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CSIRO PUBLISHING Wildlife Research, 2004, 31, 327–337

Home range, movement and habitat utilisation of the Carpentarian

rock-rat (Zyzomys palatalis) in an isolated habitat patch

Helen PuckeyA, Milton LewisB, David HooperB and Carrie MichellB

Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment,
PO Box 2130, Alice Springs, NT 0871, Australia.
Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment,
PO Box 334, Katherine, NT 0851, Australia.

Abstract. Radio-telemetry was used to examine the home range, movement and habitat utilisation of the critically
endangered Carpentarian rock-rat (Zyzomys palatalis) in an isolated habitat patch in the Gulf of Carpentaria
hinterland over a 13-month period. Two home-range estimators were used in the study, (i) minimum convex polygon
(MCP) and (ii) fixed Kernel (KL), the latter also being used to estimate core areas of activity. Based on a total
sample size of 21 individuals, the mean MCP home range was 11165 m2, similar to the mean KL home range of
10687 m2. Core areas were, on average, 11.9% of the KL home-range estimate. There was no significant difference
in the size of home range or core area of males and females. Juveniles had a significantly smaller home range than
adults. Home ranges and, to a lesser degree, core areas were non-exclusive, with multiple areas of overlap (averaging
41% and 38% respectively) within and between all age and gender categories, but especially between males and
between juveniles. Movement frequencies showed that animals made many short forays in a central area close to
the arithmetic home-range mean and far fewer long forays of distances greater than 100 m from the central area.
The spatial and temporal activity of Z. palatalis was concentrated in, but not confined to, the ‘valley’ and ‘slope’
habitats, with fewer movements of rats onto the surrounding ‘plateau’. Resource selection analyses showed that Z.
palatalis tended to prefer valley and slope habitats over the plateau and that the proportion of point locations was
significantly higher for adults in the slope habitat and for juveniles in the valley habitat. Most home ranges were
centred on the ecotone between these two habitat types. Although isolated and spatially limited, these habitat
patches provide high-quality resources for dense populations of Z. palatalis. This study exemplifies a species’
attempt to make efficient use of a limited resource in an otherwise hostile environment. Even small declines in
habitat area or quality due to their vulnerability to fire would impact upon many animals.
eHta.olPm.ueckreayngeofteh Carpnetarianrock-rat

Introduction the IUCN Red List criteria due to its extremely limited
The Carpentarian rock-rat (Zyzomys palatalis), is a small total range, small number of populations (which are
(120 g) conilurine rodent that occurs in isolated habitat fragmented), specific habitat requirements, and the
patches in the Gulf of Carpentarian hinterland, Northern likelihood that the extent or quality of its habitat is
Territory. Despite extensive survey of the Gulf region declining (Baillie and Groombridge 1996).
(Menkhorst and Woinarski 1992; Churchill 1996; Trainor The persistence of Z. palatalis is threatened by altered fire
1996; Puckey 2003) it appears to be confined to five regimes, grazing by feral animals and stock, weed intrusion,
isolated patches of rainforest associated with rocky and the stochastic hazards associated with small, fragmented
sandstone gorges and permanent water on Wollogorang populations (Brook et al. 2002). Population and habitat-
Station. Like its close relatives, the large rock-rat simulation modelling predicted the population viability of Z.
(Zyzomys woodwardi) and the Kakadu rock-rat (Zyzomys palatalis to be highly sensitive to hot, late dry season fires
maini), Z. palatalis feeds on fleshy fruits and large seeds (Brook et al. 2002). As controlled fuel-reduction burns
from plants within monsoon vine thicket (Begg and around the gorges have been suggested to reduce this threat
Dunlop 1985). This habitat type is extremely limited in (Brook et al. 2002) it is important to understand how Z.
extent and vulnerable to fires in the Gulf region. The palatalis is using the rainforest patches and the surrounding
species has been classified as critically endangered under broadleaf woodlands.

© CSIRO 2004 10.1071/WR03025 1035-3712/04/030327

328 Wildlife Research H. Puckey et al.

Fig. 1. Location map of study area at Wollogorang Station, Northern Territory.

The objective of this study was to determine how gorge. Feral cats (Felis catus) occur throughout the study area. Less
Z. palatalis uses the isolated habitat patches in which it than 6 km from the study site an excision in the pastoral lease is
occupied by an active copper mine.
occurs, with a view to improving conservation management
of the existing populations and the sites that support them. Radio-tracking
Estimation of home range provides an indication of the The movements of Z. palatalis were studied using radio-telemetry over
amount of space the animal needs to survive, while the period June 2001 to July 2002. Animals were captured in Elliott
determination of habitat utilisation helps to characterise traps (23 × 8 × 9 cm) baited with peanut butter, rolled oats and honey.
features of that space that are important to its survival. Lines of 20–25 traps spaced 15 m apart were run opportunistically in
each of the habitat types within the study area. Captured rats were
Specifically, we sought to estimate and describe home range
preferentially selected for tracking in order to obtain equal gender and
and core areas, examine for seasonal, gender and age age representation as well as a representative sample of rats from across
differences in these, and to examine patterns of habitat use in the entire study area. Individual rats were measured, weighed and fitted
relation to availability and characteristics. with 1.9-g radio-collars, which were ~1.7% of mean bodyweight.
Collars were made with a button cell battery and transmitter, epoxy
Methods adhesive and double-stranded whip antennae (7 cm long) and fitted
with surgical tubing and Vetbond™ glue to secure the knot (model
Study site LTM-392, Titley Electronics, Ballina, New South Wales). Collar fitting
The study was conducted on Wollogorang Station in the Northern took less than 15 min per animal, after which animals were released at
Territory, ~450 km north-east of Tennant Creek (Fig. 1). The site is their point of capture. Thirty-six Z. palatalis were collared during the
within the Gulf Fall Uplands bioregion, which occupies a total land area study, with a maximum of six during any individual tracking session. Of
of 120000 km2 across Northern Territory and Queensland (Thackway these, 30 retained their collars, continued to emit a radio signal and
and Cresswell 1996). Rolling to steep, rugged sandstone hills with were successfully tracked for at least four nights. Animals were then
eucalypt woodlands and spinifex understorey characterise this recaptured and the collar removed. As animals were not all permanently
bioregion. marked it was not known whether individuals were tracked on more
The site is part of a small gorge system with permanent springs and than one occasion. Traps and bait were removed from the study area
monsoon vine thickets known locally as Banyan Gorge. The southern before tracking commenced so that movement was not biased towards
branch of the gorge where the study was conducted is ~1 km in length trap sites. Animals were tracked in June, September and November of
and characterised by boulder slopes and rock walls up to 80 m in 2001 and February, April and July of 2002.
elevation. Within the more protected parts of the gorge are small In June 2001 active tracking was carried out on foot over four nights
patches of wet rainforest dominated by Syzygium angopheroides. using a collapsible 3-element hand-held directional antenna and
Pockets of dry monsoon vine thicket occur on the rocky slopes, portable receiver (Titley Electronics). An attempt was made to locate
particularly beneath cliffs and rocky outcrops. The main valley floor each animal hourly. Generally, animals were not sighted but accurate
has a canopy of Corymbia ptychocarpa with ground cover of Mnesithea locations were achieved by considering signal direction while circling
rottboellioides. The surrounding vegetation is mixed eucalypt around the estimated location until their location could be refined to
woodlands with a spinifex understorey. within 10 m. Once located, the position of the animal was recorded
The climate at the study site is typical of the monsoonal Gulf using a Global Positioning System (GPS). The time and some notes on
Savanna Region with an average annual rainfall of 850 mm, ~80% of habitat were also recorded.
which falls from December to March. Wet season (October–April) During all other tracking periods, fixed receivers were used to
temperatures range from a daily minimum of 23°C to a maximum of triangulate positions on Z. palatalis at prescribed intervals. Five fixed
39°C, while in the dry season (May–September) temperatures typically receivers were situated at least 60 m apart on high points around the top
range from a minimum of 10°C to a maximum of 33°C (Northern of the gorge. Each receiver consisted of a 4-element Yagi directional
Territory Bureau of Meteorology). antenna horizontally mounted on 2.5-m wooden poles, the bases of
Wollogorang Station has a long history of cattle (Bos taurus) which were mounted in a compass rose marked in 1° divisions.
grazing. Although few stock currently frequent the study site due to its Synchronised location fixes were taken by researchers every 15 min for
topography, there are signs of cattle and feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in the each animal from nightfall (1900–2000 hours) until dawn (0500–0530
Home range of the Carpentarian rock-rat Wildlife Research 329

hours) for four nights during each tracking session. The constant Habitat utilisation
sampling intervals that were used should be sufficient to overcome The study area was divided into three broad habitat types delimited on
problems associated with autocorrelation of the data (Rooney et al. the basis of floristic and topographic differences and mapped to an
1998; de Solla et al. 1999). Systematic error (consistent difference in accuracy of ~15 m using digital aerial photography, topographic maps
direction between the true bearing and the bearing determined by and ground-truthing with a base station and differential GPS. A brief
radio-location from each station) was corrected using the mean of a description of each habitat type follows:
series of bearings taken on transmitters at known locations throughout
the area typically used by radio-collared Z. palatalis. (1) Valley areas were characterised by tall, dense stands of Syzygium
Triangulation was carried out using LOCATE II (Nams 2000), which angophoroides, Corymbia ptychocarpa, Grevillea pteridifolia and
uses the Lenth maximum-likelihood method to estimate transmitter Melaleuca leucadendra with a sometimes dense understorey of
location. Bearings of individual stations were manually rejected if they Melastoma affine, Scleria lingulata and Mnesithea rottboellioides.
clearly did not fit the triangulation combination of all other stations. The This habitat type was generally on flat to gently sloping ground with
resultant UTM coordinates for each position were then mapped and variable rock cover, a well developed leaf litter layer in drier months
analysed using ArcView 3.1 software (Environmental Systems Research and the presence of, or close proximity to permanent water.
Institute, Redlands, California, USA) and the Animal Movement (2) Slope areas were steep boulder slopes with associated rock walls.
extension for ArcView (Hooge and Eichenlaub 2000). All triangulation The vegetation was particularly speciose, characterised by low open
calculations with an error ellipse of >20 m2 were excluded from further woodland of Corymbia aspera, Erythrophleum chlorostachys,
analysis. All positions resulting from fewer than three receivers were also Owenia vernicosa, Livistona inermis and patches of monsoon vine
excluded. MCP area bootstrapping (see below) was used to eliminate a thicket with Ficus spp., Celtis philippensis, Diospyros humilis and
further 9 rats whose coefficient of variation did not reach a minimum Antidesma parvifolium.
of 25%. All home-range, animal-movement and habitat-utilisation (3) Plateau areas were elevated and rocky, dominated by open
analyses were thus carried out on a dataset of 21 animals with 20–86 woodlands of Eucalyptus miniata, E. tetrodonta and Terminalia
positions recorded for each animal. carpentariae with a Triodia bitextura understorey. Acacia
asperulacea, Tephrosia spechtii, perennial Sorghum sp. and
Eriachne ciliata were also particularly common at these sites.
Home-range estimation
For the purpose of analysis of habitat selection, the total area of
Home-range area was estimated using both the Minimum Convex habitat available was calculated as the total present in all individual
Polygon (MCP) method and the fixed Kernel (KL) method. MCPs were MCP areas, with a buffer of 39 m (the average distance moved between
constructed by connecting the outermost location records of an animal successive point locations). As the study area is centred on a steep gorge
to form a convex polygon with a quantifiable area. The MCP method system, the area of slope habitat would be underestimated using
has been used widely due to its simplicity and comparability between conventional two-dimensional mapping techniques. Thus the surface
studies (Harris et al. 1990). However, the number of location records, area of the sloping habitat was calculated on the basis of the average
gaps in the range area and outliers can create bias in the size and shape angle of the slope and has been applied to all area calculations.
of home range using this method (White and Garrott 1990). The KL Two aspects of habitat utilisation were investigated: (i) the
method of estimating home range is a nonparametric statistical method proportion of point locations in each of three habitat types; and (ii) the
that estimates probability densities and is less influenced by such biases area of each of the habitat types in MCP home ranges in proportion to
(Seaman and Powell 1996). The KL estimator was chosen to (1) their availability in the project area.
calculate the utilisation distribution encompasing 95% of points The percentages of fixes in each of the three habitat types were
(defined here as the KL home range) and (2) calculate the areas of high normalised using arcsin-transformation for each individual and
usage encompassing 50% of points within the home range (defined as analysed using a GLIM model to determine the effects of season,
the KL core area). ArcView uses least-squares cross-validation to select gender and age on habitat selection.
the optimal smoothing factor (h) in calculating the KL utilisation Using Resource Selection Analysis Software for Windows (1999 ©
distribution. Realising that home-range estimates are affected by the Fred Leban), Friedman Tests of MCP home-range areas were calculated
length of time spent collecting data, we acknowledge that areas to rank the difference in selection and availability across the three
presented here are ‘4-day’ home-range estimates and probably habitat types.
underestimate the lifetime home-range area of Z. palatalis.
A home-range estimate was initially calculated using pooled data
for all animals, after which home-range size was compared between
season, gender and ages using ANOVA univariate tests of significance Habitat ordination
(Statistica 5.0). Age categories (adult and juvenile) were assessed by a Detailed habitat assessments were carried out at 47 quadrats
combination of weight and reproductive condition. Records from June, (20 × 20 m) throughout the tracking area in July 2002. These quadrats
September and July were considered to be dry season and those from were selected to cover a cross-section of the habitat types and to broadly
November, April and February as wet season. These groupings were represent the spatial range of the study area. Cover values for each plant
broadly based on rainfall and plant phenology. species present in the quadrats were recorded. Environmental attributes
The overlap in non-exclusive MCP home-range areas and the recorded at each quadrat included aspect, slope, distance to water, fire
overlap in non-exclusive KL core areas was quantified as a percentage impact (on an index of 1–5), rock cover in seven different rock size
using the equation proposed by Horsup (1994): classes, soil texture and depth, ground cover (using 100-m
point-intercept transects), canopy height and percentage cover of
100((X∩Y)/X + (X∩Y)/Y)/2, vegetation at five different height classes.
To identify and characterise species and environmental gradients
where (X∩Y) = area of home range overlap between individual X and and to test the validity of the three chosen habitat divisions, ordinations
individual Y. were carried out on the plant species cover values of all quadrats using
Where variances lacked homogeneity in comparing gender PATN (Belbin 1994). Ordination was by the semi-strong-hybrid
overlaps, a non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test was used to determine multi-dimensional scaling methodology (SSH) based on a Bray–Curtis
the significance of differences in overlap. dissimilarity coefficient. Nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis ANOVAs
330 Wildlife Research H. Puckey et al.

were used to determine the significance of differences in environmental

attributes across the three habitat types.
Radio-tracking studies assume that data collected are 14000
representative of the population and that the transmitter had
no effect on the behaviour or movement pattern of the 12000

Area (m2)
animals. Preliminary studies of collared Z. palatalis in
captivity indicated no sign of distress, discomfort or
noticeable change in behaviour within the first few hours of 8000
collaring (Helen Puckey, personal observations). In the field,
a lack of effect on body mass of studied animals has been 6000
used to indicate normal mobility during the study period
(Swihart and Slade 1985; Moro and Morris 2000). In this 4000
study, rock-rats that were recaptured after radio-tracking 2000
showed no significant loss in body mass (Wilcoxon matched JM JF AM AF
pairs test: Z = 0.2, n = 25, P = 0.8), nor were there any Class
obvious signs of tissue damage around the collars. This
Fig. 2. Mean (± s.e.) MCP home-range estimates (m2) of Z.
suggests that the radio-collars had little effect on the palatalis studied at Wollogorang Station, Northern Territory. JM =
condition and movements of the rock-rats. juvenile male (n = 4), JF = juvenile female (n = 3), AM = adult male
(n = 7) and AF = adult female (n = 7).
Home range
Active tracking on foot and remote tracking from fixed Table 1). Core areas of activity (50% KL utilisation
receivers gave similar estimates of home-range size. Thus distributions) on average represented 11.9% (mean =
the active tracking data from June were included with those 1272 m2, s.d. = 921) of the KL home-range estimates.
of the other periods in all analyses. Home-range estimates The mean adult MCP home-range area of 12912 m2
were similar for MCP (mean = 11165 m2, s.d. = 5824) and (s.d. = 5951) was significantly larger than the mean juvenile
KL methods (mean = 10687 m2, s.d. = 8710) (Fig. 2, MCP area of 7673 m2 (s.d. = 3869) (F1,19 = 4.42, P = 0.049).

Table 1. Home-range estimates and tracking effort for Z. palatalis at Wollogorang Station,
Northern Territory
AM, adult male; AF, adult female; JM, juvenile male; JF, juvenile female

Animal Age/sex Dates No. of MCP 95% KL 50% KL

No. tracked fixes (m2) (m2) (m2)
01 AM Jun. 2001 48 8325 6204 789
02 AF Jun. 2001 48 4246 2012 225
03 AM Jun. 2001 30 8668 13318 1026
04 JM Sep. 2001 22 910 4702 687
05 JF Nov. 2001 42 7122 7724 920
06 JF Nov. 2001 64 13071 8754 1219
07 AM Nov. 2001 55 14187 14748 2604
08 AM Nov. 2001 58 13395 13056 2065
09 AM Nov. 2001 43 17255 11504 1197
10 JM Feb. 2002 66 5468 4589 421
11 JF Feb. 2002 86 7388 3965 459
12 JM Feb. 2002 69 9935 6975 970
13 JM Feb. 2002 43 9813 8241 1091
14 AF Apr. 2002 74 12855 12059 1238
15 AM Apr. 2002 48 17053 26789 3390
16 AF Apr. 2002 80 14125 7577 605
17 AF Apr. 2002 20 25248 40965 3666
18 AF Jul. 2002 74 19805 6390 950
19 AF Jul. 2002 35 9917 10595 1504
20 AF Jul. 2002 50 12683 9418 850
21 AM Jul. 2002 25 3001 4838 837
Home range of the Carpentarian rock-rat Wildlife Research 331

Table 2. GLIM models based on the percentage of point locations of Z. palatalis in

slope habitats and valley habitats at Wollogorang Station, Northern Territory

Habitat Deviance Effect d.f Wald P

explained statistic
Slope 26% Intercept 1 41.9 0.000
Age 1 6.3 0.011
Gender 1 0.0 0.985
Season 1 0.5 0.469
Valley 46% Intercept 1 151.2 0.000
Age 1 13.9 0.000
Gender 1 2.0 0.147
Season 1 1.9 0.162

100% Visual comparison of the fixes within spatially

Mean proportion point locations

90% overlapping core areas indicated that little temporal

separation occurred. This is supported by direct observations
60% during the active tracking period when two collared animals
50% plateau (1 female and 1 male) occupied the same boulder pile for
40% slope
30% valley
extended and repeated periods. Uncollared conspecifics
20% were observed within the home ranges of collared rats and
10% probably ~50% of Z. palatalis in the study area were
dry wet male female juv. adult total collared, thus areas of overlap expressed are underestimates.
(n = 8) (n = 13) (n = 11) (n = 10) (n = 7) (n = 14) (n = 21)
Animal movements
Fig. 3. Mean percentage of point locations of Z. palatalis occurring
in each of the three habitat types studied at Wollogorang Station with The mean distance moved between successive point
effects of season, gender and age. The total column represents the locations (≥15 min apart) for all Z. palatalis was 38.8 m
percentage of each habitat type available in the total study area.
(s.d. = 18.4) and the mean total distance moved over a
4-night period was 1488 m (s.d. = 679.8). The maximum
There was no significant difference in MCP home-range distance moved between successive points for any animal
areas of females (mean = 12646 m2, s.d. = 6224) and males was 269 m. These straight-line distances are conservative
(mean = 9819 m2, s.d. = 5365) when age classes were pooled estimates as they do not represent the animal’s true course.
(F1,19 = 1.25, P = 0.28). Wet-season MCPs were not Often animals did not move at all between location estimates.
significantly different to dry-season MCPs (F1,19 = 3.12, The frequency of movements is difficult to interpret due to
P = 0.09). There was no significant difference in the size of variable gaps in the data where a successful fix could not be
KL 50% core areas between males and females (F1,19 = 0.25, made on an animal for some time. Generally, animals moved
P = 0.62). many short distances from the centre of their home range
The home ranges of Z. palatalis tracked during the same (88% of locations being within 60 m of the arithmetic mean)
period overlapped with those of up to 3 other individuals and and only occasionally moved larger distances (3% of
had a mean area of intercept of 4254 m2 MCP (s.d. = 2873) positions being further than 100 m from the arithmetic
and a mean percentage overlap of 41% (s.d. = 27). mean).
Home-range overlap was observed within and between sex
and age categories and any differences between these Habitat utilisation
categories were not statistically significant. Z. palatalis were When the percentage of fixes in each of the three habitat
less likely to have overlapping core areas (n = 11 compared types were analysed using a GLIM model to determine the
with n = 18 for overlapping total home ranges), with the effects of season, gender and age on habitat selection,
mean area of intercept being small (MCP = 343 m2, successful models were developed for slope and valley areas
s.d. = 402) and a mean percentage overlap of 38%. A but not for plateau areas (Table 2).
Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA showed there was no significant The mean proportion of point locations was highest for all
difference in the proportion of overlap between male:male, season, age and gender categories in the slope habitat
male:female or female:female core-area overlap (Fig. 3). However, there were significantly more point
(H2, 11 = 2.4, P = 0.307). Nor was there a significant locations in slope areas for adults than juveniles and in valley
difference in the overlaps of core areas between age areas for juveniles than adults (Table 2, Fig. 3). The effects
categories (H2, 11 = 5.6, P = 0.06). of season and gender were not statistically significant.
332 Wildlife Research H. Puckey et al.

1.5 distribution of its food resources (McNab 1963). A small

rodent such as Z. palatalis requires a high-energy diet, which
1.0 may be obtained from fruits and seeds of a relatively small
but resource-rich home range (mean MCP = 1.1 ha). MCP
home-range estimates from radio-tracking studies of other
rodents in Australia are mostly restricted to smaller species
of the arid zones such as the Lakeland Downs mouse
Axis 2

0.0 (Leggadina lakedownensis) and Forest’s mouse (Leggadina

forresti) (4.8–5.3 ha, 22 g and 0.6–3.6 ha, 20 g respectively:
–0.5 Moro and Morris 2000), the plains mouse (Pseudomys
australis) (0.4 ha, 45 g: Brandle and Moseby 1999) and the
–1.0 sandy inland mouse (Pseudomys hermannsburgensis)
(3.5 ha, 18 g: Moro and Morris 2000), or introduced rodents
–1.5 such as the black rat (Rattus rattus) (0.34–0.76 ha, 320 g:
–2 –1 0 1 2 Cox et al. 2000) and the house mouse (Mus domesticus)
Axis 1 (2.8 ha, 20 g: Moro and Morris 2000). Although some
caution is necessary in comparing MCP home-range areas
Fig. 4. Ordination of 47 quadrats based on plant species for species of different studies, the home range for
abundances. 䊉 = valley sites, 䊐 = slope sites, 䉱 = plateau sites
Z. palatalis in this study does fall within the estimates
(stress value 0.15).
obtained for the arid-zone and exotic rodents.
Generally, in other small mammal species pressure on
Friedman Tests using MCP home-range areas indicated males to increase access to mates results in larger home
that rock-rats showed a significant non-random preference ranges for males than females (Bubela et al. 1991). This was
for slope and valley areas over plateau areas (F2,21 = 23.1, not the case for Z. palatalis, in which there was no
P < 0.000). Indeed, most home ranges were centred on the significant difference between females and males. The effect
ecotone between these two habitat types. of reproductive condition in females was not tested in the
current study. Although Trainor (1996) found distinct
Habitat ordination
seasonality in breeding of Z. palatalis, the current study
Ordination based on the abundance of all 100 plant species found pregnant females and juveniles in the population
present in at least 5 quadrats differentiated slope, valley and throughout the year. There were no discernible differences in
plateau sites within a broader continuum of vegetation (Fig. the home-range areas between the wet and dry season.
4). An assessment of the most common plant species and Juveniles had significantly smaller home ranges than adults.
their locations within the three habitat types conforms well The home ranges of Z. palatalis exhibited a high degree
with the ordination (Table 3). Kruskal–Wallis ANOVAs of spatial overlap both within and between gender and age
determined 24 habitat characteristics that differed categories. This extensive overlap may be the result of a high
significantly between valley, slope and plateau sites population density within the site. These factors, coupled
(Table 4). with lack of paternal care for young, may facilitate a
Radio-tracking of Z. palatalis required considerable promiscuous mating system with opportunistic matings
effort for a relatively small amount of useful data. between males and females (Emlen and Oring 1977). Core
Difficulties with signal strength and signal bounce are areas showed a much lower degree of overlap, with most
inherent in the study of animals in a rocky gorge examples occurring between a male and a female. In only
environment with dense vegetation cover. Given these one instance was there overlap between the core areas of two
limitations, and even with a configuration of five receiving adjacent females (both adults) and the degree of overlap was
stations, most position fixes resulted from a combination of extremely low. Females in this population may be defending
only three successful bearings. In order to minimise the mass resources such as food or nesting sites within the core area.
of the collars for a species that has unusually fragile skin, the Females in captivity tend to show much greater aggression
whip antennae was relatively short and fine, which limited than males and frequently injure other individuals in the
the strength of the signal and led to many of the transmitters same enclosure (Helen Puckey, personal observation).
emiting a poor signal by the end of four nights of tracking.
Habitat utilisation
Habitat types at Banyan Gorge occur as a gradation from
Home range plateau through slope to valley. These broadly defined
The area required for a home range is influenced by the macrohabitats differed substantially in terms of plant species
interaction of a species’ metabolic requirements and the composition, vegetation structure, topography and rock
Home range of the Carpentarian rock-rat Wildlife Research 333

Table 3. Representative plant species and their percentage occurrence in quadrats in each of the
three habitat types of the study area at Wollogorang Station, Northern Territory
Only plants occurring in >50% of quadrats of at least one habitat type are included. n = total number of
sites surveyed in each habitat type

Species Plateau Slope Valley

(n = 9) (n = 26) (n = 12)
Triodia bitextura 100 23 0
Acacia asperulacea 89 4 0
Eriachne ciliata 89 19 0
Sorghum spp. 89 15 0
Stemodia lythrifolia 89 85 8
Cheilanthes brownii 78 58 0
Tephrosia spechtii 78 15 0
Acacia humifusa 67 50 8
Corymbia capricornia 67 8 0
Terminalia carpentariae 67 58 25
Cajanus aromaticus 56 38 0
Calytrix exstipulata 56 27 0
Cheilanthes sp. 56 50 8
Cymbopogon procerus 56 27 0
Eucalyptus miniata 56 12 0
Gardenia fucata 56 46 0
Petalostigma quadriloculare 56 27 0
Triumfetta sp. 56 50 8
Boronia lanceolata 78 96 50
Alphitonia excelsa 56 85 42
Aristida exserta 56 85 8
Corymbia aspera 33 85 25
Erythrophleum chlorostachys 56 85 58
Acacia hemsleyi 67 81 8
Digitaria sp. 11 81 8
Antidesma parvifolium 11 77 8
Owenia vernicosa 56 77 8
Distichostemon hispidulus 56 73 8
Exocarpos latifolius 11 73 33
Livistona inermis 56 73 42
Sida macropoda 11 73 17
Tephrosia conspicua 56 69 50
Acacia lamprocarpa 0 62 58
Croton habrophyllus 0 50 8
Jasminum molle 0 50 0
Lindsaea ensifolia 0 12 92
Scleria lingulata 0 4 83
Grevillea pteridifolia 0 12 75
Syzygium angophoroides 0 12 75
Buchanania obovata 44 42 67
Corymbia ptychocarpa 0 38 67
Hibiscus sp. 0 58 67
Melastoma affine 0 23 67
Blechnum orientale 0 0 58
Cyperus haspan 0 8 58
Dicranopteris linearis 0 8 58
Mnesithea rottboellioides 0 19 58
Acacia neurocarpa 0 31 50
Cajanus acutifolius 0 19 50
Fimbristylis pauciflora 0 8 50
Glochidion sp. 0 19 50
Melaleuca leucadendra 0 8 50
Total number of species present 89 160 95
334 Wildlife Research H. Puckey et al.

Table 4. Median values for selected environmental attributes that characterise each of the three habitat types in the
study area (measured at 47 quadrats), Wollogorang Station, Northern Territory
Codes for significance of H statistic resulting from Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA tests to determine significant differences in habitat
variables are as follows: * = P < 0.05, ** = P < 0.01, ** = P < 0.001

Habitat attribute Valley Slope Plateau K–W H Significance

(n = 12) (n = 26) (n = 9) level
Patch size (ha) <1 <1 1–5 15.55 ***
Slope (°) 4.5 45 30 21.36 ***
Distance to water (m) 0 <50 50–500 33.03 ***
Fire Imp (index 0–5) 2 1 1 18.16 ***
Canopy height (m) 12.5 8 7 27.69 ***
Canopy cover (%) 25 5.5 5 20.63 ***
Soil depth (cm) 10–40 <10 <10 21.56 ***
Rock cover (%): Pebbles 0 <2 <2 12.47 **
Small stones 0 <2 <2 14.09 **
Stones <2 <2 2–10 20.89 ***
Small rocks <2 2–10 10–20 22.07 ***
Rocks <1 10–20 10–20 20.96 ***
Big rocks 0 10–20 2–10 12.31 **
Outcrop 0 10–20 2–10 10.80 **
Ground cover (%): Rocks 10 50 50 20.10 ***
Litter 50 35 20 24.28 ***
Hummock grass 0 0 5 20.79 ***
Sedges 2 1 0 21.44 ***
Forbes 2 1 0 18.51 ***
Structural cover (%): 10 m 10–25 <5 0 18.94 ***
5–10 m 10–25 5–10 <5 9.27 *
3–5 m 5–10 5–10 <5 6.67 *
1–3 m 10–25 5–10 <5 12.87 **
0.5–1 m 10–25 5–10 5–10 11.30 **

cover. Characteristics that varied significantly between species: 160 plant species were recorded on the slope habitat,
habitats and probably contribute to the dominance of Z. compared with 89 species on the plateau and 95 in the valley.
palatalis activity in the slope habitat are rockiness It has been suggested that, in the seasonally dry tropics,
(especially that of larger rocks and outcrops) and medium to greater water availability in rocky gorge and escarpment
high structural complexity in the vegetation cover that comes habitats drives higher species richness and plant productivity
with high species richness. This conforms with Trainor et al. compared with surrounding woodland habitats (Freeland
(2000), who found that the occurrence of Z. palatalis was et al. 1988). Trainor et al. (2000) found that the distribution
associated strongly with rockiness and plant species of Z. palatalis was significantly associated with variables
richness. Studies on other mammals have indicated that typical of dry monsoon rainforest: high tree species richness,
caves, crevices and rockpiles are important topographic woody plant species richness, and shrub cover. The higher
features providing (a) shelter from predators and fire, (b) plant species richness of slope habitat potentially offers a
lower levels of vegetation damage from grazing, (c) a greater range of fruit and seed resources, many of which have
reduction in the extent and uniformity of fire, (d) been identified in the diet of both Z. palatalis and Z. maini
topographic complexity for nesting and foraging, and (e) (including Antidesma parvifolium, Owenia vernicosa,
support for greater floristic diversity (Freeland et al. 1988; Terminalia carpentariae, Exocarpos latifolius, Livistona
Woinarski et al. 1992; Smith and Quin 1996;Trainor et al. inermis and Jasminum molle) (Begg and Dunlop 1985;
2000). Other studies have also found small mammal species Helen Puckey, unpublished data).
to be strongly associated with vegetation of high structural Preliminary faecal analyses indicated that 84% of the
complexity (Barnett et al. 1978; Braithwaite and Gullen Z. palatalis diet comprises fruits and dicotyledon seeds
1978; Friend et al. 1988; Moro 1991; Cox et al. 2000). (Helen Puckey, unpublished data). The diet of the central
Preference for slope habitats by Z. palatalis might be rock-rat (Zyzomys pedunculatus) and Z. maini also contains
attributed to stability of food resources in this extremely a large proportion of seed and fleshy fruits (85% and 72%
seasonal environment. The slope habitat offers the most respectively: Watts 1977; Nano et al. 2003). Fleshy-fruited
structural complexity as well as the highest diversity of plant plants in most tropical regions show distinct fruiting
Home range of the Carpentarian rock-rat Wildlife Research 335

seasonality (Kimura et al. 2001). Some seasonal changes in mammals in tropical parts of Australia appear to be more
diet have been shown for the common rock-rat (Z. argurus) limited, with distances of >1 km seldom being recorded
and Z. maini (Begg and Dunlop 1985). Mass fruiting of (Dickman et al. 1995). For a frugivorous specialist,
species like Syzigium angophoroides and Antidesma long-range movements through suboptimal habitat to other
parvifolium occurs from the beginning of the wet season isolated resource patches may not be feasible and may be a
when other seed resources (particularly grass seeds) are lost restricting factor in the current distribution of the species.
either to germination or rotting. Fruiting of most broadleaf In the plateau habitat Z. palatalis is particularly
woodland and dry monsoon rainforest plants in Banyan susceptible to both direct and indirect impacts of fire. The
Gorge is greatest in the dry season (Trainor 1996). However, high fuel levels in the spinifex understorey of the plateau
some plants such as Ficus spp. and Terminalia carpentariae habitat enable hot fires to burn in a spatially homogeneous
show asynchronous fruiting within the population, rather than mosaic fashion to the boundaries of the slope and
producing fruit consistently throughout the year. Other valley habitats. Excessively frequent fire has been
species with hard seed testa such as Livistona inermis, established as a potential threat to Z. palatalis and rainforest
Owenia vernicosa and T. carpentariae can persist as habitats in the Gulf region (Russell-Smith and Bowman
resources in the leaf litter or rock crevices for well over a year 1992; Brook et al. 2002). Possible impacts of fire include
when other fleshy fruits become scarce. Rocky substrates reduced population numbers (direct loss of animals and the
have been found to retain fallen grass seeds longer than following indirect effects), reduced resource availability
gravel-free substrates, where seeds become buried or burnt (loss of plant species, seeds, fruits, nest places and refuge),
(Woinarski 1990). Seed caching or scatter-hoarding is increased predation (loss of vegetation cover) and reduced
common among rodents where fruiting resources fluctuate individual fitness (lowered breeding success associated with
substantially, such that individuals forage for maintenance fewer resources) (Sutherland and Dickman 1999). Studies of
requirements and also for food to store (Swihart et al. 1988; other rock rat species (Z. argurus and Z. woodwardi) have
Hoch and Adler 1997; Brewer and Rejmanek 1999; Yasuda shown fewer lactating and pregnant females in the year after
et al. 2000; Forget and Vander Wall 2001). Small seed caches a fire and lower juvenile recruitment than in pre-fire years as
have been found on rock ledges at Banyan Gorge (Helen well as shifts in habitat use (Begg et al. 1981). Gradual
Puckey, personal observation) and are thought to be secure elimination of fire-sensitive plant species typical of the slope
eating sites or stores for later consumption by Z. palatalis. and valley is of concern because these plants characterise the
Seasonal shifts in habitat use have been demonstrated in preferred habitat of Z. palatalis and constitute the greatest
other rodent species (King and Moller 1997; Cox et al. proportion of its diet.
2000); however, Z. palatalis continued to show a preference
for slope habitats regardless of season.
Although Z. palatalis spends a greater proportion of time Management implications
within gorge habitats (i.e. valley and slope) many individuals Identification and characterisation of the habitat use of
do make occasional forays into the surrounding broadleaf Z. palatalis are essential in conservation management aimed
woodlands of the plateau habitat. For the purpose of at the protection of essential habitats. Previous research on
fine-scale home-range and habitat-utilisation analysis this the spatial organisation of the species has been restricted to
paper considered only triangulation data with an error ellipse mark–recapture studies, which are limited by seasonal
of <20m2. If this is relaxed to 50 m2 to include a coarser scale trappability and few data points (Trainor 1996). Assessing
of data, some individuals showed infrequent but reliable home-range size and overlap using radio-tracking techniques
forays up to 1.5 km from the main gorge habitats. The has enabled a detailed measure of the species’ use of space
species may depend on plateau habitat for longer-distance and its sociality. Assessment of habitat characteristics in
dispersal (for example, to other branches of the gorge relation to use of space by this species helps in our
system) or foraging for supplementary foods, particularly understanding of its ecology and also assists managers to
when preferred fruits within the gorge are scarce. The predict the effects of disturbances such as fire on population
abundance of T. carpentaria on the plateau sites provides dynamics.
such a resource. Maintenance of habitats that provide monsoon vine
Prior to this study the only recorded movements for thickets and scree slopes associated with permanent water in
Z. palatalis were from trapping data and ranged up to 120 m rocky gorges appears essential to the conservation of Z.
(Trainor 1996). The distances moved by other small palatalis. Sites must be managed not only to protect these
mammals generally exceed those moved by Z. palatalis in primary habitats, but also the surrounding broadleaf
this study (Read 1984; Leung et al. 1993; Moro and Morris woodlands. Low-intensity fuel-reduction burns in the
2000), especially species in more arid environments, where surrounding habitat during the early dry season are
distances of up to 14 km have been recorded for a rodent necessary to exclude late dry-season high-intensity wildfires
species (Dickman et al. 1995). Movements of small and protect the habitat and food plants of Z. palatalis.
336 Wildlife Research H. Puckey et al.

Acknowledgments Freeland, W. J., Winter, J. W., and Raskin, S. (1988). Australian rock
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Commission of the Northern Territory and a grant from the Friend, G. R., Dudzinski, M. L., and Cellier, K. M. (1988). Rattus colleti
Natural Heritage Trust. We thank John Burke, Jodie Gogler, (Rodentia: Muridae) in the Australian wet-dry tropics: seasonal
Nerida Holznagel, Andrew O’Connor, John Papple, Nick habitat preferences, population dynamics and the effects of buffalo
(Bubalus bubalis). Australian Journal of Ecology 13, 51–66.
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the field. Paul Zlotkowski of Wollogorang Station and Val and marsupials: convergent evolution on diverging continents.
and Tony Inwood at Redbank Mine provided logistical Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16, 65–67. doi:10.1016/
support. Tony Griffiths and Andrew Gibbons assisted with S0169-5347(00)02072-3
the data analysis. We are grateful to John Woinarski, Alaric Harris, S., Cresswell, W. J., Forde, P. G., Trewhella, W. J., Woollard, T.,
Fisher, Glen Edwards and two anonymous referees for and Wray, S. (1990). Home-range analysis using radio-tracking data
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