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APREOHBA 2 CORRE BTA a4) ERI BTA a2) SABIE MRED CRED RED a—2 a) ORY ERED (1-2) RESER BORE MD BTA a4) AE Tih DL 1 TR AS te aw *# B— tt ELEMENTARY CHINESE READERS REVISED EDITION BOOK ONE ieee \ 39, 91b—- oe eR Be At aOR SINOLINGUA BENING G a First Edition 1994 Second Printing 1997 ISBN 7-80052-134-6 Copyright 1994 by Sinolingua Published by Sinolingua 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037, China Printed by Beijing Foreign Languages Printing House Distributed by China I Book Trading Corporation 35 Chegongzhuang Xilu, P.O. Box 399 Beijing 100044, China national in the People's Republic of China Mi & A9 is BU RERA SPEAR ES — Bm HS aay at, 2. 8, PHF SUAKK, PRU AEH RTT, ROSH. RE KO AFEAURRBAS, & FGRSRA AMES H. PRAM, WME AM SH # FER, AMANPS RR, HH. Gee HRR. TERE RES, TASK. APBUTTER HERR, “HA, RRS RRR, PLB A ar ay aA Deh to Rae hee FPNCVCAALAH RE, MACBR EERE, AECHEP RAIS, berm, Rene, PREAER, MOB. AMRE RAL HLA at A, RERMBRESRR EHS, BUATARE TR SHH ROR ERE, ROT ERHHH, RAPERAHARHMRS, BS EaRS RAHEEM OA, HAT SRR RH RE Rl #8 aR Bt Fe CUAEHTUBWHS, tee, RAT AS HALLER YEH ET RW RRA, RAGS ERE SCRARNHARY, boa T A BE Ska, VAGHPATEMARR, Mi TRSR aE » €2F RA, FURPAM AM HEY, THR, PRESECRA. PRETAX ABET R EHR, K¥LEERRHESDRHERRA EOD, CUAHE-TRABEHEHS TRA, OLB, KB PRRHAERABPRRL MASH, MEPRWE TA, SAPRR, RMPASASLE CHR SMES, RH K RARE IFHFR RRA KH. RUE RUGOREHY SE HF, ROM TAAR BAER AKRAARMBGMOHAREP. AH, RNR HARALKRAW AGP IFAHSHRAL. PEREU MLAS 1989 6 i PUBLISHER’S NOTE Elementary Chinese Readers is the fist set of textbooks distributed abroad since the open-door policy was adopted in China. This four- volume series of textbooks is published in English, French, German, and Spanish. Teaching aids available to accompany the textbooks include cassette tapes in standard putonghua Chinese, teacher's manuals, Chinese character exercise books, flash cards, and some supplementary reading ‘materials such as stories based on Chinese proverbs and abridged clas. sical novels. This programme of materials has received great attention in Chinese-teaching circles in and outside China and has been used in ‘many colleges and institutes as well as by self-taught learners. Over the past ten years, these materials have been repeatedly printed aud distributed throughout the world. New developments in language teaching theories and the warm re- sponses and constructive suggestions from the users of the books have paved the way for the current revisions. Professors Li Peiyuan and Ren Yuan, the original compilers, though busy with their teaching and re- search work, have dedicated themselves to the revision work which in- cluded taking have no doibt that the resulting revised edition will mark a new and ex: panded stage in the use of these materials. ‘Though the revised edition has changed for the better, it still retains the effective features and basic structure of the original books. The arrangement of grammat ughout the books has also re- the wishes of the large number of readers who especially like this aspect of the books. This will also facilitate the Continued use of the books by teachers who are already familiar with the 0n numerous comments and suggestions. We ‘mained the same to comply 3 ‘materials, and ease the introduction of the revised edition into established teaching programmes which are based upon these texts, ‘A structural approach and a relatively concentrated grammatical approach in teaching have been retained in the revised edition, thus making the books suitable for adult foreign learners. These teaching methods bave mn years. Meanwhile, the revised edition has bea enriched by the a: of many words and phrases indai help to build up students’ the language. There have been great changes in Chinese society over the years. Asa result, the dialogues and prose passages in the revised e% have been updated to acquaint studénts with current social phenomena and to enable them to use the daily language correctly in day-to-day situations. ‘use, which will rest and confidence while they are learning Another major change in the revised ecition is the elimi superfluous and repetitive material, making the arrangement of the t ‘more scientific and systematic and also rendering them more concise and easy to understand. In this way, study efficiency will be enhanced because thestudents’ load is lightened. Parts of the contents of the original books ave been moved to the teacher's manuals so ‘own lesson plans according to different learning situations. We deeply appreciate the hard work of the compilers and think you will agree that their efforts have paid off. We also appreciate the helpful suggestions and comments we have received from Chinese-teaching circles and from readers. We hope to continue to hear more valuable opinions and constructive suggestions from the teachers and students who use the revised edition of Elementary Chinese Readers, teachers can make 1 Sinolingua 6 it WK i <2 TGF A> 81980 HR DLR, HAAS RRR AS HPHRA. ERMA, FORM Re a HRT ARANELPRU, RUNSFRAAL RU, HReRHaE Tei. BURA RET UF Reh, LARGE ER (OM) YOM, ome BERD, 5. OHRAXRK, 2.-, SHEA, PERRRERAW QA RARR, th BITRATE, 3, “MSR” RRL”, MEAL, OMT ES BR HR. 4. ER? 5 OEE OF, CRRA RM eae £, MT -REPHRAXKHESAR, 5. SHEN” Bae T Wk, HR ea, RAE RED AWSHE, LARRA LH AAIE, CAPHAFELESE SR, GE RLARN, BY BRET” WTO BHS, RX” wT He, Ry “EX” mI PMS, SwEACUT HH ABBAS RON BO BH, eR HK. ER. KKBF. BR, KARARGH HERSEY TERM ERED, ot 1988 5 A 5 NOTES TO THE SECOND EDITION Since the first edition of Elementary Chinese Readers was published in 1980, it has been widely used by many universities and individual learners both at home and abroad. Many teachers and students have contributed valuable suggestions for its improvement. The second edition is based on their contributions. ‘The new edition has the following revisions and improvements: 1. The original five books have been condensed into’ four books, ‘The first two cover Chinese phonetics and grammar; the other two contain short stories and selected articles. 2. The format, grammar and grammatical progression of the first two books remain the same as those in the original, except that review lessons are deleted. 3. Some of the original substitution drills and texts have been ‘changed or revised for pedagogical reasons. 4. Notes and grammar explanations are arranged in two separate sections. The textbook is revised to be more communication oriented and, as a new feature, cultural contexts in which the language is used -are ‘Added within the original format and framework. 5. The original exercises have been revised by carefully sifting, amalgamating or redesigning the existing materials, so that they are more varied, more practical and more effective. 6. Tone-graphs are used in the subst drills of the first book and in the texts of the second book, while the phonetic alphabet is used in the texts of the first book. This reflects the principle that gradual progress is beneficial to the learners, The revisers of Elementary Chinese Readers are Li Peiyuan and Ren Yuan. The English translator is Sheng Yan. All comments and suggestions from the users of the textbook are most welcome! ‘Compilers, May, 1988 Os PA WR BE BY LARAMIE EER LED ER RH, BOT-RPBAFARBER LABTERRER AAR A, MEER FW, GRARH RGTOMT ER. REREES AR, RSEHIWA, H. HH sme se MGT HR, UPAOMHEA, MERRIE EY ER, @ RX ERGEAREAKRE. RXEUTD ER MEH MEER. S.FREMA-RABHKIU, BRET, At» REL, STUART LOR, Btw LRH ER KA, BHRXPHIREBERS, KO Ce Hea ME ike CAPRA RERR THE RAE RE, RAGED SHAE, RNASELERY AKER T REE, S.A MH, FRG, 2, MRE, MHA, A, BR BERK, ARP, XG. AM. HE, AER, a2 RAMABRH ERE, a 1979434, EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. This textbook has been compiled for use by foreign students of Chinese at Beijing Language Institute and other students of Chinese as a foreign language. structure of € neglecting drills on the initials, rom Lesson 11 on, we give a number llustrate certain ely We fexts will help students express themselves in connected speech. In cach lesson we also provide brief notes on grammar and on words and phrases. tains ample exercises which can either be set From Lesson 11 on, there is a review lessons which consists of either text and some exercises 4 characters which have been officially pt For the convenience of learners abr each sim sd and ave in common use. id, the original complex form of 'd Chinese character appearing for the first time is given ia the table of Chinese characters for each lesson. Rea Yuan, Zhao Shul ‘ao Peizhen, Wang Yannong and Lai Siping), tor (Jin Tingting) sincerely is textbook to inform us of their opinions and sug B® CONTENTS EMBER The Chinese Phonetic Alphabet WAAR Abbreviations AWWA Organs of Speech SiR Lesson 1 - ®8 Finals ao e¢ i u & ai ci ao ow Fea s bpmfdtnalgkh ER Notes 1. #8} 49H Initials and finals 2. M8 Simple finalsaceiutl 3. $4898 Compound finals ai ei 20 ou 4. RAGEMARAUH Aspirated and unaspirated consonants 5. #1 Tones 6 Spelling rules 7. ps Hello 8. RF Chinese characters IEMA Basic Strokes of Chinese Characters DUEEMM) Rules of Stroke-order of Chinese Characters =H Lesson 2... sesenneeeeetteeseeeeel ®)& Finals an en ang eng ong ua uo uai vet (-ui) BE Notes ARTE Nasal finals an en ang eng ong 8) Compound finals ua uo =)8351 (—) Changes in the 3rd tone (1) 427 Neutral tone - EGIL Spelling rules B= Lesson 3 #98 Finals ia ie iao iao (-iu) ya Initials j qx sh JERE Notes PR Initials j q x sh ie He fi Pronunciation of e in ie =FFS(—) Changes in the 3rd tone (2) “A” WIN Tone changes of '. PPM Spelling rules SUG Lesson 4 .. #8 Finals uan uen (-un) uang ueng tie dan un 2H Notes 1. ong 4 ueng ong and ueng 2. 9530I01 Spelling rules ER Lesson 5 78 Finals ian in iang ing iong er eRene vee Fe Initials zc 8 2 Notes 1, #4 Final er 2. HE Initials 20s 3. zi ci si ohey%98} The final in zi, RAB Lesson 6 ... 10 +20 82 5 Final -i [0] FYE Initials zh ch (sh) ER Notes 1, je Initials zh ch (sh) r 2. hi chishi ri Fa eyao The final in zhi, chi, shi, ri 3. JLILABEE Retroflex finals 4. waeeG Dividing mark S-+tiR Lesson 7... APSA A Brief Summary of Finals and Initials HE Notes @ “te” © “GRE” R/GR Lesson 8 AEB Classroom Expressions ACHR Table of the Speech Sounds of Beijing eooBd Dialect HLM Lesson 9 . yo0e62 i= FR Notes @ARial “th” Pronoun th @ iii] “A” — Conjunction #1 iB Grammar 1. yQ#8 838A Word order in Chinese 2. &§” 4y(—) The Jf-sentence (1) 3. i “ay” oes] tg The interrogative sentence ending with 1 + Lesson 10 a7 2 Note u © “Ki” A he? 8% Grammar 1. 23% Attributive 2. se eBbI “py” Structural Particle 9 3. FABRA PCa oo Re Ay Interrogative sentences in which an interrogative pronoun is used 3+—iB Lesson 11... 2 Notes @ “—” #3 Tone changes of — © =" “mH” = and 38% Grammar 1. «8 4] The #-sentence 2. MBER A numeral-measure word as attributive ~ 3. BERL “IL” Interrogative Pronoun JL, B+XM Lesson 12 297 2EH Notes © “0” pea O1 of By © “8” 4” Band & iW Grammar 1. JeSHMGBA] Sentences with an adjective ~ as predicate 2. URVIMIAeBR Negation of the sen- tence with an adjective as its Predicate 3. JERSE) Affirmativernegative question 4. fm WYF2iE A demonstrative Pronoun as an attributive BE Note . @wWR “(1)” Plural suffix iB Grammar 1. SyiJiHiB4) Sentences with a verbal predicate 2. Shiga BR Negation of the sentence with a verbal predicate S+OUR Lesson 14 1 Notes @ “ee” @ “8” MM" He and HH i: Grammar 1. $B Adverbial adjunct 2. <6" A th” a and 3. HG?” Forming a question with..., 37157 4. ti] “#8” Measure word && HRM Lesson 15 ... EH Note @ “HL” ii Grammar 1. 442” 4) (—) The #2-sentence (2) 2. eEESEIA4 Choice-type questions H+AB Lesson 16 ... iE Note ou ii Grammar 1. ¥33(—) Numeration 2. BERIARI <4” Interrogative pronoun $4 13 + 120 132 a 14d 8 Grammar 1. 40184) Sentences witha noun as predicate 2. ay Nouns with the characteristics of measure words 4, etc. iBi Grammar 1.1, AME 4, A, a and am 2. 4. AH POOIGERE The order of 4, 8, A, a taking two objects B+IIR Lesson 19 iB Grammar 1. $rial¥i% Prepositional phrases 2.” 4" BIH Object of B+ Lesson 20 ii Grammar 1. 896% Complement of degree 2. Si RBALAE AE Verbs with both an object and a complement of degree 3. HERS Preposed object J Sentence with a verb 4 SI +—M Lesson 21 WE Text RATE ERE Note 26} Words of location Grammar 1. Hil “fe” Verb ge 2." a RY BREE Af and Jk indicating existence BI+XB Lesson 22 WX Text eR iE Note © «AR i8% Grammar 1. 283) Auxiliary verbs a) (2) & (3) fB (4) mp 2. AGERE AST RAIA Note on the use of the auxil WHL#¥ Vocabulary... Is LRRD SRR The Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Fak | Stk [eee | mek | eu bea a Printed | Written [Names || Printed | Written | Names Forms | Forms Forms | Forms rere Nalwa Bob |B» 00 /]0 0 ce ]ce PpjPpe Dd | Dd te] Qa!|ag Ee | Ee | f¥ RrjiRr eof | Ff | fel Sis Sos Ge | G go | tke) |] tT et | rt Ha | aw A] py ff] uw low Li | ri |g vv | Vo | [ve Jj psa tie) |] wow | wow [wa] Kk | kK & | tee || x x | X ox Liu Le [i Yy yy Mm | Mm | {em || zz Z 2 | [tse] 16 FS exis aneunn iS fi oe ee Abbreviations (%) &i — minget moun CR) Ri di Pronoun (3h) shi dongei verb ( fE) ) #EKEH Inéngyuanddngci optative verb CB) FER xingronget adjective (CH) 8 shitci numeral Gt) AE ianget measure word (3) ma fi adverb CR) triad Preposition liane conjunction zhaci particle dongtai zhiics aspect particle Yeti jiégou zhaci structural particle BB) modal particle CR) Kia interjection + CRA) Got xidngshéngei onomatopoeia CK) & cit6u Prefix (8) aK suffix (4%) ©% — zhuanming proper noun ed RRS Organs of Speech . EE upper lip . Ed: upper teeth . EIR teethridge . BUR hard palate . SIF soft palate ANE uvula . FH lower lip . Fil lower teeth 2 tip of tongue ili blade of tongue Big back of tongue #4 vocal cords + IR nasal cavity 18 “+ ven HR —. BiG Convers Lesson 1 =, £#4MRF New Words and Chinese Characters Ni hao! te ay : Ni hao! MR FY ni CR) hdo (#) yi GH wii Ch) ba &®) te you (s.) good, well a ba dit Aas, & he, she Rot. no big fish, =. HB Finals aoe ua aici ao LAT. Aisa: IH Figure showing the four tones a3 Ist tone 2nd tone 3rd tone 4th tone When a syllabl ferent meanings, e. is pronounced in di ma ma mi ma da da da da 7%, EH Notes 1. #FA}3)H Initials and finals ‘REO OCAS HLA MAHATMA. BHT ey (SAAS, MABORME. in. ni, JOR n Je, ie He, BURR ALT, 38. SHB — SES Wo AAW IRM, TMWEA STH, my ANE, M1 a; FHARSMAME, UME, in an, According to traditional Chinese phonology, a syllable in Chinese is generally made up of an initial anda final. The i the consonantal beginning of a syllable, and the final is the part of the syllable excluding the initial. For example, in ni, nis the initial, and i is the final. There are 21 initials and 38 finals in Chinese. All the ini Is are consonants except for the zero it €.8. an, and all the finals consist of a vowel (either simple or compound) vowel, or a vowel plus a nasal consonant, The simple vowel is called a simple fin: is called a compound final, e.g. consonant is called a nasal final, e.g. an. 2. #358 aoeiui Simple finalsa, o, a FORBA, HL, BAM. @ is produced by lowering the tongue, no ; and the vowel plus a nasal th the mouth wide- 3 7. WE, OE. © is produced by keepin, \gue in a half raised posi- tion with the back of the tongue towards the soft palate. The mouth is half-open, and the lips are rounded e FOES, a € is produced by keeping the tongue in a half raised posi- tion with the back of the tongue towards the soft palate. The mouth is half-open, and the lips are unrounded. i FORE BR, GOS. det. i is produced by raising the front blade of the tongue to- wards the hard palate, wi tle open and the lips flat, U FORR, BRE, AL, twa. u is produced by keeping the back of the tongue towards the soft palate with the mouth slightly open, and the lips as rounded as possible. i SOS. ae, BSI fl) AAMT. ii is produced by raising the front of the blade of the the mouth a uy) VS 7 \\4 ‘afl tongue towards the hard palate with the lips rounded. It is the corresponding. lip-rounded sound to é [i 3. HW aiciao ou Compound finals ai, ef , ao, ow ai EMG ai, SOMA a ie, a ATOM, Mey i waesTOM. ai is produced by starting from a and then gli 4. is pronounced longer, louder and clearer, and i shorter and weaker. ci ao ou AHS ai Fy, H-TERSH Ki % B-TRERSS RII. Similarly, the first constituent of ei, ao and ow is also. pro- nounced longer, louder and clearer than the second one. 4. RAGA Aspirated and unaspirated con: sonants, Me b pind ¢ JemAUAR MOTE eA ATE, (SAL OP EE (1) eae Lip-position (2) BH (3) Be Holding breath Releasing breath 5 AtREREA (1) ee (2) BA (3) RE Lip-position Holding breate Releasing breath FAME, foe EE? ob dw, MART z BA “FRA? 5 WRLEELARTE MEET The initials b and p are a pair of labial voiceless plosives which have the same place of articulation. The only difference is that 6 is unaspirated while p fated. d and ¢ areanother the first is unaspirated later study several pairs pair of bilabial voiceless plosives in while the latter is aspirated. We shi of initials of this kind. i (1) ta (2) BH (3) RE Lip-position Holding breath Releasing breath 5. Ari] Tones ARATE KM, RS BD. ©" (BOR) A CBB, & KER MMA, AA i(—) yi)» A-APERA-TREM, PATE RETHL. EP LAMB, BN LO. ins ni, —eSIATR AU EOE, FETE AMEE L. A tm, bdo, Bei Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th tones, represented respectively by -, ~and +. When a syllable is pronounced in different tones, it yi (Z, hundred mil- 1g dialect has four basic tones, usually numbered as has different meanings, e.g. yi (— one lion). When a syllable contains only a'single vowel, the tone-graph is placed above it. When a tone-graph is placed above the vowel i, the dot over it is omitted, e.g. ni + ~ ni, When the final is a compound vowel (a diphthong or a triphthong), the tone~ graph is placed above the main element of the compound vowel (namely the one pronounced loud with the mouth wide open), eg. hio. 6. HS i ames yi UB RAS a wu, U BREPHS AR yuo ot Standing alone as a syllable, i is written as yi, v as wu and fas yu. 7. ghee “(638° JETGE AR OOPS, Pk. hee, ae mame HTL. RO; WIM MomeE? Fis a common greeting in Chinese used upon meeting somebody in the morn in the afternoon or in the evening. oe haracters The answer expected 8. ME Chinese RFALANBBS. TEER te, ME EALEARN, REMMA SWS, BE ASE Il Si we ah F, Baya RENE RS ORE. Shem BSD, #im: ADOPEGS. SLEMEREMED, HRB. The Chinese ch: acters are the written symbols of the Chi- nese language. Usually, one character stands for one syllable, and it is composed of several basic strokes. The number of possible basic strokes is in fact quite small. The basic characters, characters that cannot be broken down, are made up of basic e. strokes, and the compound characters are made up of basic characters or fixed components. All characters should be written so as to fit into equal-sized squares no matter how many strokes they have. The cl acters should be written in the proper stroke order, and their structure should be compact and well-balanced, ic Strokes of REHEARSE Basie Strokes RPRGIWM Rules of Stroke-order of Chinese Characters Chinese Characters sw) es 2 SHH) yg ‘Strokes, Name Directions of Examples wi . 3 ‘ RM * fp | a + | ck R Be -| 2 | - [ees | “hina” pots “st | = | Rm te % om | y | # i [ax x] * Pests ony pi \ & \ AKA ¢ # 7 um & > | Be | 5 |e we Fe hénggou_ — eae Cee [a > Rat a Roe héngzhé u | 2a Lu | & @ +, #5) Exercises + EX Four tones hao gages aa ya ni ni ai ai hao hao hao hao yi yi yi yi wa wi wi wi ba ba ba ba a ta ta ey ba ba bi ba da da aa da ya ya ya ya HH Sound discrimination bo po ba pa de we di a md % mai fo ne &B nll rn ge ke gai kai dio tao dou tou gu Bio kai ati Bao kao yi yo BBR Two syllables pronounced in succession ni hio ta hio bi hio da ya . WEVGE Get to know Chinese characters As RAF B: R371 RFR Table of Chinese Characters [*<¢ ph Cl ab) [afk CR RE) | Ps cs) a Fp fe n~ 2 nr | 13 a—ip Lesson 2 —. S18 Conversation A, Ni hao! Bo RF! C: Nimen hio! Mang ma? HAN FFL te Ae A: Wo hén mang. AMR te. C: Ni mang ma? Rite Dey B: W6 bi mang. RR tee 14 | | 1 SYNE =. Sif New Words and Chinese Characters 1. nimen ae 4417 you (pl.) 2. mang oe te busy 3. ma an an interrogative particle 4. Wo ce) BR I, me 3. hen AR very 6. bi a no, not 7. women aun we, us 8. dong to understand 9. nan difficult =. #8 Finals an en ang eng ong ua uo vai uei (-ui) ER Notes 1. 8) anenangengong Nasal finals an, en, ang, eng, ong an ADELA, KR a, RMA ARICA Ma, ar SEF E, ULAR RHE, cn HRERM MW . ROL ‘4S an ipl, ang AP ERAN, RSME —AULO a RRES KERR, BAM RE FH, LAMA, cng ong LRERAWE, REGS ang # aan is an alveolar nasal formed by a and n. It starts from and then, with the tongue touching the gum and the soft palate relaxed, glides naturally towards n without any pause. en is also an alveolar nasal final pronounced in a similar way to an. aang is a velar nasal final formed by a plus-ng. It is pro- duced by starting with a back a, then raising the back of the tongue against the soft palate, and letting the air escape through the nasal cavity. eng and ong are also velar nasal finals pronounced in a similar way to ang. 2. {AF ua uo Compound finals ua and uo va & ua At, M—-TREMSGE NG. TRE RS BROW. uo (URBRY te ) MRAM ua A Ae ua is a compound final in which wis pronounced weaker and shorter, and a louder and longer. wo (and ia, ie, ue, which we shal learn later) is pronounced in a. similar way to wa. 3. =~ (—) Changes in the 3rd tone (1) ASNeTHE-AN, HTS ETRE, Pig, ni hio - ni hao. When a 3rd tone is followed by another 3rd, the first one changes into a 2nd tone, e.g. ni ho -» ni ho. 4. $73 Neutral tone HMTLA-OTPRALSLM, wR EM. ABE ARS. Oli. nimen. In Chinese, there are certain syllables pronounced both weak and short which are defined as taking the neutral tone. This is indicated in this textbook by the absence of a tone-graph, e.g. nimen. 16 4———__- -} 5. SMI Spelling rules VE-THBAAMN, % U Sa w. Hin, w at the beginning of a syllable is written w, e.g. ua — wa van) — wan uo — wo en — wen ual — wai uang — wang ei — wei eng — weng uel HEAT SASS me -ui, Plindui (AF) hui (&). Ar WS RE TES uei preceded by an initial is written -ui, (&). The tone-graph is placed above i. 8 dul (Xf) hui H, $5) Exercises 1. 4 The four tones mang = mang = ming = mang— mang wo wo wo wo —— wd hén hén hén hen — hén dong dong = dong= dong — dong nan nén nan nan — nn 2. $88 Sound discrimination ban bang din ding gén ging fin feng han hén ling Keng dud tus Kua gua pain ping = tan tang pén péng nan nén mang méng = déng_—— dng. kuai guai hui kui 71 Neutral tone women nimen _—timen hio ma nén ma déng ma da ma baide inde = hngde ~—fénde baba = mama_—sgige didi StS Changes in the 3rd tone ‘Bao he hen | i} mate hao ati da kan Gest] Read aloud the following sentences. A: Nin ma? B: Bi nan, A: Dong le ma? B: Dongle, RFUR Get to know Chinese characters, Sta co. tRiN Hede a BRE. WFR Table of Chinese Characters 1 | a1 | { [ni ncrynm —t Gat) eC +t) vive) | 94 3745) R(777P7 BR) T7AA : Ni =. £19 New Words and Chinese Characters =H Lesson 3 1. shenti (gy) HAR body, health 8 idie a the to thank . 3. ne an % @ modal particle 4. ye cay also, too 5. tid BO A six 6. qi & + seven 7. jit Go 7 nine + 8. xido ‘small, little 9. ba kégi You're welcome, not at all 2 Ni =, #® Finals te ia ie ao iow Gi) te _ @, wg Initials + Ni shénti ho ma? joao sh WKF D2 H.R Notes : Hen ho, xidxie. Nine? 1, 8 fq x sh Initials j p x sh AR AE, Hit. thee j SENSRER, SAUTAR, CMS Se + Y& hén hido. BRT. PETIT, eR, Js produced by raising the blade of the tongue to the hard Palate, pressing the tip of the tongue against the back of the low- ~ a er teeth, and then squeezing the air out through the channel be- tween the front of the tongue and the hard palate. The vocal cords do not vibrate. q RSLS j —K, RENERRAG. iq RRREA (1) ee (2) BA (3) RE Lip-position Holding breath Releasing breath q is produced in a similar way as j, except that q is post- aspirated; that is to say, it should be produced with a strong putt of breath, x xX SHNBSER AE, BR-K FE, SURI. PAIRS. . x is produced by raising the blade of the tongue towards the hard palate, and then squeezing the air out through the channel between the front of the tongue and the hard palate. The vocal cords do not vibrate, sh sh BRE, MRAM, “ie ERS OA RTT. PRA. This is a retroflex consonant. It is produced by turning up the tip of the tongue towards the front of the hard palate and squeezing the air out through the channel between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate. The vocal cords do not vibrate. 2. ie th e p44 Pronunciation of e in ie BBWS ie Mie (MEME) Hoe MRD Mahe Ae ae ele}, ein ie and dle (in Lesson Four) is the simple final e (s], which is seldom used by itself. 3. SpraeI (=) Changes in the 3rd tone (2) SEPER—. =. MAMA, BREE HEM, RRR SPOON EE When a 3rd tone is followed by any tone except another 3rd, it changes into a half 3rd tone,which is the full tone minus its terminal rising part. 4. ©” poaews Tone changes of % 4A” HARE R—. —. SMR OD), 2S FRATEB— (bd), Pia bi mang, bu kéqi, % is pronounced in the 4th tone when it stands by itself or precedes a Ist, 2nd or a 3rd tone (bi), but it is pronounced in the 2nd tone when it precedes a 4th tone, e.g. bii mang, bi kéqi. 5. 399 Spelling rules iao iou A RBH SR ya ye yao you, 23 jou MNP ARES iu, Pim, 1d CA) ji CAL Wee UL, Standing alone as a syllable, ia is written as ya, ie as ye, iao as yao, and iow as you. iow is written as-iu when it is preceded by an initial, and the tone-graph is placed above u, e.g. lid) (7), jill (Au). 7, $3) Exercises 1. ga4}#TM The four tones shén shén —shén. = shen —shnti xit xig xié xit—xidxie ye yé yé ye— ye iia lid lit tis —$tid ~ qi at ai qi——qi iid iid jit jit jit xiao xito xiio xido—xillo ke ke ke ke kégi 2. 9B Sound discrimination iti jig xigi xq L. ii aitt xith tit jit jini jidgi ——_jitgia 3. RWW Disyllabic words (1) #%—FrMHB—Fr Ist tone plus Ist tone feijt fashéng jidotong gongkai Q) %—F MBH Ist tone plus 2nd tone 24 iit jido you yaoqié bidott G) %—FmB=F Ist tone plus 3rd tone shénti baogué 4) i —sriN PGF Ist tone plus 4th tone kéngqi jidan shéngdido xiiyao (5) —HmmsF Ist tone plus neutral tone boli xidoxi yifu xii MikLis Read aloud the following conversation. A: Ni shénti bdo ma? B: Hén ho, xiéxie, Ni ne? A: Wé yé hén hio, Ni mang ma? B: Hén mang. FU Get to know Chinese characters. a, RRL B, ARaty ae ARES? 8, AREF, Ab, thee A, BARI, 25 HAH Table of Chinese Characters 0 wy > SOR Lesson 4 —. 1% Conversation ‘Ni xuéxi shénme? MEA AI : WO xuéxi Hanyi. RFA RB. : TA xuéxi shénme? wD? 2. Ta yé xuéxi Hanyi. pee 3) Li Hanya nan ma? RE A? B: Hanyii bi nén. Ris HE, =, EMRE New Words and Chinese Characters 1. xuext cy FFA to learn, to study 2, shenme ct) HA what 3. hanyi (%) Bie Chinese 4. 8 a) Re he, him 5. nin ce) difficult 6. tamen ce RATT they, them 7. wen toask 8. wenti ‘question 9. huids answer 10. dui right, correct =, 8 Finals van = uen(-un) ~—_uang ueng te @. #% Notes 1. ong 45 ueng ong and ueng ong RASH AAS, AMR A RE, ueng AAR yp BA, RRARAT, Hm weng, ong cannot stand alone as a syllable, and it can only be combined with an initial. ueng stands alone as a syllable written as weng, and it cannot be combined with any initial, 28 2. 9f35 9M Spelling rules uen NAMPA AR -un. Hi, doin (my), i mh 0 FAMMEM j oq x AT, OLA HE. Ue, dan, in BREA, SHE yue, yuan, yun. en preceded by an initial is written as -un, e.g. din ( a). When j, q or x is followed by i or a final beginning with i, the two dots over i are omitted. Standing alone as a syllable, ie is written as yue, idan as yuan, and iin as yun. H. #5) Exercises 1, PURI The four tones xué xué xué xué —— xuéxi shén shén shén shén — shénme ya. ya yi ya — Hanyi wen wen wen wen — wen a th ti ti —— wéenti hut hut hui bul —— huidé dui dut dui dui — dui 2. 9## Sound discrimination jo ja ia jit qa aia aa aid xi xia xt xid wan wang wen weng guin = guang = kuin = kuing jon xan quan xuan 3. RGFWAHE Disyllabic words 29 (1) %=yriMsH— Pe 2nd tone plus Ist tone | Lee Ar GEREG? | gudjid yuangui out mfoyi yore By 2 (2) FIN} Ind tone plus another 2nd RBRB, tuanjié tongxué youja langid RFR Table of Chinese Characters @) ®=—FeimH=PFF Ind tone plus 3rd tone nidni iid quanti youlan 4) =m 2nd tone plus 4th tone xuéxido xuéyuan J} hanjia yakuai ft | 4 (5) %=yeim¥B7 Ind tone plus neutral tone péngyou patao - mantou biéde 4. tiitagty Read aloud the following sentences. (1) Wo wen wenti, nimen huid4, | (2) Dui bu dui? |_| @) Dui ke. |e (4) Ba dul. | |__| 5. WU Get to know Chinese characters, I |__| | he Heeb adhe a B. RFI RE. J} | A, DAL? amicus ia Br fet IRE, mene TT rPRPRD 30 =, £i1—RF New Words and Chinese Characters Snip Lesson 5 cn 4 to do, to make ~ wo & to write - Conversati Se aw LF Chinese character a A: Ni 2ud shénme ne? ce to read tee AI (&m #7 new word B: Wé xié Hanzi ne. a) F to listen, to hear KR ERT RK. RE record a = two we = three A: Ta zd shénme ne? dw 4 four Rete HART goodbye B: Ta nian shéngci ne. ® Final : =, #@ Finals fe & 27%, ~ a ian in iang ing iong + er if) ‘A: Tamen 2ud shénme ne? eeeae roca Red] ME HE A? a es B: T&men ting layin ne. ei] TRG. H.R Notes 1. fi er Final er 32 er R-THES. ERMBH c[o] MH, HERMERK NHR, RALAH cr WH. er WUE RES, Ms erm). er is a retroflex final formed by producing the simple final e (2] with the tip of the tongue turned up towards the hard pal- ate. er can stand alone as a syllable, e.g. ér (=)- 2. wR zcs Initials z, c, 5 2c RAED (1) ee (2) 8% (3) RE Lip-position Holding breath _Releasing breath 2 ERE, REG, RACER, RTT He TRH. c RR 2 ANH. S GREAT, MRE, UR TH, Ma TR Be 2 is produced by first pressing the tip of the tongue against, the back of the upper teeth, and then moving it away a fittle and squeezing the air out through the channel thus made, The vocal cofds do not vibrate. ¢ is the same as z except that itis aspirated, 34 is produced by raising the tip of , s the tongue towards the back of the upper teeth and sgueezing the air out through the channel between the blade of the tongue and the upper teeth. The vocal cords do not vibrate. 3. zicisi seyai The final in AWMELERMTEL) Mi a. zici si as BE i RAB The final in zi, should not be confused with [i the blade-alveolar vowel {I}. It which is also represented by i. 7”, $2) Exercises 1, pa+SAri The four tones zud Zuo m6 md —— zd a Zi zi a — Hanzi nian nidn nin nian — nian a ci ct ci — shenget ting ting ting ting —— ting 1a 16 le lb — layin er & ae ae —e sin sin sin sin —— sin si si si i — a zai zhi zai zi —— zaijidn 2. Me Disyllabic words () B= im#—F 3rd tone plus Ist tone 35 4. 36 Beijing shdudi Zhocko méitian @) %= B= 3rd tone plus 2nd tone zigué xing yiyan zouling @) S=S-eimB=pT 3rd tone plus another 3rd xizio shdubitio shuigué fiidio @) =F ine 3rd tone plus 4th tone youyl qingzud cist 2&ofan (9) $= Arimsey 3rd tone plus neutral tone zioshang migin BARBI Read aloud the following conversation, A: Ni zud shénme ne? B: Wé nian shéngei, xié"Hanzi ne. A: Ni nin, wo ting, ho ma? B: Hao, -+--Dui bu dui? A: Duile. B: Xitxie, A: Bo kéqi. WFUR Get to know Chinese characters. ar teeth 292 B RERPR, A fete AE? + B WALI, Ay ABATE FE 2 9.2 B MANFRER, RFR Table of Chinese Characters 38 9 S87xiR Lesson 6 —,. &i% Conversation : Zhé wei shi Wang loshi ma? EERE SMD? : Zhe wei shi Wang loshi. KER ZR, NA wei shi Zhing ldoshi ma? IMS RR EM hy + Na wai shi Zhang lioshi. Re RK EM, + N& wei y& shi loshi ma? MERA IY? 39 B: YE shi Hoshi. REIT. + Tamen qi nir? RAN LIIL? Tamen qi Tidn'anmén. wine AEN. =. #1—0F New Words and Chinese Characters Wang Roshi na . Zhang qu nar . Tidn’anméen «shi . zher . nar CR i> aH) ®@ # CR ® Gh) ae (®) fe) a Ge x rE this @ measure word for persons to be Wang, a surname teacher that Zhang, a surname to go where Tian’anmen Square ten here there 14. zézhi magazine 15. bénzi note-book, exercise- book 16. le a | 2 |g | >See a) meiF COR) x Pt pi’ Ga 74 58+ip Lesson 10 a2 LGM, BRAGG. =. HET Substitution Drills bk Ee AX WA RS, BL ih, kL eB, eR th, bX bal ELigip BEM RR «a kh? LAH H. 5. BAAR Ee LERRAMHE Ie =. xX Text (~) A: RRB? Zhé shi cidiin ma? B: XARWR, » Zhe shi cididin, Pot RE HE ame Zhe shi shénme cididn? a kL RL A, Zhéshi Yingwén cidian, 15 A: ARH Oh KT Zhé shi shut de cidiin? BRE BV HAR. Zhb shi Wang Hoshi de cidiin, A: ABR HUB A Na shi dits ma? B: BAAS NA shi dita. a BA PR HA? NA shi Zhdngguo dita ma? a Rh, MHRA PR WA, Bi, nd ba shi Zhongguo ditt, MAERUA. na shi shijié dita, a: ARR RWB? Na shi shui de dita? B: AGA] HUA. Nashi Hall de dita. (=) 3X AMM FR —ARET FR. ‘Zhe shi women de xuéxito — Béijing Yiyan Xuéyuan. 16 RAR CF4, AFI wis, ‘Wo shi Yinggué lidxuéshéng , w6 xuéxi Hanya. J LAKH MA. HA PH HS, Ding Wén shi w6 de péngyou. Ta shi Zhdnggud xuésheng, te FIRE. t@ xuéxf Yingyi. RAAMHHKE, MAPH Fa Zhé shi women de jidoshi, na shi ZhOnggud xuésheng BRE, KG BHR EBM, Het de jidoshi, Wémen de ldoshi shi Wang laoshi. Tamen de EV RBM, léoshi_ shi Ma ldoshi. =, 19 New Words 1, KE magazine 2, AR dictionary 3. uA mar Pe Chinese 5. EK English 6 RX French 7 ER world 8. a who 9. 4 structural particle 7 wv. 3 (&) MA Ma, @ sumame ni. FR) xuexido school 12, HEB) _jidosh classroom #34 Additional Words 1, PALA Le) Alabowen Arabic 2, AB) —Dewen German 3, RX) Ewen Russian 4, GRIEF Lew) Xibanyawen — Spenish 5 AX (4%) Riwen Japanese W, ER Notes © “Re? MRK” . ae? HRS, BET SRO PX” REE OEHER. Bete tan eee” PRR” . “RE” A “RN” . OR “Ex? S, BLEWAMA OSE. ae the language of the Han nationality and also the com- mon language of all the other nationalities in China. Generally speaking, 1X refers to the Chinese written language, These two appellations have different emphases. e-g. #7100}, PB 4. Similarly, 438 is different from 3€X, and %iB from 3. i, @% Grammar 1. sm Attributive 8 EBEBR GMS WM, RRA. Ai A, VRAU RMA MSO] RR. RE ONT. Glin An attributive (i.e. adjectival modifier) is used to modify nouns. What is modified is known as the central word. A noun, pronoun, numeral, measure word or an adjective may function as an attributive, which must be placed before the central word, e.g. RAP LH. ARH MA. SARK AG FS, 2. Si#68hiM “ay” Structural particle ay 2A, RAKEARROBRARN, ERAS AB BAS MEA “By”. Plims ‘When indicating possession, a noun or pronoun taken as an attributive should be followed by the structural particle #4, e.g. LRLS MAHAR, ABR Hei ME, 3. RABEL MOBENI Ay Interrogative sentences in which an interrogative pronoun is used ARARHORAA, TREE, IEpaRe ANBAR RRA, RRT RA. Pins This kind of interrogative sentence (i.e. question) is formed by replacing the element in question in a statement with an interrogative pronoun, The sentence order remains the same, e.g. 79 eH? {ZR AHXA, GER A? HA, B3 Exercises ABRIL RE Ask questions on the underlined parts of the following sentences, using interrogative pronouns: 80 CG) KRAMER ES (2) ABR HEH AK (3) TLARHM A C4) FARE. (Gs) LABRUA. (os) SAI RKBA. (7) ERA FAR () PRBFLHRE, OX (=) HRA Answer the questions according to the Text (2)1 GC) KRG FR 2) KRG FAB? the tor B. A onan | aS GE —~ 4 B: A: (RED HL? (4) TAR? (8) TRAMBA? (©) TREIH LS © ZABRORE? ca) MRRAK ES (9) BRAT H B Re OO PEA GEIB ihe 5. BRREDS TRAE, tL, Read aloud the following dialogue, and then copy it, giving ne-graph for each of the characters: Al RSF B. 4RAFy Ar RRM KES Bo Ro ABS M BR, MHMRLETE RG BE, FRB? FG Fa he + AE Z 8 ee 1 MATT, WF DHA? FDR, a1 B, eA BIRR? A, PAN BIR DEI. 4, MESHES: Write the following phonetic transcriptions as Chinese characters: sa sshéngei cher 8) (isn I {ue nar Zhongwen xuésheng x {ren we = Fawen F \xuexiao RC PRA) Le | aee it | OARS) Ss aC 99) | # aR [6 Pr ECT TAFR) if Ct +e 4H) [KC’ * FH) IB ("7528 48) 84 45-4+-—ip Lesson 11 | WA LAB AR? BA BAG. | WEARS —, $45) Substitution Drills RAP LBS? hai | AAPL. Re aR aateei, [Rina bio weak, |2RER, peal > RATES? anit. eR FHr AONE T. ib bids poe nose kALAGH. [ke PRAR RABBI RALLMED a0 BREE, , AF RF A BR ik, k =, Bx Text (-) AD RIL K RF? Zhé shi ji zhdng zhudzi? Bk RA KRRT. Zhe shi ji zhing zhudzi. A: ABR LF? NA shi ji ba yizi? a MAT eT. NA shi shi ba yizi. 88 A: RA UR MZ? Ni you ji 2hi gingbi? B AW HR MEW Wo you ling zhi gangbi. A: WAAR F? Ta you ji ge bénzi? B: WA AAAF. Ta you wil ge bénzi. (=) TXLAPH #2. BA-*AHTH Ding Wén sbi Zhonggu6 xuésheng. Ta yOu yi ge waigud MA, PSs], SARK SFA. péngyou, jido Hali. Hai i Yinggud lid xuéshéng. TuLFI RE WA AARC Ding Wén xuéxi Yingyt. Ta you lidng bén Yingwén sho, 86 ay —K RK WR. RA KX HE. yi bén Yingwén cidién. Ta méiydu Yingwén z4zhi. RAGA HEE. RILAA KR RK Zhe shi Hali de sishé. Zhér _ydu ling zhang chudng, AAT. AK RT. AT HH ling ge guizi, ling zhng zhudzi, ling bi yizi he liling HR. ge shijia. = 41 New Words 1 not, no 2. dade elder sister 3. 4S @ measure word ak @ measure word for books 5. GHD Hing two 6 & Gk) zhi @ measure word for songs, pens, or things in the shape of a shaft 1. 5k Gt) zhang @ measure word for paper, tables, beds, mouths, etc. 8. BIL (%) bar picture, painting 9. 4 it) ba @ measure word for ar things: with a handle 10. Fayed chair nF cw) ahwori desk, table 12. 3 cw) shajia bookshelf 13. BR (4%) chudng bed 14. SFL cm) waiguo foreign country 2 ; . 15. — c&%) sishe dormitory 16. FEF CH) guizi wardrobe $3E4E19 Additional Words 1. |IT cH) diandéng light 2. GIT cm) thideng table lamp 3. WFR cm) ndozhong alarm clock 4. FR (&) shoubiio watch D, % Notes @ 4—* tae Tone changes of — 4" SBUIESE— FF, SOUR a LA wa Pe SEPM, “—" RRO, We 4TH” (—BH). MEAVAEM ANE, “—" RRO, mM +A =”. The original tone of — is the Ist tone, but if it is followed by the 4th tone or a neutral tone which was originally a 4th tone, —is read in the 2nd tone, e.g. —# 48; is followed by Ist, 2nd, or 3rd tone, — is read in the 4th tone, e.g.—x#1%. © 42" mH Sand fA —__ ada, OO) £eRAA_ RIB. OO Sih MAA __? BB Le ERT AAF ASAE, Answer the questions following the example: fA Example, PARA? CAF) REAR, RAAF. ORPELEED? CRLRE) (2) pe AT RRA? C Had) OREGAELBA? (KL) CO AEROS? CP REA) (ETI ARLIARA? (RKB #) . AU (=) SA Answer the questions according to Text (2): ) TLAMBA? @) TIA AMA? ) TLHPBMAIH ALF? CO oF] RHA CO) TREIHA? (8) TXARK HH? CO TRA MLARK HB? ) TLAFRLARD? ©) TLALAR LAR? OM TLAHRLHEB? (2) 3X LA LRA, LRR Sted F? 93 (18) 3k UA LAMEF, LAB? 5. ARVHGLHSB: following passage? Read and retell RAAP RMA, WIKR. WR REESE ERY PL, WEIR. UT AKL, AKRLAR KE HH Ae ERMA BS. RILA-KR, Raetht, MET fe —PhHR. ME, (vanshang, in the evening AG 48 @ AS 274, RK a. 6. REE SALS: Write the following phonetic transcriptions as Chinese char- acters: _,_huabio Zronggu6 { | 2 \huar FB waiguo (a yizi og (Hanya F isi (hana enzi FR Table of Chinese Characters | [Rk CE* eR) 2 [ja oe | | 2c nara) ~ [RAR Tia | ola rAanAm A | S| RITTER _ | 4k pe ae | ie | 7 at ;—_ er. —— te _ ne iA a ~ | Rima je 95 Boe Lesson 12 BAM F BUR RPA RAR? RPE AB HS —, #45) Substitution Drills 1. SUH FAIR K. 2. heh i Rat A 2 Bt, $# 4.979 URI me, i Ma, $ 3. kNEIAM AM? aa, RANA HAAR KA, EPLWRARS RF, BS KE, F4 96 7 Rretr, [a, &, eo A: GE AEH ae MAB. ae eH Hany’ nan bu nan? a y Bp RK, CRAG BEY. AT, #%, 8 * Ba tdi nan, danshi f yin ba réngyi. $2, 5A, REA a tee AR te? mang bu mang? : ; B: MR te. tk te a? Bh, RA Hén mang. Ni mang ma? TF, LA A RBA. HRA RA RIE AR RMEERAL HUA, ape Wo bi tai mang. Ni you méiyou Hanya cididin? An 2, PAA - eta fine ot ap de A: ik 7 oH A AH? m ARAB RS Ni de cidién xin bu xin? RLAGRE B: Ra, R-AK AR, Bi xin, shi yi ben jit cidian, =, mx Text : ey a zk ZAM Hh KE, MINH KE MR Zhe shi women de jidoshi, Women de jidoshi bén A: HRD A ky RE. Ni xuéxi shéme? da, hen ginjing. | RAED GE B RF TRB MEWMGKE, WMNHKERK Wo xuéxi Hanyu, Na shi tdmen de jidoshi, Témen de jidoshi bu da, 99 kX AM HOH PS, AU] HEH HO Zhé shi women bin de tongxué. Women ban nan tongxue Fr, Kae Y, dud, nil tongxué shdo. ANF DRE, BAA ARGH Women xuéxi Hany, women dou hén null, =, £9 New Words Lk UB) da big, large 2. BF (&) wii room 3. GB) xin new 4 FF Gi) sinjing clean 5. $ GB) dud many, numerous 6K Ca) tai too 1.84 GB) rongyi easy ay GB) xido small, little 9. Ae (6) zing dirty 3 10. 18 Ge) jit _ old un. A Ge) nil hard 12. BR Gs) danshl but 3. RF (B) fayin pronunciation 14, HE (&) ban class 5. FF (A) t6ngxug classmate, schoolmate 16. B (%) nda male 1 *& (%) nf female 18. ) shio alittle, a few 4S3¢4E9 | Additional Words 1 & (a department, faculty 2. Fe (Hid grade (year group) 3. <4t (%) wenks liberal arts 4. LA (4%) gongké engineering 5. At &) ike science 1, EH Notes © 40) them Omission of ABRBEZ IA, WURPE RRR, RR RE Ba, ER ON" ALK, fo RIE” th &. The structural particle t&) may be omitted if the central word 101 modified by a personal pronoun stands for one’s institution, workplace or relatives, etc., e.g. BRit1E, ALAER. @ “7 sk” Hand & “WP 4” AKA, TARE. HOS SEBIAGPRAR, Sm, “HART REM BAR KKK 48 and % cannot usually stand alone. They are used to modify nouns related to persons, to show genders, e.g. 332% E/ KB, BRR/ KKK 3, if Grammar 1, #2 WiHiS% Sentence with an adjective as its pre- dicate BEABETRUEE AER RERRIWDF. LEBS ABODE TRA Wi OR” » ins This kind of sentence takes an adjective as its predicate. The verb #2 is no longer used before the adjective, e.g. ik Kia] PARA. BAVH HEAR BeAP APA, EM SMB”, “HR RALOTLEAAR, MRAMCA NI, RAPA BH, BAEMEOATH, om, If an adjective stands alone as the predicate in a sentence, the adverb # is often used before the adjective. In this case, loses its force as an adverb of degree. If an adjective is used as a predicate without any modification, comparison is implied, ee 102 BELG, KEATS 2. INNA Negation of a sentence with an adjective as its predicate ERMA EDTA LEN LAA ME EAA”. ia ‘The negative form of this kind of sentence is constructed by placing the adverb 7 before the adjective, e.g. BUY KBE F RKKAAKME 3. iERMEf]4) Affirmative-negative question UTES ERA OAWRMALUAHAR, BHR ERA, Os This kind of interrogative sentence is formed by putting to- gether the affirmative and negative forms of the verb (or adjec- tive), e.g. RAKE? RRRALEMT UA LA RLIVH? “4” Fn “2” SORERRADRA, GAUL E eI The affirmative-negative question of a sentence with # or J@ can also be formed in the following way: MALAIKA KA KLARAA? 103 4. qa PAYERIB A demonstrative pronoun as an at- tributive FRR OX” "SRE, RBS OZ AM AR. Olin, When the demonstrative pronoun 3X or 3, etc. is used as an attributive, a measure word is generally used between the pronoun and the central word, e.g. LAW PUR ARS 2 GALA AED A, $5) Exercises 1, GE FARR DARIER SERA, Change the following statements into affirmative-negative questions: A Example, KPNHERK, BEPRKERKRAKG RRBTRT AF RRA. (3) BRKT ARES (4) ZERRARME. (3) ARIK BURST. (6) BABE FARK 104 2: (7) WRAL HS FF 0, () KRKMAR, (:) RAT LHORE. (ao) EAT HERA KF MBRX (—) HEAR Answer the questions according to the Text (2): C1) KAA BR ED? URANO REKRKT FRE AY MRBOKE? C4) ATH AE KBR? (3) HANKEKE ES AF 2 cs) HAH LES 4? Cr) WANE DAHA? (a) MADARA BI BEKRMR SAE, Give your own answers to the questions cy) HED? (2) HANK REKRA? cay HANH ES ARS? Cay HRANHEA LAB FT 105 (5) RANE RAKE FI A ILA 4, WRAPS THGLHREBS, Read and then copy the following passage, giving a proper tone-graph for each of the characters: ER ARMREST FRF DAB. OM BHFERG, HONKES MENG F Bo KERKED, UMAR A, LS HELPS, CREAR, RFR Table of Chinese Characters maces _ 7 7 | & |* - BCT Re) :|% a = | jC? 44M) pe bila i 10 a |A — _ | BE | eC Are 7 Pu laa is | fa _ __ el Fi eR {a P| aca Bl A Pua | ef F leceey J | RIT BRR | #& ele 107 += Lesson 13 aT, teh he WEREL DI —. #85) Substitution Drills L dunes. ho a Li 2 drt. «ER Ser ASRS. 109 108 age. oer . oh Liteth 2 Wt, RS revel Ke, #3 La, ae RA, HR =. x Text - a: HRA FD HA? Nimen xuéxi shénme? B: M1 FI Ris. ‘Women xuéxi Hanyi. A: & RAMMED? Zhe shi nimen de jidoshi ma? B RR, MR AM HH RE. Ba shi, na shi wémen de jiaoshl. A: MRA] Be EF RF? Nimen ban tongxué dud bu dud? 110 Ba AS, BN HA AD AF Bidud, women ban you jill ge tongxué. A: HRA 4 BIER BP Nimen de laoshi shi shui? B: ££) fo RK EI. Wang ldoshi hé Zhang lAoshi. A: ARAM BURL Rit Rib? ‘Nimen de ldoshi shud bu shud Yingya? B: AM) KL RIB, MM H Wis. Tamen bi shud Yingyd, témen shud Hanyi, A: ME, HAE HA? Wanshang, nimen zud shénme? B RL, MILI, SRL, FH WaAnshang, women faxi shéngci, nian kewén, ting Re, HHI. AHR, ALA layin, ud lianxi. Yéu shihou, women yé kan Rh. dianshi. (=) KA RARAFHPS, WFD ‘Zhang Li shi Beijing Daxué de xuésheng, ti xuéxi REAR, WA KER. HM Yingyd. Jintidn, tdmen you Yingyi ké. — Laoshi shud 1 RE, Rit Ris. Yingyi, bi shud Hanys. EW it LAoshi shud: “Tongxuémen bio!” SBN 1” “Lioshi ho!” FI SW, SRL 2H A Xuésheng xuéxi shéngci, nian kéwen, Laoshi wen AM, Fa BS, wénti, xuésheng huid4. Pe “PEIN 1” FR ihe Xuésheng shud: BLE, KALA wR, MI HR, Wanshang, Zhang Li fixi jit ke, FRG, HARD. AHR, BLA eR, ting layin, 112 zudlidnxi. You shihou, ydxi xin ké, ta yé kan didnshi. -49 Gy) . HD hy A Ga) eh . BL cy RE cK RT &® KA am . AHR RA () BR mR . A . Fl cD) FR FE ay faxi yas kan dianshi shud wanshang kéwén lianxi yOushihou Zhang Li » AGH KF ce yang Daxue wenti huida . i New Words to review to preview to look, to watch, to read TY. to say, to speak evening text exercise, to practise sometimes Zhang Li, a person's name Beijing University today lesson a plural suffix to ask ‘question to answer 113 $3E4E Additional Words 1. FH cw) tingxé to dictate, to have a dictation 2. Hak campy fash to retell 3. RAM (Hs layinji tape-recorder 4, BaP (&) cfd magnetic tape 5. RR —&)_lxidng video Wl, 2£8% Notes @ WR “Mm” Pluralsuffix “ty RRRBAOHR, RAEEAN ARR. REASATVARAM, BIDRRE HY, SEFLE BRAZALLAM, BHAA “MN” » The suffix {f] is used after a personal pronoun or a noun which indicates a person in order to show plure A noun icate either the singular or the plural. If the context makes it clear that the noun is plural, {f] is not used. i, 8% Grammar 1. ai) HiB4] Sentence with a verbal predicate BE BES AT AF I AS A. ah IR Hh, RB-REDAHAL. AM This kind of sentence takes a verb as its predicate. If the verb takes an object, the object is usually placed after the verb, eg. 14 INIA BNF TRE, 2. HAWEOWEE Ne; gation of ieee mn of a sentence with a AAR AE RINE MIN &(-# ## #) RO EC YY EF) to, 119 $§+-pgi@ Lesson 14 REA LOR, AMEP A, MEME, AUN RERE —. #65] Substitution Drills kbhbioivan (A, ba WNRE, APAP LaA ee OH reek &, MLE fh, 2 BPRAPLS, LATE. eS, ORS FSR, shih FLGR, RLGR KUL, RED 120 - REED, te. -| H, RE eee, & BRK Anat 8H. te, HA 14, it A, HR Zh Si ARAL aR RE KK AMAF 4. aha ined | ae Bie BRM-REKE, ME HK | we HARA, HOSES PRA, RAAF BER, ER KBE, bRe 121 122 =. Bx Text (-) A: ARAB IL Ni qi nar? B RAAB. ARH? a: Rid, AUN A, Hem? Wo yeqi. Women yigi qb, hao ma? B: 4, Hio, Re EAB Se chang qi tashiguin ma? B WAAR FLY? Chang qa. Ni yé changqi ma? A BR OF A. UB HH? Wé bi ching qi. B: AH, we, Wo jid shi, yé hudn sho. aR méiydu a AE RAP Xb HR, Tushgudn zhi you Zhongwen xidoshud, PX bie 7 waiwén xidoshué ma? B: AR, ABILA XK i, WA HPL nar you Zhongwen xidoshud, yé you waiwén (=) RAMME. HLA PR RE, OA Zhe shi yuelinshi. Zhér yOu Zhdngwén zézhi, yé you HK RE. waiwén zézhi. —* $4 Fl Yi ge xuésheng wen it AR: gOngzud rényuén: “BS, ZILA “Tongzhi, zhér you KK RSA?” Yingwén zazhi ma?” “HR, LLM RK RE. ” “You. Zhe xié dou shi Yingwen zézhi.” CPE MARR KK RES?” “Na xié yé dou shi Yingwén zazhi ma?” 123 “RHO, MELMA KLE, ” “Shide, na xi8 yé dou shi Yingwén zézhi.” CM BR RE” “Na xi8 shi xin zAzhi?” “LER MRE, AMA?” “Zhe xi8 shi xin zézhi, ni_kin nA bén?” ‘R&R A” “Wo kan zhé bén.” QLEREH, CREE FAN Yuelinshi hén Anjing, yé hén ganjing. Xuéshengmen RRO EMME. chéngchang qi yuélanshi. =, £1 New Words 1 Gil) chang often 2.8 cy) ditnying film 3. BAF (4%) tdshoguan library 4. ILE c%) yudtinshi reading-room 3. 8 cap jit to borrow, to lend 6. PX) waiwen foreign language 7. BL (4%) xidoshud novel 8. a2 ayia together 9K it) zhi only 10. & () husn | to return NL. AR (& rényuin (member of)personnel 12, FS (&) tongehi comrade 13, & CR) Xie some 14. HP ae) anjing quiet 15. RH Cl) chingchéng often #3ELiA Additional Words 1. BBE jidshizhéng library card 2. BL (4%) shaming title of a book 3° BR c& mia catalogue 4. ASA cm) igi date 5. KEZ — (&) singing full name D. £8 Notes © “EK” Enh, ORARNANRA, TUES FIG? ? PR, HA mR A RA RR, A” ERMA. Ain, This kind of question is formed by a statement conveying @ suggestion plus the tag #1} to solicit approval, e.g. RMN-KRALBBE, HH? RAM, HRA, Hoh? 4. gti “8e” =~ Measure word & A” RRAEAR, BM OK” OM” SEM, Hin, The measure word # indicates an indefinite quantity. It is often used together with 3X, HB, etc., e.g. RERSAURT FH, PEAR AMY MA. “8” RAM <—" He, KORA A. is # can only be used together with the numeral —. It 127

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