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Version 1.0, Feature Pack 1905 | 21.05.2019

SAP Enable Now What’s New

© 20 19 SA P SE or an SA P a ffi l i ate c om pa ny. A l l r i g h ts r eser ve d.

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Introduction PUBLIC 1
Table of Contents

Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Further Information .................................................................................................................................................. 3

General Changes .................................................................................................................................. 4

SAP Enable Now App Launcher.............................................................................................................................. 4
Edit Links in Text Editor ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Display Text for Links ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Support for Recordings in Google Chrome .......................................................................................................... 5
Support for SAP Business Client 7.0 ..................................................................................................................... 5
Control “Show/Hide Outline” ................................................................................................................................. 5
Adjustable Installation Path for Cloud Desktop Components .......................................................................... 6
Installation of Desktop Components in the User Directory ............................................................................... 6

Content Organization and Collaboration............................................................................................7

Mass Translation of Content ................................................................................................................................... 7
Learner Feedback ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Automatic Role Assignment for the LDAP Import .............................................................................................. 7
Automatic Role Assignment When User Directory Is Changed........................................................................ 8
Graphical Indicator for Connected Workareas .................................................................................................... 8

Process Guides..................................................................................................................................... 9
Application Profiles................................................................................................................................................... 9

Web Assistant .....................................................................................................................................10

New Bubble Types for Guided Tours ................................................................................................................... 10
Special Help Tiles for SAP GUI for HTML and WebDynpro ............................................................................. 10
Tile Titles in the Project Editor .............................................................................................................................. 10
Server Request for Text Styles .............................................................................................................................. 11

Desktop Assistant............................................................................................................................... 12
Object-Based Support for Google Chrome .........................................................................................................12
Playback Application Profiles.................................................................................................................................12

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Introduction PUBLIC 2

This document gives you an overview of the changes in the latest version of SAP Enable Now 1905
compared to version SAP Enable Now 1902.

The changes are indicated in the following areas:

o New Feature: Describes a new functionality that is not based on existing functions.
o Enhancement: Describes an extension added to an existing function.
o Optimization: Describes improvements to an existing function.

Before installing the new release, make sure that you have considered all preparation steps for the product
update and content migration. You can find detailed information in the SAP Enable Now Upgrade Guide.

Further Information

Info Center SAP Help Portal

Product trainings, content and Product manuals, installation
templates, additional information… guides, upgrade and security
Go to Info Center information…
Go to SAP Help Portal


Use the button to gain access to the interactive training materials, and further information
about news and changes, in the SAP Enable Now Info Center (registration required).

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Introduction PUBLIC 3
General Changes

SAP Enable Now App Launcher

As an alternative to Java Web Start, you can now download and execute the
desktop components of SAP Enable Now cloud edition directly from the SAP
Enable Now app launcher.
To use the app launcher, it must be activated in the Manager Server Settings
in area Miscellaneous. After activation, the app launcher is automatically
used for the download and extraction of the desktop components, instead of
Java Web Start. Existing download links for the desktop components can still
be used.
The app launcher can be distributed to all user groups via software
distribution, and installed once as an .msi installation file. Alternatively, it can be installed locally without
administrative rights for SAP Enable Now authors, directly from the Manager help menu.

New Feature, Cloud Edition

Edit Links in Text Editor

To optimize the editing of links in the text editor, an existing link can now be
edited by using the new entry Edit Link… in the Insert Object menu. In
addition, a tooltip can also be defined for the link. It is also possible to delete a
link by using the menu entry Remove Link.... If you delete a link, the available
text remains.

New Feature, Producer, Manager Enable Now

Display Text for Links

It is now possible to define a display text for links when adding a new or editing an existing link in the text
editor. That allows you to define with which text the link is shown.

Enhancement, Producer, Manager

SAP Enable Now What’s New

General Changes PUBLIC 4
Support for Recordings in Google Chrome

The recording and rerecording of process guides is now also supported in the
Google Chrome browser. The existing application profiles can be used. The
Google Chrome extension for SAP Enable Now has to be installed to enable
recording in Google Chrome. The extension can be activated during the
installation process of the Producer or Instant Producer, or it can be installed
manually via the Google Chrome store. To do this, search for SAP Enable Now.

For details, see the Product Availability Matrix.

Enhancement, Instant Producer/Producer/Manager

Support for SAP Business Client 7.0

SAP Business Client version 7.0 is now supported for the recording and rerecording of process guides, as
well as the playback of Desktop Assistant content. The existing SAP Business Client application profile
was correspondingly renamed to SAP Business Client 7.0.

Enhancement, Producer/Instant Producer/Desktop Assistant

Control “Show/Hide Outline”

The control Show/Hide Outline has been moved to the other view controls in the footer of the text editor,
to make it easier to find.

Optimization, Producer/Manager

SAP Enable Now What’s New

General Changes PUBLIC 5
Adjustable Installation Path for Cloud Desktop Components

To better support customer-specific infrastructures, it is now possible to centrally adjust the installation
path for the desktop components (Producer, Instant Producer, Desktop Assistant) of the SAP Enable
Now cloud solution. The desktop components are thereby no longer saved in the TEMP directory within
the user folder; they can be stored in any location on the computer. In scenarios in which the TEMP
directories are regularly deleted, this can save download time and bandwidth.

The setting is made within the Manager; the path can be defined under Administration > Server Settings >
Download Path for Cloud Installation.

Enhancement, Cloud Manager

Installation of Desktop Components in the User Directory

Installations of the SAP Enable Now desktop components can now also be carried out via the command
line for various users on a computer. If the argument MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1 is submitted, the
corresponding component is automatically installed in the following user directory:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\SAP Enable Now\

Enhancement, Producer/Instant Producer/Desktop Assistant

SAP Enable Now What’s New

General Changes PUBLIC 6
Content Organization and Collaboration

Mass Translation of Content

To simplify the translation of a large amount of content into various

languages, translation can now be done based on the content structure of the
source language. It is no longer necessary to duplicate the content for the
respective target languages beforehand. When the translation templates are
exported, it is also possible to only consider the content that is relevant for
translation. To do so, you select a Manager status that is allocated to the
When you subsequently import the translations, the translated content is
automatically duplicated for each target language. Existing translations are updated.

Enhancement, Producer Enable Now

Learner Feedback

It is essential to consider learner feedback, to guarantee satisfactory

quality, and thereby acceptance, of the learning content. To optimize
this process, the learner feedback is now saved centrally in the
Manager, and can be accessed via the new Learner Feedback Report,
which is available in the Learning Reports menu. The report can be
adjusted to, for example, display only selected languages or content,
and is created in the XLS or CSV format.
To also send the feedback directly to the relevant target group, it is now possible to enter one or more e-
mail addresses for each workarea. The addresses can be stored under Administration > Workareas/Tags
in the relevant workarea.

Enhancement, Manager (HANA)

Automatic Role Assignment for the LDAP Import

For optimal maintenance of a large number of users, a Manager role can now be directly allocated to them
in the LDAP import. The new option Role for Automatic User Creation via LDAP Import is located in the
Server Settings in the Manager.

Enhancement, Manager (On-Premise)

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Content Organization and Collaboration PUBLIC 7
Automatic Role Assignment When User Directory Is Changed

SAP Enable Now users who were created via the import from a user directory (for example, SAML, Active
Directory) are now automatically assigned to other roles if the role in the user directory is changed. If the
system detects a difference between the original and current role when the user logs in, the user’s initial
role assignment is removed, and the new role is assigned. This ensures that changes in the user directory
also automatically affect the users in SAP Enable Now.

Enhancement, Manager

Graphical Indicator for Connected Workareas

To enable a better overview in connected workareas, graphical indicators are now also used to
differentiate between objects in the Producer, as in the Manager. This shows whether objects from the
connected workarea are synchronized, or have already been checked out and edited.

Enhancement, Producer

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Content Organization and Collaboration PUBLIC 8
Process Guides

Application Profiles

To improve the recognition and re-recognition of applications, the following

application profiles have been added/updated:
• SAP Hybris (updated)
• SAP Concur (updated)

For details about supported applications, see the Product Availability Matrix.

Optimization, Instant Producer/Producer

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Process Guides PUBLIC 9
Web Assistant

New Bubble Types for Guided Tours

To enable more flexibility in the didactic design of guided tours,

the following bubble types can now be selected for each tour
• Start
• End
• Important
• Info
• Action

The types Start and End help the user to clearly recognize the start and end of a guided tour. The types
Important and Info make it possible to point out specific and important information during the tour. In
addition, the last bubble in a guided tour now always automatically contains a Finish control so that you
can leave a tour easily.

New Feature, Web Assistant Enable Now

Special Help Tiles for SAP GUI for HTML and WebDynpro

To better support SAP GUI for HTML and WebDynpro apps that run on the SAP Fiori
launchpad, special help tiles can now be displayed in the Web Assistant carousel. The
respective tiles describe how a user can access the additional help for these apps. This is
especially helpful if Web Assistant content for these apps does not exist yet. The new tiles
can be activated by adding the parameters noHelpMode (with the value carousel ) and
useGlobalHelp (with the value true) in the Web Assistant configuration.

Enhancement, Web Assistant

Tile Titles in the Project Editor

To optimize the editing of Web Assistant projects in the Manager, the titles of tiles and the steps of guided
tours are now displayed on the macros in the thumbnail view in the project editor. This makes it easier to
find specific tiles or tour steps in larger projects.

Optimization, Manager

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Web Assistant PUBLIC 10
Server Request for Text Styles

To reduce server requests, Web Assistant text styles are no longer automatically
requested by the Enable Now Manager. The previously delivered text styles are used
instead. If an adjusted text style needs to be used and loaded by the Manager, the
parameter customTextStyles with the value true can be added in the Web Assistant
configuration of the respective application.

Optimization, Web Assistant

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Web Assistant PUBLIC 11
Desktop Assistant

Object-Based Support for Google Chrome

The Desktop Assistant now supports the display of object-based

information in Google Chrome, in addition to page-based information.
This makes it possible to also use, for example, guided tours or context
help to explain elements on the user interface. To enable playback for
Google Chrome, the SAP Enable Now Google Chrome extension has to be
installed. The extension can be activated during the Desktop Assistant’s
installation process or manually installed from within the Google Chrome
store. To do this, search for SAP Enable Now.

Optimization, Web Assistant

Playback Application Profiles

To reduce the size of Desktop Assistant projects and improve performance during playback, most
recognition information from the Desktop Assistant content was removed. Instead, the recognition
information is now stored in the new playback application profiles, which you will find in the resources of
the workarea. Each playback application profile belongs to an application profile. When recording process
guides, as well as when generating a Desktop Assistant, missing playback application profiles are
generated automatically. In this way, customer-specific application profiles are also supported.
Additionally, with an existing connection, newly-generated playback application profiles are uploaded
automatically to the SAP Enable Now Manager.

Optimization, Desktop Assistant

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Desktop Assistant PUBLIC 12
Important Disclaimers on Legal Aspects

This document is for informational purposes only. Its content is subject to change without notice, and
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Coding Samples
Any software coding and/or code snippets are examples. They are not for productive use. The example
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by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct.

The information contained in the SAP documentation represents SAP's current view of accessibility
criteria as of the date of publication; it is in no way intended to be a binding guideline on how to ensure
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and no contractual obligations or commitments are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.

Gender-Neutral Language
As far as possible, SAP documentation is gender neutral. Depending on the context, the reader is
addressed directly with "you", or a gender-neutral noun (such as "sales person" or "working days") is
used. If when referring to members of both sexes, however, the third-person singular cannot be avoided
or a gender-neutral noun does not exist, SAP reserves the right to use the masculine form of the noun and
pronoun. This is to ensure that the documentation remains comprehensible.

Internet Hyperlinks
The SAP documentation may contain hyperlinks to the Internet. These hyperlinks are intended to serve as
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© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Enable Now What’s New

Desktop Assistant PUBLIC 13

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