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Total Marks: 50
Course Title: Strategic Marketing and Consumer Psychology
Credit Hours: 03
Semester: Spring 2021
Resource Person: Dr. Nabeel Amin
Date: Monday, 07 June., 2021 (online available 6:00 PM) Submission allowed till 10:30 PM
Monday, 07 June., 2021.
Student Name: Asma Nasim
Student ID/Registration: 10100

 This End Term exam shall be conducted online.
 Students shall have ONLY ABOVE ALLOCATED TIME WITHIN THE ONLINE SESSION to attempt this exam
and submit on Blackboard.
 The Paper is designed for 2 Hours to 2.5 hours but 4.5 hours are being allocated to avoid any issues of
online submission.
 There shall only be One Attempt.
 No LATE Submissions shall be accepted. No
 No copying or discussion is allowed. Any copied material shall be considered as cancellation of the exam.
 All questions are to be attempted in the space provided.

Q1. Motivations are always lead to a consumer behavior towards buying. What are the various
factors involved in motivation? What are the values that effect the consumer to buy various
products? What are the self-concept perspectives in motivation? (15)

Answer:. Motivation are always lead to consumer behavior towards buying because
psychological perspective says when need arise consumer wish to complete that satisfaction.
Need can be a utilitarian or hedonic, a desired to achieve benefit is a goal for consumer. The
marketers creat those products and services to satisfy them. This is call drive various factors
involved in motivation are:
 Psychological motivation which includes perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, learning from
 Personal which includes, economy, lifestyle, personality, age, self concept.
 Cultural which includes social class system, sub culture.
 Social which includes status, family, reference groups.
Value is defined as belief of something desirable to specific situation and also guide to select
the behavior. A person plays very important role in consumption activities, they purchase some
products and services because they belief that those will help them. There are some values that
effect consumer to buy products are:

 Every culture has core values that it imparts to its members, endorsement of a value
system. They are perspective that guide person specific behavior according to its
cultural values.
 Efficiency: products that are aimed to provide various kinds of convenience to the
 Excellence: here experience of quality is the prime motivation that effect consumer to
 Status: consumer engages into impression giving to motivate others to create status like
 Ethics: refers to politically or morally motivation for consumption choice.
 Play: the value of having fun.
 Sustainability: this is a new value that motivates to buy products that are green
branding for the reduction in carbon.
When consumer are intent on to do something for their satisfaction they will definitely
achieve through the above values. Self concept perspective is that we envision ourselves
both privately and in relationships to others. Privately means the actual self who we are
while ideal self represent who we would to be. Products play defining role in self concept.
We choose products because we think they are similar to our personalities. Also our desire
to live up to our cultural expectations come in the role of self concept in motivation.

Q2. What are the roles of the opinion leaders in the development of the brands? Are there any
factors that influence the brand image in buying decision? What are the strategic approaches in
the development of a brand in fashion industry? (15)

Answer:. Opinion leaders are those who influence people by their own opinions, they receive
high regard in that. There are many influencers in family and friends who gives opinions for the
products and services of specific brands. These advisors do not have to be famous, they just
need to have expertise in the area of concern. Opinion leaders are both source of information
and advice. It tends to be consumer innovators . They have got some personal Product specific
characteristics like personality traits, demographics and social status. There are many factors
that influence the brand image in buying decision. Think of consumers perspective of brand
values what a company should do to influence. Brand has significant relationship with
consumer buying behavior that are quality, price consious, brand name, impulsive shopping.
The strategic approaches the development of a brand in fashion industry is first of all market
positioning which includes the communication of all information that a sellers want to share
with their customers from the time of production to its place in market, its purchasing ,
evaluation, how it will be disposed. Coordinate these all successfully so you can give give the
product or service a competitive advantage. Also word of mouth is a strategic approach to
coordinate marketing efforts. The fundamental purpose if marketing is to create goodwill,
interest, excitement among prospective buyers. Forecasting is also a tool for brand
development through forecasting create a positive brand image and keep them coming back.
When brand image and loyalty is achieved means you create satisfaction and demand in
market place. There are some strategic approaches for development of brand in fashion
 Market segmentation
 Target market
 Marketing mix selection
 Products or brand positioning.

Q3. Consumer perceptions are created with various attributes. Identify the approaches of
different perceptions and their effects on the fashion diffusions. What are the various factors
that influence the consumer behaviors towards the buying decisions? What balances a
comprehensive marketing strategy for a successful company? Explain with a certain product
example to create a balanced approach towards the formulation of a strategic marketing policy.

Answer: Consumer perceptions are created with various attributes of perceptions. Perception
is subjective that is about our personal interpretation, awareness and information. The nature
of perception has four major stages: exposure, attention, interpretation and memory.
Exposure: occur when Consumer pay attention to the opportunity or info available.
Attention: occur when stimulus activates attention or create scenario to buy because of
packages, banners , ads ,or on website.
Interpretation: is the assignment of meaning to sensations. It is related to how incoming
information is based in characteristics of the stimulus, the individual and the situation.
Also these effects on fashion diffusions. Diffusion refers to the process where new product or
service or idea is spreaded through population and then rapidly get into for new innovation
products. New products and styles innovation constantly enter the market the oerson move
from the stages of awareness, information , evaluation, each stage may differ depending on
how much they now about that product , also on culture factor affects people to try new things.
There are various factors that influence the consumer behavior:
 Attitudes toward the object: ATO approache presents marketer with number of
alternative for changing consumer behavior, to change the attitude marketer create
new beliefs about product features.
 Behavioral influence approach: another approach applird is directly changing behavior
without changing the belief or feelings.
 Change schema based affect: which means to affect the belief or emotions towards a
brand or product.
 The elaboration likelihood model: In this approach attitudes are changed based on
levels of consumer involvement through persuasion.
 Balance theory: states that Consumers are motivated to maintained perceived
consistency in the relation found in system of belief, attitudes and behaviors.


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