch is in a definite tap position.
 The tap changing selector shall be located below the oil level inside the tank and the
selector operating rod shall be external outside the tank.

12.5.5 Construction
 The core shall be constructed from cold rolled steel laminations manufactured to BS 6404.
The aminations shall be insulated from each other by means of a suitable temperature
resistant oil proof coating.
 The windings design and construction shall provide adequately designed and located
coolant flow ducts so that possible hot spots are eliminated. Windings shall be braced to
withstand dynamic stress due to short circuit conditions. Full details shall be provided of
arrangements for taking up or eliminating coil shrinkage during service.
 The core and winding shall be designed so that the iron loss is at a minimum but the ratio of
copper loss to iron loss shall be in accordance with an economic design and the
manufacturer shall state the ratio used.
 The arrangement of internal connections shall be such that the transformer core and
windings may be lifted bodily from the tank without disturbing the cable boxes or
 The transformer tanks shall be constructed from high grade steel with electrically welded
seams. The structure of the tank shall enable it to be handled whilst filled with oil and shall
be pressure tested to 70 kN/m2.
 Tank shall be mounted on a hot dip GI Angle Frame fixed to the Standard SPC Pole.
 The tank shall incorporate lifting eyes suitable for the mass of the transformer and oil.
 The tanks shall be provided with external cooling tubes or fins to provide natural cooling
under the climatic conditions.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 106

 All terminals shall pass through oil tight insulating glands into respective disconnecting
terminal chambers to facilitate cable testing.
 The tank covers shall be of such construction as will prevent the accumulation of moisture
and shall be bolted to a flange on the tank top to form a weatherproof seal. All gaskets
shall be of synthetic rubber and cork compositions. The tank tubes and all steelworks
shall be shot blasted internally and externally before painting and a rust inhibiting paint
shall be applied to both external and internal surfaces before applying a final finish.
The exterior shall be given an additional coat on site of a durable oil and weather resisting
paint. The manufacturers paint system shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
 The design and construction of the transformer core winding and tank shall ensure that the
noise level at full load is kept to the minimum consistent with economic design. The tank
shall be reinforced or braced where necessary to reduce the noise level.
 The complete transformer arranged for service shall be capable of withstanding the
specified impulse voltage on the HV windings.
 All windings winding terminals and connections shall be fully immersed in oil under all
operating conditions and materials shall be suitable for this duty and not be subject to
deterioration from contact with oil.
 The windings shall be thoroughly dried out under vacuum at the manufacturer’s works and
shall be delivered to Site filled with oil to the normal level and ready for service.

12.5.6 HV and LV Terminations

 The HV cable box shall be designed for air insulated dry type termination suitable for 3 core
XLPE, double steel tape armour, PVC served, copper cables.
 The HV cable box shall be mounted on the top of the transformer tank and bushings
arranged for cables approaching horizontally, similar to the existing transformers.
 The bushings shall be replaceable without having open the tank cover.
 The LV cable entry box shall also be mounted on the top of the transformer and bushings
arranged for cables approaching horizontally similar to the existing transformers.
 The cable boxes on the transformer shall be suitable for the above HV and LV cable
arrangements and shall be complete with all necessary fittings, grimp type cable lugs of
specified size, compression glands, armour clamps, bonding straps, tapes etc.

12.5.7 Fittings
In addition to the standard fittings as per BS 171, the transformer shall be fitted with the following:

1. Thermometer pocket for oil temperature

2. Dial type oil thermometer with maximum reading pointer and fitted with 2 No. sets of
adjustable contacts for alarm and trip functions.
3. Rating and diagram plate (to comply with BS 171) of a durable and non-corrodible material.
4. Oil level gauge clearly visible from ground levels.
5. Pressure relief valve with alarm contacts.
6. Tank filling and drain valves.
7. Separate neutral earthing terminal with independent access cover enclosed with
weatherproof housing for the restricted earth fault current transformer.
8. Earthing terminal for tank.
9. Marshaling box for over temperature and pressure alarm and trip contracts.
10. Large identification labels shall be affixed to each transformer identifying their primary circuit
11. Lifting and jacking lugs.

12.5.8 Earthing
 The transformers shall be connected to the earth bars installed inside the substation.
 All metallic enclosures, tanks, fittings and accessories must be bonded together and
connected to the earth bar.
 The transformer secondary winding star point/neutral shall be connected to earth.

12.5.9 Transformer Installation

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 107

The contractor shall furnish all tools and plants including all labourers for complete installation of the
transformer and other equipment. The transformer upto 100KVA shall be installed on GI Angle
Frame to be fitted SPC (of PDB/REB) pole within the pump house/WTP compound as shown on the
drawing or/and as on a platform. The GI Angle base frame structure over which the transformer to
be installed should have proper dimension (as per recommendation of local PDB/REB authority),
the bottom level should be at least 2 meter above the G.L. The Transformer beyond 100KVA shall
be installed on the Platform inside Sub-Station Room. The foundation plates, bolts etc. should be
fixed firmly and properly with this structure. After completing the installation cable connections will
be made between the transformer and the switch gear system. Before installation of the transformer
the transform oil shall be tested and test result shall be submitted to the Engineer after approval by
local PDB/REB authority. HV and LV cables to the transformers shall be supported on galvanized,
heavy duty cable ladders.

12.5.10 Testing
A. Type and routine tests shall be carried out in accordance with BS 171/IEC 76.

B. Routine tests shall be carried out in accordance with BS 171, including:

1. Measurement of winding resistance
2. Voltage ratio measurement
3. Check of voltage vector relationship
4. Measurement of impedance voltage and load losses
5. Measurement of no-load loss and current
6. Insulation resistance measurement
7. Separate-source voltage with stand test
8. Induced over voltage with stand test
9. External construction inspection
10. Check of oil leakage.
C. All the above tests shall be carried out at the transformer manufacturers factory. Only tests 6, 9
and 10 need to be repeated on site.

D. Type Tests
1. Temperature rise test on the transformer.
2. Impulse withstand test on the transformer shall be applied on the HV winding leg only and
shall be in accordance with BS 923 and BS 171.

E. Short circuit test need not be performed if already performed on a transformer of the same
rating and similar construction. Type test result shall be made available.

12.6 Switchboards/Panel Boards and Motor Control Centre

12.6.1 Description of Work

This Section shall include all labour, materials and accessories for the complete performance of all
Main Low Tension Switchboards, Main Switchboards, PFI Plants, Sub-main Switchboards, Motor
Control Centres and Motor Control in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings.

12.6.2 Submittals
Full specifications of the enclosures and the components of the switchgear, switchboards, PFI
Plants and motor control centres, with relevant sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues.

12.6.3 Manufacturer’s Qualification

The switchgear manufacturer must have a previous record of satisfactory service for at least 5

12.6.4 Low Tension Switchboards/Panel Boards

A General

 The Main Low Tension Switchboards shall be of Indoor construction, purpose made,
floor standing, dead front, totally enclosed, cellular cubicle type, dust protected, vermin proof
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 108
and of clean and modern appearance containing the main components shown on the
Drawings and/or specified.
 The switchboards shall be fabricated, assembled, wired, checked, tested and
coordinated at the factory by one manufacturer using the same make for all internal
switchgear components and shall be constructed in accordance with BS 5486; Part 1 or IEC
 The Normal Components, Fittings and Accessories required for safe and proper
operation of switchgear shall be provided, whether specifically mentioned herein or not.

B. Construction of Cubicles & Enclosures.

1) The panel board shall be fabricated from 2mm thick (min) sheet steel pressed or rolled to
shape and neatly finished and free from any joints or sharp edges. It shall be metal clad,
totally enclosed, dust and vermin-proof and self-supporting suitable for floor mounting. Size,
rating arrangements shall be as indicated on the Drawings.
2) The switchboard shall consist of standard cubicles assembled together on continuous base
channels to form a rigid in line flush fronted free standing continuous switchboard assembly.
Frames are constructed from 2.0mm thick (minimum) folded sheet steel strengthened
wherever necessary. The cubicle shall be sufficiently rigid to withstand all operating forces
without deformation or damage.
3) The switchboards shall be totally enclosed, all hinged doors, covers shall be gasketed to
provide protection against dust.
4) Cabinet shall have adequate means of lifting and shall be capable of being rolled or moved
into the installation position and bolted directly to the floor.
5) The switchboards shall be provided with suitable cable glands to suit the type, size and
number of cables as indicated on the Drawings. The cable glands or bracket where required
shall be adequately mounted inside the switchboard. The switchboards shall be provided
with the proper cable fixing clamps and terminal lugs for incoming and outgoing cables as
well as earth bonding connections.
6) After fabrication, steel work shall be cleaned, zinc sprayed and stove enamelled with one
prime coat, two under-coats and one finishing coat, the surface being rubbed down after
each coat.
7) Finished color: light grey or as approved by the Engineer.
8) The enclosure shall be constructed with a degree of protection at least equal to IP 54.

C. Labels.

1. All the components in the switchboards shall be identified by means of white labels of an
approved design engraved with 5mm black lettering adequately describing the function of
the unit to which it is attached and shall be secured by screws to the outside of each item.
Special outlets and equipment shall be fitted with labels in a similar manner. Labels secured
by adhesive are not acceptable.
2 All labels shall be engraved in both Bengali and English and shall be approved by the

D. Switchboard Wiring.

1 Switchboards shall be furnished completely wired including all cleats and terminal blocks.
2 Control and instrument wiring shall be made with a standard switchboard colour coded cable
with fire resistant braid. No cable sizes smaller than 2.5 shall be used.
3 The wiring on instrument panels shall have flexible connections to the terminal blocks.
4 The end of every wire shall be numbered with the number as stated in the control circuit
wiring diagram of the manufacturer, also number the terminal blocks.
5 A sufficient number of terminal connections including 15% spare terminals shall be provided
for all control and instrument wiring.
6 Wiring within the switchboard shall be distinctly colored throughout and marked with ferrules
at each end for identification. The letters and numbers used shall correspond with the switch
board wiring diagram.
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 109
The wiring color code shall be as follows:

Phase - Red, Yellow, Blue

Neutral - Black
Control - Grey
Earth - Green with Yellow Stripe

E. Safety Measures.

All terminals, connectors, relays and other components which may remain or become energized
when front access doors are open shall be adequately screened. It shall not be possible to obtain
access to adjacent cubicles when any door is opened. Circuit breakers shall be provided with
suitable means to prevent unauthorised and accidental operations. Interlocks to prevent dangerous
operations shall be provided wherever necessary. High voltage parts shall be protected to prevent
accidental human contact. Warning signs of durable type fixed on visible place shall be provided on
high voltage parts. Earthing of metal parts shall be provided.

F Panel Lighting

Each cubicle, where a door is required to be opened for access, shall be provided with
fluorescent lighting which shall be automatically switched on when the panel door is opened.

G Annunciation

Audible and visual annunciation for each panel shall be provided. The audible annunciation for
minor fault and major fault shall be differentiated by separate tones.

H Lamp Test and Re-setting

Each panel shall be provided with lamp testing switch and re-setting facility.

I. Lamp Indication.

A pilot lamp for each panel shall be provided. The lamp shall light up when the input cable is live
irrespective of the position of the circuit breaker in the panel.

Indicator lamps shall be not less than 20 mm diameter and shall be of the projecting type so that
they can be seen from the front and the side of the switch board. They shall be visible under bright
sun light conditions. The lamps shall be under –run to give long life or higher voltage lamps shall be
used. Alternatively the lamps shall be transformer operated.

Colors of indicator lamps shall generally comply with IEC 78.

J. Busbars & Primary Connections

1 The busbars shall be electro-tinned hard drawn, high conductivity 99.9 percent purity,
suitably sleeved for phase identification to BS 158.
2 All busbars shall extend through the length of the board with same cross section throughout
unless indicated otherwise.
3 A Copper Earth Busbar sized at least 50 percent of the phase busbars shall be provided
along the full length of the board.
4 Busbars shall be adequately supported by porcelain or moulded insulators spaced on
suitable centres so that the complete assembly can withstand the maximum mechanical
stresses to which it may be subjected to under fault conditions.
5 Busbars shall be housed in separate adequately ventilated compartment which shall not
contain any wiring or apparatus other than that required for connections for busbars.
6 Busbars shall be housed in separate adequately ventilated compartment which shall not

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 110

contain any wiring or apparatus other than that required for connections for busbars.
7 Rating : As indicated on the drawings/BOQ .

K Moulded Case Circuit Breakers.

1 Shall have a combination of thermal and magnetic tripping giving an inverse time delay
protection against sustained overloads and instantaneous tripping under heavy overloads
and short circuits.
2 Breakers shall have a quick make, quick break over-centre switching mechanism that is
mechanically trip free from the handle so that contacts cannot be held closed against short
circuits and abnormal current.
3 Tripping due to overload or short circuits shall be clearly indicated by the handle assuming a
position mid-way between the manual ON and OFF position.
4 Latch surfaces shall be polished.
5 Poles shall be constructed to open, close and trip simultaneously.
6 Ampere ratings shall be clearly visible.
7 Breakers shall be completely enclosed in a moulded case to IEC No. 157 - 1A, suitable for
installation inside switchboards.
8 Non-interchangeable trip breakers shall have the trip unit sealed.
9 Breakers with earth leakage relay protection shall be provided with shunt trips.
10 Frame sizes shall be as per manufacturer’s standard size and as approved by the Engineer.
11 The magnetic trip shall be adjustable type for rating 200 Amp. and above.

L Miniature Circuit Breakers

These shall be suitable for the type of load they feed. They shall be fault rated so that fuse backup
protection is not required. They shall be rated in accordance with BS EN 60898. They shall include
the following minimum features:

1. magnetic and thermal trip elements;

2. trip-free mechanisms;
3. locking of facilities with detachable proprietary brackets and clearly marked ratings;
4. trip healthy pushbuttons to test the trip circuit.

M Fuses

Fuses shall be the high breaking capacity (HBC) type to BS 88.

The fuse shall either include a suitable fuse carrier or it shall be capable of isolation. If the fuse
carrier is included it shall be such that when it is being withdrawn normally or when it is completely
withdrawn the operator is completely protected from accidental contact with any live metal of its fuse
link fuse contacts and fixed contacts.

If the fuse is capable of isolation it shall be so interlocked with the switch that isolation is complete
before the fuse enclosure can be opened further. The switch shall be prevented from closing wshile
the fuse-cover is open.

N. Earth Leakage Relay.

1 The relay shall comprise a core balance transformer, tripping mechanism and reset testing
2 The relay shall operate within 0.2 sec, when the fault current exceeds specified sensitivity as
detailed on the Drawings.
3 The relay shall be connected to the load side and the testing device shall be connected to
the supply side.
4 The relay shall withstand available short circuit. In case of using with the MCCB’s integrated
E/L Relay in MCCB can be accepted.
5 Audible and visual alarm earth leakage relay shall be provided where specified on the
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 111
a) Similar in construction to Earth Leakage Relay except it operates an audible and visual
alarm located in the board and remotely positioned in lieu of shunt trip of the breakers.
b) Audible Alarm shall be of sufficient level and may be cancelled by suitable reset button
but visual indicator shall remain ON until fault is Cleared.

O Measuring Instruments

The Measuring Instruments shall include ammeters, voltmeters, kWh meters, selector switches and
associated accessories as indicated on the Drawings and described herein as follows:
1 Ammeter, Voltmeter and Power Factor Meter.
a) The measuring instruments shall be moving iron vane type, flush pattern with dust and
moisture proof enclosure. Anti-glare glass front, anti-parallax scales and white faces with
black numerals and marking shall be used. All instruments shall be of long scale 240
Degree with full load indicating approximately at 180°.
b) The dial size shall be 10 x 10
c) Accuracy shall be one percent of full scale values.
d) Moving elements shall be provided with zero adjustments located at face of dial.
e) The Ammeter shall be capable of withstanding twice of rated current for 10 minutes and
overload sustained under fault conditions without damage or loss of accuracy.
f) Voltmeter shall have a measuring range from 0 to 500 V and shall withstand twice the
rated full scale voltage for 1.0 minute without damage.
g) Three Ammeters shall be provided to read the current of each phase, as indicated on
the Drawings/BOQ.
h) Three voltmeters shall be provided to read the voltages for B-R, R-Y and Y-B positions.

2 Current Transformers.
a) Current transformers shall be of the bar primary type, air cooled and suitably insulated.
The current transformers shall be of Class C accuracy for indication and Class CM
accuracy for metering purposes.
b) Current transformers shall be rated not less than 5 VA and shall have thermal and
mechanical rating at least equal to those of the main circuit breakers.
3 KWh Meters.
a) The kWh meters shall be suitable for operation on 415/240 Volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz
supply and shall conform to BS 37 Part 1 and BS 5685.
b) The meters shall be dust-proof and vermin proof, protected from corrosion due to high
humidity and compensated against the effect of temperature up to 55°C.
c) The meters shall maintain their accuracy over many years service under the project site
climatic conditions. The counter shall be of the cycle meter type with six figures, the
lowest figure being unit. Pointer type counters are not acceptable.
d) The meter cover and cases shall be of metal.
e) Meters shall not have less than 5mm diameter terminal holes and shall be operated
through three current transformers and the counter of the meter should be calibrated to
read the primary kWh.
f) All meters shall be handed over to the supply authority for calibration prior to final
installation and connection.

P. Panel Board/Switch Board: Cable Terminals

All incoming and outgoing cables shall be provided with cable dividing and sealing boxes or cable
glands suitable to the type of cable specified.

All Panel board or switchboards shall, unless other wise specified, be provided with bottom cable

Each cubicle shall be suitable for cable access for all incoming and out going cables. This access
shall be so arranged that cables can be installed directly to their respective terminations without
being threaded through another compartment.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 112

Q. Ancillary Equipment

The following ancillary articles shall be supplied with each switchboard.

i) One black fluted rubber safety mat running the length of the switch
board/panel board.
ii) Pairs rubber gloves according to rated voltage switchboard.
iii) One “treatment for electric shock” metal enamel instruction plate suitable
for screen attachment, written in English and Bengali
iv) Operating handles, tools, spares and lubricants specified elsewhere.

12.6.5 Motor Control Units

The motor control unit shall use Direct On Line or Star-Delta Starter for starting of the motors as
required and as specified in BOQ. In all cases, each motor control unit shall have an individual
circuit breaker or isolator, protective fuses for the motors as well as the control wiring, ammeters for
three phases with CT, thermal overload relays, single phasing protector, under/over voltage release,
manual selector switch, start-stop buttons, run and failure indication lights and supply main lights
etc. all complete as specified in BOQ. An interlocking switch shall be provided for protection of
simultaneous running of standby pump unless otherwise specified.
Magnetic Contactors shall be electrically held unless otherwise indicated, 415 V, 50 Hz, industrial
duty, and connected to 230 volts AC circuit.. The Contactors shall be IEC type and rated. The
power contacts shall be load break within the rating of the contactor without assistance from
additional arcing contacts. The magnetic coil shall be continuous duty, encapsulated, easily
removable and provide rapid action on pickup or dropout with satisfactory operation without hum.
Magnetic Starters shall consist of a magnetic contactor equipped with an overload relay in each
phase and an external manual reset button. The overload relays shall be thermal bi-metallic types.
All relays shall be of the same type. Motor starters shall be IEC type, The molded magnetic coil shall
be connected to the 240 volt, 50 hertz control circuit and shall operate satisfactorily through a range
of plus and minus 10 percent of the control circuit voltage. Each motor starter shall be equipped
with minimum two normally open and two normally closed auxiliary contacts. Provide one set of
spare contacts for each motor starter provided.
There shall be a over current protective device, which shall provide over current protection and main
disconnect function for the control unit. The position of the operating handle shall indicate “ON” or
“OFF” position of the protective device and include provision for padlocking in the “OFF” position.
This protective device shall be equipped with a shunt trip and shall trip when there is a SCR or plant
power failure.

12.6.6 Power Factor Correction Equipment

 Power factor improvement equipment shall be provided in LV feeder panels.
Correction shall be automatic and be capable of correcting the power factor to within the
range 0.9 lagging to unity as required by the design.
 Individual power factor capacitors shall be provided for the larger motorized drives,
as indicated on the single line diagrams.
 All capacitors must be arranged so that they are connected to the LV feeder panels
in stages. These stages shall be sized to prevent system over-voltage during light loads

 Capacitors shall comply with BS 1650 and shall be of a dry metalised film construction,
containing no liquid and must have low losses (typically 0.5 W/kVAr).
 Each capacitor shall be housed in a sealed container and be fitted with a fail-safe, pressure
sensitive disconnect device.
 Each capacitor shall be equipped with suitable discharge resistors to reduce the voltage to
less than 50 V in one minute, or less, after supply disconnection.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 113

 The capacitors shall be housed in a metal enclosure, forming part of the LV feeder panels.
The enclosure size should allow enough space and cabling etc., for at least one additional
capacitor unit to be fitted at a later date.
 Provision shall be made to ensure that a connection point is available for a series
connected, de-tuning reactor in case of problems with harmonics.
 The equipment must comply with BS 800 with respect to electrical interference.
 The capacitors shall be protected by a fused switch-disconnector or circuit breaker on the
LV feeder panels.
 The capacitor manufacturer must recommend the maximum fuse or circuit breaker that will
ensure the protection of each capacitor bank.
 All power and control cables used within the capacitor bank enclosure must be in
accordance with BS 6231 Type BK.

Control and Protection

A. The switching of capacitor units on each section of switchgear must be controlled by a single

B. The relay shall:

1. have stage indication;
2. be fitted with hand/off/auto controls for each capacitor unit;
3. have a time delay between the switching of stages;
4. be capable of switching all fitted capacitor units and have provision for switching at least one
additional capacitor unit;
5. be fitted within the capacitor bank enclosure;
6. have provision to switch all capacitors out of circuit when the essential alternator is
operating, by operation of a remote relay contact.

C. Switching contactors must have a minimum duty category AC4 to BS 5424 and a minimum
current rating of 1.3 x the current consumed by the capacitor bank. (See BS 1650).

D. Due account must be taken of system harmonics when selecting capacitors.

E. For more than 10KVAR the capacitor bank in a single load shall be operated through
magnetic contact switch so that the capacitor bank will be in ‘Off’ position during idle position of
the motor. The ampere rating of contractor to be used for capacitor bank shall be at least two
times the rating of the steady current flow at that circuit.

12.7 Wires and Cables

12.7.1 General
This Section is to include the supply, installation and commissioning of all wires and cable systems
in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings. Cables shall be supplied by an approved
manufacturer and where possible the same manufacturer shall be used for all cables. All cables
shall deliver with cable ends effectively sealed. When a cable is cut from a drum both cable ends
shall be immediately seated to prevent ingress of moisture.

12.7.2 Quality Assurance

A If cable sizes are not indicated on Drawings or in schedules, determine the correct size based
on current rating, voltage drop and short circuit current, as relevant, after taking into
1 type of cable and wire
2 ambient conditions
3 method of installation
4 the disposition of each cable relative to other cables.

B Calculate voltage drop and current ratings based on information given in supply authority’s
regulations or IEE Regulations, whichever are more stringent.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 114

C All cables and wires shall be suitable for installation and continuous service in the ambient
conditions described.

12.7.3 Delivery, Storage and Handling

A Each drum length of cable shall be allotted a distinct and separate reference number. This
number shall appear on the test certificates covering the respective length of cable and shall
also be clearly marked on the cable drum.
B the Contractor shall advise the Engineer upon delivery to site of each drum length, quoting the
reference number, the test certificates shall be handed to the Engineer for examination and
C All cables shall be delivered to site with the manufacturer’s seals, labels or other proof of origin
intact. These labels and seals shall not be removed until the cable is required for use and shall
be retained for inspection by the Engineer.
D The Contractor shall be responsible for the off-loading and handling of the cables on site, and
shall ensure that cables are delivered to site on drums and properly protected against
mechanical damage. Where lengths are cut from cables, the open cable ends shall be sealed.

12.7.4 Performance Requirements for Environmental Conditions

A. The Contractor shall be aware of the need to supply and install all wire and cables for this
Contract which are most suitable for the environmental conditions prevailing.

B All conductors shall have good fatigue resistance and not subject to breaks due to nicks or cuts
when terminating.

12.7.5 Cables
A Unless otherwise specified, cables and wires of the following specified voltage ratings shall be
used as indicated.
1 8700/15000V rated cables :11000V equipment circuits
2 600/1000V rated cables :Main and sub-main distribution panels, motor
control centers, circuits serving process equipment
3 450/750V rated cables :Final sub-circuit supplies for lighting, socket outlets, etc.
4 250V rated cables :Extra low voltage wiring, communication circuits where
the maximum voltage is 50V.
5 All multicore cables shall be 600/1000V rated.
6 450/750V rated cables :Clock system cables.

B General
1 Conductors shall be high conductivity copper, to BS 6360/IEC 228 unless otherwise
2 Copper conductors shall be stranded for 2.5 mm2 and over.
3 Signal control cables shall have solid conductors.
4 Flexible cords shall have fine stranded conductors.
5 Conductor sizes shall be metric. Conductors with cross sectional areas smaller than those
specified will not be accepted.
6 Insulation for each conductor shall be color coded or otherwise identified as required by the
Regulations. Color coding shall be maintained throughout the installation.
7 The current carrying capacity of conductors has been determined in accordance with the
specified regulations, the specified type of insulation and the expected conditions of
8 All cables shall be as far as practicable, of one manufacturer only. All cables shall comply
with the relevant IEC/BS.

C PVC insulated steel wire armoured and PVC over sheathed (PVC/SWA/PVC) cable.
1 Multicore PVC/SWA/PVC cable, 600/1000V grade, to BS 6346

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 115

2 Conductor: Annealed high conductivity copper, stranded, shaped and laid in an approved
3 Armour: single layer of galvanized steel wires for multicore cables and aluminium wire or
tape for single core cables.
4 Insulation: colour coded to BS 6746C.
5 PVC for sheath and insulation to BS 6746/ IEC 227.

D PVC Insulated PVC Sheathed (PVC/PVC) Cable.

1 To BS 6346, 600/1000V Grade.
2 Conductor annealed high conductivity copper, stranded, shaped and laid in an approved
3 Insulation colour coded to BS 6746C.
4 PVC for sheath and insulation to BS 6746.

E PVC Insulated Wires

1 Single code cables shall be to BS 6004, rated 450/750V, with high conductivity copper
conductors and PVC compound insulation. Colour coding shall be:
Red : Phase 1
Yellow : Phase 2
Blue : Phase 3
Black : Neutral
Green/Yellow or Green : Earth
2 Wires shall be continuous from outlet to outlet and no splice shall be made except within
outlet and junction boxes. A separate neutral wire shall be provided for each circuit. Wires
shall be left sufficiently long enough to permit making final connections.

F Instrumentation Cables
1 To BS 5308 part 2, 300/500 V grade.
2 All instrument cables shall include a single wire armor with overall PVC sheath and shall
include an overall screen of copper braid or aluminium foil.
3 Shielded Twisted Pair. Cables shall be color coded individually screened twisted pair,
multicore, 0.9 mm2 copper conductor, PVC insulated, galvanized steel wire armored with
overall PVC outer sheath.
4 Unshielded Twisted Pair. Cable shall be color coded twisted pair, multicore, 0.9 mm 2 copper
conductor, PVC insulated, galvanized steel wire armored with overall PVC outer sheath.
5 Coaxial Cable. Shall be suitable for local area network conforming to IEEE 802.3 10 Base
2. Thinnet coaxial trunk cable, 20 AWG (19 x 32). 50 ohm characteristic impedance,
capacitance 83 pF/m.
6 Unshielded Twisted Pair (LAN). Cable shall be suitable for all local area network and
structured cabling systems that require 100 ohm impedance, UTP cabling.
12.7.6 Sundries
A Joints
1 For conductors up to 16 mm2 barrel type connectors with pinching screws, the whole
shielded in porcelain or hard resistant materials are not permitted.
2 For conductors exceeding 16 mm2 to be made with bakelite shrouds.

B Jointing Boxes
1 For use where intermediate joints are necessary on MICC mains cable and shall be suitably
sized galvanized malleable iron adaptable box with glands and fixed base mechanical
clamping connectors of approved design. For external use the jointing box shall be
enclosed in a second galvanized box with glands.
2 For use on plastics and elastomer insulated cables of a type recommended by cable
manufacturers having an inner box with provision for making a watertight seal into inner
sheaths of cables, and an outer cast iron box with provision for making a watertight seal to
cable outer sheaths, clamping cable armour and bending the armour across the joint.
Where applicable suitable connections shall be provided to ensure electrical continuity of the
cable screen is maintained.

C Compression Glands
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 116
For terminating plastic or synthetic cables to switchgear, switchboards, motor control centre and
other equipment to BS 6121 and to approval.

D Cable Terminations
1 For plastics or synthetic rubber insulated cable with suitable brass compression glands,
unless otherwise recommended by cable manufacturer. Glands for armoured or screened
cables shall have suitable clamps therefore.
2 External compression glands shall have close fitting PVC shrouds.
3 Earthing for armouring and metallic sheaths shall have suitable brass or copper clamps, and
copper strip conductor of selection not less than MEW Regulations or requirements and not
less than 2.5
4 Cables forming part of a LAN or structured cable system shall be terminated to floor plates
or wall sockets compatible with the media interface connector specified for the particular
network being used.

E Cable Sockets
1 Shall be correct size for type of cable.
2 Shall be sweating type, or an approved crimping type used with an approved crimping tool.
3 Sweating sockets for conductors 70 and over : machined cast brass.

F Fire Barriers
1 Shall be purpose made, comprising a rigid fixed frame with adjustable seals and a suitable
clamping device.
2 In fire compartment separation walls and floors thyey shall be same standard of fire
resistance as wall or floor.

G Cable covers shall be to BS 2484. Concrete covers exceeding 300mm wide shall be reinforced.

H Pipe ducts shall be PVC or as indicated

I Solder shall be an alloy of lead and tin to BS 219 grade F or H, unless otherwise recommended
by cable manufacturer.

J Cable sealing compounds shall be to BS 1858 and be approved by cable manufacturer; shall be
tropical grade and shall be an oil-resisting compound where the difference in level between
cable ends exceeds 6m.

K Cleats shall be cast aluminium, gunmetal or brass of approved type.

12.7.7 Installation of Cable

A General

1 Pull cable into position by hand.

2 Do not allow cable to twist or rotate about its longitudinal axis.
3 Lay 3-phase groups of single core cables in trefoil formation.
4 Install cables to allow any one cable to be subsequently removed without disturbing the
5 The cables shall be spaced as necessary to maintain current ratings and to restrict
interference between power and control cables.
6 Cables shall be run at least 150 mm clear of plumbing (and below) and hot water pipe work.
7 Where cables are laid direct, the bottom of the trench shall be free of sharp stones and such
like and 75 mm of sieved soil or sand below the cable. After cable laying 75 mm of sieved
soil or sand be laid above the cable. Unless other wise agreed by the Engineer, cables at
voltages up to and including 1000 V shall have a minimum cover of 500 mm. Cables at
voltages in excess of 1000 V and all cables passing under roadways shall have a minimum
cover of 1.00 m. These depths may be varied in certain circumstances due to the proximity
of other cables or services

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 117

8 Where cables of different voltages are laid together at the same depth, vertical cable tiles
shall be used to segregate the cables, Control and communication cables shall not be laid
closer than 1000 mm to high voltage cables. Armoured cables laid direct shall have a layer
of protective inter locking earthenware or concrete cable tiles laid 150 mm above the buried
cable or alternatively an approved marker tape may be used where specified. Cable tiles
and marker tape shall read “Danger-Electric Cable”.
9 Concrete cable route markers shall be installed at change of direction and at 50m intervals on
straight runs, each fitted with a suitably inscribed metal plate indicating the voltage of the
cable being marked. Marker posts shall also be installed to identify any joint locations on
cable runs. Where cables pass in or out of any duct entries into or within buildings such
entries, together with any spare ducts, shall be sealed against the ingress of moisture by
means of duct stoppers and bituminous compounds, or by other method approved by the
Engineer. The stopper shall have a fire resistance of at least 30 minutes.

B Bending radious shall be as large as possible and not allow cable to bend to a radius less than
that specified in IEE Regulations, relevant British Standard, or manufacturer’s recommendation,
whichever is largest.

C Underground Cables
1 Lay in concrete encased pipe ducts/Under Ceramic Cable Cover.
2 Cable duct size shall be as specified in the Drawings.
3 Run cables at least 300mm clear of other services, whether the latter run parallel or
transversely to cable trench.
4 Run cables below intersecting piped services, unless the cable would be at a depth
exceeding 2m, in which case seek instructions.

D Above Ground Cables

1 Protect exposed cables where they are likely to be damaged.
2 Run cables at least 50 mm from each other.
3 Run cables at least 150 mm from piped services.

E Jointing
1 Joints in wires and cables shall be avoided wherever possible. Joints in flexible cables and
cords are not permitted. Where joints are unavoidable they shall be permanently accessible
and made only in junction boxes.
2 Leave at least 150mm of free conductor at each outlet, switch point and pull box for the
making up of joints or the connecting of fixtures and devices, except where conductors are
intended to loop without joints through lamp holders, socket outlets and the like.
3 Complete joints and termination in the shortest time without interruption.
4 Do not commence jointing and terminations without approval, except where the work is in a
dry, weather-proof place.
5 Do not make joints in wet or dirty conditions.
6 Make outdoor joints under a suitable tent or shelter.
7 Fill joints with compound filling in stages to allow the material to flow. Do not allow
compound to cool to the point where re-heating is necessary.
8 Ensure sealing compounds are pouring at the correct temperature. Check compound level
and top up if necessary, after cooling.
9 Make intermediate joints on plastic and elastomer insulated cables in a joint box. Arrange
to have each joint inspected by the Engineer before closing and filling.
10 On external joints on MICC cable fill outer box with jointing compound.
11 Joint cables in straight through joints and main cables in tees and other branching joints
core to core.

F Cable Terminations
1 Take cable cores through the termination box directly to equipment terminals, without
crosses, unless impracticable and make off with sweated cast brass or hydraulically crimped
2 Sweat cable core solid 25 mm on each side of compound level and over-tape the exposed
core insulation with two layers of PVC or other approved tape in appropriate phase colour,
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 118
half-lapping the tape.
3 Plumb the cable sheath to the brass wiping gland, neatly lay back the armour wires over the
gland and fix with an amour clamp effectively bonded to earth.
4 Cut back tape of tape armoured cables neatly below the wiped gland, thoroughly clean,
secure with a suitable armour clamp and bond to the body of the terminating box with two
soft copper tapes at least 70 mm2 aggregate cross section.
5 Equipment to which cables are connected shall have blank, undrilled gland plates. Drill
holes necessary for fitting glands.

G. Cable Trays and Supports

Cable trays shall be made of perforated hot dipped galvanised steel of thickness not less than 1.6
mm with upturned flanges on both sides. The tray width shall be as appropriate to accommodate all
the cables in the same run. Cable supports shall be steel brackets fixed to ceiling, wall or slab in the
manner as approved by the Engineer. Cable support spacing shall be 1.0m.

12.8 Earthing Installation

Subject to determination by tests at site, the earth electrodes shall be provided as mentioned in
BOQ each comprising a conductor system by vertical GI pipe of 38 mm dia 18 m long (or as per
field requirement) with 6.5mm dia hole at every 150mm interval. To make main earthing connection
between main earthing electrode and earth terminal, a 10mm x125mm x150mm copper junction
plate with ‘0’ or 1/0 SWG wire by jointing with proper soldering the wire to the bus and passing the
wire through the 38mm dia GI pipe and copper rod making a 10mm hole centrally to the copper rod
by bending, binding and soldering the assemblies should be done. The two electrodes shall be
physically arranged and spaced to be electrically independent and leads from each shall be brought
to a common concrete disconnection chamber set in the ground, or to a main earth busbar when
specified. Two bolted copper links shall be provided in the disconnection chamber to enable each
electrode to be disconnected from the system for test purposes. Each electrode shall be capable of
providing an effective earth of resistance not greater than value specified, with the second

All excavation of trenches for the installation of the earth electrodes and the disconnection chamber
will be carried out by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the supervision of the back-filling of the trenches and the
setting and alignment of the disconnection and inspection chambers. After the earth installation has
been completed the contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that the resistance of the
electrodes to earth and continuity of the earth network are within the limits specified. Any additional
earth electrodes and test instruments required for the tests shall be provided by the Contractor.

Marker posts and plates shall be provided to mark the position of the electrodes and buried
connections. The markers shall be similar to those provided for cable routes

Earth Continuity Conductors

An earth continuity conductor shall be provided between all electrical & mechanical equipment,
exposed steelworks and the like as required to meet the requirement of BS Code of practice CP
1013 – Earthing. This can be as follows:

1. Copper tape connections forming part of the earth network.

2. Where the distributor is an armoured cable the metal sheath and/or armouring of the cable,
it shall be securely bonded at each end to the metal work of the apparatus or to an earth
bar. Particular care shall be taken to ensure continuity across items of apparatus situated
with a cable run and should the design of such item of apparatus not provide adequate and
lasting continuity through its structural body, then additional earthing clips and conductors
shall be provided to independently bond the cable sheaths together. Similarly additional
earthing clips shall be provided to bond the cable sheaths/armour to any piece of apparatus
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 119
fitted with a special earth Terminal. Any additional earthing clips shall be fitted within the
apparatus wherever possible.

3. Where the distribution system is PVC single cable in conduit, a separate conductor shall be
installed. Where under special circumstances rigid of flexible conductor is corporated into
the Contract works, an external earth conductor shall be securely bonded to the terminating
or intermediate

4. Apparatus by means of a special earth terminal.

5. Where the distribution system is PVCs sections shall be made using an approved earth link.

Lightning Protection
Lightning air terminals and down conductors for lightning air terminals shall be provided and shall be
min of 15 mm diameter tinned copper (air termination rod) 0.8 metre long with top spike. Roof
conductors and down conductors shall be of PVC sheath 3 x 20 mm copper tape or copper
conductor size 50 mm2 PVC color to be approved by the Engineer. However copper tape may be

Air termination rods shall be securely anchored and welded. Down conductors shall be run along
the outer surface of the wall or column of the building. Down conductors shall be as short as
possible protected and directly connected to earth pit. Anchoring bolts shall be used to hold roof
conductors and down conductors in firm position. Lightning conductor connectors shall be provided
for conductor splice connections and conductor terminal connections. The connectors shall be
heavy duty, cast metal and shall have hex-head screws in the bodies and holes in the tongues for
bolts. Handrail and structures in the vicinity of the lightning protection system, if any, shall be
bonded to the system by 50 mm2 PVC sheath copper.

Suitable concrete earth pit and cover supplied by the same lightning protection system manufacture
shall be provided.

 Testing earth electrode resistance by earth resistance tester.
 The resistance of the earth electrode shall not exceed 2.0 ohm.
 Install additional earth electrodes if these figures are not met.

12.9 Lighting & Small Power Installation

The general layout for all lighting fittings, general purpose power outlets, ceiling fans, exhaust fans
etc. are shown on the drawings. The positions are given to indicate approximate location only. The
exact positions for ceiling fittings shall comply with the ceiling grid liners and panels. Other positions
shall be verified with the Engineer on site.

Light Fittings

The types of light fittings for the work are shown on the drawings. The contractor shall be
responsible for the supply and installation of the all the various types of lighting fittings. Lighting
fittings shall be complete with starters, chokes, sockets, power factor correcting capacitors tubes,
lamps, shades, reflectors, etc.. The Contractor shall be also be responsible for the replacement of
all the consumable components of the fittings within the warranty period.

Each surface mounted lighting fitting shall terminate at a standard junction box having entries to
conduit and shall include connectors of adequate capacity and size for the connection of the number
of wires at that point.

Each fitting mounted on suspended ceiling shall have the standard mounting brackets or clips for
the type of ceiling in question. The fittings shall include the necessary connectors and heat resistant
cable for connection between the fittings and the terminal box. All suspended fittings shall be
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 120
suitable for servicing and maintenance from the underside of the fittings.

Fittings installed directly to the underside of the non-fireproof ceiling shall be provided with a 12 mm
gap between the fittings and the ceiling for ventilation.

All light fittings shall be provided with earthing terminal which shall be connected to the earth
continuity lead of the final sub-circuit. Fittings for external use shall be weatherproof and insect


Sub-circuit switches unless otherwise stated shall be single pole quick make and slow break type
with solid silver alloy contacts and totally enclosed switch action for flush mounting as required and
shall be suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The switches shall be housed in standard galvanized
steel boxes complete with conduit knockouts. The switches may be single or multi-gang as required.
Switches in mechanical plant rooms shall be metal clad type and suitable for flush or surface
mounting as required. Switches for External use shall be Waterproof

Switches shall be rated at 5A depending on the connected load on the final sub-circuit. For inductive
loads switch rating shall be twice the steady current of loads.

Outlet Socket 15A

Switch based outlet sockets shall be to BS 2814 single pole 13A three pins switched shuttered
outlets and shall be flush mounted type. Switches shall be quick make slow break type with solid
silver alloy contacts having totally enclosed switch action. Outlet sockets shall be flush mounted in
galvanised steels boxes to BS 1299 and 1363 with conduit knockouts.

Each 15A outlet sockets shall be mounted at 300mm above finished floor level or 1.5 m high for use
above a counter or work bench. Where they are above a work bench or counter, the height may be
adjusted by 100 mm.

Socket Outlets 5A

Switch based outlet sockets shall be to BS 2814 single pole 5A two pins switched shuttered outlets
and shall be flush mounted type. Switches shall be quick make slow break type with solid silver alloy
contacts totally enclosed switch action.


Each 15A outlet sockets shall be complete with an ivory finish moulded plug to BS 1363 complete
with colour coded fuse to BS 1362. Plugs shall be supplied complete with fuse and handed to the
Engineer on the issue of the practical completion certificate of the installation.

 Lamps shall be furnished and installed in all lighting fixtures covered under the Contract.
 Lamps used for temporary lighting services shall not be used in the final lamping of fixture
 Lamps for permanent installation shall not be placed in the fixtures until so directed by the
Engineer, and this shall be directly before the building areas are handed over.

Installation of Material

All wiring, conduits, conduit boxes, drawing-in boxes, junction boxes, saddles, brackets etc. required
for the completion of the sub-circuit installation and wiring shall be included in this work. Generally,
PVC insulated copper conductors shall be used for the wiring of lighting and general purpose outlets
and in concealed conduits.
12.10 Measurement

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 121

The electrical installation and all work in connection therewith shall be valued by the measurement
of only such items as are included in the Bill of Quantities. The cost of any electrical installation not
itemized in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to be included elsewhere in the contract rates to
cover all the contractor’s obligations under the contract.

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 122


PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 123

13.1 Cement Plastering

This work shall consist of the application of cement plaster to masonry and all other surfaces shown
on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer.

Cement mortar for plastering shall conform to the general requirements given in Clause 6.3. Sand,
having a FM of at least 1.5, shall be screened and washed prior to use to remove all deleterious

Construction Methods
The surfaces to be plastered shall be cleaned of all dust and mud by brushing and scraping. All
loose flakes of brick, mortar, or stone shall be removed with a trowel, or a hammer and chisel. Bricks
to be plastered shall be thoroughly wetted and maintained wet for at least 24 hours before any
plaster is placed on them.

The average thickness of the final layer of plaster shall be not less than the specified thickness by
more than 3 mm. In local depressions were the masonry surface requires more than 20 mm of
plaster, an initial leveling layer of plaster shall be applied and allowed to set for 24 hours prior to
applying the final surface. The leveling layer shall be left rough and grooved by trowel cuts to
ensure a good bond with the final layer.

The mortar for the final layer of plaster shall be applied in a fairly wet condition as a rough layer of
approximately the required thickness. The evenness of the layer shall be continuously checked
using a wooden straight edge. When the plaster has achieved its initial set and feels firm under the
finger tips, the surface shall be smoothed using a wooden float. Where required by the Engineer,
the plaster surface shall be finished using a steel float or trowel and a light application of water as
required to seal the surface. The masonry surfaces shall then be thoroughly wetted, and kept wet
for at least seven days. During this period it shall be suitably protected from all damages.

Mortar stricken off the plastered surface shall not be reused. Such work using reused plaster shall
be rejected and redone to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's expense.

All plastered surfaces shall be absolutely plane and free of joint patches or laps. Corners and edges
shall be finished as shown on the Drawings or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The plaster
shall be cured for a minimum of 7 days.

A coat of neat cement finish approximately 1.5 mm thick shall be applied where shown on the
Drawings or otherwise directed. The cement shall be applied by hand and brushed while the plaster
is still fresh. It shall be finished smooth with steel trowels and brought to the desired polish. Marks of
any kind shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Any cracks which appear on the surface as well as all portions which sound hollow when tapped,
are found to be soft, or are otherwise defective shall be cut out in a rectangular shape and redone
as directed by the Engineer.

Measurement and Payment

Payment for cement plastering shall be full compensation for all costs involved in the work as
specified, including the provision of all materials, equipment, and labour required to carry out the
work. No separate payment will be made for extra cement used in neat cement finishing where
stated in Bill of Quantities. The cost of cement plaster, and neat cement finishing shall be
considered as being included in the tendered unit rate as per Bill of Quantities.

13.2 White Washing, Color Washing and Painting

The work to be performed under this section includes the painting with three coats of white or colour

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 124

wash of all exterior and interior plastered surfaces designated to receive such painting. Immediately
prior to preparation of white wash paints, all ingredients shall be available at site for inspection and
approval of the Engineer. White wash shall be prepared in clean drums by mixing and stirring
unslaked lime (lime stone) with water in such a proportion as to produce a mixture of thin
consistency cream when thoroughly mixed. The lime then shall be strained through clean coarse
cloth. Gum in the proportion of 0.11 kg of lime shall be added in the screened lime. In case of white
washing robin blue completely dissolved in water and strained through fine cloth shall be added. For
colour washing the required amount of colour shall be added to the previously prepared white wash
and thoroughly stirred.

Surface to receive white wash or colour wash shall be thoroughly cleaned with clean water and
freed from all foreign matters. Defects shall be repaired for a smooth, finished surface. White wash
or colour wash shall be applied to surfaces in two coats over a priming coat. It shall be applied
vertically and horizontally in alternate applications. The final coat shall be applied vertically. Each
coat shall be perfectly dry before the succeeding coat is applied over it. In case of coloured wash,
the priming coat shall be white. The final coat shall be perfectly smooth and free from any mark of
the brush.

Care shall be taken to protect hardware, doors, windows, floor etc. against spreading of paints. After
white washing all unwanted paint marks and drips shall be removed thoroughly at contractor’s

Painting of wood works window, frames and grills, can be done when it is absolutely dry. Before
applying paint the wood surface must be thoroughly cleaned and all projections are removed. The
wood works should be brought to smooth by applying sand paper of different grades. Synthetic
enamel paints shall be used. the paint must be approved by the Engineer before application.

Varnishing to be applied is either oil varnish or spirit varnish as directed by the Engineer.

13.3 Wood Works

The timber shall be shilkorai, gamari or such other wood as specified. Well seasoned, dry, straight
grained, free from knots, sap and will be finished to the exact dimensions shown in the drawings.

The wood works include the cost of fittings in position after sawing, dressing, planning, working,
jointing etc. complete with necessary shoe plates, bolts, screws, spikes straps wall ties, clamps,
tarring of hidden portion in contact with masonry etc. Door and window frames shall be properly
framed and morticed together.

a) Chowkat (door frame)

The door frames shall be of 75mm x 100mm section and shall have rebate 12mm deep and of width
equal with a slight cut-back shall be provided to serves as a dye to the plaster. Unless otherwise
specified, joints shall be simple mortice and tenon joints with the ends of tenon exposed to view.
Holes of correct size shall be drilled and nails shall be used.

b)Door Shutters
The type of door shutter shall be stated in the schedule of items. Wood for door shall be of best
quality well seasoned shilkorai, gamari or similar solid wood. Finished thickness of the door leaf
shall be 37mm.

c) Glazed Windows, ventilators etc.

Glazed windows shall be of two leaves made from best quality well seasoned, preferably shilkorai,
gamari wood or of similar quality wood shall be used. Top and bottom rails shall be moulded on one
side and rebated 12mm on the other side to receive glass panes.

3mm thick glass panes should be fitted to glazed windows. The glass should not touch the wood
work of the frame. Glass shall be secured by nails with wooden frame and finally putty should be
applied making sloping from the inner side towards the outer edge.

13.4 Concrete Thrust and Anchor Blocks

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 125
Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be in accordance with typical details shown in the Drawings
and shall be constructed where directed by the Engineer for the anchorage of the pipeline. Thrust
blocks are required wherever the pipe line changes direction, diameter, terminates or is expected to
develop a thrust, e.g. at a valve and is in an area of unstable soil conditions.

Pressure pipes should not be completely encased by concrete. Where pipes must be completely
encased, they should be totally wrapped in a 6 mm thick compressible wrapping.

The thrust faces of all blocks shall be cast directly against sound faces of excavations and the
shape and size of the blocks shall be determined by the Engineer having regard to the nature of the
ground and the load or thrust to be imposed upon it.

For pressure testing to be carried out, minimum 7 (seven) days has to elapse since the last concrete
thrust block or support was cast.

13.5 Road Works

This part of the Specifications covers all requirements for road pavements (both new restoration
works) that will be incorporated in the works. This works shall be started and completed as soon as
possible without causing any inconvenience to the easy passage of traffic after the pipes have been
laid, tested and back filled as per relevant specifications in other sections and approved by the
Engineer. Thereafter, the Contractor shall take immediate steps to restore the road to its original
condition, if not better. The salvaged material shall be reused and required new materials shall be
supplied by the Contractor to complete the road restoration works.

The road restoration work in single layer brick flat soling and/or herringbone bond bricks, shall be
completed as per design and drawings and as directed by the Engineer. If any damage or
settlement occurs in the restored portion before and during the maintenance period, the Contractor
shall be liable to repair immediately at his own cost.

13.6 Herringbone Bond Brick Pavement

This work shall consist or construction of a road base composed of first class bricks on the edge laid
in herringbone pattern and placed on a prepared single layer flat brick soling sub-base, or an
improved sub-base, as specified, to the lines, grades, levels, dimensions and cross sections shown
in the Drawings and as required by the Engineer.

First class bricks shall be laid in a single layer on edge with the shortest and longest sides horizontal
in a herringbone pattern true to the lines, grades, levels dimensions and cross sections shown on
the Drawings and as required by the Engineer to produce a smooth running surface for vehicular
travel. Workmanship shall be of paramount importance. All bricks shall be laid so that they are
tightly interlocked and the tops of adjacent bricks should be flush with each other. The edge of the
layer shall be made with cut bricks to produce a line which is compatible with brick edging. The
joints shall be thoroughly filled with local sand brushed in and completed layer shall be sprinkled
liberally with water.

Any deviation of more than 5 mm between adjacent bricks, or any deviation throughout the
alignment which is in excess of 15 mm above or 10 mm below the specified grades shall be
removed and re-laid at the Contractor’s own cost. Any deviation in excess of 12 mm from a straight
edge 3 meters long applied to the surface parallel to the centre-line or a template laid transversely
shall be corrected by removal, reshaping and relaying at the Contractor’s own cost.

13.7 Brick-on-End Edging

This work consists of providing and placing brick-on-edging along the road adjacent to the side of
pavement constructed from single layer brick flat soling and herringbone bond brick or of water
bound macadam.

First class brick-on-end edging shall be constructed with bricks laid with their longest side vertical
and shortest side perpendicular to the road including necessary excavation, filling and ramming to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. The completed work shall be true to the lines, levels and grades as
indicated on the Drawings. Interstices between brick edging and adjacent paving or soling shall be
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 126
filled by brushing in local fine sand washing in the sand with water until all voids are completely filled

13.8 Brick Soling

This work shall consist of the construction of brick soling for the construction of walkways and to
improve foundation condition of soft soils in accordance with the lines and levels shown on the
Drawings or ordered by the Engineer.

Brick soling with mortared joints shall be considered to be brick masonry as described in 6.4.

Brick for brick soling comply with Clause 6.2.

Sand filler shall consist of sound, clean, free draining fine sand having FM of 0.8 as approved by the

Construction Methods
All works to be covered by brick soling shall be compacted and trimmed to the lines and levels
shown on the Drawings. For roads, the sand sub-base course shall be prepared to the corrected
profile, grade, and camber, and compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineers before the bricks are
Bricks shall be hand laid with each brick touching the adjacent brick and laid flat or on edge in a
herringbone bond unless otherwise directed. The bonds shall have their joints broken in both
longitudinal and transverse directions. Immediately after the bricks are placed, all gaps shall be
blinded with sand by spreading and brushing until the gaps are filled. Water shall be poured freely
on the entire surface so that the sand enters and completely fills the interstices.

For single layers of flat brick soling, the interstices shall be filled with sand at 0.085 m 3/m2. For brick
on edge payment in a single layer herringbone bond, the interstices shall be filled with sand at 0.12

When a layer of brick on edge pavement in a herring bone bond is to be placed over the initial layer
of flat brick soling, one layer of 12 mm thick sand cushioning shall be placed between the two

Local deviations in the finished brick soling surface shall no be allowed. They shall be rectified to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Defects present in the finished construction shall be rectified at the Contractor's expenses. The
entire defective soling shall be dismantled to the full depth and reconstructed to the satisfaction of
the Engineer. In no case shall filling the depressions with filler material be permitted.
Measurement and payment
All measurements will be made according to the lines, levels and thicknesses shown on the
Drawings or ordered by the Engineer. Brick soling shall be measured per square meter. Brick
edging shall be measured per liner meter.
Payment for brick soling shall be full compensation for all costs involved in the construction of the
specified work, including the transportation of all materials, equipment, tools, incidental charges and
labour required to carry out the work.

Pay items shall be as per the Bill of Quantities.

13.9 Testing and Disinfection of Water Retaining Structures

13.9.1 Water Retaining Structures

The water retaining structure under the section includes coagulation, flocculation & sedimentation
basins, sand filters and clear water reservoir. The contractor shall carry out testing of all above water
retaining structures for water tightness and disinfect only the storage reservoirs after successful
PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 127

13.9.2 Testing of Structures other than Storage Reservoirs

As soon as the water retaining structure attains full structural strength after the completion of
construction including pipe works, it will be tested for water tightness. Water shall be filled to the
maximum level by closing all the outlets and retained for 72 hours to allow for absorption. The
structure shall be considered satisfactory if subsequent to this period, there is no fall in level over a
period of 24 hours after making due allowance for absorption and evaporation.

During the test any visible leakages should be marked and drop in water level recorded including
evaporation. All leakages shall be located and repaired and test repeated at no extra cost to the
Employer until the water tightness is ensured.

13.9.3 Testing of Clear water Reservoirs

After completion of construction including all associated pipe work, the contract shall fill up the
reservoir / tank with water to the maximum water level and a 7 days test shall be executed. Water
shall be added during this period to maintain the maximum water level. The Contractor shall ensure
that equipment (pipes, accessories etc.) are available in ample time before the testing.

On the eighth day a shallow watertight GI evaporation tray of 0.40 square meter area filled with 75
mm depth of water shall be placed floating in the tank. The water level shall be recorded and the
test continued for the next 7 days. Readings of the water levels in the reservoir and the tray shall be
recorded every 24 hours during the test period. If the water level in the tank falls or signs of
leakages occur during the test period, the Contractor shall mark the location of the defects. When
the test period is over, the tank shall be emptied and all defects shall be rectified.

After rectification of the defects, the reservoir / tank shall be refilled and the test repeated at no extra
cost to the Employer until the tank is water tight to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In case the fall of
water level (minus the fall accounted for by evaporation) in the tank during the test period does not
exceed 12 mm, the tank shall be deemed to be water tight.

13.9.4 Disinfection
After satisfactory test, the reservoir / tank shall be thoroughly scoured in order to remove whatever
debris and dirt may remain therein. The reservoir / tank shall than be disinfected by at least 50 ppm
chlorine for a period of at least 24 hours. At the end of this period samples of water shall be
collected and tested for residual chlorine. All samples shall have a free residual chlorine of not less
than 0.2 ppm. If any sample gives a free chlorine residual figure smaller than 0.2 ppm. The reservoir
/ tank shall be scoured and the disinfection repeated until the above requirement is fulfilled.

Disinfection shall be carried out to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Workmen engaged in the
reservoir shall have a valid certificate from the health Officer showing that they are medically fit for
carrying out the said work and free from water borne diseases.

The cost of testing and Disinfection, including provision of water and all other associated works shall
be deemed to be included in the contract rates for testing and disinfection.

13.10 Commissioning, Operation & Maintenance

13.10.1 Commissioning
After completion of all construction and installation works as described in these Specifications, the
whole plant shall be commissioned as per agreed date with the engineer. The contractor shall
supervise the working condition of the plant for one week and during that period provide all
necessary engineering and technical supervision continuously to effect any adjustment that
may be necessary. During full commissioning period the entire treatment plant has to run under the
supervision of the Contractor to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer for 7 days.

13.10.2 Operation & Maintenance

After successful commissioning of the treatment plant, the Contractor shall perform Operation &

PW3-Sec-7 (Tech. Spec.) 128

Maintenance of entire plant and accessories for the period of three months as per written instruction
of the client. All sorts of manpower viz. Engineers, technicians, labor, tools, equipment etc. to
perform the trial run for a period of three months including all types of chemicals shall be supplied
by the contractor. The Contractor shall arrange necessary training for plumber cum valve operator
and pump operator including supply of tools viz. Piped wrench, Sleigh wrench, Screw driver, Pliers,
Hack saw with blade, File, Hammer, PVC Tool box for successful operation of the Surface Water
Treatment Plant. The Contractor shall provide a detailed O&M program for the period of three
months to the Engineer for approval prior to start the Operation & Maintenance activities.

The trial run shall concern the entire plant, and shall at least cover the following aspects as far as
not yet covered elsewhere in these Specifications:

• Electrical equipment and installations

• Pumps
• Backwash system
• Final cleaning of filter
• Water tightness of all installations
• Chlorination system
• Measuring equipment

The trial run shall at least pay special attention to:

• Load test on all electrical installations

• Load test on pumps
• Final cleaning of filter bed
• The uniform flow of water through the filter bed during filtration
• Equal distribution of flow into filters from the distribution channel
• Adjustment of notch height of V-notched weirs
• Bed expansion of filter during backwash
• Test of backwash flow
• The uniform flow of water through the filter bed during backwash
• Adequacy of backwash flow over gutter lip (uniform distribution of flow over lip)
• Adjustment of gutter lip height if needed
• Water tightness of all piping, valves, other fittings and water retaining walls
• Functioning of all measuring and monitoring equipment:
- KWh meter
- Flow meter
- Pressure meters
- Water level indicator
- Water level switch
- Pressure switch

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